Jason Keller
Jason Keller
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
GnATHIO(N) 9906 65
CLOISON 13866 79
(N)IDATiON 3236 76
AsTERIA 167 67
THErEAT 6553 87
G(N)ATHITE 4201 76
(WE)IGELIAS 4753 64
RE(P)ULSED 11417 72
(L)OGANIAS* 0 80
(G)yPSEIAN 7567 70
VENtURI 1561 69
REUNIO(N)S 1496 66
GROUNDS 8762 94
ENCLOSE 4588 68
SLO(V)ENLY 29114 82
BARONeT 448 80
TID(D)LERS 9425 74
REGIONs 386 73
DOYENN(E)S 10155 78
DOTAGES 1044 72
(H)EMIPTER 11680 104
(R)ESTACKS 20949 95
NONWOrD(S) 19852 86
(R)IMOSITY 17932 65
TOURIsT 7212 70
CaLIG(O)ES 2877 69
REQUOTE(D) 9287 99
DEPOSAL 5017 77
rO(T)ATING 2280 131
PLUTOID 11850 76
DEGREES 12555 79
LOUVERE(D) 8099 66
(R)ACeCARS* 0 72
(F)IREABLE 4027 71
INSTATE 524 72
ROTATES 1010 83
CURAGHS 26263 86
DIAZINE 5298 104
RAILERS 1770 72
VESTINg 6375 93
ARCHAEI 6387 80
(A)NTIGENE 1202 72
STOODEN 2852 83
WAENESS 14923 90
EN(R)ICHED 9392 65
hANDLED 12844 71
AC(R)IMOnY 14700 72
GALLAN(T)S 26158 60
VINTNE(R)S 6955 76
MEGaBIT 5719 72
UNDeR(T)AX 4787 84
TET(A)NIES 498 70
INSuLAT(E) 344 88
L(I)QUATED 6566 69
ORTHIAN 967 77
ASToUND 3296 86
NEMESIA 1397 76
SQuARES 15888 77
MI(T)ERING 5553 65
OEsTRUM 5265 83
LOwNESS 18795 66
SPIREmE 8040 76
IMBRUED 13546 80
(I)NTORTED 609 78
dIS(C)IPLE 22396 72
P(L)EDGETS 19118 74
PuLSATE 5393 88
CARDIOs 4460 75
ESTOILE 397 70
AIRLINE 136 71
JuMARTS 25378 96
jARGONS 15546 69
NE(P)OTIST 4722 149
RUELLIA 3882 76
IC(E)BERGS 12109 63
INDOR(S)OR 8102 77
WORDIER 4442 80
(H)AYFIELD 13886 72
ONSTEAD 188 73
CRONIES 1245 90
DeODARS 4770 78
sCOTTIE 4437 67
RE(J)ECTED 19778 122
(E)LOIGNEd 869 62
RED(L)INED 6737 63
MISTUT(O)r 15838 73
ACCENTS 14301 82
SNAGGEd 11905 82
NETTERs 3771 73
CITOLAS 3342 74
EATERIE 180 70
ALDRINS 1865 75
ONETIME 489 81
pERKIES(T) 11281 98
MAfIOSO 15896 83
PR(O)LATED 1747 76
LAUNDER 1498 73
oVE(R)COLD 20416 84
HUMIDO(R)S 21801 70
ANTIWEe(D) 825 95
LENTOID 207 80
CREASED 5407 93
HALITES 2037 77
ENTrOLD 684 74
IMPARTS 9275 83
JA(N)GLERS 10565 82
PA(l)ISADE 6310 68
KEEST(E)RS 30830 86
LABORIn(G) 3623 89
DAISIES 7914 79
(G)OATIEST 1111 68
DARIOlE 32 67
FOMITES 4914 76
(S)TERIGMA 1766 86
OUTROAR(S) 10918 70
(I)NTREpID 3408 77
IO(D)INATE 47 60
SPITT(I)Er 11770 86
(rE)TRAINED 242 68
OSTEOID 1356 82
JOyRIDE 11691 71
ARTIGIs 4594 97
DU(V)ETINE 4104 76
CROWNET 6965 73
DE(R)ELiCT 4056 149
STOVA(I)NE 288 72
GUNTERS 4748 92
SENITIS 7958 90
iCEBOAT 1704 75
AlAmODE 4259 71
DENTATe 2486 69
AERADIO(S) 161 72
FIACRES 5752 89
ENTIRES 209 75
AqUA(T)IcS 19349 66
OUTD(O)DGE 14931 76
(I)NEARTHS 400 76
aBS(E)ILED 3853 90
EVOKING 14383 79
RECOiNS 1242 93
ABOITE(A)u 699 68
TOROiDS 3433 75
ESTRONE 446 71
(S)TORMIER 4714 66
GAmiEST 3410 90
ZON(E)LESS 18330 71
(G)LADiATE 1411 83
PANTHER(S) 5837 82
OLEFINE 1256 70
(W)IDOWERS 15853 98
(P)ROLONGS 17902 74
I(N)FESTED 2960 78
UNHOLiE(R) 1383 72
(d)AINTIES 293 59
SENIORS 1737 71
NEU(T)RINO 463 59
DEVIA(T)ED 6288 64
INTUB(A)TE 2730 76
A(I)RPLaNE 1150 70
BA(P)TIzEd 14903 70
SARDIN(E)D 2070 67
METIERS 2183 75
THRoNED 2761 76
CONNIVE(D) 14694 66
DISToRT 7174 88
A(B)RASION 2587 61
HUmERUS 28609 74
AN(T)ISPAM 16323 67
YACHTED 19944 127
BEArDED 14885 73
DIStILS 22994 69
GIRASOL 1719 70
ATRAZ(I)NE 1492 71
EASIEST 1960 76
NE(O)NATES 733 69
APnOEIC 1709 76
(C)ARILLON 11583 62
EARDROP 6163 97
(L)EAcHOUR 8812 73
BARRA(G)ED 19541 74
PANIcKY 29829 96
(R)EnTIERS 1674 74
ENDITES 779 77
STAIDEr 128 73
REWRITE 6585 78
PRIMATE 3218 99
EIDOLON 1347 71
OPHItES 6846 100
sPOONED 10810 80
OUTRAVe(s) 1805 63
REDACTS 4135 82
(T)EEnIEST 5841 68
O(L)EANDER 211 75
AlIENER 70 63
BRIDOON 9874 76
D(E)RATING 137 76
BRASIER 5047 76
h(Y)OIDEAN 2647 83
SALUTED 2387 66
RAISINS 8215 69
FERRITE 4706 71
ATTIRES 531 70
SOCIATE 413 88
EMeRITA 353 82
INOCULA 4443 70
PYRENEs 15374 84
MARLITE 873 76
CRAMPE(T)S 19244 97
(DE)PLANING 6914 67
HOOTIEr 1281 85
U(N)VOIcED 6471 80
EXCLUDE(D) 27004 110
MAGNETO 1353 73
RAmONAS 6013 70
PERmING 8704 69
(f)OGASHES 27607 74
STEAM(I)ES 8636 74
B(L)AsTIER 1274 82
ANEURIN 708 69
REA(d)ABLE 7664 72
BIDENTS 4280 70
EARHOLE 1628 75
REEARNS 2502 71
(R)ECOUPed 14888 74
HA(N)DLIST 8587 74
mIsE(V)ENT 9407 86
ANTISER(A) 109 77
EBONIZE 8846 75
UTILISe 3571 80
(D)ECORATE 1021 65
SEALINE 265 76
A(N)TERIOR 53 70
BRAAIED 2347 71
NEGRO(I)DS 883 76
EERIEST 1665 68
ENSEARS 5258 84
ORBITER 3437 74
GUIDA(B)lE 7965 72
VERSIFy 19978 100
CENTRES 5615 82
TROELI(E)S 228 70
LOAFERs 2597 68
CRISTAE 824 76
AD(J)USTER 10672 82
MASTERS 13058 75
(T)IDIVATE 7309 78
READIEs(T) 110 86
STANINE 711 73
ENTROLD 680 63
LUSTInG 8108 79
RESTUDY 8322 73
(E)DUCtORS 6833 89
AU(D)ITORS 703 72
ANILINE 1600 60
ESpANOL 2609 68
GL(e)ETIER 3711 70
E(T)AERIOS 17 78
FANT(A)SIE 1513 82
ENDARTS 539 79
(H)ANDSEWN 22329 98
SERIOUS 3424 74
ROBoTIC 16083 76
TELFERS 9035 72
(R)ArEFIED 4840 86
GROwTHS 24363 81
INTONED 1014 73
STOOGED 7252 79
RISiBLE 7931 79
NARAsES 7918 85
MORTI(C)ES 5365 70
(F)LASHIER 7487 95
OUT(L)INES 324 60
INS(U)LATE 257 62
ANGELIC 2407 87
(R)ETIEING 1134 70
VODDIES 14300 79
NOISIER 235 67
VENdING 11159 78
sOR(P)TION 5700 86
IND(I)GENT 5833 66
V(A)RIOLEs 546 70
HEKTAR(E)S 10716 69
ARSINES 1326 79
SUMATRA 15649 76
ANTLIAE 164 64
BOOmIEr 8622 85
SCHO(O)NER 15120 64
BArOQuE(S) 14067 90
AMA(T)EURS 6314 140
PUMICER 14273 76
LENITES 577 71
(L)EThARGY 15041 86
WrIT(A)BLE 4282 76
PIANIsT 7370 72
JOINTED 3115 81
LEChERY 25003 94
SOUTANE 160 65
RADGEST 2277 75
FACTiCE 22181 84
CRONIES 1246 77
pREORAL 6144 67
LECTERN 5613 71
PERSALT 3034 88
PRIVEtS 6889 77
VINEGAR 1175 70
OUT(S)NORE 1434 68
(L)ORIkEET 2052 64
SIENITE 763 70
TSArINA 1530 77
CoLOUR(E)D 13251 80
ENTIRES 209 64
DIAGNOS(E) 231 64
FiREMAN 2294 86
VITRINE 1847 69
SHOVELE(R) 11376 72
(C)REMATES 9286 89
ATONIAS 679 66
I(S)OTHERE 1069 74
R(E)TARDER 10250 70
GALLNUT 15033 70
DOMAiNE 299 65
AUCTION 2177 63
VI(T)iABLE 8232 98
INMATES 661 97
pRANCED 6710 98
STILET(T)O 10008 74
LONGS(H)OT* 0 74
EARLIES 259 74
SAMOVAR 13420 80
DRAGoN(E)T 241 76
rETYPI(N)G 7695 67
B(r)EEZIER 20646 94
(L)UTHIERS 4323 95
LOUNGER 3087 68
A(L)IENERS 154 70
CREO(L)IAN 246 74
NAIADES 466 70
ENTOMBS 7745 69
(A)ERATiNG 221 77
RETARDE(D) 12283 65
CALDER(A)S 10350 76
SANID(I)NE 3028 86
FOURGON 20752 84
RATOONE(D) 294 80
GLITT(E)RS 7284 63
(E)TAERIOS 17 59
TENPINs 8750 84
DYN(A)MICS 27277 87
EPI(G)AEAL 6377 76
(D)ETAINER 37 80
LOADST(A)R 4945 60
(D)ATELINE 137 61
cREP(I)EST 9170 86
TO(TA)LISED 677 70
AwLWORT 23984 82
SIL(T)IEST 20804 68
OUTSAID 1119 69
REsURGE 10862 66
EXEMpTS 27474 82
SLeEPIN(G) 9633 89
OUTRIDE 174 68
DILATES 403 78
SCREWEd 13863 72
OUTSWAM 12917 99
NURSI(N)GS 30431 86
C(A)LENDaR 4900 70
ENDEMIA(L) 1533 74
(S)URCEASE 17977 83
ONERIE(S)T 60 70
EMEUTEs 16257 74
PENDUl(U)M 33489 64
RIOTISE 311 68
PICO(L)INE 9718 70
CLOOTIE 3734 73
THr(O)EING 1254 80
TROLLI(E)s 2493 64
ARENOUS 159 79
COR(O)NATE 891 90
IN(T)RANTS 6868 62
aSCRIBE 4098 73
cYANIDE 5624 71
(T)ORTIOUS 10924 66
TENURED 1902 74
MIRADOR 8866 81
REVO(I)CES 4586 73
(V)ENDETTA 6064 76
ITEMISE 4380 79
ELATING 343 71
UnRIMED 4363 86
G(E)mATRIA 2769 59
PARv(O)LIN 7833 86
(P)ETULANT 10974 72
ERMINeD 3013 87
OU(T)RANCE 736 63
U(N)SAINED 2688 68
RELeARN 2506 77
CONCE(D)ES 27229 78
(A)IRHEADS 3334 76
ErOTEMA 619 72
N(I)TTiEST 18264 66
GLE(E)TIER 3729 60
ANESTRA 645 83
MONADIC 9684 80
RHEOSTA(T) 3367 62
SECTILE 5392 77
MiLKERS 18531 92
RE(A)LGARS 12109 68
SETTLOR 4567 61
SAPONI(T)E 214 70
fLUORID(S) 10273 70
P(R)ONATES 566 149
SAPONIT(E) 214 70
FuMBLES 20456 78
JALA(P)ENO 11014 75
DIVErSE 3978 97
VOYEURS 10792 82
DR(A)WLERS 15026 68
sYENITE(S) 12885 83
mARLINS 4755 74
vACATED 10239 69
ANTI(P)ORN 3008 72
SpURRED 15009 76
ReQUIRE 15341 100
UNERR(I)NG 13176 65
(E)SCAPAdE 19148 92
OUTRID(E)S 433 80
TYRONES 2797 80
PRE(T)ENSE 7489 72
CINE(R)ArY 6577 74
ELEgIZE(D) 16934 84
TANTALU(M) 24892 62
s(E)RVITOR 3420 70
TIT(A)nATE 6613 68
(T)RINODAL 270 68
(A)BORTIvE 850 68
IsO(T)OPES 10895 70
SETTLED 8760 71
COLORAN(T) 7831 62
VALERA(T)E 4523 72
GOATEES 505 82
RAI(L)CARs 14524 70
SNOUTEd 1263 70
WETTERS 10444 66
ENTAIL(E)D 102 63
TENACES 2077 67
SANTOOR 2272 69
A(D)ENOSEs 4510 73
HARELIP 5861 107
CARDIAE 2368 82
DEANING 2233 67
TITA(N)ESS 4761 60
Un(H)AIRER 3798 70
GR(I)TTIER 13987 65
UNMO(N)IED 7930 62
(E)sTREPES 26228 80
TRENDOi(D) 1647 70
PER(C)HING 22690 70
DIRECT(E)R 8373 74
FETI(C)IDE 14320 82
ULTeR(I)OR 1487 57
QUIETI(S)M 23554 88
AvOIDAN(T) 3575 60
(D)IORITES 379 80
SEROTIn(E) 45 74
PTO(M)AINE 862 63
I(G)NORANT 2278 61
ISATINS 10978 76
CENTRAL 2082 85
TRICORN(E) 1695 66
VIOLINs 12347 83
(N)AGWaRES 9139 72
MOISTEN 1302 99
LEC(T)IOnS 1825 86
DIESeLS 12337 68
POOFTE(R)S 15507 80
TERRACe 6519 72
SEARO(B)IN 235 74
CERESIn 2980 75
LATTIC(E)S 4883 72
HEDgeRS 11277 95
ROOTAGE 695 66
PrAETOR 3450 78
OLESTRA 203 69
MARqUIS(E) 13165 77
DEMOTES 6274 66
(R)EMITTeD 8204 83
ME(E)RCATS 9287 85
H(E)DONIsT 1836 82
EREPSIN 2187 70
G(L)IADINE 1413 76
CUMaRIN 8860 74
TOURACO 9858 69
bLO(V)IATE 2630 72
SLOgANS 18394 64
PIL(O)TING 13837 65
SpRAYIN(G) 13678 62
SeRENER 8416 67
NOINTED 1015 62
LENTICE(L) 13170 82
TRITiUM 14870 62
AG(E)NCIES 2219 62
PAR(D)ONER 3358 65
TABLEtE(D) 9082 72
MUNDaNE 9003 68
CLAUSES 15188 77
pODUNKS* 0 82
DEfEATE(D) 15568 60
O(UT)RAISES 535 60
GROW(L)iNG 19905 90
VARI(S)ToR 5125 62
ADVERTS 4196 80
LaM(I)NOSe 709 79
UNTEA(M)ED 3970 64
SAtANGS 21794 73
(V)ENDINGS 18862 92
GR(A)VELED 7124 67
T(H)IOTEPA 4472 76
COINM(A)TE 852 76
InFOLDS 8820 78
BLOATER(S) 1331 83
SOUTAnE 166 64
tELLINS 7268 64
ABIETIc 6399 72
(LI)NCTURES 3592 63
WEARIES 1404 85
ANYWISE 5880 84
TANGOED 502 69
VISITeD 8120 82
SERFAGE 7656 73
pANACHE 20631 98
RETREAT 6112 79
TINIEsT 4549 76
COUGArS 10312 72
RESLATE 557 71
SMALLER 17331 82
pATENTO(R) 2338 72
RISIBLY 25045 75
SMITtEN 8740 86
LACTATE 13611 70
A(C)TIONED 241 94
KAIZENS 15665 100
OUTPRAY 10382 82
OLEINES 302 64
SALTIES(T) 7983 77
HARIJAn 13823 90
IO(D)INATE 38 72
EMIRA(T)ES 671 63
DIT(H)ERED 13178 82
BOSTANg(I) 4996 80
NEGATO(R)y 1246 70
A(I)DANCES 3326 64
DIArRHE(A) 7335 86
GREENIE 2852 70
GENNETS 11299 70
DARNERS 3780 70
pLACEBO(S) 20697 67
DELI(N)KED 23905 68
R(A)ILInGS 6204 58
COESItE(S) 10053 72
ORG(I)ASTs 7998 82
(G)ENTRICE 3224 86
AsSENTE(R) 3742 74
FATT(E)NER 5071 76
BONUSES 18723 79
ERRANTS 1796 67
PROTEAN 334 71
CARoTID 1568 74
THA(N)AGES 6624 66
STATICE 5087 83
PRESIFT 9580 81
SENNITS 12400 73
(R)EgOLITH 2952 83
LOGi(C)ISE 10211 140
sWILLED 21386 83
(AR)RESTERS 25505 80
WHAREN(u)I 4407 84
EGOTIsE 696 79
nEUTERE(d) 4825 62
ROO(F)LINE 2715 62
MI(J)NHEER 21888 72
ITEMI(Z)ED 19850 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
rO(T)ATING 2280 131
NE(P)OTIST 4722 149
DE(R)ELiCT 4056 149
AMA(T)EURS 6314 140
P(R)ONATES 566 149
LOGi(C)ISE 10211 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(WE)IGELIAS 4753 64
(rE)TRAINED 242 68
(DE)PLANING 6914 67
TO(TA)LISED 677 70
O(UT)RAISES 535 60
(LI)NCTURES 3592 63
(AR)RESTERS 25505 80
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(L)OGANIAS* 0 80
(R)ACeCARS* 0 72
RE(WATCH)* 0 30
SAGAR* 0 22
VI(BE)D* 0 26
GORS* 0 13
LONGS(H)OT* 0 74
R(O)TON* 0 9
TAL* 0 36
VO(L)TO* 0 24
KALAMA* 0 49
pODUNKS* 0 82
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(N)IDATiON 3236 76
SNAzZES* 0 0
(R)IMOSITY 17932 65
PLUTOID 11850 76
DEGREES 12555 79
(A)GUNOT 2764 34
P(L)EDGETS 19118 74
BEMAH* 0 0
SKR(I)M* 0 0
PR(O)LATED 1747 76
FUGLE 7735 29
B(L)INGER 6291 40
(FEDEX)ING 22273 60
CROWNET 6965 73
OLDWiVE* 0 0
REBORES 11536 0
SOBERER 11537 0
HUmERUS 28609 74
EARDROP 6163 97
DRIllB(IT)* 0 0
ZONUL(E) 8320 70
EARHOLE 1628 75
ORBITER 3437 74
OX(H)ERD 13227 54
(R)ArEFIED 4840 86
REGEARS 7108 0
CARIB* 0 0
VI(T)iABLE 8232 98
(P)ICO* 0 0
FOURGON 20752 84
EPI(G)AEAL 6377 76
RESIGNS 7049 0
NURSI(N)GS 30431 86
TENURED 1902 74
HABUS 9884 69
(F)UMADO 14633 39
EXAMEN 10428 98
WHE(N)A* 0 0
QUO(R)A* 0 0
sYENITE(S) 12885 83
BORITEs* 0 0
(N)OVUM* 0 0
(E)sTREPES 26228 80
DURRY 10882 34
MOISTEN 1302 99
TOURACO 9858 69
MARLS 6331 31
bLO(V)IATE 2630 72
SOUrISH 15435 0
GURNETS 3403 0
WIFI(E)* 0 0
(AR)RESTERS 25505 80
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
F(LO)RIGEnS 2380 74
(I)NTERlAP 404 80
TINIEST 3250 71
tEREFAH 7118 79
TORSADE 190 72
SAUN(T)ERS 5667 60
(T)HROEING 1255 67
SOURDI(NE)s 3906 74
ROsEOlA 981 67
OfTENER 1208 69
SED(A)TIVE 1462 63
OPERANT 332 87
DARTLES 1093 72
UND(E)VOUT 12864 68
BEgUILE(D) 10226 70
F(U)RCULAE 20030 65
cONGEN(E)D* 0 61
PArDALE 8111 74
OLEINES 395 66
RACEMO(U)S 8836 78
AUTOINg 1105 63
O(X)ALATES 5940 71
SER(P)IGOS 11412 63
T(E)RMINAL 402 82
WEIRDIE 6091 79
AUrIF(I)ED 3348 72
CONGRE(E)S 6875 76
PETERIN(G) 2336 74
NITERIE 400 71
tARRIED 704 74
SUEDING 4652 73
TOILERS 241 67
N(E)RVULES 8128 80
GER(O)NTiC 930 72
UNRAISE(D) 252 80
INROADS 593 71
PToMA(I)NE 862 74
SINuSES 18493 82
aTONIES 7 67
S(O)LATIUM 6013 63
tWE(A)KIER 6186 74
INCUR(R)ED 10958 158
(A)NIMATER 636 69
CO(I)NMATE 1144 74
pLA(C)ENTA 12851 131
GUYLInE(R) 8194 74
(RE)LUMInED 4437 76
WHINGES 16441 83
RADIO(M)An 3571 74
CATTERy 15184 69
URALITE 123 67
NOILIER 315 69
eRGOT(I)ZE 4477 104
ANTIGE(n)E 1203 73
SIRENI(a)N 1044 64
EXORdIA 1034 84
OvERAPT 2623 72
ABRE(A)CTS 9262 98
RESEDAS 8479 78
FRONT(I)Ng 14266 74
SIGNORA 1101 62
EyESORE 9169 72
(W)RETCHES 25995 107
EThNI(C)AL 3131 68
BASTION 1565 83
ENDOR(S)OR 5822 68
Q(U)EENITE 10860 79
NOSTRIL 1593 78
DONATES 146 75
NAGGERS 8899 89
TEL(E)GONy 6920 68
I(N)EQUITy 13712 122
TRaMELE(R)* 0 86
PANARIE(S) 1570 66
(T)RADINGS 2889 86
LiGHTE(S)T 13728 63
LAM(I)NOsE 537 72
RADIALS 4071 70
HOMINES 4917 83
PONDINg 14154 74
ELUANTS 1097 69
BRE(A)tHES 6734 79
RAVEL(I)NG 1749 63
aSSORTs 18562 87
OTIO(S)eLY 5189 72
(L)IFEBOaT 2627 69
R(E)ANSWER 8396 69
RI(V)ALISE 3384 76
KENOTI(C)S 10094 66
TR(I)AXONs 3624 80
NEUTRAL 416 70
MAlEMI(U)T 14049 84
LEGATOS 1048 65
(D)ARIOLES 90 80
BOULTER 5147 74
SOLANOs 17741 71
TAPINGS 9150 97
SLITTED 4971 71
TAUNtED 2812 73
DE(C)LINES 5326 76
OUTFAcE 6704 70
(F)LATCARs 26084 74
ClEANSE 4034 80
S(H)INTIED 6510 74
DOLENTE 1108 71
HERNIAS 859 78
DEALERS 1802 71
COORIeS 3717 78
oUT(W)ORKS 32729 66
(T)EABERRY 15037 67
OPTICAL 9655 69
zOSTERs 19719 77
VARAcTO(R) 23979 74
HOUsIER 2034 76
AGEN(I)ZED 5024 69
TAL(E)NTED 2680 70
REDENIE(D) 7173 83
b(A)RBICAN 24016 85
BETHELs 14460 71
INKPOTs 14329 68
uNlIVED 7603 76
TRIDARN 3477 61
REBAITS 812 80
NONSTOp 16435 82
SHAVERS 16524 86
VoETSAK 11718 95
NUNHOOD 26169 66
RETO(UR)ING 1381 72
(E)vOCABLE 17539 86
BLADDEr 12256 78
SNOOT(I)ER 289 70
A(G)ENiZES 6438 77
TWELVES 18994 84
SINUA(T)ES 2795 62
LINTIES(T) 5835 68
GUNPa(p)ER 26488 70
UNWATER 2139 78
CRUISEY 13580 88
LANGrEL 9814 83
LORICAT(E) 250 83
TURIONS 1595 73
oZONISE 7448 88
RE(Q)UITAL 3451 69
SHEILAS 12823 80
STANDEE 744 79
LIPEMIA 10173 66
GURLI(E)ST 3308 152
ROSEOLA 1352 70
URALITE 151 66
INDITES 1679 71
ROSEtTY 9941 83
aGATOID 3063 74
ANOMIES 431 91
SCROTEs 14561 75
SECRET(I)N 1613 90
RACKING 15350 87
TROUBLE 5129 75
ENCLOS(E)R 3540 66
SEArING 258 76
RE(T)INENE 2231 59
CENSORE(D) 4871 86
EOLiEN(N)E 3587 68
(C)OCAINES 11043 89
N(A)NOWIRE 980 62
BUTANOn(E) 4590 68
SMITTEN 8740 68
AIRTHED 646 79
RENE(G)ADO 440 74
A(X)EBIRDS 13116 98
BaRG(U)EST 8113 90
(H)eADROOM 10880 67
BEnAMES 8246 98
(U)RTICaTE 2906 74
ENTRA(I)LS 72 58
ENERG(I)S(E)d 2856 80
RENEsTS 6318 77
AGAINsT 3288 69
ROPELI(K)E 8266 68
TANTRIC 5679 78
CHEES(I)NG 12120 70
fOREW(E)NT 4751 80
ORATIOn 272 63
AD(J)OINED 6877 88
UNEASES 6068 76
LANTERN 1288 67
APOSTIL 3212 84
REVERTS 14575 82
AREOLAE 500 75
NOTAI(R)ES 10 70
TOAdIES 52 66
BREL(O)QUE 21267 92
MISCOIN(ED) 9929 80
WATTESt 17081 69
cINEOL(E)S 1820 66
KINDL(I)ER 8233 78
GUN(M)ETAL 8088 63
MADRONO 9816 71
INhALIN(G) 23106 77
RUb(E)FIED 13727 94
SI(N)EWIER 4582 64
P(E)ACHIlY 26587 96
BIOTItE(S) 6341 80
(E)NQUIRES 5718 104
ADENOID 778 77
ACETONE 481 72
DiPNETS 3265 83
ISOKO(N)TS 29079 89
TONGERS 1465 70
AIL(A)NTOS 1110 81
STINGER 1069 73
NADIRAL 3142 79
CORKTRe(E) 22680 76
EPISO(D)ES 14267 74
EASTERN 275 72
PROBaND 13889 78
GIAOURs 2414 77
BEKNOTS 15978 67
BITTERS 8742 90
CLIVERS 13573 72
(C)ROStInO 7880 68
DECLINE(R) 2934 76
ENDbRAI(N) 2727 74
CORNETS 1967 64
AGELaST 5317 68
CHOR(I)NES 4103 80
QUELEAs 10286 93
EVIDENt 2164 73
UpLOADS 11263 81
SANTERA 643 68
FLASHER 13424 102
DES(I)GnER 2246 70
TANNIES 712 79
EG(E)STING 9062 74
HERMITS 6868 82
SOUTANE 160 72
BIOtITE 4956 69
mAILERS 1475 74
INMATES 661 93
fRAILER 5078 64
UNFAzED 18845 72
dIASPOR(A) 6541 70
AUrATES 1675 79
GRANtED 1052 73
(W)RISTING 17108 94
SLINGER 2305 76
slEAVED 8800 71
(G)LENOIDS 2109 69
SOILAGE 498 84
NEUR(O)NES 4432 59
cONEP(a)TL 5244 82
FLINDER 4318 80
gREENI(N)G 18879 75
AUL(N)AGEs 6839 62
STERVED 8985 75
PUD(E)nDAL 20856 62
TEGMINA 1608 80
TENAILs 143 73
NARRATE 2224 72
ZOISItE 6238 100
mUSICAL 20765 69
NERITES 279 69
AGNISED 976 77
TRA(N)SHIP 10795 84
ELFLAN(D)S 20865 76
eNHAn(C)ED 19754 78
ETOILES 395 78
(C)AVIAREs 8210 64
U(R)GENcEs 14179 122
QUILTED 12217 79
COOPTEd 12060 76
AGENTIA(L) 597 62
LANDL(E)rS 9417 70
ZERIBAS 10373 109
PARIETA(L) 1154 62
ST(I)LBENE 2932 74
OUTDOOr 14393 73
ERUDITE 787 67
INTeGER 612 76
EX(C)RETEs 19781 84
BUSTIeR 4293 72
DI(C)ENTRA 505 72
(P)ATOOTIE 3182 62
ZOESItE* 0 101
AVOiDED 4570 77
CATtIES(T) 14193 80
INJURED 8230 89
DIST(R)AIN 2153 68
HARIANA 13945 78
ANO(R)ETIC 67 72
FA(I)RIeST 1590 80
(E)LYTROID 1839 90
TER(A)GLIN 193 68
TRAiNER 243 82
CITRINS 11500 76
LODEsTA(R) 415 67
START(E)RS 15707 82
TORQuER(S) 13380 82
(A)d(M)IRABLE 6032 89
CeNTReD 5632 70
RAVIG(O)TE 497 63
DEsCENT 6449 81
LI(P)READS 2187 65
PIO(N)EERS 809 61
D(R)AWABLE 12583 78
CERVINE 7186 73
REFLETS 9046 74
TRI(O)LEIN 163 60
ABATUR(E)S 6275 90
ENcORED 2516 68
(E)GEsTION 331 70
BARTERS 6188 79
IODISER 957 72
eNVIRON 3471 71
STONNED 4671 80
BARFL(I)ES 7415 64
HAIRpIN 13212 75
DRAINER 695 67
RESOLI(N)G 888 68
TRASHER 8690 74
GASOLIE(R) 312 83
TAWNIER 309 80
sERUMAL 5388 68
INEARTH 298 85
SPOI(L)ING 18467 78
ANDRO(G)EN 2587 61
REELInG 1582 77
S(p)OUTERS 17730 68
MIStIME 24223 84
fIXATED 7459 81
REDACTS 2938 81
CA(N)ALISE 2405 72
RUTTIER 5767 71
AnAEMIA(L)* 0 72
EP(I)LATED 1457 67
MAR(I)NERs 2783 74
ISOlATE 37 75
PEANING 7350 76
TURFMEN 13794 72
E(R)RORIST 9583 75
GE(L)ATION 59 74
SPLInES 12453 85
(W)hEELING 12746 65
R(E)GROoVE 19578 94
bLANDER 4081 79
BELaYED 15187 94
OSCuLAN(T) 9922 72
(S)OOTIEST 10231 70
pONDERA(L) 1737 68
(O)VERTOLD* 0 76
AIRTINg 2222 60
BUI(L)DING 19049 76
(V)INERIES 3308 72
(I)NTRADOS 272 72
(P)URITANs 3702 61
bEA(U)TIES 1958 78
UNSTAID 2480 71
OCCULTS 21786 74
kNURLIN(G) 22679 77
o(Z)ONISED 9798 86
GRISLIe(R) 12406 82
TANNOYS 12919 73
KNOTTeR 10950 72
SERIAtE 76 84
ACINOSE 409 74
GNA(T)HION 9862 92
EVEc(T)ION 3395 60
(S)TURDIeS 9439 80
VILIaCO 14457 73
(U)NWASTED 5899 89
EREPsIN 2982 90
HOGMAN(E)S 11290 67
SAtYRIC 12133 89
ELEVENS 15839 70
wARTIME 3142 81
SILIQUE 16717 102
(I)NDORSER 1486 86
SHO(U)LDST 23729 74
MArLITI(C) 11803 80
ENGUaRD 2272 65
NOODGES 7401 90
ETHoGRA(M) 7323 89
VI(R)ETOTS 4594 82
FREN(Z)IED 14455 75
(H)OMELIER 4588 92
(A)GIOTaGE 3680 62
TRIABlE 588 67
EVENEsT 8621 84
QUINATE 2353 95
GOVERNS 7410 82
PIONEER 630 72
MARIA(C)hI 28855 62
RANCHER(S) 13977 65
(D)AUNTeRS 721 77
PiLSNE(R)S 16136 67
GUINEAs 974 77
(T)ENEBRIO 368 63
TABLE(T)ED 12580 72
AR(C)ADING 12304 74
RARI(T)IES 1418 68
ERRANTS 1794 71
sWEETER 12044 88
aBIDDEN 8871 78
(R)EVISION 2188 63
MISTUNe 3162 78
KAOLInE 1036 74
DESCANT 4033 99
(E)ASTInGS 4357 77
SUETIES(T) 16880 68
GOVeRNS 7410 70
MISRUlE 5444 78
GASsIER 4304 84
(O)rGANDIE 56 80
STARL(I)NG 2105 72
SPACIER 4164 76
HONGIES 3999 84
COVETIn(G) 7377 98
CRESTED 9004 77
THER(E)MIN 5679 84
ICoNIZE 12229 98
ARGU(F)IES 4776 78
(L)ANDLESS 25206 80
REG(R)ATED 5516 64
FROSTIN(G) 8580 64
(C)RaVENLY 19334 67
P(E)RONEAL 1041 72
MiL(I)TANT 15313 76
(S)TERNITE 1687 77
RAWHID(E)D 18735 82
(A)LLEGROS 9096 70
ImPRINT 17803 71
(S)WEATERS 13227 86
DESTINE 567 70
pEA(R)LIER 3500 64
THIONIN 13657 83
EmE(T)ICAL 5438 63
RE(C)OUNTS 3751 72
AEONIAN 469 67
BLInDI(N)G 30358 62
NErITES 271 76
E(N)TITLES 2574 61
OINOMEL 2666 70
(F)AMIlIES 9076 76
(S)TARVeRS 16358 83
GALUTHS 20885 95
IDOlISM 16094 80
OVERGET(s) 6726 89
E(V)ANESCe 12332 80
SUFfUSe 23797 78
RATTENS 1293 71
P(O)RTIGUE 2970 63
ENRANGE 3892 81
MA(N)TILLA 20582 68
WEIGEla 4099 73
(O)UTLANdS 3229 68
UNL(O)OSEN 8962 58
cHANTO(R)S 8941 78
ClEAVER 11068 82
R(O)UILLES 6373 70
PoNDERS 5187 78
SARSNET 4018 80
B(O)RACITE 847 80
INBREED 2133 76
sQUARi(N)G 12519 86
D(I)ATONIC 2604 72
AWAITE(R)S 1569 72
LeDDENS 16725 89
INSIDER 1676 90
(N)EGROISM 2945 86
sOOTING 4777 68
CREATIO(N) 52 74
PaR(E)NTED 1513 62
FINDABL(E) 5342 84
RAP(H)IdES 5414 98
STORIED 172 87
AIRSIDE 639 70
OUTLINe 238 70
UNTAXeS 8235 116
SURpRIN(T) 19480 71
(D)IAMONDS 16225 66
PERITUS 3170 92
DALA(P)ONS 10960 78
TROU(B)LEd 4912 81
SAUrIES 2767 68
OUTSAIL 1539 76
(O)RGANISE 79 80
DENIALS 536 66
ENSUItE 791 79
(E)LASTANE 1439 77
TENo(R)MEN 5992 68
DIATrON 155 70
TH(R)OWERS 19666 78
cRONIES 1245 64
EISWEiN(S) 13638 92
HOVELEd 16343 82
(C)HANSoNS 35317 74
OUGLiED 3070 70
SC(E)NEMAN 19860 63
AIRGlOW 6479 74
(C)AITIFFS 36054 75
DUNITES 1104 73
ROBBiNG 18336 70
ARMHOLE 6757 72
SERIA(T)IM 1606 61
ABAsHES 26820 86
VAPOURS 18128 84
E(V)ENTING 11163 72
EMU(L)ATED 6946 63
LATINAS 3147 67
REGINAE 154 71
E(X)OCRINE 5204 84
T(R)IMOTOR 17810 70
SUGARED 3307 72
RAVELL(E)D 13032 79
LYNAGES 10062 76
BIOlOGY 25057 92
(I)SOMERES 10010 85
DECANaL(S)* 0 83
DisPOSE 10215 95
LOOSENE(R) 1887 60
EU(P)nOEAS 2486 80
BREENGE(S) 17944 78
A(N)TBIRDS 5113 78
AMPHORA 24502 91
FISTUlA(S) 24665 74
ONERIER 607 73
RELE(N)TED 3481 86
OBsE(R)VED 10786 63
(O)UTRAGES 654 70
NETWORk 11823 78
AVERTIn(G) 1007 86
PLASHET 13436 82
DEXTRI(N)S 4788 82
BOGGlED 19006 84
BEELiNE 5698 69
I(N)DIGNED* 0 72
MET(A)LLIC 13567 74
ENLI(S)TED 911 68
CYANIDE 4126 82
BILAN(D)ER 1259 76
C(R)ITTURS 29446 68
TEET(H)ING 11105 66
DEL(E)TION 216 65
B(U)LKIEsT 22814 96
PREDAT(E)S 3980 80
cOSIEST 7319 77
CRENELS 6453 83
ToUGHEN 5294 78
AV(E)NGERS 4389 76
HEADIES(T) 1531 74
O(B)TAINER 51 68
HATREDs 4175 75
NATTIER 255 65
WOOD(B)INE 10893 68
(C)ONSPUES 29272 76
DEBITOR 1223 75
FoGYISM 28420 88
THEORI(S)E 1075 67
POSNETS 14608 84
POWTERS 7813 73
FARMING 11085 89
STRUDEL(S) 18621 74
GANGREL(S) 15428 74
AEROBiC 1703 84
(R)EINFUSE 4086 86
V(E)GELATE 12991 74
CORNIST 4550 83
MELTONS 5222 75
URINOSe 241 83
R(U)RAlITE 1188 74
DEMENTS 6735 77
wIFTIeR 7755 71
SMIDGEN 7535 96
LORDINg 3676 77
SNIRTED 572 70
ESQUIRE(D) 12294 88
APOSTLE 2630 96
BULLIEs 21404 67
AI(R)PROOf 20809 74
SATIRIC 7354 88
C(L)INAMEN 13379 95
(N)OILIEST 509 70
REvEN(G)ED 17946 65
AIRprOX 20451 83
OSTIO(L)AR 1445 58
ABSTERG(E) 6071 74
PINOTAG(E) 496 86
CONNERS 9940 74
SAUTOIR 605 78
rABID(I)TY 16345 89
CLERKED 24099 102
MI(L)ITANT 15323 84
KINDLES 8738 82
RUsTICA(L) 6261 80
OBELIsE 2488 80
pAESANO 2248 84
EASTE(R)LY 2923 71
OPALINE 307 74
SPANNEd 12652 73
DERA(C)INE 809 63
(G)OITERED 443 70
ETALONS 200 71
(J)INgLIER 14537 95
AGITATE 3514 74
CARRyO(UT)S 23287 76
RANDIEs 110 70
GuRRIES 9238 78
INFLA(T)ED 1301 84
BASIdIA 16178 78
THEANIN(E) 2555 72
COGNATE 1871 90
t(R)IGONAL 630 77
EvANISH 5723 75
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
INCUR(R)ED 10958 158
pLA(C)ENTA 12851 131
GURLI(E)ST 3308 152
U(R)GENcEs 14179 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
F(LO)RIGEnS 2380 74
SOURDI(NE)s 3906 74
(RE)LUMInED 4437 76
RETO(UR)ING 1381 72
ENERG(I)S(E)d 2856 80
MISCOIN(ED) 9929 80
(A)d(M)IRABLE 6032 89
CARRyO(UT)S 23287 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
cONGEN(E)D* 0 61
UNDIE* 0 27
TRaMELE(R)* 0 86
COVENT* 0 38
PHAGI* 0 28
YAULDS* 0 33
BANTU* 0 20
BANTUS* 0 72
(U)NFAST* 0 39
TU* 0 12
ZOESItE* 0 101
AnAEMIA(L)* 0 72
(B)RIDGER* 0 22
(O)VERTOLD* 0 76
COKEY* 0 36
(D)AUN* 0 18
STAKER* 0 40
BOL* 0 33
VAILE* 0 24
GEYS* 0 36
TsURA* 0 23
DECANaL(S)* 0 83
I(N)DIGNED* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
CONGRE(E)S 6875 76
(RE)LUMInED 4437 76
CATTERy 15184 69
QIS 738 45
LIGGER 10898 20
C(R)Y 950 29
RETO(UR)ING 1381 72
GOOF 4286 52
FACIA 7249 49
GURLI(E)ST 3308 152
GOR(MY) 9864 22
ROSEtTY 9941 83
TAD 169 0
FUNEST 5322 45
VOWS 4578 31
BaRG(U)EST 8113 90
PETSO* 0 0
BREL(O)QUE 21267 92
MADRONO 9816 71
CORKTRe(E) 22680 76
NUGAE 917 24
RUDY 4052 30
CLIVERS 13573 72
W(A)TTLY* 0 0
UN(I)FAcED* 0 0
LYED* 0 0
SPEWY 10789 48
ELFLAN(D)S 20865 76
COGIT(O) 7529 18
WITCH(E)Rs* 0 0
CAV(E)L 5664 33
VAUS 3215 27
SC(AB)BER* 0 0
UNSTAID 2480 71
VILIaCO 14457 73
rOUSALB(E)* 0 0
LE(Z)ES* 0 0
GALUTHS 20885 95
OVERGET(s) 6726 89
UnFUSeS* 0 0
bUSFUlS* 0 0
FRIB 3635 44
UNTAXeS 8235 116
DoGFOOt* 0 0
S(W)INGY 17774 50
URU* 0 0
DOPIAnA* 0 0
DOPIAtA* 0 0
VAPOURS 18128 84
DI(C)KTy 20689 42
T(R)IMOTOR 17810 70
BREENGE(S) 17944 78
(A)LGINIC 13984 24
D(E)VON 2223 26
FoGYISM 28420 88
PULW(A)R 16328 14
CORNIST 4550 83
PURI 2490 26
FLEY 3780 36
FLI(R)R* 0 0
MIRY 3660 84
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 292
Invalid Games 0.03 8
Incomplete 0.03 8
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 24.97 7290
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.44 128
Score 424.00 123809
Score per Turn 33.8831
Turns 12.51 3654
Vertical Plays 5.52 1612
Horizontal Plays 6.14 1792
One Tile Plays 0.43 127
Other Plays 0.42 123
Firsts 0.55 161
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3930
Exchanges 0.26 76
High Game 658
Low Game 255
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.02 591
Sevens 1.01 295
Eights 0.99 288
Nines 0.03 8
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7066.25
Sevens 6444.08
Eights 7755.76
Nines 5289.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.41 14135
A 4.34 1268
B 0.89 261
C 0.98 287
D 2.06 601
E 5.67 1657
F 0.92 270
G 1.40 409
H 0.98 286
I 4.31 1258
J 0.47 138
K 0.44 128
L 1.95 570
M 1.03 300
N 2.86 836
O 3.93 1147
P 0.96 279
Q 0.50 147
R 3.00 876
S 1.90 554
T 3.01 880
U 1.93 564
V 1.02 297
W 0.96 281
X 0.47 136
Y 1.02 299
Z 0.52 153
? 0.87 253
Power Tiles Played 4.73 1381
? 0.87 253
J 0.47 138
Q 0.50 147
X 0.47 136
Z 0.52 153
S 1.90 554
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.14 40
? 0.04 12
J 0.00 1
Q 0.00 1
X 0.00 1
Z 0.00 1
S 0.08 24
Turns With a Blank 1.08 315
Triple Triples Played 0.02 6
Bingoless Games 0.05 14
Bonus Square Coverage 15.81 4616
Double Letter 5.04 1471
Triple Letter 5.48 1601
Double Word 2.83 825
Triple Word 2.46 719
Phony Plays 0.15 43
Unchallenged 0.05 15
Challenged Off 0.10 28
Challenges 0.45 132
You Won 0.08 24
Opponent Lost 0.12 34
You Lost 0.16 46
Opponent Won 0.10 28
Challenge Percentage 0.3429
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5484
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3488
Comments 6.97 2036
Comments Word Length 134.56 39291
Mistakeless Turns 12.51 3654
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4822 (0.4590, 0.5092)
B 0.4450 (0.4308, 0.5374)
C 0.4900 (0.4308, 0.5374)
D 0.5150 (0.4464, 0.5218)
E 0.4725 (0.4624, 0.5058)
F 0.4600 (0.4308, 0.5374)
G 0.4667 (0.4406, 0.5276)
H 0.4900 (0.4308, 0.5374)
I 0.4789 (0.4590, 0.5092)
J 0.4700 (0.4088, 0.5594)
K 0.4400 (0.4088, 0.5594)
L 0.4875 (0.4464, 0.5218)
M 0.5150 (0.4308, 0.5374)
N 0.4767 (0.4533, 0.5149)
O 0.4913 (0.4575, 0.5107)
P 0.4800 (0.4308, 0.5374)
Q 0.5000 (0.4088, 0.5594)
R 0.5000 (0.4533, 0.5149)
S 0.4750 (0.4464, 0.5218)
T 0.5017 (0.4533, 0.5149)
U 0.4825 (0.4464, 0.5218)
V 0.5100 (0.4308, 0.5374)
W 0.4800 (0.4308, 0.5374)
X 0.4700 (0.4088, 0.5594)
Y 0.5100 (0.4308, 0.5374)
Z 0.5200 (0.4088, 0.5594)
? 0.4350 (0.4308, 0.5374)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.56 164
Score 429.57 125433
Score per Turn 34.4975
Turns 12.45 3636
Vertical Plays 5.57 1625
Horizontal Plays 6.10 1781
One Tile Plays 0.42 123
Other Plays 0.37 107
Firsts 0.45 131
Vertical Openings per First 0.0702
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9298
Full Rack per Turn 0.9398
Exchanges 0.25 73
High Game 603
Low Game 230
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 2.13 623
Sevens 1.07 311
Eights 1.04 304
Nines 0.03 8
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7304.29
Sevens 6334.26
Eights 8327.56
Nines 6776.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.75 14234
A 4.44 1296
B 1.08 315
C 0.94 274
D 1.84 538
E 6.01 1756
F 1.04 305
G 1.50 439
H 1.01 294
I 4.35 1269
J 0.52 152
K 0.55 160
L 1.87 546
M 0.94 274
N 2.88 841
O 3.89 1137
P 1.01 294
Q 0.49 142
R 2.77 809
S 1.97 576
T 2.74 801
U 1.94 567
V 0.94 274
W 1.02 299
X 0.53 154
Y 0.95 277
Z 0.46 134
? 1.07 311
Power Tiles Played 5.03 1469
? 1.07 311
J 0.52 152
Q 0.49 142
X 0.53 154
Z 0.46 134
S 1.97 576
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 30
? 0.03 8
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 1
Z 0.01 4
S 0.05 14
Turns With a Blank 2.10 614
Triple Triples Played 0.01 4
Bingoless Games 0.04 13
Bonus Square Coverage 15.85 4629
Double Letter 5.31 1550
Triple Letter 5.41 1580
Double Word 3.00 877
Triple Word 2.13 622
Phony Plays 0.16 47
Unchallenged 0.08 23
Challenged Off 0.08 24
Challenges 0.45 132
You Won 0.10 28
Opponent Lost 0.16 46
You Lost 0.12 34
Opponent Won 0.08 24
Challenge Percentage 0.4516
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.6571
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4894
Comments 6.97 2036
Comments Word Length 134.56 39291
Mistakeless Turns 11.70 3415
Mistakes per Turn 0.0627
Mistakes 0.78 228
Knowledge 0.19 56
Finding 0.14 40
Vision 0.10 30
Tactics 0.08 24
Strategy 0.18 54
Endgame 0.05 16
Time 0.03 8
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4933 (0.4624, 0.5126)
B 0.5400 (0.4342, 0.5408)
C 0.4700 (0.4342, 0.5408)
D 0.4600 (0.4498, 0.5252)
E 0.5008 (0.4657, 0.5093)
F 0.5200 (0.4342, 0.5408)
G 0.5000 (0.4440, 0.5310)
H 0.5050 (0.4342, 0.5408)
I 0.4833 (0.4624, 0.5126)
J 0.5200 (0.4122, 0.5628)
K 0.5500 (0.4122, 0.5628)
L 0.4675 (0.4498, 0.5252)
M 0.4700 (0.4342, 0.5408)
N 0.4800 (0.4567, 0.5183)
O 0.4863 (0.4609, 0.5141)
P 0.5050 (0.4342, 0.5408)
Q 0.4900 (0.4122, 0.5628)
R 0.4617 (0.4567, 0.5183)
S 0.4925 (0.4498, 0.5252)
T 0.4567 (0.4567, 0.5183)
U 0.4850 (0.4498, 0.5252)
V 0.4700 (0.4342, 0.5408)
W 0.5100 (0.4342, 0.5408)
X 0.5300 (0.4122, 0.5628)
Y 0.4750 (0.4342, 0.5408)
Z 0.4600 (0.4122, 0.5628)
? 0.5350 (0.4342, 0.5408)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
G7 T(U)BIFIED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11I A(G)LY +16 Vision Large
1H OU +18 Vision Unspecified
1C EUOI #visionssmall
B3 B(I)B +18 Finding Large
A12 ARIA +29 Finding Large
I allowed myself to get tilted by the draw and missed A11 QuAIR. Very bad. #findingsaddest
13A (RE)LUMInED +81 Knowledge Large
13A (RE)IlLUMED #knowledgesaddest
L3 OORIE +23 Finding Large
L3 ORIOLE #findingsaddest
H11 (D)OUMA +27 Knowledge Small
H11 (D)UOMO #knowledgesmall
I9 TR(A)NT +12 Finding Large
7M KOA +29 Vision Large
G7 J(A)Y +25 Finding Small
5C C(R)YPT #findingsad
J6 BLIP +28 Strategy Large
J4 (H)ABLE #strategysaddest
12C QAT +26 Strategy Large
I10 Q(U)ATE #strategysaddest
14B IONI(ZE) +30 Tactics Small
Not sure why I didn't play E8 (B)IJOU, I know I saw it. #tacticssmall
H13 ARY +36 Tactics Medium
F10 YU is better. I keep misevaluating these terrible leaves. #tacticsmedium
F8 (R)OW +29 Knowledge Large
12D FY +28 Knowledge Large
5B BAUD +20 Knowledge Large
5B BLUDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgeSAD for the challenge.
5B BAUD +20 Knowledge Small
5B BLUDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgeSAD for the challenge.
A10 LASH +22 Time Large
D5 OTIO(S)eLY +72 Knowledge Large
B8 C(O)ZY +38 Vision Large
10B KY(e) #visionsaddest
I3 LIGGER +25 Knowledge Small
This actually somehow does okay in a sim but I3 MIGGLE is better. #knowledgesad
1G MAAED +30 Strategy Small
This gives back too much on 2J. 1G MEAD is better #strategysad
10I AYE +26 Strategy Small
10I AY. #strategysad
8A AFA(R)A +24 Strategy Small
I should probably play C11 FAA and hope that a better tile ends up on A8. #strategysad
1G GRANU(M) +27 Strategy Small
12F UG, maybe. #strategysad
7I WAI +21 Strategy Medium
7H AW #strategysadder
I5 V(OWE)L +12 Strategy Medium
M12 VILD #strategysadder
10K (HA)H +9 Finding Medium
H1 SIDHE. I thought this would bingo enough to be okay. #findingsadder
C12 DEV +35 Strategy Medium
C12 DEVI #strategysadder
4K IRE +17 Strategy Small
I needed to be fearless and play 4J RORIE. #strategysad
B6 BARE +22 Time Large
B4 REBAR #timesaddest
7E GIBE +24 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers 7G GIBE for two more points to my GIBE pretty strongly; I would've thought 7E GIBE does a little better on defense relative to 7G than simulation indicates but I suppose it's still quite easy to get a seven down on rows 6 and 9. There's also 7E BEGIN available for maximum defense; that looks pretty good too. #tacticssmall
1A WIL(J)A +45 Finding Medium
I played WILJA extremely fast, thinking it had to be right - but 11I BEWIG scores 40 and leaves AL, which is far more flexible than BEG for bingoing next turn. Didn't generate it as a choice. #findingmedium
13K ZHOM(O) +57 Endgame Large
I calculated that ZHOMO would win by 1 here, and it does; but there could have been a scoring error, and there's far a better option here of 14F HERTZ for 62, following up with 10J MOO. #endgamelarge
6I U(P) +4 Strategy Medium
A8 (Q)UA scoring well compared to other fishes with the possibility of extending it to the triple next turn sims best. #strategysadder
H12 PR(I)G +30 Knowledge Large
I thought I was making up the definition for H11 PUG(I)L. #knowledgesaddest
L10 LEAL +21 Tactics Small
L8 (V)ALETA #tacticssad
M11 LAITH +33 Time Medium
The sim wants K2 FI(S)H. I was pretty low on time at this point. #timesadder
13B CRAW +27 Endgame Large
13C NUB #endgamesaddest
9F BUN +23 Endgame Small
F6 (JAM)BU #endgamesad
E7 J(A)UNT +24 Strategy Small
G7 W(E)FT #strategysad
1G EF +33 Finding Large
13I CI(D)ER +22 Endgame Small
13I CI(D)ERS or 13I CE(D)ER. #endgamesad
8D HARDEN +28 Tactics Small
8D HANTED #tacticssmall
L1 EUGE(N)IC +22 Finding Medium
L1 CUEI(N)G #findingsadder
13K J(O)L +31 Knowledge Medium
D1 JO(N)G #knowledgesadder
G6 KU(D)U +11 Tactics Small
J8 AUK #tacticssmall
F4 GIO +14 Tactics Small
6F O(K)A #tacticssmall
H1 AXE(D) +36 Vision Large
H10 (T)AXIES #visionsaddest
8M J(E)E +30 Strategy Large
Terrible miscalculation. O8 is not that dangerous since there is only one E left. 8A JEE(R) is best. #strategysaddest
O3 AWEE +28 Tactics Small
9B AW(E)E. Vowels aren't as bad as you would think. #tacticssmall
11J P(I)NY +15 Strategy Large
I6 PA(N)F(R)Y is such a good move. Too bad I didn't see it. #STRATEGYSADDEST
F8 (F)AX +29 Finding Medium
Despite opening a triple-triple, WASA(BI) (great sushi there by the way) is probably the right play, since it distracts Jason from the X-bomb at J10 #findingmedium
10H SEW +44 Knowledge Large
talked myself out of SWOUNES #knowledgesaddest
D10 ZORI +47 Finding Large
ZOIC missed #findingsaddest
L1 HEAV(E)D +34 Strategy Small
4L HAVE makes an line for my S. #strategysmall
N2 LEV +24 Strategy Small
10B VOLS or 10B VOLES are better, probably. #strategysmall
K8 TABINID(S) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
3A T(I)TIAN +12 Knowledge Small
I need to keep more vowels. #tacticssaddest #knowledgesad for challenge.
3A T(I)TIAN +12 Tactics Large
I need to keep more vowels. #tacticssaddest #knowledgesad for challenge.
L9 ANTE +21 Strategy Medium
The options are all garbage here, but my play is not correct. #strategymedium
3K Z(E)X +38 Finding Large
I think passing up M1 ZEX is correct, but 3H DZER(E)N is best. #findingsaddest
C10 TH(A)R +14 Strategy Small
C11 H(A)RT is probably a better idea. #strategysmall
E3 STINGER +73 Vision Small
13E RESTING #visionsad
11K COOK +36 Finding Small
11K SOCKO #findingsad
6J F(LI)P +17 Endgame Large
14I IF #endgamesaddest
6F KAMA +43 Finding Small
9I APEEK or 9I APEAK. #findingsad
exch CGQUW +0 Strategy Large
Sim wants me to keep QTU. I guess I can hit M9 QUE(S)T and F10 QU(EN)A? I'm not totally sure. #strategylarge
14H EASTERN +72 Vision Medium
M4 I(N)TI +5 Strategy Small
I couldn't bring myself to play 4L TITI but it might be correct. I'm not sure. #strategysad
O4 (D)EBEL +24 Finding Small
O4 (D)EBTEE #findingsad
15L WEEN +46 Strategy Large
Sim says 15L WEET bingos about twice as much, but I'm not really sure why. #strategylarge
F4 AW(K) +10 Strategy Large
This is going for a draw of B, C, H, or L to threaten 3E bingos while keeping row 10 open. However, M9 WAI(S) sims best, probably because it keeps 3C bingos available, which might be more likely. #strategylarge
D7 O(P)HELIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
9C HI +13 Strategy Large
L3 HIE probably, I dunno. #strategysaddest
J3 JOW +34 Strategy Small
12D WOO saves J3 J plays, I think. #strategysad
A11 OX +36 Vision Large
A14 KA +27 Strategy Large
H1 TANKAS is probably fine here, but I was scared of bings and I was fairly sure the H1 spot was going to be available in future turns. #strategysaddest
H1 PANTOS +40 Strategy Large
Big mistake. I was low on time and did not see that 2B BRAINI(A)C was available in the pool. The best play is L10 (GO)AT by about 30 equity points (I have no idea why Championship Player says it's that much better). 11K (HOO)N is second best making a strong S setup. Other winning plays are stuff like N11 POTT. #strategysaddest
7C ZA +46 Vision Large
C7 ZOARIAL #visionlarge
D2 U(P)O +14 Vision Small
2B INURE #visionsmall
11F DIST(R)AIN +68 Finding Medium
M2 DISTAIN #findingmedium
M3 NIX +33 Tactics Large
3K JARL #tacticslarge
7F IODISER +72 Strategy Small
Think I misevaluated how defensive IODISER was compared to PRESIDIO. #strategysmall
5K JADE +44 Vision Small
I tunnel visioned the new spot and didn't even notice that JEAN plays at N12 for 44 as well. JADE gives back nasty parallels with AJEE and perhaps X bombs in addition to Z bombs, which would play with ZEE anyway if I don't address that area. #visionsmall
3E (LUG)E +5 Endgame Small
Nice move by Jason with LUG. I'm supposed to play G2 UG instead of this. #endgamesmall
5J DEED +15 Finding Medium
m9 kedged #findingmedium
K5 WAU(L) +14 Tactics Medium
7F WAAH #tacticssadder
O5 MOCHS +42 Finding Small
Play without fear. 7G GOB is fine. Also, O5 COMBS is clearly better than this. #findingsad #strategysadder
O5 MOCHS +42 Strategy Medium
Play without fear. 7G GOB is fine. Also, O5 COMBS is clearly better than this. #findingsad #strategysadder
8A FADE(R) +30 Knowledge Medium
8A AFEA(R)D #knowledgesadder
5E (N)IE +15 Endgame Small
C10 EdI(L)E is 1 point better. #endgamesad
14G TOwIE +14 Knowledge Small
I chickened out of 14F TOIsE. #knowledgesad
H1 LOBE(S) +24 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
O1 TYED +48 Knowledge Small
O1 TYNDE #knowledgesad
13L HAFT +31 Endgame Small
13K sHAFT #endgamesad
13A PeR(EON) +18 Time Large
8D FYRDS +32 Tactics Small
sim wants 8G FYRD #tacticssmall
4A XOAN(A) +40 Knowledge Large
3D M(O)NAXONS #knowledgelarge
C3 G(A)TH +16 Tactics Large
12G VELDT setting up the s #tacticslarge
10B PiLSNE(R)S +67 Finding Small
I1 SPLEENS #findingsmall
15A FY +37 Tactics Small
1M HUI #tacticssmall
O5 V(E)LUM +30 Finding Large
O5 V(E)HM #findingsaddest
B1 JEWIE +38 Tactics Small
B1 JEWIES #tacticssad
M9 (DO)T +4 Finding Large
C11 NOUP +26 Finding Large
G12 AX +36 Strategy Medium
G13 KEX blocks the S hook. #strategysadder
10G R(A)CK +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
3N E(A) +13 Endgame Large
This is not correct because 11J ODEON and 11J ODEONS block both outplays of 11J OUTLAW and N5 OUTLAW. I saw the ODEON(S) blocks but couldn't see anything better. B12 LOUT is best. #endgamesaddest
5J YEOW +31 Strategy Medium
I was too scared to play 5K YOWE. #strategysadder
6K TOO +14 Knowledge Large
12A TOOTED making PARVOLINE #knowledgesaddest
6B REG(R)ATED +64 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 6B GAR(R)ETED. #knowledgesad
13H (E)VINCE +30 Finding Small
8A UNI(VOCAL) #findingsad
E7 R(U)N +3 Knowledge Small
E5 INT(U)RNS is slightly better #knowledgesmall
G1 FROSTIN(G) +64 Knowledge Large
6F Q(I) +31 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for that challenge
3M ROK +20 Knowledge Large
H10 ROKY #KnowledgeSADDEST for this and #knowledgesad for the challenge T_T
3M ROK +20 Knowledge Small
H10 ROKY #KnowledgeSADDEST for this and #knowledgesad for the challenge T_T
13C (C)RaVENLY +67 Knowledge Large
4G (S)YLVaNER daaaaaamn #KNOWLEDGESADDEST (Also, I miscounted this play as 65)
12G HOE +17 Vision Large
3J EL +16 Knowledge Large
14I TAILER +29 Knowledge Small
I'm more than a bingo behind and I'm not comfortable fishing because there's not a lotta places to bingo AND my opponent's gonna block them. 14I LARIAT also accomplishes the task of just scoring to keep the spread down. #knowledgesad for not knowing LARIAT
N9 WYE +33 Knowledge Large
D4 AWHA(P)E(D) is OP af #knowledgesaddest
4C WAVE(S) +22 Finding Large
10J HAW #findingsaddest
10J HAT +29 Knowledge Large
C3 (K)AIE +11 Strategy Medium
It's looking pretty bad so I have to be aggressive. This sims 3rd best behind F13 (P)IE and C13 AI. #strategymedium
1D (J)ITTER +39 Finding Large
13A DOG(Y) +18 Endgame Medium
I didn't realize I was emptying the bag, though it didn't matter. H3 S(E)CT has a slightly higher valuation. #endgamesadder
E5 VEGO +20 Vision Large
M2 NI(S)I +8 Strategy Medium
B14 I(O) hits a surprising amount of bingos. #strategymedium
10J BARDY +36 Finding Small
13C P(A)RBA(K)ED #findingsad
B4 JEHAd +29 Finding Medium
B2 HEJIrA #findingsadder
M2 HEX +45 Strategy Large
9K (D)OXIE. Fearless. Bold. Couldn't be me. #strategysaddest
C11 BIO +28 Strategy Large
E11 BOIL. #strategysaddest
1E VISUA(L) +27 Vision Large
N1 VIA #visionsaddest
C1 OUGIYA(S) +22 Vision Large
14A LOGY #visionsaddest
exch EIOU +0 Strategy Small
CCC 2023 - Round 4. Exch. AEOU is slightly better. #strategysmall
7A MAY +22 Knowledge Large
There's a lot of stuff that's better than this like 7F MENYIE and F6 ME(I)NY that I wasn't sure of. B6 YE(R) is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
7A MAY +22 Strategy Large
There's a lot of stuff that's better than this like 7F MENYIE and F6 ME(I)NY that I wasn't sure of. B6 YE(R) is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
5H EINE +13 Strategy Medium
C1 NEI(V)E. My play isn't aggressive enough. #strategymedium
6B HOB +46 Strategy Small
The leave for 6A OBOL gets 5 more points next turn. #strategysmall
N8 LOOKETS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C2 LE(V) +12 Vision Large
L11 LENT +17 Endgame Medium
E3 N(I)T is best. #endgamesadder
F6 QA(D)I +34 Tactics Large
I completely misevaluated the leave of KLTX. It's actually the same or slightly worse than a bunch of leaves keeping the Q, so a bunch of 6J K plays are better than this. #tacticssaddest
15A ARIOSO +25 Vision Medium
I think turnover is important with both blanks unseen in 16 unseen tiles, but 15E GOR(G)IO is a better execution of that idea. #visionsadder
4C WEIGEla +73 Endgame Large
A8 WEiGElI(A)/A8 WEIGEli(A) ties after B2 HIPLINE and loses to 4C ELENCHI. I undercounted my score by 1 point so I thought B2 HIPLINE would lose. There are 4 winning plays here. This is one of them, which is better than the also winning B2 WEIGhEd but worse than B2 pIGWEEd. The best play is the savage K9 (OR)G, which I'm guessing always bingos next turn because Championship Player is giving it 40 more points of valuation than B2 pIGWEEd. #ENDGAMESADDEST
10B VUG(G) +17 Vision Small
2D TUX looks alright. #visionsmall
5D M(E)NG +15 Vision Large
C9 D(U)MB #visionSADDEST
J6 ZA +37 Finding Large
3I ZeRDA #findingSADDEST
8D AMINO +16 Tactics Small
Champions Cup 2023, Round 3. 8D MANIA #tacticssad
D8 (AI)A +3 Knowledge Large
M4 DENIALS +66 Vision Large
6G BLUFF +26 Vision Large
N12 JUK(E) +30 Tactics Small
14L WUD #tacticssmall
H1 WID(E) +24 Finding Small
H1 WYT(E) #findingsad
5J OO +23 Knowledge Large
C9 (P)TOOEY #knowledgesaddest
14L YO(K) +19 Vision Large
12A ZITE +50 Time Large
I saw O3 S(QUILL)AE but was too low on time and didn't see that it wins. #TIMESADDEST
K5 (C)HANSoNS +74 Knowledge Large
missed SUNNAHS, not sure I would have played it in 5-point though. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
K5 (C)HANSoNS +74 Finding Large
missed SUNNAHS, not sure I would have played it in 5-point though. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
13C S(W)INGY +55 Finding Large
not sure why I missed TYING A11. Was debating fishing the Y, but saw it only seemed to hit 27/37 or something not so good. I realized that this wasn't right after I played it. Jason insta-challenged IGNORANTS#, which I hadn't even thought about. Just another reason I am the luckiest player ever. TYING is still significantly better than SWINGY+5, which I should have realized. #findinglarge
J2 MOV(I)E +25 Knowledge Large
thought about ENMOVE# but didn't like it. Thought this was a good time to block SHOVELED, since it didn't seem like a big equity swing. But ENMOVE is too good. #knowledgesaddest
exch AIIOU +0 Tactics Small
Exch. AIOU #tacticssad
5B VARIA +25 Knowledge Small
5B VARROA #knowledgesad
O4 THE(S)E +27 Strategy Small
This is the right idea, but O7 (S)HENT is a better execution. #strategysad
1H TAJ +51 Strategy Small
2M JA is a few points better. #strategysad
12K SL(I)VE +28 Endgame Small
15A DENS #endgamesad
J2 ABAsHES +86 Vision Large
3J (B)O(T)EL +14 Endgame Large
F4 EJI(D)O +20 Strategy Small
6B EMOJI is fine too #strategysmall
4C VOL(E) +14 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge, #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14H L(O)VEsOME
4C VOL(E) +14 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge, #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14H L(O)VEsOME
J10 HEY +37 Vision Medium
14E HYE #visionsadder
13K (W)IRY +20 Vision Large
15A MIG +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
B5 OH +28 Knowledge Large
5F (JO)KIEST +36 Strategy Large
He ALMOST played L9 RAIS(I)NG, which would have given me M5 PINKEST D3 P(O)KE here? Keep trying for a bingo? #strategylarge Also, I miscounted 5F (JO)KIEST as 34 oop
1A QI +35 Strategy Small
E10 QI is slightly better. I thought blocking the T would be worth 2 points but it's not. #strategysmall
14B FISTUlA(S) +74 Knowledge Medium
A5 SUlFATI(C) #knowledgemedium
7C LOAD +18 Finding Small
7D ALOED #findingsmall
F6 I(DE)E +13 Strategy Large
Egregious. I can't be playing scared when I'm down this much, I need to play G8 (T)UI. #strategylarge
14A JOY +33 Vision Medium
I didn't see the R(ABIETIC) hook yet for B8 RAJ but this leave is going to bingo much sooner. #visionmedium
H3 XI +22 Vision Medium
M4 XY(S)T #visionmedium
12A VR(OU) +11 Vision Large
N1 VROT sort of forks the board, though a trip-trip through the V is unlikely, this is probably the only realistic way I can win. #visionlarge
6C COMFIE(R) +22 Finding Medium
D7 O(F)FICE #findingSADDER
15D PULW(A)R +19 Strategy Medium
Too defensive, 3K DOWP is fine. #strategymedium
H1 QI +35 Vision Medium
13A QAID #visionSADDER
9E WAFTS +34 Strategy Medium
9E WAFT #strategysadder
8L CO(L)Y +36 Finding Large
O6 YGO #findingsaddest
L8 (C)HEDITE +26 Endgame Medium
5C HIDE #endgamesadder
9B AIRprOX +83 Tactics Small
Right bing, but should've played AIrpROX instead of AIRprOX to reduce Jason's scores by 1 when he plays at 8A. #tacticssmall, like really really small.
M3 AA +13 Tactics Small
So admittedly I missed 2J ARIOT here which looks pretty nice, but picking which fish to make here was tricky. I don't think I appreciated that M1 HOA would bingo a similar amount to the plays fishing off two As. That looks definitely best thanks to the extra 6 points. But F6 AJAR vs M3 AA vs J10 AA was a tough call. I thought M3 AA would help me get down more bingos but apparently AJAR bingos just as much and doesn't open anything up - it certainly would've worked out better here. #tacticssmall
11F OSTIO(L)AR +58 Finding Large
Missing D4 ORATORIOS for 28 more points. #findinglarge
12A CONIUM +30 Finding Small
I didn't see O5 YONI; it seems a hair above CONIUM, which at least partially blocks some of the FOU hooking bingos Jason might have. #findingsmall
B11 B(O)RN +18 Tactics Small
My penchant for mishandling Gs strikes again; this should be RONG for the same score but far more flexible leave (and RONG doesn't allow BORNE plays to go down). #tacticssmall
15G OGLE +20 Strategy Small
I opted to empty the bag here because I was scared that fishes drawing into bingos with R in final position would be unblockable, and felt that playing along row 15 to the middle TWS blocked the most bingos; but it's actually tough for Jason to fish one tile in a way that scores enough for his eventual bingo to win. Something like 15M ERG or ORG to prevent the truly nasty bingos available with FLYPES is probably best. I was at least correct that playing at H15 cuts his bingo% the most. #strategysmall
L8 FLEY +41 Knowledge Small
I considered fishing just the Y, but he'll almost always block my bing if I draw one. Also, L7 FLUEY looks slightly better. #knowledgesmall
14B FoN +16 Time Large
No time. O3 FUNs #timeSADDEST
8G YAY +18 Finding Small
8G YOGA #findingsmall
H12 H(O)UR +33 Knowledge Large
D10 AHURU #knowledgelarge
M4 SERVAGE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
D11 GRAVS #knowledgeSADDEST
8G JOBE +26 Strategy Small
8G GOJI #strategysad
8L TAUT +18 Finding Small
8L TATU #findingsad
I13 YA +20 Strategy Medium
9C YA. I tanked for a long time and then played too fast. #strategysadder
N13 OF +22 Strategy Small
I score way more on my next turn with 8A OF. #strategysad
L1 CARRyO(UT)S +76 Knowledge Large
3I FLI(R)R +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
2F FLIR +19 Endgame Large
H7 V(A)W +9 Tactics Small
9F JOW #tacticssad
M12 MEFF +34 Strategy Small
M12 TOFF #strategysad
L2 VITA +23 Finding Small
I8 (N)OVITY #findingsad
E8 PU(D)IC +20 Time Large
I was running out of time at this point. 9C (Q)UIP. #timesaddest
12A BI(A)T(C)H +32 Time Large
I11 KNOT(S) +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
K7 Q(I) +11 Finding Large
K5 SQu(I)RRS #findingsaddest
M7 R(OM)S +7 Strategy Small
Exch. RRS #strategysad
N2 GuRRIES +78 Knowledge Large
I trusted that GUTTATE didn't take any hooks. F. #knowledgesaddest
12C VARIX +39 Knowledge Small
15L DIVA #knowledgesad
4J DEF +33 Knowledge Large
15G LIFTED #knowledgesaddest
5F MALIST +30 Knowledge Large
15G LITM(U)S #knowledgesaddest
5B JOT +23 Strategy Small
I felt like I needed to block the easy B line but G9 JO is fine. #strategysad
6A WAN +32 Knowledge Large
15H DEN(U)DE #knowledgesaddest
M7 W(U)Z +29 Tactics Medium
6E EWT. Misevaluated CGNZ vs CEGNT. #tacticssadder
J3 TO(N)Y +29 Vision Large
4E CAT(A)TO(n)Y #visionsaddest
N10 EL +13 Strategy Large
I tunneled on fishing. Playing 5 tiles and scoring with N11 LOSEN is fine here. #strategysaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 22789 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 13812 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 38041 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 27752 41 Game is incomplete.
Game 38112 21 Game is incomplete.
Game 3871 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 6527 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 43341 33 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.