Jackson Smylie
Jackson Smylie
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(E)NDOrSEE 2879 74
PROTEIN 358 72
pOTTIES 4652 81
SAUNTER 443 71
VENaTIC 2407 80
BEgINN(E)R 8485 77
KAIN(I)TES 3161 98
ANEURI(n)S 938 61
TRIAGED 254 74
BEARING 1212 70
COU(R)TIER 3584 72
VANITI(E)S 1253 74
GAINLI(E)R 637 77
(T)RACHEAL 9777 102
REC(A)NTED 1588 69
C(R)OSTINI 5080 61
EMOTI(C)ON 5266 75
VARUSES 13020 73
SNOOTED 2135 70
I(N)ERTIAE 44 67
(T)EOSINTE 739 68
Pe(AR)MAINS 3888 74
FAIR(I)NGS 9390 78
T(A)BERING 781 74
(P)ANIcKED 15681 82
SE(P)TORIA 230 83
IDON(E)OUS 1489 63
BATFoWL 17762 77
(R)IMESTER 6457 83
SCANTED 3075 86
UMBRAgE 12210 75
FLuO(R)IDE 2817 65
ANTIgAY 7410 76
aBIOTIC 7900 71
SANTOLS 8585 66
ETAlONS 161 84
STEARIC 640 68
ARANC(I)NI 12301 61
SLUDGES 18784 76
DEVEINs 4154 80
APLENtY 7071 80
INTRO(N)IC 9342 74
EROTI(C)AL 194 70
WHIST(L)ED 12665 65
(D)AYCARES 13264 69
TURB(O)FAN 9428 102
LINTIEr 503 85
INKIEST 6648 79
(M)OONEYES 13230 68
ENGLISH 7548 82
(E)NtAILER 30 74
TERPINO(L) 611 85
OVE(R)ACTS 4039 77
SUNDAES 8432 77
LoGGI(E)ST 9311 72
MORELLE 11968 69
CORN(M)EAL 4028 98
(T)AUTNESS 11502 77
NORTeNA(S) 481 71
ROTA(R)IES 145 70
INJERAS 1752 86
TELOGEN(S) 2129 61
SO(R)EHEAD 1900 98
RATAFEe 2512 94
OUTSTAY(S) 23396 86
OUTRAIS(E) 25 77
ERRANDs 2811 67
TeSTUDO 5937 66
AMORInO 2501 75
FIANCES 4320 84
RUSTIER 2862 81
CORBEIL 5065 73
DEME(R)ARA 10318 94
SWINGER 4760 76
ROB(O)TIST* 0 74
R(E)HANGED 4612 69
CREaTES 2184 79
SON(A)RMEN 3563 72
cLOTHED 11197 68
R(ET)ARDING 781 63
(C)ARINATE 503 72
REST(R)UNg 8872 66
TI(T)LARKS 15521 74
MIDIRO(N)S 8133 63
PRUI(N)OsE 1480 86
RESITIN(G) 1570 70
(C)ALATHUS 22622 76
(I)nFRACTS 8245 89
UPTREND(S) 7559 86
RENNETS 3770 66
NITERIE 303 72
R(E)sTROVE 7486 72
AUNTIES 124 72
sWAT(H)ING 14365 78
LABRETS 3061 76
STERILE 611 67
ER(I)GERON 1186 63
TEPhRIT(E) 11496 77
TOSTONE 4868 66
RENTALS 439 68
REIN(F)ECT(S) 4495 64
EPIBL(A)ST 5639 65
STAIDER 103 78
TECHIEs 8362 95
MIsTRAL 4967 75
PIONEER 490 74
(R)EIMAGED 2346 66
KAOLINs 6208 77
STREUSE(L) 11665 60
INOsINE 2130 80
(O)STRACOn 6016 80
VINASSE 6735 77
BENEFiC 12813 82
(B)ONDYARD* 0 80
EUcAINE 1043 73
ERRANTS 1290 73
VIOLaTO(R) 3270 70
NEoNATE 473 64
RUSTIER 2859 73
GLa(Z)IERY 12339 230
SHAN(D)IES 8607 78
bLU(E)FINS 12713 90
QUITTEr(S) 12864 101
REEDmAN 2192 76
DENTOID 1822 72
STORYM(E)N* 0 84
MANTE(A)US 4931 72
RATI(C)IDE 1237 63
DEMOTES 4806 76
St(E)ADIER 119 80
(A)ERATIOn 10 79
PANIERS 704 81
MANSI(O)NS 17259 75
J(E)TpORTs 19578 102
FIEL(D)ERS 5343 84
MESSING 15089 75
COR(N)ETTI 1798 68
EASTERS 3977 70
ROTTERS 6944 72
SA(L)IENCE 1526 74
(E)NFORCES 7610 94
INtERNE 973 65
MARLINE 640 78
(A)EROSTAT 1420 62
LINKERS 6141 79
STEAMIE 1065 71
(DE)CENTRED 15834 92
AMARONE 1133 78
ROUTEM(A)N 594 90
RE(A)LISES 2766 66
FRIEnDS 3239 80
GROANED 385 72
O(V)ERSIZE 8271 100
fEED(H)OLE 17614 76
TAWNIER 238 77
SEIZERS 14747 108
SOILAGE 381 72
BLEARIE(R) 3685 70
TIPsIER 3664 95
GARRIS(O)N 3409 68
sTRIATA 5172 72
OATIEST 249 69
InTWINE 7203 85
UNIVER(S)E 2997 65
RETARDS 2690 69
(P)rEVUiNG 10885 74
AGROUND 3673 71
FLATM(A)TE 18055 88
PIRATES 720 79
TRIGONS 1851 67
ANAER(O)BE 949 61
RECENTl(Y) 10598 89
I(N)FESTER 1621 72
DRACo(N)IC 14973 89
MELANI(Z)E 7781 88
(m)ASTERLY 9060 74
BORATED 867 74
PLOuGH(E)R 16451 92
SEVERAL 4110 72
AEROsAT 240 67
MAD(E)IRAS 2550 149
SLITHER(Y) 9139 66
DEHAIRS 1497 80
ALBINOs 3329 74
NAUTICA(L) 7280 72
pOLITER 988 79
KNEADE(R)S 6008 64
MO(V)IOLAS 14567 76
CONSENT 7416 73
RABIES(E)s 6605 79
IDE(A)LIzE 6536 58
WI(C)OPIES 16476 66
TIDINE(S)S 7740 63
SYSTEMS 24609 91
BREAST(E)D 3001 72
BUGG(I)EST 20813 68
(D)RIVELER 9617 63
(A)RGOSIES 2107 72
UnDERLA(Y) 4492 86
FACTOID 7237 79
(B)ARENESS 10028 72
EG(O)tIZES 5797 71
DOOR(S)TEP 6888 80
LEAGU(I)nG 8218 60
SUDARIa 4255 61
SEG(M)ENTS 19891 65
DASSIES 17076 75
C(O)VETING 5631 65
iNFLU(EN)ZA 14548 92
HeR(B)ARIA 10805 63
DEADL(I)NE 2768 65
ANORETI(C) 55 74
(A)RRANTlY 15456 83
PREV(I)EWS 16123 76
FERMI(O)NS 4137 64
DOTAGES 1097 72
MEDIANS 1509 80
TUMBL(E)RS 16568 64
OvERLE(A)P 4818 72
INFLAME 4373 81
WITHOUT(S) 20939 104
INCOMER 2757 79
MITOtIC 17560 82
VE(G)ETANT 8484 63
INsHORE 975 83
VIRgULE 7571 74
AZURITE 1768 77
AIRsPAC(E) 6282 65
cOTEAUS 1940 70
GRECIZE 14241 108
TAVERN(E)D* 0 74
PATOOT(I)E 2496 74
TARGE(T)ED 4215 64
cYANOS(E)D 6723 78
FLANGED 7487 79
AlANINE 1674 64
ANTRUMS 8020 84
C(A)STR(A)TER 13400 65
WI(N)TERED 1619 72
PARROTS 9676 92
THYMINE(s) 14757 80
KIRTLES 6157 82
STRI(K)ING 17583 78
SOCIEtY 5117 91
MEPHIT(I)S 18940 68
D(I)ORITES 404 63
SNORTER 1799 70
TITLARk 12493 70
SOLATES 3577 84
WILLETS 13000 93
UNEATEN 1882 65
LIAISO(N)s 7814 64
PERI(A)NTH 1715 76
C(O)NNOTED 11241 62
ACERBeS(T) 7090 94
MEtHANE 5344 74
(G)ERARDIA 3675 83
NARCIST 2720 72
DETa(C)HES 10419 76
RENEWaL 2228 78
MATA(D)ORS 8128 64
ROILIER 2128 73
(A)EROnAUT 127 71
UNMEANT 6487 90
AGOU(T)IEs 254 68
(R)EDOLENT 513 63
R(E)PLIERS 9616 74
ENDORsE(R) 3390 79
SoRBITO(L) 9277 86
(C)ENSURED 8536 65
CHO(R)INES 4121 78
BISTRED 3228 79
ANOREXI(C) 2408 104
STADIAS 11285 89
EVIDENT 2274 69
TAnGEN(C)E 8465 76
DISCASE 9585 87
PARTIER 2117 69
DR(A)GLINE 456 76
ANEURIn 520 64
(P)ANFRIES 3172 65
AEROLIT(H) 195 86
UNs(E)ATED 956 82
LOOP(I)EsT 3968 86
AVOIdED 4775 89
CAT(M)INTS 16750 66
TOUTERS 3517 82
sER(O)TINE 49 78
STOLLEN 6173 71
SOOTIER 366 82
SAUTEED 1373 81
PILOTeD 2003 84
WE(B)INARs 3294 167
TERRASS(E) 9416 77
NAUTILI 2381 62
sORDINI 2721 72
AMREE(T)AS 3478 63
(G)RANTEES 747 80
C(E)NTRIST 5274 74
TE(N)ORIST 493 62
TROCHEE 6104 76
NEgRONI 1314 74
DIvE(R)TED 10075 72
ENR(A)GING 9362 64
ELDESTS 12507 80
COLOBoM(A) 28411 76
BUGG(I)EST 20813 68
(D)RIVELER 9617 63
REGIONS 409 74
SATYRIC 9253 101
CONF(I)NED 11213 70
REGInAL 258 79
(L)IKEWISE 19102 69
ORATuRE 780 81
NANNIED 7566 81
TINDERS 446 72
REtENES 2694 80
INVEIG(L)E 8078 74
FEASiNG 2545 93
DOILIES 1569 75
(T)ROUNCES 2953 83
KIMONOS 18254 79
TRUSTOr 15393 72
cOLLIER 7631 68
RESCORE 8275 66
(S)ENIlITY 4700 70
zAREEBA 12486 68
HANGA(R)ED 6972 78
ANNOYER(S) 3570 72
GLUN(C)HES 21971 82
RIVuLET 3305 86
TRAbEAT(E) 7080 68
OMNIBUS 13526 102
BiOTRON 4670 63
MURRHAS 20673 86
IOLITES 741 77
AGrE(S)TIC 1819 61
LEA(L)TIES 2765 60
OUTSIDE 519 73
NAUGHTs 13062 86
CROONeR 9014 79
GRADING 11847 71
AErOBIC 1297 83
RATTEEN 1020 68
HEILING 8189 71
CLARTIc* 0 74
sOLERET 851 76
LeTDOwN 3883 76
DEPARTS 3137 93
STUDIES 8456 95
(R)ENTABLE 1583 70
REC(E)NSOR 7452 62
REBUILT 3235 65
STINGER 816 70
OBVIGA(T)E* 0 66
(B)eARCATS 9751 86
OVArIES 340 74
IN(V)ERTED 1534 64
TRELLIS 5200 69
FERRIED 7388 80
TONGUES 2223 85
ARBORIs(T) 5092 80
HOrIZON 15657 77
STAMPED 10036 92
Ur(E)DINIA 310 71
CTENOID 946 79
DIFF(U)SER 21776 65
TAGGERS 9294 75
TOrN(I)LLO 8879 59
HA(L)IOTIS 4995 76
BIALIES 3525 83
PhAETON 2617 78
(S)TEADIER 112 83
URALITE 117 70
OVERB(R)ED 16371 86
BA(N)SHEES 19121 86
ATA(B)RINE 502 74
Li(G)ROINS 5412 74
CL(I)TTERS 8362 61
(D)IOXANES 1665 68
IdEATI(V)E 1756 72
MEALIEs 2125 71
LACTATE(D) 12498 86
ORATION 272 62
ELUENTS 2789 75
GRASP(I)nG 19100 62
(F)INISHER 9319 95
FLUO(R)INE 1454 68
JOlTERS 6960 104
HERA(l)dED 13663 72
LEAVIER 1058 70
BANDIES 1451 79
pOOFT(E)RS 11839 72
iNSET(T)ER 1243 66
N(E)RDIEsT 359 60
sHORTIE 980 73
SEATERs 3960 77
C(A)ROUSEL 2780 83
(s)EVErALS 13734 89
(O)UTDARED 2615 76
TrA(N)SMIT 7729 68
RUINERS 2861 66
EPAUlET 4106 75
(A)BAtISES 9325 80
PENTADS 3130 73
eTHN(I)CAL 3308 98
(L)OCALISM 21226 74
SURIc(A)TE 1018 78
EMULSIO(N) 2836 74
R(A)TIOnED 4 70
HO(N)EYING 13809 80
DIAMAN(T)E 1205 69
(P)ENURIES 3157 72
(C)OTTIERS 3585 83
REbU(R)IAL 5145 59
ORNITHI(C) 10006 76
IN(T)EREST 1311 74
BEELINE 5943 72
COlEADS 3742 74
CA(R)OLING 3832 74
EGE(S)TION 353 70
LOIASES 1758 82
LOESsAL 13667 75
B(L)OATING 3840 76
(N)ARROWER 12314 66
CTENID(I)A 1237 65
GINSEN(G)S 26369 74
NEITHER 1085 77
ARNoTTO 4444 78
MALINES 1547 77
EXTR(A)NET 7257 82
TIARAED 134 74
DITHERS 3253 108
RURA(L)ISE 2073 70
REBOANT 347 74
CElOSiA 854 83
STALAgS 18724 67
RAFTERE(D) 6369 89
PROMOIN(G) 17274 89
PERLITE 2298 72
MANGOEs 2968 89
SWELTe(R)Y* 0 76
CHORTEN 5228 79
ABUSErS 12270 72
DEMETON 2524 87
REDRIN(K)s* 0 66
ESPALIE(R) 1555 70
tSARINA 1171 87
SERIFED 4135 74
SLURVES 18518 79
CR(E)oDONT 4191 90
SHUTTLE 15671 79
ZEBROId 8797 104
RECoVE(R)Y 21544 71
CARfARE 14857 83
(C)ONIOSEs 11513 82
SCUTTeD* 0 89
UROPOd(A)L 12780 68
TOLLERs 6213 64
HOECAKE 14778 84
OgREISH 2998 88
RESEDAS 6311 81
JeRKIES 15951 75
CODEINS 1995 75
ALLoVER 7667 65
uNANELE(D) 4884 79
SINCERE 2251 71
OUTRIDe(R) 1158 77
SNIFTER 1623 67
ARBORES 4595 72
OREGANO 732 68
(S)QuEALED 12859 104
MaLTOSE 1971 83
TO(L)UIDES 889 68
DOLLARS 11585 69
SHITBAG 14613 81
gRADUAT(E) 2970 80
FEATEsT 7678 85
(E)NjOINED 7969 60
ISATINS 8216 74
CH(A)LONeS 6718 82
OUTlEAP(S) 2797 86
MIDIRON 6269 66
JAPoN(I)CA 19958 86
FORERAN 2578 69
RiDDAnC(E) 5428 86
ORATU(R)ES 1151 59
DINnERS 2839 74
PRETRAI(N) 1507 96
SLAPDA(s)H 28815 80
RESOUND 1320 75
B(L)EEdERS 14772 83
TENTERS 3796 73
OLE(F)INIC 7396 76
ENDEARS 573 72
NEUTRAL 416 72
REtINAL 17 78
ANOmIES 311 68
COGNAT(E)S 2234 63
KNEECAP(s) 19390 80
NORL(A)NDS 6689 72
SAF(A)RIED 2409 84
ONSTAGE 372 73
FASTING 6853 105
GIBbETS 19250 80
NATRONS 3018 79
InPOU(R)ED 1442 76
LEnTOID 167 68
G(R)ENADES 1721 74
BINDERS 3201 93
DONAIRS 461 75
REPOSER 8639 94
ETRIERS 1909 71
DIALIN(G)S 7621 76
NON(A)CIDS 8445 76
LEACHES 11353 105
CAJOlI(N)G 16433 88
PEaLING 2552 65
STORAgE 396 80
TRILLER 9203 72
INfAMI(E)S 6314 77
SAtIRES 1398 81
iNPOURs 5887 66
E(C)OTOURS 6878 64
DALEThS 5594 86
PARChIS(I) 21383 92
DENTALS 1148 72
DECILES 6601 99
NUTSIER 453 73
TREADLE 573 77
Y(E)ASTIER 679 81
ELICITO(R) 1684 69
GASOGE(N)e 7244 70
ETHENES 8983 72
TOROIDS 3433 84
(C)OMmENTE(D) 21435 71
HAlLOA(E)D 14037 65
NERDIER 1896 77
AwEIGHT* 0 86
cHEAPEN 12782 83
VELArIA 1781 64
FAITHEd 4356 81
TACRI(N)ES 417 76
(D)AUNTERS 721 80
TAENITE(S) 524 77
GIFTEES 5760 74
WESTeRN 4227 83
VASELIn(E) 1553 83
MEROPIA 1305 67
(ME)TALLINg 7634 83
U(N)RIDDLE 7204 74
vALIANT 5462 65
(T)ITLARKS 15549 74
HOARSE(s)T 6491 149
PELORIA 325 77
BENE(D)ICT 7153 66
NOSTRUM 8895 79
NIDGETS 2257 70
F(R)EEgANS 5904 74
SLiMMED 19737 70
(V)ALERIaN 1216 83
ALFREDO 1941 84
LANITAL 8214 64
TUNNAGE 4427 68
UNF(O)RGED 7357 65
ADNEX(O)Ns* 0 84
SURFeI(T)S 12247 64
A(N)NEALER 3187 68
I(M)BITTER 14511 78
S(T)ILlSON 19355 68
IN(T)ImATE 3269 73
INCITES 3636 80
LAIRAGE 1037 76
LENGTHY 15409 83
SW(I)NGERS 14811 66
(S)UDORITY* 0 89
SPICULE 13280 68
L(A)NDWaSH 22645 68
qUER(C)INE 11292 70
MEERKAT 8926 69
TRIUNES 453 77
PROMoED 12639 78
TALLOW(E)D 9673 76
LEErIER 5695 69
GLIMN(E)SS* 0 63
(A)TAVISMS 23750 76
UNP(A)IRED 1036 63
HOWdIES 8048 83
TERM(I)NAL 428 70
SOBERED 4781 76
PETTISH 14403 78
AGNOS(T)IC 3829 76
ROSINED 171 73
AGEINGS 6222 76
DENIALS 417 72
TRILL(E)RS 11515 59
JEERINg 6209 84
OVERNIC(E) 2602 92
R(A)TAFiAS 12674 70
BLASTIN(G) 8715 86
TOXEMIA 3035 98
o(V)ERRIFE 8866 86
BARTERS 6446 69
sTA(R)DOMS 16306 90
EPOXIEs 9550 89
APPOiNT 11965 76
DROUTHS 12003 77
AGISTED 757 72
uNSHAV(E)N 17480 84
IMPART(E)D 3342 67
TAENIOI(D) 39 70
BUTy(F)IED* 0 76
STINK(E)RS 13215 69
RESIN(A)TE 34 70
DAsYURE(S) 15942 95
ANSWERS 9779 75
E(Q)UATING 4297 86
GUAnACO 11444 72
ARGALAS 16743 70
HOMIEST 5136 98
TAENIAS 136 78
ACERATE 2509 91
TORsADE 154 74
KARsTIC 13309 72
REGOSOL 5544 80
REDIALs 422 84
THAn(E)DOM 4044 102
INVISI(O)N* 0 74
DOlE(R)ITE 173 60
sTAINER 27 78
O(I)NOMELs 3952 60
FLAGSHI(P) 25113 92
cOMEMb(E)R 27640 167
(R)ESONATE 46 77
CEN(T)RING 7462 65
BIGuINE 8238 74
SCALAGE 11290 71
REEBoKS 13036 104
FENiNGS 11654 80
BUSTARD 11044 83
MARINES 691 78
TIGLOnS 3683 81
uTOPIST 12758 91
I(C)EBLINk 22798 158
REpAINT 237 86
PICKLiN(G) 28923 70
SERPIG(O)S 12017 80
DENSITY 3274 80
EVOLvES 19073 79
NAIVETE 377 72
DRYS(T)oNE 2967 94
LEoTA(R)DS 329 70
M(U)RICATE 3327 66
INHALED 1495 69
FOLIAgE(D) 2210 76
TALLEST 11767 72
STAFfED 16775 79
OUTRAIS(E) 25 70
MARCAto 11047 82
TeSTUDO 5937 66
AMORInO 2501 75
FIANCES 4320 84
RUSTIER 2862 81
V(I)OLATED 550 68
DIRTbAG 6789 82
PR(E)ACTED 7106 76
NEOTENY 5767 64
GOWNS(M)AN 22857 68
ANOMIES 328 82
RE(L)ATIVE 666 74
eNCHANT 11295 86
(L)AMINOSE 565 83
DANSE(U)SE 8196 78
ENtRAI(NE)R 823 77
RATIONS 129 70
BILL(O)wED 18854 63
O(L)EANDER 165 67
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
F(A)CTORED 4008 78
fISTULA 7912 64
LUCIFER 10109 75
iNTONES 790 74
sCANNED 9378 78
LEEBOAR(D) 1893 86
OUTSkAT(E) 10188 68
LUCIFeR 10108 74
s(P)ITTOON 14118 72
TAR(W)EEDS 3064 64
LOONIER 363 77
RUSHINg 13079 81
S(U)NBATHE 8997 71
TAENIOI(d) 39 61
EIN(S)TEIN 3188 70
PROsECT 8115 78
SAUNTER(S) 4334 72
REARGU(E)S 6907 60
SpENDER 6737 80
D(I)AZOLES 3240 88
FREsHM(A)N 14724 88
PRO(C)HAIn 11150 80
ARS(E)NIDE 114 72
LAUGHED 10576 82
TAB(L)EAUX 17839 86
PURIF(I)ES 13335 76
w(A)NTONER 1789 68
TA(I)LWiND 7303 62
CU(B)OIDAL 12723 78
lINGER(i)E 1998 64
CRIM(I)NAL 12429 76
BATSmEN 6981 81
fRENETI(C) 4311 61
OVE(R)LIES 1942 63
NATI(ON)ALS 2656 70
BR(A)NDIED 5430 74
ACETALS 6026 82
HAIRB(A)Nd 12368 63
INFL(A)MED 5686 84
PR(E)VISES 19207 64
SNIFTER 1623 80
WhEREON 6103 70
RE(S)IDENT 382 72
COUGArS 10766 76
RESTING 813 82
hEXADIC 15561 85
(H)EReINTO 302 80
L(U)NARIAN 6606 59
SOLITON 3440 80
SObR(I)ETY 4089 90
SIEVING 8193 86
OUtSIDE(S) 4853 66
(E)NTRepOT 4582 71
SOlVATE(S) 9734 92
E(A)RLOBES 1893 63
MANuALS 14686 72
C(O)VARIES 2044 90
(E)STIVATE 3702 95
JICAMAS 21673 98
H(O)RRIBlE 11194 74
LOE(S)SIAL 9247 66
DEvOTIO(N) 2089 68
BELDAME 11342 77
CA(S)TINGS 17503 63
ENFINE(r)Y* 0 68
(C)LADDIER* 0 92
ANTIDO(t)E 136 82
LIM(B)IEST 13314 158
ABOmASI 10834 86
REUNiTE 223 77
SEDA(T)ION 18 86
MEATIE(S)T 3705 72
(V)ENEROUs* 0 62
ABSINTH 9238 75
PUlSERS 18555 93
PRES(IF)TED 7185 80
LOVAGES 5389 65
LANTERN 1350 74
AG(A)TIZES 7558 86
DIACO(N)AL 4991 72
MASHIES 14557 101
MEDLARs 5592 68
APH(E)LIOn 2053 98
TENSING 4446 69
POINTES 1003 72
TURNONS 8460 68
GUmMATA 23279 79
RU(B)EOLAS 2775 80
MARAUDS 14714 82
OUTSANG 3674 78
AI(R)POWEr 4707 82
D(E)BRUISE 5322 62
NITERIE(S) 454 66
NICTAT(E)S 2902 78
GALLi(A)RD 16303 60
MaNDANG(O)* 0 76
aLTIT(U)DE 2068 82
SPILITE 6079 76
mAUsIER 1572 77
FLA(M)INES 5745 86
EDEN(T)ATE 4448 60
UNpENN(e)D 25099 78
INTRANE(T) 1188 77
ELECTRO 2639 79
AIRLIKE 3978 71
GROuNDS 9144 91
INTRIg(U)E 1572 66
RIPOSTS 13230 91
ENAMORS 925 73
KeGLERS 15511 79
SECONDI 1990 69
ELEVATE 5933 77
DOG(H)EART* 0 78
SIENITE 803 80
(W)ANDEROO 2079 74
POUTINE 1002 66
A(G)ENESIS 4326 73
AIRsHOW 7265 71
cHEESIN(G) 12744 99
UnWAR(I)ER 2941 70
(T)RECENtO 4577 72
ANEARED 797 69
BILINeA(R) 1231 80
O(R)EGANOS 989 70
cANTR(A)IP 8864 60
(R)EPANELS 3081 62
STRaNDE(D) 4323 80
SC(R)IPTER 14020 70
cAVEOLA 8567 66
DOORMAN 7369 76
MANITOS 1664 67
RUNTIER 1360 68
ENOLOGy 9913 61
S(C)ANNInG 25120 63
(U)NSTEELS 11648 77
EXA(C)TIvE* 0 68
SUBBASE 23155 78
THIOuRE(A) 211 83
MINABLE 4318 78
GISAR(m)ES 11007 66
P(E)LOTONS 6921 72
CH(A)UNTeD 9063 63
(Z)AIBATSU 20475 107
OUTL(I)NER 104 60
SNAPSHO(T) 21508 65
ECO(F)REAk 14529 76
ELUATES 1379 73
CREDIT(E)D 10108 90
FARINOS(E) 209 72
WALIEsT 1571 76
PASSANT 18548 87
RIVE(R)MEn 11553 66
ReEDLIN(G) 1736 83
ARNATTO 3551 69
APTERIA 827 65
RISOTTO 6853 85
BILINeA(R) 1231 80
oRTH(O)SIS 17942 90
AROINTS 128 67
INVIA(B)LE 6298 92
(G)ASOLINE 248 61
TOA(S)TIER 146 62
SIDEbAR 1456 92
EQuATIO(N) 708 82
OUTL(I)NER 104 59
cUITTLE 9440 68
TIDBITs 18134 76
IO(D)OPSIN 13572 69
(D)aINTIER 92 77
(I)NTERREX 7259 80
PANATEL(A) 10068 76
HIDEoUT 2008 76
PISOLI(T)E 3232 64
ACETOSE 1241 83
sOOTIER 346 70
DINNERS 2713 79
SEALANT 1278 73
LANUgOS 6087 64
bUSTIER 3219 75
ANATASE(S) 13194 77
pORTLI(E)R 3592 66
(E)SCArPED 10365 78
PTYALI(N)S 11703 83
EROTIcA 73 84
O(V)ERBItE 2602 74
ErODABl(E) 2391 83
EMETINS 2291 88
CORNILY 10399 79
gALL(O)OTS 18420 78
SATINIE(R) 96 77
GLADIES(T) 1136 83
GAI(N)LIEr 637 68
(T)RENDINg 3076 80
DIsR(A)TED 2190 86
(A)IRSCReW 10177 76
caLDER(A)S 7917 75
DISCASE 9585 76
ViNIFER(A) 3821 84
VeNTURI 1636 77
(P)IGMENTS 11446 76
COE(N)DURE 3735 74
GENITAL 262 87
AMIRATE 825 68
REFRAiN 2109 71
dISOBEY 7983 81
WoOLENS 8069 90
RELOANS 159 81
ULTRA(L)OW 16326 74
S(W)EETING 4664 76
GRISEtT(E) 4224 77
JEtTIES 11410 92
HAL(I)DOME 3910 65
(H)ARPOONS 14774 76
uNPACKS 22815 88
OUTLINE(S) 345 68
OVeRSAW 5061 76
(E)NTR(E)SOLS 3638 60
(A)CeRBATE 7698 92
UNsTATE 2836 76
UNIDEAL 421 78
URINA(T)ED 71 140
(G)RAVITON 1987 89
NUANcES 9384 62
BRACIL(I)N* 0 74
H(O)STAGED* 0 65
DIASTEM 1518 82
(I)NFIGHTS 21727 101
NOrITES 48 88
IN(F)OLDER 1431 74
CR(E)ATORS 3539 68
INST(R)OKE 1711 74
LEGAL(I)TY 10950 63
UNLASH(E)D 7418 74
UNDE(R)RUN 22759 65
EDITION 241 74
PEDOCAL 7955 80
(P)RIEDIEU 5884 74
NORTENA 287 64
r(A)dIOING 1577 122
ALT(R)UIST 5905 62
LORICAS 3343 79
IMPrESs 17327 79
FLIN(T)IER 2675 63
TR(I)ANGLE 156 70
pAMPIAN* 0 78
NAS(A)LIZE 5411 69
pINKIER 11547 69
SLI(p)PAGE 20668 68
SNIFTER 1621 90
MEDIGAP 8968 71
gOATLIK(E) 2515 86
OBEISAN(T) 187 83
ACETOSE 1239 86
wEENIER 3560 64
AeQUORI(N) 707 84
(G)LIADINS 7632 72
TR(I)ALLeD 2191 58
ARBUTEA(N) 2654 64
ENDORSE 844 75
AIGLETS 764 75
RO(T)ATIVE 772 76
rADIALE 491 81
DISROBE 1983 92
HACkIES 15649 80
LIT(E)RARY 2940 63
AIRLIF(T)S 7309 67
INVERTE(D) 1618 86
DISROBE(D) 9693 90
SURcEAS(E) 13678 79
AMUSING 9719 92
POSTEEN 2666 73
EMERSIO(N) 848 83
ARGENTI(C) 782 64
INCE(N)TEd 6416 86
ADIOSES 1749 79
NI(G)HTJAR 15422 75
REaLIZE(D) 3439 84
W(A)RBLIER 10213 65
GAsTRAL 8944 68
CEN(T)IARE 237 62
STAbLES(T) 20445 68
CERA(M)ALS 13341 74
TANNeST 6033 71
UNDRESs 11529 83
THENARS 1595 102
SHAViNG 14659 84
AUGITES 768 76
PLE(C)TRUm 21556 158
CE(R)ESINS 10063 60
ArENOSE 68 70
TAWPIES 4441 109
NEUROID 174 70
PRAEDI(A)L 2555 72
CITRuSY 15705 91
UNSORTE(D) 921 80
IntEGRI(N) 3797 59
LITERAL 1387 84
AUSPIcE 6933 86
HALTERS 3154 72
AgE(N)IZED 5031 87
S(T)EAMING 1861 72
COU(R)TIER 3584 61
CONF(I)NED 11213 70
REGInAL 258 79
TRAC(T)ILE 2892 62
DEPURAT(E) 3062 89
MEtRING 2620 88
GrIMACE(D) 7943 98
bIZARRE 11785 100
IDEATES 208 77
(D)iTCHERS 9104 98
PROTEID 967 76
(R)OARINGS 3410 80
gUITARS 2909 68
TRA(C)HLED 9019 78
WiNESOP 5149 80
EMBLA(Z)ES 23202 92
EMETINS 2291 88
CORNILY 10399 79
M(A)RVELER 15139 73
CINGUL(A)R 8732 78
ATONIEs 7 70
REGAINS 268 79
TOLLERs 6175 70
LAICISE 3528 80
FLIPpES(T) 25624 95
(C)eNTESIS 10064 80
O(D)dBALLS 27492 167
OSS(I)FIER 10338 61
SHANTEY 7050 84
gESTALT 6892 74
F(A)THEReD 7110 78
TAXIMEN 4882 101
dIA(L)OGER 244 70
REPUTIN(G) 3717 65
(P)REeNERS 16011 70
TENSILE 609 65
InSHRI(N)E 8942 90
ISATInE 144 80
SAUTERN(E) 379 77
MARINES 691 71
NARCIST 2707 82
MARTENS 1604 71
SYRINGe 4762 81
T(R)AINEES 36 70
STOnING 7293 75
STELLAR 5401 72
CONTROL 10495 69
NARGILE 256 68
CO(N)GEALS 4344 62
AVOIDE(R)S 560 82
TITTIEs 14435 65
TR(O)WE(L)ING 1212 102
HERMI(T)IC 15396 75
THE(O)CRaT 7829 78
GRIDdLE(R)* 0 83
(R)UDERALs 6688 70
CARNIES 633 89
C(O)RTICES 12110 76
NICOISE 2362 75
SPIRANT 2713 65
sHOALER 1967 95
CR(O)cEINS 12108 76
RIGA(U)DON 1258 66
(V)ITREOUS 1485 74
BEETLIN(G) 4628 86
dOGVANE(S) 4354 95
ERRHINE 4911 89
(P)ArIETAL 1219 80
OReOLOG(Y)* 0 63
EPIGONE 2065 67
TRITOMA 4201 90
RALLINE 1387 70
DEORB(I)TS 1410 74
LAITIES 498 73
gENTLES(T) 10351 74
OVARIT(I)S 2748 72
OPE(R)ATED 816 76
ReDBAIT(S) 997 86
MOOTERS 5237 73
MO(P)ErIES 4843 80
ISoHYET 5142 80
OAKIEST 1092 77
ATTENDS 2810 72
MISDATE 1518 78
ASPIRED 1521 81
LAMINAE 1777 89
TWENTIE(S) 6470 65
PLEDGOR 8547 78
STARTIN(G) 5045 80
MINE(R)ALS 1055 64
GOOpI(E)ST 5569 82
DEPUTiS(E) 5359 83
tENTERE(D) 7375 77
SNEEZER 12555 108
AUGITES 768 68
ORIEN(T)ED 47 62
PENDANT(S) 8326 63
SLICK(E)RS 24604 72
RIVALED 1506 80
(G)NOSTICs 18641 83
TRIAGED 253 65
IN(C)ITERS 2671 61
EDACIOU(S) 1281 67
AVOSETS 7628 76
STAVING 6836 84
LANKIER 1754 80
ESTRUAL 1157 73
INWARDs 4980 71
THRALLS 18055 73
NEIgH(b)OR 5594 167
RESOUND 1322 80
SPINAGE 2566 89
POrCINE 2760 78
sEMINAR 693 78
TENABLE 2161 72
ImPENdS 10137 80
ANALITY 5466 73
TELFERS 6747 80
SIALOId 2689 74
SNORTED 527 82
TWAN(G)ERS 3715 89
(C)oENACTS 12078 88
LIRIOPE 2366 68
(O)UTPRICE 4127 70
A(P)OSPORY 28009 110
M(I)sDOiNG 14115 70
L(I)TERATE 522 60
S(P)ARKLED 17376 66
bUTYR(A)TE 13956 70
TIEPINS 3657 96
BO(U)RGEON 8865 71
S(T)A(B)ILIZE 10383 80
vAULTED 5603 80
DONATO(R)S 2494 65
GOAtEED 531 64
HOTL(I)NER 608 72
PiNWaLE 4397 76
SERVANT 1610 76
ROOSTED 2138 70
GoDETIA 77 91
DiLuV(I)UM 28742 98
LINEAGE 456 75
INVESTS 9797 76
RECITER 4906 71
BORANES 872 72
BOLETEs 4782 75
(W)HEELERS 20058 69
END(B)RAIN 2874 63
SUCROSE(S) 27329 83
GEOTAGs 7333 70
IMB(R)OWnS 18727 86
MEDIALS 3035 80
TRIAGES 285 75
FoNDUES 6413 78
CAUSTI(C)s 28320 76
SWEETIE 5982 76
I(N)uNDATE 928 131
LIbRATE 618 78
RES(L)ATED 952 74
U(N)peGGED 24649 74
BRO(A)CHED 11854 68
tSORRIS* 0 77
CHUTNEY 17687 96
SWINGER 4765 84
sHERPAS 17309 80
SPAREST 9769 72
ETHANO(L)S 1384 65
Au(T)OCOID 5831 76
AZOTISE 1097 96
(a)VIGATOR 4314 72
CA(R)INATE 505 149
OSMOSIS 24084 64
NITTIER 1686 67
AMIRATE 827 85
CaLCAN(E)I 15276 84
(S)INTERED 383 74
PEpTI(Z)ER 24924 83
LINGOES 1110 68
WOMA(N)ISE 2062 67
IN(C)URVeD 9112 67
ETAMINs 694 97
RAGTIME 1228 70
EXA(MI)NiNG 17034 69
(U)NTIDIER 871 72
PoDOMER(E) 13210 86
ROSIEST 1828 75
RACINOs 1645 76
A(N)NEAlED 5418 79
AUTISTS 14750 71
(U)NRETIRE 1308 77
(E)THANOLS 1383 86
FECIALS 6926 93
ANGuLAR 8955 85
DANDIES 2875 77
S(C)rIVING 21742 92
(F)LIRTING 13082 89
ERRaNDS 2808 79
ILEITIS 6580 81
oU(T)SLEEP 6174 140
COl(L)ATED 9659 76
(C)ARRYONS 17664 78
TAENITE 342 72
TEnTORI(A) 43 68
INC(L)OSER 1420 70
F(I)LENAME 4272 73
StARlIK(E) 2641 83
ENRO(B)ERS 7444 62
EATE(R)IES 296 82
SCABR(O)US 23927 70
SABEING 2527 66
TELLING 7350 84
RIGHTeD 4737 76
ECH(I)DNAE 4256 70
GE(N)IPApO 10807 64
MEANERs 2225 69
OP(A)LINES 569 80
IRONi(Z)ES 3801 82
TAWNIER 238 77
SQUARES 16635 74
INANEST 549 69
SCOUTED 6370 82
INGRAfT 4237 74
ROTUNDA(S) 1762 70
LIANOId 1307 64
PETALOI(d) 547 63
lAYOUTS 8827 72
BEWILDE(R) 10440 95
CARlESS 12852 84
S(O)ROrATE 1947 62
CARINAT(E) 504 70
ARIETTA 747 66
OSSETRA 1821 80
IRONIES 244 79
sAUNTER 443 69
ExUVIAE 8870 78
URALI(T)ES 275 59
GENOMIC(S) 8858 82
AGONIEs 78 78
IT(E)RATES 530 131
A(R)TMAKER 19031 69
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
F(A)CTORED 4008 78
VACUA(T)ED* 0 70
S(A)NATIZE* 0 88
POINTER 338 83
GOITRES 412 71
RaNDANS 11168 70
RACINOs 1645 76
A(N)NEAlED 5418 79
AUTISTS 14750 71
LATTINS 4583 62
AMANIT(A)S 12678 72
wIZARDE(R) 14670 84
UN(H)EATED 3039 66
STARLET 2832 63
sTINKER 3603 73
OvERpAY 9506 74
FRONTIN(G) 10834 76
(U)NHEATED 3038 74
P(O)ITReLS 1474 76
hARRID(A)N 11616 66
(I)NSPECTS 17925 78
(R)EIMAGES 2352 76
UnD(E)RPAY 9060 80
TONIFI(E)D 1689 63
(E)CoTAGES 2865 83
B(R)EWISES 19154 64
(E)TIOLATe 276 66
SANTIMI 5502 74
BaTWiNG 11579 99
SUBERIN 3218 105
BILL(O)wED 18854 63
O(L)EANDER 165 67
ROTU(N)DER 2504 86
SOMiTES 7648 78
TAILLES 2883 70
SMARTIE 700 74
TEARIER 344 67
C(O)LEWORT 11811 65
KNAIDEl(S) 4974 65
NOURISH 5876 68
G(R)OVeLER 13134 86
EUPlOID(Y) 10121 67
RERAIsE 863 73
BLAR(I)NGS* 0 64
E(N)URETIC 1615 61
KYANI(S)eS 18786 83
TEENERs 2692 69
PEEWeES 21751 78
(S)AUNAING 12041 63
DENTATE 1871 74
EqUATED 7307 71
TANGELO(S) 687 72
T(R)ENDIER 1297 72
INANEST 549 72
(D)ILATERS 265 80
DIAL(Y)SES 12063 74
TOENA(I)LS 24 73
PASTING 6831 90
REBLENT 4209 70
SHAVIES 14560 70
TABESES 11178 70
jERO(B)OAm 18691 82
SILVERY 10243 87
LANDg(R)AB 16745 76
INHALEr 665 78
(U)RBANITE 409 62
V(E)RONICA 903 98
SNOUTED 1325 66
FLYTING 17385 86
DI(E)SISES* 0 63
GENISTA 274 84
SKREIGh 16007 98
REPAINT 237 73
SID(E)RITE 1126 86
bLITZES 14108 84
ADDREST 5402 81
MOThERY 12745 82
TIDINGS 8959 65
GENTOOS 3322 70
LAn(G)RAGE 12472 68
SQU(E)ALED 12873 70
WHISTL(E)D 12665 80
(M)ONETARY 2115 92
DAINTI(E)R 92 77
DISCOED 10649 74
VOTARE(S)S 6500 95
ELISION 737 71
MEDAL(I)NG 3638 84
IMPROvE 9517 84
PARGETS 4743 74
rESPOND 3916 68
T(E)RNIONS 488 59
mIDWIFE 18155 78
(C)OTININE 3977 62
RETH(I)NKS 10199 90
(R)EBAITED 642 63
FUSAINs 15417 78
REGAI(N)ED 278 72
SpIGOTS 17971 82
PORTSID(E) 1449 86
(M)ILLInER 13095 70
NEWSbOY 15881 91
F(A)TBiRDS 11723 86
cAPON(I)SE 2048 83
TArTUFO 9650 73
CYANIT(E)S 3329 71
(B)ARRANCO 18146 89
sONORAN(T) 5495 64
COLi(N)EAR 192 76
AcROMIO(N) 7693 80
pIPEAG(E)S 18395 77
FORTUNE(S) 2960 83
NARCE(I)NE 1963 68
HObBITS 22282 78
RU(P)TuRED 23250 61
PAR(O)LEES 1911 72
ALUNITE 116 66
OVERAGE 2064 77
BARLOWS 13443 67
BEATING 1215 68
JON(E)SING 12524 114
SENhORA 914 71
RE(V)ENANT 3871 64
AU(R)EOLES 497 59
ANTI(Q)UES 2645 203
UNSTEEL 2919 77
TUX(E)DOES 10496 82
LINEARl(Y) 5444 72
AURE(A)TED* 0 68
CLARITY 9243 83
STUDIED 8448 81
(A)BDOMENS 6702 67
T(A)RLATAN 15778 66
TOADIEd 821 71
TUREENS 1445 67
PR(U)NIEST 2397 72
WELfAR(E)S 10417 72
LATENED 568 82
RAD(I)ALIA 11527 63
QUIETER 4549 95
S(O)FTWARE 4056 82
cOOLANT 7363 69
TRIENES 221 66
BasIFIE(R) 6296 91
LITO(R)ALS* 0 70
PA(R)DONEd 6486 158
MIRACLE 4328 80
EMERODS 4800 79
INC(E)NtER 3875 70
LAUWINE 1559 76
NeURONA(L) 1144 74
A(N)NoTATE 3670 59
SuBACID 15606 76
T(A)IlHEAD* 0 72
ARTLESS 5401 86
COAS(T)ErS 6477 72
tZIGANE 2680 73
(I)NITIALS 7560 66
ENAtION 61 78
tOADISH 3352 91
TE(G)UMINA 1862 62
ENFORCE 6094 92
MIcRONS 10402 67
GRATI(N)EE 85 74
IMPAR(I)TY 18005 88
BuTTONs 15836 71
INGESTS 7392 71
GNATL(I)KE 4303 86
ANTILE(A)K 3169 74
FA(T)IgUES 3656 79
TINWARE(S) 444 86
cENSUAL 5613 73
(T)HEATRES 6418 74
(L)OBTAILS 12318 72
POIT(R)eLS 1473 86
GRaDING(S)* 0 72
pERSONA 933 82
RELATI(N)g 154 79
ETAMINE 372 76
SHADERS 12864 94
gASIFI(E)D 6683 76
SEI(C)ENTO 832 74
RIDGIE(S)T 2981 84
OPUNTIA 1667 78
NOTICEs 956 92
KIndLED 16732 100
LEErIER 5689 74
TALKERS 6129 74
DeMASTS 12873 81
STREEL(E)D 6099 72
AEROsOL 1027 86
(F)RAILEST 1048 86
TITRA(T)ED 6099 68
bASALTI(C) 16150 80
AR(C)hAEAS* 0 60
TURNINg(S) 11587 66
STIN(g)ERS 5971 78
BhELPU(R)I 18328 63
ENTASTI(C) 2898 83
(A)LIENING 3670 80
CoNTUS(E)D 5190 70
(D)ESTRIER 2712 73
AEROnAU(T) 127 78
REEARNS 1886 74
rAINOUT 130 69
LIgURES 3484 66
(L)IONISER 404 77
MENTEES 8989 85
F(I)NaLIZE 10601 71
TETROSE 2494 79
OVeRHAN(D) 4041 95
D(e)VIATOR 206 84
TURIONS 1212 65
DUVETIN(E) 3144 74
F(A)RInOSE 209 74
DEpOSIN(G) 4392 81
PELMETS 14610 84
SCOOTi(N)G 11616 65
SANDBAN(K) 27902 92
SAXISTS 23841 114
O(V)ERsUDS 17082 76
COL(O)NIST 9282 70
ASUNDER 1150 81
ENTRAIN(ED) 174 72
MALTOSE 1969 84
FRAPpED 19816 89
KYANITE 4876 88
ANISEED 205 97
BREAKI(N)G 8783 80
ClAQUER 14059 92
TrOUPIA(l) 2443 66
RE(S)IGNER 4222 62
FIREWO(OD)S 8397 67
T(E)MpLARS 9068 74
ELEVENS 12082 84
sIRENIA(N) 1098 66
E(N)GIRDED 7324 65
(L)ONgTIME 2269 74
AC(H)IEvED 12123 76
TINcALS 4943 69
gRA(N)DEUR 5550 70
(R)EVENANT 3872 86
EELIEST 2628 70
LOCaTER 885 80
CLITOR(I)S 8141 74
PREWI(R)ES 15169 65
NODDLES 9091 71
GOITErS 412 82
uNSOLID 4502 68
RE(C)ANTED 1588 65
TATTe(R)ED 10781 72
nOISOME 2794 69
(P)RIORATE 771 72
STAN(D)ING 8090 83
NO(T)ELETs 3397 59
(N)OCTURNS 15844 74
REAGENT 478 77
(E)PIDeRMS 10462 76
I(R)ONIEST 129 70
CAROTI(N)S 1108 74
(F)LIRTING 13082 89
DR(I)FTING 13073 76
RO(S)EMARY 11199 64
FANE(g)AdA 16002 78
(D)ROPOUTS 16594 86
R(O)OTLIKE 4565 78
cEN(T)RING 7423 122
LATIGOS 1816 72
MORGANS 7822 74
COURIER 4634 71
EXt(R)ADOS 3379 119
IMPAS(TI)NG 14420 68
RES(O)LUTE 1257 62
S(E)RIEmAS 6625 73
DuEL(L)IST 10484 70
(E)mEROIDS 1930 80
CoNFUT(E)D 10298 76
BELOvED 12240 69
NIELL(O)Ed 3437 58
RE(T)AKERS 10524 65
LATIGOS 1808 72
R(E)GIFTED 4638 82
WOO(D)BINS 18225 65
cAREF(R)EE 17731 68
DOWNHiL(L) 23952 104
(C)OTERIES 833 70
ETHANOl 910 73
(E)NSUITES 5126 62
SLO(b)BIER 15847 86
B(O)RNITES 598 70
AIRWAVE(S) 6286 80
SI(R)ENIAN 1098 61
NEURITI(S) 873 66
(U)LTERIoR 1161 68
(H)YOIDEAn 2054 86
MIS(D)ATED 8613 89
NITROUs 1206 66
HADRONs 5822 83
IN(T)RIGUE 1571 62
dEBITIN(G) 6978 83
RERIsEN 1908 81
(W)ARSTLES 12213 74
vINTN(E)RS 5283 66
VITALI(S)M 16197 64
NEgATON 1311 68
LEARNE(R)S 2692 68
CRETONS 2069 76
RUBOUts 18672 79
VoMiTED 5119 80
WINDAGE 2539 81
OUTLIES 524 66
NEO(N)ATES 733 82
(T)ITTEReD 10785 77
FILCHER 14877 103
GASKETS 18299 85
TROPINS 3429 70
HELLION 7652 79
EXTREMA 8917 98
WAlL(O)WER 23630 68
EPILOGs 5390 93
ABIOSES 4769 78
(V)IPErISH 18926 82
FANEGAS 8189 72
CROsSED 13939 85
SEP(T)ORIA 230 61
MIsRANk* 0 81
(U)NVETTED* 0 78
PUNIT(I)vE 9825 68
UNCRATE 1592 67
(U)NMOoRED 6876 83
(T)IDEWAYS 5718 107
I(R)ONLIKE 3797 76
Q(U)ANTILE 2643 88
SNELLeR 9360 66
BLIZzA(R)D 30007 70
OPENEST 2664 77
STOPPER 15840 81
NERVOUS 3937 76
TOASTIN(G) 3411 70
TARDIVE 658 80
AERATES 799 68
LUNCHES 16308 78
CRETON(N)E 4576 66
PECTASE 8300 75
TWANGED 4699 78
BIoME(T)RY 8518 65
ESTROUS 6180 81
THIRT(E)EN 3873 74
MIDSTOR(Y) 12945 95
(T)UNICAtE 2904 80
ORANGES 392 66
(F)RENETIc 4311 83
DERAN(G)ED 7310 63
ALUMINA 8488 80
MUNC(HI)ESt 14362 92
BEARCAT 7751 79
O(R)IENTER 285 61
PLANTER 1599 75
AIRDATE 132 74
SOApIER 336 73
TRITONE 290 66
TAILLES 2886 72
REN(E)GADO 347 74
TOLIDIN 2719 74
EM(A)NaTED 3469 90
BROI(D)ERS 6058 76
uNSI(F)TED 4534 94
INDORSe 169 76
LATEENS 580 77
ADVERSe 4081 78
SENHORA 912 75
ATO(M)ISER 227 74
OVERTLY 8146 103
DoWSING 10796 86
ERRINgL(Y) 10735 83
MALLETS 12913 72
NEU(T)EREd 3674 64
CARIBES 4284 103
ARENOsE 68 64
(A)ERADIOS 126 70
MISREA(D)S 8618 94
nEBULAR 3055 82
QUILTE(R)S 8150 84
TREADLe(R) 2681 68
BONkERS 15915 72
STEALER 762 78
bO(R)INGLY 15399 74
COIN(H)ERE 2600 67
lO(W)LIFER 15357 89
SNOOLED 3967 90
AT(A)BRINE 502 70
SeALANT 1280 81
WHiNGIE(R) 12037 82
COL(I)STIN 8129 64
GAOLERs 1440 78
DODDIE(S)T 24536 64
G(H)URRIAN* 0 63
AMBOINA 7879 88
SYMBIO(T)E 11939 68
WEANING 5507 75
AERADIO(S) 126 72
(C)ERULEAn 3020 80
GUNITES 1748 72
BRESA(O)LA 3213 61
(SO)UVENIRS 6548 76
VARICEA(L) 6279 73
(V)ICToRIA 6571 76
SANDBUR 11116 74
ENDEMI(A)L 1534 63
BlAND(I)SH 15448 63
oUTGREW 5530 81
TONSURE 531 83
HERALD(R)y 17453 74
ORDEALS 508 68
NEEdLER 4852 64
P(L)ATEAUS 7913 65
INLACES 1481 74
DOWERI(N)G 2259 82
PENNaN(T)S 18632 80
C(A)REERED 12132 67
UINTAIT(E) 1099 60
DEPLETE(R) 11116 76
UNCORkS 19323 77
COwT(O)WNS 29110 98
OLIvARY 7270 74
SECTARY 7022 83
DOMInIO(N) 18135 80
(R)AINOUTS 293 66
DERIVA(T)E 653 74
LINNETS 2850 66
FENNECS 17969 84
URETHR(A)S 8329 88
SCENARI(O) 196 83
UNSTEEL 2921 77
TUX(E)DOES 10502 82
ED(U)CATES 5023 72
zANANAS 21662 76
TOSSING 10123 86
NEUSTON 3508 79
(A)STATINE 1092 77
INCITES 3635 74
bREEDER 16033 70
REMINTE(D) 1619 94
VERIsMO 5176 87
ETHANO(L)S 1384 65
Au(T)OCOID 5831 76
LAICHES* 0 100
OIL(S)ToNE 623 69
FORCINg 12334 77
SCALENI 1483 77
HARSHLY 23808 77
MIsTYPE 14923 85
pAREIRA 4465 65
(T)APaLOES* 0 80
BOLETES 4782 74
REBLENT 4234 70
AEONIAN 367 67
SPINELL(E) 13854 74
TRIVIAl 5525 83
TOLLING 10558 75
SA(N)GAREE 2000 61
(S)PENDIeR 3130 81
SISTERS 16368 68
INTERN(E)E 2230 60
ORBITeR 2590 74
SCALIER 1486 82
ANAE(M)IAS 6630 70
BOOSTED 8039 79
OLESTRA 163 71
SOLeMNE(R) 3767 77
TEAPOYs 5058 78
TITR(A)BLe 2875 74
(F)ORESTAL 1379 86
(T)HoRNIeR 1797 86
WArBLIE(R) 10163 63
LeAD(W)ORT 1363 74
REI(N)DUCE 3097 74
(I)NARChED 3293 89
DOUrINE 173 65
OUTRI(D)ER 1159 86
R(E)NESTED 3672 68
EXECrAT(ES) 13492 110
MENISCI 10732 82
SEXTAiN 1767 90
NEOLITH 975 79
GOOpIER 4264 70
LoCKERS 14996 78
HA(L)IOTIS 5002 72
C(AR)INATED 574 89
POTIONs 7388 71
ADHESI(V)E 7026 69
ASTON(I)ES 502 59
ABSENCE 8232 69
DIOCESE 2611 79
IDEALIT(Y) 2573 89
THROATS 9652 73
B(A)NAUSIC 16170 74
UNISIZe(D)* 0 68
ROO(T)IEsT 1950 74
PRE(E)LEcT 16789 86
SOAPIER 337 75
AUDITI(O)N 879 61
DInK(I)EST 8684 98
RUNTIER 1360 68
ENOLOGy 9913 61
SCRIBED 10075 80
TA(R)DYONS 4677 74
(M)ELANGES 7493 86
REALT(O)RS 1146 61
PElERIN(E) 4754 80
LOGGiNG 23597 80
FRATTIE(R)* 0 65
(V)ItAMINS 12452 76
(C)oRONERS 11228 80
D(A)RNDeST 4322 68
ODOR(A)NTS 2492 61
ANTHEmE(D) 7113 95
ApHELIO(N) 2053 86
DELATOR 149 81
QUOINeD 4276 97
ROADwAY(S) 16398 65
RE(C)EIVED 12344 82
LAPIDES 2888 81
D(E)SALTED 8191 64
FA(C)ELIKE* 0 72
REGAI(N)ER 946 68
ArGALIS 5913 78
sHELTER 6759 89
TANGIBl(E) 1708 86
CARDERS 8984 83
AbSENTE(E) 4721 74
INTERI(O)R 639 70
OVERLIT 991 69
LONGERs 2219 66
WINTERL(Y) 5847 66
SNOtTI(L)Y 12037 80
(C)oINSURE 1426 80
ALIQUOT 6201 88
ETESiAN 56 80
SALIENC(E) 1526 83
AQUaRIA 16747 103
EC(L)OGItE 2874 66
ANG(U)LATE 2974 70
RENVOiS 1004 78
POUTINE 1002 86
CL(I)NkERS 13170 86
TILApIA 8971 69
ORGANI(S)E 65 80
ISOTONE 364 66
GlEAMER 5723 100
FENNIER 4907 80
ASTRICT 8874 73
PRESIFT 7144 83
CORBIES 5067 84
DEME(R)SAL 5305 82
(D)ESTREAM 3050 86
LINAGES 759 83
(S)UDArIAL* 0 74
cOSTUME 11230 72
SHALIER 1538 83
(O)tALGIES 253 80
(G)HERAOED 2866 84
(E)NTRAINS 356 60
(D)IEHArDS 8611 89
NIDUSES 8442 74
UPSELLs 23452 70
BESTING 4723 83
pAPOOSE 16971 72
BRaISED 1453 76
INCHO(A)TE 898 64
rOPEL(I)KE 8706 88
M(O)REsQUE 16215 88
SEAGIRT 284 75
TE(R)RARIA 6954 68
IN(T)RONIc 9339 59
LE(P)IDOTE 1926 76
ELEGIzE 14677 86
INCUDES 5641 91
MILkERS 13556 66
DEPORtE(E) 5213 82
(D)ISTRAIN 1573 61
TOWlINE 986 76
NERVATE 1077 88
RUpIAHS 12419 88
CATERI(N)G 783 65
RESURGE 11342 83
PHOR(A)TES 4074 66
ATTIRED 542 75
GENT(I)ANS 1653 86
RONNeLS 3499 77
cOLUB(R)ID 16623 61
INDIGEN 7599 81
AEROL(I)TE 11 70
DEARIES 206 88
DISPART 4954 85
(G)EARLEsS 10547 77
DI(N)OSAUR 701 65
WORK(S)ITE* 0 69
REGISTr(Y) 10200 86
INER(T)IAE 44 68
R(E)pUGNED 10828 72
EGLATE(R)E 2845 68
STICKLE 14158 122
MAXImI(Z)E 29993 91
(S)HADOWER 6758 98
ERMINES 2291 68
(R)ElIVING 7004 95
fREE(B)ORN 12616 69
TONIEST 794 68
THE(S)AURI 1052 72
(S)IDeMEAT 1540 83
UNITIES 1293 69
SEMIH(A)RD 5695 72
(K)EYNOTES 12377 75
ANDr(O)GEN 1999 70
ALIENED 194 64
SHOFARS 19678 80
(I)MPUGnED 15230 76
OILCANs 3343 89
FUGuIST 28432 89
AMPhORA 18178 76
AUrEOLA 734 69
WREATHE(D) 7127 96
OUT(S)INGS 13068 72
STARDOM 5593 79
IDEATEs 200 73
ABOMAsA 20211 72
VIRAGoS 4848 83
UNBIASE(D) 2292 86
OTOLiTH 14458 78
ASSIg(N)EE 4327 68
GOMBRE(L)S* 0 66
SOmEONE 6163 75
Up(R)OOTAL 9274 58
KALiANS 12089 73
CU(R)RENTS 11847 61
O(U)TGAINS 1263 68
GURNARd 12344 75
RuNTIER 1360 62
PREFA(D)ES 10391 65
STIpEND 3268 85
RHEUMiC 14895 86
cERATIN 225 71
KINDL(I)ER 8682 65
p(E)RSONAL 1390 68
SIAMESE 7930 81
OSS(I)FIER 10332 61
UPLAN(D)ER 4491 64
FINALIS(T) 7307 63
(A)STUtElY 11747 80
ETHANAL 3614 77
ANNATeS 3396 66
(E)NDOSTEA 168 80
ROSARIA 3430 85
eLATION(S) 22 61
RESALES 6324 71
TRaNNIE 193 63
sURFMAN 15571 83
SOPRANI 1666 71
OPA(L)ESCE 7894 80
BiNGOES 2964 76
(S)CATTING 13478 74
PHRENIC 11860 89
RESINo(U)S 2635 62
NEEDIES(T) 1885 70
WAFTErS 7039 86
pRESORT 7449 69
(D)ARNESTS 4330 70
INFOLdS 8822 88
RUdIST(I)D 17448 72
S(U)BNICHE 18344 73
PERiLLA 6681 81
OmITTER 2600 67
LOiASIS 8955 71
(W)ATERSKI 6662 82
R(E)ADDICT 5436 73
RaTHoLE 910 74
INVADES 1520 82
RAILMAN 5490 69
PANIc(L)ES 5701 86
UNEA(S)IER 125 58
GOLDEN(L)Y 19365 88
SN(O)RTERS 9154 66
mULETEE(R) 11137 61
SOIREES 2521 74
PO(R)TLIER 3607 61
ELUVIAT(E) 1564 65
TEENAGE 2130 74
RuDIMEN(T) 2388 82
SPITTER 6569 77
(U)RUSHIOL 19767 95
FOURTHS 16500 93
APOGEIc 5493 74
EGALITE 570 74
PROETT(E)S 7481 70
(D)ILUTIVE 10377 89
ABH(O)RRED 11161 72
(D)uATHlON 7581 92
SE(T)LINES 5129 83
IONOmER 1343 67
COADMIT 7232 69
HOO(D)LIkE 16580 76
CARINAS 5446 75
MEATIER 375 81
ANOlYTE 922 67
VALIAN(T)S 7290 158
DISUNI(T)E 1959 60
PLaTOON 7376 67
INLACES 1480 75
pATIN(A)ED 1206 82
(p)ETALOID 547 66
(I)nCENSES 18398 80
RATLINS 1017 71
GRIDDeD 20751 100
NOSTRIL 1210 70
(N)EGATION 298 63
(B)IGAMOUs 14515 78
STERnER 3599 81
AcR(I)DITY 12413 94
FOSSAtE(D)* 0 86
D(O)NATIVE 205 63
oVE(R)GIRD 8171 98
ESPOUSE 15024 77
VIN(E)RIES 3495 62
D(E)LETING 1733 70
rUBIgOS 10781 85
RITUALs 1870 66
GNA(R)LiER 1645 131
CATENAE 2508 88
SALVOED 3744 73
SEqUOIA 3075 60
RADIC(A)NT 5761 88
SELENI(U)M 7012 70
UNGOTTE(N) 14498 80
PUnDITS 14789 74
P(o)RTIERE 2216 60
SINTERs 2876 78
URALITE 117 62
CAIRNED 595 76
(E)STRaGON 242 74
NIRVaNA 8916 65
SOLATED 483 70
qUAVERS 13503 87
LOFTIES(T) 5766 63
WIRETAP 2311 85
SATYRID 4982 83
VITALLY 19171 97
O(V)EREATS 783 65
LaM(E)NTER 1521 59
GONIdIA 3008 66
P(E)AcHIER 11076 98
STRIPER 8586 98
LATINOS 439 66
AVO(D)IrES 531 72
REALIsE 202 77
TIERING 1020 75
VeRSION 958 70
TRICLAD 4732 74
OR(D)AINED 472 66
SEMINaR 659 86
BALDIEs 2877 74
(R)EADORNS 1080 61
PrOMO(T)ED 11237 62
TANNERS 1289 75
REPo(T)TED 7097 61
DARN(D)EST 4110 76
ORI(E)nTED 47 82
COLLATE(D) 9659 86
STARRED 2818 67
MUTABlE 9970 76
UNSTABL(E) 4477 83
PATONCE 2733 81
MISTAK(E)R 6655 86
COHERER 13319 85
LENITES 605 74
OU(T)sWING 9884 72
NONARTS 3002 85
EOLITHS 2028 67
RAMADAS 18778 65
BrOLGAS 10781 66
sTARRED 2818 78
APERITi(F) 3823 89
STArTER 6008 74
OsTEOID 1031 92
(P)RAEDIAL 2547 83
bAILS(M)EN 5640 68
pARKADE 14614 79
TINWARE 239 85
LEADIES(T) 371 89
HANdSAW 18638 83
MALLEES 14217 77
SPAN(D)REL 4490 78
sTR(I)DORS 15450 59
DILATES 426 62
GaT(E)FOLD 4349 67
P(A)RQUETS 13840 128
lEARNE(R)S 2695 70
AUnTL(I)ER 78 68
EXABYTE 16665 92
UNBOOkE(D)* 0 61
mAIDENS 1508 81
T(h)IOUREA 211 64
RATANIE(S) 83 68
BoSOMED 15664 80
(D)ELUSORY 8241 89
LOANI(N)GS 5618 72
EqUATED 7307 71
TANGELO(S) 687 72
ABSINTh(E) 3111 70
INVESTE(R)* 0 63
J(O)ISTING 14208 76
TI(T)RATES 5806 82
CROChET 18685 80
FL(U)ORINE 1455 72
(E)NdEAVOR 814 86
S(T)UDDiES 19116 61
CITyFIE(D) 18909 76
SEAWA(L)LS 26084 76
ANGSTRO(M) 6545 63
LINTIER 503 68
A(C)HIOTEs 2039 86
SPRiNGE(S) 14825 80
OVERGiL(T) 2273 72
DENSItY 3128 88
SH(I)TTiER 8944 61
R(E)TINOLS 96 70
(S)TEMLIKE 14267 92
AREOLAE 383 65
(Q)UIPSTEr 13873 107
RUDD(I)eST 7215 72
JO(Y)STICk 27706 71
AGAINST 3288 94
DIETING 2047 80
SEATING 264 89
VaR(I)ANTS 4403 70
MoRDENT 2085 68
CENO(B)ITE 2608 89
PURTIER 6567 74
INFESTS 9782 72
PATRONS 3416 75
DAUTIES 429 74
HARRIEd 3794 71
GENITO(R)S 260 61
ECLAIRS 1486 74
SFUMATO 13477 85
OSIERED 301 82
EYESTON(E) 5487 65
VEINLEt 2288 83
WHISKeD 19355 102
PARTNER(S) 4998 83
(D)ELUSIOn 885 77
NONGREe(n) 14419 74
INSER(TI)ON 664 63
M(I)SLIKED 21006 82
vITtLES 9469 62
AN(N)EALER 3184 59
RETI(N)OID 128 70
LINTELS 5416 74
PA(R)LOURS 15641 68
UPSTATE 9427 73
JILTERS 6140 84
DEFACEs 10873 94
VICARAT(E) 3607 67
PRAETO(R)S 3378 90
NEROLiS 175 83
VANTAgE 5269 75
U(R)ETHANE 1602 65
o(C)TANGLE 2228 80
PLICaTE 4337 69
MARLITE 679 77
RATOONS 1707 90
ADHES(I)ON 544 66
PAT(H)NAME 15394 88
A(L)LOtTER 5764 96
S(C)OWLERS 22103 92
THERIA(C)A 3808 76
HANDILy 12401 77
VIRtUAL 4975 66
STANCES 9740 77
WAITING(S) 9388 76
FAMINES 4373 80
(F)OOTINGS 11551 89
WaItRON 748 71
tR(EH)ALOSE 938 63
SHRIL(L)ER 20474 65
AIbLINS 8507 64
O(V)ERBItE 2602 74
NETiZ(E)NS 10522 67
AEONIAn 368 67
UNGOtT(E)N 11048 60
TR(A)MLINE 427 64
SH(I)NDIES 16668 78
SCUTTeD* 0 89
UROPOd(A)L 12780 68
ITE(R)ATED 518 61
WEAR(I)fUL 5727 90
POUTIN(E)S 1481 83
ANALYSE 6045 90
PI(N)AFORE 907 76
ADMIRES 1513 76
OUTLIEs 523 59
NEATEST 1885 77
TERRE(L)LA 9406 68
TON(N)EAUS 1151 77
RuIN(A)TED 70 82
TROUNCE 2072 65
COV(A)LENT 4030 76
GOPHErS 13236 80
ME(L)ODION 3941 94
(C)OpYREAD 11888 92
RESEDAS 6320 71
CAVORtS 10376 96
FLIRTIE(R) 8940 70
DELIS(T)ED 8198 66
CANAsTA 16368 75
(O)RINAsAL 876 68
EOSINIC 2361 78
PErSONA 933 71
AGENTRy 2619 80
GAR(D)EnIA 626 61
AU(N)TLIKE 2638 67
SOILURE(S) 4863 77
GASTRIN(S) 8427 80
(S)UEtIEST 12835 74
SA(L)LOWER 9671 158
INCENTE(R) 3870 70
(I)NTERTIE 1555 77
ISoLOGU(E) 4119 77
SALUTED 2387 69
IOdINES 735 68
bORAZON 15645 76
RaD(I)aNCY 12389 98
RELOANE(D) 166 61
RIBALdS 7891 82
SNEEzIE(R) 8243 72
LATeXES 7012 92
TREFOiL 923 71
L(I)TERATE 495 70
LINDENS 5182 68
JETLIkE 15839 85
OUREBIS 1986 76
ENISLES 6333 85
BAYADER(E) 10906 78
INHERES 2281 80
LAWINGS 9714 85
(L)IsTERIA 316 74
pRESID(I)O 3232 70
CURSIVE 10120 82
fLAT(C)ARS 19786 131
SeNTImO 994 75
FIXURES 14156 72
(V)AVAsORY 27612 90
ME(D)ALING 3638 74
(I)NcEPTOR 2120 68
UTIlISE(S) 10961 71
(R)ELOADED 3438 83
ENTREES 2693 105
IcELIkE 15520 62
RUNDL(E)TS 3412 65
ENTA(I)LED 109 70
cOCOON(E)D 27450 63
NOTATEs 778 70
PED(A)LLER 13695 72
WA(T)ERISH 3365 74
OUTW(R)ITE 3615 74
SIRRAHS 18660 94
(V)IRtUOSI 8152 80
BRuSHER(S) 28040 89
VIBRA(T)Os 5915 68
C(A)RBINoL 5909 62
wINSoME 5141 84
BARITES 622 75
T(E)NACULA 4909 74
ANTIHE(R)O 58 64
SMOKi(N)GS 27671 69
NIO(B)ITES 1684 90
WORSEN(E)R* 0 76
RECITAL 629 74
NONTIDA(L) 2159 80
SADIrON 464 76
VER(I)FIER 15775 68
w(E)LCOMER 17126 84
ALFA(Q)uIN 20336 71
GRAPP(L)Ed 23453 76
TENNIES 1907 68
(ER)GATIVeS 1307 76
(D)IaLOGER 244 80
PoUTIES(T) 6081 81
PERINEA 376 66
MERINOS 992 74
COVINES 5102 91
A(N)TEATEr 1639 71
J(E)TpORTs 19561 102
MANTLED 3106 100
NeBULaR 3055 77
TENTOrI(A) 43 74
COLEND(E)R* 0 76
ThORIUM 10415 70
SPANGLE(D) 9509 89
BOLIDES 3746 65
TR(I)STEZA 5785 118
CENT(A)URY 5840 78
QUERIeR 11420 85
NETTLI(e)R 1300 68
(Z)INCATES 6641 107
iNSTATE 552 87
SORTIeD 170 79
BEAMiNG 5717 82
VIOLABL(E) 11461 71
mEISTER(S) 10076 74
NE(U)tERED 3679 68
I(N)DAGATE 595 67
(E)STRiOLS 2494 71
OPa(Q)UERs* 0 203
POACHER 9500 77
DIVERTS 3278 75
COASTED 1926 71
cOEDI(T)ED 7267 68
STO(O)LiNg 6531 74
STRIATE 562 75
AIRBASE 1771 77
ArRASED 5792 80
OUREBIS 1988 69
ST(A)KEOUT 10180 64
IMPL(O)DES 10105 82
PERIBL(E)M 16085 76
FISTNO(T)E 3585 76
NAYSAID 8485 84
SHUDdER 18499 87
R(O)YALIST 2447 76
BL(U)NGERs 13184 61
STRANGE 809 88
MANIPlE(S) 5742 92
TACNODE 879 79
DALETHS 5594 84
rEVULSE(D) 12005 86
CLA(R)INET 411 90
ONLIEST 183 82
BREWeRS 17981 78
DASHEEN(S) 13689 72
OCTANTs 9645 78
PLOtZES 15013 104
MANChET 11836 73
ROENTGE(N) 2614 61
DETRAiN 13 75
NARDOOS 3430 85
AROUSIN(G) 1262 61
ESTrONE 341 71
ADhESI(V)E 7035 76
(S)EMIOTIc 7403 61
AM(B)uLATE 13246 76
ELOPERS 4815 74
AVODIre(S) 559 86
REFIn(E)RY 11478 80
CO(R)NERER* 0 64
PICR(I)TEs 9818 98
ROSiNOL 3438 73
PANDIEs 1450 77
EMITTER 4711 82
O(R)IENTER 285 66
CON(C)ISER 12099 74
MILAGES 4659 71
sIRLOIN 2721 69
MINTERS 1625 77
HAGRIDE 2537 84
HAV(I)OURs 9212 68
TUMBLEr(s) 16554 76
PERINEu(M) 7197 86
SNARING 6222 70
(T)ENDRILS 725 70
HER(A)LdRY 17474 71
S(T)ORmIER 3602 66
LIpREAD 1502 79
FEAtEST 7678 94
SELECTO(R) 3740 72
(P)UlLOVER 22089 89
BASTILe 1464 87
AERO(L)ITH 209 63
SEMINAR 695 82
LUN(U)LATE 15526 62
S(A)FETIED 1530 63
(P)OTHEENS 8034 67
TANGOES 393 71
PEARLIE(R) 3699 76
O(P)UlENCY 19389 96
(A)IRWOMEN 910 92
ACHEN(I)AL 6269 73
SPANIEL 1551 69
SEIGNEU(R) 1749 61
I(G)NITORS 3182 60
HaPLINS* 0 82
SALUTER 1154 71
MON(I)LIAE 700 68
INO(T)ROPE 943 61
(R)EPUGNEd 10822 74
MOTHIEs(T) 11220 89
TOXINES 2343 87
GATHERS 4701 71
(J)INgALLS 24270 80
ENQU(I)RES 6021 74
(Y)EArLONG 2245 86
(S)INCIPUT 19805 91
scANNER 6453 76
ELISION(S) 5130 73
HOARiLY 6972 83
ENROOTS 1070 76
(B)ETAINES 642 72
PRUI(N)OsE 1480 86
RESITIN(G) 1570 70
OxTAILS 6202 80
ACETINS 634 94
PURLOI(N)S 7609 72
ERU(P)TIVE 7204 76
hONOREE(s) 4980 71
B(I)DENTAL 992 62
DEM(E)NTED 19898 98
(V)ICEROYS 11978 84
COURAGE 2932 78
SILOING 6709 69
(R)ELATInG 154 70
(O)VERNEAT 298 80
SNOOTED 2134 70
I(N)ERTIAE 44 67
EQUITES 7328 102
RET(I)NOID 128 70
ENCoRED 2636 86
SARDOrS* 0 84
FOrMULA(E) 6763 95
QUInELA 3541 100
SENORAS 1821 68
DOWSERS 13966 76
WARHORS(E) 11198 74
ROOTLED 2134 85
SeAWA(N)TS 13004 78
SPORING 7853 90
CLANG(O)RS 9851 72
sPATHOS(E) 15364 95
DIMINIS(H) 26245 84
ALDERM(E)N 3040 66
TENSION 791 71
(A)UTOBAhN 13574 86
ANGSTRO(M) 6537 74
REfRIED 7710 70
SCAr(L)ETS 12190 74
ALMONE(R)S 1388 70
SLANgED 3464 77
APOGEeS 3774 75
PHENE(T)OL 8019 80
EDUCTOR 3851 97
sAY(O)NARA 13958 61
UPSTIRS 17940 86
DIaSTEM 1517 101
PEATL(A)ND 4914 72
sTIPULA(R) 6594 80
cARI(N)ATE 621 78
AE(R)ATING 290 60
HETERoS 3455 88
RE(F)ORMER 24734 76
PANOCHE 9499 78
VI(C)INAGE 8455 78
IDEAlIS(E) 1102 77
ROOMIES 2796 71
nIOBOUS 10328 72
APLA(S)TIC 16185 78
ARANEID 131 79
PUDgIER 7551 94
LATTINS 4588 80
ENTERIN(G) 2185 61
MALLOWS 21334 77
(F)AITHING 14933 69
(G)OmBEENS 14046 90
INTeNDS 2846 76
TORULaS 2483 62
HOISTED 1999 82
P(E)ARLING 1848 69
fIBRANN(E) 6905 80
STRAFED 3092 73
ARSENI(C)S 5432 83
P(RE)TRIALS 3132 65
(R)EOrGInG 10489 80
AERATIO(n) 10 68
(G)LUTENIN 5556 80
ANIMI(S)MS 28270 79
GeLADAS 6419 71
TREEING 480 78
TALONED 148 66
MILDEsT 5652 72
ETIO(L)AtE 276 57
(V)ERITIES 3499 65
TRASHER 6483 74
BULGIE(S)T 9524 76
bESMEAR 8261 87
VOGUERS 8553 80
CERVICE(S) 24085 73
SEAlIFT 1536 90
AP(I)ARIAn 13446 74
LINTERS 452 66
GaRBLED 7463 73
GIRlIES 3994 69
PeRI(G)EES 9935 83
MATIN(E)ES 668 78
bLUNGES 13799 85
(P)ASTURED 4507 66
dILATIO(N) 878 66
SuCKISH* 0 88
REBOZOS 16342 85
RADICEs 1478 82
BOO(Z)IEST 12802 90
NORTENO 2688 62
DAMPEsT 10035 90
THAn(E)DOM 4044 102
INVISI(O)N* 0 74
DOlE(R)ITE 173 60
CURSIVE 10135 74
COATERS 1138 82
NUANCEs 12298 85
OpIATIN(G) 5500 68
cITOLAS 3346 64
CRE(A)tINE 238 86
QUAILED 5986 102
AMATIVE 4802 82
ESTRIOL 186 82
GHERaOE(D) 2875 63
(G)ASELIER 718 89
COHEIRS 5097 77
(W)ASSAILS 29233 86
BI(L)ANDER 992 62
pUTTIED 9469 61
ROASTED 153 79
SWOONIE(R) 2104 66
VeILING(S) 10228 83
LOCATI(O)N 3448 70
gRADUA(T)E 2973 62
TSADDIK 18500 110
OR(I)GINAL 1579 72
TAU(R)INES 77 82
I(R)ONIEST 129 59
DEMENT(I)A 648 78
OVER(P)AST 4081 167
FORgInG 17121 79
STR(A)NGES 5667 61
eLECtI(V)E 12348 94
LIPPE(N)ED 19687 78
ALErTLY 9757 77
DAUTIES 428 76
ANNULET 2823 61
pALSIER 1558 80
INERTI(A)s 88 69
EULOGIA(S) 646 80
(P)REBINDs 8614 89
(O)PENCAST 4034 95
(T)AENIOID 39 80
NIvEOUS 2050 63
AUTOD(I)AL 1991 68
(T)ERNIONS 489 70
AP(H)ELION 2055 67
PRIORIE(S) 6349 83
GALENOI(D)* 0 83
LEISURE 1319 76
LANNERE(T) 1288 68
NEGATEd 1184 79
STRAWED 3003 74
TENsIOn 753 77
DESIGNE(R) 1640 86
EPHOraT(E) 2595 86
SENEGAS 8515 83
(D)INETTES 2710 80
LEMPIRa 5737 90
BADGERs 9749 78
MATINEE 478 79
INTORT(E)D 595 71
ACCURST 21152 109
NARWALS 11624 79
RIPENI(N)G 11317 76
SErFDOM 11235 93
INtAG(L)IO 1580 62
M(I)NUTIAE 1250 70
COVERED 9034 91
APOLUNE 1972 75
ACR(O)MiAL 9900 78
CLEAT(I)NG 1814 94
(N)ONARIES 141 72
(T)EVaTRON 1791 65
kOUMISE(S) 22778 65
NOoDGES 5546 76
SOUCARS 16079 89
RECANES 2179 75
DAlAPON(S) 11532 76
StRIVED 3277 93
OSMoLAR 10325 72
TOOTLES 7586 65
HOIsTER 979 80
FORINTS 3425 77
ENTR(E)SOL 517 77
GAOL(B)IRd 6319 64
SAWBILL 20842 79
STAnDUP 11055 106
ENURES(E)S 14467 70
DATURAS 6938 73
STINTeR 1300 84
PRAT(T)LED 7901 70
BURDEnS 8298 80
(H)OBOISMS 28933 82
THORACE(S) 4024 89
PRURIEN(T) 5285 70
DI(G)OXINs 18504 86
TRABEA(T)E 7078 64
(R)USTAbLE 4477 66
RESTATE 1892 83
GRA(N)DIOS(E) 79 65
ENClA(V)ED 9847 76
SENORAS 1733 76
TR(U)NKINg* 0 74
WArTIM(E)S 3377 74
(A)NOINTER 40 62
VAGInAE 2799 78
A(G)ENESIA 865 72
ARAcHNI(D) 12387 88
PE(R)ILING 7000 74
ARRIVED 3799 78
REMANAG(E)* 0 86
HOLlERs 13950 74
UNSATED 1150 78
BO(U)NDERS 5181 71
RAGTIME 1228 97
ANIS(E)TTE 524 82
mEERKAT 8914 80
MATChEd 14847 74
ADVERSE 4086 82
DRAINED 1385 76
S(E)AqUAKE 22961 72
THEURGy 15411 80
ROPEWA(y)S 11927 78
NEURONA(L) 1145 60
SER(E)NATA 453 68
INHE(R)ING 11318 68
SANTE(R)IA 90 59
OSTeOID 1031 83
(D)ECORATE 802 74
RET(Y)PING 8100 66
DEEJAyS 15219 82
(D)ULCIANA 10569 74
VIOLABL(E) 11467 71
lEISTER(S) 5132 74
NE(U)tERED 3680 68
AEROsAT 240 67
MAD(E)IRAS 2550 149
PLEaTED 4065 100
ObJECTe(D) 21410 98
(O)BEDIENT 827 74
HOARSE(s)T 6493 149
PELORIA 325 77
BENE(D)ICT 7155 66
NOSTRUM 8907 79
(E)NTASIAS 2481 70
R(E)INVERT* 0 63
STHENIA 670 78
sMECT(I)TE 15156 69
(F)IRELOCK 16903 94
DoGMATA 11428 81
SONnIEs 7191 81
ENTIRE(T)Y 3879 67
(E)NVIAbLE 4242 86
PRO(T)RADE 3555 76
VET(C)HINg* 0 185
SYN(T)OnES 18144 72
SUBPEN(A)S 21080 74
(L)ARCeNER 6356 80
MOtI(O)NED 2089 74
(U)PDATiNG 8737 71
BR(A)TTIER 6104 149
IOD(A)TIOn 1486 66
(B)INOClES 6787 92
THICK(E)NS 19436 75
SH(I)TTIER 8944 82
UNLEADe(D) 8189 80
VOR(L)AgES 4362 90
UNTaGG(E)D 11712 78
NEUROID 174 70
STADiUM 7907 74
CANDORS 5807 76
EUSTEL(E)S 22934 66
RECAN(T)ER 4920 64
GOLi(A)SED 851 86
ALKINES 4613 71
(G)RIFTERS 13720 89
(F)REESIAS 6619 62
StIFLER 3279 77
D(E)LATORS 327 63
aBSENTS 9734 79
DETAILs 425 70
CHAUFER 14832 85
E(N)DEMIAL 1972 76
WELFArE 11099 80
hUNGE(R)ER* 0 82
FLATFE(E)T 23354 80
INSTATE(D) 930 68
AMIDO(N)ES 551 83
DAUTIES 428 64
STRIN(g)ED 1171 68
pTER(Y)LAE 7146 140
TIERING 1071 68
(C)RITIqUE 14400 63
CRYSTAL 15590 82
FUrIOSO 10349 78
IlLA(T)IVE 11910 78
EUPL(O)IDY 12928 80
TR(U)ANTeD 2139 62
HID(R)OSES 9701 67
M(E)TERING 2463 67
PERIG(E)AL 2350 67
MATERnA(L) 2657 67
EL(A)STINS 2203 59
IN(D)ITERS 869 68
ElUTING 1742 68
TARTAN(A)s 15798 65
WARRENS 6503 80
GImLE(T)ED 7518 60
TRUSTI(E)R 7826 70
FADEOUt 1944 81
BLE(A)TiNG 1806 80
SEI(G)NORY 2281 158
RITARDS 4587 73
GRACiNG 16392 74
LEaNEST 581 91
EQUITES 7337 102
THRIVeD 7135 84
TURIsTA 4586 70
OC(T)ANTAL 12770 78
DREA(R)IES 1265 74
GO(R)DITAS 1259 70
UNIDEAe(D) 2764 72
HOR(O)LOGE 19511 63
CONSTRU(E) 2951 76
(A)mIDINES 2574 80
BANSHEE 8253 70
DEMENTI 2264 76
PATELLA 17810 67
NAP(P)IEST 14145 89
ARMOZ(E)EN 7003 98
ESERINE 1631 77
THISTLE 9478 78
INER(T)IAE 44 60
(R)EPOsING 2277 76
TR(O)UTIeR 3208 61
HEARING 1569 80
(I)DeATInG 781 77
(S)LUDGIER 4773 64
cRUSADO 8792 89
SAUTERN(E) 379 68
OUTRIDE 180 72
FLUMINg 19517 76
mELANOI(D) 545 77
EXTREMA 8917 88
tOOTSIE 2624 67
COr(RE)LATE 2550 90
INH(E)RITS 2676 74
BUT(T)ONER 6117 64
TIARAED 134 84
INWA(R)DLY 11682 68
cIT(I)ZENS 14397 102
VELCROs 11227 81
LARI(G)ANS 4698 60
INHERE(N)T 3878 65
oBVIA(T)ED 2022 66
EYESTON(E) 5494 86
(N)EWSREEl 11138 92
sULKIER 9130 89
WRITH(E)RS 14029 78
NITRiDS 4462 68
MASSIER 6693 72
LEEWARd(S) 5319 92
MATINEE 372 78
(P)RIsONED 1440 74
TRAGICS 6809 72
PURITAn 2717 74
BAILEYs 6908 76
R(U)NAGATE 1565 149
InCHOA(T)E 898 83
TRANCIN(G) 9944 86
DENOTeS 845 89
(O)STRACOn 6016 80
VINASSE 6735 77
(V)EALIEST 1561 74
gOL(L)YWOG 31043 66
BATTI(N)GS 13458 85
GREIsEN 1203 79
BeESWIN(g) 12763 86
TOILETT(E) 8262 62
FISTING 18342 80
BR(A)TTIER 7981 90
SOL(A)RIZE 2158 69
DeSIGN(E)D 13815 70
(R)ENOVATE 373 75
ENCLAV(E)S 13599 71
GLItZES 11419 88
LOFT(I)eST 6064 70
FRATERS 8647 76
(T)ENNISTS 21624 77
ROSACEA 2354 70
UNSEXIE(R) 6024 67
D(U)ELLERS 15436 80
MOtIVEs 5148 78
SENARII 172 70
NAIVETY 3208 75
RONNIES 1023 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
GLa(Z)IERY 12339 230
MAD(E)IRAS 2550 149
WE(B)INARs 3294 167
K(LAVER)Ns 13900 126
HOARSE(s)T 6491 149
cOMEMb(E)R 27640 167
I(C)EBLINk 22798 158
LIM(B)IEST 13314 158
T(OPA)ZInE 2408 162
URINA(T)ED 71 140
r(A)dIOING 1577 122
PLE(C)TRUm 21556 158
O(D)dBALLS 27492 167
NEIgH(b)OR 5594 167
I(N)uNDATE 928 131
CA(R)INATE 505 149
oU(T)SLEEP 6174 140
IT(E)RATES 530 131
ANTI(Q)UES 2645 203
PA(R)DONEd 6486 158
cEN(T)RING 7423 122
VALIAN(T)S 7290 158
GNA(R)LiER 1645 131
INN(OVA)TE 768 101
SA(L)LOWER 9671 158
fLAT(C)ARS 19786 131
OPa(Q)UERs* 0 203
OVER(P)AST 4081 167
MAD(E)IRAS 2550 149
HOARSE(s)T 6493 149
VET(C)HINg* 0 185
BR(A)TTIER 6104 149
pTER(Y)LAE 7146 140
SEI(G)NORY 2281 158
R(U)NAGATE 1565 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
Pe(AR)MAINS 3888 74
R(ET)ARDING 781 63
REIN(F)ECT(S) 4495 64
(DE)CENTRED 15834 92
iNFLU(EN)ZA 14548 92
C(A)STR(A)TER 13400 65
(C)OMmENTE(D) 21435 71
(ME)TALLINg 7634 83
ENtRAI(NE)R 823 77
NATI(ON)ALS 2656 70
PRES(IF)TED 7185 80
(E)NTR(E)SOLS 3638 60
TR(O)WE(L)ING 1212 102
S(T)A(B)ILIZE 10383 80
EXA(MI)NiNG 17034 69
ENTRAIN(ED) 174 72
FIREWO(OD)S 8397 67
IMPAS(TI)NG 14420 68
MUNC(HI)ESt 14362 92
(SO)UVENIRS 6548 76
EXECrAT(ES) 13492 110
C(AR)INATED 574 89
INSER(TI)ON 664 63
tR(EH)ALOSE 938 63
(ER)GATIVeS 1307 76
P(RE)TRIALS 3132 65
GRA(N)DIOS(E) 79 65
COr(RE)LATE 2550 90
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
AIRNINg* 0 0
(EX)ILIA* 0 0
WAN(IN)GS* 0 0
JuTTIER* 0 0
JITTE(R)eR* 0 0
OLIVArI(C)* 0 0
STOUTeD* 0 0
ADOSE* 0 0
G(L)OTTAlS* 0 0
(S)EIN* 0 0
CYCAE* 0 0
JAW(A)R* 0 0
KATI* 0 0
(W)HOUSH* 0 0
MIRIS* 0 0
F(OR)BIDdAL* 0 0
FlASKED* 0 0
FOGgIES* 0 0
URALI* 0 0
M(I)T(O)NS* 0 0
eSLOINS* 0 0
rEDBONe(D)* 0 0
(N)ONBrEeD* 0 0
UNsICK* 0 0
FE(V)ERIeR* 0 0
NOO(G)Y* 0 0
(C)ILIAL* 0 0
REC(A)N* 0 0
STOUTeD* 0 0
MOSY* 0 0
T(E)AKED* 0 0
(C)HOLIC* 0 0
CO(R)PUM* 0 0
(K)AID* 0 0
(T)WEEK* 0 0
ThI(S)TLED* 0 0
BEGIV(E)* 0 0
DOTTLi(N)G* 0 0
EQUIN* 0 0
COMItEE* 0 0
Z(O)OIER(AWE)* 0 0
NEPOTE(N)C(E)* 0 0
D(I)DYNAsT* 0 0
Z(O)OIER(AWE)* 0 0
RUSED* 0 0
BEN(E)T* 0 0
SKAIL* 0 0
PAIKA* 0 0
(R)UFFIA* 0 0
DiARIZE(S)* 0 0
UNI(T)e(MI)ZED* 0 0
pA(R)ERGAL* 0 0
M(E)WN* 0 0
(G)LOCK* 0 0
NED* 0 0
P(U)KY* 0 0
TRILO(B)E* 0 0
BOI* 0 0
II* 0 0
(D)IPPIE* 0 0
(E)UPHROIc* 0 0
PUEBLIs* 0 0
AN(T)ICKY* 0 0
MU(N)CHIE* 0 0
FRAUP* 0 0
(N)oNFUELS* 0 0
REM(O)ULT* 0 0
FLoRIDS* 0 0
SED(I)LITy* 0 0
rOIDERS* 0 0
DeFUNCT(ED)* 0 0
(DUMP)IE* 0 0
GLID* 0 0
PIRE* 0 0
(R)OBER* 0 0
PAREV* 0 0
TADA* 0 0
ZILlED* 0 0
UNNOT(I)Ng* 0 0
DENIAL(iS)T* 0 0
SQUAmAL* 0 0
CLiNG(I)LY* 0 0
REhOPED* 0 0
mOVEDLY* 0 0
NOHS* 0 0
ERFS* 0 0
FENNINg* 0 0
PFUIS* 0 0
BEFi(x)T* 0 0
(W)EENILY* 0 0
MIRIS* 0 0
F(I)NITY* 0 0
OVERTUr(A)* 0 0
R(AMA)LS* 0 0
(A)LAIN* 0 0
KIPA* 0 0
(W)ASHTOPs* 0 0
GAPOSEs* 0 0
HOKY* 0 0
(G)OBoNEES* 0 0
GE(S)sOInG* 0 0
wHOOFER* 0 0
UNCArED* 0 0
FRIgA(T)ED* 0 0
JURU(M)* 0 0
JAR(R)ER* 0 0
GLOWY* 0 0
SADO* 0 0
HUGH* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BOO(K)IT* 0 24
INFIXT* 0 22
(V)ITULIN* 0 12
CUVET* 0 26
(BO)LLICES* 0 18
ROB(O)TIST* 0 74
KIPA* 0 35
(B)ONDYARD* 0 80
GASCAN* 0 45
STORYM(E)N* 0 84
CHID(S)* 0 33
EPERGN* 0 32
ILEACS* 0 79
OUTBET* 0 29
IN(CURLS)* 0 9
TAVERN(E)D* 0 74
CYCA* 0 22
CH(O)REN(E)* 0 24
REAIME(D)* 0 22
UNCIT(E)D* 0 46
(HE)MPED* 0 28
LIBR(E)* 0 14
(C)URVILY* 0 25
K(OE)PT* 0 48
HIPE* 0 33
RETED* 0 33
VORLS* 0 30
FLU(O)RON* 0 28
ZE(R)OER* 0 50
DOILIE* 0 18
CLARTIc* 0 74
OBVIGA(T)E* 0 66
(LO)BING* 0 12
SENGO* 0 26
(TI)ECLIP* 0 28
SPINEY* 0 38
ZARV(E)S* 0 57
PEWIE* 0 26
FO(R)DER* 0 45
(P)AWA* 0 27
SWELTe(R)Y* 0 76
REDRIN(K)s* 0 66
RONT(E)* 0 23
BET(O)RCH* 0 56
VAL(E)NT* 0 20
SCUTTeD* 0 89
MOTT(E)D* 0 38
LY(C)ENE* 0 38
ATISIL* 0 42
BLATE(D)* 0 36
PRONA* 0 30
PRONAS* 0 94
THIRR* 0 27
UNT(OWE)D* 0 50
(BO)RZON* 0 34
L(AG)GY* 0 22
CO(V)Y* 0 48
VISER* 0 41
POOKAH* 0 35
AwEIGHT* 0 86
DERN* 0 33
DAVV(IT)* 0 26
WOG* 0 25
ADNEX(O)Ns* 0 84
V(ERN)ON* 0 10
(S)UDORITY* 0 89
GLIMN(E)SS* 0 63
N(AWED)* 0 10
BUTy(F)IED* 0 76
INVISI(O)N* 0 74
CRIP* 0 17
XYLIN* 0 46
(I)NNARD* 0 14
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
(O)UTWIN* 0 18
HUCK(IN)G* 0 21
PULL(Y)* 0 20
ENFINE(r)Y* 0 68
(C)LADDIER* 0 92
(V)ENEROUs* 0 62
V(O)UDOU* 0 15
SNAB* 0 68
FU(N)LY* 0 30
ADEEP* 0 29
OOFS* 0 68
MaNDANG(O)* 0 76
DHURR(Y)* 0 26
DOG(H)EART* 0 78
D(I)TTED* 0 30
EXA(C)TIvE* 0 68
HEdON* 0 33
PURRY* 0 25
(ANA)GOGUE* 0 33
SHIVED* 0 35
GRUMED* 0 34
BRACIL(I)N* 0 74
H(O)STAGED* 0 65
pAMPIAN* 0 78
FRO(u)NCY* 0 56
FRI(L)L(E)* 0 26
EPIGE(A)* 0 20
E(NUN)CIA* 0 36
ELA(P)IN* 0 36
(T)ERPIC* 0 20
SURFHE(AD)* 0 57
GO(R)ER* 0 31
GRIDdLE(R)* 0 83
(N)IVEAL* 0 39
OReOLOG(Y)* 0 63
(F)IBRINE* 0 39
(G)VYE* 0 33
tSORRIS* 0 77
VOGUE(Y)* 0 34
RE(D)ECK* 0 32
RE(AVOWER)* 0 28
BRET* 0 14
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
VACUA(T)ED* 0 70
S(A)NATIZE* 0 88
REWA(T)ER* 0 40
SWIVER* 0 78
BLAR(I)NGS* 0 64
UN(FRISKY)* 0 54
DI(E)SISES* 0 63
TETRAL* 0 26
(WE)LLAN* 0 30
AURE(A)TED* 0 68
DALL* 0 21
LITO(R)ALS* 0 70
T(A)IlHEAD* 0 72
DE(KA)NES* 0 48
YOINKS* 0 18
(V)ILLE* 0 13
GRaDING(S)* 0 72
AR(C)hAEAS* 0 60
(TI)TTERY* 0 28
U(N)M(U)TE* 0 32
BLONDL(Y)* 0 23
TRANCH* 0 36
MIsRANk* 0 81
(U)NVETTED* 0 78
(A)PPEAK* 0 20
NIE(N)TO* 0 26
(S)ICKMAN* 0 32
B(AS)INIC* 0 33
M(AT)RE* 0 20
CRANER* 0 53
H(O)LTED* 0 28
G(H)URRIAN* 0 63
KAFTA* 0 22
(E)V(O)KABLE* 0 52
QgAG(G)A* 0 62
UMBO(N)E* 0 20
QUILTY* 0 48
CUER* 0 30
LAICHES* 0 100
(T)APaLOES* 0 80
OUTSO(R)T* 0 11
CO(B)BED* 0 39
BUGEY(ED)* 0 16
UNISIZe(D)* 0 68
LIT(US)* 0 15
(F)LEAR* 0 25
HOKY* 0 54
FRATTIE(R)* 0 65
FA(C)ELIKE* 0 72
PIETU(M)* 0 20
(B)HISTI* 0 30
E(X)ODON* 0 32
(S)UDArIAL* 0 74
PINER* 0 40
WORK(S)ITE* 0 69
GOMBRE(L)S* 0 66
DOO(B)Y* 0 30
FOSSAtE(D)* 0 86
BRUND* 0 22
GRUTH* 0 15
WHOAS* 0 83
TARTE* 0 26
GRUSHY* 0 49
(K)NARR* 0 20
UNBOOkE(D)* 0 61
BLOWSE* 0 45
(MA)TY* 0 13
INVESTE(R)* 0 63
(L)U(N)ULI* 0 14
(HI)CKLE* 0 30
SCUTTeD* 0 89
(A)MIL* 0 21
MAILL(E)* 0 16
(M)ICKIE* 0 45
BOHUN(K)* 0 30
WORSEN(E)R* 0 76
E(XI)LIA* 0 14
COLEND(E)R* 0 76
OPa(Q)UERs* 0 203
RI(L)ER* 0 18
FUNLY* 0 33
CAR(R)E* 0 32
PULPEN* 0 27
FA(S)CIE* 0 38
(c)URVILY* 0 39
BIF(FE)R* 0 30
CO(R)NERER* 0 64
HaPLINS* 0 82
(BA)RBATO(L)* 0 24
F(E)MAL* 0 26
CRIM* 0 20
WE(N)NED* 0 28
INFIXT* 0 22
SARDOrS* 0 84
VINI(N)E* 0 13
UPW(E)NT* 0 19
FLEXL(Y)* 0 38
SuCKISH* 0 88
PENE* 0 85
HELVER* 0 24
INVISI(O)N* 0 74
GOOLE(E)* 0 13
GALENOI(D)* 0 83
BRACK* 0 25
FILIA* 0 27
TR(U)NKINg* 0 74
REMANAG(E)* 0 86
R(E)INVERT* 0 63
MALI(K)* 0 39
VET(C)HINg* 0 185
L(U)GGIT* 0 9
VESPA* 0 43
hUNGE(R)ER* 0 82
HO(O)LIE(S)* 0 37
WACKLY* 0 46
HATTY* 0 60
(WIZ)ARDINg* 0 69
WI(N)KY* 0 31
(C)HAKE* 0 37
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
AIRNINg* 0 0
(EX)ILIA* 0 0
NOSTRIL 1205 0
GLARIER 2349 0
WAN(IN)GS* 0 0
JuTTIER* 0 0
JITTE(R)eR* 0 0
OLIVArI(C)* 0 0
STOUTeD* 0 0
ERGATE 539 0
ENTERIC 1081 0
G(L)OTTAlS* 0 0
(S)EIN* 0 0
ZEP 913 0
NUT 289 16
BENNIS 5842 31
JAW(A)R* 0 0
CL(I)TTERS 8362 61
KATI* 0 0
BIG(H)T 6655 33
(W)HOUSH* 0 0
WAGONS 6851 0
ARAMIDS 8536 0
F(OR)BIDdAL* 0 0
FlASKED* 0 0
FEATEsT 7678 85
FOGgIES* 0 0
URALI* 0 0
M(I)T(O)NS* 0 0
HERB 2213 50
F(R)EEgANS 5904 74
(T)OMO 3050 16
Es 22 0
FISSURe 12980 0
eSLOINS* 0 0
rEDBONe(D)* 0 0
(N)ONBrEeD* 0 0
UNsICK* 0 0
FE(V)ERIeR* 0 0
NOO(G)Y* 0 0
(C)ILIAL* 0 0
REC(A)N* 0 0
STOUTeD* 0 0
JACKS 9030 77
MOSY* 0 0
T(E)AKED* 0 0
WEST 1370 0
(C)HOLIC* 0 0
HIMS 3253 47
CO(R)PUM* 0 0
(K)AID* 0 0
(T)WEEK* 0 0
ThI(S)TLED* 0 0
BEGIV(E)* 0 0
SIRE 99 0
DOTTLi(N)G* 0 0
EQUIN* 0 0
COMItEE* 0 0
(GI)LD 2505 0
Z(O)OIER(AWE)* 0 0
NEPOTE(N)C(E)* 0 0
(A)CeRBATE 7698 92
(B)OPPY 9279 28
D(I)DYNAsT* 0 0
LOTTA 2333 35
Z(O)OIER(AWE)* 0 0
PRETELL 14313 0
BEN(E)T* 0 0
SKAIL* 0 0
PAIKA* 0 0
JEST 2125 0
VENUS 3737 0
STORIES 1831 0
(R)UFFIA* 0 0
WEST 1370 0
DiARIZE(S)* 0 0
UNI(T)e(MI)ZED* 0 0
pA(R)ERGAL* 0 0
RIP 386 0
M(E)WN* 0 0
pIPEAG(E)S 18395 77
(G)LOCK* 0 0
NED* 0 0
P(U)KY* 0 0
TRILO(B)E* 0 0
DURAbLY 18188 0
(O)I 10 0
IMPAR(I)TY 18005 88
(D)IPPIE* 0 0
(E)UPHROIc* 0 0
PUEBLIs* 0 0
BhELPU(R)I 18328 63
AN(T)ICKY* 0 0
ARVO 872 24
MU(N)CHIE* 0 0
SEI 33 0
NODDLES 9091 71
SPEW 2847 39
FRAUP* 0 0
(N)oNFUELS* 0 0
REM(O)ULT* 0 0
FLoRIDS* 0 0
SED(I)LITy* 0 0
rOIDERS* 0 0
DeFUNCT(ED)* 0 0
(DUMP)IE* 0 0
AG 53 0
PIECE 3492 0
(C)ABA 4452 24
JAP 1186 0
lO(W)LIFER 15357 89
ROPEY 3350 48
DODDIE(S)T 24536 64
(R)OBER* 0 0
PAREV* 0 0
GROAT 996 32
SOLeMNE(R) 3767 77
ZILlED* 0 0
UNNOT(I)Ng* 0 0
DENIAL(iS)T* 0 0
SQUAmAL* 0 0
CLiNG(I)LY* 0 0
EASING 345 0
GIED 459 0
REhOPED* 0 0
mOVEDLY* 0 0
YANTRAS 8244 0
FLI(P)PY 22576 48
JERID 2601 0
MONISH 8608 0
EN 5 0
STERnER 3599 81
STICH 8713 0
FENNINg* 0 0
(R)OTIS 444 0
(S)TEMLIKE 14267 92
BEFi(x)T* 0 0
(W)EENILY* 0 0
DITZY 7453 0
ARAMIDS 8536 0
INCENTE(R) 3870 70
F(I)NITY* 0 0
OVERTUr(A)* 0 0
FASH 3059 84
R(AMA)LS* 0 0
ELITIST 5797 0
VISTA 2079 0
BASTILe 1464 87
WOTS 2123 0
(A)LAIN* 0 0
P(I)E 106 0
(W)ASHTOPs* 0 0
GAPOSEs* 0 0
EDUCTOR 3851 97
HOKY* 0 0
SEX 629 0
(G)OBoNEES* 0 0
INTeNDS 2846 0
P(HE)NETIC 12284 36
GE(S)sOInG* 0 0
(R)EOrGInG 10489 80
(G)LUTENIN 5556 80
(WHOOF)ING 24637 54
AP(I)ARIAn 13446 74
RADICEs 1478 82
NUANCEs 12298 85
AXES 1343 0
SCO(L)D 8217 31
wHOOFER* 0 0
BRUShED 15566 0
UNCArED* 0 0
GOLi(A)SED 851 86
EUPL(O)IDY 12928 80
ARMOZ(E)EN 7003 98
FRIgA(T)ED* 0 0
JURU(M)* 0 0
JAR(R)ER* 0 0
GLOWY* 0 0
UPBLE(W) 19525 42
LOFTS 5064 0
HUGH* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ORGANIZ(E) 1495 107
UN(T)ImELY 11955 70
FIsHNE(T)S 17915 95
(R)OOSTERS 14554 62
(S)CAVEnGE 12726 76
INTEr(T)IE 1640 69
EARLESS 6314 76
MITrING 10587 90
cHUTNEE 11458 91
OD(O)mETER 4977 82
OATIEsT 248 68
OVErRAN 2586 76
COULOI(R)S 12728 63
(C)HiMENEA 8666 90
ENERGID 1195 65
I(R)RITATE 2990 70
(O)MELETTE 13386 72
AdAPtI(V)E 6286 86
REPOURS 10570 74
(Y)OLKIesT 11025 89
CHEDI(T)ES 10434 86
N(I)DATING 8662 72
PEtIOLE(D) 1927 76
ANLAGES 3981 71
RE(T)RACTs 13105 63
PuTAMEN 7077 76
DAISIES 5902 93
(O)vERNEAR 2336 74
RADULAE 2682 64
MISTRI(A)L 7313 80
LANGURS 8467 72
SIENiTE 801 79
EPIN(A)STY 3378 64
THrIVED 7144 84
PEAKIER 5896 73
(E)RINGOeS 352 80
GRASsIL(Y) 20762 86
DIPT(E)RAN 421 74
SAUT(O)IRE 26 60
INCIpIT 19729 72
PUEBLOS 14277 82
EnTASIA 135 75
KLE(A)GlES 23113 76
THROATY 14551 83
ReVELER 16055 65
BED(S)tRAW 9002 92
B(L)ONDEST 5180 80
REFILES 4169 72
gROWLIE(R) 8186 92
DUA(L)ISES 7044 70
(T)rAINEES 36 74
STERANE 217 74
WHINIEs(T) 9831 78
(L)UCIDEST 7425 69
UTT(E)RiNG 3253 60
cOWIEST 5116 76
(E)NTRESOL 517 62
(c)HORDAtE 4011 74
DINGLES 3472 78
S(O)LANDER 324 80
CALOMEl(S) 18849 86
ORDAINE(R) 134 70
STORAGE 396 76
RELEN(T)ER* 0 59
GESTUrE 4556 70
ROUTI(N)ES 105 82
BEH(E)ADAL 14569 80
DOLMENi(C) 6808 95
Is(O)PHOTE 8288 80
GlUIEST 3485 83
(I)SLANDED 4274 83
VIE(W)dATA 6277 64
PeRVERT 15430 86
TAnGRAM 10582 67
cU(R)CUMIN 30450 76
SOrTABL(E) 1334 68
ECO(T)ONAL 2076 76
S(A)VORInG 3854 74
CHAETAL 10690 82
LeNDERS 2912 80
INVADER 654 75
ABUSInG 9683 67
G(E)NERALS 1727 72
L(I)sTENED 961 66
S(A)NIDINE 2334 60
(A)tRAZINE 1575 82
COUvADE 7958 88
TENUReS 1444 66
VASE(L)INE 1554 74
SE(R)ENATA 453 59
(G)ENERALS 1728 72
hALIT(O)SE(S) 3854 76
ZAB(A)IONE 4964 73
NEStINg 4450 79
EPINAOI 416 73
TANKAGE 8849 75
CABiLDO 10251 75
END(P)OINT 3597 76
LIQUEUR 16742 70
sCLERAE 4064 68
LADRONE 147 72
NOSHERS 10879 83
ENDURES 2786 62
AROINTS 128 76
DEMETOn 2644 79
TRI(L)OBED 1408 78
pRONOTA 4664 66
LAMENTS 3182 74
R(ET)INITES 1774 68
ENTERON 1210 66
(G)RISTLES 9256 87
U(N)TITLED 3982 60
gLORIOU(S) 9646 59
ALEX(I)NES 3432 110
NEUSTIC 3235 79
LInGERE(D) 1732 83
AnTIMI(N)E 3268 72
TOXINES 2344 80
SAfFRON 17836 75
OrBITED 945 76
(H)IDEOUts 2819 74
(T)EOCALLI 3782 83
HEROINE 486 74
s(T)UBBlED 26617 94
SETTLED 9142 80
TABORiN 742 63
PARiT(I)ES 1188 78
REhOUSE 4811 64
RELAPS(E)S 13732 82
DILAT(A)TE 2331 72
(N)EUrONAL 1145 74
OVERBl(O)W 20894 82
WI(R)EWoRK 27224 94
UnSTAT(E)D 3974 73
PLEASA(n)T 4927 70
sT(R)IPPeD 18550 89
(O)rGANDIE 60 80
T(R)UDGERS 12471 81
ELOIGN(E)D 917 72
INCITED 3463 76
TENDR(I)LS 685 65
BaRFINg 11070 72
DIGESTE(D) 10023 74
BASSoON 17393 68
TOENAIL(S) 24 62
TOUR(I)SMs 16340 60
POST(G)AME 8843 80
INCITES 3636 88
TWINkLE 11016 86
JUdASES 18930 92
STANING 6224 90
(GO)ODLIEST 2334 72
LITANI(E)S 296 76
DYNAMIS(T) 11106 101
FAILU(R)ES 2320 74
GRIeVeS 5769 78
TENABLE 2162 70
SkINNED 13365 73
ITEMISE 4581 72
BRINDLE 3203 75
GRUNTLE(D) 4849 72
mAHZORS 20377 94
(S)NARFINg 13465 92
(I)NVIABLE 6290 78
UDO(M)ETRY 10270 82
UN(R)AISED 269 86
aEROSAT 240 72
DIAPERS 1523 85
oUTcITY 17165 74
TESTOON 4862 74
VI(R)UCIDE 13310 78
QUIETuD(E) 18130 104
CAScADE 20137 79
BENtHOS 8090 83
UNWE(T)tED 13352 62
REDU(C)ING 6193 64
A(T)WITTER 11260 74
cASERNE 2179 63
REINVAD(E) 651 74
ACaPNI(A)s 21378 82
CZARINA 13850 99
Am(A)NDINE 5575 70
FIERIES(T) 3491 86
CANDlIN(G) 17034 65
CO(n)VENTS 15030 70
GUIPuRE 15070 65
GOaLIES 380 68
gRANI(T)AS 2500 64
MEANIES 1059 98
MODES(T)ER 3769 62
VIeLLES 14327 87
BLINGED 7512 68
REIn(F)ECT 4319 89
BLUE(C)APS 21476 86
PREEDIT 2283 81
ReLAXES 7350 91
RUMINAL 4961 69
GRATIN(E)E 85 62
CORRIDA 6612 76
DRAG(O)NET 256 61
ELOqUeN(T) 7086 64
RENO(V)ATE 300 70
tEQUILA 3567 90
AeRATES 800 81
ALATION 524 66
LUmBE(R)ED 17688 90
BA(R)ATHEa 15495 74
A(R)ROWINg 7533 74
EDApHIC 11743 96
LABELER 11118 89
SOAPIER 336 76
DARNeRS 2810 74
(AB)NEGATES 5198 89
LEGATOR 389 77
GARDENS 1718 65
O(U)TRAISE 25 68
OREIdES 299 73
FANBAsE* 0 86
SEGWAYS* 0 106
DOMINAT(E) 202 65
N(A)RRaTOR 14127 68
STRINGe(R) 3252 70
AIRPOWE(R) 4716 78
SOnDERS 6180 93
A(D)HEsION 544 67
CON(C)AVED 21314 90
ARROWIn(G) 7545 86
(D)ENTILED 5117 66
KEELSON 8213 86
EcLAIRS 1485 72
cOACHES 19448 94
(S)NOUTIER 106 60
PANAcHE 15436 75
REHEATS 2217 93
TrAVOIS(E) 231 92
RIMlAND 4953 80
REsECTS 14331 77
AROYNTS 3422 78
SOONERS 7935 73
UBIE(T)IEs 5877 68
CHITO(S)AN 5926 67
sTRIPED 3275 72
UNENV(I)ED 9618 111
PERLITE 2289 71
DUEL(L)IST 10499 72
SPOL(I)ATE 572 60
ROOTERS 4870 78
(I)SObARIC 9911 80
NEA(R)LIER 519 62
SHARPEN 7057 85
SEDATER 578 89
REVERTS 10922 79
SMIDGEN 7583 86
DIVIdeS 16535 87
(E)UPNOEAS 1918 72
RATTLE(R)S 7853 68
GRAfTED 4692 82
DAMNERS 3113 101
PA(R)TIbLE 3288 77
(T)HEnAGES 4612 86
ANTI(W)EAR 508 65
EROTISM 997 85
sIRLoIN 2722 76
CUBATUR(E) 17887 78
INTARS(I)A 1955 61
(I)LLATION 4774 70
ONANIST 1404 73
MErITED 2267 72
TARRIED 542 70
(S)TACKErS 22038 98
REMAINE(D) 649 65
UNp(I)NNED 21584 62
URALItE 123 77
RUNLETs 2444 75
BEmI(X)iNG 24528 69
SEROSAE 2507 74
LASTING 2907 75
(I)OdINATE 38 66
(n)EGATING 8876 80
E(N)TITLES 2574 70
oVERL(A)ND 1361 65
(G)AMESTER 4623 74
OVERBAK(E) 14458 94
N(O)TCHIER 2117 71
rOQ(U)ETED 7109 90
COTIDAL 3338 76
rEFUS(I)NG 6222 80
TILTYaR(D) 10956 86
DIRIMEN(T) 2670 86
ECTASIS 6665 77
DURIANs 1865 75
S(E)CONALS 9663 62
rOOTLET 4864 82
TIDeL(A)ND 2187 60
(I)NVOLvES 15885 72
BONESET 2636 65
EcTOmE(R)E 10559 66
UNDERLI(T) 727 80
BlISTER 3213 72
SPEE(R)ING 4659 94
KERATiN(S) 1270 89
PLASHeD 13285 82
ROADIEs 36 79
ARACEOU(s) 3220 80
STAGNA(T)E 6141 72
(U)NGAiNED* 0 65
PACK(I)NGs 25816 69
PURSIE(S)T 12282 62
REsHINE 2283 91
Am(A)NDINE 5575 70
FIERIES(T) 3491 86
NOTaTIO(N) 6535 68
INFUSER 3284 79
rADIANT 1168 78
MEANIES 1059 75
DROUTHS 11936 67
S(O)LVENTS 13540 65
F(I)EFDOMS 23976 86
SYNTONI(C) 17675 92
SHELLAC 19475 72
(E)NTAILER 30 71
STA(T)URED 3987 68
SIRLOIN 2735 71
BE(D)IAPER 4250 65
TONNEAU 776 77
(P)ARERGON 5075 65
DEARIES 206 71
COLADAs* 0 85
BONIEST 898 67
NARCIST 2707 68
CL(E)aTING 1814 90
SPIKIER 14636 84
FORTUNE(D) 2955 89
STR(I)DDEN 4338 61
COOEYI(N)G 10710 78
TOLANES 162 71
CAL(L)OWEr 15355 80
UNITARD(S) 1318 80
RAGOUTS 3699 81
UNFAIR(L)y 11678 70
ALIENEr 53 64
OR(A)NGIER 318 70
DOTTERS 3497 64
ANSATED 1275 67
T(U)RNSOLE 923 66
sE(C)ONDES 14617 73
ENDORSE(E) 2226 80
PANFORT(E) 2114 101
ORATOrY 11525 77
FOLAcIN 7236 70
vENETIA(N) 1969 74
TaNDEMS 3118 68
EQ(U)ITIeS 9943 70
LENTIGO 405 63
EnM(I)TIES 3507 131
ME(G)ABITS 7969 176
ROWINGS 7861 66
dEITIEs 1610 58
P(R)ICIEST 9313 70
LAIR(I)EST 315 68
UnITERS 454 67
DETOURS 1329 70
A(R)tERIAL 1094 59
MILESIA(N) 2591 74
ADROIt(E)R 129 62
QUAIlED 5741 87
BUlKIER 14112 80
(A)NTIROlL 2286 74
ANISEED 205 70
M(Y)ELINES 10485 68
SCORIAE 314 79
OXTAIlS 6203 84
D(O)CTORAL 9253 67
TRAME(L)Ed 3040 86
VERsING 4559 71
YIELDIN(G) 9701 76
(L)IQUATED 4728 107
AD(J)OINED 7227 84
FrI(S)KETS 22049 70
ScOURGE 8541 83
(E)MANATED 3470 76
DECLIN(E)D 13072 78
SCABbIE(R) 19271 72
ERECTOR 5764 70
OINOMEL 2790 88
EXTRORS(E) 11486 82
DILuENT 1158 67
vIATORS 1672 69
AIRWA(V)ES 5981 86
oBEDIE(N)T 827 62
PaSSION 9869 82
RELENTS 1441 82
POLENTA 919 76
MALINES 1542 75
UNCLEAR 3084 69
ENGINES 5312 73
PITHEAD(S) 5704 104
URAnI(D)ES 270 66
(S)EPTORIA 230 70
LATTINS 4588 64
GeNTRIC(E) 2462 83
TARDiVE 658 68
SPANNED 9403 76
CENTIAR(E) 237 83
TRITOMa 4205 73
ASOCIAl 6166 74
LOANERS 158 67
ALUNITE 116 73
CHAStEN 7047 81
HERNIAS 668 84
EREMURI 7776 67
INEDITA 141 71
DIATREM(E) 652 63
INERTlY 1623 76
ASTATIN(E) 1093 77
DEpOLI(S)H 10118 76
(T)EACARTS 8963 72
EArFL(A)PS 13365 84
INGATeS 275 89
LIN(G)ERED 1732 90
LOBTAIl 9859 80
VEXIL(L)AR 18825 74
PANDECT 7004 78
LAVI(S)HED 8912 67
GOUTIER 414 80
A(C)IDNESS 8633 72
WI(N)NABlE 10211 74
RANDiES 86 71
bO(O)MLETS 15584 86
AGOUTIS 1810 66
RETILEs 610 78
LINGIE(S)T 2831 86
ACTIONs 1570 76
(F)EATHeRS 6770 78
(G)LANCING 25974 95
RE(S)eRvED 19389 64
NEBuLAR 3055 62
DEAD(B)EAt 14297 65
PINIEST 3679 81
BUSHMEN 19924 90
(R)ETAINER 178 70
VItUL(I)NE 4975 70
Y(O)LKIEST 11076 90
ANDIRON(s) 2166 77
OILIEST 742 61
REeN(G)AGE 12097 72
(D)IAMINES 2583 76
(C)AViLING 18562 82
STIPEND 3289 73
NAG(G)IEsT 5084 86
BEIGEsT 5737 76
TAMALEs 6043 71
UNSWEPt 13401 74
D(E)UTZIAS 4978 70
(G)RAtINEE 85 77
REVENUE 8996 64
DIAZOLE 2321 88
L(I)BERATE 641 70
ANGL(E)POD 4344 89
REAVOWS 5061 98
BoWSING 15449 81
GAMETAL 8181 71
TOSTONE 4863 76
DURATI(O)N 291 60
TANNERS 1351 80
FUsAINS 15331 90
ATTE(N)DED 9405 62
TORREnT 4483 68
LIGHTEN 4747 91
A(N)ALYSER 4947 72
STARREd 2816 69
(E)NVISAGE 2353 90
TAPENAD(E) 3281 94
EMETICS 8004 71
ENRObER 5772 66
LIKEnED 7321 79
FOSTERs 10397 90
PaNDOUR 5596 96
SHELTER 6477 78
JAvEL(I)NA 10658 89
MANNITe 2120 72
ALLERGY 15148 67
BROIDE(R)S 6083 76
SHOT(G)UNS 24528 66
DEVOTES 4808 104
MUSiCAl 15491 79
LaBORER 4598 82
tENACIT(Y) 6915 78
DISeASE 3757 72
HARRIES 3804 74
SCUDDEd 24363 77
HORkING 16331 78
URINOUS 8636 76
L(E)AKAGES 15981 66
TANNERS 1352 61
STRiPED 3273 70
POLITeR 990 72
RaVENED 2195 98
NOPALeS 1973 76
C(I)LIATES 2562 61
ENGROSS 8220 81
MAILERS 1546 77
AERATIN(G) 236 61
OUtSOAR 3433 73
BAGgIER 11091 69
BEETLES 12062 74
VENEREA(L) 4745 86
WIZA(R)DLY 24371 146
IOdATI(N)G 1578 72
U(P)RAtING 5517 83
A(S)SISTED 17618 71
ANOXIAs 6774 86
DISQUI(E)t 12130 84
INT(E)RNAL 438 58
RESENDS 12258 75
SLITHER 3287 83
C(I)TRUSEs 12248 60
ME(T)HANES 7133 69
RAFTs(M)AN 16347 72
COSS(E)TED 14635 76
ARE(N)ITES 32 62
IpOmOEA 3767 59
ARRASED 5801 72
FOREDON(E) 4976 89
T(A)ILLEUR 2201 59
REVIS(I)Ng 7010 86
ROUSERS 13354 72
lAV(A)LIER 9316 90
REF(L)OATS 1381 66
LIONI(S)ED 986 70
UPRIG(H)TS 21218 108
OUTEAR(N)S 102 73
LiNEAGE 455 70
R(O)ULADES 883 68
MiLADiS 11501 78
sID(E)SMAN 8664 90
(I)NCLINeR 8972 63
(R)EFALLEN 10035 71
MoTORc(AD)E 5373 83
C(A)SEFIED 7021 88
COYOTES 12631 75
ELODEAS 804 72
SONLEsS 20030 77
(E)MACIATE 4663 68
FRESHET 11472 84
DOWNIE(S)T 1442 65
MELANIC 4326 77
BEGO(N)IAS 972 72
EXPIRIE(S) 15535 75
(C)OLLEgER 17208 70
ROTATED 772 73
TERRItS 6013 64
(S)URFABLE 12610 67
DIST(A)INS 10242 70
UNSAL(T)ED 1698 68
DANSEuR 1151 80
SA(T)IABLE 2534 72
cARTAGE 5258 72
ELUtION 184 64
SCREAME(R) 15126 89
(R)ATSBANE 2653 72
T(E)RPINoL 611 64
RAP(I)DEST 1040 72
AEOLIAn 60 68
DEANING 2345 72
BEMOCK(E)D 27081 88
R(E)ADORNs 1141 61
PIO(N)EERS 853 64
LAcUNES 5586 64
SLENDER 2928 70
(A)nCONeAL 6699 77
MaRRoNS 9652 80
AIRLIFT 5518 97
Q(U)ETzALS 21903 82
MIST(U)NES 12336 64
O(V)ERAGEs 2868 65
MINcING 21868 77
ELEVONS 4819 68
A(G)ENIZED 5033 88
GALORES 1098 67
SALUTIN(G) 4307 72
(S)EROTINE 49 82
OSTiARY 1673 85
AIRSIDE 495 79
LOGOUTS 13993 66
(D)ISABLED 12056 89
AEOLIAn 60 60
(I)NTRUDES 729 62
SEATRO(U)T 1157 70
MATInEE 372 68
InTAGLI(OES) 97 83
GLADn(E)SS 12703 59
ORIENTE(D) 47 70
ENcAEN(I)A 4281 78
BORANES 872 69
HA(N)DIEST 1022 74
CLARIES 1484 67
AIGLETS 764 77
CO(N)T(E)MNED 12390 67
R(E)NmINBI 14510 68
SALtIRE 120 73
(S)CHNEIDS 21151 78
fEEDLOT 4795 69
OUTLASt 8232 81
FA(R)ADISe 2408 62
DiALYSE(R) 2192 74
SURFACE 9996 79
CaNDLER 3069 74
CLEANI(N)G 7363 69
OX(I)DIZED 26337 77
(C)ApITOLS 9178 68
REGIMEN 3382 99
OStRICH 9965 94
BRAINIE(R) 3093 74
T(O)ADLIKE 1664 64
RELEN(T)ER* 0 59
ALMONER(S) 1388 64
UNBALED 5563 84
TOAstED 1693 79
GAInsA(I)D 8188 66
ETERN(A)LS 377 59
RESOL(V)ED 6188 98
HANTLEs 3174 77
uTILIZ(E)R 8680 102
SuRGIER* 0 68
NARDINE 537 71
TORMENT 4691 70
ROUL(ET)TES 3367 68
RIGID(E)ST 2982 158
LOV(E)LIER 7651 94
PROOFED 12615 89
SPIRTED 3272 81
PLAYGoE(R) 8832 89
URETHRA 6475 94
GREENIE 2132 70
INER(R)ANT 1187 68
VALUA(T)ES 7925 62
ACYLOIN(S) 9186 68
MINDERS 3258 78
EYE(L)INER 4755 80
FRE(E)LOAD 1898 76
INUR(N)INg 24490 59
RETILIn(G) 1567 68
PANDERS 3123 82
(U)NDERMIX* 0 88
cLEFtIN(G) 11408 92
HOUSING 10798 75
EUCLASE 6589 82
TERRAIN 195 63
HADDEst 12845 109
F(E)STIVAL 5721 72
AVIATI(O)n 3192 75
M(U)lCTING 21163 98
CLOTHEd 11197 87
NEAREST 216 80
LADDERS 8411 75
HETErOS 2654 75
GORI(N)ESS 4203 63
DEsPOtI(C) 6815 92
PERTAIN 236 76
rE(N)AMING 4424 61
GOLD(T)ONE 4438 83
(T)APADERA 10019 65
REFINED 2258 80
DIScOL(O)R 12706 82
PLANTED 3109 73
INTER(A)CT 1503 61
BEHOWLS 18371 108
DIETING 2150 72
RE(G)ALERS 6904 63
EsCALOP 7961 83
DIA(S)PORE 556 63
OZONISE 5554 90
EbONISE(D) 1918 77
gONADI(A)L 2992 66
DEMOING 2972 68
ABORT(I)VE 897 65
(L)OWLIEST 9722 63
D(I)GERATI 636 70
sTENGA(H)S 14803 76
RAIDING 3447 69
cURARIS 11873 65
OuTFACE 5011 77
EYeWATE(R) 9439 78
SLANTED 1147 76
TR(A)I(N)LESS 1176 72
LIMPERs 10162 84
REOILED 298 70
LAAGERE(D) 3854 72
(S)IBIlANT 7298 59
GAlIPoT 4842 77
PADDLES 15889 89
WANTERS 1613 94
SInUATE 125 70
CAROUSE(R) 6034 87
JERRIDS 13335 96
PAG(A)NISE 4177 62
SEEKInG 9149 74
DONNEES 4517 78
GUDGEoN(S) 16819 86
MAXILL(A)E 22503 84
WANTERs 1615 92
(N)ESTLErS 8251 74
NETTIER 1026 92
M(O)URNERS 9467 64
TENTAGE 2894 63
ViSIONS 16583 77
BoVINES 5075 84
FATTEnE(R) 3863 70
SQuA(R)EST 16977 84
OrA(T)ORIO 8518 68
DIStILS 17108 73
TOMcODS 19844 74
EX(E)RTION 948 75
(N)ESTLING 5564 80
FORTUNE 2080 78
ABIOTiC 7900 67
FETIA(L)ES 1547 72
HONEYiN(G) 13809 86
pEARLIT(E) 664 68
TRAMeLS 3166 84
OvER(D)ONE 4976 62
RESUPI(N)E 3156 72
bOTANIZ(E) 2398 101
ENRAGES 1189 73
WAILINg 10477 74
BEDLINE(R) 3084 77
NASTILy 4972 75
rETI(A)RII 3669 59
IONISED 738 83
CAUTIO(N)S 2423 70
SERRATE 1889 104
RES(P)RAIN* 0 149
PEARLIE(R) 3700 83
pYRITES 7186 78
UNrAIS(E)D 269 70
ECSTATI(C) 19480 89
STONiLY 5889 76
JOsTLED 9914 114
R(E)WASHED 10398 71
LASSOED 5988 76
(DE)LEGATED 12618 78
SENArII 143 66
APaTIT(E)S 5578 72
ENNEADS 3712 70
TRITONE 290 66
SAVORI(N)G 3865 66
REA(L)IZeS 3433 88
OCeLOID 5156 65
INHALEs 1535 84
AERUGOS 1102 76
INVAdED 6671 88
FuSIONS 16121 91
UNAlIKE 3538 80
M(I)NSTREL 2391 70
REHOUs(E)D 6157 66
REP(E)ATED 4739 84
I(S)oPReNE 851 131
ISOLINE 740 71
LETT(E)RED 10622 70
ESTA(N)CIA 1202 61
CURDLeS 11677 70
OSTIARI(ES) 741 72
RADDiNG 9480 75
CILANTR(O) 1105 61
SErENAD(E) 1878 68
TOUSLES 9108 83
A(N)IMATES 1222 63
BEDR(A)ILS 2288 80
WEbB(I)EST 24268 66
ETHANES 2222 83
OBVIAtE 1299 85
VARIOLE 327 73
ETERNAL 212 70
RETaINS 24 63
STORaGE 397 77
SCARLeT 3091 69
(P)RECLEAn 7101 63
BORANEs 872 78
(B)ROmIDES 6818 83
READ(I)ESt 117 82
PA(t)INAED 1208 60
B(E)LONGER* 0 65
(S)TAUMREl 4530 86
AUtOLO(A)D 8149 66
LONGERS 2339 69
AZOtISE 1097 81
REClINE 2253 78
F(E)EDiNGS 7544 63
(S)AUTOIRE 26 70
AGISTED 758 76
GER(A)NiUM 1857 62
A(N)IMATES 1222 63
BEDR(A)ILS 2288 80
CONgAED 2925 74
(T)RIALLED 2191 80
G(A)UZIEsT 7068 68
NIDUSES 8442 84
INTRONS 3003 73
DECE(N)TlY 14189 82
BENDAYS 9941 73
ISOPO(D)AN 5831 76
TeLERAN 213 66
ENDITES 596 73
rOOF(I)NGS 11560 80
SINCERE 2251 73
GERANIU(M) 1856 76
RAC(Q)UETs 13801 88
UTERINE 224 66
SaTIRIC 5484 78
DIPLON(T)S 7600 64
(G)APESEED 13438 89
FORSAkE(S) 19927 78
DELAYED 14288 82
FORAGE(R)S 8200 63
DIRTILy 11628 67
SErIOUS 3590 74
NEGATI(O)N 317 72
V(E)RISTiC 9863 74
DENTINS 2858 68
WOMeRAS 5055 75
EmERALD 4057 72
ARTSIER 555 75
RAPINEs 703 67
INTRUDE 447 76
(B)IDENTAL 993 86
(E)XCISINg 20228 98
VIRIONS 6284 78
BOGLAND 10779 81
MITHeRS 7163 93
VE(S)ICATE 4270 77
(S)CURFIER 17502 78
NEATENS 1881 71
UNBIAsE(D) 2292 64
DrOUKIN(g) 14448 82
(S)CARIEST 5445 83
NEA(R)LIER 518 62
SUNB(A)KED 17369 65
TR(A)NSePT 5263 62
TUTELAR 2706 66
DIC(T)ATOR 5093 65
LESBIAN 1390 85
LITERAT(E) 522 77
ORA(T)IONS 451 59
FAINTER 229 75
dOTTING 7279 73
LUTHe(R)NS 7560 61
TErEBEN(E) 14161 80
REDI(R)ECT 6419 76
stANDEE 574 82
BEDPoST 11192 79
TR(E)NDING 3246 62
REI(F)IERs 10313 74
REGR(A)DES 6900 66
BLUEISH 13277 80
INEDITA 141 69
(G)RAtINEE 85 68
ARtICLE 628 72
ARRAsES 13050 66
TEaSING 280 94
SPANKER 10975 81
REFACES 8266 72
A(E)RATION 10 59
EN(U)RESIS 5125 66
G(R)ISTERS 14085 72
ALINERS 106 84
DETINUE 597 74
DANDeRS 5391 69
WASTINg 6838 82
DELETES 7575 75
AIRWISE 1795 72
ONsTaGE 392 108
V(I)TAMINS 12452 84
SERENA(T)E 858 68
(W)ITCHING 25417 69
EPIGEAN 1577 90
CRATErS 6456 72
ALIASED 1261 62
GERMInA(L) 1841 94
INCASIN(G) 17642 86
TRASHeR 6474 70
TAENiAS 136 63
DENARII 140 70
(O)UTDReAM 1367 83
U(N)TALKED* 0 66
RELOADS 508 66
SARCOMA 14014 80
EXIlING 11813 75
QuAKING 20564 110
(I)MPASTES 14280 89
(S)ERIEMAs 6623 80
AGNATES 2146 75
BARG(A)INS 9409 65
AEQUOR(I)N 708 88
(O)FTENeST 7496 64
(B)aLONEyS 6704 77
(C)HOLATeD* 0 80
ASTOuND 2492 75
RETIn(I)TE 1644 61
PAWNEES 8375 88
pREADM(I)T 3353 72
ADROI(T)ER 138 72
F(L)ORIGEN 2265 66
ESTRAN(G)E 747 73
(J)EALOUsY 14756 92
STOMAtA 13434 90
uNMEWIN(G) 19866 67
(R)EMINTED 1617 94
(T)ANGELOS 687 72
CREvICE 19623 73
LIV(E)NERS 3148 74
jADEITE 2437 81
STORMEd 3889 81
STATURE 2837 77
LEV(E)LINg 16143 70
(g)RANTEES 747 61
OUTDATE 1701 72
SENArII 143 68
MARL(I)NeS 1056 86
ANEMO(N)ES 4462 74
ASTERIA 138 71
ANATOMY 11030 79
(A)TTAINED 1090 80
PROETT(E)s 7483 67
JONGLEU(R) 11547 86
FIGEA(T)ER 1085 62
ATTAIN(E)R 445 70
RETrEAD 1878 78
EROTIC(A)L 194 70
cOSIGNE(R) 2258 84
DUNITES 1159 63
ENDPlAT(E) 3043 89
PARTLET 6482 75
U(N)DARINg 8100 64
RELATED 571 70
ArENOSE 68 73
MEANIES 1059 75
DROUTHS 11936 67
LAD(Y)KINS 19995 67
SOLUT(I)ON 4678 68
aMESACE 11823 78
EN(S)UITEs 5133 58
BO(N)IATOS 3446 72
QU(I)NOnES 10195 86
UNBIAsE(D) 2292 64
DEvEINS 4149 71
GUERI(D)ON 693 62
SABINES 6658 72
ANAGoGE(S) 9922 63
UNDERL(E)T 2217 61
R(E)UNITED 386 68
GAR(O)TING 5288 62
ALL(E)RGiC 10945 74
OLESTRA 163 75
FlAXIER 7782 95
SIlLIER 8913 66
PANDIES 1520 67
IN(D)ECENT 6409 158
RuDDERS 18031 66
FADINGS 9690 79
ACRIDER 3780 67
EPO(X)YING 19293 79
LOGIEST 1113 81
DELAYeR(S) 5311 86
STuNNER 5292 70
(H)OARIEsT 210 72
(M)ANKIeST 6653 94
PERIOD(ID)s 10125 64
TOLUAT(E)S 2490 68
ABALONE 2353 66
DECANTe(D) 10031 86
gOVERN(O)R 13805 70
HAbITAT 16822 70
AN(T)IWEED 652 63
sOURCES 13927 75
SArTO(R)II 2476 57
PANTILE 682 72
(N)EGROIDS 692 86
pARE(N)TAL 2658 68
AN(T)IHERO 58 158
OBLASTS 16070 68
PLAUDIT 7906 77
COT(E)RIES 833 68
RESOAKE(D) 4228 65
S(E)AWANTs 13026 86
RENTALS 439 84
ATRAZ(I)nE 1574 86
REAMERS 7702 72
gOUTIES(T) 3896 64
THIAZ(O)LE 4604 82
S(I)NGULAR 4308 68
(T)wEeDILY 10469 86
FUGATOS 10773 79
UN(D)RAPES 4501 72
HUC(K)STER 24912 68
(A)DOPTEES 1907 64
METRICS 7121 73
DECLiNE 4116 84
CALT(R)oPS 12885 74
TRIcOTS 9667 70
(I)NDENTER 1296 70
ReLINED 590 67
PIMENTO 2772 96
SEcURES 16855 69
GlANCES 7474 77
PORTLIE(R) 3597 74
OUTLOVE 8086 98
EMENDAT(E) 4737 72
sEALaNT 1278 82
CHERTI(E)R 11491 78
(P)RANDiAL 7283 74
OATIEST 248 70
FAINEsT 662 83
NE(U)RITIC 2672 74
DESSERT 9371 72
brEE(D)ING 4629 70
SURFAB(L)E 12610 78
(E)VENTUAL 3077 71
(S)TEGODOn 4442 80
AcINOUS 3348 71
RECRUIT 6564 74
NARCEIN 2108 67
TEARILy 691 87
DERANGE 1184 91
TErAOHM 2741 82
LINGERs 1736 66
AgAROSE 1235 71
INSTEPs 9794 84
DItTOeD 7190 68
POLYG(O)NS 25666 65
(G)NARLIER 1646 66
ENACTOR 348 77
CHROMEs 15780 87
ANIMA(T)ED 1204 62
(S)YRETtES 21517 92
(T)EOSINTE 740 68
SU(B)NODAL 10862 63
bARRIOS 6609 72
EPIGONE 2065 76
DOTIEST 1698 83
NOnLIFE 4642 71
MARbL(I)ER 10160 61
WICCANS 21863 83
WORTHED 8123 109
EViDENT 2273 75
GUILTED 3482 83
(R)UBbERED 27406 90
SLE(I)GHED 10766 82
HEADW(E)AR* 0 90
(G)ESTICAl 3623 83
TI(D)ELINE 1126 61
(K)EYNOTES 12377 98
(N)UTSEDGE 5820 78
CuDdLES 20422 89
SON(A)TINA 2472 82
LENITEs 605 69
TABUING 6787 71
SALTIES 2893 77
E(P)AZOTES 8700 88
T(E)RRINES 1307 70
(T)ASTABLE 12489 83
BIOTEcH 9496 69
MOnOP(O)LE 22133 62
TEATIME 2685 79
ABSTR(U)SE 12172 64
DIEHArD 6668 80
(D)IMETRIC 9799 92
AIRL(I)NER 1097 68
HeXOSAN(S) 19928 104
CONT(A)gIA 4301 75
TILAPIA 8957 74
F(AS)TEnERS 6730 83
END(O)RSER 3404 63
(E)RUPTION 619 70
INSPECT 7169 78
TR(I)MoDAL* 0 70
REACHES 8323 78
DRAGONS 3692 77
(D)ENTINAL 925 80
SO(D)OMITE 3960 65
T(H)IOTEPA 4704 67
VOLOSTS 21271 104
CAbOO(S)ES 20521 86
(E)sTRANGE 746 77
wA(N)DEROO 2077 68
OEILLaD(E) 1751 70
fIRRIER 18277 60
SUR(V)IVED 21797 67
HEGUmEN 16358 67
UNFaITH 9317 69
RETAKI(N)G 2189 76
mORRION 11587 63
AErOSAT 240 73
ESPOUSE 15024 74
TOoTSIE 2623 74
HARDILy 12420 66
C(H)ANSONS 26597 78
DONA(T)ION 3178 61
SPORTi(L)Y 12961 74
ENrOLL(E)E 8429 66
aNAE(R)OBE 949 63
SATI(N)ETS 5019 68
ALANINE 1674 73
INVOi(C)ES 7406 64
ENVISA(G)E 2350 78
RATTING 3761 64
STENTOR 1800 66
DAINT(I)ER 92 72
COrVETT(E) 12546 98
(C)ANITIeS 1238 80
SHADIER 1499 83
DEBARRE(D) 18284 66
WISEA(C)RE 4269 86
OuT(S)iZED 5765 84
TEAMING 1227 74
f(R)ACTURE 13959 68
TELSONS 6184 68
IMP(O)STED 6847 78
UnGOWN(E)D 15460 65
VArIEDL(Y) 5713 80
MODALIS(T) 4592 74
WAIT(E)RED 654 64
lEVERET 9002 83
T(O)RRIDEr 7331 70
FATLESS 12901 85
(P)RESAGEd 7502 83
INDAG(A)TE 627 74
RECITAL 629 66
EXHUMEs 22241 117
EVA(S)IONS 3792 76
(P)RETtiLY 14041 86
ACETA(T)eS 10323 72
BEL(I)EVER 12993 73
MISDOES 10677 82
SART(O)RII 2476 59
tULLIBE(E) 13744 68
TALLIER 1388 73
ESTRONE 341 69
CHARNEL 6999 72
AGATIzE 5684 69
BIgAROO(N) 5017 70
TISSUIN(G) 19802 72
SHOEiNG 2981 91
OVErAPT 2749 77
(R)OARINGS 3411 80
HORR(I)DER 16059 98
ST(E)ADIED 2765 66
HERRING(S) 10729 98
(B)ERGENiA 1081 83
MeNDIGO(S) 4375 83
tORCHER* 0 88
POTHEAd 5040 87
THINkER 7944 88
BORANES 872 84
DERINGE(R) 4221 74
ATTENDS 2812 70
ASTONIE(S) 502 62
EpINAOI 416 77
STAIDLy 7917 79
RINS(A)BLE 999 72
CARNAGE 5258 75
INER(R)ANT 1187 68
VALUA(T)ES 7925 62
CU(R)TAILS 6260 63
GENTEEL 6175 76
LiBERAL 6657 78
STENTOR 1800 66
ERODENT 341 68
(T)ACRInES 417 80
PU(R)EEING 4660 65
DISTRAC(T) 10963 69
PI(G)NORAS* 0 64
CAVELI(K)E 16946 71
TAQUErI(A) 3159 84
DELAT(I)ON 12 63
KiRTLED 6135 82
ARAb(i)ZED 10598 114
SHAIRNS 12195 81
ANI(M)ATOR 1315 64
COILERs 1993 69
OUTSlEE(P) 6164 72
SP(I)CULAE 8907 86
JOINDER(S) 3387 68
HORDEI(N)S 1435 84
URETHRA 6475 94
GREENIE 2132 70
rODDING 10556 72
BEMIRED 8329 73
tRUST(E)ED 8056 59
UNbEARS 3061 80
SOOTIER 367 67
(L)eVELLED 30107 63
sLUTTED* 0 67
HASTIER 671 87
BuTENES 6719 69
VINELI(K)E* 0 66
N(A)TRIUMS 3906 64
IRON(I)STs 7907 66
AGAINST 3445 71
MORTALS 5840 74
RACe(G)OER 6092 83
TORRIDE(R) 7320 60
CAVITIE(D) 6293 101
(P)RuRIGOS 18118 72
SALTERS 5410 66
LESSEEs 23496 64
TURGITE 4452 67
OBELIzE 9545 75
TATAmIS 12361 69
ELEGI(S)Ed 8096 66
A(N)TIGENE 945 61
AMOSITE 331 77
SERINGA 272 72
LIDDIng 18685 77
AN(T)IQUER 1272 92
GRUNTL(E)D 4847 70
EN(A)CTORS 580 90
DESE(R)TIC 3100 74
rEUNIOn 789 75
CoTTONS 17183 75
(B)ORACITE 894 64
BLUE(h)EAD 14076 60
SUlT(A)NIC 6585 70
CURTAIn 2707 70
JINgLES 11399 85
BiOGENS 2964 74
HAIRIE(S)T 1246 71
STrEAMY 7075 78
RET(I)ARII 3669 59
cAIRNED 627 68
FAdEOUT 1944 76
HEROICS 5098 102
ANOI(N)TER 40 68
DIAZiNS 12098 91
FURIOSO 10334 78
REGaLED 2449 78
IdEATIN(G) 635 74
LANdLER 5397 63
SE(R)ENATE 858 62
SALUTED 2387 69
ARRIVES 3844 84
INROADs 460 92
HUMERAL 10066 69
GARNETs 808 66
(B)ACKSPIN 27315 92
OUTLIER 189 76
STEEPLY 14507 82
B(O)TaNIZE 2398 86
DESALTs 8473 85
(V)ASELINE 1556 65
FLORINS 5908 79
PORt(O)LAN 6018 70
SAMITES 6730 71
NeUSTON 3528 69
G(R)INDeRS 5583 74
RELENTs 1446 66
STOOLIE 1039 67
SUEDING 3505 74
VIRAGOS 4875 68
TWEENER 6123 79
WETLAND 3108 80
POS(T)ANAL 8122 68
OInOMEL 2790 71
CHIRRES 14390 79
ORANGEY 1423 89
ISS(U)AbLE 12052 78
BIGUINe 8186 80
SCOUTER 3866 69
AWAItED 1778 80
BOUVIE(R)S 6795 76
(T)ANTaLUS 13551 77
EN(T)ANGLE 4214 68
FUSTI(A)NS 15062 71
(R)EOBTAIN 52 83
NEMATO(D)E 812 65
SCOTIAS 9850 78
PIScARY 16955 80
tEASING 280 68
aVIATIO(N) 3190 83
(D)ILUTORs 3411 77
LOMEINS 2035 81
RAPHID(E)S 5694 78
FITmENT 11315 77
CONELRA(D) 1337 86
HORnITO 4666 72
NATTERS 1355 66
SaLIEN(C)E 1525 68
dELOUSE 3561 66
(R)ETORTeR 16834 66
TAhINAS 5456 68
REORgED 5993 75
DOMINIE 2363 74
AGISTED 759 79
MOLdERE(D) 14627 76
DONGLES 4246 71
COvETED 9037 67
TAHINAS 5456 70
ELUdING 3474 70
MERCIES 8350 77
TIE(C)LaSP 5679 80
RA(T)IONAL 321 59
BANDiE(S)t 996 149
TANGLIN(G) 19332 72
GEnDARM(E) 4607 89
FANGiR(L)S 8743 72
LICTORs 5867 79
BE(S)HIVER 16102 67
DESPOt(I)C 6815 98
ME(D)I(A)tING 2343 72
(E)NdOGENS 7850 77
DECRIaL 1469 93
DISSeNT 5411 85
VARIAT(E)S 1227 76
TOLANES 162 71
SKINN(I)ER 13449 67
IODATEs 37 68
LITOTES 1700 69
DETeNTS 6274 71
ROlAMIT(E) 213 80
(T)HINNEST 13097 63
RESpITE 2200 76
AMULETS 5615 74
CO(G)NIZED 13567 72
P(O)SEABLE 7879 65
TEENIEr 506 66
TINIEST 3404 65
PRUI(N)OSE 1479 90
SATINET 554 82
(E)ARTHiNG 786 65
S(T)ERANES 2862 72
A(N)TImERE 242 66
LOTTErY 7444 75
SLINKeD 9133 79
MISLIK(E)D 21006 73
TIRADES 105 78
(L)INEATED 110 70
TANGOeS 393 72
P(E)ABRAiN 3819 62
(C)HOREGIC* 0 84
Qu(E)RIERS 14236 82
EARNEST 214 74
COeNURI 958 72
INARMED 645 70
UNlOOSE 3972 73
HARNESS 9750 104
ALRIGHT 6813 69
ENROOTS 1070 72
RUSTIER 2859 64
AUREOLE 294 72
NATuRED 435 81
EMENDER 8975 75
CAlIPEE 5252 69
UPRISEN 3333 77
(F)AINTEST 2931 86
PREFAC(E)D 16064 68
INVIA(B)LE 6298 65
(F)ACTIOUS 9182 65
AcINOSE 312 68
CLING(E)RS 6202 62
SOLATIA 1308 66
AEROBAT 1134 67
JOLTIER 2340 73
MOIET(I)ES 2152 90
HOOPING 16780 80
SEARINg 270 73
TARRIES 555 79
IDEATES 208 73
FAI(N)TERS 422 72
mILLION 16578 67
LASSOeD 5988 78
R(E)GRATES 4217 70
NAUTIL(U)S 9505 62
CLADOdE 10636 74
(C)ONIDIAN 8978 74
GROANED 385 74
(R)EINSERT 1303 77
TINKLED 6133 92
EUL(O)GIST 1636 60
SINKAGE 5223 83
HEILING 8241 88
SCAnDIA 8527 84
QUINTES 6193 102
sIERRAN 551 87
ALBEDOE(S) 3653 65
NONVOTE(R) 7894 76
u(N)FLAWED 12610 185
TENURED 1440 72
PELICAN 4335 77
AER(O)nAUT 127 61
ELODEAS 802 75
G(H)ERKINS 16377 82
sALIe(N)CY 5679 62
RUBIGOs 10326 74
(M)ARINATE 480 83
SINNERS 8822 84
WAC(K)IESt 15662 82
MAIOLI(C)A 14126 78
LEPT(O)NIC 4108 64
SIXTEEN 4548 73
MOTIVA(T)E 4705 78
SAlVOED 3745 78
ANTIRIO(T) 1131 77
I(M)PEARLS 5737 79
TeLEDUS 5319 94
ESTRIOL 186 73
uNLIVES 5679 86
U(N)TIDIER 871 60
HOLIEST 2029 78
(C)USPiDOR 16648 86
(P)RONATED 583 72
(L)IGaTURE 475 60
(D)ESIGNER 1735 74
REBATOS 878 72
aGITATE 2628 72
HO(L)STERS 13528 62
(A)UREOLAS 985 77
SENECIO 1252 71
SIERRAS 6192 70
DERM(I)SES 13741 82
BUSTIeR 3215 73
BANIsHE(D) 5626 73
SAlTERN 439 70
(S)OBRIETY 4089 89
WISEA(C)RE 4269 86
OuT(S)iZED 5765 84
B(A)RONAgE 2504 68
DEN(D)RITE 2863 72
GOBShIT(E) 8836 83
(C)ANNIEST 2892 72
NEgATeD 1189 75
SORRI(E)ST 5802 59
LAUWINE 1559 74
AVERT(I)NG 793 76
P(U)NCHIER 14722 110
OVE(R)EDIT 839 78
TEnS(I)BLE 3090 59
STRINGE(D) 1171 83
M(A)NICURE 3318 66
MEANEST 2235 70
HELIcES 11457 88
ANT(E)ATER 1642 59
CHOOSER 12695 86
TURFMEN 10317 80
fATSOES 7612 70
AqUEOUS 14577 73
LYRIcI(S)E 13314 62
M(E)LANATE* 0 62
COL(O)RING 11554 63
CATTIES 3791 73
SUbAREA 6013 64
dRAW(L)ING 8725 73
LAGUNAS 12060 72
W(I)THERED 7188 71
GENoMES 6424 80
ENPL(A)NES 9596 68
WARRIS(O)N* 0 74
(U)LTRaISM 6590 80
mATTOID 6615 70
JASMINE 7793 124
(P)ARODIED 3778 92
COALES(C)E 17100 78
POSTErN 2090 73
GUNS(I)GHT 25308 73
AERObES 1237 74
(D)EMETONS 3751 86
PAULINS 7916 72
DISTAIN 2379 84
TETANIC 2103 66
KNITTER 7192 82
GENEVAS 5730 84
pR(E)TERIT 10788 64
LI(BE)RATOR 849 65
RADIUMS 7909 71
UNGeNIA(L) 3199 74
RE(E)NLIST 389 82
(A)IRBOATS 2729 74
RECE(D)ING 4633 66
L(E)AGUING 8205 61
LEA(C)HERS 10368 86
CiRCL(E)RS 24953 72
AMpUTEE(S) 10424 80
PARADI(N)G 9375 71
fRAISES 6672 72
SEVErAL 4105 77
OLESTR(A)S 2620 64
GReATES(T) 4218 69
INCUDAL 7910 101
REnITEN(T) 3464 64
REgREEN 10623 74
mILREIs 6072 74
ELON(G)ATE 349 131
Eg(Y)PTIAN 4888 86
JOINtED 2340 108
UTIL(I)SEd 3681 78
(I)NFIRmED 9817 86
SORITIC 6269 81
R(E)DLINES 958 60
tOWLINE(S) 1471 86
ED(I)TABLE 1517 65
PTERINS 1632 79
FOOTIN(G)S 11567 63
IONISED 736 81
UN(RE)TIRED 1475 72
(A)NTLEREd 373 66
TUN(N)ELeD 8053 82
(E)QUAtING 4297 67
lIMO(N)ITE 1693 72
SWING(I)ER 7013 66
DARNEs(T)S 4332 61
COMFrE(Y)S 23792 70
(S)HINBONe 11205 67
(O)RIGINAL 1579 70
TRAI(N)FUL 3904 76
(B)OTFLIES 6795 78
ReEARNS 1884 70
PELAGIC 8967 74
SaRCENE(T) 1592 86
RIFLERS 9457 69
LIONIS(E)R 405 66
TIL(L)ERED 5120 63
MALAiSE 3521 72
BAnISH(E)S 14222 85
T(A)PERING 792 62
LOBTAIL 9844 72
INT(E)RNED 1296 59
SITHENS 9789 74
BARONN(E)S 3530 61
i(N)VADING 17643 74
TUGGeRS 15610 68
PANDOOR 7372 85
WArDENS 3129 82
CHANGED 12186 75
SHELTER 6749 77
SABOTED 1918 86
TRIZ(O)NES 2210 118
ERMINED 2997 96
p(R)EVIEWS 21134 69
REMNANT 3994 77
TANSIES 1396 82
PERIDOT 968 73
RATI(O)NAl 321 58
ADAGIoS 4190 77
DOCTRI(N)E 600 67
FAINEsT 664 83
MONIL(I)AE 893 61
ST(O)rEYED 4916 72
CRANNI(E)S 3764 78
WEAkONs 11666 74
STEVIAS 8938 73
JILTERS 6139 86
WORSE(N)Ed 3758 72
(M)IDnIGHT 21725 80
OV(E)RRATE 2339 65
T(E)RP(I)NEOL 400 74
OUTWAIt 6628 66
NITROL(I)c 5050 66
ISATINE 144 78
(E)VOCAbLe 13335 92
LE(U)KOsES 22305 68
TENANTS 5996 67
RHOdORA(S) 17551 72
(A)DENITIS 310 77
PINh(E)ADS 5722 90
FLuERIC 10176 88
TAILORS 471 84
POLICED 7989 91
STRIVER 6571 73
pROT(E)OSE 4973 78
MINDSET 3259 76
CA(N)TRAIP 8815 67
GROINED 401 86
ANTH(E)MED 7113 71
(S)POOFINg 20539 98
ATHEIST 3805 80
(J)ETTIsON 6930 80
SAR(C)ENET 1591 72
COS(S)ETED 14619 76
PIRATEs 720 70
tITMOUS(E) 6071 100
PRAL(I)NEs 1065 63
MONETiS(E) 848 80
(C)ONGEnER 9532 66
GAN(T)LOPE 2244 74
MESOGL(E)A 5137 71
AURoREA(N) 1498 66
BIDDIeS 16411 72
COvETED 9049 67
TAHINAS 5461 70
ELUdING 3476 70
B(O)RECOLE 12560 63
VIOLETs 1947 76
PERINEA 482 68
ENTAIL(E)r 39 77
N(E)uRaXON 6586 90
UNFAST(E)N 7915 76
DEGASES 11528 76
PErINEA 376 72
SPURTED 8681 94
MoGUlED 11544 82
OUTWAIT 6628 72
LARDiER 1335 81
INSANER 546 67
LOADING(S) 2595 86
SUR(V)IVED 21797 67
HEGUmEN 16358 67
SaNCTIO(N) 5394 86
RESOLED 1813 74
De(F)ERENT 7866 76
DINETTE 1895 68
PROWLED 11243 88
INDENTE(R) 1294 74
pIGGIER 17424 67
GAUD(I)EST 1136 63
UNREEvE 8997 67
pLASTE(R)Y 9063 89
(I)NVADErS 1036 89
FrETTIN(G) 7424 63
OErSTED 1084 68
INDORSE 206 64
HERE(T)RIX 20832 212
LoNELIE(ST) 2457 77
ROLAMI(T)E 265 61
DALTONI(C) 2420 76
PRO(P)ONED 20993 76
REGIONS 410 66
TRApPER 18405 76
(C)ORNHUSK 27021 113
ARUGOLA(S) 8565 72
(H)EMLINES 10473 71
AREOLAT(E) 255 77
DAIRIES 497 86
ARGO(N)AUT 3179 80
uNHaTT(E)D 8310 76
INTHR(A)lL 11455 74
(V)EGETIST 11812 68
HAV(E)LOcK 24534 118
CARRIES 3789 78
uNCUR(V)ED* 0 76
(F)RUiTAGE 1730 65
TWOSOME 12091 103
SNARLED 1141 69
LENITIO(N) 1501 70
PENUR(I)Es 3157 59
RELIaNT 17 77
RATCHES 7007 80
ENDINGS 6887 90
HYSTE(R)IA 3362 64
(F)IBERING* 0 70
(P)RONATES 596 83
GEOGNo(S)Y 22995 63
DUTEOUS 9102 64
(C)OLINEAr 192 80
GOITRES 412 77
SOLI(D)ITY 11528 63
RIDOTtO 6850 64
P(R)UINOSE 1480 70
(F)uRCATES 9031 95
OPERONS 5237 64
FIrESLI(DE)* 0 89
gEE(K)IEST 14328 72
NONST(O)Ps 26501 70
INCENS(E)d 9611 62
T(A)NGRAMs 13068 149
ENFOr(C)ES 8014 74
VIzOR(I)NG 20292 94
SINCE(R)er 6422 72
LATERAD 1274 68
O(U)TYElPS 13955 167
rETHINK 7605 84
SUPE(R)ING 5927 74
TENUTOS 3346 68
AT(A)BRINE 503 65
TREADE(R)S 2692 76
(A)GLyCONE 8833 89
(D)EFILING 10203 92
I(N)SOULED 886 72
SHORtIA 1661 72
STARLI(N)G 2225 66
ILlU(S)ORY 19769 64
SPOILER 2039 88
SCARLeT 3091 69
MUtAGEN 4714 84
DOMIN(A)TE 202 72
cROZIER 12682 88
F(L)UTIEST 11761 71
M(E)dICAID 18400 78
WRIThED 7135 78
SORBENT 2067 75
SEISABL(E) 9933 68
bARYTON 7353 70
CONGEES 6421 88
GALORES 1100 74
RETAInE(R) 177 74
AUDILES 1115 87
(R)EBEGINS 4395 74
cONTROL 10058 67
CENSORE(D) 3731 89
RUsTInG 5432 84
DOTA(T)ION 3178 61
DENDRIT(E) 2863 72
ALBITES 1461 106
METHANE 5119 80
(S)EIGNIOr 735 60
GUITARS 2908 70
F(I)NIALED 2565 74
INOCULA 3194 72
TEREDoS 809 89
GUESTEd 7211 68
OUTScOR(E) 6871 68
(R)AVENEST 1608 86
DuSTRAG 8453 77
DOYENNE 8635 90
WIDOwED 21000 80
TADPOLE 1950 69
INTWINE 7203 76
BL(A)RNEYS 9010 71
S(P)ICULAE 8441 65
SKITTeR 9807 84
ISOGONE 1499 64
(D)ELOUSER 2531 61
(D)URABLES 7414 63
LaNCERS 3079 75
REALISE 210 66
DeEJAYS 15196 98
ARTIFi(C)E 3817 89
P(R)ICiEST 9804 78
REHING(E)S 4639 66
TALENTS 2827 65
tALESME(N) 3071 80
OUTAGES 1103 70
REVISIT 3665 70
PA(T)IENCE 2177 70
RETRIEV(E) 8767 80
MiNAR(E)TS 433 97
DIGERAT(I) 636 83
ALEXInE(S) 3431 95
gENERAL 1186 72
OPTIONS 7388 84
gASOLIE(R) 249 74
AEOlIAN 60 68
TENTERS 3773 71
DEFINES 4132 86
(M)ANURERS 8354 74
A(R)TERIES 500 60
LANNERS 2821 71
ROULeAU 3576 74
FATTIER 2110 67
STEERED 4856 77
LIONESS 3588 67
EV(I)CTIOn 4466 80
(E)XPOSURE 16234 104
RESA(L)UTE 957 82
TENsILE 608 60
POrTENT 4687 71
GRADINE 250 77
sTOWING 7541 78
EsERINE 1211 72
MEGILLa 11791 73
LOITERS 187 65
CINdERS 3076 72
(F)LAUNTER 2249 86
SITUATE 1336 69
SLOTTI(N)G 8967 60
BORANEs 872 73
UN(G)LOVED 10642 84
QUARTE(R)N 9257 88
RUTILES 1167 64
SLOV(E)NLY 22087 65
SILTIER 1292 76
R(E)DONNEd 10504 59
ALBINOS 3329 74
A(I)RDATES 306 68
VARI(C)OSE 1936 76
(V)EINULEs 5088 62
TOREuTI(C) 3394 80
SWERVED 14521 85
TOADLI(K)E 1664 81
NEOTER(I)C 376 72
VENATOR 456 80
SLEAZED 10301 107
RETIN(O)LS 103 66
(S)HTETELS 24195 86
ANEARED 797 86
HAIRNET 230 82
PARTIAL(S) 7292 64
TROWELS 3934 72
LIBRATE(S) 1002 72
IONISED 736 75
LINTERS 451 64
TRIMERS 6552 72
AGIo(T)AGE 3886 65
TABORI(N)S 1104 64
TRAVAIL 5468 75
HOARdED 7612 79
ReSUMIN(G) 6236 89
R(E)UNITED 386 68
TROWELS 3934 72
AREOLas 733 78
UNBIdD(E)N 20461 64
FLYTR(A)PS 23602 70
(S)CREWING 11432 82
BrUNC(H)ES 21563 81
C(a)SEMENt 7118 70
(P)HEASANT 9792 67
cAB(A)RETS 9764 86
TOL(U)ATES 2493 62
SUBACRI(D) 15464 98
AUTOMEN 930 74
(S)TORAGES 4201 80
GARPIKE 9677 90
PRANCEs 7013 73
DELIMES 6604 74
SOLIT(U)DE 888 65
BENdIER 2239 73
SNEERER 8796 69
ONANIST 1403 70
wATERAG(E) 5051 77
RIPOSTE 1013 75
(O)UTPREEN 1985 72
UnAWARE 3625 85
DECLAW(E)R* 0 67
ANISEED 205 86
VER(A)CItY 7625 73
MErITED 2266 86
SOLATES 3577 70
HITCHES 20803 87
LIpPIER 18037 92
DALTONI(C) 2426 65
BEGUiNE 5773 74
NUTRIAS 1018 67
LATInAS 2373 77
ARABIzE 8400 68
INTERIO(R) 639 66
SLAYING 9715 95
TINNeRS 1756 67
SImULAR 7917 78
TzARIST 16724 90
OCTAN(G)LE 2888 64
PIGME(N)TS 11446 64
EXPIATE 5892 98
GIFtL(E)SS 18256 65
(T)AILGATE 3667 70
aSPIR(I)NG 9396 90
(C)HARNELS 9032 78
NARRATE 1683 68
GEEKDOm 17677 77
MIGR(a)TED 1824 74
ENDITES 596 71
ANERG(I)AS 631 61
SUNRIsE 5430 72
TANGLER(S) 1172 83
BASINE(T)S 5157 63
CLE(A)NING 7327 61
SLANTED 1147 74
DRIFTN(ET)S 5366 76
COT(E)NANT 7257 64
tEAPOYS 5058 85
ROSULA(T)E 336 66
NITRILS 4458 67
RETAI(N)ER 177 70
RELAXES 7303 84
HE(R)METIC 16092 69
SEELING 3266 84
LAME(N)TER 2072 68
CoNIDIA 3536 70
EUd(A)EMON 1804 67
PERKiLY 17529 106
SANDBU(R)S 20768 78
HEA(R)TENS 1519 63
WUsSIER 12478 69
TRAILER(s) 887 61
AmI(D)INES 2439 66
ANNOYE(R)S 3377 71
VOLATI(L)E 3583 62
(K)LAVERnS 13154 106
HAUNtiN(G) 13553 61
EIRE(N)ICS 3494 74
PROfILE(R) 11274 77
ORNA(T)ELY 560 72
TWaNGLE(R) 3510 86
RECITES 2927 70
UNMOLTE(N) 12088 83
POSITED 1922 69
PASTURE 3053 81
AUREOLE 278 71
ToRSION 1631 60
SCRIM(PI)nG 23226 66
R(I)NGLETS 1110 61
SIENNAS 5944 65
(R)EARGUEd 6556 80
RESHINE 2172 73
coVERT(L)Y 15058 83
cON(F)UTED 10253 63
VERN(I)CEs* 0 78
MANACL(E)S 13275 76
gRANITA 1711 66
HESItAN(T) 2925 78
M(U)STARDY 19140 65
(D)OURINES 340 70
(A)NNEaLER 3187 71
hOIDENS 1998 71
REACHED 8269 83
PAlETTE 7698 65
ZoNATED 2336 102
pINIT(O)LS 8149 63
CO(N)VENER 12564 102
SLINKER(S)* 0 89
FATHERS 7043 95
NA(p)ERIES 673 66
(R)EDRIVEN 6439 74
(S)TANDBYs 25525 95
RUSTLER 8218 79
OSTIO(L)Ar 1122 71
MORENE(S)S 11089 62
RESHONE 2654 72
mAFIOSO 11838 75
INTAKES 1759 81
VeALIER 1057 76
HOSTLER 3920 83
ISATINE 144 65
ENhANCE 12251 73
R(E)OrDAIN 126 68
ENFORcE 5851 70
STENTOR 1800 69
BEROuGE* 0 78
(P)RuRIGOS 18118 72
SALTERS 5410 66
ENd(U)RING 5558 82
SPINATE 707 96
IRONIES 244 64
OREGANO 694 68
FRANTIC 6045 79
W(R)ASTLES 11612 84
I(N)FLATED 965 74
RITUALs 1781 72
S(H)EENIER 4510 63
ANI(S)OLES 1118 70
RUMINAT(E) 436 72
GELATIo(N) 63 77
(C)ANDIDER 5434 92
MANDRIL 4947 84
BRIsTOL 5855 70
RESHINE(D) 3121 98
DE(R)IDINg 9939 63
LAWINES 1555 74
SENATES 3951 67
COAlIE(S)T 540 61
OLESTRA 157 74
INSECTS 9779 72
ANDES(I)TE 116 63
GuR(G)LIER 20051 68
P(R)EDATOR 3553 86
YTTRIAs 8515 71
ASHLA(R)Ed 7521 78
QUAGMI(RE)S 12378 119
L(E)ATHERN 1600 74
ECHELON 8658 81
PiNELA(N)D 4886 90
StEALER 587 81
BARLEYS 10028 84
(L)OWLIVES 18987 66
RESTINg 814 77
MOONL(E)TS 6885 65
xYL(I)DINE 17843 72
HAIRIeS(T) 1246 83
LoGGATS 15672 64
SOILURE(S) 4856 70
BEGONiA 566 67
DARTiNG 1406 83
V(IT)ALISTs 20848 74
(L)ABIATED 2531 86
VALORI(Z)E 4600 90
UNLIVES 5676 78
kERYGMA 19689 70
FATSOEs 7612 75
BATWING(s)* 0 71
NEtTI(N)GS 10001 82
rIDO(T)TOS 8540 58
HE(P)ATITE* 0 78
INROADS 462 80
rE(C)EMENT 13133 94
(V)IRtUOSA 2454 64
SPICIER 10738 81
PRELOaD 1949 82
SQUATTE(R) 12792 71
NOTIONS 6852 73
REENTER 5906 72
f(I)SHBONE 11937 82
RIBLESS 12959 87
TELLERs 9360 66
CoRREL(ATE)D 1776 74
REGAT(t)AS 6132 73
MI(t)IGATE 7873 90
(S)EASONeD 3439 68
(U)NDERLET 2217 72
TRINDLE 445 68
OUREBIS 1986 73
VIRIONS 6284 78
BOGLAND 10779 81
MITHeRS 7163 93
VE(S)ICATE 4270 77
(S)CURFIER 17502 78
NEATENS 1881 71
FATTENS 6469 78
GOlCO(N)DA 15217 78
TAILING 3449 68
OVERSEE 6842 92
OILIEST 742 61
IdEATES 208 73
GITANOS 840 83
rESEA(T)ED 1880 59
OBTAiNS 1642 80
DO(O)RnAIL 1117 72
ABLATES 6012 70
(G)YRATION 1990 67
rIGADO(O)N 1992 76
FL(A)PPERS 25588 80
TEGULAr 1728 68
INSOFAR 1656 76
DELISTS 8441 65
PEELiNG 5756 65
CAPERI(N)G 4878 78
IODATIN(G) 1578 80
COGITa(T)E 2754 70
NETSuRF 5786 83
PORTOL(A)N 5995 61
(R)UBBLING 27100 80
IRONICA(L) 2748 70
SC(A)TTIER 2908 72
LADANuM(S) 17718 76
RECITES 2146 63
LOUNGER 2330 65
ANTIFAT 9305 69
ARISTAE 137 80
INSaNER 547 79
ABIOSES 4769 78
AI(R)DATES 306 72
CHANSON 17130 102
ARSENAT(E) 427 62
LAM(I)TROL* 0 90
REt(A)G(G)ING 16884 78
STAGI(E)ST 10296 72
PURITAN 2716 69
PHONERS 8138 84
gLENOID 1104 79
JUGGLER 22842 74
COOlEST 8051 79
OPALINE 324 74
(O)ZONISED 7493 90
SCRIbES 17325 75
ATONING 2473 78
E(c)HINOID 7392 72
HETAIRA 822 94
ALIUNDE 419 67
(R)OUTiNES 105 74
DOODlEs 13859 80
ENTITLE 1900 65
CENOTES 2644 95
RESEATE(D) 1880 70
CASSINA 15729 70
TADPOLE 1950 80
NuTSIES(T) 11515 74
FOR(E)DONE 4974 67
INCiSOR 6268 89
(A)NTIRUsT 3514 68
YEAStIE(R) 679 72
GAROTED 386 67
(A)GONISES 2106 68
LOnGT(I)ME 2269 70
(T)INHORNS 8577 86
(I)RONISTS 7896 68
STANDBY 15541 84
GR(A)NOLAS 5411 60
RI(N)GETTE 2183 68
(P)IONEERS 853 62
RA(C)EmOID 2032 83
SENAtOR 44 91
SHADIER 1499 69
UReIDES 1381 82
BROIlER 4631 72
(T)RIDENTS 2150 70
INRUSH(E)S 12269 74
(T)ABORINe 53 70
LeCTION 952 85
(N)OTARiZE 262 84
(T)ENTORIA 43 77
PRESTER 10902 74
r(E)SAILED 347 80
REDO(L)ENT 514 92
CRI(N)KLED 13848 185
OXHErDS 15024 95
GOODIES 3029 87
REPLaNT 1600 72
(L)INDANES 2068 70
NEMESIS 10672 85
E(N)TERiNG 2068 68
R(A)NDOMER* 0 64
SLaNGeD 3464 68
CO(I)NAGES 973 69
cONVERT 5200 75
AMOsITE 331 83
ORA(T)IONS 450 66
VENtURI 1638 78
RETOUcH 8108 76
SMOOT(H)ER 11840 76
DIS(G)RaCE 3625 62
RINKS(I)DE 8683 64
REELInG 1199 70
ERRANTS 1352 64
CADASTE(r) 4896 83
PINNULA 11869 76
(N)OBoDIES 3928 62
MI(S)ENROL 1466 72
FOISTED 1996 92
LATINOS 465 68
BUSSInG 21089 71
aTTENDE(R) 1285 77
WiNTERS 1634 97
RETA(I)NER 177 62
WARISoN 1669 79
(R)EFLoATS 1381 78
REBOIL(E)D 1917 65
AERO(L)ITH 209 62
SENORES 4671 66
TR(I)LOBED 1409 65
EvINCES 8353 74
ALTOIST 2868 78
GUARDIA(N) 4688 83
SOLD(I)eRS 4859 70
MENSING 11674 95
(D)IvIDEND 27089 83
(G)REEnISH 4409 74
LA(n)OLINE 3083 64
SERINGA 259 75
LA(R)DIeST 266 70
SEINING 7604 67
lEAGUES 4462 67
REP(R)OVED 16406 80
DIETARY 659 81
OUREBIS 1986 75
FOILIST 9180 70
DEBEARD 11099 78
SINKERS 13766 98
TRAIN(F)UL 3904 86
FuRIOUs 16122 72
IMPEACH 16396 116
SWANLI(K)E 9991 80
SEXtAIN 1765 102
POLENTA 919 67
MItIGA(T)E 7862 74
RESAM(P)LE 10410 65
BlO(T)c(H)IER 8617 98
LATTINS 4583 65
UPR(A)ISED 2319 78
(B)EHAVERs 16061 80
bIDARKE(E) 7771 89
ABREACT 7741 84
vAMOOSE 9319 89
(U)NSLICED 7424 74
PEAsCOD 7957 73
pERSONA(E) 823 66
pASTURE 3195 79
NONTID(A)L 2159 75
BORAGES 2924 66
WaRNERS 6502 77
PARENTS 1607 68
TOURIST 5375 67
ILLAT(I)vE 8852 78
ATTENDE(D) 8917 83
(L)UtEoLIN 2627 71
TOWARDS 5833 77
HEISTIn(G) 6986 71
(R)ESTARTs 16513 74
H(E)MLINes 10473 84
S(A)NGRIAS 12505 72
NAVI(C)ERT 1713 80
(A)BRASIVE 6265 84
uNWRAPT* 0 82
GUTTERE(D) 10303 83
LaUGHER 7492 70
(U)RINATED 71 73
DOZIEST 4274 104
pROLIN(E)S 1466 65
(Y)OLKIesT 11019 89
PETARDS 3136 76
SEssION 15282 78
SOLATED 511 85
AMAZONS 17406 86
ENdURES 2913 62
(O)UTBUILT 23397 70
(C)OMEDIAN 2030 80
ANEmONE 3326 67
AUGITES 768 94
FOAMERS 5041 79
(R)EpAVING 4877 72
DIRTIES 1283 78
UNRIfLE(D) 4542 60
DRUML(I)KE 17423 73
CARNIES 633 88
TET(A)nIZE 4302 194
EVAdI(B)LE 7027 74
DI(G)ERATI 636 72
E(N)G(L)IShED 7505 83
HEATI(N)GS 1839 63
CHITaLS 12385 71
DRAFTEE 2186 82
ARRA(N)gED 6138 59
ISATINE 144 70
ERRAbLE 7663 69
RETORTE(R) 16834 68
SE(E)MLIER 7763 74
MAULERS 5616 96
DI(E)STRuM 4548 98
CLEAN(I)Ng 7327 61
(P)ENURIES 3158 72
uTENSIL 1164 79
FINNIER 7211 77
I(N)TONErS 488 66
FLANc(A)rD 19784 80
RIBLETS 3213 74
DEALAtE 1687 73
TORULAE 164 66
FAgG(I)EST 13898 80
LI(T)TERER 5803 59
DAIRIES 496 75
AEROBIC 1292 76
SALTINE 113 80
RATIOnE(D) 4 66
REsENTE(D) 3679 68
CELLiST 12941 77
RELININ(G) 6136 70
SNARErS 9196 72
ISatI(N)ES 2482 66
OVERSEA 1247 74
AREOLAT(E) 255 62
POTEENs 2665 69
PREENED 8992 66
WATERIN(G) 797 64
(A)NEROIDS 15 70
LINIEST 1288 70
TEENIER 505 78
DEVIATE 1047 66
CRuDITE(S) 4533 80
RETAPES 2237 91
TEACARt 7206 76
DENARII 140 65
ELEVONS 4819 68
A(G)ENIZED 5033 88
SNEEZIN(G) 16602 86
SALTPAn 11640 79
FARSIDE 1924 86
LOKSHEN 19635 96
ANABOLI(c) 9894 61
INH(A)ULER 1052 62
SAuNTER 442 71
CATERAN 1832 76
A(LI)ENATES 137 72
ETHIONS 976 79
ENROBER 5772 74
UNMEaNT 6496 62
CALFH(O)OD 25326 94
SA(N)ITIZE 3166 86
OBTAiN(E)D 168 61
ROARERS 8200 67
(T)OLUIDES 889 72
ANTIBI(A)S 7813 62
GLUePOT(S) 10639 61
(R)EDeSIGN 1642 80
(S)POLIATE 544 72
GoBLINS 10324 71
LIQUATE 3544 80
REASO(N)Ed 167 69
DEcODIN(G) 11404 61
JEtTING 11725 75
ELA(T)IONS 19 70
CHOUsED 13669 82
STOOpIN(G) 10993 62
IdEATES 208 64
REARLES(S)* 0 77
NAI(V)EtES 674 90
BANDOrE 864 72
SINUATE 125 79
PRALINE 681 72
TRIA(L)IST 6609 60
SEGM(E)NTs 19775 72
OSETRAS 2372 71
DEnSITY 4272 78
bALUS(T)ER 5733 76
FENCERS 14993 81
sLINGER 1737 77
ErOSIVE 1260 78
THORIAS 1660 73
ADVERTS 3141 91
UNEARtH 1597 79
BOOKLE(T)S 20119 66
LENITES 605 73
sTEARIC 640 89
(P)UgAREES 7507 84
DIPT(E)RAL 1026 63
RIPARI(A)N 12305 80
WHINERS 7156 85
OVe(R)NEAT 298 72
SOLERET 849 92
DEVISES 14223 72
PROVINg 12343 78
INT(O)RTED 486 61
HYOID(E)AN 2050 72
SONAT(I)NA 2472 58
WICKApE 19379 89
MAESTRO 931 76
A(Z)URITES 2651 84
(I)NVeNTOR 1798 72
T(H)IRTIES 8935 62
WARpING 11586 78
TREELIN(E) 859 60
ORI(E)NTED 47 63
(R)EEDIESt 1886 70
DEAFeNS 3865 77
RINSERS 8824 66
ABVOltS 12877 82
GAINErS 266 67
(A)NTIFOAM 6572 101
OUTC(R)IES 1431 78
VELURIN(G) 6233 98
THIO(U)rEA 211 61
OREIDES 283 86
ELUSION 520 70
THRIV(E)rS 14038 67
DOGGIES 10287 86
QUI(V)ER(I)NG 16307 94
TROPICs 10403 80
DIVERTS 3276 68
COATERS 892 73
uNSEXIE(R) 6024 96
GUNSElS 16342 78
COGN(O)VIT 17257 64
WRENTIT 4005 76
(D)ETONATE 731 61
NAIVET(E)S 674 76
dISAB(L)ED 12056 72
FORDONE 5215 84
BEIGEST 5740 81
AIRSOME 329 72
PERUSAL 5617 77
IN(D)OxYLS 20838 82
ALpHORN 10383 71
YEELINs 4179 77
DIVUlGE 10596 80
FINNIER 7211 67
CO(N)TENDs 9465 90
ENTITL(E)D 2705 80
BITtERN 4004 71
rE(N)EGADO 347 62
ENTASiS 1391 82
AMYLEnE(S) 10423 68
WOU(n)DING 18114 66
(I)NTONERS 488 68
PRESTER 10918 74
aEROSAT 240 72
DONAIRS 460 78
OUTLEAD 511 73
VAUNTIE 715 78
EGO(T)IZED 5796 71
O(U)TWILLs 19787 68
PHOTICS 17806 92
W(I)NNOWER 17027 68
ST(O)RMILY 12960 76
ANOXIAs 6783 86
DISQUI(E)t 12137 84
(N)OTARiZE 262 84
(T)ENTORIA 43 77
FOAmIER 1301 70
TOOTLED 7593 67
ZoMBIES 16538 95
TEA(M)WORK 12497 84
(E)SCAPERS 18213 70
DECANAl 6017 97
(B)ILANDER 992 83
FROWNER 12135 100
INWALLE(D) 8624 67
(T)EOSINTE 739 59
PATTIES 3820 76
AGOUTIS 1812 70
(E)XEGETIC 19856 92
URANIAS 2378 72
SEQUI(T)UR 17006 68
AIRWAVE(S) 6294 80
YEAR(L)ONG 2245 76
TAUNTED 2813 76
(D)EUTERON 516 72
SECLUD(E)S 23383 77
ARG(U)FIED 3630 76
(A)ERONAuT 127 74
rEROUTE(D) 3394 65
EMPTIES 8389 93
A(D)HESION 671 68
VIRtUAL 6493 65
VIRTUES 4328 69
TRANNIE(S) 441 77
COLEsEE(D) 11986 62
NONFaNS 20050 78
AIRIEST 145 74
ENSLAVE(D) 5310 74
(A)SPIRANT 5769 83
QUARTIE(R) 7569 104
REPOINT 464 89
(I)NTROITs 6172 66
LOADERS 506 69
dEBAUCH 17462 93
RETORTS 6943 69
(S)PLICIng 24281 70
TArSIER 556 70
PRIVETS 7185 90
MORELLE 11950 77
(L)ACTONES 1348 74
ORDINAL(S) 740 68
(R)ETAGGED 9550 74
aGENIZ(E)D 5033 88
F(O)RESTED 4779 68
TABOOED 3635 64
LATINI(S)E 389 70
fOOTG(E)AR 4121 59
TRa(V)ELER 6389 70
ROSETTE 2494 75
nONELEC(T) 7448 68
ETIOLA(TE)S 299 80
bE(F)LOWER 17132 76
OzONOUS 22358 69
RUG(E)LACH 15207 88
FAST(E)NED 3031 70
SoCAGES 12672 70
UPsTATE 9440 70
SEELING 2470 72
PAR(C)HESI 10866 70
(S)TELLIFY 21153 78
OSTEITI(C) 6679 74
IMPEL(L)ED 22253 88
PETARDS 3138 76
SEssION 15306 78
SATYRId 4955 77
CLONERS 3852 102
SHINIER 3648 71
DETUNES 2916 71
ApERIES 1064 74
EGOMAn(I)A 1417 83
AGEnTED 1521 68
JOAnNES 8031 92
TRAV(E)LED 3049 63
BURDENS 8672 73
BRI(G)HTEN 10361 68
COWERED 11837 73
BLUEFI(n)S 16130 90
DISSECT 12944 74
HOARDER 4605 88
WALlINg 17055 77
AMOEBAE 6586 80
(A)NTEROOM 940 70
DRESSED 18997 77
GRANT(O)rS 5823 70
BOOsTER 5208 71
DIS(G)AUGE* 0 62
REPLA(T)ES 3081 90
SNORTED 527 75
POST(F)AcE 11892 76
EXEQUIA(L) 15998 76
CAUSING 9689 91
FAST(E)NER 1597 65
BEDlAMP(S) 21479 72
LEANEST 581 67
(S)OLDIERS 4859 80
ZE(P)pOLES 28685 212
ELDRESS 12506 85
UNSEALE(D) 2157 61
MiSDONE 2006 76
CASI(M)IRE 6304 158
DEU(T)ERIc 3103 95
LIGAT(I)VE 4191 62
SOPPIER 12562 86
rETUNED 1438 67
REAL(L)OTS 2618 70
HUmATES 10058 79
FOLDERS 6370 76
L(I)ONISER 380 70
END(P)OINT 3597 76
LIQUEUR 16742 70
sCLERAE 4064 68
FITTING 17268 80
DAILIEs 1262 75
cONVE(R)TS 7023 176
FERuLED 9608 78
DISA(G)REE 714 64
O(U)TlINES 345 64
ENURES(I)S 5134 70
SHEILAs 12823 86
ENDUReD 12513 83
EREMURI 10311 70
UND(e)RACT 3074 76
S(E)AFLOOR 5123 72
(RE)NOUNCEd 7364 70
N(E)ATENED 4431 60
RE(N)EWALs 3072 70
LONGLEA(F) 15706 76
PRET(A)sTE 8363 86
ENTiCES 2983 77
INAR(A)BLE 1190 64
S(T)RoWInG 8547 76
ZEATINS 2345 107
ADuLAT(E)D 14370 75
PENtICE 7150 85
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
EnM(I)TIES 3507 131
ME(G)ABITS 7969 176
RIGID(E)ST 2982 158
RES(P)RAIN* 0 149
I(S)oPReNE 851 131
IN(D)ECENT 6409 158
AN(T)IHERO 58 158
BANDiE(S)t 996 149
u(N)FLAWED 12610 185
ELON(G)ATE 349 131
cH(AN)DLER 9008 99
HERE(T)RIX 20832 212
T(A)NGRAMs 13068 149
O(U)TYElPS 13955 167
CRI(N)KLED 13848 185
TET(A)nIZE 4302 194
ZE(P)pOLES 28685 212
CASI(M)IRE 6304 158
cONVE(R)TS 7023 176
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
hALIT(O)SE(S) 3854 76
R(ET)INITES 1774 68
(GO)ODLIEST 2334 72
(AB)NEGATES 5198 89
MoTORc(AD)E 5373 83
InTAGLI(OES) 97 83
CO(N)T(E)MNED 12390 67
ROUL(ET)TES 3367 68
TR(A)I(N)LESS 1176 72
(DE)LEGATED 12618 78
OSTIARI(ES) 741 72
PERIOD(ID)s 10125 64
F(AS)TEnERS 6730 83
ME(D)I(A)tING 2343 72
LI(BE)RATOR 849 65
UN(RE)TIRED 1475 72
T(E)RP(I)NEOL 400 74
LoNELIE(ST) 2457 77
FIrESLI(DE)* 0 89
DRIFTN(ET)S 5366 76
SCRIM(PI)nG 23226 66
QUAGMI(RE)S 12378 119
V(IT)ALISTs 20848 74
CoRREL(ATE)D 1776 74
REt(A)G(G)ING 16884 78
BlO(T)c(H)IER 8617 98
E(N)G(L)IShED 7505 83
A(LI)ENATES 137 72
QUI(V)ER(I)NG 16307 94
ETIOLA(TE)S 299 80
(RE)NOUNCEd 7364 70
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(D)URAN(T)* 0 0
BISS* 0 0
OVErBE(N)D* 0 0
DENTiLE* 0 0
CONIiNS* 0 0
UPONS* 0 0
ZAGGY* 0 0
KAID* 0 0
LE* 0 0
P(EWE)D* 0 0
ZL* 0 0
AGENI(C)* 0 0
FICOS* 0 0
V(I)VO* 0 0
OVeR(MAD)* 0 0
PITTIEr* 0 0
DALmAT(I)A* 0 0
NO(N)MISE(R)Y* 0 0
RADNESs* 0 0
B(U)R(b)ELLEd* 0 0
REREsDa* 0 0
TEX* 0 0
LIRIS* 0 0
TRiTON(A)L* 0 0
K(E)IF* 0 0
sTOOGER* 0 0
RAMIS* 0 0
(VETO)S* 0 0
(QUALE)S* 0 0
(O)VERSIoN* 0 0
TsERMOh* 0 0
(G)LOSSiNE* 0 0
TOOKA* 0 0
CENO* 0 0
OA(l)* 0 0
SOND* 0 0
NOtITIA* 0 0
WAINLIe(R)* 0 0
WINER* 0 0
JA* 0 0
KEELHOl(E)* 0 0
REEX(E)RTs* 0 0
RA* 0 0
CARPY* 0 0
BAUDY* 0 0
RAITs* 0 0
(V)IBRO* 0 0
HIT(B)OX* 0 0
(LI)M(I)TURE* 0 0
EASTLIN(g)* 0 0
ODDYSEy* 0 0
L(EW)* 0 0
mAENIES* 0 0
sPAVINe* 0 0
(I)NRI* 0 0
L(U)NKIER* 0 0
NUNI* 0 0
PFT* 0 0
TAGHAI(R)m* 0 0
GOYA* 0 0
rEA(C)QUIT* 0 0
LANU(GI)* 0 0
UNWRISt* 0 0
CROWiN(G)S* 0 0
CUPIDlY* 0 0
WAINE(d)* 0 0
SHEEV(In)G* 0 0
FAE* 0 0
BATER* 0 0
(E)UcHRASE* 0 0
DEFS* 0 0
(D)EJEcTAS* 0 0
BONgOED* 0 0
C(LOR)* 0 0
INROL(L)E(D)* 0 0
EHD* 0 0
(Y)EX* 0 0
RUGA(S)* 0 0
HOODIL(Y)* 0 0
LION(W)oRT* 0 0
F(A)GgOTER* 0 0
iN(O)SCINE* 0 0
cRENNEL* 0 0
LaERN* 0 0
(U)NRELENt* 0 0
(R)eOPTION* 0 0
BAAH* 0 0
HOH* 0 0
(CREME)T* 0 0
REME* 0 0
HILTY* 0 0
TOREeTI(C)* 0 0
Q(U)AYED* 0 0
(R)EGRIP* 0 0
(D)IrTLESS* 0 0
BOLI(D)* 0 0
HOU(C)K* 0 0
IR* 0 0
W(E)LK* 0 0
FLU(K)ER* 0 0
NOV(A)L* 0 0
BANIS* 0 0
VINAE* 0 0
ILKAS* 0 0
NI* 0 0
GYRIC* 0 0
KORAE* 0 0
MANX* 0 0
LIRIS* 0 0
LeTOF(F)* 0 0
C(Y)TOSOmE* 0 0
NIEF* 0 0
F(L)INK* 0 0
C(R)UNKED* 0 0
VUMS* 0 0
LURIDeS(T)* 0 0
NEES* 0 0
PAV* 0 0
ExOGENY* 0 0
LORDhOO(D)* 0 0
sHEAVER* 0 0
UNWhoLE* 0 0
TATTERe(R)* 0 0
BISS* 0 0
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
(D)ITTED* 0 0
J(U)CA* 0 0
MEaT(L)IKE* 0 0
VAcILLI* 0 0
SANtALS* 0 0
tSIGANE* 0 0
JILTY* 0 0
ZIN(K)IER* 0 0
PODE* 0 0
ENTRO(R)sE* 0 0
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
WARPY* 0 0
FI(D)E* 0 0
BOFFI* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
ONIUMS* 0 76
FLIRR* 0 26
RELEN(T)ER* 0 59
ROOFY* 0 30
(TE)TCH* 0 20
FANBAsE* 0 86
SEGWAYS* 0 106
RE(DUCT)* 0 12
(U)NGAiNED* 0 65
GRUML(Y)* 0 32
COLADAs* 0 85
(J)UGAS* 0 39
GUM(WHITE)* 0 51
N(U)W* 0 28
TIRERS* 0 26
VISERS* 0 18
(AXE)LED* 0 28
(ADENYL)IC* 0 42
CHUPAS* 0 31
TH(EME)R* 0 15
SWEIR* 0 48
(THING)IE* 0 11
SHEN* 0 26
RELEN(T)ER* 0 59
SuRGIER* 0 68
(U)NDERMIX* 0 88
TONIES* 0 27
(A)KELE* 0 42
STA(N)Um* 0 28
RES(P)RAIN* 0 149
SIDER* 0 14
MOXY* 0 32
B(E)LONGER* 0 65
GO(E)TH* 0 36
MIMS* 0 31
U(N)TALKED* 0 66
(C)HOLATeD* 0 80
GIVY* 0 22
HAOLES* 0 35
CALLU(P)* 0 20
SHANT* 0 30
UNH(I)T* 0 16
HEADW(E)AR* 0 90
TR(I)MoDAL* 0 70
CA(B)LOAD* 0 39
tORCHER* 0 88
TW(a)T* 0 21
PI(G)NORAS* 0 64
sLUTTED* 0 67
VINELI(K)E* 0 66
BEAM(E)R* 0 42
VILLED* 0 78
(C)HOREGIC* 0 84
VAXE(R)* 0 16
VAXERS* 0 28
RIN(G)Y* 0 26
M(E)LANATE* 0 62
BUK(S)HAS* 0 63
(V)ALGAL* 0 33
WARRIS(O)N* 0 74
ALL(O)WER* 0 22
REFIXT* 0 34
uNCUR(V)ED* 0 76
(F)IBERING* 0 70
FIrESLI(DE)* 0 89
FRAYER* 0 39
(ATOP)IA* 0 16
WA(K)EUP* 0 30
DECLAW(E)R* 0 67
FROMS* 0 22
VERN(I)CEs* 0 78
SLINKER(S)* 0 89
FREEH(ELD)* 0 30
BEROuGE* 0 78
(T)W(E)ENIER* 0 36
ZERKIN(G)* 0 42
BATWING(s)* 0 71
HE(P)ATITE* 0 78
VIEIN(G)* 0 12
LAM(I)TROL* 0 90
R(A)NDOMER* 0 64
MODED* 0 33
uNWRAPT* 0 82
J(EW)* 0 26
MUTERS* 0 32
REARLES(S)* 0 77
OUT(PROVINg)* 0 42
MILED* 0 17
FI(LAR)OTIc* 0 38
DIS(G)AUGE* 0 62
CHAKED* 0 33
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(D)URAN(T)* 0 0
BISS* 0 0
OVErBE(N)D* 0 0
EDHS 1948 0
DENTiLE* 0 0
CONIiNS* 0 0
EJECTS 11573 0
ZAGGY* 0 0
KAID* 0 0
BURSTER 12636 0
P(EWE)D* 0 0
AL 29 0
AGENI(C)* 0 0
FICOS* 0 0
V(I)VO* 0 0
OVeR(MAD)* 0 0
ROWINGS 7861 66
(s)YNCHRO 19082 44
PITTIEr* 0 0
DALmAT(I)A* 0 0
NO(N)MISE(R)Y* 0 0
RADNESs* 0 0
B(U)R(b)ELLEd* 0 0
REREsDa* 0 0
TEX* 0 0
AN(I) 20 0
TRiTON(A)L* 0 0
W(OR)T 1479 9
K(E)IF* 0 0
sTOOGER* 0 0
UNSEATS 5405 0
UNSEATS 5405 0
UNSEATS 5405 0
(VETO)S* 0 0
(QUALE)S* 0 0
(O)VERSIoN* 0 0
TsERMOh* 0 0
(G)LOSSiNE* 0 0
AERATEs 800 0
CENO* 0 0
sIMPLER 10165 0
OA(l)* 0 0
LOWED 2729 41
IONISED 738 83
SOND* 0 0
GOWD 2997 0
NOtITIA* 0 0
WAINLIe(R)* 0 0
YOU 684 0
OR 24 0
JA* 0 0
KEELHOl(E)* 0 0
REEX(E)RTs* 0 0
MOR(A)Y 4333 0
CITY 2727 0
BAUDY* 0 0
RAITs* 0 0
(V)IBRO* 0 0
HIT(B)OX* 0 0
(LI)M(I)TURE* 0 0
EASTLIN(g)* 0 0
ODDYSEy* 0 0
L(EW)* 0 0
mAENIES* 0 0
sPAVINe* 0 0
(I)NRI* 0 0
L(U)NKIER* 0 0
(M)YTHOI 11535 50
LIN(Y) 1864 0
PFT* 0 0
TAGHAI(R)m* 0 0
GOYA* 0 0
CAVELI(K)E 16946 71
rEA(C)QUIT* 0 0
JOUSt 6214 0
UNbEARS 3061 0
LANU(GI)* 0 0
ERN 34 0
UNWRISt* 0 0
CROWiN(G)S* 0 0
CUTES 3641 31
CUPIDlY* 0 0
DONGLES 4246 71
WAINE(d)* 0 0
SHEEV(In)G* 0 0
WE 51 0
BLURTER 12659 0
JAR 596 0
(E)UcHRASE* 0 0
u(N)FLAWED 12610 185
RUBIGOs 10326 74
TENA(C)E 1057 24
FUN 773 0
(D)EJEcTAS* 0 0
BONgOED* 0 0
C(LOR)* 0 0
INROL(L)E(D)* 0 0
TUGGeRS 15610 68
DUIT 1015 0
(Y)EX* 0 0
RUGA(S)* 0 0
(Y)IRRING 23142 26
HOODIL(Y)* 0 0
LION(W)oRT* 0 0
(E)VOCAbLe 13335 92
cH(AN)DLER 9008 99
F(A)GgOTER* 0 0
J(A)PERY 11869 36
B(O)RECOLE 12560 63
W(E)EK 3104 39
WIS 597 20
HERE(T)RIX 20832 212
NONST(O)Ps 26501 70
iN(O)SCINE* 0 0
SUPE(R)ING 5927 74
cRENNEL* 0 0
LaERN* 0 0
(U)NRELENt* 0 0
(F)UNKIA 10408 26
(R)eOPTION* 0 0
BAAH* 0 0
HOH* 0 0
(CREME)T* 0 0
(A)R 13 0
(TI)C 371 0
HOLL(O)S 14244 30
YO 87 0
TOREeTI(C)* 0 0
CROWDS 17067 35
Q(U)AYED* 0 0
(R)EGRIP* 0 0
M(E)TTLE 12201 27
OXY 1247 50
(D)IrTLESS* 0 0
BOLI(D)* 0 0
HOU(C)K* 0 0
HE(R)METIC 16092 69
GOLPE 4831 27
R(H)ACHIS 29494 45
SANDBU(R)S 20768 78
WUsSIER 12478 69
(K)LAVERnS 13154 106
GRUT(C)H 13431 29
UNMOLTE(N) 12088 83
OR 28 0
CUKE 3326 36
W(E)LK* 0 0
FLU(K)ER* 0 0
NOV(A)L* 0 0
ENSUINg 6902 0
EX 75 0
ROSIN 456 0
HIREE 843 0
CWMS 4096 0
KORAE* 0 0
LoGGATS 15672 64
MANX* 0 0
NIQABS 10400 0
OVERSEE 6842 92
AN(I) 20 0
LeTOF(F)* 0 0
C(Y)TOSOmE* 0 0
NIEF* 0 0
F(L)INK* 0 0
C(R)UNKED* 0 0
S(AR)D 992 0
VUMS* 0 0
SI 35 0
LURIDeS(T)* 0 0
INCISOR 6268 0
VIG 702 0
ExOGENY* 0 0
LORDhOO(D)* 0 0
sHEAVER* 0 0
UNWhoLE* 0 0
TATTERe(R)* 0 0
BISS* 0 0
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
POINTES 1001 0
LARCH 6242 49
(D)ITTED* 0 0
UNWI(S)H 11841 36
J(U)CA* 0 0
MEaT(L)IKE* 0 0
MUDR(A) 4622 16
VAcILLI* 0 0
LOKSHEN 19635 96
SANtALS* 0 0
bALUS(T)ER 5733 76
MIEN 384 26
CASE 655 0
tSIGANE* 0 0
(C)AY 828 0
MONDO 5373 22
ZIN(K)IER* 0 0
POX 1214 0
ENTRO(R)sE* 0 0
REPOINT 464 89
TREK 1902 50
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
AGEnTED 1521 68
BLUEFI(n)S 16130 90
WARPY* 0 0
FI(D)E* 0 0
LONGLEA(F) 15706 76
BOFFI* 0 0
PENtICE 7150 85
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
One Player Plays Every E
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 1393
Invalid Games 0.03 38
Incomplete 0.03 37
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 1
Total Turns 25.82 35965
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.61 847
Score 428.74 597233
Score per Turn 33.1667
Turns 12.93 18007
Vertical Plays 6.20 8630
Horizontal Plays 5.67 7898
One Tile Plays 0.51 714
Other Plays 0.55 765
Firsts 0.49 689
Vertical Openings per First 0.9198
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0802
Full Rack per Turn 0.9339
Exchanges 0.28 390
High Game 679
Low Game 249
Highest Scoring Turn 230
Bingos Played 2.01 2797
Sevens 0.94 1303
Eights 1.05 1466
Nines 0.02 28
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6371.10
Sevens 5500.34
Eights 7147.28
Nines 6842.25
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.56 69035
A 4.48 6245
B 0.99 1375
C 0.98 1369
D 1.97 2745
E 5.91 8228
F 1.01 1410
G 1.49 2077
H 0.98 1361
I 4.43 6174
J 0.53 734
K 0.48 675
L 1.94 2700
M 1.03 1432
N 2.88 4013
O 4.02 5602
P 1.01 1409
Q 0.51 706
R 2.93 4076
S 2.00 2789
T 2.99 4162
U 1.97 2744
V 1.00 1394
W 1.03 1429
X 0.50 690
Y 1.03 1428
Z 0.51 716
? 0.97 1352
Power Tiles Played 5.02 6987
? 0.97 1352
J 0.53 734
Q 0.51 706
X 0.50 690
Z 0.51 716
S 2.00 2789
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 117
? 0.02 24
J 0.00 3
Q 0.02 21
X 0.00 4
Z 0.01 8
S 0.04 57
Turns With a Blank 1.92 2673
Triple Triples Played 0.03 35
Bingoless Games 0.05 72
Bonus Square Coverage 16.19 22556
Double Letter 5.38 7496
Triple Letter 5.38 7496
Double Word 3.10 4324
Triple Word 2.33 3240
Phony Plays 0.34 470
Unchallenged 0.20 277
Challenged Off 0.14 193
Challenges 0.39 538
You Won 0.18 248
Opponent Lost 0.03 44
You Lost 0.04 53
Opponent Won 0.14 193
Challenge Percentage 0.8239
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1857
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5894
Comments 8.77 12223
Comments Word Length 298.07 415210
Mistakeless Turns 12.80 17828
Mistakes per Turn 0.0102
Mistakes 0.13 183
Knowledge 0.01 19
Finding 0.04 51
Vision 0.02 23
Tactics 0.04 50
Strategy 0.02 34
Endgame 0.00 6
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4841, 0.5071)
B 0.4950 (0.4712, 0.5200)
C 0.4900 (0.4712, 0.5200)
D 0.4925 (0.4783, 0.5129)
E 0.4925 (0.4856, 0.5056)
F 0.5050 (0.4712, 0.5200)
G 0.4967 (0.4757, 0.5155)
H 0.4900 (0.4712, 0.5200)
I 0.4922 (0.4841, 0.5071)
J 0.5300 (0.4611, 0.5301)
K 0.4800 (0.4611, 0.5301)
L 0.4850 (0.4783, 0.5129)
M 0.5150 (0.4712, 0.5200)
N 0.4800 (0.4815, 0.5097)
O 0.5025 (0.4834, 0.5078)
P 0.5050 (0.4712, 0.5200)
Q 0.5100 (0.4611, 0.5301)
R 0.4883 (0.4815, 0.5097)
S 0.5000 (0.4783, 0.5129)
T 0.4983 (0.4815, 0.5097)
U 0.4925 (0.4783, 0.5129)
V 0.5000 (0.4712, 0.5200)
W 0.5150 (0.4712, 0.5200)
X 0.5000 (0.4611, 0.5301)
Y 0.5150 (0.4712, 0.5200)
Z 0.5100 (0.4611, 0.5301)
? 0.4850 (0.4712, 0.5200)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.39 546
Score 401.97 559946
Score per Turn 31.1809
Turns 12.89 17958
Vertical Plays 5.69 7932
Horizontal Plays 5.99 8339
One Tile Plays 0.55 764
Other Plays 0.66 923
Firsts 0.51 704
Vertical Openings per First 0.3649
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6351
Full Rack per Turn 0.6127
Exchanges 0.37 509
High Game 749
Low Game 203
Highest Scoring Turn 212
Bingos Played 1.84 2559
Sevens 0.89 1245
Eights 0.92 1280
Nines 0.02 32
Tens 0.00 2
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6151.97
Sevens 5365.34
Eights 6920.87
Nines 6626.86
Tens 936.50
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.66 66393
A 4.34 6049
B 0.98 1369
C 0.97 1358
D 1.94 2696
E 5.78 8053
F 0.95 1329
G 1.41 1962
H 1.00 1396
I 4.25 5921
J 0.47 653
K 0.50 702
L 1.88 2615
M 0.94 1306
N 2.87 4001
O 3.77 5258
P 0.95 1323
Q 0.47 650
R 2.83 3937
S 1.90 2653
T 2.79 3880
U 1.87 2606
V 0.94 1305
W 0.95 1318
X 0.50 694
Y 0.95 1329
Z 0.48 663
? 0.98 1367
Power Tiles Played 4.80 6680
? 0.98 1367
J 0.47 653
Q 0.47 650
X 0.50 694
Z 0.48 663
S 1.90 2653
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 146
? 0.03 43
J 0.00 3
Q 0.01 16
X 0.00 5
Z 0.00 6
S 0.05 73
Turns With a Blank 1.61 2249
Triple Triples Played 0.01 19
Bingoless Games 0.08 115
Bonus Square Coverage 15.49 21584
Double Letter 5.06 7048
Triple Letter 5.29 7366
Double Word 2.88 4015
Triple Word 2.26 3155
Phony Plays 0.26 361
Unchallenged 0.08 113
Challenged Off 0.18 248
Challenges 0.39 538
You Won 0.14 193
Opponent Lost 0.04 53
You Lost 0.03 44
Opponent Won 0.18 248
Challenge Percentage 0.8143
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1761
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3130
Comments 8.77 12223
Comments Word Length 298.07 415210
Mistakeless Turns 12.83 17872
Mistakes per Turn 0.0052
Mistakes 0.07 93
Knowledge 0.02 21
Finding 0.02 29
Vision 0.01 7
Tactics 0.01 9
Strategy 0.01 14
Endgame 0.01 13
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4822 (0.4651, 0.4881)
B 0.4900 (0.4522, 0.5010)
C 0.4850 (0.4522, 0.5010)
D 0.4850 (0.4594, 0.4938)
E 0.4817 (0.4666, 0.4866)
F 0.4750 (0.4522, 0.5010)
G 0.4700 (0.4567, 0.4965)
H 0.5000 (0.4522, 0.5010)
I 0.4722 (0.4651, 0.4881)
J 0.4700 (0.4421, 0.5111)
K 0.5000 (0.4421, 0.5111)
L 0.4700 (0.4594, 0.4938)
M 0.4700 (0.4522, 0.5010)
N 0.4783 (0.4625, 0.4907)
O 0.4713 (0.4644, 0.4888)
P 0.4750 (0.4522, 0.5010)
Q 0.4700 (0.4421, 0.5111)
R 0.4717 (0.4625, 0.4907)
S 0.4750 (0.4594, 0.4938)
T 0.4650 (0.4625, 0.4907)
U 0.4675 (0.4594, 0.4938)
V 0.4700 (0.4522, 0.5010)
W 0.4750 (0.4522, 0.5010)
X 0.5000 (0.4421, 0.5111)
Y 0.4750 (0.4522, 0.5010)
Z 0.4800 (0.4421, 0.5111)
? 0.4900 (0.4522, 0.5010)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K2 WY(T)E +24 Strategy Small
was happy to draw the last remaining Ss and to see him play BIKE and block most of the ?AT setups. I might want to play wyn/by here. looks close. EGSS at least takes out the 7 conso rack danger. I should probably do that. I wanted to keep both Ss to hit SCURVY as a scoring play, hence not WYTES. however there is something to be said for playing the S to avoid the 7 consos. I think WYN is the play #strategysmall
I3 Q(I) +21 Strategy Small
I think I just have to bite the bullet and play Q(I)S here, sacrifice my precious S. Q prefers QI, but between blocking bingoes and avoiding 7 conso racks (especially if he makes a board opening play, I want to be able to block). #strategysmall
J10 (J)ORUM +22 Vision Small
should just do HOURI, forks the board some and I probably need the lanes. His range isn't super strong after OXIC cause the board is dead, in fact he had ILRRY. I was happy with JORUM but HOURI seems like the best thing to do for the board. #visionsmall
D8 COB(I)A +24 Vision Medium
think I blew the game here. Didn't see O(G)EE which is awesome. I also thought ABE(L)E was phony. both of those plays are way better than COBIA. I'm still in a good position after COBIA but it lets me draw into shit and be outrun, or be unable to deal with his openings. Terrible. #visionmedium
J9 W(A)X +13 Tactics Small
looks like WAND or exchange here (CNS or CST are both fine, going for the COBIA hook). CDNST is really lane cause I don't even bingo often, and when I don't I'm not in a great position. WAX also encourages COBIA to be blocked. I think I should exchange. #tacticssmall
8A AR(C)HI +42 Knowledge Large
oh POACHIER is a valid word. I liked making a word that didn't take an S #knowledgelarge
L4 AUD(I)O +14 Finding Small
I probably need to do N5 OU(R) here, I need two bingoes to get back in here. that also does the mose for the board longterm, makes it hard to close everything. AUDIO sims well but I need to go harder on bingoes. #findingsmall
5B JuTTIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
nice defense with CHORD. this is a very tilty play, I had memorizes the J?TTY variations and had I thought at all I would have remembered that the blank needs to be an E. #knowledgelarge
N2 JITTE(R)eR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
meh thought this might be good #knowledgelarge
N3 FLuO(R)IDE +65 Finding Large
OUTFIELD is better #findinglarge
11H SUMY +26 Vision Small
I missed the MOHO hook this turn. I would have probably played YUM there, keeping the board full of S hooks. MY is also okay, but YUM bingoes far more. #visionsmall
F3 aBIOTIC +71 Finding Small
should do BIOTICs here, slightly more defensive. #findingsmall
J5 EVITE +26 Finding Small
exit is probably better, I liked the defense of this. the X is pretty nice here. #findingsmall
10I OW +29 Strategy Medium
I played this fairly quickly but didn't consider WA(N)ION which looks way better. I think this is a strategic error because I didn't really think about how OW keeps duplicated tiles in AN and blocks the E, so I didn't look for a play that played more tiles. I bingo a bit more after OW still, but not by a ton and I score more. It's a bit better for the board longterm as well, I expect a play on row 15 which will help keep things open for another couple turns, rather than a blocking play after OW. I also lower his average score by a point with WANION! surprising. #strategymedium
M3 VAN +22 Strategy Large
I should probably leave the 3 row open, it's hard for him to close. I hated all my options - DAV(E)N? that puts pressure on at least, it's probably better than VAN. I was kinda hoping he wouldn't have a good TAGS block, but he can always do a mediocre one from the G in KLEAGLES or with ETA, and then I have to bingo on some terrible marginal lane. I think I got too obsessed with staying in bingo range, DAVEN isn't likely to win but at least I will be able to have a place to bingo. I think B4 ADD is good as well, keeping the 3 row and 13 rows open. either one of those seem way better than VAN #strategylarge
exch BGT +0 Tactics Small
or RT. looks close. QRTU may be a bit better midgame, but I can still get quite a few 35 point plays. Q prefers RT by a bit #tacticssmall
7H TORN +12 Tactics Small
I kinda like giving so little back with TORN, but QUIN may just be fine. QUINT plays will give me hooks. There's also NOR which gives even less back, the I and M hooks aren't really dangerous. Looks like a better version of TORN, I can get some INN plays too. I often feel compelled in these games to give back no hooks at all, but that doesn't mean TORN is the most defensive play. QUIN is fine for offence. #tacticssmall
I5 CH(OM)P +17 Tactics Small
think I just gotta pull the trigger on DUNCH here. I figured he knew BENDYS so wasn't worried about making another S hook, although CHOMPS is harder to block. NQRU also isn't very good here, I really need a couple more vowels to make it a decent leave, so it's really not so much less risky than PQR, just less shitty. given the difficulty of blocking CHOMPS I should just play DUNCH. #tacticssmall
14F FLARERS +0 (Lost challenge) Strategy Large
yeah really bad decision here. I usually don't like phonying with stuff where you know what the definition would be, but the doubt is on whether it is included. I feel like people are usually more likely to challenge cause they don't give you as much blind trust as if you plop down some crazy shit. If I didn't have (A)RF available then this decision would be more okay, but I had already talked myself into playing FLARERS and playing it quickly, so when TOO came down I still just went with my decision, but it's so much better to just play ARF. #strategylarge
14D GODE(T) +26 Vision Medium
Missed the sweet (F)O(D)GEL. I am not in a good position, but any board opening play I can make will just get outrun too easily. FODGEL is a better version of this plsy. #visionmedium
exch AAIUU +0 Tactics Small
LUAU seems a bit better, from the L in UNTITLED, it blocks some bingoes and lowers his avg. that being said I scor a lot more with ET than AEIT and it's a less risky leave. #tacticssmall
C12 NEE +12 Strategy Large
this is a poor effort. was banking on the D being in that bag, making it very hard for him to block. however, he can just play TI or NU and block pretty thoroughly. I think NEE I11 is an interesting idea. any NEED blocks will either make a lane going left or going right. might be marginal if he plays GRIDE, but still something. Q likes EH/WOOSH, but I'm worried about plays around there because the G can block so well. #strategylarge cause this isn't very good.
J12 MOW +35 Tactics Small
tough call here. I liked TWO(S)OME some but the S hook is more risk than I'd like to take here. LOW, MOW, and LOWE are all interesting. She averages a bit more after LOW cause of the E hook, but it's close. I average most after LOW, ELOT isn't very good generally or here. LOWE might be the best medium between them, I score more on average next turn than after MOW and only sacrifice one point. Her average is about the same after each play. #tacticssmall
4L UNAI +20 Finding Large
I got very fixated on the N column lane now, but I think I can do better by just outrunning. I missed the 7I Z spot, AZ(I)NE is good there. I also have ZEIN(S)/MOWN, which is probably best to take out that marginal high scoring lane as well. UNAI has a bit of defensive merit and can still outrun if I find the BIZ spot, but I think ZEINS is wholly better cause I can outrun next turn. #findinglarge
F7 AVA +20 Tactics Small
yeah big oversight here, I didn't realize I made AG for ZAG for her, so I regretted not playing OAVES, even though she has F7 ZA plays. AVA isn't much behind cause I do average a lot more after AVA (12 more0, but I can cut her average by 7 with OAVES. #tacticssmall
I2 OWIE +29 Tactics Small
I actually average more next turn after OWIES than OWIE! since I am opening the board it seems. She averages 5 more after OWIES but that doesn't cover the difference in score. That's kinda surprising but I guess it makes sense...? the S isn't amazing here. A bit confusing cause often you don't want to open the board cause they get a lot more benefit than you, but I guess here I'm making a scoring spot after OWIE. #tacticssmall
G1 BAP +25 Tactics Medium
same deal here as last turn. OBIAS raises both of our averages, this time mine more than hers even! EIOS isnot good here, the S isn't especially powerful, I should just go in with OBIAS. I guess the key in the last two plays is that the better leave with the low scoring play isn't actually that much better, which is why my average score is more affected by opening the board than by keeping the better leave, so it's better in both cases to take the points and raise both of our averages. here the difference in leave is starker. #tacticsmedium
I7 SAW +25 Tactics Small
maybe be aggressive and do C11 WAIR? I figure at this point she might easily have an S as she's been grooming her rack. Q prefers M2 WIS with few As out, I bingo more apparently, and average more. I guess I keep VISA open for next turn as well. #tacticssmall
10I QAT +31 Finding Medium
tranq fuq #findingmedium
15A EON +25 Finding Medium
HOi(D)EN is 60 and saves the X, it's great. #findingmedium this is to block the triples triples available and save the X for outscoring.
12G (A)X +34 Strategy Medium
#strategymedium for JiNX, which is more blocky, and this can run into trouble with drawing another consonant and being unablee to block properly.
C2 HUMAN +24 Finding Medium
didn't find enough plays here - HUM 13B and P(R)AHU are both good. I saw THUMP and HAO, both of which seem a bit better than this. I underestimated IMNPU, I suppose it's at least balanced and decent for scoring despite the U. I feel like I overthought this position despite not thinking very coherently. #findingmedium
B3 NUB +21 Tactics Small
INCUBI is cool! PION was the other word I considered. BUN at b2 scores an extra point, but NUB is slightly more defensive, taking out the left side more. I score more next turn after PION, it looks wholly better. #tacticssmall
I7 C(O)X +40 Vision Small
EENRS really isn't very good on this board, I should be playing OXEN! even EXEC is better #visionsmall
N1 GLADE +23 Vision Small
huge misplay this turn, totally missed a lot of interesting options. HUMANE opens the door to GE(D) and LE(D)E and LE(D)GE as setups. GAED N2 is also perhaps a better play. S(T)AGED is interesting as well. The key here is whether he has a blank on his rack. I think the answer is usually, since Q(I) for 31 would often come down. But with the board not great for bingoes, or a rack that isn't helped by the blank a lot, he may elecet to play Qi without another blank in hand. I remember thinking it was decently likely he didn't have another blank, but wasn't sure. I now think that he would probably keep the blank very often and play for 31, the options to outrun in an endgame are immense. A sim has GED, LEDGE, STAGED, GAED, EDGE, and GLADE I'm really not sure what's right, but I am pretty sure I would play LE(D)GE had I seen HUMANE. #visionsmall
L2 HAUBER(K) +32 Tactics Small
didn't like what this did to the board, but something like AW only leaves the 3 row open, the other lanes aren't good anyways. looks between this and AW. AW seems to leave more space open and bingoes a bit more immediately #tacticssmall
6B FRUG +23 Finding Large
devastating miss of F(I)ReBUGS. #findinglarge
2J (V)OCAB +24 Finding Large
devastating misses of Bi(V)OUACS, jACOBUS. #findinglarge
9B cOTEAUS +70 Knowledge Small
S(P)O(R)UlATE and SU(P)E(R)ATOm are both a bit better. #knowledgesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
I only remembered ANTEFIXA taking an L, but it is EL. my position if I accept is also not very good, I will probably do OPERA or exchange. #knowledgelarge
H11 CO(R)IA +24 Strategy Small
looks pretty close, OC(R)EA is also worth considering. I need to bingo pronto and CO(R)IA lets me do that the most of the 24+ point plays. AERIE felt like it put me a bit too far out of one bingo range. In retrospect, I think OC(R)EA might be the best because it truly forks the board, not letting him parallel on columns G or I, whereas after CO(R)IA he can get stuff like B(O)TT or whatever that blocks everything. I don't expect him to make these plays too often but it's not an option I want to allow. #strategysmall
H7 ZED +26 Tactics Medium
I was a bit wary of opening all the nice floaters, but I still gotta just do ZOSTER here. if it was ERST instead of ORST then we might be talking. He only bingoes 5% more after zoster? interesting #tacticsmedium
F2 KIRTLES +82 Vision Large
ugh I played this way too fast. TINKLERS is 98! KIRTLES is great for the board defensively, but I gotta take the 98 #visionlarge
E4 Y(U)CA +22 Strategy Small
EISY is really gross, ICY/COCA is fine, also YAYS/QADIS. I liked yuca for saving two S hooks for me, but sims says it's not worth it. #strategysmall
12C EGIS +39 Strategy Small
this seems more of an error, really shuts me in. FOO seems like the play, or exchanging. #strategysmall
K1 PIA +15 Finding Small
want a 1 row play to open the board, but could do OI to set up the P for plays. #findingsmall
J4 A(L)ODIA +9 Tactics Small
thought about AA for real, which is prob what I play normally, but I didn't like how risky DEIOT was, especially on this board with not many good options for it if I don't hit. 4L ODEA is also fine as a more open option, but AA is nice and defensive. AA just performs similarly to ALODIA in most ways so the score is worth it. I'll say #tacticssmall cause it's probably an overadjustment
7M QA(T) +22 Tactics Small
I strongly considered (C)AF here, but idk. I do get bailouts wiht AAAAIIIIIIUUU which is nice, but they don't always stay open. I like what QI/QI does for me next turn w S? in hand, but idk it feels too limiting to keep the Q. Q prefers CAF here, #tacticssmall it seems it blocks some scores crom the C (QAT lets him average a couple more), and just looks about worth it given the Q bailouts.
exch BCFR +0 Finding Medium
I think I didn't consider FLABS but I kinda remember considering FLAB and not liking that C- bingoes wouldn't play. I think FLABS is def worth it though, this is badddd #findingmedium
12E TURFS +20 Tactics Small
not sure here what his range is, honestly prob pretty wide on this board, so maybe I play it more aggressive with FURS/PAS or S(EX)T. #tacticssmall
E5 ACERBeS(T) +94 Finding Small
BACkRES(T) is a bit better #findingsmall
G5 YURTA +15 Strategy Medium
interesting position, depending how I view his odd placement of BLITE. it could be something weird like a scoring rack where he wants too make two spots, or a K. most likely is probably an X. not really sure. it's hard to justify blocking the X bomb cause my plays there are pretty bad and leave the G column. I could also counter-setup with ZA/BA, which mmight actually be fine anyways. this play was a sort of counter-setup, keeping 12a possibilities and h1 possibilities. Q thinks it's way too big a sacrifice, that I should just play YA. i'll call this a #strategymedium
B10 WH(E)AT +38 Finding Medium
fuckkk I missed WAHI(N)E #findingmedium
A7 DAGO +23 Finding Small
CODA is the sorrt of play I usually make, but COS scores way better than GOS here. this is also only slightly more defensive, and the top left is gonna get plays in the next turn so I'm not worried about the lane longterm. for reference, i score over 10 more after DAGO than CODA! I can also score an extra 6 points next turn by playing GOOD 2c, keeping the A for overlaps and a better leave overall. that is probably the play, it gives up fewer bingooes than DAGO as well. #findingsmall
4A REEVE +23 Finding Medium
I could do EE(K) here to outrun, Ii think that's better. #findingmedium
N1 TWERKS +51 Finding Medium
ooh I did not spot W(E)K(A) for 25! keeps ERSTT and gives a lot less back. even TWERK sims as well as this, which I considered. #findingmedium
H7 DEFT +16 Finding Large
shiiiiiit I missed FREMD. #findinglarge I was also close to exchanging here, and I think it is fine, especially cause DEFT doesn't take an S so overlaps may not leave me with much. ERST sims best, followed by EMRST then DERST then DEFT quite a bit below #tacticssmall as well for the DOUBLE FAIL!!1
H7 DEFT +16 Tactics Small
shiiiiiit I missed FREMD. #findinglarge I was also close to exchanging here, and I think it is fine, especially cause DEFT doesn't take an S so overlaps may not leave me with much. ERST sims best, followed by EMRST then DERST then DEFT quite a bit below #tacticssmall as well for the DOUBLE FAIL!!1
C3 OF +26 Strategy Medium
she played ZIT with mucho gusto, and it made me think it was probably a setup. I worried that F(I)G, the best block I saw, was gonna be too big a sacrifice in the case it wasn't. however, I think I should have trusted my read on her since even with just XI implied FIG beats FOE and OF by over 5 points. with QI implied it's an even bigger difference, of course. #strategymedium
H4 VINED +26 Finding Medium
this is kind of a scary mistake, HIVED never occurred to me. #findingmedium
F8 TUG +16 Finding Small
I didn't consider I5 TUG, which looks really solid. Although I am favoured on a board with more options cause of my powerful leave, TUG I5 totallly obliterates the board, to the point where I just get too much out of it immediately to forgo. #findingsmall
4D FIE +27 Tactics Small
I think FOLIA 6B is a bit better to keep a better leave for scoring. #TACTICSSMALL
14H EMULSIO(N) +74 Finding Medium
fuckkk I had a bit of that "there is a word here" feeling with the C, but missed COLISEUM in standard fashion. #findingmedium
14I (S)WUM +17 Finding Small
Y setup! I could be more defensive with H11 EMU or something, maybe that's the call! with the 3 row and such I like setting up a scoring spot, but maybe it gets taken organically too often. given the deliciousness of the 3 row for the Y already, I think EMU is fine cause I score a lot, only a few less than after swum. #findingsmall
D1 FU(C)K +34 Finding Medium
EBBS is annoying now, there's something to be said for leaving the C open in part to make a lay down to D8 to take out EBBS. however, ebbs isn't a huge threat cause it opens the triple for me, so outrunning is more of the goal here, with VIGILS open a bit as well. TAKA looks good for both of these goals, DFIU is more balanced as well and I block VIGILS. #findingmedium
O12 (P)AWA +27 Knowledge Small
phony! I saw AWL/JARL, not PALEAE, and I think I considered EEW. this isn't even a great play if it's good! EEW sims best. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
O12 (P)AWA +27 Tactics Small
phony! I saw AWL/JARL, not PALEAE, and I think I considered EEW. this isn't even a great play if it's good! EEW sims best. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
J8 STALAgS +67 Finding Medium
J6 ASSAuLT #findingmedium
3J (L)UGES +12 Endgame Large
ouch, classic Josh endgame missing a weird out -48 #endgamelarge
K10 QA(T) +24 Knowledge Medium
QA(T)S is super cool setting up the I, denying good bingo chances in favour of scoring a guaranteed 40+ next turn #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
K10 QA(T) +24 Finding Medium
QA(T)S is super cool setting up the I, denying good bingo chances in favour of scoring a guaranteed 40+ next turn #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
H7 YOW +18 Tactics Small
seems like WHY is a bit better, the defense and score is bigger than the leave difference. #tacticssmall
11H SHOVE +33 Finding Small
although SHOVE opens the board for a comeback, it increases his average by a ton since the board is otherwise dead. VE(N)OSE is nice for that, but I also like keeping the I column open for better opening plays later. GO(N)E is interesting to open the board and keep the S. I probably don't need to panic here and should play VENOSE. #findingsmall
J10 C(O)DEX +37 Tactics Small
considered CODE and ZAX as well, but I liked keeping more bingo chances and opening a new lane. D(E)X bingoes more than CODEX by a couple percent! I do like opening a lane with CODEX though so he can't kill everything with agene. #tacticssmall
11B TYPE +37 Finding Unspecified
this also plays two rows below............ #findingaarrghh
H7 WOE +12 Tactics Small
out of the EO/EE + FS/WS comboes, I liked EEFS best, at least right now. the W could be useful at other times, and maybe FOE is a bit better than WOE here. I didn't like the FO combo, so WOE over WEE, plus the hooks. I can also do EEEW here. I didn't like EEOS after FEW, inviting overlaps that I won't be able to hit well, and making no S hook. Q likes FOE best by a bit, I bingo a smidge less than after WOE but score a bit better w the W for overlaps. #tacticssmall
N2 YA +26 Knowledge Small
eep I saw my best bingo, NEGATORY, but thought it was collins! this seems close-to as good, negatory gives back way more and this bingoes a ton. #knowledgesmall
A1 VELD +37 Finding Medium
oh no DELF is 47! #findingmedium
F6 COP +26 Strategy Small
with not many bingo options available, seems okay to go with 15a CODE to outscore, especially with more vowels than consonants left in the bag. I liked this because I keep CL for MYC/AAL, but realistically I barely hit that ever, and I should go all in on outscoring here. I do hit 11% after COP and only 1% after CODE, but the real kicker seems to be that CODE blocks a ton of big scores. looks kinda close but I think CODE is reasonable here #strategysmall
I13 ZA +43 Finding Medium
15G CAZ(H) #findingmedium
8A (N)UBIA +8 Finding Medium
D6 (R)OBINIA #findingmedium
B10 C(O)OEY +32 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SOFTY #knowledgelarge
8N (E)R +10 Endgame Large
JAPER #endgamelarge
12C FYKE(S) +30 Finding Small
oh maybe just FYK(E) here, a bit less defensive. didn't see it. I was close ot playing DYKE, hoping he might not know the D hook, but I think he would. Q has it similar to FYKE, and that seems a bt better than FYKES. #findingsmall
M7 Q(I) +21 Finding Medium
I said no, no, no to 8A REHAB. actually I just didn't see it. it looks better, especially with 7M QI draws. #findingmedium
M1 REE +20 Finding Large
yeah this is bad, I need to be more proactive. obviously REHA(B) is the play here, but I started doubting myself on HEAPER , which I think is justifiable to open the board. I should have tond that. this is overly optimistic, it doesn't work out well usually. #findinglarge
5E GARDA +18 Strategy Small
I think I was a bit too worried about his range here. after OXY his options are limited, so pretty often NIL won't be keeping the best leave possible. with AINT specified, GARDA sims second best to GHAT, which kills the sim. I guess with that type of rack it hits the G quite well. I was too worried about the ANIL lane I guess. I was happy to not play AARGH, but that is probably okay. What he had in reality was def the lower end of his range, but it seems that with a lot of reasonable racks GHAT is the play. I am surprised that ANIL is this small of a worry, but I guess it does partially restrict the lane. #strategysmall
15I JOT(A) +11 Strategy Medium
I was kinda nervous on this turn, I saw big downsides with every option, and that probably prompted me to play more paranoid with this play. That being said, I was kinda happy that it looks like a huge mistake but I think it's not the worst (at least not the 37 points down Q has it as :D). spread does kinda matter though, so I should really play JO(E) and go for a bingo. JERID can get in trouble if he hits an S play then a bingo, all the other J plays can get triple tripled on. JOTA can of course go south with 2 bingoes, or even a 14J play, but at least I'm very likely to hit a bingo, and it's unlikely he would hit a 14J play and a bingo and I don't hit a bingo. I still outrun 1 bingo very consistently, after JOTA for 11 or other J plays, but I guess after other J plays I can start beating 2 bingoes. f2 JOTA or 2f JOE are probably the plays here, even though it sucks to give up the occasional triple triple. those only really lose to 2 bingoes or a triple triple, and even then the 2 bingoes are very unlikely (I'd have to not bingo). so a triple triple is probably less likely than a big 14 play + bingo after JOTA, but I don't think this is a massive error. #strategymedium or something? idk
11E MY +28 Strategy Small
like this over HEY to not give back easy parallels. sims a few points worse, the HJ combo doesn't seem too good. B7 HEY looks correct here though, didn't consider keeping the Y for a better play next turn. #strategysmall
12B JEFE +32 Strategy Small
JEFE increases his avg score b quite a bit, but also does for mine. With no range implied, JEFE seems fine, but given his bingo heavy range, it seems like B7 FEY is better to not give back higher scoring bingoes and a nice lane. #strategysmall
H8 PEATY +28 Tactics Small
A really interesting first rack! PAYED is standard and I think I still should have played it. I didn't realize the S hook it set up when I considered it, which would have pushed it over the edge for me. Also, as I took a little while on it, there is some challenge upside. I could also do PAY or PYA to set up S hooks, they do well in the sim. I was worried about the overlaps after PAYED, and some of them do give back good plays to me, but he can probably find one that doesn't. I think PAYED is definitely better though, I average 6 more after PAYED! #tacticssmall it is a bit odd that I forwent the standard payed due to overlaps then I went with the PEATY that gives easier overlaps, but I felt that Y on the star was too bingo defensive for my leave. not a great play
10J WO +30 Tactics Small
I missed 7M WOE and 12D OWE here, I was v fixated on TWO/WOE before he played BEEN so I think I tunnelled on the spot. #tacticssmall OWE looks a bit better for my bingo % even though the S is a better lane for me, he doesn't block the N as much as the S next turn.
D5 MEATIE(S)T +72 Tactics Small
lucky pull from AEEIT. I misevaluated this position, I thought he would bingo a lot more after TEATIMES than MEATIEST, but it's only a tiny bit more, and he scores over 2.5 more on average after MEATIES, presumably cause of C and E column overlaps, which are also bingo lanes that balance out the TEA 8s lanes, making MEATIEST only barely more bingo defensive. I am more focused on bingo defense here, but it's such a tiny difference in bingo% I should just play TEATIMES. #tacticssmall
E4 DURR +22 Tactics Small
Q prefers DUH by a bit, hmm. I feel like I want a better leave to deal with openings he may make, and HUV is more likely a non-exchange rack than RRUV. Q seems to think my average leave after DUH is better next turn, interesting. Maybe more exchanges? I'll say #tacticssmall but I'm not sure.
2F OUCH +18 Finding Large
I missed 2e YOU, which I think is the play here. I liked this more than coyau just for defense, but I think YOU is probably more defensive cause he can start with any vowel or S. He has an R more often than usual given he played one and also is keeping bingo tiles, but the H1 YOUR spot isn't massive. #findinglarge
O1 CUMUL(I) +33 Knowledge Small
eep I saw FUMULI and FAMULI but just wasn't sure at all the difference is smaller on this board than usual but it's still clearly better to play fumuli (I average more next turn after cumuli) #knowledgesmall
J1 V(E)G +7 Vision Medium
I was sad to see touche come down! not only does it make a sneaky K1 lane, it also blocked my devastating V(OUCH) setup I was gonna make, setting up JAW or JAG. but ah fuck I missed a great opportunity with (Y)AWL here, setting up JEW above for hella plays, JIG, JAG next turn which happens a lot. I got really tunneled on VEG vs. JEW and misssed that opportunity, which REALLY helps me outrun. #visionmedium
exch IIIQUV +0 Tactics Small
Quackle likes keeping the Q here, EQU ahead of E and EIQU doing best - I score 6 more on avg. than keeping E, which is pretty cool. I remember thinking that the Q was probably not so great on the first turn, but that seems incorrect. #tacticssmall EIQU is the most variant leave of the bunch, though
exch GGJLQ +0 Tactics Small
coulddd do JUG, the Q isn't very good here though. Q prefers exchanging down to R, it bingoes slightly more often #tacticssmall
3I MIR(I)D +22 Strategy Small
looks like I chose wrong here. M1 MODI, 6D ROD, 6D ROM all look worth playing here. I liked opening the top left with this play, but I also set up QAT and X plays, which are really annoying. ROD is probably my favourite of the bunch. #strategysmall
2L (T)IVY +23 Tactics Small
surprisingly, she averages 6 more after TIVY than MARBLY, and 8 more than after E10 lays. I didni't think the Y there was such a dangerous spot, but it seems to be. OYEZ sucks but are there a lot of plays like that? Q prefers MARBLY here, I don't see a reason not to trust the sim, besides my slight preference towards the less risky ABEL leave. #tacticssmall
G8 LOVAGES +65 Strategy Large
so this was a huge mistake on many levels! Firstly I somehow got it in my mind he had DEHIMOS on his rack. LOVAGES/MICROS would give him DEMOLISH, whereas he would get HOMIE after G8 LOVAGES. That's why I played it here, but not only was I wrong and he has ADEHMOS, I average so much after DEMOLISH that it's actually worth it to play 9B lovages even if he has dehimos! that being said the post-HOMIE board is better for me so I think it's closer than the sim says, but the sim still prefers 9B by like 11 points. #strategylarge for being dumb
11G (A)UDIT +12 Finding Medium
I didn't see TUR(BI)D, which looks like a better X setup. It's not as clearly an X setup and doesn't open an S hook for him. With ADES I wasn't so concerned but I'm still giving him a couple awesome lanes, and he's taking the spot very often anyways. Even XU/LOT is probably fine here. #findingmedium
exch LPPTX +0 Finding Medium
damn didn't see PROMPT! that looks better here. #findingmedium also not much inspiration on this exchange, I guess it's fine? not much scoring power with PR so I wasn't a huge fan, same w the X
8L G(L)OW +30 Finding Small
maybe GWINE? sets up X? plays underneath for later. also might be decent to just leave the L column cause the bingoes don't hit super hard, GLOW sets up the A hook whichmight be hard to block later, and the W is a high scoring lane. I think GWINE is a bit better #findingsmall
C3 QI +25 Tactics Large
wow this is awful! I def overestimated EEESX and underestimated EIQ. Us are out, I have QI as backup, and QUIN? plays at the bottom right can hit hard. M1 EXES looks like the play here. I also didn't realize K6 QI is better than this cause I set up EXES next turn for 51!! well worth the 2 point sacrifice, but EXES still kills that in a sim #tacticslarge
N5 EXP(O) +29 Tactics Small
I felt like my S was going to be very powerful here with LANTERNS and other scoring plays, so decided against EXPOSE for 8 more, even though the blank is good to draw. Q prefers EX/BINE by a bit, I score as well with EEPPS next turn. #tacticssmall also prefers EXPOSE, that ends up simming best. I suppose reaching for blanks mainly, hmm.
J2 UNA(R)Y +18 Finding Small
julia is so funny, she was saying how I was already destroying here! I'm only up by like 20 haha. I missed PYU(R)IA here which looks better #findingsmall
H1 PO +21 Vision Medium
yeah missed a lot of good options here, just kinda autopiloted. OI/OWE C13 is really nice to set up the L, and B2 PIOLET is a nice defensive option. this board has some marginal S hooks which is kinda annoying, so PIOLET is just to start outrunning bingoes. OI looks like the play #visionmedium
1A O(B)ELIA +27 Strategy Small
once again OI is a pretty nice play to set up a lane, now especially it's pretty justified. Also missed A(B)OIL here. I focused on the B too much and was too intent on keeping the scoring pressure on - don't always need to lower variance!!! hard to expect how much she'll open, so ABOIL seems fine as well. #strategysmall
1K ERODE +25 Knowledge Small
yeahhh wasn't really sure of SICE, that's bad. ERODE is pretty good if I will play SICE next turn, but she also has an S a lot of the time and may take the spot. #knowledgesmall
H12 LEKE +37 Knowledge Large
K10 FONT +25 Vision Small
looks like I13 FON is the play here, I missed SICKO. BNNT is quite a bit worse but not ridiculously so, the 7 points seems worth it. I liked making overlaps a bit harder though, but a sim says that's only a minor difference. #visionsmall
E3 BIN +26 Strategy Small
this makes the X really powerful, AXES is like a game winning play. She already really likely has an S on her rack, probably not the X but it's possible she kept it with ZA (with AX I12 I'd assume she didn't have it). NIB only allows AXES, whereas BIN allows both axis and axes. am I in a bad enough position to need to win by getting axis? if that's the case I should play BIN. If I think I can win another way I should make it less likely she gets the play, and should play NIB. I didn't consider BI(T) 6F which is pretty cool - I save HADJI for next turn and don't allow the big X possibility. Can I win if she draws the X and I don't draw the blank? I feel like after BIT the game becomes more about the blank, whereas after BIN it's more about the X and AX?S, but the blank could still allow me to bingo if she got the play. Turnover is important here cause of the value of the blank and X, so maybe I should play QUERYING - still saves BIT and HADJI plays, doesn't give anything back. I'm inclined to not exchange here, even though it seems like a decent option optimally. I think I can outrun here, and I'd like to be able to outrun even if I don't draw the blank. I feel like QUERYING is good even though the sim hates it - I don't allow AX?S plays, I save HADJI and BIT for future turns, at which point she may have played the I or X. I think I should at least play NIB over BIN, my chance of drawing AXIS is pretty low so I should at least make it harder for her to get it. Other than that I have no idea what to do here. #strategysmall
F4 FINI(T)E +11 Finding Small
missed some flat out better options. although finite is nice to keep the board open, and sets up a hook he may be unsure of, it still gives up Q/X bombs and easy overlaps. 9E FIE or 9F IF are good here, the former to complicate the situation a bit more, the latter perhaps a bit more optimal. #findingsmall
C1 PU(B) +7 Tactics Medium
I overestimated how big this spot I was setting up was, his average goes waaaay up. making this lane probahbly helps me a bit, I end up bingoing as much after PUB as u fishes like PIU, but yeah PUB just gives him a much bigger spot on a subpar scoring board. PIU or PRAUS seem okay here. I would probably do PIU. #tacticsmedium
13B bUSTIER +75 Finding Medium
(R)EcRUITS #findingmedium
6J O(L)IVE +12 Knowledge Small
got kinda... idk aggressive loving or something, w the R out and the lead I liked having this leave, and to outscore with OLIVES hooks. however I should play OGIVE, which is a better version of this! I think I temporarily forgot that OGIVE took an S #knowledgesmall. I could see playing VOGIE as well, that is the type of play I usually make!
13L TOE +22 Tactics Medium
damn OE is just way better. I totally didn't see the TOEA hook and instantly regretted it! even just the straight up 8 point sacrifice for the T is good. #tacticsmedium
M1 WIFE(Y) +28 Tactics Small
gotta do W(A)IF here for sure, gives back way less and keeps a very prone leave, especially now that OUTA looks like it's mine. INteresting that WIFTY sims better than WIFEY, it gives back less and averages the same (even more bingo % after WIFTY!), likely cause of the open T that is duplicated in the ART leave but helps the AER leave. #tacticssmall
14E BEG(U)N +10 Knowledge Large
huge error here. I thought BING took an S and felt weird about setting up an S hook when he has one on his rack. BUNG is the same type of deal, good aggression but obviously that's not the goal here. I surely would have played BING had I been sure it didn't take an S, but I think BUNG is still far better than my play. BEGUN has two major issues, defensively. It allows plays from 15a which will let the left side be opened, and it doesn't really block the 15 row, the M will now be really really tough to block and will just sit there until one of us hits it. This is why BUNG is better than BEGUN, at least an S play will do great things to the board next turn. as long as I can avoid an immediate bingo I will be in a great position. BING is still the play, also blocking the D, and working out so well so often. #knowledgelarge
6K OX +26 Vision Medium
I was down to 5:46 at this point and was stressing about time, so I played OX very quickly, as it blocks the B and scores decently. (RE)X is well worth considering to take out the RE- lane and keep a vowel. GNRST can go south far too often, all it takes is a two consonant draw. N5 STRONG looks like the play, not really cause it sets up the X but more cause it starts exhausting the bottom right - I could even make a play next turn that blocks the M and kills the entire right side (save maybe the K column). #visionmedium
O5 GUACO +26 Vision Medium
I think VOCAB needs to come down here. Although it doesn't do as good a job at outrunning as GUACO, it lowers his bingo% from 22 to 13. I may have to go all in on defense here, it will be tough to outrun (if he bingoes he's still drawing into a great pool). If he bingoes after GUACO I could possibly win, I'll be down at least 25 (for 11 row bingoes), an out in two will probably not win with GV in hand. RE- bingoes will win the game instantly for him. I think VOCAB is the play, outrunning with GUACO isn't viable enough. #visionmedium
12B VIN +19 Finding Large
I think GN(U) has to come down here. Again can't reasonably outrun, so have to go all in on defense. TONG is also reasonable, emptying the bag here is good to prevent him fishing (he could hit the B and E column, I will not be able to block both too often). GNU has the issue of allowing better fishing options for him, but it's really hard for him to open a new lane after GNU, so he's stuck having to hit the blockable B column. I looked for blocks but didn't consider GNU. #findinglarge
6A AQUA(S) +41 Endgame Large
quite a few plays with with blank draws, but it's highly unlikely I'll draw the blank after he played bemix. I didn't see any legit wins over the board so I went with AQUAS which put enough scoring pressure on to make his endgame fuckupable. I missed a win with the S though - QUANT wins with the S cause he can't play TiME cause I get STIME/BATS for the win! #endgamelarge
F1 BEN(E)T +0 (Lost challenge) Endgame Large
he was low on time in the endgame, and I spent a lot of time on AQUAS so I was low on time. I have a win here - 2K B(I)N(I)T. fucking awful #endgamelarge I thought this might be good, wasn't sure
12C O(L)EO +4 Tactics Small
probably a #tacticssmall for 11B PA(R)EO which only raises his avg. by 2 points over this. AEPR is nice though and I'm opening the 11 and 13 lane, so it's a small difference.
13B JO +24 Endgame Large
wow this is actually horrible! I only really win with the A and L draws. with the other draws he has a lot of 1 and 2 point wins, often stuff like R(I)VAL or V(I)TAL saving TU(R)F and TUF(A), and some other stuff. I realized that the O setup here was kinda weak, but still just assumed I was in a great position. That's totally not true. I missed F2 JIAO, which is far better. #endgamelarge JIAO only loses with a V draw to 14G TURF setting up LAT. Although JO will win a lot in reality cause most of the endgames are somewhat difficult, it's still horrible and a massive oversight
I4 LINGOES +68 Vision Small
hmm not sure why I chose LINGOES over LONGIES. I think I had taken a while on the opening rack and wanted to be a bit quicker on this move. It's an extremely minor difference but it's definitely a bit defensive and favorable to play LONGIES. Calling it a vision mistake because I saw all the words in the rack but did not consider LONGIES in this spot. #visionsmall
6E WOMA(N)ISE +67 Knowledge Large
I saw WAI(L)SOME but chickened out of it. #knowledgelarge
12L F(L)UX +44 Vision Small
both a vision and a tactical error. I missed IXIA at 1G and 14A, both of which seem better than FLUX. IXIA at 14a sets up FU? plays for me with D and N draws (or IT draws, etc.). It is slightly annoying because he could easily have an S for basically game-ending ZEDAS plays, or FIT plays of his own (though it seems like I'm favoured with this spot, my average increases by more than his does). I may have played 1G IXIA had I seen it just to be a bit less risky. FLUX vs. ILEX looks close as well - the pool is somewhat consonant heavy, making AEII less bad than usual. #visionsmall
O10 TI(X) +10 Strategy Large
after an entire game of overestimating my position, here is a turn where I seem to have grossly underestimated it. I played TI(X) because I decided I probably needed to bingo to win the game. I felt like (V)ITA would allow him to block the 15 row, and then I would have basically nowhere to bingo (barring occasional 1 row bingoes). TI(X) leaves the 1 row as well as the A column, so given a blocking play may end up bingoing more than VITA. however, if I play VITA, he cannot easily block, since I will be in a position to outscore. all the vita blocks are pretty low scoring, so I think I can easily afford to play it. In a sim, VITA bingoes way more than TIX, which indicates the A at 15a is a good lane for me, and it may stay open quite often. The bingo draws on row 1 after TIX are: HR, HS, ES, AS, ID, GS, HS, IR, and RS. given random draws these happen 24/240, so 10% of the time. My position after VITA is surely better than that given the difficulty of blocking the lane while outrunning (just in a 2 ply sim Q has me bingoing 22%). This feels like a strategic error because I did not properly consider the future options after VITA, assuming that a block was inevitable. #strategylarge
4D CAN(I)D +20 Strategy Small
I'm not sure... I think a12 plays come down a lot, in which case I want to keep as much bingo space open. based on a sim, it seems like the top left marginal lanes are realllly marginal, keeping them open barely improves my bingo chances. I think I should do WAND or D(A)N L7 over CANID, if an a12 play is happening I want to go harder on the bingo%, it will be difficult to outrun. WAND could possibly outrun. #strategysmall
6F FU(N) +14 Vision Large
ahhh CONVENTED! #visionlarge I also kinda regretted playing FUN, it lets him overlap sometimes when he has MNX tiles. The sim is kinda weird cause it has him opening a lot after FUN, but realistically I think I should play (E)NUF to be more defensive. CO(N)N is super defensive but also blows up my rack. #tacticssmall for ENUF.
6F FU(N) +14 Tactics Small
ahhh CONVENTED! #visionlarge I also kinda regretted playing FUN, it lets him overlap sometimes when he has MNX tiles. The sim is kinda weird cause it has him opening a lot after FUN, but realistically I think I should play (E)NUF to be more defensive. CO(N)N is super defensive but also blows up my rack. #tacticssmall for ENUF.
4H (V)EXT +19 Finding Small
just fishing the F with EFF hits 32/75 of the pool! and is very defensive. I put the T on for extra defense, he averages over 5 less than after VEX. I didn't mind the scoring spot VEXT opens cause if he hits it he's likely giving one back to me. Still, 7E EF or (EF)F look better #findingsmall EF vs (EF)F is interesting, the latter is more standard but the former also invites 8a openings which open the board for me, and I average a lot next turn.
2J FOE +40 Strategy Small
Q thinks I should play both FUNGOES and FAX over this. I didn't consider FAX strongly, but the board is REALLY bad for scoring if I play it, so there's a ton of defense value, plus the almost guaranteed bingo next turn. FuNGOES only drops my score by 22 in comparison with FOE, and drops his average by about 4. I think the dearth of scoring spots on the board should have led me away from playing FOE. #strategysmall
8G (DEW)AN +21 Tactics Medium
yeah lol OUTA/AG is just a lot better, I bingo waaaay more. I saw the play, but then just kinda liked this recurring S setup and how it was a bit more defensive. #tacticsmedium this felt like a bit of a focus error
10J STAVE +27 Tactics Small
thought about 4b HAVE for spread cause i Have the case Ss, but there is still a blank out and it just opens the board more. SHAVE is more standard than this, but it also takes NNNRRRR from the pool (mainly just the R is the worry) so he hits the spot more than I do. it's pretty close in a sim, but SHAVE still does better #tacticssmall a lot of that is bingo% though, which isn't very important here
6A AGLU +19 Finding Small
there are lots of Is out... might want to play GUI(T)AR here for that reason and for defense #findingsmall
K6 TERM +17 Strategy Small
this is probably an overadjustment, I wanted to prevent monster E column bingoes. however, I am taking quite a big hit, about 6 points in the sim. Tough call, cause VERY also makes her plays a bit easier. I think this is a bit too far, since TERM has some risk involved as well with the leave and stuff. #strategysmall but it's up for debate!
D10 (P)OOF +18 Tactics Small
Q says she averages about the same after OOF and POOF, I'm surprised by that. I trust her plays are still a bit easier after OOF, but I guess I overestimated the difference. #tacticssmall
C12 MIB +28 Strategy Small
maybe BAM M7 to take out the X spot, or even 4H VI(G)I(A) now to a) take out the G column and to keep BAM for next turn. I kinda like that play honestly, this play is annoying with S plays and doesn't really do anything productive. #strategysmall
G12 AA +8 Strategy Medium
lots of options here. 2F ILEA, 2H AA, 2G ALA are all nice aggressive plays. They kinda bank on her not having the K, but that's a decent gamble in this position. If I draw the K I get good scores, and she can't score there easily at all. I sorta like ALA best of the three because I also open a lane on the 3 row that I can hit even if she gets a K play, ISATINE and the like. A(J)I is also interesting to go for ELASTAN(E), ELASTAS(E), ALIENAT(E). 26/156 I hit, which is pretty good. I'm inclined to take the other 2 row routes to go for the K, but I'm not sure I win always when I draw the K. I think it realistically is pretty often though, and something like ILEA would be good for that to draw the K the most, but after she blocks the spot I may not draw a good K play at the bottom. Maybe ALA because I can still get YENTA draws at the bottom, bingo draws, K draws and stuff like YIKES. #strategymedium because this play doesn't have a big plan, I don't think I clued into how much trouble I was in. I was more in the mindset that I would necessarily squeak out an endgame, but with big K plays available I can't just make a play like this. same with YEANS, that is findable and could be bad.
N3 DI(E)SISES +63 Knowledge Medium
aaaagh DISSEISE is the valid word #knowledgemedium
13C UNVEI(L) +20 Vision Small
Q also likes VEIN M9 to set up the S. Likes it by a whole lot, like 7 points, evening lowering his average while raising mine by 10. It's really aggressive and I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that in this favourable position, but it is valuated way higher. Quite a bit higher standard deviation. I think this is #visionsmall
H7 PAX +24 Strategy Small
CALX much more defensive #strategysmall
M6 DEVOTE +24 Tactics Small
DEVOT(E)E is so much but it's very hard to make that play and tie the game when Josh can score 40 and there's not much left to do after. #tacticssmall
14E FAX +24 Strategy Large
...this should be b7 #strategylarge #dumbasslarge
H10 (B)ONACI +33 Vision Medium
fuck I missed HAEM plays, MONIC looks great. #visionmedium
4C TIPI +18 Finding Small
(R)IP might be the play here. I bingo a bit more than after TIPI. (H)ILI is also nice to make a better lane, I bingo quite a bit. this is a bit too closed and doesn't bingo quite enough #findingsmall
3K ILK +21 Finding Small
I didn't consider fishing the M, nor did I consider M12 (E)LK! ELK looks really strong now, and it's not easy to block either. ILK does pretty well, and does open the right side which is important (and thought he miiiight miss ilka). I considered 13L TSK as well to set up a really hard to block lane, but without S in hand it's not as powerful. this looks like a #findingsmall for ELK
N2 MAT +18 Finding Small
I think 7c ATT might be the play i was looking for. I didn't like that MATT gave back big overlaps, but ATT is better cause his overlaps score less and they will give back a lane on the A column. The pool isn't too dangerous for those overlaps either. I like it to keep ILKA open. I was kinda lost for options here, didn't see anything besides ilka plays that I liked. At this point I was also not so down about playing with ILKA because I figured I could get away with the S hook and challenge it off if he played it. #findingsmall
14L DREG +24 Endgame Small
#endgamesmall O1 QI is better because after DREG he can block with OBE, saving AI for 9. If I start with Qi, he can't block with OBE cause that gives DREG back for more. this endgame worked out better cause there was the chance he missed my out
F3 ROO +8 Vision Large
then I promptly forget about reovirus! I played this to make the position tougher and to keep the S open for me to hit, as I likely have the better rack. this may not actually make his position too hard as he has lucrative hooks with BDFKM. REOVIRUS is a big miss. #visionlarge
9K (T)IARA +17 Vision Large
now I am finally burned for missing ASCRIBES! ARIARY comes up for the second game in a row, but this time I'm more confident it's best. TIARA has defensive merit as well, but I will want to deal with ASCRIBES at some point, especially because he can use it to fork the board and open the top left. ARIARY given his EFIKN rack looks best. This play error looks medium in size but the mistake of missing the A hook is a huge error. #visionlarge
12H HAMAT(E) +30 Knowledge Medium
Although I'm in a great position after HAMATE (his bingoes will empty the bag, leaving me up a tempo in a close endgame, meaning a very likely win), I should still do AHEM N11 - I really loved what that did, but I was only 90% sure that AHEM didn't take an S, and if it takes an S that could be a game-losing mistake. I felt like the chance that AHEM took an S was higher than the chance that HAMATE would lose me the game when AHEM would win me the game. Either way this is just an estimation and a clear word knowledge error. #knowledgemedium
11L U(K)E +9 Strategy Large
still in a really good position, even though I can't block the 14 lane without giving back a bigger lane. I would have liked to leave 1 in the bag, but didn't realize at the time how crucial that was. The entire plan with U(K)E or 10M (N)EE is for him to bingo on row 14 immediately, giving me back plays on row 15 that should easily outrun. However, leaving 2 in the bag allows him to fish one, possibly N(U) 12C - after UKE I'm up 60, 58 after the fish. It's really hard for me to block bingoes, and I'm stuck either trying to outrun by playing something clunky on row 14 (again hard to not give back good overlaps, gotta hope for like GENUS or something), or outrunning with a UKES play, which will put me up 84 or 87 (depending on if I draw the G). After he gets my rack, I will be up between 76 and 81, and a lot of his row 14 bingoes score more than that (e.g. GIGATON, INNAGES). I'm still in a decent position given that outcome, but he could also fish for a higher score and still not allow me to block - e.g. ZA or ATE. Perhaps I should do RE(D)E 13K to play 3 tiles, forcing him to bingo immediately. It puts me up 60, but all his bingoes will be on the 14 row, and I saw my T for HIST and S for other HI? plays, so I should be outrunning even his 80 point bingoes very often. Although UKE is great for spread, it opens the door to some really great 1 tiles fishes that I can lose to quite often. #strategylarge
exch AEI +0 Tactics Small
I always underestimate how much more bingo-prone the I is than the A. I felt that AD had enough synergy over DI that ADES was the better leave, but the difference in scoring isn't that great and DEIS bingoes a few percent more than ADES. ex AE also bingoes more than both, which I find kinda surprising cause I felt ADEIS was one of the worse 3v2c leaves, since the D is less flexible than stuff like the LNRT tiles. Ofc that's with no inference in the sim, Joey will restrict my bingo% more after an x2. I'm willing to say this is a #tacticssmall since I doubted DEIS too much. IDEA or AIDE are okay optimally, but it's pretty close, and my plan against joey is definitely not to play either of those plays, giving back a lot more in score and bingoes. even optimally I tend towards exchanging.
L8 VAT +16 Vision Medium
ouch big miss of FELLA here. VAT is definitely the play. I considered VACANT, which seems more thematic with the lead, but I felt like it was too big a sacrifice, and the top-left defense it does is only minor cause the C is aready fairly defensive in the position it's in, and VACANT gives up a few more bingoes immediately than VAT. def a #visionmedium for the hook - in the sim this play is only 4 points back, but that's assuming I find FELLA next turn, which I don't
10F J(E)T +26 Strategy Large
big error, and I didn't properly find my options here. My thought process was very much focused on JET, and I really remember kinda pretending to myself that I was looking for other options when I was really just excited to play JET cause it felt so good. I want to not make these sort of excitement errors in the future, and truly look for other options. I think I was temporarily unaware of the SEGO threat or something, because once I notice that longterm threat I should be less satisfied with JET. JIB(E)R is absolutely the play here. Not only cause PLT is better than BILPR on this board (more flexibility, not as many problem consonant racks), JIBER takes out the SEGO spot which will be a bitch to block, and the recursive threat will let joey wait for a big play there. #strategylarge even though I didn't find the play, it was based on being unaware of the threat, and JIBER isn't hard to come up with once the threat is noticed
13H NE +11 Strategy Medium
at this point I should be playing RYA 11b. that blocks the SEGO spot, which is now a threat for me. the R is also not so dangerous with 3 in the pool, and especially since Joey has a knack for keeping scoring tiles so his DEV range is less bingoey than one might expect. this sets up AY above, but that may not be enough to consistently outrun SEGO plays #strategymedium
M12 (F)IE +12 Tactics Large
big oversight here. I should plaly FA/AI, which I rejected because of the easy parallels it gives back. however, if I took a closer look I would realize that all of Joey's responses will give back an even bigger parallel to me. TIE wil give TIER, TIL TILE, TIN TINE, TIP TIPI, TIT TITI. same with FAN FAR FAT giving E hooks. #tacticslarge
J8 (P)OOVE +12 Finding Medium
missed VOE lol, 23 and also nice for the X hooks. I don't assume he has an S, I think it's reasonable he made this play without one. OXO is cute but EEISV is kinda shitty. #findingmedium
8H (EXPOSE)RS +51 Vision Large
once again missed a far superior play that I saw after hitting my clock. I feel like a lot of my errors on the last day and a half like this are really focus errors, but still stuff like HARM should pop out quickly in an ideal world. HARM is also a setup for the S next turn, valuation motherfucking 88!!! HARM is probably the best play in history #visionlarge
4H HOMA(GI)NG +21 Finding Large
oh yeah HOGMANE is a word. coulda been a second 101 point play smh #findinglarge even as a nonbingo this play is trash, I got obsessed with the S but MHO is probably just standard and better anyway. maybe it's not awful because there will never be as nice a way of dealing with the S, but at least MHO has good upside and some defense value, and HOMAGING only partially blocks the S, when it will be more worthwhile to do a lower scoring but complete block later. awfulawful
H1 OUC(H) +27 Tactics Small
Q likes FEW way more, really? I can see EEFW being not that good on this board, but it's still not awful. it's saying straight up that I average 2.5 more after FEW and also keep a better leave next turn... I feel like the 2 row after FEW is a more dangerous threat than the O and C after OUCH, although the sim has the immediate bingo % as identical (but mose of the 2 row bingoes will also play on row 7, but later on row 7 will get blocked). However, I think row 2 is easier to block than the marginal OC lanes. Not sure exactly how marginal they are tho, this may not even be a big enough threat to give any weight to. Seems like #tacticssmall but it still doesn't make sense to me that CEOU does so much better
7F FI(L)E +19 Strategy Small
don't remember why I didn't just do TWIG here, obv don't bingo as much but outrun a lot better. I did FILE over WILE also to not make an extra S hook, hopefully can block POOVES and FLECKS together at some point #strategysmall
11E WYES +35 Finding Large
hmm I thought I saw SWEETlY but I also thought I saw FLECKY... #findinglarge I am so bad.
11J (VAU)NT +8 Tactics Small
not sure why I didn't do VAULT, slightly better for spread #tacticssmall
H8 (G)URU +5 Tactics Small
7I OUR is also cool, the U isn't super parallelable so it's kind of a board fork. GURU doesn't give much back, and I chose this one for 1 less point because it doens't allow h11 plays. h11 plays aren't so bad for me cause they give more lanes, but they still score better than most other plays on the board. I also like leaving a bit more distance from the E column in case a LEGGY play comes down, partially inhibiting my lanes. although EORS > ERSU, the better board position makes OUR bingo almost as much as GURU. #tacticssmall
A8 CHOI(C)ERS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oops. I thought this was good, but if I had given it any thought, it really makes no sense for CHOICE to be a verb. #knowledgelarge
M5 COHEIRS +77 Vision Medium
must have missed 13D HEROICS, looks hella better. #visionmedium
8L J(E)LL +57 Vision Small
wow didn't consider L1 JAWL(I)NE! it's nice to not open the O column. I think I prefer it by a bit, setting up the scoring spot is okay as well with my lead. #visionsmall
12A CONSTRU(E) +76 Tactics Small
maybe I should do COUNTERS here, I think that is fine. I don't want the top left to get opened, and right now it's gonna be pretty hard to open it. I didn't 'know HOROLOGER, and I think with my huge lead I'm taking I should take COUNTERS and be more defensive. #tacticssmall
10F XE(R)IC +36 Knowledge Large
fuck. I remember seeing EXCIDE and considering phonying with it.... it's good though! #knowledgelarge
6E AC(Q)UIT +25 Tactics Small
tough call here, definitely a weird position that took me a while. AX D12 is aggressive and certainly considerable, but it gives back a lot on an otherwise dead board, and then CIRTU doesn't go so far here. BRUX also gives back more than I'd like, I imagine he has X plays fairly often (though I draw EXACT and such quite often). XI/QI just seemed to not do anything proactive for me, whereas ACQUIT cleans out the rack that isn't good for bingoing or scoring. Q seems to think ACQUIT gives back more to him, and BRUX is better for me than for him. #tacticssmall
2N AT +28 Tactics Small
or ZA. I only hit 11/46 on the O column but another 6/46 on the 6 row, 4 more on column E, and also OVERTASK on row 15. Looks like a small improvement over AT #tacticssmall
H6 DJ(I)N +12 Strategy Medium
nooooothing is worse than ur opponent opening with a bingo and having a shitty response. Q likes UNBIND a lot more, I really considered it to put pressure on and maybe to induce a mistake. I should have done that, I got fixated on making this JIN spot and keeping the G open and stuff like that, but I don't hit enough with this. #strategymedium JUT is also better, or JUG. I do hit 1/5 about, but this doesn't seem good enough. also doesn't really keep things open if I play horizontally with DJINN
10E BURN +21 Finding Small
I need to play BOURN here, also makes his parallels give back more, another shot at the extremely important S. Sliiiightly fewer bingoes on average though, but still looks worth. #findingsmall
7B HERL +12 Tactics Large
I'm so bad at tactical defense, honestly. I always overestimate 7s lanes and think I'm fancy by playingsomething "defensive" like HERL when really I'm allowing way more bingoes. L(A)THER is fine as a standard play, even with his range it is still a good play, I'm not giving back so many extra bingoes that wouldn't play otherwise. If I really want to be defensive I should do L(A)TH or something, or even HERL D6. #tacticslarge
B6 C(HI)RP +24 Tactics Small
UP/PHI over this mostly because of my next turn's leave, which Q thinks is really good after UP but bad after CHIRP. This is a bit too much disparity, cause it's probably keeping CERT type leaves that are really not good on this board. Still, I'm at a deficit, so keeping better bingo options is good. I could also do P(RE)CURE, which opens the board more nicely. I think UP or PRECURE should come down. #tacticssmall
F2 GR(I)M +15 Finding Medium
must have missed M(U)GG, obv better. I didn't like that this also closes the option of opening the top left later on, GRIM opens this marginal G line but prevents me from doing a good setup there later. #findingmedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
B2 LAPP(E)D +22 Knowledge Small
this was a really interesting spot. I would have played PALPED had I known it to valid. Barring that, tons of options existed. I doubted how important the hooks on LAPPED were in the grand scheme of things, other than their effect on standard deviation from the norm. A1 plays were kind of likely to block that hook. This board was also full of scoring potential, and I didn't like squandering myself at all here with equity values. DAPPL(E) was an option, I thought of APPLED* and doubted it. TAPP(E)D leaving LN seemed ugly. I didn't see LAPP(E)T or APPL(E)T keeping DN. That looks fine as well. #knowledgesmall for PALPED.
A6 (B)IDE +24 Endgame Small
15D DEFI first is one point better. I missed OCTYL-S #endgamesmall
12J BIND +20 Vision Small
Considered BIPOD in the same spot, but didn't want to allow high-scoring 7s ending in S with all four Ss out. Also PRO is a much better leave than NR especially with no Ns played yet. At this point I'm pretty much conceded to an open board so wasn't that worried about the BINDI hook, so chose BIND over BOND to avoid a possible onslaught of Is from the pool. The best play is probably 2J IODIN, which I didn't see. #visionsmall
H11 (H)EXED +51 Strategy Small
Another interesting call between HEXED, INDEXED, and XI, all of which score essentially the same. Whichever I play, Jackson pretty much has to bingo immediately, since otherwise I can play down through the D in BIND and block everything at once. XI is pretty clearly worse since it blocks nothing and also allows plays like JOINT/BINDI to not empty the bag, which makes it possible that they might outrun me without a bingo (virtually impossible if they empty the bag, as they would after INDEXED or HEXED). As for HEXED vs. INDEXED, it looks like I misevaluated the danger or row 14 after INDEXED. There's really not that many bingos he can have there with that pool, but HEXED gives back stuff like DIVINING, DONATING, DONATION. These bngoes also score more than row 14 bingos do after INDEXED, making me less likely to be able to outrun them. So INDEXED looks like a small improvement. #strategysmall #preendgamesmall
N10 ANIONS +24 Knowledge Small
I thought DIVINIST* might be good so I tacked on the S to be safe. #knowledgesmall
8D FERRY +30 Strategy Medium
i thought i had a decent chance of getting away with FRAYERS* here but decided not to chance it. i considered FRY for a little while but liked points more. i keep forgetting about defense. it's a thing, cesar. -7 #strategymedium
K11 HE(A)VY +28 Knowledge Medium
wow, i don't think i knew UNSHED. SHELVY is also pretty good. -3.5 #knowledgemedium
8A JO +31 Strategy Medium
i'm pretty sure i passed up eNJOINS here, i remember seeing it and immediately ignoring it without counting it. i may have been wrong. also, J10 JO is better than my JO as it sets up an S-ending lane! -4 #strategymedium
L5 CONIiNS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oh god, what an awful mistake. i really thought this was a word. i laid it down for a while trying to think of something better and didn't see nuncios. #knowledgelarge
10L COIN +17 Finding Large
js: COIN at 7H is kinda sneaky cd: this is it, i finally lose. gg man. i should see 7H COIN, which is clearly much better, but i was starting to have tunnel vision. -11.5 #findinglarge
H4 WH(I)N(Y) +18 Strategy Medium
i wanted to open even a crappy lane so this board doesn't fully shut down on me. -8, 12D WHAT sims better, maybe i'll get lucky. idk, hard to know how bad my move is really. #strategymedium
O1 AQUAE +52 Tactics Small
quackle likes me playing UVEA instead. QUA can score a ton in various places next turn! -2.5 #tacticssmall
B7 (BO)GART +15 Knowledge Medium
chickened out on 1K TARG(A) but no reason to try that if i have a win, only if it was my only play. -5 #knowledgemedium i got so freaking lucky this game despite making a number of bad plays.
exch BTUUV +0 Strategy Small
VATU looks better than exchanging, I feel like I knew that during the game but still did the wrong thing. #strategysmall
D1 LAR +25 Endgame Small
12L ARIL is 3 better #endgamesmall
H13 FOG +26 Strategy Medium
I need to continue my plan of lowering std rates and play H12 INFO to block the 2x2 and not set up a possibly big lane with the G. #strategymedium
2A ARMOR(E)D +23 Endgame Medium
ROA(R)ER 3C is great to set up D(O)M 10D. Jackson might also challenge because this is way too good of an out sequence. -7 #endgamemedium
4H (V)AGUE +20 Knowledge Medium
I took over 8 minutes on this rack. I eventually saw ASSUAGER, the only bingo, around 6 minutes in, after generating AGERATUM, ARGUABLE, GRADUATE and RUNAGATE. At first, I thought ASSUAGER made sense, but because I was fairly certain that ASSWAGER* was invalid, despite ASSWAGE being an alternate form of ASSUAGE, I ended up deciding against playing it. Throughout the rest of the game I was fairly certain ASSUAGER was valid. If I had pulled the trigger on ASSUAGER, the time I spent would have been somewhat reasonable. I never saw D1 AREG for 30, which trumps my play of VAGUE by a few points of equity. In and of itself, ASSUAGER is around 9 points better than VAGUE, which is about what I intuited during the game. This was my first stroke of luck in what would become an absurd work of art, as not even making the best non-bingo play worked out by blocking Jackson's huge double-double. #knowledgemedium
M3 GRAfTED +82 Finding Small
Spent around 1.5 minutes here, knowing I needed to speed up. I should have easily spotted TRiAGED, which doubles G and D. The only issue is the X spot that creates, but I would be slightly closer to drawing it than Jackson, so it might even be beneficial to me. Quackle rates this as a bit more than 2 points worse #findingsmall
J6 PA(R)TIbLE +77 Finding Small
Absolutely insane. To make matters worse, despite slowing down for a half a minute to look for row 9 overlaps, I somehow fail to spot PLATIEs for 3 more. This time, creating the X and Z bomb spot at 10F is somewhat contemptible, seeing as Quackle cannot quickly decide if it likes sacrificing the 3 points or not. PARTIbLE has some decent control. I can see attempting to close things off within 3 moves or so after PARTIbLE. After PLATIEs, not as much, since the R and S of MATADORS and the E and R of ROILIER aren't very intuitive to deal with without opening new threats, despite their closeness. Furthermore, the P on B9 can always be used to make desparate forking plays. Still, I rate this as yet another mistake. #findingsmall
M2 DIPT +27 Finding Medium
I didn't see DI(R)ECT until afterwards. I also didn't consider EDIT or DIT with OVERBAKED, which are very nice here. #findingmedium
C7 rEFUS(I)NG +80 Finding Small
EfFUS(I)NG missed. I missed EFFUSION in the same cafe months ago against Jackson. Sucks. #findingsmall
11C FICO +27 Tactics Small
11J (L)OGIC appears better upon analysis #tacticssmall
B6 ZE(I)NS +36 Knowledge Large
chickened out of NUZZLERS since even if it was good he 3x3s sometimes so not much upside ugh #knowledgelarge
J6 VELD +23 Knowledge Large
11H H(O)LDoVER #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
J6 VELD +23 Finding Large
11H H(O)LDoVER #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
O1 OBE +27 Knowledge Small
again talking myself out of BOUSE because French #knowledgesmall
1D (O)RPIN +21 Finding Large
just failing miserably at seeing INPOUR #findinglarge
L8 DUI +17 Endgame Medium
somehow didn't realize AD A1 made valid 2s. Welcome to the panicum. #endgamemedium -8
F3 BOXE(D) +17 Tactics Small
this also seemed very wrong. It performs OK in a sim, but the sim does not comprehend Jackson's defensive responses that don't allow re-overlaps on the C column. I really have to throw out rack balance for a turn here and make a weird-looking play like B(A)TE G6o r just OB(E) 6F. #tacticssmall
exch BFGPT +0 Finding Small
missed the nice B(EWE)PT. Very equity-focused mindset. PET was also a leave I wanted, but I felt like Jackson would more often than not dampen the P by playing on the D column. Thought better to go for an S or R or blank. #findingsmall
B9 TORREnT +68 Vision Large
horrible board vision fail, missing the S hook on RESOUND! RETORTS and RESOUNDS is a lot better. #visionsaddest
8L (O)HIA +21 Endgame Small
the reverse order, VIN setting up OHIA, is a bit better for spread. -3 #endgamesmall
9G A(G)A +16 Finding Small
Didn't seem necessary to give back a large scoring spot with WEAK, but missed AWAY which seems very slightly better. #findingsmall
E11 VODO(U) +18 Finding Large
spotted VOCAB after the fact. Wanted to block everything within a few turns if possible. #findinglarge
K3 AAH +24 Tactics Small
D12 HA might be better here. I am worried about JET D12, especially since I have 10 fewer points. NAH K3 seems to hit more bingos than this and accomplishes the same thing, also sets up QI for 33. Seems better. I liked blocking all of the bingos. Hard to infer anything from MY. #tacticssmall
N2 QIS +31 Endgame Medium
QI better by 6 #endgamemedium
A6 (M)UNI +18 Knowledge Large
UNITRUST! #knowledgelarge
C13 HEX +41 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SOFTY since Jackson didn't play it! PYX there is probably the play, though PYrEX is 83. #knowledgelarge
O9 RALLY +16 Knowledge Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
O9 RALLY +16 Finding Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
O9 RALLY +16 Vision Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
O9 RALLY +16 Strategy Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
11J A(N)OA +15 Vision Large
almost played ANNO(Y), which would have blocked RALLYE unwittingly. I wanted to block REFRAINS stuff, which is obviously far less of a factor given RALLYE. I thought this did a good job outrunning 14E plays. I could play EAU at L11 to also block the dangerous REFRAINS hook as well as scoring plays to the Y, but I was more worried about getting outrun from 53 ahead instead of 62 ahead, and that would allow Jackson time to play something on the N column like OE maybe, since EAU protects that sort of opening. #visionsaddest for RALLYE again.
2B INR(O) +8 Endgame Large
tough endgame. I have to block MELODIA (and EARLDOM which I missed). Didn't see any way to do this and save two outs, but NOM(O)I does it. MORI(O)N is very gutsy and also leaves outs. -10 #endgamelarge
15L PU(N)K +39 Tactics Small
GU(N)K is an improvement, as I need an O4 bingo ASAP #tacticssmall
J8 L(I)MB +28 Finding Medium
CLIMB was not noticed in time, CNNS has some bingo synergy but CNNS is still 3.1 worse statically than NNS Josh: yeah I was quite annoyed when I hit my clock. Being a native English speaker definitely didn't help me here, as LIMB did not very easily turn into CLIMB in my head. I have made this same mistake before. I played too fast and there is an inferior stratategem my brain uses when looking at similar positions to these. #findingmedium
12D DEW(AX) +32 Finding Small
I did not see the best rack-cleanup options here, C8 (R)UBIED or 13B BEDUI(N). Again a lack of ability to generate certain patterns that I must attempt to eliminate. (R)UBIED looks pretty good. #findingsmall
4C CALLU(P) +20 Finding Medium
js: this is not a word cd: yeah, i wanted to just play POUCH but i didn't like keeping ALL. i didn't think of HAUL I7, pretty straightforward. i spent a lot of time iterating subwords through P and R etc, gotta always get better at anagramming. -6.5 #findingmedium
9G (B)ERK +21 Strategy Small
i think this is mostly OK, but i don't like opening an S lane. quackle just likes XU or even burning the blank with REaNNEX! -3 - i have a lot of draws for tinkerer, or a bunch of 7s hooking AJAR. nice possibilities. #strategysmall
D7 B(I)LLOW +22 Finding Large
very bizarre misses of (E)MBOW and (E)LBOW down low. #findinglarge
14E OF +28 Finding Large
whiff on FLUOR(I)DS now, maybe I didn't like it? #findinglarge
D3 STY +33 Endgame Large
D1 LYSED -12 #endgamelarge
7F LE(v) +3 Finding Large
completely missing a few plays here, such a tough spot! 5J MES(N)E is pretty clearly best here, sets up a lane that's really hard to block completely. This is all I came up with. I can get something once in a while but mostly, I'm preparing to use the C next turn on row 6 to fork the board. Otherwise, if I want to wait, I can play C(H)EL(A) 11J. This doesn't score enough to threaten much #findinglarge
6B CREME +21 Finding Medium
I indeed hit a bingo, but Jackson blocks easily and usefully. Just CREM(E) G3 looks better, to leave possibilities on row 8 for later. #findingmedium
9H HUMERAL +69 Strategy Small
HUMERAL on top is slightly defensively better. it blocks the D lane and is also harder to underlap to the triple. -0.5 #strategysmall
M7 FL(A)P +13 Knowledge Large
i chickened out on the far better P(A)NFUL. i didn't want to risk it on a word i wasn't totally sure of, but i need to be better at the words. -17 #knowledgelarge. also, N7 VULN > FLAP because HUMERAL takes an S. i completely had forgotten about this.
F8 (G)UV +15 Vision Medium
quackle prefers taking the pts with B4 NAV (and also killing that part of the board). RTU? should bingo pretty often, and it's good to score more points here. -5.5 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
F8 (G)UV +15 Tactics Medium
quackle prefers taking the pts with B4 NAV (and also killing that part of the board). RTU? should bingo pretty often, and it's good to score more points here. -5.5 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
12E GARNETs +66 Knowledge Large
this is a very poor placement for my bingo, reminds me of playing newbs who play a blank bingo hitting nothing for 20 fewer than an actual good play. my main problem is that i just completely forgot HUMERAL took an S. if he had put an S on it i would have been like oh yeah! also, the pretty R(EH)EATING is available, and should be eminently findable by me. even BERATiNG is a ton better. i suppose i was trying to play defense, if one was to assume HUMERAL didn't take an S, my move might be defensible compared to BERATING. in any case, i'm very likely to win this game now no matter what, but i should learn the words better. #knowledgelarge -22
13H AX +36 Vision Medium
13H AWA is a great setup for my X. -6 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
13H AX +36 Tactics Medium
13H AWA is a great setup for my X. -6 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
J8 A(M)I +16 Tactics Medium
quackle's ridiculous robot brain wants me to do J12 TEAT or TEIN so i can have a great chance at a triple-triple or at least a bingo up top. pretty crazy. the equity loss here is gigantic, but i'll just roll my eyes at it. #tacticsmedium
14F ZEE +68 Endgame Small
bonze O1 (-1) #endgamesmall
11C FANGiR(L)S +72 Knowledge Small
chickened out of SCARFING #knowledgesmall
14F JE(E)ZE +39 Finding Small
didn't see JEEZE for 41. So many options jeeze #findingsmall
4I G(R)AD +22 Knowledge Large
I was a fan of BARYTA until I talked myself out of being a fan. Ugh. That's so much better than anything else here. #knowledgelarge
N9 BEAM(E)R +42 Knowledge Large
Saw AMBEERS and remembered it had an anagram but couldn't see BESMEAR. Jackson didn't see AMBEERS and so he let this go. Weird word knowledge mutuality. #knowledgelarge
5J (E)W +26 Knowledge Large
Jackson overdrew and I overturned EIN putting back the N B1 WOOdR(U)SH iis therefore the play because he can't have a game-winning (W)HITENER to go out Here I'm hoping he doesn't block the N and I get DISHONOR 3x3 #knowledgelarge
2B ELOIGN +24 Finding Large
should definitely find a block of AEFRSTW here. This gives way too much back. TEAWARES and SOFTWARE. I think I probably missed both. His leave after JUN basically never contains an F or W, so there are so many reasons why this is a bad play. #findinglarge
5C H(A)ME +29 Strategy Medium
This actually isn't paranoid nor confident enough and there are some really unlucky things that can happen here. The play here is HEM 14m, as there's no 3x3s, you have a pretty much guaranteed score, if Jackson blocks it's game over, and if he plays/bingos elsewhere you can get 50. Yes, losing here requires some horrible draws, but this just doesn't prepare well enough. #strategymedium
M7 TACO +23 Endgame Medium
This is lazy AF. What does this accomplish, really? Anything at all? Probably FAUCET. But like, this doesn't even do anything other than win the game without tracking, which you shouldn't be doing at this level. #endgamemedium
H1 TIYI(N) +27 Finding Large
a very unforced error here, missing CY(L)I(X) C10 for a far superior leave and far superior score. This is over a 10-point equity blunder. #findingSADDEST
3K (L)AV +12 Endgame Small
very low on time, saw I had L(I)MN 2G if he tried to slowplay.This is -4 compared to C5 (U)LVA, and slightly worse than 6 other plays at least. #endgamesmall
1C (J)AILER +42 Strategy Large
Better to fish here, but the Q is in the bag 1/3. 2/3 times I draw a bingo 4/8 times, so there's around a 1/3 shot at CALIBRE, BRAILLE or whatever with the blank. I guess it's worth it considering the likelihood I get Q-stuck after this play. #strategylarge
J1 EX(E)RT +28 Strategy Large
and then I just make this inexplicably stupid play, going for ZI(G)S and ZA(G)S, but creating a new big threat and not having a response to a lot of plays that just block what I'm going for, or if I just miss completely. #strategySADDEST
H4 KINDER +32 Vision Small
Pretty insane that I didn't even think of playing DRINK here. That's a small improvement I think. #visionSAD
E4 iN(O)SCINE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
and how stupid to see CONIINES and know it has an anagram, see this, and not take a bit of time to make sure this was it... I've messed this up before too. I knew the anagram didn't take an S, but this ain't it. Wow. #knowledgeSADDEST
8B INCENS(E)d +62 Knowledge Large
and now I consider BOXINGS and don't even think about what it could mean, just that I must be confusing it with FOXINGS. Idiotic. CENSING or INCENSE play with BOXINGS. This is horrible in comparison #knowledgeSADDEST
D8 (C)UBER +18 Finding Small
horrible position. (C)ORBIE is probably a better version of this. CURIE or CURIO also. #findingSAD
E13 (A)ZO +12 Finding Large
sonogram is now possible #findingsaddest
14M LE(E) +18 Strategy Small
Going for an -ED bingo on column I. I felt plays there like RED or ICED are too easily blockable since they take lots of hooks, but column I gets blocked a lot too so perhaps it's still better than LEE. I also considered NEREID, but that seemed bad as well after he parallels. Everything is quite bleak in any case, so this is a #strategysmall at most.
2B TaNNIS(H) +22 Endgame Small
Looked for a while for 8s and 9s on column B, but nothing plays. TaRNISH is 1 better not to give back INDOLE. #endgamesmall
5G H(A)EMIN +22 Strategy Small
this really didn't seem like the sort of play I would normally make in a position like this. Keeping things a bit more tight and keeping better with G3 HIN was the fiirst thing I considered, for a decent amount of time too. Quackle agrees that this is substandard. HIN hits a bingo 10% more and scores better than HAEMIN. #strategysmall
D8 (R)UBBLING +80 Knowledge Small
wow, my fallback play if this was somehow not valid... is not valiid! BULBING* BULBED! My confidence in the words in this position, from most confident to least confidence, was 1) BULBING* 2) RUBBLING 3) BLURBING 4) BURBLING #questionable #knowledgesmall
O7 VENIN +32 Finding Small
oh shit C3 ENVIR(O)N is an option here. Dig for the blank again, perhaps give myself better tempo, but it doesn't seem like it's the right play. Hm.. This whole game was hm. O7 LEVIN is better at least. #findingsmall
B13 AT +6 Endgame Large
best is nickel-and-diming with any sequence of C6 (C)U(T), 13A JA(R), A13 (J)o and (Jo)T, which gets 54 points total, whereas this one gets 45. I saw JA(R) as an option over the board and dismissed it too quickly. -9 #endgamelarge
E8 (L)OAF +14 Finding Small
LOOFA is the better version of this I fear. K2 AFAR is also 32 but very bad defensively. #findingsmall
K2 ORAD +27 Finding Medium
I2 ODA is sick, very strong and aggressive. #findingmedium
K11 Q(I) +22 Finding Large
I probably missed the spot for QUIRTED here. Actually I think I chickened out? Though UUUU? is out, still probably worth it? It's hard for him to fish for a big QU play, especially if I could just draw a U. #findinglarge
O5 CRuDITE(S) +80 Finding Large
a minor miss of curtsied yeah I remember this game now, classic luckboxing Josh #findinglarge #findingsaddest
O5 CRuDITE(S) +80 Finding Large
a minor miss of curtsied yeah I remember this game now, classic luckboxing Josh #findinglarge #findingsaddest
10L G(O)JI +28 Tactics Small
Yeah ugh this was difficult. On the one hand JOB C1 just looks like the play. Creates a big spot but blocks the likelier lane, and scores better than GOJI. But I got worried about him fishing for JEZAIL or having it. That's not really enough for him to win though, so I shouldn't have worried #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 33103 52 Game is incomplete.
Game 30759 13 Game is incomplete.
Game 23493 22 Game is incomplete.
Game 24302 42 Game is incomplete.
Game 26406 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 24294 40 Game is incomplete.
Game 25325 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 30744 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 25581 61 Game is incomplete.
Game 30745 42 Game is incomplete.
Game 26407 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 30752 20 Game is incomplete.
Game 26408 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 30734 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 30741 20 Game is incomplete.
Game 30761 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 30760 60 Game is incomplete.
Game 30753 66 Game is incomplete.
Game 30758 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 40308 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 30754 49 Game is incomplete.
Game 30762 24 Game is incomplete.
Game 30740 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 30755 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 20576 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 30735 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 30733 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 30736 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 30737 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 30739 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 30742 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 30743 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 30747 40 Game is incomplete.
Game 30748 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 30750 40 Game is incomplete.
Game 30751 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 21753 5 Move made by unknown player.
Game 21757 38 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 33234 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 12).
Game 50639 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11709, Round 7).
Game 50770 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11774, Round 5).
Game 37557 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11183, Round 4).
Game 37678 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11183, Round 19).
Game 43824 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 17).
Game 43438 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 28).
Game 36009 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10381, Round 14).
Game 39809 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 3).
Game 36895 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11153, Round 39).
Game 35378 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11065, Round 18).
Game 41496 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 12).
Game 41628 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 22).
Game 36897 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11153, Round 41).
Game 37566 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11183, Round 14).
Game 41926 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11400, Round 5).
Game 37946 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11203, Round 4).
Game 41449 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11372, Round 5).
Game 39730 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 2).
Game 40657 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11261, Round 14).
Game 50649 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11709, Round 17).
Game 40667 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11261, Round 23).
Game 33100 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 4).
Game 41788 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 9).
Game 41625 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 19).
Game 39729 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 1).
Game 42499 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11425, Round 3).
Game 42502 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11425, Round 6).
Game 41447 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11372, Round 3).
Game 38635 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11241, Round 18).
Game 41614 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 8).
Game 33430 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10835, Round 11).
Game 41797 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 23).
Game 44005 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 26).
Game 33113 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 17).
Game 29527 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10381, Round 21).
Game 43658 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11450, Round 11).
Game 43830 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 24).
Game 32893 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 18).
Game 38578 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11241, Round 5).
Game 40655 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11261, Round 12).
Game 41623 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 17).
Game 44572 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11522, Round 9).
Game 37944 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11203, Round 2).
Game 43829 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 23).
Game 42500 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11425, Round 4).
Game 31272 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10590, Round 18).
Game 44452 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11522, Round 15).
Game 33128 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 20).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.