David A Brown
David A Brown
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
UNTAG(G)ED 11718 76
GREE(N)IES 2854 68
RELAPSE(D) 5315 86
TRIPLET(S) 8402 89
BEANErY 5330 70
OR(I)eNTaL 5 60
(AT)TAINDER 517 61
MANGIER 1222 70
CAREENS 2178 74
TWOOnIE 1346 73
OUtLOV(E)S 10146 92
REMOUnT 2088 71
(R)EADORNS 1141 80
FREEING 3382 79
sHELLED 19166 68
VICUNAS 12418 81
ORATING 304 72
AGNIZED 5194 90
TRIpPIE(R) 22893 86
ANEA(R)ING 1952 60
OUTAgES 1103 73
VIL(L)AINS 19276 82
y(E)ARLONG 2245 70
pIROGUE 2999 70
EBONIEs 1248 72
TENURES 1445 73
iND(I)CTED 13006 74
REARMED 10294 76
OUTCO(M)ES 20527 76
AILMEN(T)S 1056 73
ETOIlES 303 68
TEXtUR(A)L 12796 82
IGNeOUs 1061 78
CENTRES 4031 71
EXORdIA 1088 80
R(E)L(I)CENSE 4844 62
DUALiS(E)D 7066 70
U(T)ENSILS 7251 59
DISpROO(F) 18328 86
GE(N)TRIES 753 62
EN(T)HRALl 8764 70
GUERI(D)ON 885 70
AuTOD(I)AL 2590 62
HONEYEd 9047 82
SAVIOUR 3363 66
DRE(A)MIER 3686 65
COSIESt 7631 73
ATO(M)ISES 3784 64
ENERGI(D)S 1735 70
DIGEsT(O)R 694 77
ENACTOR 348 79
SpO(O)NIER 2103 122
MANS(I)ONS 22759 74
TEACHEs 11108 85
DuRANCE 4128 77
(G)LOSSING 34062 66
OPALINE 324 73
HADJeES 15184 103
ANEA(R)ING 1952 60
OUTAgES 1103 73
D(ET)ONaTED 4363 61
ROTATI(O)N 1638 131
pEREION 490 90
SI(D)ELINE 2465 68
GORDITa 836 61
DEP(U)TIZE 14982 74
VERONIc(A) 903 83
sTEA(M)iLY 5745 74
HEAUmES 11363 66
TAURInE 30 69
StARRED 2815 71
AbASIAS 21163 66
SOILaGE 382 72
SITrEPS 9802 76
WA(V)ELIkE 16949 73
HUNdR(E)DS 18650 63
ANIsOLE 36 74
AGOnIST 801 82
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
SpO(O)NIER 2103 122
ROTATI(O)N 1638 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(AT)TAINDER 517 61
R(E)L(I)CENSE 4844 62
D(ET)ONaTED 4363 61
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
URSA(L)* 0 0
UHI* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
DANCY* 0 39
HAUTER* 0 30
(B)IRDLE* 0 18
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
URSA(L)* 0 0
L(O)IR 366 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
UTTERED 6244 67
APOS(T)AsY 24436 82
LOOKeRS 11759 81
DETAINe(D) 1317 80
CABiNE(T)S 3278 76
O(R)ATIONS 451 62
COAtTES(T) 16055 80
A(T)OMISED 554 76
(D)ISASTER 2194 80
ISOTONE 364 84
QuAERES 7317 101
STONKED 6966 68
EMITTER 4920 78
ENSNAR(E)D 2685 68
DECIPh(E)R 16117 74
l(I)NESMEN 9629 68
TANKErS 3599 99
SCREAKY 18331 77
SEP(A)RATE 3480 75
(T)IMEWaRP* 0 78
BETTING 8612 76
UNSNARL 10467 75
UNBALeD 5563 64
O(V)ERTIRE 2342 63
cOWHAND 17732 92
VIRTuES 3317 76
LUNATED 1503 77
HOSEMEn 12170 71
FRAILt(E)E 834 74
BIPARTY 14290 87
HOLIESt 2030 74
AIRSIDE 495 74
OU(T)RANGE 259 72
(E)ROGeNIC 1496 78
I(N)SIDERS 7349 60
(S)ENORITa 9 74
GESSOED 12277 74
SOUTANE 166 71
SNOWIER 1008 84
pA(L)INODY 12092 67
ChARTED 9367 97
EVOL(V)ENT 22745 80
BORDERS 14112 75
GREENIE 2849 62
DETAI(N)EE 370 65
MERLINS 3289 71
CATENOI(D) 189 72
STeGODO(N) 4433 83
(S)TERNwAY 5839 83
(R)EMIGIAL 4182 80
NIMRODs 5866 68
OUTSINS 8580 69
(R)EAChING 4873 77
Y(EL)LOWING 23407 110
DA(G)GIEST 10806 62
NEEDIER 1672 74
ANtIRAP(E) 640 80
REMANET 1416 72
ANDROID 4072 77
OmIKRON 15649 70
ACEROSE 1240 74
OUTSTAR(ED) 1346 93
ES(P)EcIAL 7024 68
gAIETI(E)S 866 68
(RE)INSpECT 4501 83
(T)IMEWaRP* 0 78
HAIRIEs(T) 1246 78
ENtWINE 4920 70
R(E)TICULE 3109 70
RE(L)ATIVE 666 72
DETAInS 92 73
DRU(M)LIKE 17390 67
(P)ORELESS* 0 83
DERATIN(G) 147 83
BLEAR(I)ER 3680 74
TESTONS 10279 70
aSCENTS 9738 75
ThRONGS 10938 80
ENDOWE(R)S 3756 66
RU(T)ILANT 3507 70
BITUMEN 7100 70
SAUTOIR 445 68
ANEMONE 3177 65
LONGIES 1058 75
TENDERs 1369 83
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
Y(EL)LOWING 23407 110
OUTSTAR(ED) 1346 93
(RE)INSpECT 4501 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
RAGM(E)N 2645 31
DOGBONe* 0 0
INS 151 28
IV(i)NG* 0 0
HOSEMEn 12170 71
BACCI* 0 0
AEOOZ* 0 0
PLI(C)E* 0 0
pA(L)INODY 12092 67
HANGI 3879 37
INULA 1040 31
(W)HATNOT 14520 26
(J)ILTY* 0 0
M(I)NY 3657 39
PU(L)K 4082 20
TESTONS 10279 70
SLIPT 4718 33
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 51
Invalid Games 0.02 1
Incomplete 0.02 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.94 1323
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.37 19
Score 376.69 19211
Score per Turn 29.0635
Turns 12.96 661
Vertical Plays 5.22 266
Horizontal Plays 6.80 347
One Tile Plays 0.45 23
Other Plays 0.49 25
Firsts 0.39 20
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.5930
Exchanges 0.22 11
High Game 608
Low Game 252
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 1.59 81
Sevens 0.80 41
Eights 0.73 37
Nines 0.06 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6212.12
Sevens 4404.25
Eights 8407.46
Nines 3241.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.82 2439
A 4.04 206
B 0.84 43
C 0.96 49
D 1.86 95
E 5.76 294
F 0.98 50
G 1.57 80
H 0.86 44
I 4.39 224
J 0.45 23
K 0.53 27
L 2.06 105
M 0.96 49
N 2.80 143
O 3.65 186
P 1.02 52
Q 0.43 22
R 2.96 151
S 1.75 89
T 2.76 141
U 1.94 99
V 1.06 54
W 1.02 52
X 0.55 28
Y 1.00 51
Z 0.47 24
? 1.14 58
Power Tiles Played 4.78 244
? 1.14 58
J 0.45 23
Q 0.43 22
X 0.55 28
Z 0.47 24
S 1.75 89
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.29 15
? 0.02 1
J 0.04 2
Q 0.02 1
X 0.02 1
Z 0.02 1
S 0.18 9
Turns With a Blank 1.90 97
Triple Triples Played 0.04 2
Bingoless Games 0.08 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.55 793
Double Letter 5.04 257
Triple Letter 5.43 277
Double Word 3.00 153
Triple Word 2.08 106
Phony Plays 0.18 9
Unchallenged 0.08 4
Challenged Off 0.10 5
Challenges 0.45 23
You Won 0.14 7
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.22 11
Opponent Won 0.10 5
Challenge Percentage 0.3889
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4444
Comments 4.65 237
Comments Word Length 77.98 3977
Mistakeless Turns 12.96 661
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4489 (0.4181, 0.5383)
B 0.4200 (0.3508, 0.6056)
C 0.4800 (0.3508, 0.6056)
D 0.4650 (0.3881, 0.5683)
E 0.4800 (0.4262, 0.5302)
F 0.4900 (0.3508, 0.6056)
G 0.5233 (0.3742, 0.5822)
H 0.4300 (0.3508, 0.6056)
I 0.4878 (0.4181, 0.5383)
J 0.4500 (0.2980, 0.6584)
K 0.5300 (0.2980, 0.6584)
L 0.5150 (0.3881, 0.5683)
M 0.4800 (0.3508, 0.6056)
N 0.4667 (0.4046, 0.5518)
O 0.4562 (0.4145, 0.5419)
P 0.5100 (0.3508, 0.6056)
Q 0.4300 (0.2980, 0.6584)
R 0.4933 (0.4046, 0.5518)
S 0.4375 (0.3881, 0.5683)
T 0.4600 (0.4046, 0.5518)
U 0.4850 (0.3881, 0.5683)
V 0.5300 (0.3508, 0.6056)
W 0.5100 (0.3508, 0.6056)
X 0.5500 (0.2980, 0.6584)
Y 0.5000 (0.3508, 0.6056)
Z 0.4700 (0.2980, 0.6584)
? 0.5700 (0.3508, 0.6056)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.63 32
Score 405.39 20675
Score per Turn 31.2311
Turns 12.98 662
Vertical Plays 5.73 292
Horizontal Plays 6.24 318
One Tile Plays 0.43 22
Other Plays 0.59 30
Firsts 0.61 31
Vertical Openings per First 0.4000
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6000
Full Rack per Turn 0.6631
Exchanges 0.39 20
High Game 572
Low Game 222
Highest Scoring Turn 110
Bingos Played 1.73 88
Sevens 0.86 44
Eights 0.78 40
Nines 0.08 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5971.89
Sevens 6194.60
Eights 5406.62
Nines 9751.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.63 2480
A 4.76 243
B 1.12 57
C 0.98 50
D 1.94 99
E 5.96 304
F 1.00 51
G 1.29 66
H 1.14 58
I 4.20 214
J 0.51 26
K 0.47 24
L 1.76 90
M 0.98 50
N 2.94 150
O 4.02 205
P 0.96 49
Q 0.55 28
R 2.78 142
S 1.92 98
T 2.94 150
U 1.82 93
V 0.90 46
W 0.94 48
X 0.43 22
Y 0.98 50
Z 0.51 26
? 0.80 41
Power Tiles Played 4.73 241
? 0.80 41
J 0.51 26
Q 0.55 28
X 0.43 22
Z 0.51 26
S 1.92 98
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.20 10
? 0.04 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.16 8
Turns With a Blank 1.43 73
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.12 6
Bonus Square Coverage 15.92 812
Double Letter 5.41 276
Triple Letter 5.31 271
Double Word 3.00 153
Triple Word 2.20 112
Phony Plays 0.31 16
Unchallenged 0.18 9
Challenged Off 0.14 7
Challenges 0.45 23
You Won 0.10 5
Opponent Lost 0.22 11
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.14 7
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.6111
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5625
Comments 4.65 237
Comments Word Length 77.98 3977
Mistakeless Turns 12.86 656
Mistakes per Turn 0.0091
Mistakes 0.12 6
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.10 5
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.02 1
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5289 (0.4262, 0.5464)
B 0.5600 (0.3588, 0.6138)
C 0.4900 (0.3588, 0.6138)
D 0.4850 (0.3962, 0.5764)
E 0.4967 (0.4343, 0.5383)
F 0.5000 (0.3588, 0.6138)
G 0.4300 (0.3822, 0.5904)
H 0.5700 (0.3588, 0.6138)
I 0.4667 (0.4262, 0.5464)
J 0.5100 (0.3060, 0.6666)
K 0.4700 (0.3060, 0.6666)
L 0.4400 (0.3962, 0.5764)
M 0.4900 (0.3588, 0.6138)
N 0.4900 (0.4127, 0.5599)
O 0.5025 (0.4226, 0.5500)
P 0.4800 (0.3588, 0.6138)
Q 0.5500 (0.3060, 0.6666)
R 0.4633 (0.4127, 0.5599)
S 0.4800 (0.3962, 0.5764)
T 0.4900 (0.4127, 0.5599)
U 0.4550 (0.3962, 0.5764)
V 0.4500 (0.3588, 0.6138)
W 0.4700 (0.3588, 0.6138)
X 0.4300 (0.3060, 0.6666)
Y 0.4900 (0.3588, 0.6138)
Z 0.5100 (0.3060, 0.6666)
? 0.4000 (0.3588, 0.6138)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
7K S(I)X +47 Finding Large
14J BOUSE #findingsaddest
15K INULA +36 Finding Medium
15K UNLID #findingsadder
C9 W(E)NT +17 Time Large
4F (TE)W is best #timesaddest
E2 ORA +18 Finding Large
M1 As(S)U(R)OR #findingsaddest
15F DA(G)GIEST +62 Finding Large
O1 ANtIRAP(E) +80 Finding Medium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 20445 36 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 44010 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11488, Round 2).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.