Jared Cappel
Jared Cappel
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
VASE(L)INE 1554 74
SE(R)ENATA 453 59
ENAtI(O)NS 143 58
CHAETAL 10690 82
TOILETs 1708 76
FEDERAL 4068 77
ONEIRiC 1139 64
CARRELS 9447 84
MINARET 233 69
BOUrREE 8691 70
UN(E)ASIER 125 68
SiLVERN 3319 73
COiNERS 951 76
REALISE 210 75
FAI(R)GOEr 2755 74
PLUMBED 21443 77
EXCAV(A)tE 20857 88
NUTWOO(D)S 16593 78
SONLIKE 4274 84
RANTING 3760 71
(I)NOTrOPE 943 77
TrEADIN(G) 150 83
BERATES 2165 69
CONCEPT 19599 82
(L)OVEABLE 16719 78
(T)AUTOMER 3568 83
DIGITaT(E) 3670 76
MiSDONE 2006 93
(C)LOTHIER 4108 101
(T)AENIOID 39 87
STYlIST 21928 75
NARCIST 2707 68
CL(E)aTING 1814 90
SPIKIER 14636 84
FORTUNE(D) 2955 89
UNITARD(S) 1318 80
RAGOUTS 3699 81
vIATORS 1672 69
TALLIER 1388 73
ESTRONE 341 69
POTHEAd 5040 87
THINkER 7944 88
BORANES 872 84
BREAk(E)RS 19640 75
(S)EATROUT 1155 77
(O)ESTRUAL 335 70
TING(L)IER 1568 62
ROTA(T)ION 1639 68
GANNETS 4426 75
STASHeD 12890 66
ENTERON 1210 66
(G)RISTLES 9256 87
CYANoS(E)S 15345 63
TE(R)NIONS 489 68
IN(TE)nSIVE 7017 74
DRONINg 7278 74
WANTERS 1613 76
ALlEGRO 5247 79
NONID(E)AL 447 68
HOnOREE 3734 67
Up(S)TARTS 25053 64
DASHEEN 4054 78
SCEPTRE 11490 80
TRAGeDY 4701 86
DiSCOEd 10667 77
FADEOUT 1944 108
INOsITE 247 66
COLUM(E)LS 24546 78
dESKMAN 14079 75
TELSONS 6184 68
(P)YRANOID 5947 82
STIFLeS 13003 80
AN(G)ULATE 2972 60
ROTUNDA 1203 70
NEO(T)ENIC 2340 62
LINTElS 5423 64
RATL(I)NES 74 82
pASTERN 1608 81
SiLVERN 3319 73
T(E)CTITES 19848 70
EUGENIC 5741 69
LOIASES 1750 75
NAPE(R)IES 673 70
HECKL(I)NG 24151 82
eASTERL(Y) 3081 83
COUGARS 10766 75
GROANED 385 74
(R)EINSERT 1303 77
UTIL(I)SEd 3681 78
(I)NFIRmED 9817 86
SORITIC 6269 81
ANI(L)INES 2335 62
OU(T)GIVES 4389 63
DIAMANT(E) 1205 92
HURLIES 5673 93
(D)EMEAnOR 810 83
AERAdIO(S) 126 74
POINTED 962 74
(A)BLuTION 2414 87
TRANNI(E)S 357 60
S(P)ANGLES 18218 62
TOrTURE 6945 69
eXTRAD(O)S 3383 80
SPO(I)LAGE 2216 72
FERRITE 4910 88
ALIUNDE 419 70
WIZARDs 16231 99
NEATNiK 4454 91
(O)PTiCIAN 6578 86
SIDEMEN 4148 70
SHALLOT 16080 78
PARA(K)EET 11760 68
SHAIRNS 12195 81
ANI(M)ATOR 1315 64
pEARLIT(E) 664 68
BLEMISH 17488 78
PILEOUs 3757 74
CLAUSAl 21756 77
TARpANS 8604 65
SpLURG(E)D 16922 61
ADOPTEE 1241 78
RERISIN(G) 6149 61
AVODI(R)ES 559 66
J(A)NITORS 2770 98
(O)UTWEARY 4083 86
pORTEND(S) 2956 77
EGGFRuI(T) 17556 76
DEVI(A)NTS 1039 98
TRUEInG 815 80
PIGNORa 2680 78
PROTE(AS)ES 4825 63
A(U)ROREAN 1498 60
EN(D)ANGER 4206 63
EnI(G)MATA 2132 90
DEnOTES 845 66
UN(P)LOWED 13948 65
cLOQUES 17625 82
EDUCT(O)Rs 5191 94
GRANDAM 13693 89
PRINTI(N)G 17750 94
m(A)NEUVER 7149 70
OUTLIER 189 62
VALUATE 6049 79
AIRIEST 145 79
FRaISES 6672 73
PAiSANO 3705 74
AERO(L)ITH 209 62
AIrBASE 1771 73
(P)RONATES 596 83
GEOGNo(S)Y 22995 63
DUTEOUS 9102 64
C(O)RBINAS 5910 66
(V)ENEReAL 4736 83
OESTR(I)OL 624 70
RECITAL 629 86
AMEERa(T)E 5230 76
IRONMAN 4199 77
WAGSOmE 9830 89
AIRDATE 132 70
BOOkMAN 21158 66
ViTTLES 9471 66
REPICK(E)D* 0 96
MONIT(OR)eD 1131 72
TOILETS 1701 71
NEARISH 668 77
RESoR(C)IN 3581 68
(P)OLLSTER 13536 72
ENT(A)ILER 30 59
(I)NCREATe 239 74
ENSURER 6244 71
OUtPUSH 22692 78
TELLERs 9360 66
CoRREL(ATE)D 1776 74
STENTOR 1800 69
BEROuGE* 0 78
SPLINES 13007 89
DEODARA 4205 78
MASSIER 6684 74
ANTiGUN 6225 64
(R)OUTINES 105 74
BILLERS 12930 73
REMAINS 692 76
pHONICS 17778 81
SUITERS 5431 84
FAIRGO(E)R 2755 64
(V)ERMEILS 10486 78
ZEOLITI(C) 11593 110
ENGIRDS 1732 68
SIENNAS 6190 83
TWOONIE 1346 78
(K)EROSINE 2170 76
QiNDARS 8572 90
RETINTE(D) 1299 72
MORELLE 11950 77
(L)ACTONES 1348 74
STRINGe(R) 3252 70
PANAcHE 15436 75
REHEATS 2217 93
TrAVOIS(E) 231 92
RIMlAND 4953 80
REsECTS 14331 77
AROYNTS 3422 78
BIOCIDE 8571 74
SERVInG 4758 76
URGE(N)TLY 9644 64
fEATURE 2209 66
URANIAS 2378 66
BAIlORS 3328 73
NEATENS 1883 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
IN(TE)nSIVE 7017 74
PROTE(AS)ES 4825 63
MONIT(OR)eD 1131 72
CoRREL(ATE)D 1776 74
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
G(Y)BER* 0 33
VALE(N)T* 0 30
VERAS* 0 18
N(U)W* 0 28
NAFFY* 0 86
MEIN* 0 21
XO* 0 31
TEAKED* 0 26
TAWN* 0 35
BRAVU(RES)* 0 32
REPICK(E)D* 0 96
(G)OOPED* 0 33
FREEH(ELD)* 0 30
BEROuGE* 0 78
TOD(D)IE* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
MIsTRAL 4967 75
PIONEER 490 74
(C)LAMoRED 6716 76
DE(L)USION 885 68
sWAT(H)ING 14365 78
LABRETS 3061 76
STERILE 611 67
LED(G)IEST 3282 72
ENTREES 2705 68
(W)ISTERIA 1257 86
(B)ULlETIN 12299 68
ENACTOR 348 76
FASCIAE 7627 80
ALIASES 5894 68
TErTIAL 545 70
(G)OLDENER 2128 74
SATiRIZ(E) 3167 128
SURVEIL 5682 84
G(O)LIARDS 2588 70
EyEWHIT(E)* 0 92
A(S)TONISH 8814 63
LIERNES 603 73
UNLEAS(E)D 2156 60
CORNETT(I) 1795 83
GENUSES 14705 80
zAREEBA 12486 68
HANGA(R)ED 6972 78
IOLITES 741 77
AGrE(S)TIC 1819 61
pOOFT(E)RS 11839 72
PrAXIS(E)s 18814 88
ROTATES 781 65
ENVIRON 2602 82
SCOUTED 6370 82
INGRAfT 4237 74
OSSETRA 1821 80
IRONIES 244 79
ANEAREd 797 64
TENAILS 115 71
ArABLES 6011 74
MuRDERE(r) 25077 68
STANDER 432 74
HAR(E)LIKE 7787 110
fOOTAGE 4265 61
REEDmAN 2192 76
(C)EMEnTED 16806 76
DIALYSE 3026 82
DoRSALS 11595 62
NATURES 442 64
PILINGS 16485 74
TENRECS 4215 91
eXCITI(N)G 16837 84
EaSEM(e)NT 4744 66
IONOmER 1343 69
IMPONES 5144 79
EMERITA 373 71
FERLIES 4163 83
oU(T)SLEEP 6174 140
COl(L)ATED 9659 76
AMEERA(T)E 5232 72
FuEH(R)ERS 21897 102
ANTIDOr(A) 319 66
RA(C)HISES 14248 78
aLCAYDE 13809 87
DISPROV(E) 6849 101
OSIErED 300 68
NOOD(L)ERS* 0 68
dEFEATE(R) 4731 72
WINDAGE 2540 80
POUTIE(S)T 6081 64
SENARII 143 72
RATTLES 2829 74
INSIpID 18755 75
(A)UTOCADE 3216 76
LIgURES 3484 66
(L)IONISER 404 77
MENTEES 8989 85
CRETON(N)E 4576 66
LEnTOID 167 62
FADEOu(T)S 2784 73
RAIsERS 6192 64
STANDER 432 80
EVASION 335 74
DRAWLER 9396 73
EPEEIST 5945 70
ANnULAR 11169 67
OBESITY 5078 76
AMENDIN(G) 7331 74
OAtCAKE 9087 78
COOTIES 2781 74
CORVETs 8116 85
BASINET 620 78
NERVILY 7165 84
TRE(N)CHeR 15322 78
DEVIATE 1047 79
GAMETES 5730 75
ANGORAS 4227 78
SL(O)UGHED 14294 65
T(E)NANTED 5789 70
LOCAtIO(N) 3443 68
INVeRTS 1633 70
(B)REASTEd 2998 80
UnD(E)RPAY 9060 80
TONIFI(E)D 1689 63
AG(A)TIZES 7558 86
mESTINO 991 75
TONTINE 2428 66
G(N)ATTIER 709 68
GoVERNs 5530 77
(B)aNKERLY 19424 90
LOITERE(D) 174 80
MI(S)TrACE 3329 76
(E)MEROIDS 1931 86
PLAQUES 16833 114
MANT(I)SES 5453 63
SABERIN(G) 1810 84
MESCLUN 16286 78
FLATLIn(E) 5444 78
OSTMA(R)KS 24714 80
CaSTLED 5576 81
OPERATE 482 90
LIMITEd(S) 7932 72
POR(T)ALED 1362 74
TrIF(O)RIA 5897 90
BAN(I)STER 407 68
DIALYSE 3026 93
IGNEOUS 1114 68
(U)NsAFELY 12640 76
ECLAIRS 1485 72
CANTERE(D) 1585 86
CRISTAT(E) 2907 74
ENDBRA(I)N 2877 76
BO(L)SHIES 18857 78
RELlENO 4670 78
REViVi(N)G 21000 76
SANTIMU 4973 92
LEnIENT 1899 68
TR(A)NSFER 5263 66
INVITES 3659 72
WArBLIE(R) 10163 63
PARANoE(A) 4708 68
SODA(L)ITE 100 86
dI(S)OWNED 9709 94
TALCUME(D) 12610 98
StONIES(T) 5775 74
(N)UISaNCE 5143 70
DIETERS 599 73
MODEL(I)nG 4371 76
UNwRAPS 15580 79
(T)ERMiTES 6458 86
SARSN(E)TS 17734 61
GROCERY 16904 84
DROPLeT 3881 84
TE(Q)UILAS 4988 104
CREASED 4030 86
bEFAVOR* 0 80
BA(R)ITONE 50 74
FITTEST 17884 88
(L)ADDIeST 4282 83
WIsENTs 9798 80
AUT(O)SoME 3931 101
(H)AYSTACK 29700 113
wAIL(S)OME 3919 72
SPRITIN(G)* 0 69
CAST(R)ATE 8922 74
STANCES 9740 77
WAITING(S) 9388 76
FAMINES 4373 80
(F)OOTINGS 11551 89
BoSOMED 15664 80
(D)ELUSORY 8241 89
LOANI(N)GS 5618 72
BARONET 346 74
CHIVaRE(E) 8667 82
RETABLO 871 85
PINcERS 7123 73
IONONEs 2623 84
PATRONS 3418 76
aCQUIRE 7777 85
HER(B)AGES 12723 74
mUTI(LA)TEd 5297 78
BRANDEd 9732 74
(L)OITEREd 174 74
WEARIES 1065 84
tEETH(I)NG 8485 63
ALIENE(R)S 120 61
SerOTIN(Y) 619 80
O(B)LIGATI 7055 65
EVINCED 8347 82
AMIRaTE 825 80
SALtIER 119 76
DE(U)TERIC 3103 74
(C)RITIqUE 14400 63
TARGE(T)ED 4215 64
cYANOS(E)D 6723 78
FLANGED 7487 79
SNORTER 1799 70
LOMENTS 3921 63
ISOLA(T)ED 99 72
(O)RDAINEd 499 77
STRIDE(R)S 11508 78
RESILED 1379 75
DECORAT(E) 802 86
RUGOLAs 6087 85
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
oU(T)SLEEP 6174 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
mUTI(LA)TEd 5297 78
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
WUS* 0 0
cABALES* 0 0
FLOR(Y)* 0 0
BE(TAX)* 0 0
BA(TON)ED* 0 0
FLOCC(O)* 0 0
BLEH* 0 0
WOD* 0 0
AWLED* 0 0
SPADI* 0 0
BR(A)NG* 0 0
UPA* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
EyEWHIT(E)* 0 92
ZE(R)OER* 0 50
NOOD(L)ERS* 0 68
OUTGOT* 0 79
CURIAS* 0 78
bEFAVOR* 0 80
SPRITIN(G)* 0 69
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
WUS* 0 0
cABALES* 0 0
FLOR(Y)* 0 0
BE(TAX)* 0 0
BA(TON)ED* 0 0
FLOCC(O)* 0 0
BLEH* 0 0
KID 777 0
AWLED* 0 0
APEXES 9714 0
BR(A)NG* 0 0
UPA* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 108
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.06 2815
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.55 59
Score 419.73 45331
Score per Turn 32.2870
Turns 13.00 1404
Vertical Plays 5.62 607
Horizontal Plays 6.38 689
One Tile Plays 0.49 53
Other Plays 0.51 55
Firsts 0.47 51
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.6254
Exchanges 0.25 27
High Game 616
Low Game 279
Highest Scoring Turn 110
Bingos Played 2.01 217
Sevens 1.14 123
Eights 0.83 90
Nines 0.03 3
Tens 0.01 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5868.75
Sevens 6031.34
Eights 5745.74
Nines 4324.33
Tens 1776.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.41 5228
A 4.20 454
B 0.94 101
C 0.95 103
D 1.69 182
E 5.81 627
F 0.85 92
G 1.46 158
H 1.06 114
I 4.23 457
J 0.52 56
K 0.59 64
L 1.98 214
M 0.89 96
N 2.98 322
O 4.04 436
P 0.92 99
Q 0.55 59
R 3.06 330
S 1.98 214
T 2.96 320
U 1.86 201
V 0.92 99
W 0.98 106
X 0.53 57
Y 0.97 105
Z 0.53 57
? 0.97 105
Power Tiles Played 5.07 548
? 0.97 105
J 0.52 56
Q 0.55 59
X 0.53 57
Z 0.53 57
S 1.98 214
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 13
? 0.04 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.06 6
Turns With a Blank 1.56 168
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.03 3
Bonus Square Coverage 15.93 1720
Double Letter 5.26 568
Triple Letter 5.63 608
Double Word 2.70 292
Triple Word 2.33 252
Phony Plays 0.27 29
Unchallenged 0.16 17
Challenged Off 0.11 12
Challenges 0.22 24
You Won 0.11 12
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.11 12
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5862
Comments 12.18 1315
Comments Word Length 399.82 43181
Mistakeless Turns 13.00 1404
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4667 (0.4428, 0.5254)
B 0.4700 (0.3965, 0.5717)
C 0.4750 (0.3965, 0.5717)
D 0.4225 (0.4222, 0.5460)
E 0.4842 (0.4483, 0.5199)
F 0.4250 (0.3965, 0.5717)
G 0.4867 (0.4126, 0.5556)
H 0.5300 (0.3965, 0.5717)
I 0.4700 (0.4428, 0.5254)
J 0.5200 (0.3602, 0.6080)
K 0.5900 (0.3602, 0.6080)
L 0.4950 (0.4222, 0.5460)
M 0.4450 (0.3965, 0.5717)
N 0.4967 (0.4335, 0.5347)
O 0.5050 (0.4403, 0.5279)
P 0.4600 (0.3965, 0.5717)
Q 0.5500 (0.3602, 0.6080)
R 0.5100 (0.4335, 0.5347)
S 0.4950 (0.4222, 0.5460)
T 0.4933 (0.4335, 0.5347)
U 0.4650 (0.4222, 0.5460)
V 0.4600 (0.3965, 0.5717)
W 0.4900 (0.3965, 0.5717)
X 0.5300 (0.3602, 0.6080)
Y 0.4850 (0.3965, 0.5717)
Z 0.5300 (0.3602, 0.6080)
? 0.4850 (0.3965, 0.5717)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.45 49
Score 413.31 44637
Score per Turn 31.6350
Turns 13.06 1411
Vertical Plays 5.80 626
Horizontal Plays 6.17 666
One Tile Plays 0.59 64
Other Plays 0.51 55
Firsts 0.53 57
Vertical Openings per First 0.3600
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6400
Full Rack per Turn 0.9568
Exchanges 0.26 28
High Game 573
Low Game 273
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 1.91 206
Sevens 0.95 103
Eights 0.94 102
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6024.03
Sevens 4877.34
Eights 7212.82
Nines 5297.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.91 5282
A 4.59 496
B 1.04 112
C 0.99 107
D 2.17 234
E 5.88 635
F 1.14 123
G 1.44 155
H 0.94 102
I 4.39 474
J 0.47 51
K 0.39 42
L 1.87 202
M 1.09 118
N 2.81 304
O 3.76 406
P 1.05 113
Q 0.43 46
R 2.72 294
S 1.94 209
T 2.88 311
U 2.00 216
V 1.02 110
W 1.01 109
X 0.47 51
Y 1.01 109
Z 0.45 49
? 0.96 104
Power Tiles Played 4.72 510
? 0.96 104
J 0.47 51
Q 0.43 46
X 0.47 51
Z 0.45 49
S 1.94 209
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 9
? 0.03 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.03 3
Turns With a Blank 2.24 242
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.06 7
Bonus Square Coverage 15.79 1705
Double Letter 4.95 535
Triple Letter 5.28 570
Double Word 3.20 346
Triple Word 2.35 254
Phony Plays 0.19 20
Unchallenged 0.07 8
Challenged Off 0.11 12
Challenges 0.22 24
You Won 0.11 12
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.11 12
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4000
Comments 12.18 1315
Comments Word Length 399.82 43181
Mistakeless Turns 12.81 1383
Mistakes per Turn 0.0213
Mistakes 0.28 30
Knowledge 0.03 3
Finding 0.13 14
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.02 2
Strategy 0.08 9
Endgame 0.02 2
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5100 (0.4478, 0.5304)
B 0.5200 (0.4015, 0.5767)
C 0.4950 (0.4015, 0.5767)
D 0.5425 (0.4271, 0.5511)
E 0.4900 (0.4533, 0.5249)
F 0.5700 (0.4015, 0.5767)
G 0.4800 (0.4176, 0.5606)
H 0.4700 (0.4015, 0.5767)
I 0.4878 (0.4478, 0.5304)
J 0.4700 (0.3652, 0.6130)
K 0.3900 (0.3652, 0.6130)
L 0.4675 (0.4271, 0.5511)
M 0.5450 (0.4015, 0.5767)
N 0.4683 (0.4385, 0.5397)
O 0.4700 (0.4453, 0.5329)
P 0.5250 (0.4015, 0.5767)
Q 0.4300 (0.3652, 0.6130)
R 0.4533 (0.4385, 0.5397)
S 0.4850 (0.4271, 0.5511)
T 0.4800 (0.4385, 0.5397)
U 0.5000 (0.4271, 0.5511)
V 0.5100 (0.4015, 0.5767)
W 0.5050 (0.4015, 0.5767)
X 0.4700 (0.3652, 0.6130)
Y 0.5050 (0.4015, 0.5767)
Z 0.4500 (0.3652, 0.6130)
? 0.4800 (0.4015, 0.5767)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
J4 ArABLES +74 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest BALASEs
J4 ArABLES +74 Finding Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest BALASEs
C12 HEX +35 Strategy Medium
not playing DEX is a big mistake #strategymedium
3M PIA +22 Finding Small
probably should play U(L)PAN or P(L)AIN here O1 #strategysmall #findingsmall
3M PIA +22 Strategy Small
probably should play U(L)PAN or P(L)AIN here O1 #strategysmall #findingsmall
I9 E(C)U +17 Strategy Large
F3 UN(D)UE is a lot better. #strategysaddest
5B RULY +30 Finding Large
missing L8 SURR(O)YAL. Tough finds this game, gotta see them though #findinglarge
7H fOOTAGE +61 Finding Large
OOGAMETE #findingsaddest
F2 OVOID +27 Finding Medium
I guess not opening the 3x3 is OK. I think D1 VOICED is still the play. #findingmedium
F10 TIE +20 Finding Small
9C TE(L)IA #findingsmall
14J ODEON +28 Finding Large
14A NOL(O) seems good here #findinglarge
15L NEEM +30 Strategy Medium
now 14A LEMON or MELON. I think I considered those too, but wanted to cover the big spot I shouldn't have opened up last turn. #strategymedium
L1 WAIN +37 Finding Small
L2 WIN is a nice idea to set up my case T. TWIN also sims better than this, not a human move, though I guess considering there are no vowels left it's fine. #findingsmall
10C FL(IT)S +20 Tactics Small
2K S(A)LTS does best. #tacticssmall
2E V(O)LT +7 Endgame Medium
-9 M7 (GI)MP setting up VOLTS #endgamemedium
12F BAHT +16 Strategy Small
BARB in the same spot is seemingly better, as THN goes a lot better with column m in hitting a bingo, winning by 1.5 #strategysmall
14B VO(I)CED +28 Strategy Small
I probably prefer GROOVED a little bit here, though I guess this is okay. #strategysmall
1A NIM(B)I +27 Knowledge Large
talked myself out of MINIUM #knowledgesaddest
F4 ABOO(N) +24 Finding Large
tack the G on dumbo #findingsaddest
exch DIUUW +0 Finding Medium
K2 EXTR(A)S +31 Endgame Medium
missing EXS(E)RT B5, but I wanted to C+V stick myself and wondered if Jared would care. #endgamemedium
9F GANE +18 Tactics Medium
whenever i have the option to overlap the same word above and below, i ALWAYS pick the wrong one. i don't know why the simmer likes the top one so much better (almost 4 pts??). help? #tacticsmedium
K10 T(O)T +9 Strategy Medium
obviously L(A)TTER here, which i was about to lay down, but i don't seemingly understand the concept of "cut your losses". now i am absolutely putting all my eggs in the AELRT basket. this one is definitely a significant mistake, simming almost 8 pts back. #strategymedium #tilt?
J2 PINcERS +73 Finding Small
i didn't want to waste too much time on this rack but PrERINS(E) is best. #findingsmall
11B JUGA +28 Strategy Small
i strongly considered L6 GOJI/JUGA and 11C JIAO as well, which all sim slightly better than my play. i liked being aggressive with the blank and thought it unlikely that he had another A, although i don't really know why. i am again, though, putting a lot of eggs in that basket. it's probably better to just do GOJI; i seem to be doing that thing again where i take bigger and bigger risks when i am doing well at a tournament, and it usually ends up burning me. #strategysmall
D2 CRU(C)IAL +24 Strategy Medium
there's a bunch of plays that sim better again, but i thought it very important to go for the X. there are at least two large spots for it, and it seemed like this was the way to win. macondo likes being more measured with F2 CUI(N)G or 7C AULIC, 7D URIC, etc. am i deluding myself and just getting super lucky? #strategymedium
F2 GOO(N)Y +21 Knowledge Medium
i saw GOOLY of course, but i was not 100% on it and i'm not about to throw away this win. #knowledgemedium
C3 PAD +20 Finding Small
14A TAPER was my first thought. G11 R(I)P sims second best, and I never thought of it. I decided there's no need to open the bottom, but I think RIP is probably correct, it sims 5 points higher. I bingo much more. #findingsmall
6J MY +28 Finding Large
absolutely horrendous and proves my weakness as well as my tilt. Saw TYRAMINE instantly, and never found ENORMITY or MISENTRY. I decided against TYRAMINE because he is a lot closer to 3x3s than average. This I think was fine, if TYRAMINE was the only bingo. #findingSADDEST
L12 DIVE +26 Finding Small
so stupid and tilted I was, getting pissed I didn't bingo and missed DEVI in the same spot for better scoring defense and likelier 3x3 through the I than the E. #findingsmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 45566 42 Game is incomplete.
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Game Line Error
Game 39762 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 2).
Game 39765 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 5).
Game 39805 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 1).
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