Jeff Fiszbein
Jeff Fiszbein
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
INPUTt(E)D 7960 70
RODDInG 10573 72
AEROSOL 1027 86
I(N)FLATES 1047 63
SARcOID 3190 76
EMErITA 353 76
ARBUTUS 17901 66
CEsIUmS 19468 74
INIT(I)ALs 7192 66
LEAfIER 1001 64
NEAREST 208 79
D(O)WNIEST 1367 98
ReVISIT 3496 67
VENTAIL(S) 1071 86
(R)OBINIAs 2742 72
HERNIaT(E) 241 74
ASsAILE(D) 7568 60
OATIEST 249 69
DeXTERS 10467 101
ETHANES 2214 76
AUTO(G)IrO 1993 58
dELISTS 8439 69
(W)ORTHiNG 11067 104
THIAMIN 9874 81
SEATRAI(N) 85 68
OLEINES 285 62
DIvISI(V)E 26003 61
(C)RInITES 2670 70
REDI(R)ECT 6419 76
stANDEE 574 82
GrIsTER 4450 70
ARENOUS 165 70
TARWEED(S) 3064 74
BONDERS 3826 85
(M)aGNETIC 4870 89
FURLESS 18502 77
HEARING 1162 70
FATTIeS 3631 67
SATIRIC 5257 71
AUTH(O)RED 1287 80
URINaLS 1780 64
REB(U)ILDS 7056 71
RURA(L)ITE 888 62
C(O)NGESTS 15075 80
ST(O)LIDER 339 59
PINNuLE 9481 72
OSM(O)SING 23008 78
DEMONIC 5087 85
ERGATEs 1192 80
SHOEiNG 2981 91
OVErAPT 2749 77
(R)OARINGS 3411 80
tORCHER* 0 88
eYELETS 12094 83
DEWIEsT 4161 76
RITUALS 1868 74
OU(T)cHEER* 0 70
A(R)IETTES 501 63
(L)ENTOIDS 337 86
UsEABLE 6597 81
TEnORI(N)O 863 61
(N)ITROgEN 913 74
OUtLOVE 8086 77
IDEAT(I)NG 635 90
SUNNIEr 2729 70
gRACKLE(S) 18850 89
PAST(O)RED 1374 94
GRUELeD 7218 77
ReeNTRY 7925 74
OUTSEEN 812 72
STHeNIA 670 78
(F)ORECAST 4020 78
SLOTTER 3503 82
AIRLINE 136 66
LETDOWN 3705 80
OXHEA(R)TS 7287 72
cONTEND(S) 8976 77
ARMOIRE 1153 89
SILENCE 4122 91
ASUNDER 1148 80
COYOTES 12073 80
CORDoN(E)D 14550 72
DEF(A)ULTS 7051 66
STOURIE 184 66
(G)LUmMEST 26051 89
PISTOLE 1946 76
TURRETS 11655 87
IDOL(A)TER 11 60
RICHESt 6833 79
PATInES 707 72
(C)OURANTS 4674 83
(A)RSENIDE 114 70
UNiONIS(E) 2855 64
(C)ANOEIST 198 83
ASCRIBE 4283 74
eCTOPIA 1300 69
HIPPIEr 20047 93
DECANTS 2934 78
TRIAGES 271 89
LINTERS 451 64
DERRIEs 3722 73
WIVERNs 7173 80
OUtLINE 185 62
WINTLES 3301 67
(C)HAINERS 3310 92
TIDELEs(S) 8203 77
ElUDING 3472 70
ABALONE 2352 71
PEDICEL 11373 66
VElOUTE 4821 70
BRIN(I)EST 2662 63
AS(p)ERATE 3473 64
S(C)OOPING 20538 80
PILOTIN(G) 9979 72
OBLigER 2831 72
(R)eTAILeR 493 66
WITLeSS 13039 79
CONVENe 13320 78
ThEINES 2173 83
(M)ISdOING 13434 86
CLUSTER 8311 67
tERNION 274 59
COHEIRS 5092 98
OPERaTE 482 83
ALIE(N)EES 773 62
MONETIS(E) 848 72
GRI(M)AcES 7940 72
KARATES 6374 82
A(R)SEnOUS 2484 61
STENCIL 3084 86
DECRIA(L)s 2297 90
SETBACK 18311 88
FOREsAI(D) 543 83
CLOyING 15446 77
JARO(S)ITE 705 69
UNSOaK(E)D 5753 78
I(N)SISTER 4483 66
SAMpLED 12702 79
MERLINS 3146 75
BOOT(L)ACE 8265 64
AGArOSE 1235 79
SOBER(I)NG 2252 62
En(E)RGIZE 10646 73
DAWTING 6806 82
ELOIG(N)ER 351 63
DENDRI(T)E 2860 76
HA(N)DLERs 4486 71
AEDILES 536 73
SPATTIN(G) 12835 69
RETRIaL 515 71
DE(S)IGNEE 4794 70
TABLEtS 8978 88
(T)EENIEST 4214 68
VERITAS 689 85
BeAKERS 11478 93
DARIO(L)ES 90 79
ARIdEST 99 79
DILUTES 2388 67
PUNNIE(S)T 8394 64
TAbORIn 744 76
MIRKEsT 11019 82
ALATION 524 68
DEv(AL)UATE 5610 86
uNTAXED 6132 112
FLYTR(A)PS 23602 70
(S)CREWING 11432 82
BrUNC(H)ES 21563 81
MISC(O)OKs 28424 80
POINtED 916 91
sOuRCIN(G) 9870 80
STIPULe 5687 69
HEART(E)NS 1519 72
(M)ELINITE 3302 90
INSANER 518 77
PRESTI(N)G* 0 74
(N)EUTRONS 2376 70
BUNT(I)NGS 19518 64
LEVERAG(E) 9417 89
ISATINE 138 68
sCANTER 1513 77
RuNWAYS 14921 82
M(A)LEATES 5572 74
(L)IGATURE 449 63
NOMIN(E)Es 4227 80
rA(T)IFIES 1244 70
R(E)INFUSE 3138 74
BARRELS 8976 65
FOLIATe 322 77
CITRInE 1837 73
DE(R)ATING 147 70
WASHIER 4202 87
LAUGhIN(G) 21739 83
STENCiL 3084 84
LEN(G)THEN 15759 64
PLANERS 3169 82
VIgOURS 10829 69
LEANEST 581 67
DIETERS 599 71
uTILI(Z)ES 12139 82
OUTWAI(T)S 8472 75
(R)ESIDING 2976 74
VAcCINE 16526 72
FOReL(O)CK 24455 88
ORDINAL 433 70
(N)EgLIGES 12492 82
dROVERS 10100 74
(M)OULDIER 2674 76
OUT(D)UEls 11344 64
BR(E)EZiNG 13230 311
UNEASI(L)Y 2327 63
MIAULIN(G) 12853 65
UNWEaNE(D) 9576 88
INDWELL 12989 79
TOPSAIL 3365 85
CONiDIA 3730 74
IGNATIA 3991 63
NEROLIS 181 83
gR(A)INIER 1953 64
MeLODIE(S) 3657 76
(I)NcHOATE 898 83
(c)ENTROID 599 62
BEtAINE 370 72
STEEPEN 8993 67
VAU(L)TeRS 4510 62
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
BR(E)EZiNG 13230 311
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
DEv(AL)UATE 5610 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BAO* 0 0
STRUGaE* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
RY(U)s* 0 21
tORCHER* 0 88
OU(T)cHEER* 0 70
GLADED* 0 44
PRESTI(N)G* 0 74
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
ARBUTUS 17901 66
PEDICEL 11373 66
BAO* 0 0
DAWTING 6806 82
STRUGaE* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
VaRIERS 3650 83
TENO(R)ITE 269 68
T(R)ANSFER 5265 67
wIZ(E)NING 23769 89
ZINGERS 7884 113
DALTONS 2360 78
ADDIT(I)ON 4773 70
MALTOSE 1971 87
InTROFY 7062 109
awAITE(R)S 1228 113
ISATINE 144 69
UNSOU(R)ED 7685 65
FILMGO(E)R 8395 67
OUT(R)ANGE 244 63
(E)NTIRELy 1538 74
(R)EFALLEN 9534 74
RHEUMIE(R) 15158 73
(E)NGRAILS 463 80
OZAlIDS 9144 77
SENHORA 912 74
SIXTEEN 4553 80
REVERTS 10922 89
ANoTHER 330 76
TwOONIE 1285 64
GOUTIES(T) 3689 68
UNFIREd 3242 82
UTILISE 2686 66
PECTiN(E)S 7183 72
CORNEO(U)S 6869 80
ER(I)GERON 1185 61
MASTIF(F)s 29685 70
LUnGE(I)NG 20025 63
AGENTED 1185 72
ENC(L)AVES 9859 76
(S)TEATItE 7118 74
TONNA(G)ES 2002 72
NEONaT(A)L 1417 78
PHrEAKE(R) 22796 105
ENRAGES 1133 70
(S)MELTERs 16532 72
STIBINE 3459 84
LuPANAR 11129 73
(C)RUNCHeD 25948 104
RELOANS 159 81
ULTRA(L)OW 16326 74
S(W)EETING 4664 76
DeLEAVE(S) 10956 86
ENHALOE(D) 1899 89
I(G)NOBLEr 2254 90
DEISTIC 6055 78
CLAVERS 10005 77
(C)ONIDIAN 8978 76
IGNORED 402 85
CAULDRO(N) 7197 74
DA(R)IOLEs 90 62
INCISED 5812 87
(S)PROUTeD 4948 83
OVULaTE 1887 68
EUGENIA 432 64
STORING 1764 79
PyAEMIA(S) 14502 86
hOSTe(L)ED 6148 78
HANDIER 643 73
RIVULET 3305 74
ARIETTA 747 66
DEME(R)ITS 3127 69
INVITeE 2401 76
(C)RANKLED 13143 82
BETAINE 349 67
(A)BUTTERS 8314 70
RAISINY 5507 68
MeTERED 8991 80
AR(A)NEIDS 305 86
LOMENTS 3925 71
(O)CTANtAL 12777 80
ELOIGNS 1108 77
DISYOKE 11777 82
RENEG(A)DO 326 81
QU(I)TTORS 15975 106
(R)ETuNING 3248 77
NEURIN(e)S 2714 63
CLE(A)TINg 1714 86
BEDS(T)AND 12178 64
IN(V)ITEES 3502 83
HOrNBE(A)M 8498 92
LIGAnDS 5313 75
FAHlB(A)ND 26149 104
REMAILS 1477 75
CLASSED 15186 81
YAnQUIs 15551 94
sAMURA(I)s 19267 80
(R)INGLETS 1172 61
GUERI(L)LA 5517 63
INULASE 406 71
REJECTS 14621 103
S(M)OOCHED 22423 72
LI(O)nIZES 5945 82
OUT(L)INER 97 131
(O)UTPLODS 18998 76
(R)EGIONAL 58 64
ATTORNS 3000 75
DEFEATS 4048 74
REGULaR 6881 89
bURkITE 11004 72
OFT(E)NEsT 7098 70
INDOLES 486 77
TRAIN(E)ES 33 87
U(N)ITARDs 1249 70
TEABOAR(D) 1586 72
(R)EGULATE 1635 61
R(I)DDANCE 5160 80
CURIOSA 3199 74
ROO(F)lINE 1978 74
TANNERS 1289 82
OvERTO(n)E 2721 60
LAWY(E)RED 10395 80
ODDITi(E)S 5396 72
sUBTONE 3848 75
pLANATE 3448 67
zEOLITE 2678 64
U(N)nAILED 1956 68
cERATIN 225 71
KINDL(I)ER 8682 65
RhACHIS 21903 82
STO(R)MING 6554 74
SANaTIV(E) 1224 72
ENFACES 8278 94
SAMIELS 9589 76
NAIV(E)TES 674 185
FLENSER 6742 76
ULTRARE(D) 3966 70
ACE(R)OLAS 3215 70
ANTiRED 12 73
S(A)RDINED 2185 61
CHOpINS 17766 81
RETI(R)ING 3600 86
(D)ESTINED 4855 62
SOOTIER 346 71
lOUDEST 2723 78
(C)ASImERE 4258 77
PEcTASE 8287 74
DElAYE(R)S 5311 88
ENTRAN(C)E 3660 70
T(R)AILERS 887 62
STANNI(T)E 2511 66
SHARpIE 4387 75
ANNOYED 4607 80
ENvELOP 9059 79
GuLPIER 7254 71
GALETTE 5304 70
INSTARS 4854 83
AMBRIES 4303 78
RECRATE 4890 74
bORINGS 7510 74
REBAtES 2063 80
BINGOES 2832 76
R(E)PARKED 18680 84
EARhOLE 1242 64
DENATUR(E) 374 72
(G)ALOPiNG 17580 65
DUENNAS 5178 78
WISEnTs 9797 91
SMEARER 7690 83
ALUNITE 116 69
RETIN(U)ES 392 82
AGITATE 2628 66
(T)aBLOIDS 4575 75
DEPU(R)ATE 3063 74
ASSEGAI 7879 86
CUTTIEs 9456 74
NOUvEAU 7308 71
NARCo(S)ES 6160 158
ORANGES 371 77
(A)NSERINE 496 70
SYRINGE 4562 72
TRIGONS 1765 78
ACTIVES 4170 92
UNDERGO 2216 66
ByGONES 12668 80
SOAPIER 318 78
(I)NDoRSED 2487 76
ORIENTE(D) 43 80
AVERTE(R)S 6403 80
LADRONE 147 74
DASHERS 12863 80
ENDLESS 12487 68
ENQUI(R)ED 6014 72
VIRGATE 1234 69
WAILeRS 1492 76
TENONE(R)S 1660 61
TAUTENE(D) 2687 68
RE(D)SHIRT 8382 78
(E)NDOSTEA 168 80
ROSARIA 3430 85
eLATION(S) 22 61
JOSTLER 6678 77
GENDERS 4558 70
DERAILS 421 70
mOTORED 5223 76
(U)NCOPIED* 0 65
SNIDESt 5192 77
TIT(R)ABLE 2728 60
HOSTEl(E)D 5846 75
OVERTON(E) 2583 86
BOARIsH 6934 77
ENSNARE 1792 81
ANGULAt(E) 2820 77
BLESSeD 18264 74
SANGRIA 3286 90
RENDI(B)lE 2926 90
FOR(E)dATE 766 80
ADENOI(D)S 1113 70
GARRISo(N) 3224 77
SNORTED 528 80
VERTIGo 1435 83
WiNTERS 1560 76
POL(Y)ENeS 10831 63
COATERS 851 80
(M)EgACITY 12807 86
PEONISM 4928 84
QuINTAS 8563 101
nITERIE 304 77
READIES 207 75
ISOLA(T)ER* 0 66
OXIdISE 7163 92
INeRTIA 38 66
OUTBIdS 8830 70
OUTASKs 19080 85
S(E)AqUAKE 22961 72
THEURGy 15411 80
ROPEWA(y)S 11927 78
R(E)LETTER 15416 60
FuRTIVE 7155 80
E(R)ASIONs 500 73
NITRiDS 4462 68
MASSIER 6693 72
ROOTkIT 15209 64
SIPPINg 23340 77
HARELIK(E) 7787 84
PhONEYE(D) 17165 64
BORSTAL 5801 68
TENORIN(I) 638 70
URAEMIA 1782 70
SEABAGS 18107 81
ENHALO(E)D 1899 67
CAGIEST 2536 98
OUTDARE 155 69
TELOgEN 1349 79
(D)OWNTALK* 0 92
ANTIN(O)DE 124 63
pOLEA(X)ED 12170 80
INROADS 461 70
(V)ORLAGES 4364 92
E(V)ICTION 4243 76
(V)AGRANTs 12419 66
JA(R)OSITE 665 67
BEGAZeD 16871 100
BLEMISH 17515 86
B(A)RTENDS 2354 63
V(A)POURED 6754 65
DREAMI(N)G 1820 63
OVERLEA(P) 4809 92
LATTINs 4583 64
SESTINE 3967 81
DENtARY 1592 84
MALTiNG 6828 87
SWELlED 19283 102
SUBTILE 5668 65
ANgORAS 4228 81
ECORC(H)ES 24744 80
OUTEaRN 46 75
OBlASTS 16059 72
ENTREES 2690 73
AIRW(O)MEN 910 102
OEUVREs 4823 87
NESTLER 1441 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
awAITE(R)S 1228 113
OUT(L)INER 97 131
NAIV(E)TES 674 185
NARCo(S)ES 6160 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
TORULE* 0 27
UNSHOE(D)* 0 36
(G)RIZ* 0 28
TE* 0 26
D(A)* 0 15
RE(AVOWER)* 0 28
(Y)EALS* 0 33
(U)NCOPIED* 0 65
SEMIC* 0 32
ISOLA(T)ER* 0 66
(D)OWNTALK* 0 92
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
DIOL(F)INs* 0 0
ZER(K)ING* 0 0
YOB 879 25
V(A)C 825 14
Re(AGENTED)* 0 0
LuPANAR 11129 73
(R)UFFIA* 0 0
(O)UTPLODS 18998 76
MITO* 0 0
KEEZE* 0 0
(G)ALOPiNG 17580 65
SMEARER 7690 83
L(E)FTWIsE* 0 0
TIT(R)ABLE 2728 60
BOARIsH 6934 77
(I)ZARD 3493 35
OBlASTS 16059 72
(C)OOMBI* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Games that end in ties.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 138
Invalid Games 0.03 4
Incomplete 0.02 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.01 1
Total Turns 26.30 3630
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.37 50.5
Score 392.41 54153
Score per Turn 29.9188
Turns 13.12 1810
Vertical Plays 5.47 755
Horizontal Plays 6.41 884
One Tile Plays 0.66 91
Other Plays 0.58 80
Firsts 0.46 64
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3359
Exchanges 0.42 58
High Game 548
Low Game 261
Highest Scoring Turn 311
Bingos Played 1.64 227
Sevens 0.88 121
Eights 0.76 105
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5758.96
Sevens 4944.51
Eights 6701.37
Nines 5610.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.60 6431
A 4.22 583
B 0.88 121
C 0.86 119
D 1.79 247
E 5.55 766
F 0.96 133
G 1.42 196
H 0.88 122
I 4.34 599
J 0.46 63
K 0.43 59
L 1.93 267
M 0.96 133
N 2.72 376
O 3.68 508
P 0.94 130
Q 0.50 69
R 2.80 387
S 1.73 239
T 2.90 400
U 1.78 246
V 0.93 128
W 0.91 125
X 0.55 76
Y 0.88 121
Z 0.54 75
? 1.04 143
Power Tiles Played 4.82 665
? 1.04 143
J 0.46 63
Q 0.50 69
X 0.55 76
Z 0.54 75
S 1.73 239
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 10
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.05 7
Turns With a Blank 1.30 179
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.10 14
Bonus Square Coverage 15.41 2127
Double Letter 4.78 659
Triple Letter 5.55 766
Double Word 2.84 392
Triple Word 2.25 310
Phony Plays 0.08 11
Unchallenged 0.06 8
Challenged Off 0.02 3
Challenges 0.24 33
You Won 0.12 17
Opponent Lost 0.02 3
You Lost 0.07 10
Opponent Won 0.02 3
Challenge Percentage 0.6296
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.7273
Comments 8.60 1187
Comments Word Length 181.72 25077
Mistakeless Turns 13.12 1810
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4689 (0.4295, 0.5025)
B 0.4400 (0.3887, 0.5433)
C 0.4300 (0.3887, 0.5433)
D 0.4475 (0.4113, 0.5207)
E 0.4625 (0.4344, 0.4976)
F 0.4800 (0.3887, 0.5433)
G 0.4733 (0.4028, 0.5292)
H 0.4400 (0.3887, 0.5433)
I 0.4822 (0.4295, 0.5025)
J 0.4600 (0.3566, 0.5754)
K 0.4300 (0.3566, 0.5754)
L 0.4825 (0.4113, 0.5207)
M 0.4800 (0.3887, 0.5433)
N 0.4533 (0.4213, 0.5107)
O 0.4600 (0.4273, 0.5047)
P 0.4700 (0.3887, 0.5433)
Q 0.5000 (0.3566, 0.5754)
R 0.4667 (0.4213, 0.5107)
S 0.4325 (0.4113, 0.5207)
T 0.4833 (0.4213, 0.5107)
U 0.4450 (0.4113, 0.5207)
V 0.4650 (0.3887, 0.5433)
W 0.4550 (0.3887, 0.5433)
X 0.5500 (0.3566, 0.5754)
Y 0.4400 (0.3887, 0.5433)
Z 0.5400 (0.3566, 0.5754)
? 0.5200 (0.3887, 0.5433)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.63 87.5
Score 430.25 59374
Score per Turn 32.6231
Turns 13.19 1820
Vertical Plays 5.81 802
Horizontal Plays 6.47 893
One Tile Plays 0.41 57
Other Plays 0.49 68
Firsts 0.54 74
Vertical Openings per First 0.2742
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7258
Full Rack per Turn 0.9731
Exchanges 0.27 37
High Game 650
Low Game 301
Highest Scoring Turn 185
Bingos Played 2.04 281
Sevens 1.07 148
Eights 0.96 133
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5943.14
Sevens 5316.66
Eights 6656.35
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.86 7018
A 4.62 638
B 1.09 150
C 1.09 150
D 2.18 301
E 6.12 845
F 1.02 141
G 1.47 203
H 1.09 151
I 4.41 609
J 0.54 75
K 0.57 78
L 1.93 267
M 1.02 141
N 3.09 427
O 4.11 567
P 1.01 140
Q 0.46 64
R 2.96 408
S 2.17 300
T 2.87 396
U 1.97 272
V 1.03 142
W 1.06 146
X 0.45 62
Y 1.11 153
Z 0.45 62
? 0.94 130
Power Tiles Played 5.02 693
? 0.94 130
J 0.54 75
Q 0.46 64
X 0.45 62
Z 0.45 62
S 2.17 300
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 12
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.03 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 6
Turns With a Blank 1.94 268
Triple Triples Played 0.03 4
Bingoless Games 0.06 8
Bonus Square Coverage 16.46 2272
Double Letter 5.41 747
Triple Letter 5.67 782
Double Word 3.13 432
Triple Word 2.25 311
Phony Plays 0.22 30
Unchallenged 0.09 13
Challenged Off 0.12 17
Challenges 0.24 33
You Won 0.02 3
Opponent Lost 0.07 10
You Lost 0.02 3
Opponent Won 0.12 17
Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3704
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4333
Comments 8.60 1187
Comments Word Length 181.72 25077
Mistakeless Turns 13.02 1797
Mistakes per Turn 0.0126
Mistakes 0.17 23
Knowledge 0.02 3
Finding 0.05 7
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.02 3
Strategy 0.04 6
Endgame 0.03 4
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5133 (0.4721, 0.5451)
B 0.5450 (0.4311, 0.5861)
C 0.5450 (0.4311, 0.5861)
D 0.5450 (0.4538, 0.5634)
E 0.5100 (0.4770, 0.5402)
F 0.5100 (0.4311, 0.5861)
G 0.4900 (0.4453, 0.5719)
H 0.5450 (0.4311, 0.5861)
I 0.4900 (0.4721, 0.5451)
J 0.5400 (0.3990, 0.6182)
K 0.5700 (0.3990, 0.6182)
L 0.4825 (0.4538, 0.5634)
M 0.5100 (0.4311, 0.5861)
N 0.5150 (0.4638, 0.5534)
O 0.5138 (0.4698, 0.5474)
P 0.5050 (0.4311, 0.5861)
Q 0.4600 (0.3990, 0.6182)
R 0.4933 (0.4638, 0.5534)
S 0.5425 (0.4538, 0.5634)
T 0.4783 (0.4638, 0.5534)
U 0.4925 (0.4538, 0.5634)
V 0.5150 (0.4311, 0.5861)
W 0.5300 (0.4311, 0.5861)
X 0.4500 (0.3990, 0.6182)
Y 0.5550 (0.4311, 0.5861)
Z 0.4500 (0.3990, 0.6182)
? 0.4700 (0.4311, 0.5861)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
exch HNNUU +0 Strategy Small
Q's simulation slightly prefers NUN. JS tells me that he prefers that board shape against a lower seed, but I also feel like I don't want a bunch of one-pointers that don't really bingo that often. Sim has nun up by less than a point #strategysmall I suppose?
H12 HONE +42 Strategy Small
Duplicates make me blind. Hold INN and score 6 more with HOPE! #strategysad
5E L(I)M(I)NG +35 Knowledge Large
LIMINAL is so clearly the play #knowledgesaddest
N2 PECTiN(E)S +72 Knowledge Small
Can't make myself pull the trigger on PoTENCES for 4 more. No 9s available but I spent way too much time looking and trying to talk myself out of SERPENTIC* #knowledgesad
15C VIBE +18 Strategy Medium
K10 VIBES is best #strategymedium
M2 C(H)I +17 Strategy Large
This seems totally wrong when there are plays that bingo a huge amount. For example, if I am going for the A (the main goal of this play), I can play 15K IT, which bingos with every single combo with the A besides AR and AA, but it can be blocked by OLDER 11H or (H)OLDER M3, OARED 11H. Quackle suggests CR(U) J12 wihch also bings a lot, but Jeff can play stuff like AE/ECRU to block, so that doesn't seem like it. Maybe 6I (E)R. I saw I was drawing TRAN(Q) so often here especially with an inference, and I was going down by only 17. I figured I was winning so often whenever I drew a vowel, but I don't think that's necessarily true. TRAN(Q) would take Jeff by surprise, but only puts me ahead 42 not including his play. If he plays 4 tiles such as with DALE A1, he's threatening to go out and win anyway. I can do better with IT, certainly. #strategylarge
E7 C(O)VEN +20 Finding Large
saw EVANESCE after making this sad play and hitting the clock #findingsaddest
L3 GUIRO +14 Finding Large
missed 3F EU(L)OGY #findingsaddest
D1 GY(V)E +26 Finding Medium
I just didn't see PROTEI. #findingmedium
O12 HIST +41 Finding Medium
4J HA(A)R seems best, leaves S hooks on the board and balances #findingmedium
N2 TAVERN(A) +24 Finding Large
N2 VERAND(A) was missed, #findingsaddest
H12 FAN(G) +12 Finding Large
realized I missed13L D(E)F(I) pretty quickly #findingsaddest
10F XE(R)IC +36 Knowledge Large
fuck. I remember seeing EXCIDE and considering phonying with it.... it's good though! #knowledgelarge
6C OUTDARE +69 Tactics Small
Not sure why not one of the 70 pointers instead in the same spot. #tacticssmall
N10 BEEFY +50 Endgame Small
1A BIFFY is two better, following up with 15A PEREA which isn't getting blocked. #endgamesmall
10C W(AD)I +10 Tactics Medium
I inferred a Z. But Jeff didn't have a Z. In my defense, 10C WADI wins the sim when I infer a Z, because none of Championship Player's choices block ADZ. But otherwise, 9G WIT is best. #tacticsmedium
N6 VA(K)IL +22 Finding Medium
I played too much defense this game. This time I tunneled on blocking column O and missed M3 RIVALRY. #findingmedium
15A AT(O)P +27 Strategy Medium
When do I learn that I should never keep two or more I's? And I'm not ahead by enough that I should be paranoid about row 15. K8 MOIRAI is best. #strategymedium
12H ICI(E)R +16 Tactics Medium
I saw O10 IRITIC, and I should have played it. IRITIC blocks column O, one of the higher-scoring bingo lanes on the board, and partially blocks row 12. The reason I played ICIER is that it fully blocks rows 12 and 13, the easiest bingo lanes. But it sacrifices 13 points, W > ITW, and I can easily outrun most row 13 bingos. #tacticsmedium
A3 (U)P +7 Endgame Medium
I have to block A3 UNTANNEd, but there are better ways. Best is 9A OWE, leaving J4 ZIP 32 while setting up A8 ZORI 39. Best of the plays I saw was 4A PE, but the optimal sequence includes 7C ZOA, which I missed. #endgamemedium (-13)
6I R(A)ZE +13 Endgame Medium
7C ZOA #endgamemedium (-9)
E3 VOW +31 Strategy Medium
Quackle likes DROWN or WORD O7 here; column O is just too dangerous with so many As unseen. (-3%, #strategymedium)
A12 (F)AKE +33 Endgame Medium
HAICK C5 (-9) #endgamemedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 6759 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 5724 45 Game is incomplete.
Game 3036 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 48502 19 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.