Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
i was trying to be a little bit clever and not keep IU or ITU or EITU. i thought this might sim slightly below but it seems like a stylistic choice. -1 #tacticssmall
i need to consider defense more. the problem with COZIED is that it gives back a lot more points than ZOOID, which has an atrocious leave but scores 39 pts. i didn't really consider OUZO; i think that's an in-between play that i would have made if i'd thought of it more. J7 DOOZIE is also decent. -6 #strategymedium
yeah, i need to consider equity a bit more robotically. WAUR/WAUL at 13G score too much to disregard. i know they keep ILU or IRU, but that's 11 pts better than keeping a W, and giving back slightly more bingos. -7.5 #strategymedium. it's funny, two fairly significant strategic errors in a row, but i did think it through at least.
joel tells me he hates fishing but wtf do i do with racks like this and the previous one? the problem here at least seems to be that if i'm going to fish i should make it easier for my bingo to fit next turn, so F14 OI is definitely better. -4 #strategymedium
well he blocked my much better spot for INK. i don't know why i didn't play AKIN at 11K though; that blocks up pretty much everything and seals the game. I think i was worried about an UN- bingo but that's unlikely with the pool. i feel like a lot of these mistakes are just purposeful choices and i'm not weighing the probabilities properly. there is probably something i can infer from LA. -10 #strategylarge
probably a good idea to keep my S here. a small part of me confesses they did this to maybe draw a challenge on this somewhat rare sticky-S word but that's not worth throwing away an S. i just wasn't enthused about RSU as a leave. -2.5 #focus #strategysmall
14M AW maybe? quackle mainly likes it because of my score next turn; i can probably bingo if i'm lucky or use the W for some points (for example a lucky WREN). i must have misthought this, the equity difference is massive! -11.5 #strategylarge
i don't know about this. i think i was a bit unfocused here and unable to figure out how to break ahead. i saw my S wasn't worth a ton on this board and i need to score. but 12L LARS looks a lot better. -8.5 #focus #strategylarge
13I DROWN is simming best, which sort of says something about the position. I think I was trying too hard for the J setup, although he does have unconducive tiles to block the setup with. #tacticssmall
This is when S(PORTERs) becomes relevant. I was not a fan of it at the start of the game, but I forgot about it when things started frowning upon me in this middlegame. It is absolutely relevant here and keeping my S is very important. #knowledgemedium
9F MAXI is a _perfect_ move here, especially after he took so long on DUCKS (it was several minutes, which strongly implied to me he kept a blank; it seems like an easier play to make if he's holding another S). -4 #strategymedium
and he blocked epitasis.. i always hate moves that keep too outrageous of a vowel-consonant ratio, but i suppose IPSST > AISST? since it likes E11 AI more. -1.5 #tacticssmall
amazing. RI(S)EN M11 wins 100% of the time. i suppose this was a standard out in two, combined with trying to find his best play, and i should have figured it out. i didn't think i'd be able to outrun him though, and was trying to draw a challenge on this word (not knowing it's CSW only :/ ) #endgamelarge
I did consider 10F VE(L)UM, but that's too blocky for my liking since VELUMS* isn't good. I did not know 5H (S)WEVEN, which does look better positionally at this score even though I don't care for the right angle it creates. #knowledgemedium
DUFF is actually a little bit better. frank played FIR rapidly and confidently. he probably has a good leave. i didn't want it to be too easy to bingo, i guess, but FEUD doesn't really block anything. -2.5 #tacticssmall
i have to do something clever like 2K SIGH here. although my winning % is low, this is how to come back. the problem with my play is it just gives him an easy scoring dump. SIGH makes it tricky for him. also GRITH > BRITH. -3.5 #strategymedium
Yea, I suppose I could try to reparallel with my J on row 2 now, but maybe let's do C3 DJINNI instead. I did overestimate future scoring prospects with the J, which aren't as abundant as I once thought. I should have just dumped it now. #strategylarge