Daniel Blake
Daniel Blake
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SEALANT 1684 69
eTHERE(A)L 6252 70
ENGINES 7114 74
BONIEST 1234 74
HOIsTIN(G) 13836 83
(N)OTARIZE 330 89
AUSTERE 769 63
TROuTIE(R) 4205 68
UN(A)LLIED 5632 60
TARGETS 4433 70
nOSTRIL 1207 64
JUNkIES 17597 77
DIsEASE 3586 67
SIGNAL(E)D 1461 74
DEARIES 263 70
WRESTED 8988 94
IS(O)LINES 7103 61
POAcHI(N)G 22848 76
aNGSTR(O)M 8535 70
EMOTIVE 4738 94
NON(G)LaRE 2591 60
ENS(L)AVER 2915 71
INDOLES 663 69
RATTLES 3783 71
DEBaTES 5367 76
FA(T)IGUEs 4749 73
UNALIKE 4713 82
ORRAMEN 3427 76
BIfO(R)ATE 1134 86
OSCUL(A)TE 3620 61
LASSOED 5988 70
sPOILER 2040 68
IdEATIO(N) 47 78
RERISEN 2525 76
EDITiNg 2856 77
AROUSED 661 70
GEODe(S)IC 6731 63
SEA(F)OOdS 19723 62
TROOPED 6962 72
WA(S)TRIES 7157 94
IsLANDE(R) 331 70
MORGANs 10489 81
WAFERIN(G) 6433 80
ERUDITE 787 71
SMaTTER 8674 78
BULLIED 21285 101
(R)URAlITE 1188 71
FAWNIES(T) 3173 69
MAGNATe 5049 72
rOSEATE 65 67
FRANKEd 14712 87
HaN(D)SOME 8841 65
C(H)uNKIER 18477 70
LONELI(E)R 1683 68
ROAMING 3561 86
RE(T)ITLES 3533 70
AnTISEX 2355 103
HEINIES 6117 75
BELIEFS 15280 77
NO(N)METAL 4659 65
PETUNIA 919 64
(P)ItIABLE 8270 86
D(U)ELISTs 13810 77
BOATMEn 3652 69
STONiNG(S) 23364 77
T(R)UNCATE 6925 67
bATTLES 12600 64
C(L)EANERS 3955 70
AENEOUS 390 65
DISHInG 15760 97
UnCH(A)IRS 11091 63
sERIOUS 3424 67
OUT(W)EEDs 8063 158
TIPSIER 4888 69
(s)EARCHeS 25132 86
INTORTs 4014 77
SIENITE 1048 73
NARGILE 336 92
LINESME(N) 9132 83
WALIEST 2055 80
AR(G)ENTAL 2021 86
(L)OrDLESS 26394 77
ALLU(R)ERS 19897 70
sTENTED 8367 69
TREATIS(E) 668 77
FUGGIER 22815 82
SPOILER 2711 69
ROGUISH 14490 87
ABOUNDs 11786 66
(F)ORETOLD 8961 78
UNE(A)SIER 160 59
MOTOR(I)Ng 10682 60
UNTAXIN(g) 23535 68
PAINTED 838 84
TOTALED 2245 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
OUT(W)EEDs 8063 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
F(L)ATe* 0 14
R(AS)T(S)* 0 8
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
BOO(TE)R* 0 0
SAWBOnE* 0 0
SMARTER 8670 0
JO(RAMS) 15242 26
IODI(T)E* 0 0
AVI(EWE)D* 0 0
OSCUL(A)TE 3620 61
WA(S)TRIES 7157 94
(BRAZEN)LY 25504 66
KILLS 11715 27
FISC 4302 0
FRANKEd 14712 87
SUQ 1264 39
CAGED 4289 0
BEWAiTS* 0 0
NO(N)METAL 4659 65
(P)ItIABLE 8270 86
D(U)ELISTs 13810 77
KYRIN* 0 0
BOaTMA(T)E* 0 0
BOATMEn 3652 69
REVU(E) 4061 16
NUS 627 0
AR(G)ENTAL 2021 86
WICKS 12052 0
(IXIA)L* 0 0
OUI* 0 0
ATTA* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
BOhRIUM 23977 78
DURATIV(E) 1344 76
RINGDOV(E) 2946 95
OUTWA(I)TS 11139 71
(F)RACTILE* 0 98
PORTEND(S) 3864 72
DOILT(E)ST 3262 60
NEArLIE(R) 654 72
R(E)pEALED 10180 68
LATEXES 9739 80
OfFErIN(G) 19119 83
PINOT(A)gE 394 86
EV(E)CTION 2603 90
ECUMENs* 0 74
(G)EMINATE 1084 65
JINgALs 18376 91
TAILERS 151 70
ARB(A)LEST 6422 90
S(T)EMMLER* 0 80
EUCAINs 1957 96
VER(B)IAGE 7581 82
REDDlIN(G) 12084 86
LIpURIA 11444 67
(A)cROLEIN 245 74
aNTIPOT 5600 76
ANT(I)HERO 70 65
NAMETA(G)S 9134 86
D(I)ABETES 1952 107
CRI(N)GERS 14043 149
nOTI(F)IED 1599 72
MYL(O)NITE 3942 76
(M)oRPHING 19668 101
P(A)NTOFLE 5278 68
M(E)LTIEsT 12580 72
CANtO(R)IS 1420 67
GRADUAL 16033 67
P(A)TTERED 8334 72
ARI(E)TtES 664 68
GUILDE(R)S 6256 74
WATERED 2923 80
(U)NDERLIP 5946 80
AEOLiAN 78 64
MANURES 4257 74
AGENTrY 3482 93
RES(I)dING 3871 82
(A)NTISTAT 16560 77
sENTIMO 1298 80
LATIT(A)TS 26174 62
R(A)sMALAI 21556 80
rEB(O)OTED 6548 76
TITTUp(E)D 28449 60
AEONIAN 479 62
LARDIER 1272 85
INDITED 5687 75
REPAINT 308 74
LiSTENS 5202 75
(D)ELIBAtE 1948 72
ATRESiC 823 94
INfERIA(E) 973 74
(F)ROSTILY 17013 95
EsERINE 1674 80
N(E)GATION 403 65
FRONTER 6265 70
IRaTEST 729 64
CINDERS 4314 68
(I)RONISES 4154 77
baILOUT 4450 62
RAILERS 1770 72
(T)ORTONIS 7233 68
HABITAT 22656 97
AbORTeD 827 66
OVERSEE 6566 87
SADIRON 437 64
rAT(T)LINE 450 78
RECI(S)ION 2186 74
RAGOUTs 3507 66
ENTICES 2144 72
INOSITE 236 62
LAITIES 640 68
CICErON(E) 12757 76
SYRINGE 6350 97
ENRIC(H)ER 15053 65
zYMITES 24658 74
DOUSING 8142 83
PAKEHAs 19585 103
FOODlA(N)D 27680 70
(H)ERMITIc 20162 89
PETUN(T)SE 17491 74
INDoRSE 212 75
(o)TTERING 1162 66
CATENAE 3320 74
BUSSInG 28423 65
RAIKING 15002 78
ViOlENT 1288 74
INSANES(T) 6568 77
hUDDLES 27518 90
INTRA(D)OS 362 72
A(S)TOUNDS 13995 72
tARAMEA 10952 95
NEUR(O)PIL 1881 61
UNALLiE(D) 5597 66
DINEROS 209 73
ST(I)CKMEN 25523 90
VAP(O)UReR 14683 74
N(I)TROXEs 2209 83
A(D)APTiON 3557 68
LITOTES 2247 84
DEVOURS 8553 89
LaRGeST 2288 86
DIGERAT(I) 799 86
ENDYsES 22731 70
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
CRI(N)GERS 14043 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
YEANE(R)* 0 26
(F)RACTILE* 0 98
ECUMENs* 0 74
(P)AIRER* 0 28
S(T)EMMLER* 0 80
TWITTY* 0 20
(ALUM)InAR* 0 27
CUS* 0 21
BAFFE* 0 19
CL(ON)G* 0 18
DO(T)EY* 0 26
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
NAPOO 4348 36
DOILT(E)ST 3262 60
DAVY 4225 35
HOURI 3436 47
EV(E)CTION 2603 90
(F)OBBING 31070 30
YU(N)X 5250 54
ARB(A)LEST 6422 90
aNTIPOT 5600 76
SLING 4870 40
M(E)LTIEsT 12580 72
RAIYAT 4540 34
AGENTrY 3482 93
GEST 1199 31
sENTIMO 1298 80
LOADER 256 38
VID 714 0
VAG 861 30
TITTUp(E)D 28449 60
(FLANK)ENS 28333 45
PONY 3857 0
EsERINE 1674 80
FRONTER 6265 70
DEGLAZ(E) 16572 76
JO(N)SEY* 0 0
HOOS* 0 0
LOV(E)RED 6396 38
LAITIES 640 68
ENRIC(H)ER 15053 65
FOODlA(N)D 27680 70
(H)ERMITIc 20162 89
PETUN(T)SE 17491 74
(o)TTERING 1162 66
MISEAT 1012 29
(R)EFIGHT 12152 44
T(i)MEABLE* 0 0
MAHEWU 15705 40
BELIER 3225 33
tARAMEA 10952 95
ST(I)CKMEN 25523 90
VAP(O)UReR 14683 74
N(I)TROXEs 2209 83
HEMIPO(D) 16875 36
DIGERAT(I) 799 86
ENDYsES 22731 70
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 59
Invalid Games 0.03 2
Incomplete 0.03 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.53 1565
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.32 19
Score 397.66 23462
Score per Turn 30.0026
Turns 13.25 782
Vertical Plays 6.61 390
Horizontal Plays 5.32 314
One Tile Plays 0.61 36
Other Plays 0.71 42
Firsts 0.58 34
Vertical Openings per First 0.9677
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0323
Full Rack per Turn 0.3568
Exchanges 0.17 10
High Game 654
Low Game 278
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.64 97
Sevens 0.90 53
Eights 0.75 44
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6810.58
Sevens 5497.72
Eights 8391.98
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.69 2755
A 4.17 246
B 1.12 66
C 0.97 57
D 1.86 110
E 5.49 324
F 1.03 61
G 1.42 84
H 0.83 49
I 4.34 256
J 0.46 27
K 0.53 31
L 1.78 105
M 1.02 60
N 2.54 150
O 3.81 225
P 0.85 50
Q 0.42 25
R 2.92 172
S 2.03 120
T 2.80 165
U 1.95 115
V 0.85 50
W 0.90 53
X 0.41 24
Y 0.83 49
Z 0.49 29
? 0.88 52
Power Tiles Played 4.69 277
? 0.88 52
J 0.46 27
Q 0.42 25
X 0.41 24
Z 0.49 29
S 2.03 120
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 6
? 0.00 0
J 0.03 2
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.07 4
Turns With a Blank 1.19 70
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.14 8
Bonus Square Coverage 15.41 909
Double Letter 5.34 315
Triple Letter 5.07 299
Double Word 2.86 169
Triple Word 2.14 126
Phony Plays 0.54 32
Unchallenged 0.03 2
Challenged Off 0.51 30
Challenges 1.58 93
You Won 0.17 10
Opponent Lost 0.22 13
You Lost 0.68 40
Opponent Won 0.51 30
Challenge Percentage 0.2000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3023
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.0625
Comments 7.31 431
Comments Word Length 97.53 5754
Mistakeless Turns 13.25 782
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4633 (0.4111, 0.5227)
B 0.5600 (0.3486, 0.5852)
C 0.4850 (0.3486, 0.5852)
D 0.4650 (0.3832, 0.5506)
E 0.4575 (0.4186, 0.5152)
F 0.5150 (0.3486, 0.5852)
G 0.4733 (0.3703, 0.5635)
H 0.4150 (0.3486, 0.5852)
I 0.4822 (0.4111, 0.5227)
J 0.4600 (0.2996, 0.6342)
K 0.5300 (0.2996, 0.6342)
L 0.4450 (0.3832, 0.5506)
M 0.5100 (0.3486, 0.5852)
N 0.4233 (0.3986, 0.5352)
O 0.4763 (0.4077, 0.5261)
P 0.4250 (0.3486, 0.5852)
Q 0.4200 (0.2996, 0.6342)
R 0.4867 (0.3986, 0.5352)
S 0.5075 (0.3832, 0.5506)
T 0.4667 (0.3986, 0.5352)
U 0.4875 (0.3832, 0.5506)
V 0.4250 (0.3486, 0.5852)
W 0.4500 (0.3486, 0.5852)
X 0.4100 (0.2996, 0.6342)
Y 0.4150 (0.3486, 0.5852)
Z 0.4900 (0.2996, 0.6342)
? 0.4400 (0.3486, 0.5852)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.68 40
Score 448.32 26451
Score per Turn 33.7816
Turns 13.27 783
Vertical Plays 6.46 381
Horizontal Plays 5.97 352
One Tile Plays 0.46 27
Other Plays 0.39 23
Firsts 0.42 25
Vertical Openings per First 0.0952
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9048
Full Rack per Turn 0.9642
Exchanges 0.20 12
High Game 609
Low Game 316
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.95 115
Sevens 0.92 54
Eights 1.03 61
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7629.83
Sevens 7016.96
Eights 8149.22
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.93 3005
A 4.68 276
B 0.88 52
C 0.97 57
D 2.05 121
E 6.14 362
F 0.93 55
G 1.49 88
H 1.15 68
I 4.49 265
J 0.49 29
K 0.47 28
L 2.12 125
M 0.97 57
N 3.07 181
O 4.02 237
P 1.12 66
Q 0.56 33
R 2.88 170
S 1.90 112
T 3.05 180
U 1.98 117
V 1.10 65
W 1.07 63
X 0.59 35
Y 1.17 69
Z 0.49 29
? 1.10 65
Power Tiles Played 5.14 303
? 1.10 65
J 0.49 29
Q 0.56 33
X 0.59 35
Z 0.49 29
S 1.90 112
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 4
? 0.02 1
J 0.02 1
Q 0.02 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.02 1
S 0.00 0
Turns With a Blank 1.97 116
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.05 3
Bonus Square Coverage 16.68 984
Double Letter 5.44 321
Triple Letter 5.51 325
Double Word 3.17 187
Triple Word 2.56 151
Phony Plays 0.42 25
Unchallenged 0.25 15
Challenged Off 0.17 10
Challenges 1.58 93
You Won 0.51 30
Opponent Lost 0.68 40
You Lost 0.22 13
Opponent Won 0.17 10
Challenge Percentage 0.6977
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.8000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6000
Comments 7.31 431
Comments Word Length 97.53 5754
Mistakeless Turns 11.71 691
Mistakes per Turn 0.1379
Mistakes 1.83 108
Knowledge 0.80 47
Finding 0.24 14
Vision 0.19 11
Tactics 0.08 5
Strategy 0.34 20
Endgame 0.10 6
Time 0.08 5
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5200 (0.4534, 0.5652)
B 0.4400 (0.3908, 0.6278)
C 0.4850 (0.3908, 0.6278)
D 0.5125 (0.4255, 0.5931)
E 0.5117 (0.4609, 0.5577)
F 0.4650 (0.3908, 0.6278)
G 0.4967 (0.4125, 0.6061)
H 0.5750 (0.3908, 0.6278)
I 0.4989 (0.4534, 0.5652)
J 0.4900 (0.3417, 0.6769)
K 0.4700 (0.3417, 0.6769)
L 0.5300 (0.4255, 0.5931)
M 0.4850 (0.3908, 0.6278)
N 0.5117 (0.4409, 0.5777)
O 0.5025 (0.4500, 0.5686)
P 0.5600 (0.3908, 0.6278)
Q 0.5600 (0.3417, 0.6769)
R 0.4800 (0.4409, 0.5777)
S 0.4750 (0.4255, 0.5931)
T 0.5083 (0.4409, 0.5777)
U 0.4950 (0.4255, 0.5931)
V 0.5500 (0.3908, 0.6278)
W 0.5350 (0.3908, 0.6278)
X 0.5900 (0.3417, 0.6769)
Y 0.5850 (0.3908, 0.6278)
Z 0.4900 (0.3417, 0.6769)
? 0.5500 (0.3908, 0.6278)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8H (E)RR +8 Finding Medium
11J TIRR #findingsadder
11J TIC +18 Knowledge Small
H7 (FEHM)IC is better. There's nothing I can do if he finds GREIGES. #knowledgesmall
J1 CU(Z) +22 Knowledge Small
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
J1 CU(Z) +22 Strategy Medium
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
1H PE(C) +21 Strategy Large
I saw 2B SWANNIE available after this play, but I felt like I had to accept that and just outrun him. Also loses to KYANISE, SWANKIE, and ANYWISE. M7 EON is best. #strategylarge
2F WYE +21 Endgame Large
L14 (E)W is best. #endgamelarge
3E NOUT +21 Endgame Large
F10 (W)O(p). This gives back E3 (N)ANKIN. lmao. #endgamelarge
8H BORTY +28 Tactics Small
8G REBODY #tacticssad
H1 RAIKED +51 Strategy Medium
H12 DIKA #strategysadder
10B MUTE +20 Vision Small
H13 UMU #visionsad
10H Q(I) +22 Strategy Medium
Just exchange here, I can't draw into anything. #strategysadder
7H WAN +22 Knowledge Large
L8 REPAINT +74 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad for challenege oof
K11 JA +39 Finding Large
4J G(R)OG +12 Finding Large
4J G(R)OG +12 Vision Large
11C PONY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenege and a big ass #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for phoneying
11C PONY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenege and a big ass #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for phoneying
11B PONY +34 Knowledge Large
9C APE(R)Y oof #Knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
11B PONY +34 Vision Large
9C APE(R)Y oof #Knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
N10 VIE +22 Finding Large
H12 (O)DEA +15 Knowledge Large
Gotta be scoring when I'm so far behind. 13A TEEND may be best here #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11E UDON +17 Finding Large
4J (HA)VING +30 Tactics Small
L4 GOV #tacticssmall
N7 FEAZE +44 Strategy Large
14H FOE is the fearless, creative, sim winning move that I never would have thought of here. #strategysaddest
2I OR(C) +15 Vision Small
14M OR(T) #visionsad
K3 NOG +16 Time Large
I spent too much time trying to decide between this and 5E GOANN(A)S. They are within 1 point. I should not have wasted that much time. #timesaddest
1F WATT +36 Finding Small
H1 W(I)TGAT #findingsad
3A WINGY +31 Strategy Medium
E2 (B)UYING holding the S for BUYINGS sims best. #strategymedium
C9 UNSOD +24 Strategy Large
This does not block as many bingos as I thought. 4C OU is best. #strategysaddest
5A (R)IOJA +24 Strategy Large
B12 JIAO sims best, but I think it would lose to 5A bingos. I'm not sure what is best here. #strategysaddest
6D ADIEU +20 Strategy Medium
M2 IURE blocks setups on the M column. #strategymedium
M1 TIgER +17 Knowledge Large
H12 HARP +50 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
10H N(E)GATION +65 Knowledge Large
15H (P)OIGNANT #knowledgeSADDEST
A7 (P)YOID +33 Knowledge Small
Maybe 6A OY #strategysmall and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
A7 (P)YOID +33 Strategy Small
Maybe 6A OY #strategysmall and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
O7 VAR(N)A +24 Knowledge Small
Didn't note down my full rack oop also B10 NAVAR #knowledgesad
J1 FRONTER +75 Knowledge Medium
1H WI(F)ED +42 Knowledge Large
4D WEDELI(N)G #knowledgesaDDEST
4H JO(N)SEY +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
A1 AY +29 Knowledge Large
14L JOEY #VISIONSADDEST AGAIN and a #knowledgesaddest for the phoney T_T Play was miscounted as 26
A1 AY +29 Vision Large
14L JOEY #VISIONSADDEST AGAIN and a #knowledgesaddest for the phoney T_T Play was miscounted as 26
C2 HOOS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C2 HOOS +0 (Lost challenge) Endgame Large
G13 HUP +27 Knowledge Large
J10 PU(N)A #knowledgesaddest
L8 (T)ASE(S) +21 Knowledge Large
7G EASE to stop my opponent's bingo #strategyLARGE #knowledgesaddest for not seeing their bingo
L8 (T)ASE(S) +21 Strategy Large
7G EASE to stop my opponent's bingo #strategyLARGE #knowledgesaddest for not seeing their bingo
6G SAGEIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge #knowledgesaddest for the phony
6G SAGEIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge #knowledgesaddest for the phony
8A GARE +27 Strategy Medium
8A GAE #strategymedium
9F DAN +17 Knowledge Large
9K (TA)O +4 Knowledge Large
B2 ESCRI(BA)NO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and another #knowledgesaddest for AMIDE and AMIDO which would have allowed CRINOSE, ORCINES, and CRONIES
9K (TA)O +4 Knowledge Large
B2 ESCRI(BA)NO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and another #knowledgesaddest for AMIDE and AMIDO which would have allowed CRINOSE, ORCINES, and CRONIES
K3 GED +18 Knowledge Large
4E GINGE(R)ED #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
K3 GED +18 Knowledge Small
4E GINGE(R)ED #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
4C CR(E)W +18 Knowledge Large
3C CL(E)W #knowledgesaddest
D12 DEW +33 Endgame Medium
G1 AWNED #endgamesadder
L4 AUE +14 Finding Small
N4 EAU #findingsmall
2H QIBLA +26 Strategy Large
QI #strategysaddest, QI wins 15% more often
8F baILOUT +62 Knowledge Small
8B OUTKILL #knowledgesmall
H10 (D)ECODE +39 Knowledge Large
L5 VECTORED and L3 CORVETED #knowledgesaddest
L8 (T)ORTONIS +68 Vision Small
B6 ISOTRONS #visionsmall
2C (V)I(V)O +12 Vision Large
K7 EUOI #visionsaddest
6I (V)EG +9 Knowledge Large
J9 UM +22 Knowledge Large
10B MURINES #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
J9 UM +22 Knowledge Small
10B MURINES #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
5B INDoRSE +75 Knowledge Medium
L7 REScIND #knowledgesadder #findingsadder
5B INDoRSE +75 Finding Medium
L7 REScIND #knowledgesadder #findingsadder
H1 MAI(ZE) +48 Knowledge Large
L11 ATOMY is best to block 11E RIDICU(L)E #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
H1 MAI(ZE) +48 Strategy Large
L11 ATOMY is best to block 11E RIDICU(L)E #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
3G Q(I) +21 Finding Medium
4B TOEY #visionsadder #findingsadder
3G Q(I) +21 Vision Medium
4B TOEY #visionsadder #findingsadder
I1 OY +14 Knowledge Large
2D RAT +15 Knowledge Small
6C TARE #knowledgesad
F10 DUO +22 Knowledge Large
F10 DOULA #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
F10 DUO +22 Finding Large
F10 DOULA #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
J1 LEA(N) +19 Knowledge Medium
Quackle really likes D12 EORL here? #knowledgesadder
O14 OE +9 Strategy Medium
D12 EE #strategysadder
15D (C)EP +7 Strategy Large
I have no idea what I was doing at this point. I saw the J, I saw the open triple, and all rational thought left my body. The J was definitely my number one nemesis this tournament. L1 JEL(L) is fine here. #STRATEGYLARGE
13B JO(T) +20 Strategy Small
I needed to pay better attention to the pool. My opponent is unlikely to bingo. I don't need to block the A column. In fact, I kinda need it to stay open for myself. L2 JO(L) is fine. #strategysmall
A6 (I)NERTIa +18 Knowledge Large
N2 LINTERs #knowledgesaddest for NAES
8A (E)L +12 Endgame Medium
7K (E)L #endgamesadder Final score was noted as 440-414
L4 DO(T)EY +26 Knowledge Large
hmmm #knowledgelarge
6D AIDE +15 Finding Medium
5I AID(O)I and other plays that I missed while I was clearly azleep. #findingmedium
D3 JA(FA) +28 Finding Large
K4 AJ(I) #findinglarge
2E BUSSInG +65 Knowledge Small
2E BUSInGS #knowledgesmall
2B KY +23 Finding Large
B3 HO(W)K #findinglarge
J12 (R)EZ +32 Finding Medium
13G ZHO #findingmedium
6E AGO +23 Vision Small
9G GOA #visionsad
B10 DE +25 Strategy Large
K7 U(N)DUE. I got very scared of the B10 spot. #strategysaddest
L11 HAIRY +39 Tactics Small
L12 HIYA #tacticssad
O12 WI(S)T +33 Strategy Large
15D TWICE #strategysaddest
4L POI +21 Strategy Medium
4L POIS is apparently a bit better. 4L POI seems reckless but I wasn't sure what else to do. #strategysadder
2A MISEAT +34 Endgame Medium
14A (PO)STIE #endgamesadder
I3 WAI +16 Tactics Small
Saw 5G W(A)IRUA but thought it was too open. Probably a #tacticssmall because the U is so bad.
M2 UNALLiE(D) +66 Knowledge Small
There are 4 bings that double the blank. #knowledgesmall
13J UP(T)ER +20 Time Small
Nothing looked great so I thought I might bait a false S hook, I was also low on time and shouldn't have opened the triple-double. #timesmall
3M (NO)W +6 Time Medium
No time and I wanted to block the S hook. 8M (E)GG is probably okay. #timemedium
O3 (W)HORE +25 Time Large
SAD! #timelarge
H1 ANIMAL +35 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of H1 MALKIN. #knowledgelarge
3F ST(I)CKMEN +95 Knowledge Small
5G T(A)CKSMEN for 1 more. #knowledgesmall
C9 ZO +44 Tactics Small
C9 ZOO. I thought keeping the O was worth at least 3. #tacticssmall
A9 EAU +6 Vision Small
C9 (ZO)A also blocks the A column. #visionsmall
15M THY +37 Knowledge Large
12I SYPH #knowledgelarge
10I QIS +21 Knowledge Large
I could have sworn Frenchy challenged off SPIV when I played him but it was SKIV*. #knowledgelarge
M10 (O)YER +22 Knowledge Large
Wow, I chickened out of 11I WEE(N)Y. RIP. I thought I knew the 4s to make 5s. #knowledgelarge
6A GO +12 Time Large
J10 (P)OGO #timelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 28937 49 Game is incomplete.
Game 30532 41 Game is incomplete.
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