Doug Lundquist
Doug Lundquist
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SUN(S)CALD 24454 86
GAUDIEs 1682 67
LIRIOpE 2366 64
QUOTERS 6965 103
B(E)HoOVES 21910 84
OUTSUNG 16564 68
DICTIER 3632 89
ANTEDAt(E) 3183 77
PLOsIVE 7999 80
VARLETS 3179 98
OXIM(E)TEr 5479 67
OUTWILE 2046 68
HURTLES 8702 74
REOBTA(I)N 52 72
NeOGENE 8535 76
MAFTIRS 9273 85
PONTINE 2602 76
(G)LASSInE 5817 77
RESHAPE 8321 74
BAILORS 3330 77
AREOL(A)TE 255 131
ELAtIVE(S) 1559 90
CALKERS 14082 111
ENAMOR(E)D 811 62
V(E)STINGS 14840 63
N(ON)NATIvE 5641 59
NAILSET 111 70
THEELIN 2280 68
RESITED 602 68
TRICLAD 4936 68
ARS(E)NICS 5432 62
UNLE(A)RNT 2141 59
(E)RRINGLy 10720 77
INFANT(E)S 2916 76
(E)ROTIZES 2168 104
(O)UTHEARD 1359 66
EnGINES 5305 75
PAV(E)MENt 12279 78
NeED(L)ESS 17910 82
EN(d)URING 5549 59
RETEAMS 2229 100
LINAGES 761 77
AN(T)IWEED 652 63
(S)PLENDOr 5199 83
LOCAT(I)ON 3443 64
L(O)NGUEUr 10302 74
T(A)ILGATE 3662 69
ChAINED 4308 75
DOSSER(E)T 5972 70
CETANES 2181 82
SENIORS 1825 64
UNROPED 3894 76
BIR(D)sEEd 13713 131
TANGOED 385 66
LI(N)EAGES 716 86
P(A)lINODE 545 149
LANIA(T)ED* 0 60
NAUPLII 8510 68
RAISI(N)GS 12508 63
ROoMIER 5952 68
IDEATI(O)N 37 61
LAMENTS 3159 69
ARGUeRS 6883 78
MESHuGA(H) 26769 110
(S)ECONDLY 13256 80
(O)ENOMELS 7578 74
(IN)TENTIoN 11209 68
a(D)ROITLY 2427 71
TENFOLD 3868 76
(T)URTLInG 11586 64
LATRIN(E)S 73 61
(P)URPLEsT 24444 86
GUTSIER 1750 86
LO(B)ATIOn 3439 70
(R)EIMAGES 2349 63
CREePED 15843 79
DOURINE 167 79
ASTATIC 11832 73
FRU(C)tOSE 9735 78
ANE(C)DOtE 759 61
NATURIN(G)* 0 72
STENToR 1715 75
ReTINAL 17 91
tROOPER 8639 68
ACORNED 838 71
ReBUKeS 17059 76
UNHeROI(C) 4104 66
UNTRIED 451 80
MEChOUI 12579 64
I(R)ONIcAL 2745 61
ADULTER(Y) 4271 63
CORRIDA 6345 72
TITi(V)ATE 14770 62
ARBALIS(T) 6913 83
CALCiNE 11683 96
DERISOR(Y) 6062 89
OVERAWE 3549 82
UpRISeN 3310 76
EREMITE 3558 68
ASPIRAt(E) 1224 80
SIDE(R)ITE 1126 72
RELATIv(E) 666 74
AMOUNTS 5613 74
eV(E)NSONG 12476 76
TI(D)EWAYs 5431 78
hERONRY 11626 69
ADHIb(I)TS 15419 74
FILAGRE(E) 2222 89
(L)AIRIESt 315 60
OVERSET 2546 99
REFO(U)NDS 4934 90
BLOATED 1824 84
SUNNING 21386 80
TAILgAT(E) 3662 59
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AREOL(A)TE 255 131
BIR(D)sEEd 13713 131
P(A)lINODE 545 149
RE(EX)pOSE 18529 126
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
N(ON)NATIvE 5641 59
(IN)TENTIoN 11209 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
LANIA(T)ED* 0 60
MIN* 0 25
X(A)NTHAL* 0 50
NATURIN(G)* 0 72
(PA)VEE* 0 20
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
TANE* 0 0
RETEAMS 2229 100
SANTUO(R)s* 0 0
FILAGRE(E) 2222 89
OVERSET 2546 99
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SAL(T)NESS 20958 62
SAU(T)OIRE 26 66
G(E)NTLEST 10290 86
DA(N)GLIER 454 61
ESPOIRS 7650 71
FORM(U)LAE 6755 71
ADA(P)TioN 2732 68
(A)DSORBEr 6021 72
GU(I)LTIER 2989 72
RElIEVO 1257 87
JAWB(O)nER 13156 88
M(A)NNERLY 14008 96
(S)EPTARiA 1227 65
S(T)EATITE 7489 82
TODDIES 3581 78
(P)aNTILED 1023 83
R(E)MOVINg 5605 78
A(L)TERITY 2933 72
HOUSInG 10816 89
EQUATIO(N) 708 104
ARsENAL 1277 68
STRUGG(l)E 19257 60
STEARIC 640 79
(G)EsTURER 10306 62
In(T)ERMAT 1505 86
AESTIV(A)L 2553 74
(G)LEAmIER 2346 74
SEPTaTE 7694 77
EVASiON 336 75
nEATEST 1887 72
OAkIEST 1094 72
mISDOES 10659 67
AIRLINE 142 64
C(E)LERITY 7169 80
GRATIN(E)E 85 72
(DE)PILATEd 6637 86
STUR(D)IER 3979 68
CORNEAS 890 76
gAVIALS 13549 76
L(I)FTABLE 14221 78
URANI(T)ES 83 70
A(N)TIWEED 652 80
LEAFERy* 0 88
BORNITE 355 67
(H)ANDLIsT 6580 67
S(C)IMITER 9800 86
ADJUSTO(R) 11713 72
LEAKIE(S)T 3426 74
ENTRA(N)CE 3860 60
R(A)ILINGS 4701 63
REtINAE 9 67
(R)EADORNS 1141 77
INTE(R)VAL 431 66
(D)URATIVE 1045 76
tERMIN(U)S 2394 86
REMOVeD 9051 75
sATIETY 3824 89
OVERLIE 1258 66
GOLFERS 8538 80
BEDOUiN(S) 2803 80
S(P)IRULAE 2325 64
SIDE(W)ARD 8604 65
GRAPIE(S)T 1876 63
SONNIEs 7190 72
SAUTER(N)E 357 61
SHOWIEr 5134 110
PERSONS 10869 76
TA(P)ERiNG 792 74
AUD(I)ENCE 1523 72
EXALTIn(G) 4287 110
ACINOUs 3344 72
DEBRIEF(s) 10421 70
JO(I)NTERS 1708 80
NOSIEST 1739 77
PARGETS 4517 75
DILATOR 434 80
DESTROY 3731 96
MuSKETS 21820 85
DRILlED 14971 99
gLI(N)TIER 1483 59
R(E)TiNULA 74 58
IDEA(T)IVE 1662 78
VEA(L)IEST 1478 158
(T)EENAGED 2841 64
BANTiES 621 71
TONUSES 6179 76
LAW(Y)ErED 10404 94
STARR(I)ER 6101 61
ANDIRON 1334 76
MEANIES 1011 75
ERIN(G)OES 330 60
(T)IrEDEST 2572 80
DIVESTS 12425 88
FENTANY(L) 13320 69
REtINOL 44 74
(R)EDTAILS 267 68
NUTmEAT 6489 77
RETOOLE(D) 1992 80
METAZOA 9089 99
LOFTIER 970 78
SNIPERS 9792 77
SOMItIC 14027 70
(V)IOLATER 205 76
ERISTIC 3468 67
THRoNED 2076 72
InULASE 406 76
TENDINg 4249 71
jOYRID(E)S 10995 94
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
VEA(L)IEST 1478 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(DE)PILATEd 6637 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PIJAM(A)* 0 40
LEAFERy* 0 88
DIER* 0 26
GIPO* 0 40
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
BAIRD* 0 0
GRAPIE(S)T 1876 63
CONTO 4455 20
FENTANY(L) 13320 69
(KI)NNED* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Games that end in ties.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 58
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.05 1453
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.44 25.5
Score 423.67 24573
Score per Turn 33.8471
Turns 12.52 726
Vertical Plays 5.66 328
Horizontal Plays 6.19 359
One Tile Plays 0.38 22
Other Plays 0.29 17
Firsts 0.52 30
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.5055
Exchanges 0.16 9
High Game 606
Low Game 312
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.98 115
Sevens 0.93 54
Eights 1.02 59
Nines 0.03 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6195.04
Sevens 5534.30
Eights 6742.77
Nines 8425.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.91 2895
A 4.57 265
B 1.02 59
C 1.09 63
D 1.93 112
E 5.66 328
F 1.00 58
G 1.40 81
H 1.03 60
I 4.31 250
J 0.47 27
K 0.47 27
L 2.09 121
M 1.07 62
N 3.22 187
O 4.21 244
P 0.97 56
Q 0.53 31
R 2.81 163
S 2.12 123
T 2.71 157
U 2.22 129
V 0.95 55
W 1.03 60
X 0.52 30
Y 0.98 57
Z 0.48 28
? 1.07 62
Power Tiles Played 5.19 301
? 1.07 62
J 0.47 27
Q 0.53 31
X 0.52 30
Z 0.48 28
S 2.12 123
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.05 3
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 2
Turns With a Blank 1.34 78
Triple Triples Played 0.07 4
Bingoless Games 0.07 4
Bonus Square Coverage 16.10 934
Double Letter 5.12 297
Triple Letter 5.66 328
Double Word 2.98 173
Triple Word 2.34 136
Phony Plays 0.16 9
Unchallenged 0.09 5
Challenged Off 0.07 4
Challenges 0.22 13
You Won 0.05 3
Opponent Lost 0.05 3
You Lost 0.05 3
Opponent Won 0.07 4
Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4286
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5556
Comments 9.29 539
Comments Word Length 179.07 10386
Mistakeless Turns 12.52 726
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5078 (0.4427, 0.5555)
B 0.5100 (0.3795, 0.6187)
C 0.5450 (0.3795, 0.6187)
D 0.4825 (0.4145, 0.5837)
E 0.4717 (0.4503, 0.5479)
F 0.5000 (0.3795, 0.6187)
G 0.4667 (0.4015, 0.5967)
H 0.5150 (0.3795, 0.6187)
I 0.4789 (0.4427, 0.5555)
J 0.4700 (0.3300, 0.6682)
K 0.4700 (0.3300, 0.6682)
L 0.5225 (0.4145, 0.5837)
M 0.5350 (0.3795, 0.6187)
N 0.5367 (0.4301, 0.5681)
O 0.5262 (0.4393, 0.5589)
P 0.4850 (0.3795, 0.6187)
Q 0.5300 (0.3300, 0.6682)
R 0.4683 (0.4301, 0.5681)
S 0.5300 (0.4145, 0.5837)
T 0.4517 (0.4301, 0.5681)
U 0.5550 (0.4145, 0.5837)
V 0.4750 (0.3795, 0.6187)
W 0.5150 (0.3795, 0.6187)
X 0.5200 (0.3300, 0.6682)
Y 0.4900 (0.3795, 0.6187)
Z 0.4800 (0.3300, 0.6682)
? 0.5350 (0.3795, 0.6187)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.56 32.5
Score 405.09 23495
Score per Turn 32.3177
Turns 12.53 727
Vertical Plays 6.09 353
Horizontal Plays 5.43 315
One Tile Plays 0.55 32
Other Plays 0.47 27
Firsts 0.48 28
Vertical Openings per First 0.4348
Horizontal Openings per First 0.5652
Full Rack per Turn 0.9271
Exchanges 0.33 19
High Game 536
Low Game 255
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.91 111
Sevens 0.84 49
Eights 1.05 61
Nines 0.02 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 4899.27
Sevens 5009.63
Eights 4787.56
Nines 6637.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.86 2776
A 4.33 251
B 0.95 55
C 0.83 48
D 2.03 118
E 6.22 361
F 0.98 57
G 1.48 86
H 0.95 55
I 4.52 262
J 0.52 30
K 0.53 31
L 1.79 104
M 0.91 53
N 2.59 150
O 3.62 210
P 1.02 59
Q 0.45 26
R 2.91 169
S 1.81 105
T 3.00 174
U 1.57 91
V 0.97 56
W 0.95 55
X 0.48 28
Y 1.02 59
Z 0.50 29
? 0.93 54
Power Tiles Played 4.69 272
? 0.93 54
J 0.52 30
Q 0.45 26
X 0.48 28
Z 0.50 29
S 1.81 105
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.05 3
? 0.00 0
J 0.02 1
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.02 1
S 0.02 1
Turns With a Blank 1.91 111
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.07 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.83 918
Double Letter 5.12 297
Triple Letter 5.16 299
Double Word 3.19 185
Triple Word 2.36 137
Phony Plays 0.16 9
Unchallenged 0.10 6
Challenged Off 0.05 3
Challenges 0.22 13
You Won 0.07 4
Opponent Lost 0.05 3
You Lost 0.05 3
Opponent Won 0.05 3
Challenge Percentage 0.5714
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6667
Comments 9.29 539
Comments Word Length 179.07 10386
Mistakeless Turns 12.53 727
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4811 (0.4223, 0.5349)
B 0.4750 (0.3591, 0.5981)
C 0.4150 (0.3591, 0.5981)
D 0.5075 (0.3941, 0.5631)
E 0.5183 (0.4298, 0.5274)
F 0.4900 (0.3591, 0.5981)
G 0.4933 (0.3811, 0.5761)
H 0.4750 (0.3591, 0.5981)
I 0.5022 (0.4223, 0.5349)
J 0.5200 (0.3096, 0.6476)
K 0.5300 (0.3096, 0.6476)
L 0.4475 (0.3941, 0.5631)
M 0.4550 (0.3591, 0.5981)
N 0.4317 (0.4096, 0.5476)
O 0.4525 (0.4189, 0.5383)
P 0.5100 (0.3591, 0.5981)
Q 0.4500 (0.3096, 0.6476)
R 0.4850 (0.4096, 0.5476)
S 0.4525 (0.3941, 0.5631)
T 0.5000 (0.4096, 0.5476)
U 0.3925 (0.3941, 0.5631)
V 0.4850 (0.3591, 0.5981)
W 0.4750 (0.3591, 0.5981)
X 0.4800 (0.3096, 0.6476)
Y 0.5100 (0.3591, 0.5981)
Z 0.5000 (0.3096, 0.6476)
? 0.4650 (0.3591, 0.5981)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.