Geoffrey Newman
Geoffrey Newman
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(PA)TRICIAN 8885 80
OREIDEs 283 73
INTE(R)IOR 606 60
F(O)OTSIES 10891 82
TuNABLE 2923 80
TAMARIs(K) 16233 92
ALG(I)CIDE 8527 63
RADOMES 2541 87
BORNI(T)ES 737 74
BREW(A)GEs 12100 69
DOBLONS 15671 82
AGENE(T)IC 1027 64
SKIRTED 8205 79
DIlU(T)ING 14504 70
SCAN(T)EST 22509 68
INHER(E)NT 5051 65
INGESTA 359 75
KOUM(I)SEs 21624 68
RELATOR 983 76
R(O)ESTONE 1094 66
IONIsED 932 79
MISREAd 1445 75
TRAI(N)ING 7056 60
ANTHERS 2058 78
bRAIDIN(G) 11974 70
STOWA(b)LE 8549 149
ENSILEs 8296 69
INTRONS 3934 74
RAILBED 1867 80
RACISTS 16295 70
FUSILEE(R) 7011 76
CARD(I)TIs 9543 90
DI(G)ESTER 2200 149
DEODArS 4652 86
MaDUROS 11758 63
ACETINs 819 90
O(N)ANISMS 22083 74
OUTMAnS 7827 76
DELICTS 7535 79
RECOUPS 10753 75
ETHANES 2109 89
MARINEs 657 79
MAHSEER 11104 82
LINEUPs 7596 74
InVeRTO(R) 2338 77
NO(R)TENAS 601 62
OOGEN(I)ES 1902 68
METAgES 7671 94
(O)VERFINE 3398 80
BITSIeR 4742 72
WAY(S)IDEs 22726 82
(W)EAPONED 6162 74
TANGLER 1032 76
PRONATE 444 81
JERBIlS 18895 96
mIAU(l)ING 16822 59
(P)ERUSING 7904 67
(A)SsENTOR 1586 89
ORNATER 366 80
ePILOGS 7050 73
ENTHR(A)LS 3022 62
LOcALES 10195 76
SINTERS 2876 84
mItIGAT(E) 10058 74
SEED(S)MEN 29091 71
CANDIES 1898 74
WAITL(I)ST 19526 62
AGISTED 960 76
ELEvENS 15839 67
OREIDES 283 86
VeSICAL 9045 70
TWiRPIE(R) 18524 98
ENDRINS 3797 73
OVERPLa(Y) 15613 92
NEGR(O)IDS 655 90
HEAVEns 7961 81
SALA(R)IAT 7191 68
W(A)TERING 990 78
OTTOMaN 15059 63
AI(R)LINER 1379 59
REARERS 15490 87
PISOL(I)TE 4119 90
CANTR(A)IP 11273 78
DANEWO(R)T 721 194
ANTIQuE 2295 123
UVEITIS 5839 78
FLATLET 16020 80
AcCRUED 16769 90
ESSAYED 19003 100
REALIsT 145 78
V(E)NOGRAm 7329 78
INARMED 818 72
TRIBADE 781 75
UNVO(I)CED 8677 88
SIDERAT(E) 146 80
DROnGOS 14178 81
TOONIES 461 83
WASTE(R)IE 836 71
LUTETI(U)M 25915 62
rINSERS 11975 73
CENTA(U)RS 2980 66
AIRWA(V)ES 5981 86
SOPRANI 2161 74
(R)EDEFEAT 6063 74
AVEN(T)RES 2035 158
SIGMOID 18902 82
dI(S)ABUSE 15419 158
IOTAcIS(M) 9408 61
THAN(A)ToS 12137 140
STEELIE 2507 69
INSUREs 5207 89
TINDERS 421 71
HERoIZe 8670 116
LOOBIES 6731 85
sTANDEN 3687 94
DISCOU(R)E 3582 72
ESURIEN(T) 479 62
(S)UTORIAN 359 60
TACkIER 6355 77
(E)RIGERON 1488 65
RATTONS 3932 71
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
STOWA(b)LE 8549 149
DI(G)ESTER 2200 149
DANEWO(R)T 721 194
AVEN(T)RES 2035 158
dI(S)ABUSE 15419 158
THAN(A)ToS 12137 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(PA)TRICIAN 8885 80
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
GOuSTED* 0 0
GRACERs* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
DOWNAS* 0 33
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
TAMARIs(K) 16233 92
HA(U)TER 2203 39
STEEN 880 0
A(G)ON(I)C 3549 32
DELICTS 7535 79
CA(LO) 1833 23
KILE(Y) 7686 13
GOuSTED* 0 0
SEED(S)MEN 29091 71
WAITL(I)ST 19526 62
KAURU 10871 29
CANTR(A)IP 11273 78
FAYED 4015 27
KELOI(D) 5406 33
GRACERs* 0 0
DROnGOS 14178 81
WASTE(R)IE 836 71
VALETA 4872 35
(S)UTORIAN 359 60
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ANTINO(D)E 124 68
POLITER 942 65
(AT)rAZINES 1662 104
EARNEsT 265 78
SPATTED 12320 85
AM(A)RETTI 3088 64
(S)IRLOINS 10698 77
ACONiTE 68 77
cARIOSE 410 65
TRIZON(A)L 3605 71
SAULGES 17898 66
(T)HIAMINE 4984 98
(E)QuISETA 3249 101
ReTRAIN 186 67
BORTI(E)ST 4652 70
ANT(I)QuEY 8692 74
CRE(A)KERS* 0 65
NAGAPIE(S) 5447 74
BEAsTIe 1364 93
rESUMED 9225 64
cERASIN 803 82
REALITY 871 67
(R)EADIEST 110 80
TAGLINE 251 71
LON(G)HEad 5561 90
RECOILS 2600 74
(A)NTISERA 108 77
LInECUT 4222 71
ALETHIc 5754 82
ELEGANT 1555 81
BANKERS 14310 77
WOOzIER 13367 90
TRAVELE(D) 3880 78
STEA(D)ILY 3007 76
EnNEADi(C) 4697 80
ABUTTeR 8618 75
(P)OInTILY* 0 76
STARING 1345 87
DeRIVAT(E) 826 72
ELEGIST 3269 93
PiMENTS 9359 85
SAGENIT(E) 349 80
(S)ARCONET 731 83
SANt(E)ROS 1637 123
SOAPL(I)KE 9675 78
TENNIST 7869 83
SECoNaL 2507 83
O(R)ANGIER 403 69
CURTS(I)ED 5934 82
STEELIE 3496 83
ChEWIER 16609 78
EPITONI(C) 5673 76
LAAgERS 5165 73
LAITIEs 471 64
FLAgG(I)ER 17727 68
(R)ELIQuES 11939 70
ReFER(E)NT 15776 72
ENClA(V)ED 9847 76
SENORAS 1733 76
TR(U)NKINg* 0 74
OUTDONE 2033 82
RELINES 769 87
LYRiC(I)SE 16984 98
PLAT(A)NeS 6306 76
(P)HEESINg 16267 89
sTUPIDL(Y) 21084 98
VOC(A)TIVE 13622 70
DISSEAT 2753 82
IODIZES 9745 77
FACIALS 20927 84
tEGULAR 2248 69
mOONERS 5021 78
THEINES 3024 74
(M)ISORDER 7931 86
SLAN(D)ERS 9206 70
AEROT(O)NE 127 62
ZEBRAnO 7462 90
sENOPIA 424 76
RUNDLES 5795 68
(S)PiFfIER 32941 95
ORDAINE(D) 605 70
ONEROUs 2773 69
iNSET(T)ER 1243 66
N(E)RDIEsT 359 60
NOTAIRE(S) 10 70
eRICOID 3069 73
BEPAINT 3109 70
RATIONS 123 74
AROUSIN(G) 1196 70
(P)REtENDS 5150 83
SNAFUED 7313 77
WOR(K)FLoW 40051 78
ARIETTA 948 71
rEJONES 6908 77
EYEWEA(R)S 16559 65
T(R)iVALVE 14138 84
(R)ESLATED 1180 66
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
SANt(E)ROS 1637 123
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(AT)rAZINES 1662 104
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
EMAS* 0 0
DOATE* 0 0
MEHS* 0 0
IR* 0 0
UNCArED* 0 0
IMM* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PUNIT(E)* 0 27
CRE(A)KERS* 0 65
MOLED* 0 31
(P)OInTILY* 0 76
TR(U)NKINg* 0 74
B(LI)NS* 0 20
IA* 0 23
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SAULGES 17898 66
BORTI(E)ST 4652 70
CUsH 5106 32
ALETHIc 5754 82
LEVERET 11779 0
LEVERET 11779 0
EPITONI(C) 5673 76
HIRE 505 0
UNCArED* 0 0
HES 515 22
(P)HEESINg 16267 89
VOC(A)TIVE 13622 70
DETUNE 1994 19
ZIG 1037 0
ARN(U)T 1105 21
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 56
Invalid Games 0.14 8
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.14 8
Total Turns 25.68 1438
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 35
Score 442.43 24776
Score per Turn 34.6034
Turns 12.79 716
Vertical Plays 5.89 330
Horizontal Plays 5.95 333
One Tile Plays 0.48 27
Other Plays 0.46 26
Firsts 0.48 27
Vertical Openings per First 0.7826
Horizontal Openings per First 0.2174
Full Rack per Turn 0.6606
Exchanges 0.34 19
High Game 751
Low Game 314
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 2.16 121
Sevens 1.12 63
Eights 1.02 57
Nines 0.02 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7286.79
Sevens 6366.06
Eights 8276.39
Nines 8885.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.00 2800
A 4.55 255
B 1.09 61
C 0.89 50
D 2.04 114
E 5.91 331
F 1.05 59
G 1.46 82
H 1.02 57
I 4.52 253
J 0.46 26
K 0.45 25
L 1.80 101
M 1.14 64
N 2.84 159
O 4.21 236
P 0.93 52
Q 0.55 31
R 3.00 168
S 2.07 116
T 3.04 170
U 1.91 107
V 0.96 54
W 1.16 65
X 0.52 29
Y 0.91 51
Z 0.48 27
? 1.02 57
Power Tiles Played 5.11 286
? 1.02 57
J 0.46 26
Q 0.55 31
X 0.52 29
Z 0.48 27
S 2.07 116
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 7
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.04 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.09 5
Turns With a Blank 1.54 86
Triple Triples Played 0.11 6
Bingoless Games 0.04 2
Bonus Square Coverage 16.27 911
Double Letter 5.59 313
Triple Letter 5.38 301
Double Word 3.21 180
Triple Word 2.09 117
Phony Plays 0.07 4
Unchallenged 0.02 1
Challenged Off 0.05 3
Challenges 0.77 43
You Won 0.25 14
Opponent Lost 0.29 16
You Lost 0.18 10
Opponent Won 0.05 3
Challenge Percentage 0.5833
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.8421
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2500
Comments 8.20 459
Comments Word Length 106.93 5988
Mistakeless Turns 12.79 716
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5056 (0.4426, 0.5574)
B 0.5450 (0.3783, 0.6217)
C 0.4450 (0.3783, 0.6217)
D 0.5100 (0.4139, 0.5861)
E 0.4925 (0.4503, 0.5497)
F 0.5250 (0.3783, 0.6217)
G 0.4867 (0.4006, 0.5994)
H 0.5100 (0.3783, 0.6217)
I 0.5022 (0.4426, 0.5574)
J 0.4600 (0.3279, 0.6721)
K 0.4500 (0.3279, 0.6721)
L 0.4500 (0.4139, 0.5861)
M 0.5700 (0.3783, 0.6217)
N 0.4733 (0.4297, 0.5703)
O 0.5262 (0.4392, 0.5608)
P 0.4650 (0.3783, 0.6217)
Q 0.5500 (0.3279, 0.6721)
R 0.5000 (0.4297, 0.5703)
S 0.5175 (0.4139, 0.5861)
T 0.5067 (0.4297, 0.5703)
U 0.4775 (0.4139, 0.5861)
V 0.4800 (0.3783, 0.6217)
W 0.5800 (0.3783, 0.6217)
X 0.5200 (0.3279, 0.6721)
Y 0.4550 (0.3783, 0.6217)
Z 0.4800 (0.3279, 0.6721)
? 0.5100 (0.3783, 0.6217)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 21
Score 405.30 22697
Score per Turn 31.4363
Turns 12.89 722
Vertical Plays 5.54 310
Horizontal Plays 6.02 337
One Tile Plays 0.62 35
Other Plays 0.71 40
Firsts 0.52 29
Vertical Openings per First 0.0417
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9583
Full Rack per Turn 0.7410
Exchanges 0.32 18
High Game 521
Low Game 280
Highest Scoring Turn 123
Bingos Played 1.77 99
Sevens 0.88 49
Eights 0.88 49
Nines 0.02 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6109.49
Sevens 4820.04
Eights 7551.70
Nines 1662.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.02 2633
A 4.30 241
B 0.91 51
C 1.07 60
D 1.86 104
E 5.80 325
F 0.88 49
G 1.45 81
H 0.93 52
I 4.29 240
J 0.54 30
K 0.55 31
L 1.96 110
M 0.82 46
N 2.93 164
O 3.61 202
P 0.96 54
Q 0.41 23
R 2.70 151
S 1.79 100
T 2.66 149
U 1.93 108
V 0.89 50
W 0.82 46
X 0.46 26
Y 1.05 59
Z 0.50 28
? 0.95 53
Power Tiles Played 4.64 260
? 0.95 53
J 0.54 30
Q 0.41 23
X 0.46 26
Z 0.50 28
S 1.79 100
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 7
? 0.04 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.02 1
Z 0.02 1
S 0.05 3
Turns With a Blank 1.62 91
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.05 3
Bonus Square Coverage 15.54 870
Double Letter 5.23 293
Triple Letter 5.16 289
Double Word 2.64 148
Triple Word 2.50 140
Phony Plays 0.39 22
Unchallenged 0.14 8
Challenged Off 0.25 14
Challenges 0.77 43
You Won 0.05 3
Opponent Lost 0.18 10
You Lost 0.29 16
Opponent Won 0.25 14
Challenge Percentage 0.1579
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4167
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3636
Comments 8.20 459
Comments Word Length 106.93 5988
Mistakeless Turns 12.89 722
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4778 (0.4129, 0.5275)
B 0.4550 (0.3487, 0.5917)
C 0.5350 (0.3487, 0.5917)
D 0.4650 (0.3843, 0.5561)
E 0.4833 (0.4206, 0.5198)
F 0.4400 (0.3487, 0.5917)
G 0.4833 (0.3710, 0.5694)
H 0.4650 (0.3487, 0.5917)
I 0.4767 (0.4129, 0.5275)
J 0.5400 (0.2984, 0.6420)
K 0.5500 (0.2984, 0.6420)
L 0.4900 (0.3843, 0.5561)
M 0.4100 (0.3487, 0.5917)
N 0.4883 (0.4001, 0.5403)
O 0.4512 (0.4095, 0.5309)
P 0.4800 (0.3487, 0.5917)
Q 0.4100 (0.2984, 0.6420)
R 0.4500 (0.4001, 0.5403)
S 0.4475 (0.3843, 0.5561)
T 0.4433 (0.4001, 0.5403)
U 0.4825 (0.3843, 0.5561)
V 0.4450 (0.3487, 0.5917)
W 0.4100 (0.3487, 0.5917)
X 0.4600 (0.2984, 0.6420)
Y 0.5250 (0.3487, 0.5917)
Z 0.5000 (0.2984, 0.6420)
? 0.4750 (0.3487, 0.5917)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 21788 0 No moves found.
Game 21795 0 No moves found.
Game 21759 61 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 21742 0 No moves found.
Game 21807 32 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 21749 0 No moves found.
Game 21779 0 No moves found.
Game 21772 0 No moves found.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.