Darrell Day
Darrell Day
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
CYANITE 2291 80
TIDDLER 5187 69
tAENIAS 130 81
U(R)ALITES 258 61
OU(T)FAWnS 12268 86
UREDIAL 401 73
NEOT(E)RIC 283 64
PU(S)hBALL 28355 62
DERRIE(R)E 16295 60
ELO(N)GATE 349 68
UpR(I)SING 16779 85
(T)EABOXES 8246 71
(R)EDeSIGN 1642 80
(S)POLIATE 544 72
TURNeRS 5075 69
DENOTEs 847 73
SOLITAR(Y) 2445 83
INCUD(A)TE 1009 72
GES(T)ICAL 3629 62
DELAINE 203 73
EMiGR(A)TE 1031 86
AURATED 1217 71
JONESED 8208 115
ELE(C)TING 4626 74
OOMIAkS 15513 64
ENTERAL 211 61
SNIFTER 1621 74
MESNA(L)TY 8598 68
(C)RANIATE 478 83
(F)ILETING 6641 64
cUR(A)RINE 2897 78
UPSTAGE 7507 69
(V)IDETTES 9611 64
HE(A)DlONG 4342 74
RED(Y)EING 4633 76
TR(U)NNIoN 13366 61
dIRECTL(Y) 8634 89
AIRLINE 136 63
(E)NSLAVED 5038 89
(E)QUIPaGE 13123 92
TEMPERS 11007 71
(F)ILARiUM* 0 89
ORIENTs 50 73
BOWYErS 15761 86
SwEETIE(S) 16355 76
FIESTAS 6672 77
MOTIO(N)ER 941 64
TUBE(R)oID 1411 72
LINGERs 1738 73
TANGI(B)LE 1806 62
PIVOTED 5121 79
ILeITIS 6580 63
INUTILE 1289 66
INDAGAT(E) 627 72
INARMED 645 86
GROUSES 11356 70
P(R)EFILeD 10467 76
HARVEST 7063 91
TABULIs 7908 78
OLOGIES 3032 82
LACIEST 1421 80
(E)OLITHIc 7034 83
DOGEa(R)ED 4752 78
SAUNTER 418 73
(P)RONATES 596 90
(E)nCLAVES 10380 86
TEAROOM 1277 74
GLAD(I)ATE 1411 90
GAINERS 266 72
DUNGIER 1733 69
AUREATE 800 80
S(L)EEPiER 7754 81
(P)URITANS 3567 74
FETTErS 10082 69
BOI(S)ERiE 2151 80
ODONATE 362 63
RESUMES 16888 92
PROSTYL(E) 10283 82
RACEW(A)YS 17975 75
(D)EFORMER 15611 80
(R)AVIgOTE 372 68
O(V)ErPLOT 11253 66
DECE(N)NIA 3489 76
pO(r)RIDGE 7772 82
WARST(L)ED 4269 76
TENRECs 4216 73
PARENT(E)D 1595 72
THESPIA(N) 3355 73
RA(N)CIDER 2883 76
RATAFeE 2391 71
TOL(E)RANT 454 66
ABFARaD 21388 69
o(V)ERSEEN 5486 76
ENCASED 4030 84
FIDDLES 15214 84
(C)HEERIOs 4579 89
PENNIEs 7729 66
TINGLE(R)S 1174 72
OUtLIVE(R) 1397 70
GANG(s)TER 7851 76
ANG(U)LATE 2820 70
(D)ILATErS 248 77
REPINES 2299 80
fICUSES 18597 76
MEL(A)NOID 517 61
(N)ONElITE 695 61
BERRIED 7699 73
CUtTERS 12643 64
(A)LGArOBA 19693 83
(P)ROLINES 1466 83
OPERA(T)ES 824 90
(N)eUSTONS 12563 71
ANTiLOg(Y) 3843 77
TAILERS 116 73
tIMEOUS 2049 72
GEMINAT(E) 1084 65
HOaRIER 1210 85
PETE(C)HIA 8217 96
RELENDS 2783 84
PRINTED 1545 80
StIMULA* 0 69
REIGN(I)TE 843 72
(C)HOLENTs 9736 76
SEcTILE 4125 75
OVERSEA 1188 69
L(E)ADENlY 13027 80
CA(P)ONIER 854 76
FI(R)EDoGS 4148 74
UrALITE 123 70
EMIN(E)NCE 17699 70
FULFILS 24640 97
REALIGN 258 67
LATESTS 12283 69
TURTLES 7863 70
GENTLES 4359 76
AN(T)IGENS 1566 64
GOVErNS 5302 73
AERI(F)IeD 1661 72
T(E)AROOMS 1968 70
INTERI(M)S 2537 89
V(A)LORISE 545 63
(D)ECAPODs 17912 92
NEAREST 208 86
ANtISEX 1680 87
DE(I)FYING 14997 78
(O)UTRACES 1283 68
IM(P)RoVED 11378 79
BOU(N)TIES 1340 72
CENTRI(S)T 5004 61
WAITERS 729 84
DRAFTER 6202 79
IDOLISE 1497 70
IN(C)LOSED 2807 74
TERPIN(O)L 580 62
STENOS(E)D 5676 76
TANGIBl(E) 1708 86
LEARNED 539 69
AR(R)IVAlS 14533 78
NEARLIE(R) 518 68
LOTiONs 3435 69
MA(N)ROPES 3866 80
vAStIER 688 69
UNIDEAL 397 68
RETIRED 1898 66
GEMINAT(E) 1084 63
SITUATE 1338 68
HAR(B)ORER 20998 78
HEFTINg 8695 75
ArDOURS 7875 80
PR(E)bIRTH 18496 74
ROTATOR 10606 65
PrANCED 6993 78
SETTLER 6240 70
LEnTOID 167 77
REINSME(N) 6444 72
(O)UTRANGE 244 80
ENGINES 5087 66
(E)XpERTLY 22165 104
ERECTIO(N) 300 63
SACLIKE 10364 89
wAISTER 690 67
GOA(T)LIKE 2382 86
(I)NHESION 6347 86
DIOCESA(N) 508 92
LOOS(E)NER 1887 82
LOONiER 342 68
(Q)UANTIZE 10499 131
BIOGEN(I)C 9012 76
SENArII 137 71
NESt(L)ING 5280 82
PROLAMI(N) 5651 74
INf(O)BAHN 18561 70
MATTOID 6349 86
ENDEARS 573 65
(P)ASTIEST 13427 83
TONSURE 530 70
EX(E)RTING 4808 77
IMITAt(O)R 5600 86
EYEB(O)LTS 10789 78
YEA(R)ENdS 2898 72
TOI(L)ETED 1615 63
Is(T)HMOID 16414 82
S(C)ORNFUL 20103 67
SOAP(L)EsS 25496 72
T(A)UTENED 2547 60
URI(D)INES 1853 63
(A)MEERATE 4779 83
NEOLITH 927 68
ArGYLES 7203 81
DIGGERS 11917 73
DEM(O)NISE 1827 84
TARSaLs 14431 84
BIRCHES 14864 81
YTTRIUM 18823 88
PA(T)ENTOR 1789 61
(E)LEVATED 7739 98
CHuRNIN(G) 23370 64
OLEATES 279 83
(S)UBfLOOR 22953 72
PEN(C)ILEd 10435 74
HEROICA(L) 2036 65
MANtELE(T) 6385 59
PETERED 8603 76
(R)EGUlATE 1635 74
PR(E)COOLS 14830 63
SANTERA 473 71
READIEs 199 64
DEPOSES 14384 75
OB(S)TACLE 6358 80
SKATING 10127 84
DI(S)AGREE 674 74
I(N)CREASE 645 70
WEBINAR 2397 66
HANTLeS 3155 85
HAVIORS 6974 84
CATEN(O)ID 177 82
GUERDON(S) 3043 83
EXTEN(D)ER 11209 84
EMEROId 1254 77
LADDISH 17088 93
COa(T)TEnD 3350 86
(S)MItHIES 21609 89
SELECT(E)D 14702 69
MIsAVER 4221 82
GASSIER 4304 66
GYPStER 15412 78
ALEURoN 160 60
STAIRW(A)Y 11786 94
OU(T)POINT 13453 61
(I)NTERVAL 407 72
ARMINGs 6548 74
S(U)NCHOKE 23126 75
S(A)NIDINE 2334 70
(B)EaUTIES 1522 80
(T)UBENOSE 3529 74
CUTTIES 9046 72
WeED(I)EST 7374 94
COULDST 14290 78
PATENTs 6242 71
(C)EMENTEd 15993 74
LAUREA(T)E 1065 59
LEGATOS 1048 77
GYPStER 15412 78
ALEURoN 160 60
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
COVET(R)Y* 0 30
ANENKE* 0 25
ROU(P)ES* 0 18
(F)ILARiUM* 0 89
TR(AG)* 0 15
KANI* 0 38
StIMULA* 0 69
TYINS* 0 30
LEVI* 0 39
HEMPIN(G)* 0 32
YAMAN* 0 23
THERMA* 0 41
(I)SSUS* 0 24
(L)UTEI* 0 7
(MYC)ONIA* 0 15
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
FIERIES(t) 3300 72
(T)RUNNELS 6612 77
THINNER 3823 78
LIGATIO(N) 1498 74
RaDIATI(ON) 440 80
NONGAME 6032 67
(S)HUTtLED 18266 86
iNGESTA 263 87
INERTI(A)s 88 69
ReDA(C)TED 10032 149
FIcTIVE 15440 80
SOLDANs 11594 72
(V)ARIOLES 546 63
BIGTiME 12162 84
D(E)VOtIOn 2091 70
RELEASE 2626 84
GRapHED 12195 84
TORSION 1712 61
F(A)WNIEST 3173 80
BROOdIE(R) 7417 61
TRAN(S)iTS 10730 64
(D)OWErIES 1936 88
MEsCL(U)NS 26093 80
Di(S)PORTS 15546 90
EN(T)WINED 6116 62
JAPERI(E)s 7399 69
DOLoURS 11916 82
ELODEAS 804 69
TOTA(L)LED 8875 74
GAMIEST 2442 78
UNSNARE(d)* 0 74
AlIE(N)ATE 122 71
RESIDEN(T) 360 70
INDOORS 3278 79
DECIARE 1042 65
sYNDETS 16042 77
A(r)TERIAL 1091 60
INTRUDE(S) 728 80
O(L)EASTER 170 70
TOADLeT 1689 60
ENvIERS 2300 79
REVISAL 1565 81
LOZE(N)GES 12794 90
AIR(D)ROME 1769 63
ANEMIAS 1783 73
LETCHES 14505 79
BEWRAPT 11851 90
SANTeRA 500 78
ZINCATE(S) 6643 116
DOMINA(N)T 5382 76
oVERLET 2532 72
ADENOID 778 70
RESpECT 10987 76
INEXPER(T) 7888 86
T(E)LECINE 4746 78
P(R)EFILED 9939 69
StInGE(R)S 5668 74
GOnADAL 6713 71
(E)XEMpLUM 30733 104
HAUTBOY 17728 89
BARO(N)IES 182 66
E(N)DOCARP 3662 70
OUT(C)LOMB 24623 106
A(V)IARIES 2990 65
NOTICER 357 87
DONATEd 1730 68
LINGOES 1057 84
ABE(T)TORS 3343 89
EISwEIN 4577 76
OILIEST 743 73
TONNAGE 1312 70
VAWnTiE 2423 81
M(A)UNDERS 4492 74
INBURST 8011 91
(O)VERLAIN 202 76
UlTIMAT(E) 5161 61
INDOORS 3430 79
AC(A)NTHAE 15497 84
NOMINAL(S) 8454 70
gROOVES 9902 76
PR(O)TEGES 5253 72
LOATHEs 1968 75
ImAGI(N)ER 2135 70
LAM(I)NOSE 537 78
TREADE(R)S 2551 72
rESHA(P)ED 10396 95
(E)SCARGOT 2235 84
sOBRIET(Y) 3883 74
WAHINES 4199 80
UNCuR(L)ED 18645 68
mOLDA(B)LY* 0 78
AMITIES 1796 74
RETOTAL 777 72
GREENLY 8472 80
SAR(T)ORII 2347 66
ACNODES 1926 82
SLEIGHT 7548 78
NAgWARE 5268 73
MAGNAT(E)S 6967 63
EPINAOS 334 77
PENALIS(E) 1551 78
mISTIER 3483 75
GINsENG 15748 83
OVE(R)LATE 821 63
B(E)STEADS 13645 74
SORRIEr 8556 65
(W)OODSIER 3945 74
PREEDIT 2165 74
DILUTiN(G) 10513 80
SAMEN(E)SS 24407 76
TENAcUL(A) 4902 66
SPELTER 6760 78
d(E)CURION 1342 63
(S)ALIVATE 2423 76
BANTIES 589 79
MERINOS 944 76
MASSIER 6683 78
URANIsM 4766 83
(T)ENURIAl 75 74
ETHNICA(L) 3131 78
LEADENS 1369 73
oVeRTIP 2774 66
ERRATAS 3245 74
CARO(T)EnE 279 70
(E)STRoNES 3331 98
INQuIRE 6381 100
FURIOSO 9906 78
F(O)OTLING 10986 74
BlENNI(E)S 9114 68
ZANIEsT 1682 75
UNBEARs 2927 72
TENSILE 580 64
UNCORkS 19323 77
FR(O)GGIER 18614 80
bURLEYS 15579 67
STARETs 8817 72
HORDEIN(s) 1360 64
(V)IOLONES 3746 86
(W)ATERILY 3191 80
(E)UDAImON 526 66
FLANERI(E) 620 76
CHAINES 4137 86
REPLANS 3166 76
AUXItES* 0 70
bEA(U)TIFY 10302 78
DESIGN(E)D 10022 76
JoI(N)TERS 1616 65
SEANCEs 11103 83
dATURAS 6658 76
SOmE(B)ODY 22421 64
RELIANC(E) 610 83
S(I)NECUrE 2954 72
CANNIER 1995 84
VINTAGE(R) 753 89
ANT(E)DATE 3019 61
SCORERS 16674 88
RETIREE 3391 69
WINESAP 4409 89
GUANIN(E)S 3033 65
CATCH(I)ER 16172 82
DEPOSIT 1919 87
AzOTE(MI)AS 5214 62
PELITES 4181 67
MaTUR(E)LY 9061 89
WINGLE(T)S 6227 74
REP(L)YING 10880 64
DECANTS 2934 73
MEDALED 13581 74
AGEINGs 5968 87
DEMEA(N)OR 768 62
DE(L)TOIDS 4607 76
SMEARED 4075 76
ENCHAIN 8028 83
EAR(L)IEST 122 70
TON(E)ARMS 563 90
WiSTAR(I)A 7430 70
VIRTuOS(E) 1405 83
TARSIE(R)S 4763 82
(A)ROYNTED 558 89
D(I)METERS 2967 82
(RE)FRESHED 21515 71
ESPARtO 891 98
MEIOTIC 5316 78
DE(M)EANOr 768 66
REDLEGS 6919 70
TOR(P)EDOS 6542 74
STELLAR 5406 63
D(E)CRIERS 9612 74
FOURGON(S) 18834 98
ALLUDEs 11420 84
ENTrOPY 5209 81
OLEFINE 1197 66
T(U)TORIaL 2046 68
RADI(C)ELS 2174 63
STARdOM 5593 76
TORsION 1631 74
BOUNCi(N)G 22810 65
G(N)ATTIER 709 61
GRIDDE(R)s 16711 76
PAROdOI 4333 63
AUTHo(R)ED 1241 72
CIGARe(T)S 1651 62
ASSISTs 23564 85
LONGERs 2141 70
TAUNTER 1294 65
hELLION 7327 63
HAMSTeR 6763 83
SEALIFT 1536 83
ANEARiN(G) 1951 68
A(N)ISETTE 497 63
TOU(G)HENS 7354 72
RAMONAS 6262 74
DERAILS 422 73
AMB(E)RINa 3603 94
HERNIAS 635 78
TAILFI(N)S 6947 74
CABiNED 4093 72
ARRIVED 3628 71
NATIVE(L)Y 3188 74
URI(N)ATED 67 63
NeGRONI 1254 71
(B)OISErIE 2151 70
CARLIN(G)S 8721 63
SALTIES 2766 74
NIDaTED 1322 64
TuNNELM(EN)* 0 70
INGESTA 276 75
ELU(V)IATE 1562 63
DEvOTES 4813 79
sEALERY 3927 67
AUREOlE 295 64
(D)OLERITE 173 70
aNNEALS 5562 64
(E)NSNAReD 2545 66
OLEATEs 279 74
FEcUND(L)Y* 0 71
ARIETTE 345 78
NEO(T)ERIC 283 62
AGOUTIE(S) 239 80
(G)RACILIS 12865 63
RUtILAN(T) 3513 78
COTTERS 7125 68
WOMANEd 4830 85
ANOTHER 330 71
IGNITES 2156 72
DONATES 146 93
SERAPHS 16520 108
ThEORBO 9120 80
GRAECIZ(E) 9503 92
OmINOUS 10339 61
uNDELE(T)E 6090 70
STRaNGE 771 65
AMOEBaS 8208 81
ROTIFER(S) 3400 65
REUN(I)TER 1308 59
(B)IGAROon 4767 80
(E)PILaTOR 203 77
EDEmATA 4367 79
WITTIER 6915 67
IGNITES 2156 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ReDA(C)TED 10032 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
RaDIATI(ON) 440 80
AzOTE(MI)AS 5214 62
(RE)FRESHED 21515 71
TuNNELM(EN)* 0 70
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
BARM 2577 0
(S)OFTIE 980 27
(E)XEMpLUM 30733 104
LOUPE 2754 19
QAID 1828 61
CORVE(r)* 0 0
YO 86 0
PREEDIT 2165 74
URANIsM 4766 83
DIVERTS 3132 0
FE(T)AlITY* 0 0
SUQ 960 0
SEM(I)LoGS* 0 0
POI(N)TI(SH)* 0 0
(T)OFTED* 0 0
ES(CHEWER) 23071 48
PURES* 0 0
BI(R)RY* 0 0
WITTIER 6915 67
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 139
Invalid Games 0.04 5
Incomplete 0.04 5
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.44 3675
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 70
Score 406.37 56486
Score per Turn 30.9174
Turns 13.14 1827
Vertical Plays 5.87 816
Horizontal Plays 6.30 876
One Tile Plays 0.59 82
Other Plays 0.38 53
Firsts 0.42 58
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3196
Exchanges 0.15 21
High Game 561
Low Game 265
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 1.94 270
Sevens 0.86 120
Eights 1.08 150
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6087.51
Sevens 5233.03
Eights 6764.21
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.91 6660
A 4.55 633
B 0.96 133
C 0.96 133
D 2.05 285
E 5.94 825
F 1.05 146
G 1.40 195
H 0.93 129
I 4.26 592
J 0.48 67
K 0.48 67
L 1.99 276
M 0.83 115
N 2.81 390
O 3.86 537
P 0.99 137
Q 0.43 60
R 2.77 385
S 1.88 262
T 2.81 391
U 1.79 249
V 0.96 134
W 0.98 136
X 0.40 56
Y 0.99 138
Z 0.45 62
? 0.91 127
Power Tiles Played 4.56 634
? 0.91 127
J 0.48 67
Q 0.43 60
X 0.40 56
Z 0.45 62
S 1.88 262
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 17
? 0.05 7
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.05 7
Turns With a Blank 1.14 158
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.09 12
Bonus Square Coverage 15.60 2168
Double Letter 5.19 722
Triple Letter 5.36 745
Double Word 2.80 389
Triple Word 2.24 312
Phony Plays 0.25 35
Unchallenged 0.12 16
Challenged Off 0.14 19
Challenges 0.32 44
You Won 0.09 13
Opponent Lost 0.03 4
You Lost 0.06 8
Opponent Won 0.14 19
Challenge Percentage 0.6190
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1739
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4571
Comments 10.14 1409
Comments Word Length 350.08 48661
Mistakeless Turns 13.14 1827
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5056 (0.4427, 0.5155)
B 0.4800 (0.4019, 0.5563)
C 0.4800 (0.4019, 0.5563)
D 0.5125 (0.4245, 0.5337)
E 0.4950 (0.4476, 0.5106)
F 0.5250 (0.4019, 0.5563)
G 0.4667 (0.4161, 0.5421)
H 0.4650 (0.4019, 0.5563)
I 0.4733 (0.4427, 0.5155)
J 0.4800 (0.3700, 0.5882)
K 0.4800 (0.3700, 0.5882)
L 0.4975 (0.4245, 0.5337)
M 0.4150 (0.4019, 0.5563)
N 0.4683 (0.4345, 0.5237)
O 0.4825 (0.4405, 0.5177)
P 0.4950 (0.4019, 0.5563)
Q 0.4300 (0.3700, 0.5882)
R 0.4617 (0.4345, 0.5237)
S 0.4700 (0.4245, 0.5337)
T 0.4683 (0.4345, 0.5237)
U 0.4475 (0.4245, 0.5337)
V 0.4800 (0.4019, 0.5563)
W 0.4900 (0.4019, 0.5563)
X 0.4000 (0.3700, 0.5882)
Y 0.4950 (0.4019, 0.5563)
Z 0.4500 (0.3700, 0.5882)
? 0.4550 (0.4019, 0.5563)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 69
Score 415.45 57748
Score per Turn 31.2489
Turns 13.29 1848
Vertical Plays 5.96 829
Horizontal Plays 6.07 844
One Tile Plays 0.66 92
Other Plays 0.60 83
Firsts 0.58 81
Vertical Openings per First 0.2133
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7867
Full Rack per Turn 0.9746
Exchanges 0.39 54
High Game 593
Low Game 302
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.95 271
Sevens 0.97 135
Eights 0.95 132
Nines 0.03 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5400.31
Sevens 4957.56
Eights 5768.33
Nines 9056.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.48 6878
A 4.35 605
B 1.00 139
C 0.96 133
D 1.85 257
E 5.79 805
F 0.91 127
G 1.50 209
H 1.02 142
I 4.41 613
J 0.51 71
K 0.50 69
L 1.88 262
M 1.16 161
N 2.97 413
O 3.99 554
P 0.99 138
Q 0.55 77
R 2.96 412
S 2.02 281
T 2.96 411
U 2.06 286
V 0.97 135
W 1.01 141
X 0.58 81
Y 0.99 138
Z 0.55 76
? 1.02 142
Power Tiles Played 5.24 728
? 1.02 142
J 0.51 71
Q 0.55 77
X 0.58 81
Z 0.55 76
S 2.02 281
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 11
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 6
Turns With a Blank 2.11 293
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.05 7
Bonus Square Coverage 15.94 2215
Double Letter 5.15 716
Triple Letter 5.49 763
Double Word 3.06 426
Triple Word 2.23 310
Phony Plays 0.18 25
Unchallenged 0.09 12
Challenged Off 0.09 13
Challenges 0.32 44
You Won 0.14 19
Opponent Lost 0.06 8
You Lost 0.03 4
Opponent Won 0.09 13
Challenge Percentage 0.8261
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3810
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4800
Comments 10.14 1409
Comments Word Length 350.08 48661
Mistakeless Turns 13.12 1823
Mistakes per Turn 0.0146
Mistakes 0.19 27
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.06 8
Vision 0.02 3
Tactics 0.03 4
Strategy 0.04 6
Endgame 0.03 4
Time 0.01 1
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4584, 0.5312)
B 0.5000 (0.4176, 0.5720)
C 0.4800 (0.4176, 0.5720)
D 0.4625 (0.4402, 0.5494)
E 0.4825 (0.4633, 0.5263)
F 0.4550 (0.4176, 0.5720)
G 0.5000 (0.4317, 0.5579)
H 0.5100 (0.4176, 0.5720)
I 0.4900 (0.4584, 0.5312)
J 0.5100 (0.3856, 0.6040)
K 0.5000 (0.3856, 0.6040)
L 0.4700 (0.4402, 0.5494)
M 0.5800 (0.4176, 0.5720)
N 0.4950 (0.4502, 0.5394)
O 0.4988 (0.4562, 0.5334)
P 0.4950 (0.4176, 0.5720)
Q 0.5500 (0.3856, 0.6040)
R 0.4933 (0.4502, 0.5394)
S 0.5050 (0.4402, 0.5494)
T 0.4933 (0.4502, 0.5394)
U 0.5150 (0.4402, 0.5494)
V 0.4850 (0.4176, 0.5720)
W 0.5050 (0.4176, 0.5720)
X 0.5800 (0.3856, 0.6040)
Y 0.4950 (0.4176, 0.5720)
Z 0.5500 (0.3856, 0.6040)
? 0.5100 (0.4176, 0.5720)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K6 Q(I) +11 Strategy Large
wow, this play sims unexpectedly badly. i bingo a lot less than i thought i did -- only about 46%. I guess Ys are the worst letter in Scrabble. quackle likes 3L DY(K)E for 24 - even though i don't bingo often, i get a ton of points the next turn. -9.5 #strategylarge
12H VEXILS +43 Vision Large
quackle doesn't like this very much. even though i block way more bingos with my play, 5D VEXIL scores more and keeps AS. also, trains can bingo up top, and it doesn't bingo THAT often (about 60% if i leave the bottom open). #visionlarge -9.5
5C ONTO +17 Tactics Small
maybe OOT at 11C since the board has a few lanes anyway. idk. -1 #tacticssmall
13B IOTA +15 Tactics Large
OWIE clearly, keep a consonant. #tacticslarge -10
L12 (L)EI +10 Endgame Medium
-7, UMM first #endgamemedium
O12 MUSO +35 Finding Large
I missed E2 MISSOUN(D). I looked through all the other letters, never shuffled or put in MIS- as a prefix. Sorry Tunnicliffe for I have failed you once more, bingo finding with prefixes and suffixes is still hard for me. #findinglarge
11D ENvIERS +79 Finding Small
this was probably the most idiotic thing I did at Nationals. I saw that I could probably find a 2x2, but thought that I could just hook AY and score just as much, since the 2x2 was just 6 more points, equivalent to hooking AY! So I just went for the first thing I saw. Unfortunately, math does not work like that. #sad #findingsmall
L4 EGG +24 Finding Small
lol did I miss GEEZ for 47? I did didn't I. I passed up O7 LEZ to try and gather some spred but I missed GEEZ... very nice #findingsmall
E3 INBR(E)E(D) +20 Vision Small
M1 BRED -3 #endgamesmall #visionsmall
E3 INBR(E)E(D) +20 Endgame Small
M1 BRED -3 #endgamesmall #visionsmall
F7 Z(I)P +18 Tactics Medium
he would later mention that i got all 10 power tiles but if you notice here it's a great disadvantage to have these tiles in this case. D11 BEG looks standard, i suppose, but so ugly. ugh. -7.5 #tacticsmedium
12I IG(L)OO +12 Finding Large
aw crap. i didn't look through the E for OOGAmIES. -18 #findinglarge
13K (E)RN +12 Vision Large
L11 D(O)RR is perfect here. -31 #visionlarge
C7 DOR +13 Strategy Large
2B QI is far better, blocks MEDFLY. #strategylarge
6H S(H)Y +30 Endgame Large
i was very low on time at this point and freaking out about how close he got so i missed a million outs. i just picked something that scored and accepted the fact that i totally bolloxed up the second half of this game. -11 F11 YIrRS. my favorite out is G6 S(AVO)RILY (L is a blank). #endgamelarge #time
6H S(H)Y +30 Time Unspecified
i was very low on time at this point and freaking out about how close he got so i missed a million outs. i just picked something that scored and accepted the fact that i totally bolloxed up the second half of this game. -11 F11 YIrRS. my favorite out is G6 S(AVO)RILY (L is a blank). #endgamelarge #time
B10 OURIE +18 Finding Small
G7 (K)OUROI sims a couple of points better. Makes navigating the game a bit easier, but probably still better #findingsmall
13A Q(I)S +24 Strategy Large
L3 FORB is so much better here. This was a huge lapse in judgment. #strategylarge
2B B(R)OMID +26 Strategy Medium
i spent literally about 7 minutes on this move. i saw almost all the top possibilities, but for some reason really hated M(A)VIN. i also was not a big fan of BOVID, blowing the board wide open for no reason. i should just be more systematic. is BROMID keeping NV really that much better than scoring 6 fewer, but keeping an ok leave of BDO and not giving up a potentially giant scoring spot? i didn't see MO(R)BID (need to learn my 6s - anagram pairs) and i might have played it if i'd seen it; it sims almost as well as MAVIN. -4.5 #strategymedium
6B Q(I) +31 Finding Large
aw, i missed NIQAB. :/ -13 #findinglarge
3M HOB +34 Tactics Small
HOG is a little better for some reason. -1 #tacticssmall
14B ENTrOPY +81 Finding Small
darrell was not happy with this turn of events. POTENcY is a little better though -1 #findingsmall
3H INGESTA +75 Knowledge Small
GENISTA and TEASING are a tiny bit better than INGESTA. Quackle prefers SWEATING for 78; amazingly, giving up column A is not expected to increase Darrell's average score beyond what he will get after TEASING/GENISTA/INGESTA. I'm unconvinced. If I'm honest, I was 99% sure GENISTA was TWL and opted for a 100% option. #knowledgesmall
8A TOY +28 Finding Medium
Also considered C3 OUTRAVE, which looks better in retrospect to avoid keeping UV and blocking the easy QIS lane; but didn't consider the likely best move of F6 VAUNTY. Not too hard a play to generate. #findingmedium
L8 (U)NSNAG +14 Strategy Small
Well, Quackle hates this, but it reduces Darrell's bingo percentage to zero, so that's nice. Quackle hates it because it believes Darrell's bingo percentage on the board as currently constituted is approximately 4%. UNSNAG scores so little that it puts me at risk of being outrun, but YZ is certainly a good combo to keep to alleviate that problem. A better way to go about this would've been to play 13f YANGS, which also reduces Darrell's bingo percentage to near-zero and keeps the Z, but also scores 8 more points in the process. I generated that as an option, but couldn't be sure that there weren't still playable overlaps on row 11 afterwards. #strategysmall
14H OOZY +40 Strategy Small
Quackle is saying F2 ZITI is best, and that does make sense - keeping multiple I's is gonna hurt me in the endgame. #strategysmall
10A IT +13 Endgame Large
Big mistake, I only leave myself one out after this. Completely careless error. Best is M1 TITI - this is 17 points off. #endgamelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 10716 39 Game is incomplete.
Game 20865 44 Game is incomplete.
Game 17986 8 Game is incomplete.
Game 3885 9 Game is incomplete.
Game 11239 38 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.