Evan Yurko
Evan Yurko
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(I)mPOSTED 6847 83
fLOATER(S) 1378 74
ENTERIC 1079 74
(T)OLUDiNE* 0 80
ROOT(L)IKE 4574 62
ENTiTLE(D) 2705 66
BERLINS 3211 77
sHOALER 1965 83
UnBEARS 3065 73
NUGGETS 15642 74
BAYO(N)ETS 4006 67
STeWPAN 7090 72
GRADINE(s) 459 63
PIERCIN(G) 12051 92
ADIOSES 1749 82
SIRUpIE(R) 12519 59
(B)ARRENLY 13979 92
ELyTRON 2084 67
REB(O)ILED 1917 63
GENERaL 1186 75
ALPINES 1549 68
OOSPORe 14284 83
ANGLERS 1722 68
ShIVA(R)EE 4275 74
OINKING 18503 69
rEBRAND(S) 8306 70
rEALLOT 1817 66
GLAiRES 763 73
INTENSE 1903 73
vARLETS 3183 71
(T)EGUMINA 1862 76
SCOUTED 6370 70
(B)ITURBOS 21924 89
mODA(L)ITY 9205 63
(D)ARIOLES 97 70
MEANIES 1059 91
VIOlETS 2044 75
REA(D)INGS 459 61
VI(Z)IRATE 7256 90
TANRECS 1589 90
(A)ErOGELS 916 82
RECITAL 631 102
TAJINES 1753 74
SPIELE(R)S 13797 70
STERILE 611 69
SHiELDS 15921 78
ACETINS 634 69
CENTRIc 11833 72
POWErED 9066 81
EcOTAGE 2061 68
(U)NBEAR(I)NG 4614 76
SaVVIER 11736 103
TAENITE 342 61
OUTDRIn(K) 8260 76
PINNU(L)AE 5171 78
AEROSAT 240 72
MELTINg 4756 91
DENIERS 592 76
aBETTER 4891 77
PATINES 705 78
PARIE(T)ES 675 68
R(E)SAWING 1870 67
SHORTIE 980 72
T(E)ENIEST 4438 66
ODOMeTR(Y) 11835 98
TOLLInG 10575 68
LIND(A)NeS 2068 82
AERO(L)ITE 11 70
CASSINO 9849 74
YARDAGe 8177 78
URINATE(S) 84 77
OUTWAS(T)E 6056 72
LIVeNER 2286 77
MAGNETS 4717 90
BIRTHeD 7097 86
RELATEd 571 72
CENT(I)lES 3107 70
D(R)IVABLE 5633 68
B(A)RTENDS 2357 72
AMIRAT(E)S 1223 70
T(R)AsHIER 2926 64
RATLIN(E)D* 0 60
(P)ASTRIEs 5463 80
THREADS 3107 78
sLOWEST 13989 83
(s)AUNTERS 4336 74
ZEATINS 1767 92
SPRINGE(r) 10739 64
TEENIER 505 82
RAILWA(Y)S 16199 78
MISED(I)TS 16688 85
CARTOOn 4661 72
CESSING 15054 72
DERBIES 4112 76
FILM(I)EST 13332 102
EVINcED 8347 86
BIENN(I)AL 5579 61
VIRTUES 3319 86
DOGtA(I)LS 2590 74
RETITLE 1901 71
OUTLEAD 511 72
pEREION 489 66
BADDEST 12824 90
IDEALIz(E) 6538 70
DROOLEd 10857 62
AUNTIES 124 73
SOILuRE 522 69
APERITI(F) 3823 65
EST(E)RASE 7550 122
TANGLES 1725 78
REFrAIN 2110 80
BETTING 8623 73
sECONAL 1927 88
THiRSTS 20575 96
A(C)CURsED 21779 167
(T)ASTABLE 12496 64
PETSAIS 6710 78
IODIzER 4681 74
TOXINEs 2344 79
VAL(E)NCES 10387 68
TAB(O)rETS 3537 63
PATRONs 3420 86
TONNEAU 776 66
DUNGEoN 7951 71
LARIATs 2375 78
dERAIGN 249 77
AERIALS 493 69
NOSIEST 1825 66
SADIRON 463 82
(R)ECLONeD* 0 65
AnTACID 5445 72
HINTERS 1622 77
DANCIER 626 73
LAVEND(E)R 3045 78
PERsONS 10887 78
ReLIVES 4187 78
PLAITER 686 91
DONEGAL 1094 65
ANEMOnE 3326 67
(R)eSTORAL 1148 66
BLONdES 6351 75
TeRTIAL 545 59
TRANKED 3596 79
L(E)VIAbLE 15501 74
AIRLINE 142 77
APOgEIC 4212 76
TRAcHE(A)L 9777 74
INCOMES 5106 81
DEHORNS 3879 76
dAUNTER 433 79
HIPPeST 20859 104
R(U)RAlIST 5906 64
ENDnOTE 2488 69
SORITIC 6277 66
SIBILaN(T) 7300 80
ADOPTEE 1241 68
ELOInED 297 66
REENTER(S) 7379 76
NEStLER 1440 66
(H)ALIOTEs* 0 83
RENDERS 6233 95
T(E)THERED 16032 74
nEOTENY 5776 66
L(E)oNINES* 0 68
OaRLIKE 1089 88
RETI(N)ULA 79 131
COR(D)ITES 1418 65
NEGA(T)ERS 749 72
ESTRONE 341 84
VENINES 7740 94
MESSIER 11171 82
ALIMENt 677 97
GRADINE 250 68
ANErGIA 368 88
(T)URDINES* 0 70
TAUteNS 2837 78
TAPIROI(D) 2750 74
IRONIE(S)T 129 62
TANAGEr 1069 63
AERA(T)ION 10 60
(C)uRARINE 2901 80
(I)DEALITY 2573 66
SPiCATE 4357 97
SeNORAS 1819 69
YEA(S)TING 1876 76
DA(T)ARIES 307 72
ANCHORE(D) 4010 72
WITTIEr 7213 70
LEAVIES(T) 1560 86
NACREOU(S) 1354 64
EXACTER 8922 78
TeASeLS 6327 68
A(N)ThELIA 1209 64
OPERATE 482 74
BERatES 2166 70
D(E)TANGLe 1719 72
DILUT(O)RS 3416 68
TORULAE 164 67
DREAMed 11133 90
CITRALS 4950 82
REAsONE(R) 734 66
(D)OWERIES 1936 72
tAENITE(S) 525 66
IONISES 4211 61
DENIERS 592 89
CLEAr(O)UT 1353 63
AIRBAsE 1771 69
SENARII 143 63
READIER 860 75
NOTABLE 869 67
ATOnIaS 525 78
EARS(T)ONE 45 82
ANtIPO(L)E 215 72
BRINIES 3630 79
ROUT(I)NES 105 82
OUtBEGS 8539 73
AUdITEE 209 73
DEACONS 1925 67
LOUSIER 521 67
p(A)RTIBLE 3289 72
SELE(N)ATE 1881 68
(T)ReMORAL* 0 80
(R)ELEASOR 1706 77
LOADInG 1801 66
EDITION 241 79
MeTAL(L)IC 14262 94
ROOSTI(N)G 3898 61
LEISTER 609 89
IRONlIK(E) 3798 73
WR(I)TABLE 3290 86
ENTHR(A)LS 2375 71
MOUNDED 13958 83
SALINES 2888 77
EMERGES 14267 86
CaRDING 6797 70
ANAL(E)CTS 4906 60
NAFFeST 14939 74
SEMINAR 693 75
IODATEs 37 83
(L)IENTERY 1623 74
(U)RETHANS 2378 95
PERM(E)ANT 4316 98
GYNOECI(A) 3210 80
UNREELS 2919 76
CANTLES 3085 72
DO(C)KaGES 17287 100
PARsING 6838 93
SAUCIER 1491 86
SECONAL 1929 83
IDE(A)LIsE 1101 82
RELA(T)IO(N)S 6 62
TIME(L)InE 3494 66
SNA(R)KIER 5784 74
EXA(C)TORS 7665 84
REG(O)LITH 2266 66
MANDRIl 4952 75
OBTA(I)NED 179 76
DENIERS 592 74
INTEGER 478 71
(P)ATINAEd 1206 80
P(L)ANLESS 23533 61
(N)ITRAtOR 2723 71
GUTSIE(S)T 17583 65
(P)ARaKEET 11776 81
IONIZES 4683 93
SALUTED 2388 83
ORDAINE(D) 499 72
THORNil(Y) 9440 74
rENO(V)ATE 299 90
SETLInE 607 86
TIRADES 105 78
BERATEd 2157 81
CoRNFED 8098 75
FANIONS 6629 78
R(I)NSaBLE 999 63
C(R)EAMIEr 7983 80
HAPTENS 7058 81
GENEVAS 5739 99
STAR(T)ING 5045 60
GLIStEN 1738 83
THU(N)DERS 7560 76
(A)NAlCITE 1195 86
LUNIEST 1162 74
ADIPOsE 858 72
ANTeR(I)OR 42 68
DELAT(I)ON 12 68
sOLIDER 516 76
SNORTeD 527 76
T(O)URISTA 2165 70
PEONISM 5145 80
ISOBARE 305 70
DRAGNET 804 78
READI(N)GS 460 78
DElIMES 6613 76
uLTR(A)ReD 3972 64
ARENOUS 165 67
vAMOOS(E)D 11736 63
BANTIES 619 77
cARRION 4199 64
DICENTR(A) 411 86
CoN(E)LRAD 1338 70
FAIREST 663 79
(E)UDEMONS 6168 92
UNHAIRs 4964 79
TALIONS 466 70
sOILAGE 381 73
RAVA(G)ErS 14962 62
(S)TEARINS 970 77
(G)aINABLE 4178 70
YESTERN 4229 78
SInEWED 4157 88
ROADSTE(R) 1142 72
VENTUrE 4230 72
wOODSIA 7226 65
(M)ARGENTS 3712 74
StHENIA 670 82
CARAMEL(S) 13276 66
AURoRAE 2128 63
SOOTIEr 366 64
ARGUERS 6893 83
DAWTIEs 1528 77
DIAM(A)NTE 1205 64
U(P)rAISES 8660 70
bOOTEES 6168 85
SWEATER 2238 68
hULLOAS 18605 69
SAILERS 2892 76
DANDIeS 2875 74
(C)ENTIARE 237 83
WHINERs 7165 85
NARCOsE 889 72
CA(N)OEIST 198 78
RADWA(S)TE 4921 90
(P)aTENTED 6381 74
TANGLES 1725 66
PATTIES 3824 79
HEADL(O)NG 4350 78
BLISTER 3213 74
PIGBOAT(S) 11573 66
sTEARIN 28 66
L(E)AVIEST 1560 80
GOUAChE 9836 80
(E)NTrAINS 356 74
AERIALS 493 70
LOGIEST 1113 88
RINGtAW 4243 76
B(I)LINEAR 1231 70
ReWROTE 5781 73
EPiG(E)NES* 0 76
SEALIfT 1534 71
DENTINs 2844 81
RERAISE 863 65
M(E)NSUrAL 4513 68
WEDGIER 5757 101
APOGEEs 3778 66
GAROTES 394 72
REASONS 1818 81
REARING 1131 65
INdU(L)GER 2526 66
LORRIEs 1699 61
TAxPAYE(R) 19968 74
JERKIES 15864 102
(R)ATOONED 234 63
(L)ePROTIC 4116 78
(L)IGATURE 475 80
(E)NTRAiNS 356 74
ELUSIoN(S) 4864 74
OXALATE 4679 75
LOANEES 293 76
SENARII 143 83
nITROSO 1709 78
cLOUDIE(R) 2815 91
CINEAS(T)E 646 72
(G)LANCING 25974 95
BlISTER 3213 72
SPEE(R)ING 4659 94
AFFIRms 21907 73
(F)AILURES 2320 72
HO(A)RDING 3840 64
ORDuRES 5936 69
IDEATES 208 72
VI(T)IATED 5583 76
DENIALS 417 75
AmIDONE 315 77
WEENIES(T) 4764 86
PArTIBL(E) 3289 72
PASSaGE 18110 70
pRUINOS(E) 1480 68
P(R)AETORS 3571 72
INSURED 1158 72
RELIA(N)CE 644 61
MUrAENI(D) 1028 83
GLAI(R)IER 3672 86
TURGITE 4457 68
VENTAGE 3376 100
ST(R)oLLED 8084 62
FERNI(E)ST 1620 83
UNITAGE 280 71
PASTInA 5481 92
TREMOLO 5238 74
DOMIN(I)ES 3231 84
GUnNERA 4425 81
REELING 1199 78
GAOLeRS 1101 68
HELICES 11376 82
GYR(A)TION 1990 63
LATENIN(G) 1645 68
BEIGEST 5746 70
T(R)ENDIER 1298 61
CA(L)OYERS 6743 66
(B)ONSPIEL 6800 67
HEDGERS 11794 82
RAWB(O)NED 3996 106
(O)RnITHES 610 83
OSIERED 300 76
(V)ERTicAL 3318 70
VEStIgE 5765 88
HISTAM(I)N 12440 64
MALLOWs 21300 93
SOlARIA 1305 69
PR(O)FANED 4041 106
cANTERS 1582 81
BYGONES 13232 117
pLEAS(U)RE 5325 61
ENROBES 2634 74
GASOLIN(E) 248 80
ETHERI(Z)E 13962 92
gENUINE 5308 76
SILICoN 9170 63
R(E)VISERs 18300 72
NEUROMA 929 76
TAEnIAE 67 73
CANTE(R)ED 1585 69
sART(O)RII 2476 61
EASTERN 215 75
tHORNIL(Y) 9437 73
LEARNER 1873 73
UNITAGE 281 65
TER(P)INOL 611 72
CHILlI(E)R 21551 84
PYRE(N)OID 4140 78
ENTRIES 219 70
WiDDERS 12987 80
(E)NORMOUs 6898 72
SINUATE 125 81
(G)lIADINE 1493 70
YEELINS 4179 79
MATuRED 3122 93
DETICKS 14125 97
UNaFRA(I)D 7279 76
RESTAGE 1193 77
ADVE(R)SER* 0 78
DEL(T)OIDS 4855 64
RUNTIER 1360 66
DE(G)REaSE 5050 68
LEgALE(S)T* 0 68
DROUTHs 11918 72
CAVEOlA 8578 97
STIFLES 13003 72
IODATeS 37 68
FAIREST 663 79
ST(R)IGOSE 4205 72
EERIeST 1271 66
STREAMS 9761 83
UN(I)ONIST 7631 59
O(T)ITIDES 2857 72
RAINIER 748 68
ENROLLS 6173 64
RAINOUt 130 69
sHINGLE 7549 73
nEOTENY 5776 66
ADuLATE 2683 75
AD(O)PTEES 1906 67
PrEGN(A)NT 7421 74
(E)TERNALS 377 79
ATONING 2471 70
fOREMOS(T) 11818 72
NA(V)IcERT 1713 70
ROTUNDa 1203 75
TEASLIN(G)* 0 61
cRAALED 6019 71
(P)EREIONS 852 70
NAILERS 107 72
DRAsTIC 4939 80
pIONEER 490 70
LAUW(I)nES 2326 72
SPRInGE(R) 10733 78
NEONATE(S) 733 77
rI(V)ERINE 7080 74
(S)TRAINED 68 80
ANLACES 6023 79
VITAL(I)NG* 0 78
OMIT(T)eRS 3603 131
B(L)OUSIER 2808 74
rIN(G)ETTE 2186 66
RETOO(L)ED 1994 86
(E)NTERING 2185 80
DIAB(E)TES 1519 94
ALIENI(N)G 3671 72
RE(T)OOLED 1994 86
(T)YROSINE 620 76
MInERAL(S) 1055 80
pISTONS 13227 62
MARTY(R)ED 13992 106
A(I)RThING 6092 61
FOLIA(T)ED 542 68
YULE(T)IdE 5355 60
TO(R)EADOR 1946 72
LOCaTIV(E) 2042 86
DESTINE 595 79
sANDLOT 2478 71
G(E)RALDiA* 0 61
THEREON 1267 69
LATINOS 465 67
INtRANE(T) 1188 74
REROU(T)ES 3400 59
M(A)STLIKe 9978 76
UNBOLTS 11909 92
CATLINs 4942 79
URE(T)HRAE 6389 74
PIGEONs 2989 73
HIsTONE 977 76
PL(A)STINA* 0 74
(K)iNETICS 14395 78
TOURING 1855 72
POUTIER 1012 74
HUMAN(O)ID 9199 78
OdOMETE(R) 4975 63
SECEDER 12049 82
EUPnO(E)AS 1915 68
IMIT(A)TED 5582 62
sHITTER 6540 67
REM(E)NDED 19880 76
ChILLER(S) 21136 80
c(U)RTAILS 6586 68
ANHEDRO(N)* 0 78
(A)ERATION 10 60
GOLFERS 8540 74
ACTIVES 4355 70
nEGATOR 80 80
URINALS 1867 69
CRIS(P)ENS 17908 89
MORTICE 2759 76
REA(C)HING 4871 82
AERATeD 798 62
ANI(M)ATER 505 70
FIE(R)IEST 3485 63
RE(A)LTORs 1145 68
LINABLE 6653 71
VENATI(O)N 769 62
UNCRA(T)ER* 0 64
FIREMAN 2409 71
DISA(B)lED 12045 83
G(E)NTILES 1745 79
AU(t)OGENY 2252 63
LARCeNY 7008 80
MIDRAsH 12397 93
(M)URIATES 1077 83
pILSNeR 3295 78
ADoPTEE(S) 1907 83
(N)OTIFIER 712 74
(R)ATOONER 862 60
SHINIER 3648 92
DARTl(I)NG 2222 65
pEATIER 378 73
HONOURE(E) 4981 62
CA(T)ENOID 189 78
SAUtERN(ES) 3054 74
PREVENT 8465 80
ELUANTS 1153 77
(A)LbACOrE 7372 74
MACAqUE 20521 66
WIGLETS 7563 91
BARONET 346 74
HIST(O)GeN 2267 68
sUBIDEA 3013 77
ONSTAGE 393 73
DETANG(L)E 1718 149
L(E)MONaDE 1900 72
RESPIKE* 0 107
LOGIEST 1115 70
ACOrNED 878 74
REP(R)IEVE 17741 67
STERILE 611 73
ETH(E)RIZE 13946 90
SErOTI(N)E 49 57
BED(S)ORES 14636 74
BONNETS 7412 75
(T)HESAURI 1052 86
RAMILIE 1794 64
STRAIN(E)D 68 63
w(H)EEZERS 26692 88
A(E)ROLITE 11 59
STR(A)ITEN 365 82
SErENIT(Y) 1629 70
NITRILE 505 74
OU(T)LINED 338 61
BOnITAS 1643 86
(L)IgNEOUs 1635 71
BATTLER 6437 80
SER(V)ANTS 8769 67
(V)ASELINE 1553 74
OUTLEAD 512 63
ALEURON(E) 169 77
BAP(T)ISER* 0 70
ENJOINS 8023 74
ARTSIES 1398 81
FIELD(I)Ng 10204 63
OUTBAKe 8712 70
rETiTL(E)S 2713 104
PATIN(A)Te 3257 67
TURkEYS 16909 88
IRONIST 1331 68
BATTeNS 6444 67
TrI(C)OLOR 14113 131
(O)VULATED 2789 89
ZENANAS 13875 90
(U)NWIFELY 18395 86
SORrELS 13352 87
ATOMIES 331 97
GRAVEST 4722 81
OUtLI(N)ER 104 68
EMETINE 3561 68
RAvELIN 683 85
TR(E)nDOID 1279 60
ROISTER 795 70
PiNOT(A)GE 395 60
STRAIT(E)N 365 82
(I)mPOSTED 6847 83
fLOATER(S) 1378 74
REFRAIN 2110 78
ROOMIeR 5961 65
GE(L)ATION 63 83
EROSION 363 82
ElEGIAC 3051 74
OESTRON(E) 882 59
MANuALS 14716 78
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
EST(E)RASE 7550 122
A(C)CURsED 21779 167
RETI(N)ULA 79 131
OMIT(T)eRS 3603 131
DETANG(L)E 1718 149
rETiTL(E)S 2713 104
TrI(C)OLOR 14113 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(U)NBEAR(I)NG 4614 76
RELA(T)IO(N)S 6 62
SAUtERN(ES) 3054 74
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(T)OLUDiNE* 0 80
LAGG(Y)* 0 20
F(E)TON* 0 53
OK* 0 18
KRONAS* 0 90
DROO(K)* 0 30
TEN(C)E* 0 25
GUVV(Y)* 0 19
BOOKIT* 0 50
HARINA* 0 25
WHINGS* 0 35
RATLIN(E)D* 0 60
SAES* 0 34
ZONAS* 0 51
BL(I)MPED* 0 34
(R)ECLONeD* 0 65
CA(JO)NE* 0 34
(L)UVVIER* 0 30
CABOT* 0 39
NOOS* 0 104
OAFED* 0 36
POG* 0 21
VOXE(S)* 0 34
(H)ALIOTEs* 0 83
(D)ELLING* 0 18
L(E)oNINES* 0 68
CAG* 0 17
BIBOS* 0 38
(T)URDINES* 0 70
(R)HIME* 0 42
(R)IVULE* 0 13
NU(L)LER* 0 12
(T)ReMORAL* 0 80
PANKO* 0 34
D(Or)IAN* 0 7
GOBI* 0 25
TWILT* 0 18
KET* 0 37
CULTIS* 0 31
PEAV(I)E* 0 14
(N)OYAUS* 0 39
TRIFE* 0 31
DO(R)A* 0 16
EPiG(E)NES* 0 76
TRODS* 0 33
GOYA* 0 39
GOYAS* 0 32
DOUCES* 0 83
M(I)CK* 0 30
YOURNS* 0 34
LITOTE* 0 23
ADVE(R)SER* 0 78
BUNGO* 0 21
JUBE(D)* 0 30
LEgALE(S)T* 0 68
WANGS* 0 26
TEASLIN(G)* 0 61
YOURNS* 0 26
BOOKY* 0 34
VITAL(I)NG* 0 78
G(E)RALDiA* 0 61
COFTS* 0 30
PL(A)STINA* 0 74
HUIN(G)* 0 30
ANHEDRO(N)* 0 78
AUTOW(A)Y* 0 42
UNCRA(T)ER* 0 64
GAURDE* 0 31
EQUIPT* 0 38
CR(ET)ON* 0 22
RESPIKE* 0 107
R(I)O(T)RY* 0 26
INDY* 0 45
DUCIS* 0 32
V(E)N(O)L* 0 20
EW* 0 30
TOONY* 0 19
BAP(T)ISER* 0 70
AZIDOS* 0 87
P(I)KIE* 0 38
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Q(IN)* 0 0
RADIANS 2373 0
UT(TE)RLESs* 0 0
ER 6 0
TELU* 0 0
HORD* 0 0
INS(PI)RAnT* 0 0
MENTE* 0 0
ZENS* 0 0
(I)Z* 0 0
CR(E)WS 5458 0
UNEaGRE(R)* 0 0
NOHS* 0 0
BE(E)TH* 0 0
Q(U)* 0 0
(SIX)ED* 0 0
R(I)NSaBLE 999 63
HAPTENS 7058 81
SOGS* 0 0
UNHAIRs 4964 0
COAGULa(R)* 0 0
ALARS* 0 0
JERKIES 15864 102
J(U)REL 5138 40
RUSTY 5921 0
SWoRDED* 0 0
PHYTINS 19296 0
DUDIE* 0 0
JEES 2253 0
WAURS* 0 0
WAUL 2421 0
FOH 879 0
QUA(R)TAL* 0 0
(TE)I(AD)* 0 0
RACK 3284 0
(Q)UAIS 4773 0
SOREL(e)AD* 0 0
NICK 3312 0
AUK 762 0
CoN(V)EXED* 0 0
ARTSIES 1398 81
(P)OLLYP* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SOLANIN 2870 77
REVU(V)IAN* 0 66
REAWoKE(N) 5477 66
AERATES 799 76
UNSHIFT 15621 114
TOLANES 162 72
SUNdOGS 18869 70
(R)EDACTED 10032 74
ELEVONs 4819 75
rEALIST 117 70
CEMEnTS 11482 79
AnI(S)ETTE 524 64
TONsURE 530 70
VISCERA(L) 5691 98
GAINERs 266 68
ELUSIVE 6618 73
NONRATE(D) 478 70
STONeRS 3733 71
COESITE 1251 74
(I)MPAIREd 6313 78
(NO)VATIONS 7029 74
GA(S)KETED 11640 95
(S)CARIeST 5445 80
REFI(N)ISh 9826 83
EPINAOS 333 72
SMILERS 13023 70
(P)uNITIVE 9840 64
OUTFIrE 971 67
STRINGY 9854 90
CROWDIE 5094 82
F(O)RAYINg 8118 76
FUBSIER 10099 81
INTRUDE 447 74
TURTLES 8219 70
ADMIRES 1513 81
SQU(I)NTED 8161 90
AEROSAt(S) 3173 74
AR(G)INiNE 1953 66
ALGERIn(E) 279 77
(D)ETENTES 10629 61
POUReRS 10569 88
ZONUlAE 4267 100
MISREAD 1515 95
BOOGIED 6844 89
WhEALEd* 0 68
TEASING 279 71
BROWNEd 8088 70
ENDUReD 9361 65
T(E)AHoUSE 1911 86
(R)ESeASON 1778 74
(E)RECTION 300 68
lONELIE(R) 1780 74
RUNNELS 8215 65
GrEASED 2454 87
(R)ESIDENT 382 63
(I)NTERBED 1611 67
PRECIo(U)S 6830 76
TOODLEs 3974 79
EROTISm 995 70
TRA(I)NERS 362 59
THUMPED 19831 79
ELO(I)NING 4390 61
SANDLOT 2478 76
MESSiER 11154 74
(O)RDINaLS 740 77
THIRSTS 20575 78
UNIFORM(S) 12954 67
GUIDERS 3486 76
(H)AGrODES* 0 76
(R)EUNITES 394 68
(E)LOINERS 176 60
REALtOR(S) 1146 66
MICRONs 10417 83
REcODEs 4790 70
STANDI(N)G 8103 64
SQUIREs 16649 105
rEMODEL 4798 78
ORAlITY 1661 99
TRANCHE(D)* 0 70
lIERNES 603 60
UNeASIE(R) 125 74
mONTHLY 19995 76
REEKING 6211 70
ZEStFUL 19198 96
(U)NHEATED 3038 69
(R)UGGeDER 23797 86
G(R)EENIES 2854 63
PReVAIL 4399 80
(D)APSOnES 9671 83
dEADENS 6308 69
PARsING 6838 92
ROTUNDE(R) 2507 82
NONADUL(T) 7049 65
WEtWARE 12792 80
CAVIArE 4779 71
BURIALs 7906 74
UnITERS 454 67
OvER(S)EEN 5495 59
SENATES 3955 69
(N)EaRLIER 519 77
WASPIeR 4418 67
INT(E)RiMS 2677 74
ElOPInG 2986 77
OPER(E)TTE* 0 74
LeWIS(I)TE 5892 74
TaBLETS 9387 63
BRuSQuE 22919 100
ARTISAN 1170 74
aRSENAL 1277 81
REALTO(R)S 1146 66
AdJOINE(D) 7238 67
HARPOON 11980 82
SPIRAlS 15344 73
AUNTIES 124 73
TAENIAS 136 60
(T)RASHInG 5511 76
(T)ASTABlE 12496 80
GREAS(E)RS 15281 83
(R)ANGIEST 164 63
TRA(I)PSED 1041 63
FOLIAT(E)D 542 63
(S)LITTERS 11512 77
SOlVENT 3929 75
(B)IOcLEAN 2014 68
HORSEMA(N) 4068 88
EArNERS 1883 78
NAIADEs 492 68
NEURULa 5407 70
OBELISE 2610 82
PIRATEs 720 73
MODE(L)INg 4373 62
OUTPLAN 5853 68
DEMERIT 2265 72
SCArILY 12416 71
B(R)IDLERS 11754 72
PROFESS 18139 99
AERIEsT 57 66
IDOLAT(O)R 1118 65
RUNN(I)EST 2151 66
TOOTerS 4872 68
sTARING 1410 70
SNAILED 418 79
DIM(P)lING 24304 76
RETIMES 2296 73
ASTeRO(I)D 19 66
WINCERs 7137 67
EROSION 363 76
H(E)AVIEST 4276 80
LEAPERS 4100 74
DECOrA(T)E 802 74
ArB(O)RIST 5368 60
(S)NOWLIKE 11024 98
dECANTE(R) 1587 74
EXHALIN(G) 12353 107
SPUT(T)IER* 0 76
TINTERS 1363 73
ANOdISE(D) 1176 74
TONn(A)GES 2004 70
DROO(L)ING 6529 61
STRANGE 809 75
ELU(S)IONS 4864 68
TRIDENT 1357 72
rEINVAD(ED) 4090 92
RETOTAL 775 63
OPTIoN(E)D 2090 66
COND(O)RES 6874 76
sEQUELA 10288 88
LANDLI(N)E 7992 70
WINDERS 3273 69
COUTERS 3868 81
DITHERs 3253 82
NAIADES 492 66
SERE(N)ATA 453 70
(T)RINODAL 288 72
lARIATS 2375 67
RI(G)ATOnI 684 66
S(H)ANDIES 8621 64
SPARROW 17187 81
ANALOGS 6714 76
(C)ALtHROP 18608 82
PRETRIA(L) 2931 70
CHICEsT 20828 85
TaWNIER 238 78
ESTRUAL 1153 69
PEBbLIE(R) 24116 72
SOOTIER 366 77
REALISE(R) 1267 70
OUT(S)TICk* 0 59
WHITeST 14436 70
RATTL(I)NG 5033 59
INCLuDE(D) 15958 86
UNPOSED 6402 73
ARISTAE 137 75
DISCARd 15312 79
(A)DuLATED 10965 70
GRAsSED 10309 77
EVEN(T)FUL 14221 65
OVARIT(I)s 2751 62
BOATING 2673 77
PADDIES 9588 84
(R)EDEFINE 4750 84
DESPAIR 1522 80
DEMENTs 6745 72
PASTING 6841 70
ToLANES 162 67
FL(A)uNTER 2374 61
NOSIEST 1825 68
RAT(I)ONAl 321 57
ANTiGEN 1125 73
SACKING 17977 86
MANAGeR 5267 77
ELECTr(I)C 16274 72
OUTPlAN 5853 67
LIAiSON 1308 77
GROAnER 1311 69
GELATED 2451 64
EROTIZE 1347 103
OSTINA(T)O 3181 62
MELAn(G)Es 7505 77
CANTERS 1582 87
SURLIEr 5193 79
OILIEST 741 63
FAINTLy 9270 89
BE(A)DIEST 1518 62
LE(V)ITiES 5891 74
(C)RITERIa 3266 77
MaDONNA 13451 74
ENGINES 5312 72
HOMIN(I)dS 17257 80
RETIN(A)LS 75 59
(S)EQUOiAS 10593 101
MAROONS 7386 79
EGAlITE(S) 718 74
PROLINE 982 64
OATIESt 248 71
BROILED 1980 78
ROOTING 2723 67
SoLATIO(N) 1120 68
IdEATEs 208 66
PROMISE 5148 78
ROSINEd 171 68
NONARtS 3002 69
eLITISM 6083 67
URINOSE 190 80
EXPIATE 5898 77
DANsEUR 1149 75
ENsILED 1376 71
(R)ETICENT 3877 72
EX(T)OLLER 15636 84
PLoVERS 11278 81
SEARING 270 63
MISGAGE 14277 78
P(E)RFUMES 22629 79
ST(U)DENTS 18791 68
TREAsON 45 75
(M)YELINES 10491 89
UREDINI(A) 309 70
VENER(E)AL 4745 62
EnROOTS 1068 75
SuNBIRD 11080 73
REFRA(C)TS 13984 67
FLOUTED 6381 71
RA(N)DIEST 67 70
UNRESTS 8534 62
LOOGIES 3031 75
nO(T)IFIED 1687 62
PeNSIVE 8391 71
R(E)PAINTS 442 76
ESPALIE(R) 1555 70
tSARINA 1171 87
sORDINI 2721 72
AMREE(T)AS 3478 63
(G)RANTEES 747 80
TINIEST 3404 69
TERRANE 1016 77
SULFITE 5672 71
P(E)ArLiNG 1848 59
INHALED 1494 101
VARMINt 6310 81
(R)INGTONE 914 68
YEElINS 4179 64
NEBU(L)ISE 5333 62
U(N)LEARNT 2144 70
STINTED 2850 85
FANCIER(S) 3304 98
IRONBAr(K) 14957 65
sOAPIER 336 74
ANISET(T)E 524 66
sCRAIGH 14654 118
ARIDITY 5490 68
SARDiNE 88 79
INTRUD(E)R 2148 74
FOOTbA(T)h 26010 70
(C)ONCERTS 16125 74
UNSOcIA(L) 4586 78
URBA(N)ITE 410 64
ADDLING 12502 75
PENSIVE 8391 99
MATURI(T)Y 16722 64
REALISE 210 81
uNDU(L)ATE 7211 131
A(L)lODIAS* 0 59
LOONIER 362 66
FAGOTER 1415 68
D(A)INtIlY 7306 61
AU(T)OcRAT 12774 60
DREdG(I)NG 20513 74
ORDEAlS 507 73
AIRDROP 6619 76
PENNIEs 7729 78
GAOLErS 1099 73
CANDOUR 5813 75
RECANTS 1585 77
BALDeST 5560 91
RECOINS 954 72
LOITERE(R) 737 77
ABDuCTS 18158 83
SERENA(T)E 858 61
IRO(N)lIKE 3797 63
(S)ABOTAgE 4763 80
SITUATE(S) 7996 68
MOD(E)LERs 6158 72
CARNIES 633 83
LAGUNAs 11975 69
MUNDaNE 9399 64
HEARTED 2188 77
fANATIC 9859 78
INCAGES 2534 72
COATING 2674 73
SUDSING 18245 83
AIRPLA(N)E 1214 64
(A)NISEEDS 2763 70
GRUESOM(E) 8414 76
TINGLED 1732 75
LAC(K)ERED 14978 80
AMITIES 1794 67
(D)EPLaNES 5308 74
N(E)ATNESS 9410 65
SNARLeR 2824 90
R(E)ENACTS 1591 70
INVERTS 1633 80
DeNARII 140 77
CLITOR(A)L 8811 61
BrUSHES 21205 81
RAMmINg 18715 78
GNOMIST 7853 74
LEAcHED 11371 90
DEADENS 6316 64
NOTIONS 6861 68
(T)ELEViSE 7766 92
GRaNDMA 13714 79
ETOILES 302 73
StINGIE(R) 1571 77
bUOYANT 10349 68
SCRAB(b)LE 25562 158
AIRIESt 145 82
ALANINE 1674 61
AERIALS 493 76
B(L)ASTIES 8594 62
AURORAS 8871 69
RETiRAN(T) 1189 71
NOSTRIL 1205 66
REALiTY 689 77
SONNIES 7191 71
sTORiED 178 74
GUS(t)IEST 17568 72
EArNERS 1883 78
(O)UTsHINE 1464 92
CARV(I)NGS 14360 69
ONERI(E)ST 48 82
VeRBILE 8334 79
S(I)LENTER 390 59
TeR(R)OIRS 7332 78
MESTINO 993 84
YODLERS 6389 93
FORBADE 4986 75
INFErRE(D) 6425 86
U(N)HAIReD 1021 76
A(V)ERSIoN 229 74
COuNTIN(G) 14519 83
WATErIE(R) 1970 62
ID(E)ATIVE 1757 78
(S)ChNEIDS 21134 72
REPINES 2298 74
DIORITE(S) 404 68
FLATT(E)NS 8333 62
TRIVETS 6575 80
PArADES 6036 71
TRANCeS 1588 74
LINTERS 451 80
ElIMINA(TOR) 86 92
GUARAnI 3446 81
DELATIN(G) 457 74
tONSURE 530 83
V(E)rTICAL 3318 82
TRITON(E)S 494 66
G(R)APLIN(E)s 2048 86
ENRAGES 1189 77
FReTTER 14803 81
LaZIEST 3546 91
VISIONE(D) 3231 70
PAtINAS 5477 90
TENDONS 3491 72
mOPERIE(S) 4841 80
KNAID(E)lS 4983 66
MIDDl(E)RS 15949 80
SIERRAN 551 72
TRIPLEs 3304 77
OLEF(I)NEs 1938 80
BIlLOWS 21304 84
LOMENTA 916 82
PITEOUS 2053 69
SINEWED 4152 75
REDATEs 577 88
LAYERED 4069 80
EQuATES 7309 74
bALLOON 17392 60
R(E)TAILER 520 70
FOOTIES 2789 75
AcCLIM(AT)E 20104 89
BAREH(A)ND 9766 65
ZEUgMAS 18570 72
GOU(T)IEST 3895 68
BUSTINg 13068 81
(P)ALAdINS 10567 80
PAROLIN(G) 3847 72
TOGGLER 10430 78
(T)rAbEATE 7078 71
ANISEEd 205 77
VaGRANt 10582 76
(t)URMOILS 7596 63
CLEANSE(R) 3016 64
OUT(E)ARNS 102 60
AGENCIE(S) 2341 74
INCITES 3635 65
sUBIDEA 3013 91
OUTRaG(E)D 685 72
(V)ARIAtED 1207 62
EVOCATO(R) 5232 98
(E)NTOZOAN 8424 131
ENGIRDL(ES) 1841 89
SPORING 7866 92
SQuATTE(R) 12799 84
THANAGE 5266 90
ST(E)RICAL 1016 61
UNKIN(D)ER 12800 80
OMITTE(R)s 3603 140
mALLEES 14195 65
(T)RIPLANE 431 83
OVErFIT 2768 82
ERRATAS 3395 62
SPLENII 6077 83
HERRING 8614 72
LIMONIT(E) 1692 83
NI(T)RIDES 870 68
YAUPERs 13464 86
NON(T)ITLE 4169 59
REMo(V)ALS 8838 78
oVE(R)BITE 2602 76
SL(I)POVER 6865 80
DUNGIER 1733 90
sPLINTS 17921 75
AROUSER 1698 66
URETHAN(E) 1602 86
(N)ONIDEAL 446 64
TEEnIEs* 0 64
uNTEACh 7004 60
PORTI(O)nS 6003 72
AMORIsT 1665 72
SEDAT(I)ON 18 68
ABSE(N)TEE 4721 62
RAIDERS 1336 92
VISUAlL(Y) 25407 84
CARRION 4195 84
AGRIMON(Y) 8106 95
ASINiNE 1679 66
ENNEADs 3711 70
ROSTrUM 15842 70
bEAGLES 8642 66
PROCUr(E)S 18549 69
fIXATED 7777 96
MIsDONE 2008 81
TENdONS 3489 74
TRAIPSE 724 86
RONDEAU 151 64
aRANEID 131 84
Y(I)ELDING 10210 88
ENTRUST 5293 71
CENTRoI(D) 599 83
iSOLINE 740 69
PURSIE(S)T 12263 78
(E)STIVATE 3702 95
NEEDLER 4852 72
MILTiER 3649 73
IGNORES 409 65
RELENTS 1442 83
(L)IGATURE 474 61
(R)ELICENS(E) 4844 78
REGAINE(R) 946 61
AGONiZ(e)S 2513 86
TZARIST 12471 102
HAIRIES(T) 1246 74
OUTLEAD(S) 884 80
VARNISH 9265 82
EMAILED 2122 76
(EX)ECUTION 5681 73
CEILiNG 8201 80
LA(G)GARDS 24520 72
REALISE 210 69
SOLANIN 2870 77
REVU(V)IAN* 0 66
NUTSIER 452 83
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
uNDU(L)ATE 7211 131
SCRAB(b)LE 25562 158
OMITTE(R)s 3603 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(NO)VATIONS 7029 74
rEINVAD(ED) 4090 92
ElIMINA(TOR) 86 92
G(R)APLIN(E)s 2048 86
AcCLIM(AT)E 20104 89
ENGIRDL(ES) 1841 89
(R)ELICENS(E) 4844 78
(EX)ECUTION 5681 73
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FUKE* 0 0
ATUN(E)* 0 0
UPE* 0 0
MUTABl(E)S* 0 0
W(AN)G* 0 0
J(ED)* 0 0
AE(s)* 0 0
RERAILs* 0 0
RELInER* 0 0
(R)ICY* 0 0
GRRL* 0 0
BLOD(G)eTS* 0 0
VI(Z)* 0 0
AROAR* 0 0
RAJAN* 0 0
NAS* 0 0
HAR* 0 0
EAUS* 0 0
OUTCITe(S)* 0 0
IN(L)A(Y)ED* 0 0
(R)ETAXI* 0 0
AP* 0 0
LUMIN* 0 0
INFLIeS* 0 0
TAILlIT* 0 0
BOM* 0 0
BR(A)M* 0 0
TILEIN(G)* 0 0
CEN* 0 0
HOITY* 0 0
RER* 0 0
TIF* 0 0
(DE)JUNCT* 0 0
GO(U)DA* 0 0
BHOTI* 0 0
VATO* 0 0
PLeAiNG* 0 0
GORDO* 0 0
SeTATiO(N)* 0 0
SAUS* 0 0
EDO* 0 0
PEX* 0 0
OWA* 0 0
GA* 0 0
COI* 0 0
ER(D)* 0 0
YIP(E)E* 0 0
JUTED* 0 0
GIZnO* 0 0
FLOATIe* 0 0
H(E)TAIR(A)Is* 0 0
FO(RE)D* 0 0
TOA(D)IER* 0 0
SPIP* 0 0
ZAI(D)E* 0 0
REFI* 0 0
DIRI(E)S* 0 0
HOH* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
REVU(V)IAN* 0 66
(Z)EN* 0 24
WhEALEd* 0 68
V(E)R* 0 14
TATA* 0 11
D(O)N(N)Y* 0 23
TY(E)D* 0 40
VOIDL(Y)* 0 26
(H)AGrODES* 0 76
FOIL(Y)* 0 22
TRANCHE(D)* 0 70
MH* 0 30
OPER(E)TTE* 0 74
INURER* 0 74
(AR)TIC* 0 13
N(AY)ER* 0 16
(C)OATIE* 0 9
RIT* 0 17
CAJONS* 0 29
LE* 0 24
INATE* 0 25
ENI(A)C* 0 21
(E)GALS* 0 24
(F)LOWY* 0 28
AGEES* 0 74
TARRIF* 0 37
SPUT(T)IER* 0 76
WOMP* 0 35
AMORE* 0 17
OUT(S)TICk* 0 59
BAHS* 0 31
SE* 0 30
HOMET* 0 28
REUBEN* 0 18
(P)ICO* 0 24
KLI(C)* 0 30
RONT(E)* 0 23
SAUTEE* 0 32
AP* 0 13
ZIGG(Y)* 0 20
A(L)lODIAS* 0 59
TROD(S)* 0 18
CHA* 0 18
ANNELE* 0 14
NY* 0 23
(E)GALS* 0 24
BoWTIE* 0 27
HUICS* 0 77
FUSEED* 0 75
FARA* 0 88
EW* 0 31
(J)UTTER* 0 26
SHAB* 0 36
TEEnIEs* 0 64
OK* 0 35
OK* 0 24
DEFS* 0 15
REVU(V)IAN* 0 66
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FUKE* 0 0
ATUN(E)* 0 0
UPE* 0 0
MUTABl(E)S* 0 0
W(AN)G* 0 0
J(ED)* 0 0
AE(s)* 0 0
RERAILs* 0 0
RELInER* 0 0
(R)ICY* 0 0
GRRL* 0 0
BLOD(G)eTS* 0 0
VI(Z)* 0 0
PIRATEs 720 0
FUND 3043 0
SUNDIAL 3728 0
TOR 92 0
TESTeRS 13763 0
OUTCITe(S)* 0 0
IN(L)A(Y)ED* 0 0
(R)ETAXI* 0 0
BAH 815 0
LUMIN* 0 0
S(E)W 442 0
INFLIeS* 0 0
TAILlIT* 0 0
BOM* 0 0
BR(A)M* 0 0
TILEIN(G)* 0 0
ACE 93 0
HOITY* 0 0
RUG 638 0
T(I)Z 616 0
(DE)JUNCT* 0 0
EX(T)OLLER 15636 84
(M)YELINES 10491 89
GO(U)DA* 0 0
QIS 787 45
GUNN(Y) 8243 22
BHOTI* 0 0
VATO* 0 0
PLeAiNG* 0 0
GORDO* 0 0
GRAFTS 8233 0
IRI(D)IUmS 22732 0
PENSIVE 8391 99
SeTATiO(N)* 0 0
COX 989 0
CAME 1576 0
GA* 0 0
COI* 0 0
ER(D)* 0 0
CAID 1149 0
YIP(E)E* 0 0
JUTED* 0 0
GIZnO* 0 0
FLOATIe* 0 0
H(E)TAIR(A)Is* 0 0
FO(RE)D* 0 0
TOA(D)IER* 0 0
WINNERS 6567 0
ZAI(D)E* 0 0
LAID 512 0
DIRI(E)S* 0 0
HOH* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Games that end in ties.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 348
Invalid Games 0.02 8
Incomplete 0.02 7
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 1
Total Turns 27.14 9444
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.67 233.5
Score 423.47 147368
Score per Turn 31.1494
Turns 13.59 4731
Vertical Plays 6.47 2253
Horizontal Plays 6.02 2094
One Tile Plays 0.51 177
Other Plays 0.59 207
Firsts 0.49 172
Vertical Openings per First 0.9861
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0139
Full Rack per Turn 0.9818
Exchanges 0.37 130
High Game 609
Low Game 247
Highest Scoring Turn 167
Bingos Played 1.89 657
Sevens 1.01 353
Eights 0.86 301
Nines 0.01 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 4477.57
Sevens 4110.08
Eights 4942.98
Nines 2558.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.92 17721
A 4.71 1639
B 1.10 384
C 1.01 352
D 2.03 707
E 6.05 2107
F 0.94 328
G 1.59 553
H 1.06 368
I 4.53 1578
J 0.53 184
K 0.54 188
L 2.07 722
M 0.95 330
N 2.97 1035
O 4.10 1427
P 0.95 330
Q 0.50 173
R 3.07 1069
S 2.03 707
T 2.94 1024
U 2.06 716
V 1.04 362
W 1.01 350
X 0.55 191
Y 1.05 364
Z 0.53 183
? 1.01 350
Power Tiles Played 5.14 1788
? 1.01 350
J 0.53 184
Q 0.50 173
X 0.55 191
Z 0.53 183
S 2.03 707
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 37
? 0.02 7
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 7
X 0.00 1
Z 0.01 3
S 0.05 19
Turns With a Blank 2.44 850
Triple Triples Played 0.02 7
Bingoless Games 0.06 21
Bonus Square Coverage 16.64 5790
Double Letter 5.48 1908
Triple Letter 5.94 2068
Double Word 3.01 1049
Triple Word 2.20 765
Phony Plays 0.42 145
Unchallenged 0.27 93
Challenged Off 0.15 52
Challenges 0.42 146
You Won 0.24 84
Opponent Lost 0.01 5
You Lost 0.01 5
Opponent Won 0.15 52
Challenge Percentage 0.9438
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0877
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6414
Comments 10.49 3651
Comments Word Length 152.59 53103
Mistakeless Turns 13.34 4642
Mistakes per Turn 0.0201
Mistakes 0.27 95
Knowledge 0.05 17
Finding 0.15 53
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.02 6
Strategy 0.05 16
Endgame 0.01 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5233 (0.4862, 0.5322)
B 0.5500 (0.4604, 0.5580)
C 0.5050 (0.4604, 0.5580)
D 0.5075 (0.4747, 0.5437)
E 0.5042 (0.4893, 0.5291)
F 0.4700 (0.4604, 0.5580)
G 0.5300 (0.4693, 0.5491)
H 0.5300 (0.4604, 0.5580)
I 0.5033 (0.4862, 0.5322)
J 0.5300 (0.4402, 0.5782)
K 0.5400 (0.4402, 0.5782)
L 0.5175 (0.4747, 0.5437)
M 0.4750 (0.4604, 0.5580)
N 0.4950 (0.4810, 0.5374)
O 0.5125 (0.4848, 0.5336)
P 0.4750 (0.4604, 0.5580)
Q 0.5000 (0.4402, 0.5782)
R 0.5117 (0.4810, 0.5374)
S 0.5075 (0.4747, 0.5437)
T 0.4900 (0.4810, 0.5374)
U 0.5150 (0.4747, 0.5437)
V 0.5200 (0.4604, 0.5580)
W 0.5050 (0.4604, 0.5580)
X 0.5500 (0.4402, 0.5782)
Y 0.5250 (0.4604, 0.5580)
Z 0.5300 (0.4402, 0.5782)
? 0.5050 (0.4604, 0.5580)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.33 114.5
Score 380.77 132507
Score per Turn 28.1152
Turns 13.54 4713
Vertical Plays 5.90 2053
Horizontal Plays 6.25 2174
One Tile Plays 0.61 214
Other Plays 0.78 272
Firsts 0.51 176
Vertical Openings per First 0.1835
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8165
Full Rack per Turn 0.3785
Exchanges 0.36 125
High Game 609
Low Game 148
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.51 524
Sevens 0.84 293
Eights 0.64 223
Nines 0.02 7
Tens 0.00 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5622.62
Sevens 5323.92
Eights 6016.52
Nines 6519.57
Tens 86.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.35 16130
A 4.16 1449
B 0.88 305
C 0.92 320
D 1.89 659
E 5.66 1971
F 1.02 355
G 1.34 465
H 0.91 318
I 4.05 1410
J 0.46 161
K 0.45 156
L 1.80 626
M 1.01 352
N 2.81 978
O 3.69 1283
P 1.02 355
Q 0.48 168
R 2.72 946
S 1.82 635
T 2.82 983
U 1.79 623
V 0.91 317
W 0.97 338
X 0.45 156
Y 0.92 320
Z 0.46 161
? 0.92 320
Power Tiles Played 4.60 1601
? 0.92 320
J 0.46 161
Q 0.48 168
X 0.45 156
Z 0.46 161
S 1.82 635
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.16 54
? 0.05 19
J 0.01 3
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 1
S 0.09 31
Turns With a Blank 1.31 456
Triple Triples Played 0.01 3
Bingoless Games 0.16 55
Bonus Square Coverage 15.28 5317
Double Letter 4.77 1660
Triple Letter 5.13 1786
Double Word 2.85 991
Triple Word 2.53 880
Phony Plays 0.44 152
Unchallenged 0.20 68
Challenged Off 0.24 84
Challenges 0.42 146
You Won 0.15 52
Opponent Lost 0.01 5
You Lost 0.01 5
Opponent Won 0.24 84
Challenge Percentage 0.9123
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0562
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4474
Comments 10.49 3651
Comments Word Length 152.59 53103
Mistakeless Turns 13.53 4710
Mistakes per Turn 0.0006
Mistakes 0.01 3
Knowledge 0.01 3
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4622 (0.4405, 0.4865)
B 0.4400 (0.4148, 0.5122)
C 0.4600 (0.4148, 0.5122)
D 0.4725 (0.4291, 0.4979)
E 0.4717 (0.4436, 0.4834)
F 0.5100 (0.4148, 0.5122)
G 0.4467 (0.4237, 0.5033)
H 0.4550 (0.4148, 0.5122)
I 0.4500 (0.4405, 0.4865)
J 0.4600 (0.3946, 0.5324)
K 0.4500 (0.3946, 0.5324)
L 0.4500 (0.4291, 0.4979)
M 0.5050 (0.4148, 0.5122)
N 0.4683 (0.4354, 0.4916)
O 0.4612 (0.4392, 0.4878)
P 0.5100 (0.4148, 0.5122)
Q 0.4800 (0.3946, 0.5324)
R 0.4533 (0.4354, 0.4916)
S 0.4550 (0.4291, 0.4979)
T 0.4700 (0.4354, 0.4916)
U 0.4475 (0.4291, 0.4979)
V 0.4550 (0.4148, 0.5122)
W 0.4850 (0.4148, 0.5122)
X 0.4500 (0.3946, 0.5324)
Y 0.4600 (0.4148, 0.5122)
Z 0.4600 (0.3946, 0.5324)
? 0.4600 (0.4148, 0.5122)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
J1 EME +23 Finding Medium
def missed merge and emerge. whoops #findingmedium
8K AUREI +26 Strategy Unspecified
nice iiu draw. auric is 5 points better #strategy medium
12H (C)ONDO +16 Knowledge Large
chickened out of condoled fml #knowledgelarge
B12 (W)RY +18 Finding Large
Chickened out of herry and missed henry. #findinglarge
12D WHO(M) +24 Finding Large
definitely did not see hornier. sad #findingsaddest
12L AW +19 Strategy Medium
didnt like awa because of the huge away hook i didnt have. anew i though was okay but blocked my bingo line to the d which i didnt love. What i think i need to do is play waiter or awaiter to force the board open #strategymedium
13C NE +9 Finding Large
still missing mugger. #findingsaddest
14I CUD +13 Knowledge Large
saw dulcinea but didnt know dulciana or bicaudal. missed incudal #findingsaddest #knowledgelarge
14I CUD +13 Finding Large
saw dulcinea but didnt know dulciana or bicaudal. missed incudal #findingsaddest #knowledgelarge
I5 HOE +20 Finding Small
funny. i saw reebok but not rhebok. RHEBOK sims about .5 points better. #Findingsmall
11D UnBEARS +73 Finding Large
Looked for like 5 minutes for doubles but couldnt come up with SURBASE and RUBASSE smh. #Findinglarge
E3 O(H)O +12 Finding Medium
broo is so much better #findingmedium
J10 MON +23 Finding Large
I like my play best after LO(G)JAM which i missed #findinglarge
15A RUSH +41 Knowledge Medium
didnt know rushee #knowledgemedium
11H FLOC +23 Knowledge Medium
didnt know FLOCCED. Definitely best #knowledgemedium
L1 KR(E)WE +34 Knowledge Large
Didn't know DELUSIVE #knowledgesaddest
7F GU(V) +8 Tactics Medium
champ and sim likes 7g EVE which is fascinating. I liked guv over the board because it greatly reduces Ben's scoring chances, where he is scoring nothing without an s. the problem is that my average score is also greatly reduced, and my bingo chanced plummet. EVE is best #tacticsmedium
15G TORQuE +48 Finding Large
Its funny. I saw roque and toque but i guess i just missed quote which would block coesite smh #findinglarge
9C COT +14 Finding Large
STOMATIC smh #findinglarge
G3 VINA +16 Finding Medium
derfinitely got tilted after him blocking vanitas. TAV b12 setting up strip is so obviously the play fml #findingmedium
exch RRUYY +0 Finding Large
NOYAUX #findingsaddest
exch AITUU +0 Finding Large
I think exchanign is better than every play except for 2B AUTUMN. Gotta find that #findinglarge
F1 MATH +25 Knowledge Large
SMARTISH is 92 FML. didnt know THIRAMS or THAIRMS either #knowledgelarge
F6 B(I)ND +13 Finding Medium
bundler #findingmedium
H6 THIN +14 Finding Unspecified
ninth #findingmediu
D12 F(R)OW +28 Finding Medium
j2 wifed fosho #findingmedium
4J HID +21 Finding Medium
i guess i missed hided #findingmedium
O1 OD +21 Finding Large
I guess i missed solander yikes #findinglarge
12L BUTT +34 Endgame Large
I mistracked and thought she had an o and no bingoes thru the p. #endgamesaddest
K3 OMA +18 Tactics Unspecified
dogma is just superior #tactics medium
6F DOGS +16 Tactics Small
SONG K9 #tacticssmall
J4 W(AB) +8 Finding Medium
ewer is killed 4l #findingmedium
10G R(A)SP +14 Tactics Medium
kinda forgot about the y hook here.... #tacticsmedium
M9 HOIST +33 Finding Large
I found pilotfish as a 9 that was possible but missed my 7 of histoid #findinglarge
15A WE +20 Finding Large
Missed EYEWEAR #findingsaddest
1D GR(A)PE +30 Finding Small
peage is probably a bit better -4 #findingsmall
D1 (G)REW +16 Knowledge Large
i saw swarmer but didnt want to take a chance on a word i was less than 50% sure on -30 #knowledgelarge
E8 V(O)GUE +18 Finding Medium
fovea 10b is clearly the play if i see it, which i dont #findingmedium
N2 JAY +40 Finding Large
jay>joy bc of jo plays and the dido hook, but i also conpletely spaced on didy plays like joey #findinglarge
N9 OF +28 Finding Large
uh oozed??? #findinglarge
M11 NAOI +12 Finding Large
i could not for the life of me generate a play that i liked -10 m6naive #findingsaddest
11I PEE(IN)G +18 Knowledge Large
completely missed vegie, terrible, also doubted myself on peeving #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
11I PEE(IN)G +18 Finding Large
completely missed vegie, terrible, also doubted myself on peeving #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
13B HAO +14 Finding Large
great, i missed john #findingsaddest
2D BLURT +15 Endgame Small
umbral is 1 point better #endgamesmall
I4 CHAO +14 Knowledge Large
panocha #knowledgelarge. almost tried choanas since choanae is good
11C PAM +27 Finding Medium
campi?? #findingmedium
L5 SOOTIEr +64 Finding Large
coonties??? #findinglarge
9F FOX +29 Knowledge Large
i3 toadflax #knowledgelarge
9B hULLOAS +69 Knowledge Medium
allosaur #knowledgemedium
J8 LEK +41 Strategy Unspecified
champ likes lev g11 over lek. Fascinating. In hindsight i much prefer kep over lek which i dont think i considered #strategy small
8M V(I)N +18 Finding Medium
Inhume has to be best #findingmedium
11G Z(O)WEE +34 Tactics Small
6d cozey seems a bit better #tacticssmall
D9 COXA(E) +28 Tactics Small
i chose thios bc it holds ki for next turn for 35. even still croak is still a bit better, sim likes it 3rd #setupsmall #tacticssmall
J5 O(P) +4 Strategy Large
absolutely no idea. f13 lo clearly hits a ton, but he has easy blocks that score, and then i dont have a scoring rack unless i hit a bing to the g, which happens 11/28 times. i think 14e lo is the play, as if he is holding consonants its hard for him to block and score with it, and makes his life a bit more difficult. #strategylarge
8G (FAUNA)E +10 Finding Medium
definitely woulve played acne had i seen it, i saw alec but is clearly wrong despite the sim liking it best #findingmedium
G7 SMOG +29 Finding Large
missed egoisms #findinglarge
I1 PREZ +33 Knowledge Large
prizers #knowledgelarge
2A SWoRDED +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
I always mess up this alphagram AGGGHH #findinglarge also swarded is a word
14A (E)NORMOUs +72 Finding Small
sunroom -4 #findingsmall
I6 GY(V)E +16 Strategy Small
YAGE is pretty poor defensively.I liked this becayse i thought it was quite defensive unsless Annette had an s, but overlooked j6 GEY which scores 5 more and is more defensive. Even though gyve sets up my s, it isn't ocrrect. Sim likes GEY by 1.5 #strategysmall
J5 CEE +18 Finding Small
J6 SEANCE is so beautiful #findingsmall
O4 VOI(D)ER +42 Finding Large
holy shit did i just miss overnice. i felt like i was missing a bingo but still. jesus. the sadder part is ive definitely never missed that on aerolith. #findinglarge
14K H(A)NG +24 Knowledge Large
dungheap -40 #knowledgelarge. i was at least happy that this set up the b hook which evan #2 probably wont know
B10 QaT +37 Finding Medium
i really find it impossible that i lose after this play unless he has a 6 with -oke. piquet is an option i did not see and pretty much outruns any bngos -10 #findingmedium
A13 ILL +21 Strategy Medium
flip seems right -13 #strategymedium
I7 HOY +28 Strategy Small
hob over hoy #strategysmall
K10 TAB +12 Strategy Large
not really sure of my thought process here. Very questionable. #strategylarge
O1 RESPIKE +107 Knowledge Large
... #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest how do you not find peskier and play a phony, when peskier is literally more points anyway
O1 RESPIKE +107 Finding Large
... #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest how do you not find peskier and play a phony, when peskier is literally more points anyway
3C E(A)U +6 Strategy Unspecified
wasnt sure on modals. didnt think keith was either. Was trying for spread but insanely stupid. #strategy large
13E SAFE +35 Finding Large
completely spaced on scart this game, so thought was being exteremely safe emptying the bag with safe, but most certainly was not #strategylarge #findinglarge
13E SAFE +35 Strategy Large
completely spaced on scart this game, so thought was being exteremely safe emptying the bag with safe, but most certainly was not #strategylarge #findinglarge
12A WYES +40 Finding Unspecified
sweeny 12d #finding medium
H1 MA(R)QUE +81 Finding Small
burqa is probably best. chickened out of barque #findingsmall
C3 BROO +21 Knowledge Medium
NOCEBO is great. #knowledgemedium
13B KEN +26 Finding Medium
evoke #findingmedium
D2 MO(N) +14 Finding Large
Knew i was rusty with hight prob stuff coming in, but no where did i think id miss MOTILES. #FINDINGSADDEST
E10 PEAT +27 Finding Small
pattee probably slightly better #findingsmall
3L OKA +18 Finding Small
G10 IOTA better to block bingoes from the r and hold scoring. ACIT can get clunky quickly. Not to mention IOTA sets up the K for TEAK if need be #findingsmall
12D B(AI)T +12 Finding Large
Nothing seems good here unless you find BACTE(RIN) #findinglarge
H12 HINT +47 Strategy Small
maybe thine to somewhat obscure bingoes to the bottom triple. Hent over hint because of all the ee's unseen? Hent sims best despite the s front hook #strategysmall
M11 PEG +19 Strategy Unspecified
Probably peg m9 over m11 to stop q plays for a billion. which becomes relevant. 6B PEISE sims best #strategy medium
B9 TYEE +18 Strategy Large
I saw rhombus and wasnt sure if broques* was valid. I think I also thought brusque played as well. chose to block the bingo lane instead of blocking the easy q bomb. At least by blocking the q bomb i force bernard to find those tough finds, whereas qursh or quash or something is just an easy find. #strategylarge
I6 KI(R)N +25 Strategy Medium
after a long sim karn is 10 points better #strategymedium
12B ARCO +21 Knowledge Large
I totally spaced that narco was good...until later. PREY G8 is best. SIm still likes arco better than narco but prey sims 5 poitns better #Strategymedium #knowledgesaddest
12B ARCO +21 Strategy Medium
I totally spaced that narco was good...until later. PREY G8 is best. SIm still likes arco better than narco but prey sims 5 poitns better #Strategymedium #knowledgesaddest
H13 (D)EN +12 Finding Large
#findinglarge #knowkledgesaddest #strategylarge
H13 (D)EN +12 Strategy Large
#findinglarge #knowkledgesaddest #strategylarge
C7 MIG +19 Finding Large
probably just mote against julia. wanna make her decision difficult. this is terrible. vog or veg are options i didnt consier #findingsaddest
1A FO(O) +18 Finding Large
Never came close to finding factum #findinglarge
L5 OESTRON(E) +59 Finding Large
14J GRIPE +35 Finding Large
definitely missed perigees. Yikes. #findingsaddest
15L DEL +20 Knowledge Large
I wrote down datelined but didnt like it. #knowledgelarge
J1 OI +13 Endgame Medium
b12 imid 10 better #endgamemedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
5G (NO)VATIONS +74 Knowledge Large
Held this for a while. Really shoulf have let this go. Absolutely fucking terrible. I didnt know it, but i had INJURIES in respone, not to mention that he obviously has ovations anyway. #knowledgesaddest
2J (J)UTTER +26 Knowledge Large
*sigh #knowledgelarge
K2 TEEnIEs +64 Knowledge Large
EWWWW I cant believe I let this go. I was hella rusty on my high prob stuff coming into this tournament and he has so many other things i just let it go. disgusting. #knowledgesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 34841 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 34374 44 Game is incomplete.
Game 34858 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 34837 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 34856 41 Game is incomplete.
Game 36341 46 Game is incomplete.
Game 39411 39 Game is incomplete.
Game 30766 2 Both players have the same name.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 31309 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10489, Round 2).
Game 43895 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11494, Round 2).
Game 43748 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11489, Round 1).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.