Evan Berofsky
Evan Berofsky
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
VIRgINA(L) 11865 90
GROO(V)ERS 21922 76
LADRONE 174 62
RE(E)NTERS 9339 70
DISCReT(E) 2833 89
TANTARA 12182 63
EVU(L)SION 2590 62
T(O)PAZINE 2196 88
TERRIN(E)S 1195 71
SOUTANE 156 69
(C)ENTIaRE 217 80
GOnIdIA 2209 72
(T)INKERED 3326 92
AUDITE(E)s 470 66
URInAT(O)R 1229 68
MEL(A)NOID 686 63
VIbISTS 30359 96
HEIRING 6886 68
HARDiES(T) 1275 89
WITLESs 17047 94
BREVIER 11337 72
SEcTILE 3813 74
sTATELY 8713 71
(C)OpARENT 2739 80
UNSEAT(E)d 1216 71
(I)SOTONIC 12737 80
PERITUS 4293 95
SEWERED 15681 84
SHOALeD 4851 88
BESTRiD(E) 2820 83
POnTINE 3451 72
AtAATAS 30689 69
CTENOID 1231 102
(D)ILATORS 945 80
IM(P)ARTED 4382 82
EBONIS(T)S 8518 70
LAWINES 2053 74
TELETHo(N) 9819 67
SEISINS 26550 69
aNAE(R)OBE 900 63
PISSERS 20889 82
eIGHTVO 6591 87
PRAISED 2006 79
pARANOI(D) 3556 68
(H)OUSELeD 12409 86
ERODENT 442 89
(I)NDICiAL* 0 89
AsPHODE(L) 9583 84
AMNESIA 1695 77
(S)hIVAREe 4058 89
NEGATES 1531 73
BIDDERS 16933 69
FlAT(M)ATE 17165 66
INVItEE 2401 65
GOL(D)URNS 10844 83
(S)UETIEST 16797 68
(L)IENABLE 8619 79
(A)UDITORS 948 66
qUATRAI(N) 10396 86
BRISToL 5618 76
C(O)ALESCE 16296 63
ENLISTE(D) 911 70
FOR(e)HANd 3829 86
ARsONIS(T) 2164 74
(A)UDIENTS 254 80
HUMI(T)URE 17053 78
sWEETIE 5709 74
INDOORS 3278 66
LORDOSI(S) 15384 63
HEIFERs 10957 82
vALORIS(E) 705 74
ANCIE(N)TS 3683 82
VIGIL(A)NT 12272 76
STUDIES 11288 82
SALTAT(E)D 9697 63
(S)UrTAXES 22291 78
CHARROs 22995 79
LANITAL 10973 74
GR(A)NDEUR 7261 62
OSTIO(L)ES 8282 70
(R)EOBtAIN 64 77
CRUISED 5414 91
(A)mYLOGEN 8381 88
GLAMORS 14399 78
E(M)INENCY 26969 80
AL(I)ENEES 986 62
COFFlED 29766 121
MINST(R)EL 3050 78
ENDo(C)AST 1679 140
RAMJETS 14343 101
DIAL(O)GIC 13493 66
SEAWANT 4839 80
NEARLIE(R) 492 68
GLUIeST 3326 65
(C)AROTINS 1427 74
sTONILY 7897 80
RECANTE(D) 2059 86
SENO(R)ITA 14 82
NUCLE(A)TE 3936 63
WAILERs 2053 75
SP(I)NDLED 15172 76
ANOO(P)sIA 6233 60
RENi(T)ENT 3274 113
SIGNOrE 387 80
CORTILE 1236 76
LAcKE(R)ED 19582 98
PATRIOT 5603 74
FLO(R)EnCE 10486 64
ABR(A)DING 12235 98
ENLIN(K)ED 18510 64
STATION 1860 66
DISNAT(uR)E 123 77
XANTHIC 23160 84
LUsTRAL 18043 77
SAWDERS 17245 81
STEEPED 16171 92
UNLOcKs 28486 82
NOVAL(I)KE 5886 82
P(O)MATOES 10833 79
EROsIVE 1653 70
AUd(I)ENCE 1960 86
CO(R)DLESS 22389 62
LOTOSES 14495 80
ESChEWS 22364 77
SKILLEd 18079 82
DHURNAS 14762 80
VOL(U)TiON 12156 90
DITSIER 1682 89
ImPURIT(Y) 31704 89
RELEaSE 3491 70
DALTONS 3276 79
(S)CRIpTED 11914 83
ARcUATE 3441 64
PEANING 7350 76
TURFMEN 13794 72
E(R)RORIST 9583 75
GRAT(E)FuL 5875 64
PARRID(G)E 6981 66
IN(D)OLENT 1094 60
CATENAE 3256 74
CRUMPLE 26011 82
MANTEA(U)S 6313 74
STUdIER 1492 92
(M)ANORIAL 3560 72
ACHIrAL 17552 67
TETR(A)DIC 2739 62
SCOPINg 20226 91
OUTRA(V)ES 1760 74
(A)BROGAtE 3258 76
PRAT(I)QUE 6328 80
VOICERS 4897 91
AU(D)ITIVE 3359 167
AUDILEs 1460 79
HAEM(A)TIC 15102 90
OUTsME(L)T 17057 68
TIRASSE 1841 72
ACEROSE 1623 64
JAGgERY 29917 101
RIALTOS 599 79
ROTINIS 1753 74
oV(E)RTAME 2461 98
TOnTINE 2313 71
EPILATO(R) 203 72
ON(A)NISTS 10801 82
p(R)OTEIDE 1067 71
INTER(I)MS 2537 72
mISSTY(L)E 20114 74
SALPINX 21785 81
(A)CIDURiA 14543 86
(RE)QuESTOR 15173 104
RALLIES 2755 81
EVASION 317 74
ERASIOn 6 72
UNIVERS(E) 4134 95
(V)ITRINES 3511 65
HER(D)sMAN 8232 84
(D)INGHIES 9697 78
RANCORS 9242 66
(W)InERIES 3309 62
UNPAYEd* 0 69
NONR(O)YaL 12899 62
A(V)ERMENT 3945 66
ODONATE 341 74
PREL(I)VES 9963 78
TOASTIN(G) 3226 77
ENVIERS 2189 86
CORRADE 4400 87
(G)AUChESt 14451 77
(C)ULVERTS 15765 76
IATRIC(A)L 7424 62
DOLeRIT(E) 159 76
ENTASIA 126 78
BRO(N)CHIa 10182 74
STRIPED 3023 85
(L)EPIDOTE 1754 86
AIRIEST 136 74
PLIANCY 15636 97
LAdRONE 138 73
POLECAT 6696 65
(R)OTAvATE 5170 74
FaSHION 9675 80
MAUTHeR 9398 74
VENDISS 17376 98
RIOTISE 319 61
NITRATE 254 91
HALLIAN 21091 78
BEHINdS 9328 77
XA(N)THANS 34696 71
DROP(l)ETS 6815 90
UNTI(D)IER 798 63
DELISTS 7816 66
WEETInG 4512 78
HOAgIES 1799 78
CE(L)ERITY 9375 71
MI(C)rODOT 19343 74
NESTLER 1893 66
gUN(S)HIPS 37357 82
RANTERS 1795 75
BAIDARS 11326 93
MAsSIVE 19492 87
ONLINER 999 66
METERAG(E) 8450 86
(L)IENTERY 2053 72
ASSI(G)nER 3113 122
(R)EcAMIER 7286 80
MINARET 217 75
FOOTAGE 3941 80
PAt(R)ONAL 4620 86
ACERATE 2303 74
ITCHIeR 7185 78
ENTOILS 172 69
FrEDAIN(E) 815 93
SIRREES 14050 71
CREATIN(G) 717 78
ADEnOMA 2164 66
SEARINg 250 74
ALUNITE 107 62
UNiFIES 5627 82
P(E)TUNtSE 12210 70
GLUIEST 3215 70
BRIDLES 5212 90
EN(D)OSTEA 154 68
MARKUpS 21763 108
LEGATEE 3768 71
RaTI(F)IES 1139 70
E(A)RRINGS 1512 60
GENToOS 3175 74
RUNLETS 3171 74
RET(O)OLED 1816 74
REOBtAI(N) 47 86
TOWSIER 1300 76
OVE(R)TURN 7832 76
SPIELER 5456 87
DURABLE 5331 70
G(AR)OTTERS 4534 83
dOGESHI(P) 16415 78
PA(T)RIATE 4273 64
BINDLeS 7548 92
pHORESY 21179 88
SE(T)ENANT 7589 69
(T)RAMLINE 536 64
DITTOED 6668 71
CENTRAL 1454 85
(T)aURINES 75 74
ACTINIA 5542 68
MEOUINg 2752 80
PERUS(E)RS 21987 61
FARSIDE 1924 86
LOKSHEN 19635 96
vENIRES 2115 64
PeRVERS(E) 21568 98
ALUNIT(E)S 250 59
REDEARS 3422 74
TAPIOC(A)S 9020 74
OVERLON(G) 8070 74
BIrDIES 5607 67
(O)NERIEST 43 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ENDo(C)AST 1679 140
RENi(T)ENT 3274 113
AU(D)ITIVE 3359 167
ASSI(G)nER 3113 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
DISNAT(uR)E 123 77
(RE)QuESTOR 15173 104
G(AR)OTTERS 4534 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
URS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CLIT* 0 24
(I)NDICiAL* 0 89
CALVER* 0 18
GAMBED* 0 28
UNPAYEd* 0 69
APLPS* 0 24
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
ICKILY 21565 38
FIVES 5778 0
BRIT 1596 24
DIAL(O)GIC 13493 66
SEAWANT 4839 80
FLO(R)EnCE 10486 64
SAWDERS 17245 81
DHURNAS 14762 80
MANTEA(U)S 6313 74
HAEM(A)TIC 15102 90
(A)CIDURiA 14543 86
(RE)QuESTOR 15173 104
VENDISS 17376 98
HALLIAN 21091 78
GADJE 6455 37
DENCH 7416 62
TOWSIER 1300 76
DITTOED 6668 71
LOKSHEN 19635 96
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ANLAGEs 5158 77
HE(A)PIEST* 0 64
TosTADA 8496 83
REUNION 751 77
bRULOTS 11018 64
REDOING 370 63
COLUMNE(A) 6395 66
NAUPLI(U)S 24646 76
SeRRATE 2505 84
(E)VERSION 1060 86
AEROTO(N)E 127 59
TePIDLY 9377 65
TINEIDS 1691 74
REMOtES 3462 80
A(I)RFARES 5100 65
uNSURES(T)* 0 74
RADIATE 155 77
(I)NHERENt 4888 72
SALIENT 103 73
hASSLED 21271 83
HERNIAT(E) 302 76
UNVOIc(E)S 8894 72
FREEGAN 4478 84
DRUPELE(T) 11200 86
MI(T)ERING 5553 65
OEsTRUM 5265 83
LOwNESS 18795 66
ROOfTOP 29034 72
AVIATES 2382 81
(S)ANTERAs 6188 64
UTTERiN(G) 4233 77
T(O)ENAILS 21 70
AIRIEST 174 74
LITER(A)TI 1043 62
TERBIAS 594 86
INITIA(T)E 3478 59
(T)RUNDLES 3228 83
CLAMoR(E)R 14304 64
GOdSLOT 18319 73
INS(U)LTER 689 67
(E)LOIGNER 329 72
(R)ERENTED 7010 61
NAIVeST 676 91
TINGLEd 1650 75
ICEBOaT 1234 73
GLOSSAR(Y) 28468 64
FRAILE(S)T 1341 74
bOE(R)TJIE 7170 82
NARCEIN 2793 64
FR(A)MInGS 18872 176
SiDEMEN 3966 79
MIN(T)IEST 8485 78
PRO(V)IDeD 14618 66
ATE(L)IERS 114 70
SAILBO(A)T 4734 61
TO(L)eRANT 454 64
QUERIED 7022 102
R(E)iNJECT 7493 67
bRAIZES 7451 85
FEAL(T)IES 1947 63
ThORNSE(T) 7827 82
RECoNN(E)D 9522 149
(L)ABELING 14007 74
(L)EVANTED 3876 76
DEEMING 7537 84
OVERS(M)AN 5195 80
NUTRIAS 1306 69
PERMIAN 3197 70
FLOORA(G)E 7242 76
(P)ERIBOLI 9664 64
RET(I)NENE 3060 77
AGITAtE 3498 65
COENURE 3513 74
AVENIRs 914 67
DEMES(N)ES 29893 65
TESTIER 2534 63
JAUNTIe 2326 76
AEQU(O)RIN 667 68
EPISTLE(R) 2990 90
REqUITE 4355 70
TaTTIN(G)S 23791 62
CLARiES 1911 86
(O)UTEARNS 130 60
GL(O)NOINs 18462 131
(O)RDALIUM 5866 78
OPErATE 619 79
STEREOS 4474 69
BANDITS 6597 68
DRAB(L)ERS 15459 80
PREANAL 4822 74
HEADIeR 1369 90
ITEMING 5058 72
TRIVETS 6311 82
MU(R)RINES* 0 78
STATURE 2712 73
DEFANGS 7179 79
TARDIER 698 67
SENSORS 24052 75
UNRIN(S)eD 5192 70
HAUL(M)IER 7500 67
BLOO(D)IER 5158 76
TOuPETS 14188 73
RELIERS 4868 75
IODIZeR 6107 106
tESTUDO 7930 70
INHES(I)ON 8716 65
REINSTA(L) 93 68
S(C)REEDED 29067 64
OBLAtEs 2498 72
GOOSIEr 2069 93
(S)LANTIER 95 68
qUAGG(I)ER 24262 73
LEANEST 757 68
ENTERAL 269 82
NOTATES 1007 82
LATERAD 1215 67
TSArINA 1530 77
CoLOUR(E)D 13251 80
SHIfTED 9697 86
OVERAG(E)S 2722 65
AGISTED 960 80
ENVIR(O)NS 4582 62
(R)ObOTIZE 11883 101
UNMITRE 2147 69
HIS(T)rION 6632 94
CROp(P)ERS 37238 149
B(E)HOTING 7331 80
INTERNS 1790 75
ARMOIrE 1153 80
DARTLeS 1093 83
(C)ANDIDAS 24609 76
MO(D)ULATE 3547 76
AIERIES 315 74
DEBONER 3431 67
UNACT(I)VE 4340 69
FARINAS 7280 72
ReTITL(E)D 3521 59
DIETARY 627 80
ZOUAVES 11256 128
MALTAsE 5803 83
fOUGADE 7185 70
BARTIS(A)N 5760 74
REIGNIT(E) 1129 80
lAZARET 8858 108
ALE(H)OUSE 4777 74
PIGF(A)cES 22453 84
(E)UlOGIZE 11748 71
EMINENT 6542 74
REBEGIN 3224 68
PANIERS 668 91
GENdERS 4358 84
TEAROOM 1277 87
ENTAsIA 129 69
HARRIED 5086 71
eGOTISM 4010 71
TABbING 17871 72
RENOVAT(ES) 502 64
JOISTED 5686 93
DE(NU)DATED 17248 63
HeROISM 4918 102
TAUTeNs 2709 77
(T)ORRIDLY 11428 74
(E)NABLERS 2847 74
STEREOS 6254 66
OUTA(R)GUE 5504 63
BOEHM(I)tE 12808 84
(P)ARIETES 617 83
AMEBOID 2571 73
POEm(L)IKE* 0 84
REACT(A)NT 5497 68
O(U)TSAILS 6637 82
AROMATI(C) 6015 89
nES(T)LING 5088 76
TRAIPSE 687 98
AROUSeS 3412 67
(S)YNTAGMS 25322 76
RENEWaL 2115 72
ENTASIA 126 78
BRO(N)CHIa 10182 74
DOLeRIT(E) 159 76
UNNERVe 10086 65
JOINAB(L)E 4200 118
REJO(I)NEd 1974 68
OBLIGED 7190 84
INFL(A)TER 528 82
CoNTROL(E) 5467 75
DOTAGES 1437 87
InVOLU(T)E 1346 62
A(I)GRETTE 869 72
INTERLA(P) 391 83
SLANTlY 24067 76
INTROR(S)E 614 68
WILdLIF(E) 31992 89
UNLINED 4804 64
SHAVErs 15948 92
RAMILI(E)S 3367 70
LINNETS 3810 71
LENDERS 3897 70
TOOLIES 1356 69
MOITHER 3692 75
EUKArYO(N) 10079 70
SUBTILe 7563 92
(V)ENTAYLE 9368 95
PAIRW(I)SE 8255 84
(N)ECRoTIC 11169 83
TRUDGE(R)S 15935 158
RET(A)INED 25 61
HEL(L)IONS 8863 74
SUCcOMB* 0 102
A(R)SONOUs 11375 122
PA(I)NLESS 7881 70
KAOLINs 5749 86
GL(I)TTERS 5090 65
CYANOG(E)N 12597 71
I(N)ACTIVE 3616 84
QUAyAGE 17338 87
BORNEOl 4992 74
ELEGIST 2353 73
OVERSEE(R) 17074 86
GReATeR 3803 75
(E)STRANGE 682 80
U(N)GENTlE 9394 72
cLOQUES 23092 84
(C)OnVENTS 14290 89
(D)ESIGNER 1640 86
META(D)ATA 23961 63
BELL(E)TER 26071 63
ESTAtED 4963 72
ORIGANS 1093 68
SlAVInG 8988 70
SULTRIE(R) 3639 70
pREVIEW(S) 14728 101
AUdITIO(N) 805 66
UNEASIE(R) 115 70
(E)SCROWED 10377 82
(F)ORENAME 2365 92
VITESSE 10318 79
COATERS 1138 82
NUANCEs 12298 85
OpIATIN(G) 5500 68
INULASE 395 62
INVITEs 3372 73
(E)NTrAILS 66 74
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
FR(A)MInGS 18872 176
RECoNN(E)D 9522 149
GL(O)NOINs 18462 131
CROp(P)ERS 37238 149
TRUDGE(R)S 15935 158
A(R)SONOUs 11375 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
RENOVAT(ES) 502 64
DE(NU)DATED 17248 63
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
HE(A)PIEST* 0 64
GON(I)C* 0 13
uNSURES(T)* 0 74
RE(WATCH)* 0 30
MU(R)RINES* 0 78
V(AIRED)* 0 10
POEm(L)IKE* 0 84
SUCcOMB* 0 102
DREWS* 0 20
C(I)R(ED)* 0 11
TUS* 0 9
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
UNSEX 4928 51
SOBbIER* 0 0
FAI* 0 0
RADICES 1360 0
(O)uTDWARF* 0 0
AGIST 1418 50
FR(A)MInGS 18872 176
OVERS(M)AN 5195 80
KIDD(Y) 12350 48
OV(E)rTEST* 0 0
SQUEG 9477 41
KHI 918 25
P(E)RDU 3528 24
ULNAR 1704 26
ALAY 3409 36
EUKArYO(N) 10079 70
SUBTILe 7563 92
TRUDGE(R)S 15935 158
OATY 1149 30
(DJINN)e* 0 0
(FIE)N* 0 0
SCOT 2710 35
BELL(E)TER 26071 63
NUANCEs 12298 85
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Games that end in ties.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 138
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.09 3462
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.58 79.5
Score 425.20 58678
Score per Turn 33.8007
Turns 12.58 1736
Vertical Plays 5.59 771
Horizontal Plays 6.17 851
One Tile Plays 0.43 60
Other Plays 0.39 54
Firsts 0.57 78
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.7506
Exchanges 0.29 40
High Game 589
Low Game 269
Highest Scoring Turn 167
Bingos Played 2.05 283
Sevens 1.01 140
Eights 1.01 140
Nines 0.02 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7670.51
Sevens 7730.60
Eights 7633.74
Nines 6610.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.31 6805
A 4.62 637
B 1.00 138
C 1.01 140
D 2.14 295
E 5.89 813
F 0.92 127
G 1.33 183
H 1.02 141
I 4.59 633
J 0.43 59
K 0.50 69
L 2.06 284
M 0.99 137
N 2.88 398
O 3.87 534
P 1.11 153
Q 0.50 69
R 2.86 394
S 2.01 278
T 2.99 412
U 1.78 245
V 0.97 134
W 0.99 137
X 0.43 59
Y 0.93 129
Z 0.52 72
? 0.98 135
Power Tiles Played 4.87 672
? 0.98 135
J 0.43 59
Q 0.50 69
X 0.43 59
Z 0.52 72
S 2.01 278
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 11
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.04 5
Turns With a Blank 1.39 192
Triple Triples Played 0.03 4
Bingoless Games 0.05 7
Bonus Square Coverage 15.99 2207
Double Letter 5.33 735
Triple Letter 5.51 761
Double Word 2.93 404
Triple Word 2.22 307
Phony Plays 0.09 12
Unchallenged 0.07 10
Challenged Off 0.01 2
Challenges 0.40 55
You Won 0.13 18
Opponent Lost 0.13 18
You Lost 0.12 17
Opponent Won 0.01 2
Challenge Percentage 0.5143
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.9000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.8333
Comments 8.30 1145
Comments Word Length 205.50 28359
Mistakeless Turns 12.58 1736
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5133 (0.4566, 0.5296)
B 0.5000 (0.4156, 0.5706)
C 0.5050 (0.4156, 0.5706)
D 0.5350 (0.4383, 0.5479)
E 0.4908 (0.4615, 0.5247)
F 0.4600 (0.4156, 0.5706)
G 0.4433 (0.4298, 0.5564)
H 0.5100 (0.4156, 0.5706)
I 0.5100 (0.4566, 0.5296)
J 0.4300 (0.3835, 0.6027)
K 0.5000 (0.3835, 0.6027)
L 0.5150 (0.4383, 0.5479)
M 0.4950 (0.4156, 0.5706)
N 0.4800 (0.4483, 0.5379)
O 0.4838 (0.4543, 0.5319)
P 0.5550 (0.4156, 0.5706)
Q 0.5000 (0.3835, 0.6027)
R 0.4767 (0.4483, 0.5379)
S 0.5025 (0.4383, 0.5479)
T 0.4983 (0.4483, 0.5379)
U 0.4450 (0.4383, 0.5479)
V 0.4850 (0.4156, 0.5706)
W 0.4950 (0.4156, 0.5706)
X 0.4300 (0.3835, 0.6027)
Y 0.4650 (0.4156, 0.5706)
Z 0.5200 (0.3835, 0.6027)
? 0.4900 (0.4156, 0.5706)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.42 58.5
Score 411.14 56737
Score per Turn 32.8720
Turns 12.51 1726
Vertical Plays 5.75 793
Horizontal Plays 5.91 816
One Tile Plays 0.50 69
Other Plays 0.35 48
Firsts 0.43 60
Vertical Openings per First 0.0909
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9091
Full Rack per Turn 0.8221
Exchanges 0.20 27
High Game 642
Low Game 229
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.80 248
Sevens 0.88 122
Eights 0.90 124
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6683.58
Sevens 5147.98
Eights 8195.44
Nines 8875.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.08 6635
A 4.22 583
B 0.96 132
C 0.89 123
D 1.74 240
E 5.82 803
F 1.05 145
G 1.58 218
H 0.96 133
I 4.13 570
J 0.57 78
K 0.50 69
L 1.82 251
M 0.94 130
N 2.84 392
O 4.01 553
P 0.86 119
Q 0.45 62
R 2.89 399
S 1.88 259
T 2.80 387
U 2.13 294
V 1.02 141
W 0.98 135
X 0.57 78
Y 1.03 142
Z 0.46 64
? 0.98 135
Power Tiles Played 4.90 676
? 0.98 135
J 0.57 78
Q 0.45 62
X 0.57 78
Z 0.46 64
S 1.88 259
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.15 21
? 0.03 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.04 5
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.07 10
Turns With a Blank 1.94 268
Triple Triples Played 0.04 6
Bingoless Games 0.07 10
Bonus Square Coverage 15.57 2148
Double Letter 4.99 689
Triple Letter 5.14 709
Double Word 3.00 414
Triple Word 2.43 336
Phony Plays 0.22 30
Unchallenged 0.09 12
Challenged Off 0.13 18
Challenges 0.40 55
You Won 0.01 2
Opponent Lost 0.12 17
You Lost 0.13 18
Opponent Won 0.13 18
Challenge Percentage 0.1000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4857
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4000
Comments 8.30 1145
Comments Word Length 205.50 28359
Mistakeless Turns 12.36 1706
Mistakes per Turn 0.0133
Mistakes 0.17 23
Knowledge 0.03 4
Finding 0.04 5
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.02 3
Strategy 0.03 4
Endgame 0.03 4
Time 0.01 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4689 (0.4443, 0.5173)
B 0.4800 (0.4033, 0.5583)
C 0.4450 (0.4033, 0.5583)
D 0.4350 (0.4260, 0.5356)
E 0.4850 (0.4492, 0.5124)
F 0.5250 (0.4033, 0.5583)
G 0.5267 (0.4175, 0.5441)
H 0.4800 (0.4033, 0.5583)
I 0.4589 (0.4443, 0.5173)
J 0.5700 (0.3712, 0.5904)
K 0.5000 (0.3712, 0.5904)
L 0.4550 (0.4260, 0.5356)
M 0.4700 (0.4033, 0.5583)
N 0.4733 (0.4361, 0.5255)
O 0.5012 (0.4421, 0.5195)
P 0.4300 (0.4033, 0.5583)
Q 0.4500 (0.3712, 0.5904)
R 0.4817 (0.4361, 0.5255)
S 0.4700 (0.4260, 0.5356)
T 0.4667 (0.4361, 0.5255)
U 0.5325 (0.4260, 0.5356)
V 0.5100 (0.4033, 0.5583)
W 0.4900 (0.4033, 0.5583)
X 0.5700 (0.3712, 0.5904)
Y 0.5150 (0.4033, 0.5583)
Z 0.4600 (0.3712, 0.5904)
? 0.4900 (0.4033, 0.5583)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K5 FUG(L)E +18 Knowledge Small
L4 FOGE(Y) #findingsad #knowledgesad for the challenge
K5 FUG(L)E +18 Finding Small
L4 FOGE(Y) #findingsad #knowledgesad for the challenge
D12 QA(I)D +32 Finding Small
D11 FAQ(I)R. I played too fast. #findingsad
D3 WI(Z) +30 Strategy Small
D3 FI(Z) doesn't give up an S hook and is slight harder to overlap. #strategysad
3B MO(W)ER +24 Finding Large
H1 E(C)OMA(P) #findingsaddest
10B FA +22 Strategy Large
3J FA(Y)ER keeps the G for possible B2 bingos making GOLDEN. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
10B FA +22 Time Large
3J FA(Y)ER keeps the G for possible B2 bingos making GOLDEN. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
B2 A(M)ORT +18 Endgame Large
14L T(H)IO #endgamesaddest
3L (Y)ETI +22 Time Large
M1 TIE #timesaddest
14A URE +14 Strategy Medium
Flailing. 5B URODELE looks like it gets paralleled and utterly fails to open anything for me but perhaps I just need the 22 points and six draws towards the blank and then worry about the board after. I kinda like C9 LOUCHE now to open the board and to fake a double Z setup, which might be annoying for Evan if he doesn't have it. #strategymedium
6C EILD +22 Endgame Small
B2 TITULED is 5 better #endgamesmall
6D DOF +35 Tactics Small
6E OF. Apparently DEISV is way better than EISV. #tacticssmall
5C COB +35 Tactics Small
5C LOB bings slightly more to be worth it. #tacticssmall
12C GLIDER +28 Vision Large
C8 THIN(G)Y +34 Finding Large
Even after missing a bing I can still win it with 14E THINLY, which makes bings on row 15 unlikely. #FINDINGSADDEST
15H EX +42 Knowledge Small
This is the best in terms of win %, winning 7/8. N12 Z(I)G does the same but with a slightly better equity. #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for my sad challenge next turn.
15H EX +42 Endgame Small
This is the best in terms of win %, winning 7/8. N12 Z(I)G does the same but with a slightly better equity. #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for my sad challenge next turn.
J6 IXIA +18 Tactics Large
9G AIA. I tunneled on playing the X. #TACTICSSADDEST
5K AHA +36 Finding Large
L2 QOP(H) +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
M1 GIO +23 Knowledge Large
14I EMOVES +35 Strategy Medium
13K OMOV sims best. #strategysadder
N8 FICIN +21 Endgame Small
9J (A)CINI is better by 2 points. #endgamesad
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 2638 25 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.