Edwin Roth
Edwin Roth
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
B(I)RAMOSE 2026 76
FAI(L)URES 2320 72
ERUDITE 603 66
CE(N)TROID 599 94
REBATES 2166 83
TERRANE 1016 63
BANDERS 4105 81
FI(L)ATURE 1350 76
wHATSIT 16469 99
ONAnISM 6634 90
ORToLAN 1706 73
E(R)INGOES 352 68
(O)UTFLIES 2834 76
SNARiER 719 77
MUNdANE 9399 67
PUrINES 3313 71
(R)ETINUES 392 59
P(O)MICERS* 0 66
MeN(S)WEAR 7148 194
N(E)STABLe 3012 67
DIATR(E)ME 652 62
GRADUaL 11974 73
PORCINE 2760 73
R(E)NITENT 3464 59
(D)EhISCES 22263 72
NEoCONS 12122 70
GELATIS 765 65
(a)NTIMERE 242 72
EVENTEr 6093 73
COLLAGE(r)* 0 83
PARTONS 3419 77
MELANO(I)D 547 72
BROIEST 947 72
PLINTHS 15600 77
SOlANDE(R) 324 70
DIsP(A)RTS 15070 74
sIERRAN 551 76
AVoCETS 5035 83
ORiGINS 4268 73
TENDERS 1441 77
RERAISE 863 81
CORNETT 4685 74
S(P)IELING 10233 63
PLANTE(R)s 2379 68
DEFAMeR 8290 83
R(E)LISTED 963 79
BORACI(T)E 894 66
EMIGRES 5765 72
GOnIDIA 2320 71
ARMLOA(D)S 11531 76
BOOTEES 6160 65
(A)STEROID 19 80
SANTOOR 1715 75
NEURONE 2503 66
AVOWa(B)LE 16458 82
STEAMED 4076 75
OVeRRAT(E) 2336 61
TUCKERS 16900 79
IGNITES 2155 74
CETANEs 2180 71
ENTENtE 12696 69
CYANOSe* 0 74
DATURIc 4967 63
METTLES 13976 77
NOTICES 956 79
(R)ETRIALS 934 70
PUNKIER 11037 73
(U)NSALTEd 1699 66
BEPAINT 2396 78
ENRO(B)ERS 7444 70
cADAVER 10756 80
OUTK(E)EPS 16329 106
HEALERS 4114 74
VIOLETS 2051 76
ElUTION(S) 345 76
WARIEST 729 72
TRIC(O)RNE 1796 74
NETWORk 8855 66
TURKEyS 17045 72
OREGANO 731 68
ESTATED 3739 79
(E)NTEReRS 7404 74
SOAKInG 8449 94
GENTIAN 1126 75
BERLINE 2249 77
UNBRAID 4933 105
INERTIA(L) 93 66
DEsTAIN 91 82
FORcI(B)LE 11984 64
STERNLY 5824 90
EN(T)ITIES 3191 62
(E)NTITlED 2705 82
Y(E)aRENDS 3056 72
LA(I)TANCE 1196 60
FORDOEs 8055 78
AcCLIM(AT)E 20104 89
BAREH(A)ND 9766 65
TRIGOS(i)S* 0 68
CEvICHE 23225 70
GUNWA(L)Es 9515 61
MOO(R)IEST 2098 64
BLOC(K)ERS 23098 69
INSCAPE 4352 67
DoGGIE(S)T 9310 66
ANTILE(F)T 2918 63
SORBeNT 2066 74
DHANSAK 20881 80
ASTERIA 138 68
SOpRANI 1666 70
FLOA(T)IER 207 63
D(A)NGLERS 2519 64
iNNLESS 12302 85
SAR(D)ONIC 2422 61
BONIEST 944 75
ECOtAGE(S) 2865 76
RATANIE(S) 89 82
ISAtINI(C) 12759 80
BEWAIlE(R) 4261 64
GR(E)EDILY 7524 80
CONT(E)SSA 6483 64
UPTEARS 3198 94
ISATInS 8216 70
NEUROSa(L) 334 58
TURN(K)Eys 17564 72
TERa(T)OID 139 68
CH(I)TTERS 14015 65
CoN(C)ORDS 27219 74
TRUSTEE 6246 63
DONNErT 1796 68
ENGINES 5307 72
TOAStER 782 79
TRIAGeD 253 79
STRAFED 3094 80
(U)NIRONED 1157 80
STINGOS 10564 70
RENTERS 3769 65
OENOMEL 6162 85
TAINTED 539 65
ALIENEE 499 62
SLANTIE(R) 76 77
(C)RISPIlY 26169 95
(W)INKLERS 13865 69
QUI(L)TERS 8161 69
GAROT(T)ES 2007 68
S(C)LEREID 5338 72
INCITES 3639 64
TEAPOYS 5064 83
CREATIv(E) 2817 68
ANTIWEA(R) 639 65
SULFATe 7496 82
WARIEST 940 76
INSUR(E)RS 15096 66
POi(G)NANT 7543 83
(H)AULMIER 5733 76
PRETEND 4216 76
(P)LETHORa 4066 74
ANKLETS 6126 83
LOADERS 506 69
LOADErS 506 66
c(L)OTBURS 20123 68
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
MeN(S)WEAR 7148 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
AcCLIM(AT)E 20104 89
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
P(O)MICERS* 0 66
GYP(E)D* 0 36
COLLAGE(r)* 0 83
DHOOT* 0 29
CYANOSe* 0 74
TRIGOS(i)S* 0 68
B(E)RNS* 0 20
PAPI* 0 23
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
DEONTIc 947 75
T(E)NPENCe 21002 83
ENDEARE(D) 7537 83
SYRInGA 6834 85
SNARLIE(R) 933 68
GRIDDED 20596 66
ABETTIN(G) 4418 65
TRANs(F)ER 5263 60
TRIVa(L)VE 11043 73
ASTRIDE 100 73
OVERWIs(E) 4846 78
StONErN 2398 65
NARRATE(D) 2455 70
ELECTIN(G) 4635 76
EBONITE 485 65
(V)AGARIES 4184 82
LEGA(L)ITY 10950 66
PRO(T)RaDE 3555 70
(E)ISWEINS 14326 86
RECANi(N)G 4419 77
mOORI(N)GS 11564 59
RETICLE 2247 64
INVOKES 8769 97
ENDMOST 3890 68
(L)EVIaBLE 15501 72
FLAMIER 4369 89
lOMENTA 918 90
HOODWIn(K) 25964 110
UPR(A)ISED 2316 63
GA(R)OTTES 2007 68
SNOOLED 3967 87
INSTATE 552 62
TIDE(L)ESS 8201 72
EXpOSaL 11770 74
BINDERS 3205 72
mODULUS 21955 70
H(Y)OIDEaN 2050 82
BODICES 7988 82
WINGeRS 4766 90
CItTERN 4005 72
REMoV(A)LS 6783 76
SARODES 3573 72
FINITES 3669 85
REBOIlE(D) 1920 83
TANGLED 1722 81
D(E)GREASe 5072 72
FRIEzES 12024 76
BIOcIDE 8571 67
LITTERS 2852 82
ARANEiD 131 70
OUREBIS 1986 74
RINGL(E)TS 1172 68
(O)STEITIs 9636 83
RE(I)MAGES 2352 63
ENoLASE 291 60
REPaVED 8300 70
ALIqUAN(T) 11303 74
RATTENS 1355 77
MAR(C)ONIS 5933 74
(EN)VISAGeD 2625 92
(D)IATReME 650 83
REEKING 6211 80
TENANTS 6034 81
AW(E)ATHER 7746 86
M(O)DISTEs 9761 70
rAPTN(E)SS 8778 68
TENDONs 3491 69
CLAUSES 15886 77
p(O)s(T)NATAL 12437 64
CITABLE 4307 78
UNTImE(L)Y 9186 66
AI(R)fIELD 2577 59
sIENITE 802 70
ENDE(M)ICS 10445 67
ReVOLTS 3933 69
MARINES 691 71
RIDDLES 8486 71
aUDIBLE 3013 90
TARDIVE 658 75
KNOUTED 6958 81
EMINENc(Y) 20534 89
AEcIDIA 4012 63
OUTGIVE 3000 79
mEALIES 2125 67
WANTO(N)Er 1789 80
ENSNARE 1887 80
APATITE 4492 76
OBLIGES 5416 82
(R)UTILaNT 3522 74
hINTERS 1628 78
(D)EPIlATE 1538 83
TI(T)TErED 10848 62
BOSSiNG 17961 82
LOwDOWN 23259 78
ROT(U)NDAS 1766 86
ALlEGRO 5276 75
(R)UINABLE 1000 70
RaLLINE 1386 70
(C)ESARIAN 1202 83
R(E)AlIZER 7087 84
GInSENG 16444 76
ANTIPO(L)E 215 61
eTER(N)ITY 3880 72
SOLDIe(R)S 4877 66
ENTITlE 1908 75
ROUTI(N)ES 105 66
A(R)MIGERO 2757 76
(R)IgATONI 684 59
(S)ENSATEd 5102 74
SEAWE(E)DS 19843 86
ApOLUNE 1980 67
ISOT(H)ERE 842 63
PLEAD(I)NG 3640 78
DISsEAT 2880 95
NEGATRO(N) 911 72
AIRWISE 1795 76
DENTA(L)IA 303 63
dAMOZEL 11743 93
(R)ELiVING 7002 80
PI(L)LARED 8626 82
(T)ONSILAR 292 70
OUTRAIS(E) 25 77
CrYOTRO(N) 22507 64
SAINtED 95 85
WOOLIES 5164 86
AMIRATE 825 70
ATOMIS(E)D 555 76
W(R)ONGEST 4455 63
NOR(T)HERS 6151 80
(P)ANDEMIC 10903 98
PORTEND 2086 80
MEEtERS 9004 71
FINALEs 1530 75
sNOBbER(Y) 24063 92
WITLESS 13039 72
(B)LOATING 3828 63
FLAN(N)ELY* 0 74
pOISONS 17403 76
MUNITIO(N) 12785 74
BuLLE(T)IN 12236 140
DILUTER 1157 82
SANTIRS 4850 62
STARK(E)RS 21280 74
sCREWIE(R) 15161 82
cONDUIT(S) 7594 80
FOOTSIE 2790 77
(E)nTRaINS 356 71
(A)SpHERIC 10865 89
wOODSIa 7217 76
T(E)ABOXEs 8699 94
ARsONIS(T) 2287 69
RENEWaL 2220 70
MiSDONE 2668 94
REDA(C)TOR 4605 74
(F)URACITY 22947 101
ANGLERS 2278 76
EMIGRES 7710 76
(E)SCALADE 11747 86
RoZELLE 20939 100
ANAErOB(E) 1202 80
GiNSENG 16480 71
NEATEST 1885 70
hUNGE(R)ER* 0 82
FLATFE(E)T 23354 80
CINEOLS 1991 73
ORI(E)NTED 47 72
DORMINS 5868 92
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
BuLLE(T)IN 12236 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(EN)VISAGeD 2625 92
p(O)s(T)NATAL 12437 64
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
K(I)BbITZY* 0 0
CIC(E)RAL* 0 0
ABEDS* 0 0
CEAsING 2533 0
EMB(R)Y* 0 0
AD(E)IU* 0 0
RoZELLE 20939 100
MUTON 5213 23
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 93
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.52 2466
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.37 34
Score 389.85 36256
Score per Turn 29.5967
Turns 13.17 1225
Vertical Plays 5.45 507
Horizontal Plays 6.47 602
One Tile Plays 0.55 51
Other Plays 0.70 65
Firsts 0.49 46
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3478
Exchanges 0.35 33
High Game 547
Low Game 257
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.75 163
Sevens 0.94 87
Eights 0.81 75
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5608.24
Sevens 5094.42
Eights 6020.64
Nines 20104.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.12 4382
A 4.38 407
B 1.00 93
C 0.89 83
D 1.77 165
E 5.85 544
F 0.99 92
G 1.32 123
H 0.97 90
I 4.14 385
J 0.46 43
K 0.42 39
L 1.76 164
M 1.06 99
N 2.82 262
O 3.81 354
P 0.83 77
Q 0.48 45
R 2.98 277
S 1.90 177
T 2.77 258
U 1.92 179
V 0.98 91
W 0.85 79
X 0.47 44
Y 1.03 96
Z 0.44 41
? 0.81 75
Power Tiles Played 4.57 425
? 0.81 75
J 0.46 43
Q 0.48 45
X 0.47 44
Z 0.44 41
S 1.90 177
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 11
? 0.02 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.06 6
Turns With a Blank 1.12 104
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.06 6
Bonus Square Coverage 15.28 1421
Double Letter 4.90 456
Triple Letter 5.20 484
Double Word 2.88 268
Triple Word 2.29 213
Phony Plays 0.18 17
Unchallenged 0.10 9
Challenged Off 0.09 8
Challenges 0.17 16
You Won 0.06 6
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.02 2
Opponent Won 0.09 8
Challenge Percentage 0.7500
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5294
Comments 13.42 1248
Comments Word Length 287.92 26777
Mistakeless Turns 13.16 1224
Mistakes per Turn 0.0008
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4867 (0.4268, 0.5156)
B 0.5000 (0.3769, 0.5655)
C 0.4450 (0.3769, 0.5655)
D 0.4425 (0.4045, 0.5379)
E 0.4875 (0.4327, 0.5097)
F 0.4950 (0.3769, 0.5655)
G 0.4400 (0.3942, 0.5482)
H 0.4850 (0.3769, 0.5655)
I 0.4600 (0.4268, 0.5156)
J 0.4600 (0.3379, 0.6045)
K 0.4200 (0.3379, 0.6045)
L 0.4400 (0.4045, 0.5379)
M 0.5300 (0.3769, 0.5655)
N 0.4700 (0.4168, 0.5256)
O 0.4763 (0.4241, 0.5183)
P 0.4150 (0.3769, 0.5655)
Q 0.4800 (0.3379, 0.6045)
R 0.4967 (0.4168, 0.5256)
S 0.4750 (0.4045, 0.5379)
T 0.4617 (0.4168, 0.5256)
U 0.4800 (0.4045, 0.5379)
V 0.4900 (0.3769, 0.5655)
W 0.4250 (0.3769, 0.5655)
X 0.4700 (0.3379, 0.6045)
Y 0.5150 (0.3769, 0.5655)
Z 0.4400 (0.3379, 0.6045)
? 0.4050 (0.3769, 0.5655)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.63 59
Score 429.78 39970
Score per Turn 32.2079
Turns 13.34 1241
Vertical Plays 5.84 543
Horizontal Plays 6.53 607
One Tile Plays 0.45 42
Other Plays 0.53 49
Firsts 0.51 47
Vertical Openings per First 0.1707
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8293
Full Rack per Turn 0.9855
Exchanges 0.42 39
High Game 679
Low Game 301
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 1.84 171
Sevens 0.90 84
Eights 0.91 85
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6313.91
Sevens 5411.75
Eights 7186.75
Nines 7531.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.10 4659
A 4.45 414
B 0.95 88
C 1.05 98
D 2.10 195
E 5.92 551
F 1.01 94
G 1.60 149
H 0.99 92
I 4.51 419
J 0.53 49
K 0.58 54
L 2.08 193
M 0.89 83
N 2.95 274
O 4.01 373
P 1.17 109
Q 0.51 47
R 2.65 246
S 2.00 186
T 2.98 277
U 1.95 181
V 0.97 90
W 1.12 104
X 0.52 48
Y 0.95 88
Z 0.55 51
? 1.14 106
Power Tiles Played 5.24 487
? 1.14 106
J 0.53 49
Q 0.51 47
X 0.52 48
Z 0.55 51
S 2.00 186
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 7
? 0.03 3
J 0.01 1
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 3
Turns With a Blank 2.51 233
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.09 8
Bonus Square Coverage 16.71 1554
Double Letter 5.40 502
Triple Letter 5.76 536
Double Word 3.09 287
Triple Word 2.46 229
Phony Plays 0.13 12
Unchallenged 0.06 6
Challenged Off 0.06 6
Challenges 0.17 16
You Won 0.09 8
Opponent Lost 0.02 2
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.06 6
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2500
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5000
Comments 13.42 1248
Comments Word Length 287.92 26777
Mistakeless Turns 12.61 1173
Mistakes per Turn 0.0564
Mistakes 0.75 70
Knowledge 0.09 8
Finding 0.27 25
Vision 0.14 13
Tactics 0.04 4
Strategy 0.13 12
Endgame 0.06 6
Time 0.02 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4944 (0.4565, 0.5455)
B 0.4750 (0.4066, 0.5954)
C 0.5250 (0.4066, 0.5954)
D 0.5250 (0.4342, 0.5678)
E 0.4933 (0.4624, 0.5396)
F 0.5050 (0.4066, 0.5954)
G 0.5333 (0.4239, 0.5781)
H 0.4950 (0.4066, 0.5954)
I 0.5011 (0.4565, 0.5455)
J 0.5300 (0.3674, 0.6346)
K 0.5800 (0.3674, 0.6346)
L 0.5200 (0.4342, 0.5678)
M 0.4450 (0.4066, 0.5954)
N 0.4917 (0.4465, 0.5555)
O 0.5012 (0.4538, 0.5482)
P 0.5850 (0.4066, 0.5954)
Q 0.5100 (0.3674, 0.6346)
R 0.4417 (0.4465, 0.5555)
S 0.5000 (0.4342, 0.5678)
T 0.4967 (0.4465, 0.5555)
U 0.4875 (0.4342, 0.5678)
V 0.4850 (0.4066, 0.5954)
W 0.5600 (0.4066, 0.5954)
X 0.5200 (0.3674, 0.6346)
Y 0.4750 (0.4066, 0.5954)
Z 0.5500 (0.3674, 0.6346)
? 0.5700 (0.4066, 0.5954)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
E11 DHOOT +29 Knowledge Large
i really should challenge this but i didn't want my bingo to be blocked or something. this is ugly. #knowledgelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K3 TUAN +20 Vision Large
Saw both playable sevens here but somehow spaced on the T hook to OP - to make matters worse I took five full minutes looking through all the open 8s lanes. #visionlarge 16:18
14E IWI +19 Endgame Medium
Nope, best sequence is 14A DICE setting up WILI. #endgamemedium 0:29
6B LI(V)E +9 Endgame Small
A8 ZEL is 4 better. #endgamesmall 0:15
3J MI(R)K(E)R +24 Vision Medium
gotta find K7 KEMPT here, it keeps a much better leave; i especially need a good leave because based on his last two plays another bingo is coming down right about now. -6.5 #visionmedium
N8 PUB +28 Tactics Small
i played the rest of this game in like 2-3 minutes. i realized the only way i was going to win is to speed play; i believe he was down to around 5-6 minutes by now. i'm normally a very slow player so this was an interesting tactic. -3 NUB in the same spot, but shrug. #tacticssmall
M13 FET +31 Strategy Medium
more speed playing so i'm not making super accurate moves here. 14A GIF looks awesome, i have the case T, and i also block the S(ELECTING) hook which is now worrisome. -5.5 #speed #strategymedium
A14 LA +21 Vision Small
i think i counted this as 16 accidentally, oops, can't speed count either. 12C RAI makes my next rack slightly less disastrous #visionsmall -1
B4 ACAI +10 Endgame Medium
yeah i should see RAI again. -5 #endgamemedium
7G GAWP +32 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of K5 WAT(T)APE and didn't see K5 WAT(T)AGE #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge
7G GAWP +32 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of K5 WAT(T)APE and didn't see K5 WAT(T)AGE #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge
10F WAIVE +31 Vision Small
10I VIEW #visionsmall
exch CGHNV +0 Vision Large
I didn't even look for G9 V(A)RS #visionlarge
13C DAH +25 Vision Medium
L2 HADE. I didn't see ALMUDE. #visionmedium
D4 TOLLiN(G) +14 Strategy Large
Quackle says I can win 1/4 times with but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me beacuse I played them out and I don't see it. I have no idea if I have a win here or what the best play is. Regardless this play is terrible and I had no time. #strategylarge #timelarge
D4 TOLLiN(G) +14 Time Large
Quackle says I can win 1/4 times with but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me beacuse I played them out and I don't see it. I have no idea if I have a win here or what the best play is. Regardless this play is terrible and I had no time. #strategylarge #timelarge
A10 (V)EG +22 Time Large
Fuck. 6D (L)EG wins by two but I had like 5 seconds left. #TIMESADDEST
13C PSI +25 Strategy Medium
No home for IMPOSTS or MISSTOP. I did think about simply playing off an S with G7 (HOY)S to fish for 15A OPTIMIS(E) or 15A EPISTOM(E) and so that Ed can't just drop an A at 10G. This way, I can eventually open up the top left of the board if I pick an A. It felt like too big of a point sacrifice on a board that is only getting worse for bingoes due to me needing an E to make any sort of Column M plays. In addition, there's only 4 Is and 7 Es and a blank left to hit those specific bingoes. However, the sim appears to back up HOYS here as it is a slightly slower attempt to deplete the tile bag. #strategymedium
exch EEQY +0 Vision Unspecified
I think L7 EYE(L)ET would have been just fine here. #visionbad
10F TYES +21 Finding Medium
This telegraphs an S too much. SUrETY is better. #findingmedium
6B QUEAN +44 Knowledge Large
I saw 3I QU(I)NCE but was unsure of it. I keep forgetting it's QUINCE and not QUINCY*. #knowledgelarge
14B D(E)GREASe +72 Finding Medium
Played it safe with taking out 3x3s, but 15C (D)EGRADeS would have addressed it directly while scoring 13 more. No 3x3s were missed, but spread still matters. Also misscored as 70. #findingmedium
7G FRIEzES +76 Vision Small
While I like how easy this will allow me to outrun Ed, 10D REFIxES effectively blocks the bottom the best with the blank X in play. #visionsmall
exch ORE +0 Tactics Small
#tacticssmall ROE or ORE are a bit better
J2 ARANEiD +70 Finding Medium
vERANDA is worth considering for defense, but gADAREN(E) looks like the play #findingmedium
7H TW(i)RP +24 Finding Medium
WRAPT looks like the play #findingmedium also better for the board to close it down and not make an S hook
9F TOED +25 Tactics Small
#tacticssmall OK bingoes/scores better, I see the idea of TOED but OK just has better raw power
12I VOIL(E) +16 Finding Medium
KEVIL looks better than this, scores more to outrun BERYLINE more consistently. #findingmedium
7E WENT +12 Vision Medium
O9 WELT #visionmedium
2K (R)OUTE +10 Finding Large
PROTEI #findinglarge
H8 (O)STEITIs +83 Finding Small
Right idea, and I'm glad I saw someting on Column H, maybe do (O)STEITIc instead. #findingsmall
N2 NE +17 Endgame Small
I intentionally did not go out with 13C sENN(IT) knowing he had 3 seconds left on his clock and was going to lose 10 points accordingly. D8 N(AB)Es would have been better than my move to prevent his highest scoring out play. #endgamesmall
12B IKON +19 Finding Large
How do I have almost the same rack as last turn?! Maybe just I9 KOI is fine. I'm lucky he didn't punish me harder with the EIKON hook which I didn't even think of tbh. #findinglarge
13I QU(E)LL +48 Knowledge Medium
I did not know SQUILLA, which is the bingo on this rack. While that would not have stopped him from bingoing next turn, it would have made this one more interesting. I did see L8 QUASI, but I really need to both score and bingo. QUELL basically makes it a tie game and LL is an awful leave on this board. #knowledgemedium
11C CHIME +32 Knowledge Unspecified
I did not know O1 KIMCHI for 71! #knowledgequestionable
B6 FA +28 Finding Small
M10 FAUNA would have been OK- it keeps the top left open and some other hooks remain in the pool. #findingsmall
7G PELF +22 Strategy Small
i was in a bad mental state after losing the first game, and i know this affects me. FL(O)P is the equity play here. I think when I'm tilting, I just make weird bad plays, either adjusting to score too much or to leave too much, depending on how worried I am. I may have overcompensated here, thinking i better take the extra 5 points and keep MNT instead of EMNT (i even remember thinking the E is not worth 5 points, so take the 5 points, but as is common for me when I'm playing unwell, I don't pay attention to defense at all -- PELF gives up 4 more pts on average than FL(O)P). -3 #strategysmall
F10 YEA +27 Knowledge Small
my sheet has "YAGE???" on it. the collins confusion is real. YAGE is good in TWL too. -3 #knowledgesmall
1A WAGE +33 Tactics Small
i did see 15A AGOU(TI) but i wanted to score more and the bag is consonant heavy. seems like i might be wrong. -2 #tacticssmall
O8 OLDY +33 Endgame Unspecified
14M DAY #endgame -4
6J (F)R(I)TZ +37 Finding Medium
Definitely did not like B8 TIZ with there being only the unseen K in this pool, and I also didn't care for 5K GLITZ as that's like throwing meat in a lion's cage. 2F (BLOW)ZIER is a nice extension which I did not spot. That's easily better than anything else there is. #findingmedium
C7 QAT +27 Strategy Unspecified
Definitely not doing N10 DATOS here. While I didn't even consider doing 11D QATS, that would have been worth it with 3 more Ss left. The sim does easily concur. #strategyquestionable
13I (G)UEST +12 Vision Medium
Maybe just J14 SH would have been fine, as much of an S telegraph as that is as well as GUEST. I clearly made a more desperate move than needed. #visionmedium
J5 AE +17 Strategy Medium
this seems wrong. EASE J4 sims best, surprisingly. Exchanging also sims better as well as I(X)IA #strategymedium
E5 TOE +15 Finding Small
N6 TENO(N) sims best. I guess it makes sense. This is actually the pivotal turn of the game#findingsmall
15K PERT +19 Finding Small
8J R(IF)T is really nice defense. #findingsmall
6I YOD +18 Finding Medium
I think 6E IVY would have been fine here too. #findingsadder
N3 ReVOLTS +69 Vision Large
this was the worst board vision blunder I've made in a while. I was definitely unduly tilted about FEY seemingly not giving me a play. #visionSADDEST
O6 POI +27 Strategy Small
Quackle remarks that MO 12A improves my bingo chances significantly. The I is useful since not many to redraw and the ING line I made with QUAG. MO is +5 apparently. PEONIS(M), which I also considered, does well too. #strategysmall
4C JA(V)A +28 Strategy Large
Stupid J draw. While it is basically a tossup between this and 10B JADES, 3G JA(C)ALES is worth it despite how much that could give up. I played this turn too scared. #strategylarge
3I (C)U(R)IO +14 Finding Medium
13H EURIPI is better. #findingmedium
G7 C(A)R +9 Strategy Small
Hm. I saw CAPRIC but didn't like how it took out lanes in ENROBERS. It is an 11 pt sacrifice but it doesn't sim that far behind CAPRIC. #strategysmall?
exch CGIIIO +0 Finding Large
Ok, this play was bad. 8J I(N)COGS is absolutely worth it despite the undesirable II leave. I missed that. #findinglarge
D7 WEN +27 Finding Unspecified
I did see C10 BLEW, but the NNU leave just wasn't appealing to me. What is more appealing to me is C10 NEWB though. #findingmeh
7J Q(I) +11 Strategy Medium
I did see 4F VE(I)L which probably was fine to do over dumping the Q immediately. Exchanging down to ERT or ELRT would have also been fine. Nothing is really that inspiring, not sure. #strategymedium?
11K YANG +26 Strategy Large
Even with 2 blanks unseen, L12 SAGY is definitely worth it here. Don't play scared man. #strategylarge
M1 (B)EAD +26 Finding Medium
Not bad, and I did have the right idea, but I do like BAILED in this spot a little better. #findingmedium
14F MA(C) +25 Vision Small
I would have saved a vowel by doing 2K HAEM. #visionsmall
F8 RAJA +29 Finding Large
3C JO(U)AL. Don't feed into his volatility. #findinglarge
8A CELL(AR) +27 Finding Medium
I liked scoring, but OCULAR does a better job equitywise and scorewise. #findingmedium
10H FOH +37 Strategy Small
I really liked how I could draw into H10 (FA)DEIN with an E draw with this play. It would be challenging to end a 6 with an F or H for H1 plays which is why I felt it was best to dump those and score a few extra points with FOH over 10F FID. This is ok if I wasn't looking to bingo asap, but if I didn't see the possibility of drawing into FADEIN, I might have given more thought to doing 10F FIDO instead. #strategysmall
4J ZEE +37 Finding Small
missed ZOEAE or preferred not to play it #findingsmall
A13 (V)AU +18 Finding Large
terrible miss of EULACHA(N) #findingSADDEST
B6 CArIBE +33 Endgame Large
absolute dumbness, not thinking about the overlaps this gives #endgameSADDEST
O1 KOL(A) +24 Finding Small
rough, he missed STERNER and I'm still in dire straits. I tried to take that as a good thing. ILK(A) I think was missed, that is similar, probably better #findingsmall
K7 E(N)O(R)M +20 Knowledge Large
this was really bad, since I was almost sure ENORMS* was good, despite it coming up with Rafi at 2022 Word Cup. Misremembered, horrendously. #knowledgesaddest
12H CEAsING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12A CAGE +24 Finding Large
missed a bingo here, GyNECIA still fits on row 2 #findingSADDEST
15A (E)nTRaINS +71 Finding Small
wanted to find a huge overlap, but missed TSaRINa. Also wanted to exchange both blanks. I'm dead anyhow #findingsmall
13B JEE +35 Finding Large
8A JINNEE is easily better than this. #findinglarge
I3 GUNK +17 Vision Large
The G is so bad that A8 KNUR is barely worth it for 7 more. 14L YUK is worth it though because of the open I in INFIX which suits leaving GNST nicely. #visionlarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
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