Frank Tangredi
Frank Tangredi
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
NAT(U)RALS 5074 68
(E)BONITEs 786 80
HARPIES 4200 82
MISTERS 9791 82
SPINATE 707 76
RESIGNE(R) 4222 68
vISITER(S) 13037 74
QUINCES 14162 103
DOMINOs 10347 72
LA(N)THORN 8572 76
BANdAGE 8181 88
LOCATI(N)G 3833 72
GAPOSIS 15184 79
(C)ONGESTS 15848 76
TRIGO(N)AL 484 63
WADDIEs 9175 78
CULTLI(K)E 23335 72
GLADIAT(E) 1411 74
YAUtIAS 8140 95
(E)NURESIS 4689 62
CoDICES 14511 73
TARRIES 555 69
(G)AUDIEsT 1137 80
sHAfTED 10031 74
(R)OUNDLET 918 70
INCENSE(D) 8758 76
PR(E)CEDES 18284 71
INVeRTS 1503 82
DERATEd 3946 94
dEEPENS 11162 62
MAZIEST 7234 81
cAR(R)IONS 4913 64
EXOTIcA 2900 82
GLOTTIS 10221 75
DEDuCES 19157 110
TAUnTIN(G) 12598 70
UNHO(L)IER 1334 76
QuAI(l)ING 15922 106
LEDGIER 2348 69
ED(I)FICES 13869 86
sTEWARD 3002 78
STATURE 2615 65
SpOIlAG(E) 2020 74
PORTERs 7457 72
MISLAID 11520 71
ElUANTS 1151 72
GALORES 1098 67
SALUTIN(G) 4307 72
VIcARAT(E) 3475 83
FLOgGER 16418 89
DESIGNE(R) 1579 70
OSTLERS 6215 66
ENcLOsE 4815 76
DOLLARs 11609 65
INdULGE 3477 76
R(E)INCItE 1782 77
(A)rOUSING 1261 77
LARIAT(E)D 304 70
RIVETIN(G) 4229 89
(B)lINDERS 4512 80
EPISODE 2610 73
TWANgLE(D) 6175 63
sCALING 9685 79
STR(O)LLeR 12571 58
OUTRACE(D) 1347 74
CANTERS 1584 90
RIGHTED 4732 75
ENTREEs 2690 80
LOATHER(S) 1384 71
(R)EFALLEN 10035 71
MoTORc(AD)E 5373 83
PErSONA(S) 6521 74
REDRYI(N)G 10773 80
PANDIES 1519 88
HEInIES 4574 78
GLANCeD 7469 73
CaNULAS 14680 72
RAPINES 705 75
ITERATE 326 71
GRIPI(E)sT 6660 70
SLANTeD 1091 72
SWIsH(I)NG 28401 82
PEpPERY 23877 84
LECTORs 3685 69
ANTIFOG 2554 90
AZOtISE 1097 81
REClINE 2253 78
BESTIAL 1465 81
cOSIEST 7631 83
T(R)AWLERS 8341 72
MaNDA(T)ED 13000 69
TYROSIN(E) 620 74
WEARIES 1015 80
eRoTIZE(D) 2051 101
SPiNNER 6564 79
BESTIAl 1464 75
SP(I)RITED 4950 94
ATTENDS 2810 70
(C)hOWDERS 19382 76
HERI(T)ORS 3594 86
SE(D)UCING 9522 63
MALAiSE 3521 72
BAnISH(E)S 14222 85
T(A)PERING 792 62
mODIFI(E)S 10672 63
NEROLIS 181 71
P(O)SITIVE 7400 64
CANC(E)LeR 16224 78
(I)NFESTED 3117 78
INtUITS 11174 72
WEARERS 7382 78
(N)AGGIEST 4833 66
ARSENAL 1218 76
FIShIER 10740 76
STrANGE 809 73
AMOUNtE(D) 1366 70
LECTORS 3862 79
RETITLE 1901 70
RAFFIAs 18697 79
PALmIER 4209 78
SWOTTED 10102 69
PUNChE(R)S 21554 72
ISOLEAD 146 73
fEMALES 11365 72
S(E)CONDeD 14629 78
MATUR(E)Ly 9071 67
ATTAInS 4959 82
STA(T)EDLY 11160 66
(B)RIDLINg 15939 83
ODOnATE(S) 589 68
DREAM(I)NG 1721 63
(E)MULAtED 5035 83
LIqUATE 3544 64
NOSE(L)IKE 4227 64
STAtION 1404 81
CAgIEST 2414 74
TERNION 274 74
RUNNIES(T) 2151 77
ORnAME(N)T 1787 68
MaNI(T)OUS 2322 143
OvERW(I)LD* 0 94
NAILERS 101 68
pA(G)EBOYS 18122 88
TENSORS 3731 77
WIGLETs 7257 67
TEACa(K)ES 15504 88
ACETONE 481 82
SP(A)RTaNS* 0 79
SEDATES 6312 70
RI(G)AToNI 684 66
DADDIeS 16323 78
P(A)NNIERS 2786 61
(L)EMONIER 845 83
(R)EROUTES 3400 77
SANDIlY* 0 98
INCREA(S)E 645 72
MATUREd 3124 83
AlLOYED 10647 80
DETRAIN(S) 66 80
OPERAB(L)E 4803 80
mELA(N)INE* 0 78
(I)NTERMIT 5499 74
OVeRDON(E) 4976 63
INJE(C)TER* 0 88
GENERAL(s) 1728 64
TURTL(I)NG 11586 74
MiNAR(E)TS 433 97
EXTO(L)LER 15625 83
THANKEd 10497 75
sALARIE(S) 4439 66
G(A)UNTLET 5545 63
TANKErS 3595 72
T(ER)RIFiED 6978 76
TESTIfY 13311 72
SERENER 8416 71
UNpAUSE(D)* 0 59
SONNIeS 7190 67
(A)NTIQUeD 2636 104
UN(F)AlLEN 19435 80
RAISERS 5946 71
SOYUzES 21953 63
(R)OTARIES 145 62
dOSAGES 8157 79
NAILERS 107 66
AWAR(D)ERS 12485 63
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
MaNI(T)OUS 2322 143
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
MoTORc(AD)E 5373 83
T(ER)RIFiED 6978 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PIpEAGE 13669 89
EROSION 333 73
T(A)ILOrED 12 70
RIOTERS 756 66
ELEGANC(E) 9416 89
sLIMN(E)SS 25438 60
HELIasT 1541 91
LITERAL 1387 77
DiVALE(N)T 1025 65
LIMAC(I)NE 6303 74
M(E)gASTAR 6981 72
SO(D)ALITE 100 72
O(R)ANGIER 318 70
ESTRIOl 186 70
EAS(E)LESS* 0 82
ENAMORE(D) 811 76
(I)SOLATeD 99 77
(N)EKTONIC 11062 98
TAURInE 29 68
OUTLAWS 8826 73
rESHOOT 5233 98
FRONTAL 3413 69
ALIMENt 677 69
DI(G)ErATI 636 72
OUTGRO(U)P 24042 74
INS(P)IRER 8488 64
HAMBoNE 9085 95
F(A)WNIEST 3173 65
(MIST)REaTINg 1315 83
(S)ANITARY 4189 63
L(U)MbERED 16830 91
dEPU(R)ATE 2797 70
(T)ARLATAN 14416 62
HEADRES(T) 3040 89
INTONER(S) 488 77
WAGONeD 2712 76
BINDERs 2955 76
RECOI(N)ED 761 74
TONNERs 1652 62
TI(D)eMARK 6082 70
ANTLIoN 1400 69
COPUlAR 12892 76
(D)ETRAINS 62 80
FORES(I)DE 1822 63
AERATES 799 79
STILlER 5025 71
NOTATI(ON)S 5889 61
UNA(L)LIED 4066 61
STI(p)ULAR 6048 61
ZIRCoNS 14355 73
TOFfEES 16710 74
SNAKIER 1758 69
IDEATIN(G) 635 83
sTAINER 27 78
O(I)NOMELs 3952 60
(V)OTARIES 213 86
EASTERN 215 80
ELIDIng 4012 68
IDEATES 208 70
TATSOIS 9246 78
(F)ARINOSE 208 74
EbONITE 485 61
ROOT(A)GES 989 62
LEGATED 2451 78
ANEmIAS 1781 82
HONOR(E)ES 4971 94
DE(T)OURED 5967 70
(T)AVERNAs 2672 70
WRASTLE 3206 66
SUBIDEA 3014 80
NEG(A)TERs 749 70
LIDLESS 17402 69
(R)EINSmAN 2781 74
UNKI(N)DlY 26115 67
MENTORS 1984 70
SENT(I)NEL 2711 68
INERTIA(L) 93 77
SARDiNE 88 74
SOBERED 4781 76
PETTISH 14403 78
AGNOS(T)IC 3829 76
SOMITAL 3382 70
CRUmMIE 20963 87
DENTINE 1900 84
RIFLeM(E)N 7217 66
tENURIA(L) 80 74
ENAMORS 925 83
hEPaTI(Z)E 13182 88
(B)ORATING 1987 86
EASIEST 2060 61
REDWING(S) 6205 67
TREAD(L)ER 2681 60
LONGERS 2330 76
TROGONS 8054 72
ORIENtE(ER) 602 68
INSU(L)tED 1609 122
RENAILS 108 66
DESE(R)VeD 22685 90
LAnGUAG(E) 16275 63
(R)ESAILED 347 70
DENUDI(N)g 16710 76
INSERTE(R) 1236 59
eNPLANE(D) 9584 83
INCENTS 6262 69
EPI(G)ENIc 13433 72
(M)ACuLATE 13255 86
VITRINe 1847 72
ENTRANC(E) 3860 76
TEQUILa(S) 4981 101
ELUATES 1379 73
CREDIT(E)D 10108 90
FARINOS(E) 209 72
GLADDEr 10290 86
HETAERA(E) 5222 80
SATIRES 1333 72
LEANING 2236 82
GALEATE 2700 74
bON(N)IEST 3575 78
AUREOlE(S) 497 66
RIVALED 1506 80
(R)HOdIUMS 16643 78
(D)IASPORE 556 92
INMATES 695 75
(S)QuINTER 5048 84
ATO(M)ISER 227 74
OVERTLY 8146 103
BaTTENS 6444 72
DIOEcIE(S) 4186 60
LABOURS 8422 76
GERENTs 2384 71
InSHORE 929 99
R(E)MANENT 3665 78
OORAlIS 1680 71
bL(A)ZONED 10429 84
LORIMER(S) 5767 70
DIsTOME 1916 95
CATE(N)OID 189 63
HA(N)dAXES 17858 116
SEVENTH 11484 91
STAIDER 103 80
UNFOO(T)ED* 0 76
(D)ERRYING* 0 67
ASSONA(T)E 3171 63
SEAGIRT 283 79
HESSIAn 6406 86
ESTATI(N)G 1570 68
AVENGEs 5501 89
TRIENES 212 66
ORIENtA(L) 4 74
KA(I)SERIN 3000 78
GUIl(D)ERS 4527 76
(R)ETINTED 1299 70
O(U)TWARPS* 0 80
OVErP(LA)NS 4269 64
SLITHER 3287 79
CoRNFED 8088 71
REOILIN(G) 776 63
(D)OWSABEL 9574 106
(S)PEEDINg 7526 64
STRID(E)NT 2032 59
AN(A)BASEs 20721 63
OROIDES 983 69
hEDGING 17003 65
FOREPAR(T) 7449 67
EVILeST 4004 82
MOUsIER 2048 64
PAROLEE 1186 74
(T)HIONYLs 12304 102
IG(N)ATIAS 4871 74
WEASAND 6034 83
TOAsTED 1695 66
FANNIEs 3802 75
ELEgANT 1190 64
GEOLO(g)Ic 20097 61
SAWHO(R)SE 15338 78
KETTlED* 0 93
VINE(R)IES 3500 82
D(R)IFTERS 8378 74
(S)PIEGELS 19575 89
BLONDES 6091 74
CINEAST 635 74
BORANES 872 77
SOFTIEs 7642 78
(P)ROFITED 4127 80
OUtFACE(S) 6717 98
REUSEA(B)L(E)* 0 76
bRAZ(E)NLy 19428 110
OUT(R)ANCE 582 60
AVOSETS 7628 76
SERIA(T)ES 1255 59
ENLISTE(R) 365 80
VEALIES(T) 1560 74
O(U)tSINGS 11917 77
WANTeRS 1539 76
ENFO(R)CES 7610 67
AD(E)NITIS 292 68
SHR(I)VING 20637 110
REQUEST 10043 85
PERACiD(S) 5376 95
jANITOR 1761 74
CRAFTER 11288 76
E(P)IDEMIC 20002 68
LAPISeS 9593 88
ELASTIC 1488 85
(E)UPHENIC 16116 92
CATEnOI(D) 177 70
lITCHIS 18624 74
SEA(B)ORNE 800 83
(H)EREINTO 302 72
ABDoMEN 4988 89
tOgGLES 13562 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
INSU(L)tED 1609 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(MIST)REaTINg 1315 83
NOTATI(ON)S 5889 61
ORIENtE(ER) 602 68
OVErP(LA)NS 4269 64
REUSEA(B)L(E)* 0 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FO* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
YO 87 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 112
Invalid Games 0.02 2
Incomplete 0.02 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.04 2916
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.39 44
Score 393.02 44018
Score per Turn 30.3154
Turns 12.96 1452
Vertical Plays 5.94 665
Horizontal Plays 6.08 681
One Tile Plays 0.29 32
Other Plays 0.66 74
Firsts 0.47 53
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3209
Exchanges 0.40 45
High Game 543
Low Game 227
Highest Scoring Turn 143
Bingos Played 1.69 189
Sevens 0.85 95
Eights 0.82 92
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6543.84
Sevens 6131.15
Eights 6988.71
Nines 6175.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.71 5343
A 4.41 494
B 1.01 113
C 1.07 120
D 1.95 218
E 5.59 626
F 0.82 92
G 1.36 152
H 0.99 111
I 4.38 490
J 0.53 59
K 0.46 51
L 2.04 229
M 0.96 108
N 2.83 317
O 3.80 426
P 0.88 99
Q 0.46 52
R 2.79 313
S 1.97 221
T 2.71 304
U 1.88 210
V 0.91 102
W 0.89 100
X 0.45 50
Y 1.01 113
Z 0.51 57
? 1.04 116
Power Tiles Played 4.96 555
? 1.04 116
J 0.53 59
Q 0.46 52
X 0.45 50
Z 0.51 57
S 1.97 221
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 11
? 0.01 1
J 0.02 2
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.04 5
Turns With a Blank 1.21 136
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.09 10
Bonus Square Coverage 15.62 1749
Double Letter 5.12 573
Triple Letter 5.67 635
Double Word 2.54 285
Triple Word 2.29 256
Phony Plays 0.27 30
Unchallenged 0.08 9
Challenged Off 0.19 21
Challenges 0.21 24
You Won 0.01 1
Opponent Lost 0.02 2
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.19 21
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0870
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3000
Comments 7.20 806
Comments Word Length 139.49 15623
Mistakeless Turns 12.96 1451
Mistakes per Turn 0.0007
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4900 (0.4366, 0.5176)
B 0.5050 (0.3911, 0.5631)
C 0.5350 (0.3911, 0.5631)
D 0.4875 (0.4163, 0.5379)
E 0.4658 (0.4420, 0.5122)
F 0.4100 (0.3911, 0.5631)
G 0.4533 (0.4069, 0.5473)
H 0.4950 (0.3911, 0.5631)
I 0.4867 (0.4366, 0.5176)
J 0.5300 (0.3555, 0.5987)
K 0.4600 (0.3555, 0.5987)
L 0.5100 (0.4163, 0.5379)
M 0.4800 (0.3911, 0.5631)
N 0.4717 (0.4275, 0.5267)
O 0.4750 (0.4341, 0.5201)
P 0.4400 (0.3911, 0.5631)
Q 0.4600 (0.3555, 0.5987)
R 0.4650 (0.4275, 0.5267)
S 0.4925 (0.4163, 0.5379)
T 0.4517 (0.4275, 0.5267)
U 0.4700 (0.4163, 0.5379)
V 0.4550 (0.3911, 0.5631)
W 0.4450 (0.3911, 0.5631)
X 0.4500 (0.3555, 0.5987)
Y 0.5050 (0.3911, 0.5631)
Z 0.5100 (0.3555, 0.5987)
? 0.5200 (0.3911, 0.5631)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.61 68
Score 421.59 47218
Score per Turn 32.2527
Turns 13.07 1464
Vertical Plays 5.82 652
Horizontal Plays 6.31 707
One Tile Plays 0.52 58
Other Plays 0.42 47
Firsts 0.53 59
Vertical Openings per First 0.1346
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8654
Full Rack per Turn 0.9112
Exchanges 0.34 38
High Game 611
Low Game 298
Highest Scoring Turn 122
Bingos Played 1.94 217
Sevens 0.87 97
Eights 1.03 115
Nines 0.04 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.01 1
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5451.07
Sevens 4586.99
Eights 6278.25
Nines 3586.67
Tens 0.00
Elevens 1315.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.72 5569
A 4.37 489
B 0.94 105
C 0.88 98
D 1.97 221
E 6.17 691
F 1.14 128
G 1.54 173
H 0.99 111
I 4.34 486
J 0.46 51
K 0.54 60
L 1.82 204
M 1.02 114
N 2.96 331
O 4.01 449
P 1.07 120
Q 0.51 57
R 3.02 338
S 1.93 216
T 3.05 342
U 1.89 212
V 1.07 120
W 1.07 120
X 0.55 62
Y 0.99 111
Z 0.48 54
? 0.95 106
Power Tiles Played 4.88 546
? 0.95 106
J 0.46 51
Q 0.51 57
X 0.55 62
Z 0.48 54
S 1.93 216
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 8
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 6
Turns With a Blank 1.81 203
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.07 8
Bonus Square Coverage 16.23 1818
Double Letter 5.32 596
Triple Letter 5.53 619
Double Word 3.11 348
Triple Word 2.28 255
Phony Plays 0.12 14
Unchallenged 0.12 13
Challenged Off 0.01 1
Challenges 0.21 24
You Won 0.19 21
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.02 2
Opponent Won 0.01 1
Challenge Percentage 0.9130
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.9286
Comments 7.20 806
Comments Word Length 139.49 15623
Mistakeless Turns 12.69 1421
Mistakes per Turn 0.0307
Mistakes 0.40 45
Knowledge 0.05 6
Finding 0.10 11
Vision 0.02 2
Tactics 0.04 5
Strategy 0.16 18
Endgame 0.03 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4856 (0.4566, 0.5378)
B 0.4700 (0.4111, 0.5833)
C 0.4400 (0.4111, 0.5833)
D 0.4925 (0.4364, 0.5580)
E 0.5142 (0.4621, 0.5323)
F 0.5700 (0.4111, 0.5833)
G 0.5133 (0.4269, 0.5675)
H 0.4950 (0.4111, 0.5833)
I 0.4822 (0.4566, 0.5378)
J 0.4600 (0.3755, 0.6189)
K 0.5400 (0.3755, 0.6189)
L 0.4550 (0.4364, 0.5580)
M 0.5100 (0.4111, 0.5833)
N 0.4933 (0.4475, 0.5469)
O 0.5012 (0.4542, 0.5402)
P 0.5350 (0.4111, 0.5833)
Q 0.5100 (0.3755, 0.6189)
R 0.5033 (0.4475, 0.5469)
S 0.4825 (0.4364, 0.5580)
T 0.5083 (0.4475, 0.5469)
U 0.4725 (0.4364, 0.5580)
V 0.5350 (0.4111, 0.5833)
W 0.5350 (0.4111, 0.5833)
X 0.5500 (0.3755, 0.6189)
Y 0.4950 (0.4111, 0.5833)
Z 0.4800 (0.3755, 0.6189)
? 0.4750 (0.4111, 0.5833)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
N10 STO(G)IE +28 Endgame Small
-5 to SIE(G)E same spot #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K5 FAI(TO)UR +40 Vision Unspecified
There's no point in being more defensive by making a play thru the B when I can score 40 with this move. #visionsolid
13H (W)HOOPEE +38 Finding Large
Best nonbingo, but the bingo I missed was N5 OVE(R)HOPE for 76. #findinglarge
8G AUTO +8 Tactics Small
i was trying to be a little bit clever and not keep IU or ITU or EITU. i thought this might sim slightly below but it seems like a stylistic choice. -1 #tacticssmall
E9 (C)OZIED +36 Strategy Medium
i need to consider defense more. the problem with COZIED is that it gives back a lot more points than ZOOID, which has an atrocious leave but scores 39 pts. i didn't really consider OUZO; i think that's an in-between play that i would have made if i'd thought of it more. J7 DOOZIE is also decent. -6 #strategymedium
H12 (L)ULU +12 Strategy Medium
yeah, i need to consider equity a bit more robotically. WAUR/WAUL at 13G score too much to disregard. i know they keep ILU or IRU, but that's 11 pts better than keeping a W, and giving back slightly more bingos. -7.5 #strategymedium. it's funny, two fairly significant strategic errors in a row, but i did think it through at least.
F14 OI +9 Strategy Medium
joel tells me he hates fishing but wtf do i do with racks like this and the previous one? the problem here at least seems to be that if i'm going to fish i should make it easier for my bingo to fit next turn, so F14 OI is definitely better. -4 #strategymedium
F2 JI(G) +27 Vision Large
i didn't even see 13G FUJI. this is a bad mistake. #visionlarge -12
M5 FAY +21 Strategy Medium
i saw E4 NEIF but i hate Ys. equity better, cesar. wow, even 13G FUMY keeping AEE? sims better than my play. -5 #strategymedium
14J INK +14 Strategy Large
well he blocked my much better spot for INK. i don't know why i didn't play AKIN at 11K though; that blocks up pretty much everything and seals the game. I think i was worried about an UN- bingo but that's unlikely with the pool. i feel like a lot of these mistakes are just purposeful choices and i'm not weighing the probabilities properly. there is probably something i can infer from LA. -10 #strategylarge
8A AN +14 Finding Large
i don't think i looked hard enough for a bingo from the E. this is hideous, lol. -37 #findinglarge
13L OF +17 Finding Medium
something like 4L FOR. i was worried about like QuAERE or something. quackle doesn't worry. shrug. -3.5 #findingmedium
11I ESTRIOl +102 Endgame Medium
i've actually studied narcotise, i should find it. -7 #endgamemedium (or entropies for style points)
9F ZEK +29 Strategy Medium
i guess i didn't realize how much more defensive Z(E)K was than ZEK. -5.5 #strategymedium
E10 (V)IVE +20 Strategy Medium
i strongly considered -U here, but i guess not strongly enough, i bingo 71% of the time! -4.5 #strategymedium also vivat > vive
H11 (H)URDS +30 Strategy Small
probably a good idea to keep my S here. a small part of me confesses they did this to maybe draw a challenge on this somewhat rare sticky-S word but that's not worth throwing away an S. i just wasn't enthused about RSU as a leave. -2.5 #focus #strategysmall
4H WAW +18 Strategy Large
14M AW maybe? quackle mainly likes it because of my score next turn; i can probably bingo if i'm lucky or use the W for some points (for example a lucky WREN). i must have misthought this, the equity difference is massive! -11.5 #strategylarge
14L EARS +30 Strategy Large
i don't know about this. i think i was a bit unfocused here and unable to figure out how to break ahead. i saw my S wasn't worth a ton on this board and i need to score. but 12L LARS looks a lot better. -8.5 #focus #strategylarge
H7 N(U)MB +8 Tactics Small
I really need to learn how to exchange in positions like thess. Would have saved the game for me, surely. #tacticssmall
13L (E)RG +20 Knowledge Large
wow. I am shellshocked. I never came close to seeing GESTURER. That should have won me the game. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge shit shit shit
13L (E)RG +20 Finding Large
wow. I am shellshocked. I never came close to seeing GESTURER. That should have won me the game. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge shit shit shit
11I WORD +21 Tactics Small
13I DROWN is simming best, which sort of says something about the position. I think I was trying too hard for the J setup, although he does have unconducive tiles to block the setup with. #tacticssmall
O12 (F)EUS +32 Knowledge Medium
This is when S(PORTERs) becomes relevant. I was not a fan of it at the start of the game, but I forgot about it when things started frowning upon me in this middlegame. It is absolutely relevant here and keeping my S is very important. #knowledgemedium
6A ZIRCoNS +73 Knowledge Large
Now, I need to see S(PORTERs) to even have a fighting chance. If I don't challenge, ZIRcONS ties the game up! #knowledgelarge #knowledgesaddest
6A ZIRCoNS +73 Knowledge Large
Now, I need to see S(PORTERs) to even have a fighting chance. If I don't challenge, ZIRcONS ties the game up! #knowledgelarge #knowledgesaddest
C7 M(I)X +40 Strategy Medium
9F MAXI is a _perfect_ move here, especially after he took so long on DUCKS (it was several minutes, which strongly implied to me he kept a blank; it seems like an easier play to make if he's holding another S). -4 #strategymedium
11D (K)IP +18 Tactics Small
and he blocked epitasis.. i always hate moves that keep too outrageous of a vowel-consonant ratio, but i suppose IPSST > AISST? since it likes E11 AI more. -1.5 #tacticssmall
J10 FAY +32 Knowledge Large
JOLLIER takes an S cesar....... no wonder i lost this game. i remember considering it briefly and then dismissing the idea. -44.5 #knowledgelarge
B10 NERIN(E) +16 Endgame Large
amazing. RI(S)EN M11 wins 100% of the time. i suppose this was a standard out in two, combined with trying to find his best play, and i should have figured it out. i didn't think i'd be able to outrun him though, and was trying to draw a challenge on this word (not knowing it's CSW only :/ ) #endgamelarge
5C UNMEW(S) +22 Knowledge Medium
I did consider 10F VE(L)UM, but that's too blocky for my liking since VELUMS* isn't good. I did not know 5H (S)WEVEN, which does look better positionally at this score even though I don't care for the right angle it creates. #knowledgemedium
9C QUIRE +31 Finding Medium
7I OI is such a great play. Damn #findingmedium
H5 PAG(O)D +27 Finding Small
10G POND looks good, Frank probably didn't have an S on LEGIT. #findingsmall
2A (L)O(W)N +14 Finding Medium
10G NANO was missed somehow. #findingmedium
H12 O(W)ED +27 Finding Large
missing AERODYNE #findingsaddest #highprob
J7 FEUD +19 Tactics Small
DUFF is actually a little bit better. frank played FIR rapidly and confidently. he probably has a good leave. i didn't want it to be too easy to bingo, i guess, but FEUD doesn't really block anything. -2.5 #tacticssmall
12K BR(I)TH +28 Strategy Medium
i have to do something clever like 2K SIGH here. although my winning % is low, this is how to come back. the problem with my play is it just gives him an easy scoring dump. SIGH makes it tricky for him. also GRITH > BRITH. -3.5 #strategymedium
7C AGILE +14 Strategy Small
my win % is so low here. i don't really know what the best thing to do is. play short and extend the game? 7F AE? LEZ? -3 #strategysmall
D11 MOKE +30 Strategy Small
D11 DOM maybe, he might not have an E and then it's harder for him to do too much about this spot. -2 #strategysmall
H10 (A)RDENT +27 Strategy Medium
just putting the game to an end. N14 ED probably. -7.5 #strategymedium #nofocus
3L BIND +23 Strategy Large
Yea, I suppose I could try to reparallel with my J on row 2 now, but maybe let's do C3 DJINNI instead. I did overestimate future scoring prospects with the J, which aren't as abundant as I once thought. I should have just dumped it now. #strategylarge
M7 Q(A)T +23 Finding Small
Maybe F2 QOP(h)? #findingsmall
1L PaIR +35 Endgame Large
best endgame is 3H PORInG saving the O for OBENTO! (-11, #endgamelarge)
H7 (HO)N +6 Strategy Large
not the right move, but I thought I was going for CORNFLOWER, though I kept an E... #strategysaddest
N8 PHUT +24 Strategy Small
O1 UH bingos a lot. Can't argue with those numbers #strategysmall
13A TIL +10 Finding Large
M9 TRILL by far best #findingsaddest
13A CUR(IN)G +18 Finding Unspecified
Right idea, LUV(IN)G is a better version. #findingquestionable
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
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