Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
didnt like awa because of the huge away hook i didnt have. anew i though was okay but blocked my bingo line to the d which i didnt love. What i think i need to do is play waiter or awaiter to force the board open #strategymedium
champ and sim likes 7g EVE which is fascinating. I liked guv over the board because it greatly reduces Ben's scoring chances, where he is scoring nothing without an s. the problem is that my average score is also greatly reduced, and my bingo chanced plummet. EVE is best #tacticsmedium
absolutely no idea. f13 lo clearly hits a ton, but he has easy blocks that score, and then i dont have a scoring rack unless i hit a bing to the g, which happens 11/28 times. i think 14e lo is the play, as if he is holding consonants its hard for him to block and score with it, and makes his life a bit more difficult. #strategylarge
YAGE is pretty poor defensively.I liked this becayse i thought it was quite defensive unsless Annette had an s, but overlooked j6 GEY which scores 5 more and is more defensive. Even though gyve sets up my s, it isn't ocrrect. Sim likes GEY by 1.5 #strategysmall
holy shit did i just miss overnice. i felt like i was missing a bingo but still. jesus. the sadder part is ive definitely never missed that on aerolith. #findinglarge
i really find it impossible that i lose after this play unless he has a 6 with -oke. piquet is an option i did not see and pretty much outruns any bngos -10 #findingmedium
completely spaced on scart this game, so thought was being exteremely safe emptying the bag with safe, but most certainly was not #strategylarge #findinglarge
completely spaced on scart this game, so thought was being exteremely safe emptying the bag with safe, but most certainly was not #strategylarge #findinglarge
G10 IOTA better to block bingoes from the r and hold scoring. ACIT can get clunky quickly. Not to mention IOTA sets up the K for TEAK if need be #findingsmall
maybe thine to somewhat obscure bingoes to the bottom triple. Hent over hint because of all the ee's unseen? Hent sims best despite the s front hook #strategysmall
I saw rhombus and wasnt sure if broques* was valid. I think I also thought brusque played as well. chose to block the bingo lane instead of blocking the easy q bomb. At least by blocking the q bomb i force bernard to find those tough finds, whereas qursh or quash or something is just an easy find. #strategylarge
I totally spaced that narco was good...until later. PREY G8 is best. SIm still likes arco better than narco but prey sims 5 poitns better
#Strategymedium #knowledgesaddest
I totally spaced that narco was good...until later. PREY G8 is best. SIm still likes arco better than narco but prey sims 5 poitns better
#Strategymedium #knowledgesaddest
Held this for a while. Really shoulf have let this go. Absolutely fucking terrible. I didnt know it, but i had INJURIES in respone, not to mention that he obviously has ovations anyway. #knowledgesaddest
EWWWW I cant believe I let this go. I was hella rusty on my high prob stuff coming into this tournament and he has so many other things i just let it go. disgusting. #knowledgesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11489, Round 1).
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