Dustin Dean
Dustin Dean
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(D)ETENTES 10629 61
POUReRS 10569 88
UNACTED 3074 75
DARKISH 16227 83
EDUCTi(V)E 10503 89
(R)ESeEING 2864 77
ORANGES 392 82
GIfTEES 5754 62
(D)RAFTIER 2911 64
LOTIONS 3437 65
SEDAT(E)LY 5320 78
(A)VERSION 229 63
SARKIER 6998 76
VOL(E)RIES 1947 76
EPIGyNE 10340 71
DONNERT 1804 72
(R)EESTING 756 70
LoaNERS 158 77
AEROSAT 241 72
CONDORs 13678 74
BAcHING 18664 80
SAUNTER 444 66
ENCODES 4810 130
cARINAE 822 60
GENOMES 6464 89
RU(R)ALITE 937 66
R(E)INCITE 1785 78
CI(D)ERIES 5901 62
FRIcAN(D)O 5942 62
(RE)DLINERS 2878 62
(S)POLIATE 574 70
PeRIAPT 8686 100
SEEINGs 8573 71
DAnKEST 6155 65
tE(R)MINER 3891 76
ENACTi(N)G 4436 62
(M)IsPAGED 11388 76
SEAlANT 1283 66
hYENOID 5146 78
AU(D)ITEES 373 60
(P)ARTNERS 5291 72
EObIO(N)TS 2088 58
(P)RONATES 598 83
sATEENS 3974 63
TEArOOM 1343 74
(s)OLLERET 6007 74
ONEFOLD 8103 73
BOONEST 5235 86
RETAIN(E)d 28 68
TITULAR 4611 79
VARI(E)TAL 1222 158
CETANEs 2189 70
OUtREAD 156 61
OSETRAS 1828 70
SORE(H)EAD 1903 74
PLANETS 3190 77
ROT(U)NDAS 1766 86
ALlEGRO 5276 75
RADIALE 491 74
PROT(E)IDE 839 74
D(O)UBTERS 5206 67
ELUSION 520 62
STERANE 217 67
OV(E)RBoLD 15659 82
UNDINES 5215 76
LARGEST 1735 73
hINTERS 1628 78
(D)EPIlATE 1538 83
SILTIER 1295 73
CARLING 6831 76
(E)ROTIZeS 2177 68
ALI(E)NEES 774 59
AQUAR(I)ST 11362 67
AGRaRIC* 0 70
BREA(K)OUT 7686 66
IRATELY 689 78
SEAr(C)HES 19266 63
GRUtTEN 7223 64
LABOUrS 8848 81
TI(T)TErED 10848 62
BOSSiNG 17961 82
CHEAPOS 12655 77
DIALOGS 3579 73
RUINATE(S) 81 62
LEANEST 582 79
ITERANT 198 70
PLANTER 1605 69
SERE(N)ATA 454 59
EChINAT(E) 2180 72
VARIOUS 3387 78
RE(S)ILING 2992 63
DEBAT(I)ng 1807 86
STEARIN(E) 35 77
STUNNER 5322 79
ATTENDS 2826 73
URINOSE 190 73
GRATINE(D)* 0 83
UNTRIED 449 74
TIERCeL 2257 79
Or(G)IASTS 6112 77
MAGIANS 10516 77
MOTIONS 7433 69
TURIsTA 4612 75
SK(E)EVIER 17557 96
FLEAB(A)GS 19414 89
NIDGETs 1742 66
(D)OWNcAST 12963 74
LIc(H)gATE 7975 86
E(P)IGONUS 4400 67
SPUTNIK 18920 88
(R)EANSWER* 0 74
INSANER 546 67
LOADING(S) 2595 86
OUTH(U)Nts 25865 70
SERMONS 10940 76
(F)RIGATES 1831 89
INERTIA(L) 93 70
(J)InGLErS 10628 95
(S)HITPOST 26742 98
STEARIC 641 67
TELOG(E)NS 2134 60
OUTBREd 3857 72
S(C)REENED 11174 83
ENSUITE 613 70
JITTERS 10293 94
NOMI(N)ATE 767 72
TAkEHOE* 0 72
M(I)NUETEd 3135 72
(S)ENSORIA 502 68
GORINE(S)S 4215 68
GAROTEs 394 83
DE(C)ENTER 7904 65
EGGIESt 10668 78
FAWNIES(T) 3362 104
ASpIRER 3837 69
PO(I)NTERS 614 72
DAUTIES 427 66
(C)REMaTED 7125 95
MIN(A)RETS 435 89
A(N)DESITE 116 68
IDoNEIT(Y) 1693 65
NEUSTON 3528 66
(C)OmMUTER 24224 69
RETYING 2635 66
AM(B)EROID 2025 76
INF(L)ATED 1020 76
TRAWLED 3131 65
VIrOSES 7709 89
ATRAZI(N)E 1577 82
UXoRIAL 6240 94
OVE(R)MILK 17019 118
SWEVENs 20381 82
bAWDIER 4311 78
TITANIa 5835 76
(L)ENTOIDS 338 68
FRETLES(S) 17467 76
RALLINE 1391 65
(B)OURGIEs 4378 67
FANWISE 4400 84
L(I)NEARLY 5474 76
(V)IOLATER 220 74
A(R)MIGERO 2766 83
THEsAUR(I) 1055 74
(N)ITrATED 355 66
STA(T)URES 11565 68
CA(R)OlERS 6064 68
ARSENIc 633 80
SOILUrE 522 68
P(E)rSONAE 824 86
bRA(N)DING 13541 61
AEGISES 5407 78
WOULDE(S)t 8273 63
(A)SPIRATE 1227 70
MUGS(H)OTS 28783 82
SAUT(E)ING 477 61
RAINLE(s)S 2208 75
ApPR(I)ZES 24181 90
BOLIVAR 7227 69
NOTI(C)ERS 605 90
RASSLES 19504 91
TANA(G)ERS 1566 61
tESTATE 11901 64
ERO(D)IBLe 1919 62
CAMI(S)OlE 3925 149
REStING 814 72
DICTIER 3656 74
SECTORA(L) 1354 83
ADRENAL(S) 1960 80
(R)EALTIES 124 60
A(I)rBOATS 2738 74
(H)EADSMEN 10446 106
C(A)RBiNES 3284 84
INTERRO(W) 1801 63
SHIRKER 17669 86
E(R)OTICAL 194 70
HOARdER 4605 88
YEANlIN(G) 7349 74
REFELLs* 0 76
I(N)SURINg 15880 66
(A)BORTERS 3532 83
EMPTING(S) 11445 92
NOSEgAY 2953 67
INtONED 785 73
ZITHERS 11084 119
LAUNdER 1146 75
INSANER 546 73
mAILBOX 18387 95
(R)ATTIEsT 6112 61
ORINAsA(L) 877 66
ACETINS 635 69
NEMEsIA 1064 78
GROUNDS 9206 75
ASTRI(N)GE 159 140
InEDITA 141 66
ANTIWE(A)R 510 72
FAiNTED 643 84
ELEGIeS 6332 89
SECoNDE 4784 89
KERaTIN 797 73
TYmPANA 19833 81
NARGILe(H) 1835 89
STEWING 4791 82
RIMoSEL(Y) 6889 62
INTERNE 1023 67
(R)ETRYING 7464 76
SOLATED 510 68
rA(Z)EEING 2734 69
VALORIS(M)* 0 78
OUT(L)AWED 2802 74
ATONIEs 7 75
SARDINe 88 68
ENABLER(s) 3011 70
OVARIAN 1867 79
BIRDINg 13793 68
NIDATED 1390 69
(G)UMLINES 9580 74
DARKSOm(E) 11046 78
PLUSHIE 13390 74
CORNErE(D) 7474 83
FARNESS 9810 79
FROGEYE 11405 102
ADOPTER 904 65
SUITERS 5462 78
(C)OVERLId 6835 98
WATApES 10796 87
DEIfORM 5142 79
BIGgEST 17126 83
PREbADE 8289 88
UNCURLS 21802 78
TAL(E)SMEN 3071 90
(C)OVErING 5605 89
AIRIEST 145 71
DRIFTNE(T) 5278 98
(T)INSTONE 3214 70
BROODER 12185 80
MIDLIN(E)S 7958 79
OUTSAIL(S) 7279 77
INTEGER 477 83
CArROTS 9710 76
ELATING 260 92
MANDI(O)cA 9942 61
SEN(I)LITY 4974 74
FORTUNE 2089 69
TINTERS 1368 69
CoRNiES(T) 604 77
TaCKLES 14163 94
PLuNDER 8737 73
(T)ORMENTs 6153 80
THANKER 7980 84
sCARING 6838 72
COTER(I)ES 834 61
OESTRUM 3935 72
LARDIES(T) 266 68
FIREAB(L)e 4242 78
T(H)IONAtE 764 80
C(I)NEASTE 646 78
CHeESI(E)R 12991 74
WARMUPs 21222 84
(W)ISTARIA 7849 74
AE(R)OBICS 2023 78
REGLUEs 7257 69
CoRTINA 745 73
FEODArY 5061 104
OUTSAIL 1180 70
(G)lEAMIER 2355 89
SURFEIT 3307 79
SNOUTIE(R) 106 66
OUTFITs 12843 71
ASININE 1686 85
VERITAS 726 66
ReTURNS 5323 72
UNIRO(N)ED 1159 72
NAScENT 6494 71
PANNI(E)RS 2947 70
INDICT(E)E 3492 158
AIRTRAm 9369 61
GLaDIER 754 87
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
VARI(E)TAL 1222 158
CAMI(S)OlE 3925 149
ASTRI(N)GE 159 140
INDICT(E)E 3492 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(RE)DLINERS 2878 62
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
AGRaRIC* 0 70
GRATINE(D)* 0 83
(R)EANSWER* 0 74
TAkEHOE* 0 72
ARGHH* 0 41
YACKE(R)* 0 46
TYPE(R)* 0 18
(B)UNNED* 0 22
OUTDOV(E)* 0 15
NEONA(L)* 0 10
REFELLs* 0 76
BAIN* 0 22
VALORIS(M)* 0 78
VIGGED* 0 19
(D)HOOLIE* 0 22
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
mODA(L)ITY 9205 63
(D)ARIOLES 97 70
MEANIES 1059 91
METANO(I)A 263 68
RESILIN(S) 7741 66
(E)xTERNAl 3517 66
AIRLINE 142 65
RETIEI(N)G 891 63
PoINtME(N) 7854 83
ALMNERS 3157 64
RAGGiER* 0 64
TWOONIE 1346 67
ATENO(L)OL 3859 60
CATENAE 2508 72
rETAINS 24 66
R(E)TAINED 28 70
tR(E)NDING 3255 60
STAIDER 103 82
SNAILED 417 69
TARRIES 555 74
BLUIEsT* 0 85
RETREAT 4587 71
TH(O)RNIER 1801 72
PEYOTEs 9125 88
cHI(A)NTIS 12427 90
ADVISEE 2123 81
(S)EDATION 18 80
OLEATES 296 68
C(O)MITIEs 7431 72
DER(E)LICT 3105 62
OVERSI(D)E 1938 74
(C)OfOUNDS 24339 70
TRIB(U)NAL 3911 72
TESTILY 9537 73
DOORCAS(E) 3935 86
DAkOITS 6235 81
VEINoUS 2059 79
R(A)GTImES 1869 73
DOgVANE 2953 80
AROINTS 128 70
RAI(L)BIRd 15373 59
ENGINES 5337 73
OVERJOY 20109 94
C(As)TANETS 17083 70
(R)OtTENER 4290 66
RECITAL 630 79
ARO(Y)NTED 589 74
PI(G)GIEST 21413 63
DILAT(I)ON 879 70
c(O)NELIKE 8743 62
ORIENTE(D) 47 70
AbS(O)LVES 18943 140
(H)AUNTERs 2382 83
tARRIES 555 83
(D)ESTInES 5122 77
(P)ROfILER 11216 80
FREsHeN(ER) 20263 76
HAGRIDE 2550 82
ORGIAST 845 65
SHINOlA 3379 76
sAUCING 9754 88
TURKEyS 17045 72
OREGANO 731 68
TEREdOs 847 77
NI(T)rOGEN 914 68
RUBEOLA(S) 2784 64
ADSCrIP(T) 11730 86
SPIELER 4203 78
(D)ECORATE 803 76
CURAcAO 20333 72
WARIEST 729 72
NEROLiS 181 78
U(N)VEILEd 5371 66
ERRANTS 1357 75
ANKE(R)ITE 759 76
SAUNTER 442 74
cODEINE 1253 66
BeSIDES 14306 78
FILArIA 9015 75
(S)ANDIEST 2201 70
DOMIC(I)LE 10721 64
TRIC(O)RNE 1796 74
BEdM(A)TEs 10407 90
BOUN(C)IER 4098 66
GRA(P)LInG* 0 94
FOETORS 5253 78
ENTERIC 1083 83
IMP(R)OvED 12036 80
DE(P)LANED 13757 76
COLINE(A)R 193 72
RESCIND 3242 86
(U)NPLATED* 0 86
IN(S)TATED 931 68
BERGEnI(A) 1083 86
REMINTE(D) 1619 94
VERIsMO 5176 87
AN(D)IRONS 2166 60
(O)VERWORN 16961 82
StOOGED 5580 76
LASERIn(G) 466 77
EdUCING 7568 77
IRR(I)GATE 1958 72
nABBERS 15038 71
CAROUS(E)S 9711 74
TINIEST 3424 66
CiDERI(E)R 10373 72
NITTIEr 1693 80
ORIOLES 1036 69
AERONA(U)T 127 61
lOGIEST 1117 83
(M)OULDIER 2830 74
(D)ELIVERS 5372 98
CoNSUL(A)R 7607 67
H(E)SITANT 2933 65
rESIDED 6366 65
AmOEBAS 8620 72
QUiXOT(E)S 15972 98
REPOSI(TE)D 973 89
POKIEsT 8829 81
(R)AINWEAr 3270 70
VESTING 4790 94
FAW(N)IEsT 3362 86
DRACENA 3627 74
NO(V)ATING 7570 68
SAUNTER 442 83
UNS(E)AMED 5344 72
WERGELT 8901 68
sHOVELE(R) 11445 101
HArDENS 3116 73
EASTERS 3977 73
LEANEST 582 79
ADEnOID 817 67
(F)EATLIER 658 74
SCUTTER(ED) 12984 89
PrIS(O)NED 1441 66
AGENDaS 4004 84
SECTION 960 87
RE(M)ISING 7030 65
RESTING 814 84
GUSTIER 1755 67
ELUTION 184 79
REALTOR 774 74
PERCHED 18679 85
REDRIVE 7763 90
REMO(L)ADE 1905 89
(RE)LATIONs 6 68
REMaTCH 11856 94
(R)AINLESS 2202 77
HANDILY 12401 80
WATER(I)Er 1970 90
AER(O)SOLS 6337 68
(I)NUNDAtE 927 80
ENACTED 2178 71
WIlIEsT 6118 75
ANGELUS 3489 72
T(R)EPHINE 4337 71
MON(I)LIAE 701 72
FUBsIER 10152 99
SALVaGE 11353 68
CHAWERs 14848 90
STANDER 432 71
DENTALI(A) 303 80
CANDLED 12822 81
BEET(R)OOt 8971 86
R(E)PLACES 10436 78
NE(G)ATIVE 1091 66
SLATIER 121 70
VORLAGE 2966 81
AWAITeD 1784 66
(T)ROLLIeS 2639 66
ARIS(T)ATE 1098 70
UPHEAVE(S) 19660 70
C(A)RYOTID* 0 76
DANEW(O)RT 586 62
(O)RNITHES 612 63
GRAINED 251 72
VA(G)IlITY 18455 72
CREASIE(R) 3699 83
OUTDAtE 1701 66
SALIVAs 18397 82
ACOEL(O)US 6694 70
REL(A)CInG 1816 76
SUPPLI(E)R 21915 66
THAnAGE 5290 77
(O)VERBITE 2610 89
ENTE(R)ONS 1757 59
KI(N)SHIpS 30473 78
pATZERS 11058 82
FLORETS 3936 77
BUSIEsT 13033 78
S(I)NISTeR 4742 74
RESIFTS 9849 83
IONISER 243 87
rEPOINT 359 80
SCoTIAS 9917 69
DILaTES 425 69
INTRUDE 446 72
HATBAND 16250 84
MEDI(A)TOR 204 64
CoL(O)NIZE 12886 90
ROMAIN(E)S 222 64
TOONIES 365 85
ANTIH(E)RO 58 74
OPTI(M)ISE 7438 78
CAPIT(O)LS 9229 63
ELOI(N)ERS 177 68
OUT(C)LEAn* 0 72
SENORES 4671 84
POETisE 1264 74
RESILED 1383 94
CELOSIA 856 81
DEVIANT(S) 1041 78
ScANNeR 6493 69
(B)ANDANAS 25893 65
C(A)RNAGEs 6993 74
AERA(T)ION 10 60
FoNDEST 3896 74
DI(G)ITISE 10636 72
UNRIMeD 3260 73
TIN(K)LERS 5047 63
DELLIES 9276 76
TR(E)NAILS 77 72
cLoTHES 11292 88
ETESiAN 56 67
pI(C)RATED 3311 70
MUGShOT 20319 86
RAVINES 710 74
INMATES 696 86
TAILBON(E) 181 70
ETAGE(R)ES 2858 60
L(O)NELIeR 1783 66
ABROsIA 3718 72
ERASION(s) 501 71
TOLER(A)NT 481 75
C(O)EDiTOR 2090 78
GESTAPO 2970 75
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AbS(O)LVES 18943 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
C(As)TANETS 17083 70
FREsHeN(ER) 20263 76
REPOSI(TE)D 973 89
SCUTTER(ED) 12984 89
(RE)LATIONs 6 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
RAGGiER* 0 64
BLUIEsT* 0 85
P(O)IN* 0 18
GRA(P)LInG* 0 94
(U)NPLATED* 0 86
J(A)YCEE* 0 36
FASE* 0 43
(W)YVE* 0 39
(TAkEHOE)S* 0 24
(V)IOLI* 0 16
(H)ALP* 0 12
WIDED* 0 30
C(A)RYOTID* 0 76
H(EN)NY* 0 27
OUT(C)LEAn* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 144
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.49 3815
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.65 94
Score 423.07 60922
Score per Turn 31.8963
Turns 13.26 1910
Vertical Plays 6.51 938
Horizontal Plays 5.69 820
One Tile Plays 0.57 82
Other Plays 0.49 70
Firsts 0.53 77
Vertical Openings per First 0.8060
Horizontal Openings per First 0.1940
Full Rack per Turn 0.7319
Exchanges 0.31 44
High Game 585
Low Game 230
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 2.15 309
Sevens 1.12 162
Eights 1.01 146
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5287.74
Sevens 5305.43
Eights 5285.41
Nines 2878.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.17 7081
A 4.54 654
B 0.99 143
C 0.93 134
D 1.92 276
E 5.67 817
F 1.05 151
G 1.37 197
H 1.00 144
I 4.38 631
J 0.47 67
K 0.52 75
L 1.97 284
M 1.04 150
N 2.72 391
O 3.85 554
P 1.02 147
Q 0.48 69
R 2.94 423
S 2.08 300
T 2.88 415
U 2.09 301
V 0.97 139
W 1.05 151
X 0.52 75
Y 1.14 164
Z 0.55 79
? 1.04 150
Power Tiles Played 5.14 740
? 1.04 150
J 0.47 67
Q 0.48 69
X 0.52 75
Z 0.55 79
S 2.08 300
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.06 9
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 6
Turns With a Blank 1.79 258
Triple Triples Played 0.03 4
Bingoless Games 0.03 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.69 2260
Double Letter 5.15 742
Triple Letter 5.21 750
Double Word 3.00 432
Triple Word 2.33 336
Phony Plays 0.23 33
Unchallenged 0.15 21
Challenged Off 0.08 12
Challenges 0.28 41
You Won 0.20 29
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.08 12
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6364
Comments 10.63 1531
Comments Word Length 107.86 15532
Mistakeless Turns 13.26 1910
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5044 (0.4559, 0.5275)
B 0.4950 (0.4158, 0.5676)
C 0.4650 (0.4158, 0.5676)
D 0.4800 (0.4380, 0.5454)
E 0.4725 (0.4607, 0.5227)
F 0.5250 (0.4158, 0.5676)
G 0.4567 (0.4297, 0.5537)
H 0.5000 (0.4158, 0.5676)
I 0.4867 (0.4559, 0.5275)
J 0.4700 (0.3844, 0.5990)
K 0.5200 (0.3844, 0.5990)
L 0.4925 (0.4380, 0.5454)
M 0.5200 (0.4158, 0.5676)
N 0.4533 (0.4479, 0.5355)
O 0.4813 (0.4538, 0.5296)
P 0.5100 (0.4158, 0.5676)
Q 0.4800 (0.3844, 0.5990)
R 0.4900 (0.4479, 0.5355)
S 0.5200 (0.4380, 0.5454)
T 0.4800 (0.4479, 0.5355)
U 0.5225 (0.4380, 0.5454)
V 0.4850 (0.4158, 0.5676)
W 0.5250 (0.4158, 0.5676)
X 0.5200 (0.3844, 0.5990)
Y 0.5700 (0.4158, 0.5676)
Z 0.5500 (0.3844, 0.5990)
? 0.5200 (0.4158, 0.5676)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.35 50
Score 394.15 56757
Score per Turn 29.7937
Turns 13.23 1905
Vertical Plays 6.27 903
Horizontal Plays 5.73 825
One Tile Plays 0.54 78
Other Plays 0.69 99
Firsts 0.47 67
Vertical Openings per First 0.1833
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8167
Full Rack per Turn 0.4583
Exchanges 0.31 44
High Game 613
Low Game 246
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 1.69 243
Sevens 0.83 119
Eights 0.83 119
Nines 0.03 5
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5259.88
Sevens 4808.44
Eights 5489.91
Nines 10261.80
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.03 6917
A 4.31 620
B 0.98 141
C 1.02 147
D 2.01 289
E 6.01 865
F 0.94 135
G 1.58 227
H 0.98 141
I 4.28 616
J 0.52 75
K 0.46 66
L 1.85 266
M 0.93 134
N 3.01 433
O 3.96 570
P 0.93 134
Q 0.51 74
R 2.76 397
S 1.81 261
T 2.88 414
U 1.75 252
V 0.99 143
W 0.93 134
X 0.47 68
Y 0.83 119
Z 0.45 65
? 0.91 131
Power Tiles Played 4.68 674
? 0.91 131
J 0.52 75
Q 0.51 74
X 0.47 68
Z 0.45 65
S 1.81 261
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 17
? 0.03 5
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 9
Turns With a Blank 1.30 187
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.12 18
Bonus Square Coverage 15.72 2263
Double Letter 5.11 736
Triple Letter 5.56 801
Double Word 2.78 401
Triple Word 2.26 325
Phony Plays 0.35 50
Unchallenged 0.15 21
Challenged Off 0.20 29
Challenges 0.28 41
You Won 0.08 12
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.20 29
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4200
Comments 10.63 1531
Comments Word Length 107.86 15532
Mistakeless Turns 13.15 1894
Mistakes per Turn 0.0063
Mistakes 0.08 12
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.02 3
Vision 0.03 5
Tactics 0.01 2
Strategy 0.01 1
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.01 2
equity 0.01 2
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4789 (0.4446, 0.5160)
B 0.4900 (0.4045, 0.5561)
C 0.5100 (0.4045, 0.5561)
D 0.5025 (0.4267, 0.5339)
E 0.5008 (0.4493, 0.5113)
F 0.4700 (0.4045, 0.5561)
G 0.5267 (0.4184, 0.5422)
H 0.4900 (0.4045, 0.5561)
I 0.4756 (0.4446, 0.5160)
J 0.5200 (0.3731, 0.5875)
K 0.4600 (0.3731, 0.5875)
L 0.4625 (0.4267, 0.5339)
M 0.4650 (0.4045, 0.5561)
N 0.5017 (0.4365, 0.5241)
O 0.4950 (0.4424, 0.5182)
P 0.4650 (0.4045, 0.5561)
Q 0.5100 (0.3731, 0.5875)
R 0.4600 (0.4365, 0.5241)
S 0.4525 (0.4267, 0.5339)
T 0.4800 (0.4365, 0.5241)
U 0.4375 (0.4267, 0.5339)
V 0.4950 (0.4045, 0.5561)
W 0.4650 (0.4045, 0.5561)
X 0.4700 (0.3731, 0.5875)
Y 0.4150 (0.4045, 0.5561)
Z 0.4500 (0.3731, 0.5875)
? 0.4550 (0.4045, 0.5561)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
5G C(O)MITIEs +72 Finding Large
I did see 9F MIsCITE which I passed up. However, I missed the anagram of COMITIEs- 5D sEMI(O)TIC is 94, but even better positionally is 5D EpIT(O)MIC. #findinglarge
B2 FR(O)TH +38 Finding Small
I wasn't sure if it was FUTHORc or FUTHORk. They're both good. But either way, FOURTHs is not hard to spot. This was just bad. Definitely would have done FUTHORk if I played this position optimally. #findingsad
K8 (C)OfOUNDS +70 Vision Unspecified
I must ask: how is it that I can find harder to spot bingoes but space out on an easy one occasionally? It's a good thing I continued looking after initially seeing J8 (I)DONeOUS. #visionmuchsolider
M11 W(A)UGH +24 Strategy Large
Right idea to block the 3x3 after Dustin has been fishing all this time, but 15K SHOWS is fine for 21 more. Shouldn't concern myself with leave too much when I'm already winning this one. #strategylarge
1A S(TOW)S +24 Knowledge Small
Right idea but G9 (E)SS is a point better wow #knowledgesad because I wasn't sure about VIGIAS
L7 AVID +14 Tactics Medium
F8 VAU man the U really sucks huh #tacticssadder ##equity Specifying an S on his rack makes this play a lot better, but not better enough to justify the sac'ed equity
9K N(I)X +37 Vision Large
10F XI #visionsaddest wow this is great and I am terrible
E2 BERTH +25 Vision Large
No clue how I missed N2 BERTH, I saw it immediately in analysis lol fuck #visionsaddest Dustin must've thought I was an idiot
3A Q(U)EU(E) +28 Tactics Small
M3 F(E)M hmm #tacticssad I guess ##equity
13G C(O)EDiTOR +78 Finding Large
15H (A)ERODuCT is 8 more and a miss. It would make a huge difference. #findinglarge #visionlarge
13G C(O)EDiTOR +78 Vision Large
15H (A)ERODuCT is 8 more and a miss. It would make a huge difference. #findinglarge #visionlarge
G8 WED +24 Vision Small
W(YE) looks like a good fish on the surface, but I thought Dustin was more likely to block after my fish. Most 7s wouldn't even play on this current board even if I drew into one. I think I would have done J6 DREW if I had to do this one over again. #visionsmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Dynamic Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
L7 AVID +14 equity Dynamic
F8 VAU man the U really sucks huh #tacticssadder ##equity Specifying an S on his rack makes this play a lot better, but not better enough to justify the sac'ed equity
3A Q(U)EU(E) +28 equity Dynamic
M3 F(E)M hmm #tacticssad I guess ##equity
The listing of the player's dynamic mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 51238 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11709, Round 1).
Game 51676 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11822, Round 9).
Game 51969 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11828, Round 3).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.