Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
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Championship Player's suggestions here are not useful. During the stream, chat was suggesting J2 P(OX). I don't think this works out for most draws because he can block the M(POX) hook completely with H2 S(LAD)E or 1K TELI(C) and partially block with 2D LEV or 2D SEV. I looks like J2 P(OX) only wins if I draw the S, which would threaten 13A DOssELS as well as bingos with a blank M on row 1. In all other cases, I don't have 13A DOssELS and he can totally block the MPOX setup or I don't have an M blank bingo that fits even when he can't block (I think). I considered K11 P(O)D, but it seemed like there were way too many bingos in the pool ending in S for that to be correct. I feel like this or something similar like E10 P(OR)E or E10 L(OR)E or E11 (OR)D or D11 (HA)P give me good chances since I have a reasonable shot at hitting bingos on row 1 and row 14. I tried to do a bit of math and it seems like E10 L(OR)E is my best shot. It hits the most bingos to the C and when they do hit they should always overcome his attempts to outrun since I triple the D and P. E10 D(OR)P doesn't hit as many bingos to the C and some of them get outrun by plays like A11 (B)LIVE. This isn't accounting for inferences, but I've already written more than I thought I would so I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. I've done all of this analysis manually using Zyzzyva, so engines might be able to refute some of these lines or suggest ones I haven't thought of. #strategysaddest
I have no idea what I was doing at this point. I saw the J, I saw the open triple, and all rational thought left my body. The J was definitely my number one nemesis this tournament.
L1 JEL(L) is fine here. #STRATEGYLARGE
I needed to pay better attention to the pool. My opponent is unlikely to bingo. I don't need to block the A column. In fact, I kinda need it to stay open for myself. L2 JO(L) is fine. #strategysmall
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
I saw 2B SWANNIE available after this play, but I felt like I had to accept that and just outrun him. Also loses to KYANISE, SWANKIE, and ANYWISE. M7 EON is best. #strategylarge