Danielle Barker
Danielle Barker
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
IN(D)ORSEE 175 60
NATURES 442 62
DUALISE 1116 73
ENTROPI(C) 2119 76
MARLINS 6645 76
(U)NTUCkED 35349 66
PLAN(N)ING 33409 74
eRMINES 3052 83
RESINAt(E) 34 74
BLON(D)IES* 0 94
(K)ETAINES* 0 89
MADROn(E)S 1364 79
YEARNED 2198 89
(V)AULTIER 1076 86
STOLIDE(R) 339 70
TAWNIEs 929 80
ROASTED 190 71
AIRSOMe 433 67
(R)EjOINED 2815 77
RELISTS 5433 66
NEaREST 216 67
ALE(U)RONS 420 59
TRENDE(R)S* 0 68
FAIReST 663 79
CLEARES(T) 3024 83
PINIEST 3659 82
AeOLIAN 60 64
BEDDING 15072 92
AEROSAT 240 75
TAWNIER 238 71
VItAM(I)NS 16386 74
AeROL(I)TH 209 70
STEaMER 2230 75
(S)EAROBIN 183 83
RUSTIER 2862 73
HARDTOp 10377 94
FORTIES 970 81
EXHALeD 20460 100
RESENTs 8834 70
sOOTIER 480 82
S(A)NITIES 3252 84
RELIERS 3727 66
INF(R)ARED 2911 64
RATIoNS 129 88
GRAD(A)TED 9941 63
TECHIES 8362 76
zONATED 2336 69
P(R)ALInES 1066 86
NAILERS 107 79
dINGIES 3993 82
DEEpEST 12094 72
ADOPTE(R)S 1373 65
PATtERS 6517 72
EAR(N)INGs 1649 82
M(I)DDLERs 15961 82
STOLIDE(R) 339 70
SAPON(I)tE 228 70
DICTA(T)ED 13414 74
DANDIES(T) 2189 72
NEUTERS 1442 74
AN(T)IHERo 58 78
DESoLAT(E) 496 70
DERIVAT(E) 653 89
SOUNDlY 14951 80
(A)DhESION 544 66
ANO(I)NTER 40 70
AMENITy 2420 72
LORDINg 3680 66
SHELvED 17158 68
CARNI(v)Al 12404 62
CARNIES 633 80
(R)ETINULA 79 66
(B)EASTIES 6615 83
INITIAT(E) 3674 77
OUTLAIN 467 62
sTENTOR 1800 63
SALTIER 119 72
oVARIES 339 88
IN(L)ANDER 923 68
AWAiTED 1776 75
SCALDEd 15882 77
OUTsEEN 850 70
APPLIEd 14791 96
ONETIME 488 67
ReA(C)TION 57 68
mURDERS 15698 68
ONETIME 488 81
SMITTeN 6559 64
LOUD(E)NEd 9223 122
FeNDERS 6740 77
(D)IALOGUE 682 64
(L)EaKIEST 3431 86
CORDITE 949 75
FAmISHE(S) 22740 92
sIGHTER 4753 85
AROUSED 512 74
LAGGI(E)ST* 0 70
SAPIENT 706 68
OUTpACE 5034 82
KERATI(N)S 1270 76
ARCsINE 631 81
STRAINE(D) 68 70
KETONEs 5293 66
SEQUIN(E)D 9356 85
DECIARE 1042 91
UNRAISE(D) 269 61
UNRAiSE* 0 81
CLEANSE(R) 3019 83
sTAINER 27 73
DEALERS 1369 69
CHAT(T)IER 6921 63
FLEeCIE(R) 12997 64
BANgLES 7476 68
STILLER 5425 68
TIRADES 105 72
MELOdIC 8001 66
TAILERS 122 76
AERIALs 493 59
LOGIST(I)c 14124 70
TINDERS 446 80
IDEAtES 208 82
RADIATE 133 67
DREA(D)INg 3419 68
MALTIER 678 78
ISATINE 144 72
INStEAD 93 76
(O)RIENTED 47 68
BRoW(N)IES 4094 75
DRESSER 16550 87
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
LOUD(E)NEd 9223 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
JOL* 0 29
LU(K)E* 0 8
BLON(D)IES* 0 94
(K)ETAINES* 0 89
(TE)M* 0 5
TRENDE(R)S* 0 68
(K)REB* 0 32
ALD* 0 15
(A)RGO* 0 16
VIVES* 0 75
HOR* 0 57
GUI* 0 13
HE(P)A* 0 39
AWK* 0 25
CRAY* 0 25
VIT* 0 18
WI(L)EY* 0 30
(HA)R* 0 8
MIN* 0 18
YEX* 0 27
(TE)M* 0 5
RECT* 0 26
NUP* 0 12
TOUR(N)Y* 0 18
LAGGI(E)ST* 0 70
UNRAiSE* 0 81
ETE* 0 17
NUP* 0 37
VI(V)O* 0 18
BAPE* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
YO 87 0
VAPE 2107 30
W(E)LP* 0 0
REHOLEs* 0 0
UPVOT(E)D* 0 0
SOZ* 0 0
PON* 0 0
EtHEROS* 0 0
AIRSOMe 433 67
MIAOU(E)* 0 0
ALE(U)RONS 420 59
DUDE 2538 0
(F)LIED 3074 30
RE(EXHALeD)* 0 0
TEARFUL 4231 0
BIN 460 20
DENY 1316 0
AXE 195 0
JEU 626 0
GUV 992 0
(SHO)RNS* 0 0
DREM(E)LeD* 0 0
SHELfED* 0 0
ES 22 0
G(R)RR* 0 0
FRIGI(d)S* 0 0
(G)UI* 0 0
SNORY* 0 0
W(OE)D* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PEONIEs 1258 67
R(A)ILrOAD 4669 59
ELEVATE(S) 7753 95
DeRAIl(E)D 2761 66
WAITeRS 946 75
DETAINS 116 77
AIRLIfT 7359 70
STAnGED 1720 71
LIAIsIN(G) 13174 68
THORIAs 1660 65
LEGIONs 1109 79
(O)UTRIDEr 1489 66
ARSINES 1841 72
(L)EGALISE 7078 70
NEWBIEs 8353 94
MUSTIEr 3312 77
FREIGHT 9090 100
RISINGS 16279 77
SUNDI(A)Ls 13108 72
AIRIEST 175 72
(S)TRIPERS 22669 62
ARSINES 1389 66
EV(E)NtFUL 14221 86
ChRISTY 19323 70
GUINEaS 767 70
G(L)ENOIDS* 0 149
lAUDERS 2386 74
URINAlS 1867 69
BOONDOc(K) 30362 78
AuREOLa(E) 680 71
RELINES 604 66
TROPINE 360 70
TO(L)ERANT 480 66
WAITERS 727 79
slIMIER 6081 75
MASSeUR 12944 82
MILKiER 14634 75
CHaRGES 12215 80
LITTERS 2854 69
TORMENT 4691 74
R(I)GATONI 684 68
EDUCAtE(D) 13676 92
SEEMING 5764 66
COUNTEr 2070 72
FROIDE(U)R 6067 74
LOOKERS 11759 73
DEBATI(N)g 1804 72
(G)LOATErS 688 77
VERSiON 1005 77
FEARING 1216 76
BASSIEr* 0 72
ENSOULS 9117 78
ANEURIn 548 70
aMENTIA 823 80
SURREYs 20967 72
ViSITIN(G) 21891 74
TENTING 8175 79
rETIRES 1908 63
HER(A)LDED 13688 80
HOSIERS 7654 78
RATTLES 2831 73
HARRIED 3798 70
sNOUTED 1323 80
UnFUSEd 18531 87
SADIrON 463 72
NOSIEST 1825 68
CaNCERs 14958 75
BRACERS 14370 67
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
G(L)ENOIDS* 0 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(FA)RDINGS* 0 42
Y(O)G* 0 15
PEL* 0 13
PRONK* 0 27
GINZOS* 0 26
G(L)ENOIDS* 0 149
MEANIE(R)* 0 24
PODI* 0 19
DROW* 0 17
GORKY* 0 34
PEL* 0 13
DAVE(Y)* 0 24
BASSIEr* 0 72
YAULS* 0 30
J(A)RRY* 0 46
TU(T)IE* 0 10
PE(R)RV* 0 20
FLOB* 0 18
NIG* 0 17
MON(K)Y* 0 28
GOR(D)* 0 6
HINE* 0 26
SoU(Q)* 0 36
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
TuRPANS* 0 0
TARPiNS* 0 0
AcQUITE(D)* 0 0
URINAsE* 0 0
(E)WES 1639 0
V(AG)* 0 0
DOSEY* 0 0
(W)EED 1621 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 80
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 30.62 2450
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 50
Score 389.99 31199
Score per Turn 25.4686
Turns 15.31 1225
Vertical Plays 6.09 487
Horizontal Plays 6.81 545
One Tile Plays 0.93 74
Other Plays 1.49 119
Firsts 0.50 40
Vertical Openings per First 0.1200
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8800
Full Rack per Turn 0.9935
Exchanges 0.99 79
High Game 512
Low Game 242
Highest Scoring Turn 122
Bingos Played 1.84 147
Sevens 1.12 90
Eights 0.71 57
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 4128.41
Sevens 3547.56
Eights 5027.09
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.54 3803
A 4.44 355
B 0.94 75
C 1.00 80
D 1.98 158
E 5.61 449
F 0.88 70
G 1.40 112
H 0.95 76
I 4.25 340
J 0.59 47
K 0.55 44
L 1.90 152
M 0.93 74
N 2.80 224
O 3.79 303
P 0.94 75
Q 0.51 41
R 2.91 233
S 1.81 145
T 2.76 221
U 1.77 142
V 1.00 80
W 0.95 76
X 0.55 44
Y 0.94 75
Z 0.50 40
? 0.90 72
Power Tiles Played 4.86 389
? 0.90 72
J 0.59 47
Q 0.51 41
X 0.55 44
Z 0.50 40
S 1.81 145
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 7
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.07 6
Turns With a Blank 2.14 171
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.04 3
Bonus Square Coverage 15.16 1213
Double Letter 5.19 415
Triple Letter 5.19 415
Double Word 2.92 234
Triple Word 1.86 149
Phony Plays 0.91 73
Unchallenged 0.47 38
Challenged Off 0.44 35
Challenges 0.68 54
You Won 0.17 14
Opponent Lost 0.06 5
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.44 35
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1250
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5205
Comments 5.01 401
Comments Word Length 43.76 3501
Mistakeless Turns 12.57 1006
Mistakes per Turn 0.2008
Mistakes 3.08 246
Knowledge 1.30 104
Finding 0.82 66
Vision 0.45 36
Tactics 0.01 1
Strategy 0.36 29
Endgame 0.09 7
Time 0.04 3
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4933 (0.4275, 0.5233)
B 0.4700 (0.3737, 0.5771)
C 0.5000 (0.3737, 0.5771)
D 0.4950 (0.4035, 0.5473)
E 0.4675 (0.4339, 0.5169)
F 0.4400 (0.3737, 0.5771)
G 0.4667 (0.3924, 0.5584)
H 0.4750 (0.3737, 0.5771)
I 0.4722 (0.4275, 0.5233)
J 0.5900 (0.3316, 0.6192)
K 0.5500 (0.3316, 0.6192)
L 0.4750 (0.4035, 0.5473)
M 0.4650 (0.3737, 0.5771)
N 0.4667 (0.4167, 0.5341)
O 0.4738 (0.4246, 0.5262)
P 0.4700 (0.3737, 0.5771)
Q 0.5100 (0.3316, 0.6192)
R 0.4850 (0.4167, 0.5341)
S 0.4525 (0.4035, 0.5473)
T 0.4600 (0.4167, 0.5341)
U 0.4425 (0.4035, 0.5473)
V 0.5000 (0.3737, 0.5771)
W 0.4750 (0.3737, 0.5771)
X 0.5500 (0.3316, 0.6192)
Y 0.4700 (0.3737, 0.5771)
Z 0.5000 (0.3316, 0.6192)
? 0.4500 (0.3737, 0.5771)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 30
Score 374.94 29995
Score per Turn 24.4857
Turns 15.31 1225
Vertical Plays 6.85 548
Horizontal Plays 7.15 572
One Tile Plays 0.53 42
Other Plays 0.79 63
Firsts 0.50 40
Vertical Openings per First 0.0857
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9143
Full Rack per Turn 0.1902
Exchanges 0.47 38
High Game 543
Low Game 217
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 0.89 71
Sevens 0.64 51
Eights 0.25 20
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6569.52
Sevens 5483.67
Eights 9312.74
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.59 3967
A 4.34 347
B 1.04 83
C 0.91 73
D 1.99 159
E 6.16 493
F 1.07 86
G 1.50 120
H 1.01 81
I 4.25 340
J 0.41 33
K 0.45 36
L 1.91 153
M 1.05 84
N 3.00 240
O 4.01 321
P 1.04 83
Q 0.49 39
R 2.85 228
S 2.01 161
T 3.00 240
U 2.06 165
V 0.99 79
W 0.99 79
X 0.45 36
Y 1.06 85
Z 0.50 40
? 1.04 83
Power Tiles Played 4.90 392
? 1.04 83
J 0.41 33
Q 0.49 39
X 0.45 36
Z 0.50 40
S 2.01 161
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.15 12
? 0.05 4
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.10 8
Turns With a Blank 1.12 90
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.40 32
Bonus Square Coverage 16.56 1325
Double Letter 4.81 385
Triple Letter 5.89 471
Double Word 3.19 255
Triple Word 2.67 214
Phony Plays 0.51 41
Unchallenged 0.34 27
Challenged Off 0.17 14
Challenges 0.68 54
You Won 0.44 35
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.06 5
Opponent Won 0.17 14
Challenge Percentage 0.8750
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6585
Comments 5.01 401
Comments Word Length 43.76 3501
Mistakeless Turns 15.30 1224
Mistakes per Turn 0.0016
Mistakes 0.03 2
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.01 1
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4822 (0.4479, 0.5439)
B 0.5200 (0.3941, 0.5977)
C 0.4550 (0.3941, 0.5977)
D 0.4975 (0.4239, 0.5679)
E 0.5133 (0.4543, 0.5375)
F 0.5350 (0.3941, 0.5977)
G 0.5000 (0.4128, 0.5790)
H 0.5050 (0.3941, 0.5977)
I 0.4722 (0.4479, 0.5439)
J 0.4100 (0.3519, 0.6399)
K 0.4500 (0.3519, 0.6399)
L 0.4775 (0.4239, 0.5679)
M 0.5250 (0.3941, 0.5977)
N 0.5000 (0.4371, 0.5547)
O 0.5012 (0.4450, 0.5468)
P 0.5200 (0.3941, 0.5977)
Q 0.4900 (0.3519, 0.6399)
R 0.4750 (0.4371, 0.5547)
S 0.5025 (0.4239, 0.5679)
T 0.5000 (0.4371, 0.5547)
U 0.5150 (0.4239, 0.5679)
V 0.4950 (0.3941, 0.5977)
W 0.4950 (0.3941, 0.5977)
X 0.4500 (0.3519, 0.6399)
Y 0.5300 (0.3941, 0.5977)
Z 0.5000 (0.3519, 0.6399)
? 0.5200 (0.3941, 0.5977)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
O6 IN(D)ORSEE +60 Finding Small
eversion slightly better #findingSAD
6I YO +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
YEX# #knowledgeSAD lexicon mistake.
15D AVO +16 Vision Small
DUO at 14L #visionSAD
14B DUB +16 Strategy Small
DUB at 14L better. #strategySAD
2H HUGS +19 Knowledge Small
SIGH/SOBA, UGHS/DRAWERS #knowledgeSAD #strategySAD
2H HUGS +19 Strategy Small
SIGH/SOBA, UGHS/DRAWERS #knowledgeSAD #strategySAD
A7 MUSICA(L) +36 Finding Small
UMIAC 1k #findingSAD
C5 BOP +25 Knowledge Medium
OBIT at 1A, REBOP C5, PROBIT C4 all likely win. #knowledgeSADDER
9A OBE +24 Knowledge Medium
I doubted myself on JUTE being good. #knowledgeSADDER
14F DUALISE +73 Finding Small
15L FORE +42 Finding Large
15A REP +34 Knowledge Medium
KEP is better #knowledgeSADDER
12K (B)LO(O)D +28 Endgame Large
I should have left one in the bag. this was a bad move #endgameSADDEST
F6 WI(T) +14 Knowledge Small
WIN at j6 slightly better, didnt know BITTER hook though #knowledgeSAD
N2 (U)NTUCkED +66 Vision Medium
INDUCTEE H1 better #visionSADDER
4L QA(T) +24 Vision Medium
I totally missed the open U. #visionSADDER
1L OX +23 Knowledge Small
Quackle says Maureen bingos next turn 100%. couple plays of NOX are better, wasn't sure it was good. #knowledgeSAD
B11 (G)OON +17 Vision Small
OMAS o1 is great. #visionSAD
K10 JO(e) +18 Knowledge Small
lots of better plays that I don't know the words #knowledgeSAD
E4 REHOLEs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Medium
HOVELLER #knowledgeSADDER thought of EARHOLE, but decided it wasn't good.
E7 CZARIN(A) +36 Vision Large
ouch, missed ZINC for 75 h12. #visionSADDEST
H12 F(I)NK +45 Knowledge Small
KIEF is a little better #knowledgeSAD
C2 RIP +24 Knowledge Large
Missed PRIORATE #knowledgeSADDEST
B3 GO +15 Finding Small
GOA M11 is better. #findingSAD
8L (S)LAM +18 Knowledge Large
BAILMENT. I considered it. spent too much time looking for a bingo #knowledgeSADDEST #timeSAD
8L (S)LAM +18 Time Small
BAILMENT. I considered it. spent too much time looking for a bingo #knowledgeSADDEST #timeSAD
M11 TEA +18 Time Small
I7 T(R)Y +11 Knowledge Small
Bunch of better plays that require knowing CURDY. #knowledgeSAD
exch BM +0 Knowledge Medium
Didn't know DEVI, which showed up for all generated options. #knowledgeSADDER
N6 YAR +36 Knowledge Small
if I know BLOWY was good, would have played there #knowledgeSAD
B13 I(D) +3 Knowledge Small
NIDI is better, didn't know it #knowledgeSAD
B9 UN +20 Vision Large
I saw the BLOWN hook earlier, totally missed it here. Spent 3 minutes trying to find the points I needed to win because Linda overscored DAGS at the beginning of the game by 4 points, and I underscored myself on the HOME play, so I actually won this game but it was recorded as a loss. Oh well. #visionSADDEST
H6 G(IN)ZO +15 Vision Large
DOGGED N2, much better. #visionSADDEST
N2 BEDDING +92 Knowledge Medium
GINZOS no good #knowledgeSADDER
8D HABIT +28 Knowledge Large
G7 V(I)G +13 Knowledge Medium
C11 (A)RGO +16 Knowledge Small
ARGOT is good but not ARGO, huh #knowledgeSAD phony
H1 JA(N)E +36 Vision Large
Saw JET/JETE J6 right after I played #visionSADDEST
4B BROTH +25 Vision Small
missed ABHOR 8K #visionSAD
L9 EPIC +18 Knowledge Unspecified
SPECIATE #finding, APACE #knowledge
L9 EPIC +18 Finding Unspecified
SPECIATE #finding, APACE #knowledge
B4 (B)OX +28 Knowledge Unspecified
TEABOX #knowledge XI N10, #vision
B4 (B)OX +28 Vision Unspecified
TEABOX #knowledge XI N10, #vision
13E TAWNIER +71 Knowledge Unspecified
ARGOT/TAWNIER #knowledge
G13 XU +34 Knowledge Unspecified
#knowledge missed lots of words
F4 (V)OG +11 Knowledge Unspecified
#knowledge don't know the words of most of the top plays
15H (E)LD +4 Knowledge Small
winningest play with words I know #knowledgeSAD
I6 MULE +13 Knowledge Large
10A UNDERGO(S) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
14D REX +51 Knowledge Medium
saw MUX, doubted it's validity #knowledgeSADDER
J4 AMU +14 Knowledge Small
lol OMADHAUN at 1I, #knowledgeSAD
E7 W(O)MEN +20 Vision Medium
NEWB 7E, nice #visionSADDER
G7 Z(E)K +31 Vision Small
ZEN F6 is better. #visionSAD
4H N(I)QAB +34 Vision Medium
QUA H4 much better. #visionSADDER
L4 (B)ULB +8 Vision Small
BUN F6 better #visionSAD
J6 WE +27 Vision Small
again missed a 3 going between W and Z #visionSAD. shouldn't have held on to 2 Is
exch IIU +0 Finding Large
IRIDIUM, wow didn't think there'd be a Bingo on this rack. #findingSADDEST
8A MO +15 Knowledge Small
MADWOMEN, ADWOMEN better. #knowledgeSAD
D3 ID +14 Knowledge Medium
N3 AeROL(I)TH +70 Finding Small
ULTRAHOT, PLETHORA, #findingSAD. misscored as 66
B13 CEL +21 Endgame Small
just dropping a T at 4O is winningest play. #endgameSAD
8G FIT +12 Knowledge Large
E7 STEaMER +75 Knowledge Small
I considered RESMELT, but wasn't sure on it. spend a few minutes trying to find a double double here. #knowledgeSAD Also missed some good overlapping 7s. #visionSAD
E7 STEaMER +75 Vision Small
I considered RESMELT, but wasn't sure on it. spend a few minutes trying to find a double double here. #knowledgeSAD Also missed some good overlapping 7s. #visionSAD
15A DUDE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
DEBUT. was trying to find a 5 to go there. #findingSAD phonied here. I was almost totally positive WIZE wasn't a word, bad play. #knowledgeSADDEST
15A DUDE +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Small
DEBUT. was trying to find a 5 to go there. #findingSAD phonied here. I was almost totally positive WIZE wasn't a word, bad play. #knowledgeSADDEST
F5 HU(H) +11 Finding Small
AUDIT, another missed 5. #findingSAD
8A PLAI(T) +24 Finding Small
finally find one. ADAPT much better. #findingSAD
exch ABLQA +0 Vision Medium
BALED 4A is the obvious move here. I saw BALED on my rack and just didn't look for a place for it. Also exchanging AQ is probably better too. #visionSADDER #strategy#SADDER
exch ABLQA +0 Strategy Unspecified
BALED 4A is the obvious move here. I saw BALED on my rack and just didn't look for a place for it. Also exchanging AQ is probably better too. #visionSADDER #strategy#SADDER
1B (C)EE +6 Vision Small
phew, no missed TRIPLE TRIPLE. didn't see EVE 5M. much better. or ACE at A1. #visionSAD
N10 TAG +15 Endgame Medium
bunch of plays give me 100% chance of winning. LAOGAI K2 best. then LOGO 12L #endgameSADDER
L11 (O)XO +20 Endgame Small
LOB A13 best. I guess she can't stick me with the V and X. and gives me 2 outs to play VOX. I fell behind tracking. #endgameSAD
8G BOY +16 Strategy Small
BODY better. #strategySAD
H7 C(OX) +12 Knowledge Small
doubted myself on NIXE. #knowledgeSAD
10E LED +16 Knowledge Small
doubted myself on DEL #knowledgeSAD
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
I had RUSTIER and saw it and should have just played it. GLED just didn't look right to me so I challenged #knowledgeSADDEST
8B (C)WM +13 Knowledge Medium
didn't know SWINK. #knowledgeSADDER
2G LUA(U) +4 Vision Medium
terrible move here. almost everything is better, even the other placement of LUAU. #strategySADDER #visionSADDER
2G LUA(U) +4 Strategy Medium
terrible move here. almost everything is better, even the other placement of LUAU. #strategySADDER #visionSADDER
E2 FORTIES +81 Knowledge Small
SETIFORM D1. #knowledgeSAD
4D AG +13 Finding Small
forgot AGIO #findingSAD
7D COPE +30 Knowledge Large
missed ALOPECIC, and CAPRIOLE and also didn't think about the S front hook on COPE. #knowledgeSADDEST #findingSADDEST #strategySADDEST
7D COPE +30 Finding Large
missed ALOPECIC, and CAPRIOLE and also didn't think about the S front hook on COPE. #knowledgeSADDEST #findingSADDEST #strategySADDEST
7D COPE +30 Strategy Large
missed ALOPECIC, and CAPRIOLE and also didn't think about the S front hook on COPE. #knowledgeSADDEST #findingSADDEST #strategySADDEST
5J QUAIL +43 Finding Medium
nowhere to fit QUAILED :( missed LIQUATED :( also giving her a second great S hook. #findingSADDER #strategySAD
5J QUAIL +43 Strategy Small
nowhere to fit QUAILED :( missed LIQUATED :( also giving her a second great S hook. #findingSADDER #strategySAD
4A VA(L)UED +28 Knowledge Large
#knowledgeSADDEST didn't challenge FOOLERS all the better plays quackle gave here I didn't know the words (VIFDA, DILUVIA, ELUVIA)
2B M(O)VING +28 Knowledge Large
dang, I considered MIRVING but talked myself out of its validity #knowledgeSADDEST
10F (T)ANG +5 Finding Small
NAG 7J is better, keeping the same rack leave. #findingSAD
exch CGLV +0 Strategy Small
saw DEV,, 22 points is worth the rack leave compared to exchanging. don't know why I decided against it. #strategySAD
1J BLA(B) +9 Knowledge Small
#knowledgeSAD ABVOLT 2J, plus some other plays with words I don't know
exch AO +0 Knowledge Large
again doubting myself, missed me a bingo. i know both ATONIAS and SOLATIA and saw them on my rack :( #knowledgeSADDEST
8G YUK +20 Knowledge Small
4D GLO(W) +16 Strategy Small
playing off OE anywhere is better. #strategySAD
H1 DENY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Medium
GLOWY no good. #knowledgeSADDER
1F ONE +14 Finding Large
exch CCD +0 Strategy Small
CEDE or CEDED better than exchanging #strategySAD
D7 ZA +26 Finding Large
UNAMAZED for 104 would have been great #findingSADDEST
C8 FA +12 Knowledge Medium
B9 zONATED +69 Finding Small
N10 EV(I)CT +24 Knowledge Large
considered EDUCTIVE, but decided it wasn't good :( #knowledgeSADDEST
H11 (L)UXE +12 Knowledge Large
here's where I gave away the game not knowing LUXER and not playing EX at 3H instead. #strategySADDEST #endgameSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
H11 (L)UXE +12 Strategy Large
here's where I gave away the game not knowing LUXER and not playing EX at 3H instead. #strategySADDEST #endgameSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
H11 (L)UXE +12 Endgame Large
here's where I gave away the game not knowing LUXER and not playing EX at 3H instead. #strategySADDEST #endgameSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
6I AHA +34 Strategy Small
Quackle says just play AH here. #strategySAD
4K CON +25 Knowledge Small
knowing RAYA would help here. CRAY isn't good. #knowledgeSAD
O1 NI(T) +9 Knowledge Small
lots of better plays, mostly using words I don't know #knowledgeSAD UNTIL N3 sims best.
N7 LOG +13 Strategy Medium
saw the overlap plays available in row 12, not sure why I decided against playing there. #strategySADDER
12D AXE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
big miss, ANNEXES, surprisingly I get a chance to play ANNEXES a little later too. don't know why I thoughty ADA was good. #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
12D AXE +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
big miss, ANNEXES, surprisingly I get a chance to play ANNEXES a little later too. don't know why I thoughty ADA was good. #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
N11 AVOS +16 Strategy Small
spent a bunch of time trying to find a play in row 15, there isn't one. should have played OVA at 13D #strategySAD
15A (NEED)IEST +36 Strategy Small
should have played AUK in row 13 to try bingoing next turn. #strategySAD
K11 GO +12 Knowledge Small
knowing E hooks on ANNEX and FEM gave a bunch of better plays #knowledgeSAD
11G COO +10 Knowledge Large
missed ASCODOID #knowledgeSADDEST
11A DREM(E)LeD +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
Missed MOLDERED #knowledgeSAD
9E INK(Y) +16 Knowledge Small
NINEBARK, didin't know that one. #knowledgeSAD
7G IN +12 Knowledge Large
Missed TENORINI 11H #knowledgeSADDEST phony NUP
N6 LY(E) +17 Knowledge Large
missed TERYLENE #knowledgeSADDEST
15A LEVER +32 Knowledge Small
DEVEL slightly better #knowledgeSAD
exch DEMNQ +0 Strategy Small
this sims badly, keeping the Q and playing tiles better here. Works out for me though. #strategySAD
4D AN(T)IHERo +78 Finding Small
3G MOB +32 Knowledge Small
ABOHM, ABMHO #knowledgeSAD
B8 DESoLAT(E) +70 Knowledge Small
LEOTARDS 5A #findingSAD bingos ending in S, making SKEEN #knowledgeSAD
B8 DESoLAT(E) +70 Finding Small
LEOTARDS 5A #findingSAD bingos ending in S, making SKEEN #knowledgeSAD
13A W(A)W +18 Knowledge Small
missed phony Wendy's next turn, but I wasn't 100% sure ANTIHEROS wasn't good and had the game at this point. #knowledgeSAD
exch LOR +0 Strategy Small
Just playing LOR sims slightly higher here. I like my play better though. #strategySAD?
9H SOUNDlY +80 Knowledge Medium
didn't think WHEW took an S, as evident by my later challenge, that is the better placement. #knowledgeSADDER
E10 OUR +9 Finding Small
8A LI(M)O +21 Strategy Small
quackle likes TOM here better, #strategySAD
pass - +0 Knowledge Medium
lost challenge #knowledgeSADDER
14J IT +16 Finding Small
missed the DJINNI hook for a few more points #findingSAD
8D BARKED +32 Knowledge Small
wasnt 100% on DEBARK or BORKED, went with the sure thing #knowledgeSAD
E8 (A)DhESION +66 Finding Large
this play was MISDONE, I spent too much time trying to find a bingo through the A of BARKED, panicked and went with the worst possible BINGO. #findingSADDEST
exch DFUV +0 Finding Medium
REFUND the obvious play here. #findingSADDER
N10 AX +17 Finding Medium
ATAXIC in the same spot or AX at 9G much better. #findingSADDER
D1 AUTUM(N) +18 Finding Small
YUM 7A #findingSAD #strategySADDER. Instead I opened up another possible triple triple (SUNSHADE was there already, and now ENDASHES), just really wanted to get rid of those Us
D1 AUTUM(N) +18 Strategy Medium
YUM 7A #findingSAD #strategySADDER. Instead I opened up another possible triple triple (SUNSHADE was there already, and now ENDASHES), just really wanted to get rid of those Us
3B GU(T)SY +18 Knowledge Small
thought about YUGAS, was unsure of it's validity #knowledgeSAD
I3 MUTAT(E) +12 Strategy Small
TUTU H6 or H8 better #strategySAD
8A DIS(COUNTEr) +36 Knowledge Medium
K5 YOBS +31 Knowledge Medium
C13 FEH +30 Knowledge Small
FREEHOLD #knowledgeSAD
M6 LORDINg +66 Finding Small
E12 NU +10 Finding Small
PUN h4 better, #findingSAD
11G COXES +45 Knowledge Small
EXED much better, fewer points, but blocks Wendy's best chance at winning COXES making LORDINGS also good, didn't know that was valid. #endgameSAD #knowledgeSAD #strategySAD
11G COXES +45 Strategy Small
EXED much better, fewer points, but blocks Wendy's best chance at winning COXES making LORDINGS also good, didn't know that was valid. #endgameSAD #knowledgeSAD #strategySAD
11G COXES +45 Endgame Small
EXED much better, fewer points, but blocks Wendy's best chance at winning COXES making LORDINGS also good, didn't know that was valid. #endgameSAD #knowledgeSAD #strategySAD
L8 SHELfED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
9B SHELvED +68 Knowledge Small
I6 LU(G) +5 Finding Medium
HAUL 7C #findingSADDER
F4 CARNI(v)Al +62 Finding Small
missed a ton of better bingos #findingSAD
5D VI(A) +12 Knowledge Large
5D VI(A) +12 Strategy Medium
M7 RUE +12 Finding Large
I14 U(N) +2 Knowledge Large
13C MI +19 Finding Small
MINI J5 #findingSAD
5J TOUR(N)Y +18 Knowledge Unspecified
TROY C1 #findingSAD was thinking of TOURNEY #knowledgeSADD
5J TOUR(N)Y +18 Finding Small
TROY C1 #findingSAD was thinking of TOURNEY #knowledgeSADD
3L ME(A)T +12 Endgame Small
didn't realize the bag was empty #endgameSAD NEWT at A12 is the play
5J OV(A) +12 Knowledge Small
VACUA 5H #findingSAD DAVEY is a phony #knowledgeSAD
5J OV(A) +12 Finding Small
VACUA 5H #findingSAD DAVEY is a phony #knowledgeSAD
4H CIG +14 Strategy Small
PIU is quackle's choice #strategySAD
8A BARFI +61 Knowledge Small
11D WIN +20 Knowledge Small
FLAWY B6 #knowledgeSAD
D8 (B)ERRY +20 Vision Small
REMARRY double double #visionSAD
B11 BRAN +27 Strategy Small
quackle likes BARD or DARB at B12. or BRAND instead of BRAN #strategySAD
9C M(E) +7 Knowledge Small
Bad move, missed a bunch of better plays GAMIN 5A #knowledgeSAD #visionSAD
9C M(E) +7 Vision Small
Bad move, missed a bunch of better plays GAMIN 5A #knowledgeSAD #visionSAD
9H DAG +13 Knowledge Medium
7B IT +18 Finding Small
TIC is slightly better #findingSAD
9H OUTLAIN +62 Finding Small
saw ABLUTION after looking forever and giving up and playing OUTLAIN. Oh well #findingSAD
6F VET +41 Knowledge Large
8L PLOP +44 Knowledge Small
PALMTOPS, LAMPPOST. #knowledgeSAD #findingSAD
8L PLOP +44 Finding Small
PALMTOPS, LAMPPOST. #knowledgeSAD #findingSAD
6C OD +9 Finding Small
ZODIAC #findingSAD
3I (Z)INCY +38 Vision Medium
Saw nicely, but didn't see the spot #visionSADDER
A1 LADEN +23 Finding Small
OCA L2 was just the play I was looking for, didn't find it #findingSAD
2J HI +28 Finding Small
HOAGIE #findingSAD O1
exch BKWY +0 Vision Medium
WYN for 38. definitely would've played that if I saw it #visionSADDER
12H ROO +11 Finding Small
3I GALES +36 Finding Large
dang, missed SOILAGE, could only see GOALIES for some reason. #findingSADDEST
K3 HOE +23 Strategy Small
LOVE 8L sims better. #strategySAD
L12 G(I)LL +12 Strategy Small
quackle likes playing off just an L here. I thought about it. #strategySAD
14N KI +27 Knowledge Small
TUTIE phoney #knowledgeSAD
M1 TON +20 Finding Large
7C GEL +13 Finding Large
exch PUVW +0 Knowledge Large
LIAISING is the correct spelling. #knowledgeSADDEST
15D AVO +16 Knowledge Medium
OVA better making ZEDA but I was doubting ZEDA. #knowledgeSADDER
13C NO +15 Finding Large
6H BOY +31 Finding Small
J4 IC(Y) +8 Knowledge Small
ICEWORM 2I #knowledgeSAD
12B IODATES +84 Finding Small
ASTONIED double double. #findingSAD
F7 EF +19 Vision Large
FEE obviously better :( #visionSADDEST
exch BEEEMU +0 Knowledge Medium
UNMEW #knowledgeSADDER
10B (J)EU +10 Finding Large
USEABLE blah I was just so sick of seeing Es, didn't even look for bingos #findingSADDEST
O13 G(E)E +12 Finding Small
REFLUX #findingSAD
9F EX +36 Tactics Small
Exeunt or Exon better plays. #tacticsSAD
10D NAV +28 Finding Small
HEAVEN to the triple in row 8 or BACH better #findingSAD
2K G(R)RR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Medium
WADI the obvious play here I think. Terrible leave, but the score is worth it #findingSADDER #knowledgeSADDER
2K G(R)RR +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Medium
WADI the obvious play here I think. Terrible leave, but the score is worth it #findingSADDER #knowledgeSADDER
15A YARE +27 Knowledge Medium
DEFRAY for 42 much better. Thought about YODS but couldn't remember if it was valid or not #visionSAD #knowledgeSADDER
15A YARE +27 Vision Small
DEFRAY for 42 much better. Thought about YODS but couldn't remember if it was valid or not #visionSAD #knowledgeSADDER
A13 IC(Y) +8 Knowledge Medium
FIDS #knowledgeSADDER
O9 FRIGI(d)S +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Silly mistake, saw FIDO after #knowledgeSADDEST
8G POLE +12 Finding Small
CLEPE #findingSAD
H7 L(O)G +4 Finding Small
glad I didn't see GLITCHED (apparently not a word??) and let the phony go, definitely would have played it. GLID/GILD K5, would have played that. #findingSAD
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
Challenged again #knowledgeSADDEST
10B CRUDITE +73 Knowledge Large
DEUTERIC the only Bingo here. CRUDITE is French #knowledgeSADDEST
D9 F(U)LL +14 Vision Large
12G A(B)O(V)E +10 Vision Small
suggested plays all pretty close here. EGO at 9G top choice. #visionSAD
M6 ONETIME +67 Knowledge Small
wasn't sure about AGON #knowledgeSAD
B7 ReA(C)TION +68 Finding Small
GRAVITON C1 best #findingSAD
E4 (S)HY +18 Vision Small
BY A8 best, #visionSAD
O1 EXED +51 Vision Small
DEXTER N10 #visionSAD
11C (MI)LL +12 Strategy Small
thought about exchanging, Quackle thinks it's better #strategySAD
K3 BANKS +29 Vision Medium
saw BRANK, missed the spot, 6J for 38 points #visionSADDER
1J VI(B)E +9 Finding Small
SIEVE for 33 in row M best. don't know why I thought blocking the triple was so important. #strategySADDER #findingSAD
1J VI(B)E +9 Strategy Medium
SIEVE for 33 in row M best. don't know why I thought blocking the triple was so important. #strategySADDER #findingSAD
N5 AX +30 Finding Large
ooh HANDAXES 12G #findingSADDEST
9D ONETIME +81 Finding Small
O12 OBIA +24 Finding Large
missed AIRBOATS #findingSADDEST
11K FE +22 Finding Small
FAVA #findingSAD
7I FAILED +32 Vision Small
more points one row below. #visionSAD
1L POPE +55 Knowledge Small
PEPINOS #knowledgeSAD
G8 LILY +12 Knowledge Small
JU(R)EL L1 #knowledgesad
11D JUR(Y) +28 Finding Large
14I ADJOURN #findingsaddest
14B MASK +31 Strategy Small
MASKED better #strategysad
D2 TIC +20 Knowledge Medium
FICE, unsure of it #knowledgesadder
14I HM +28 Vision Small
FEHS C1 #visionsad
13A FAW(N) +37 Vision Medium
should have seen the S making SKA. #visionsadder
H7 MOC +14 Finding Medium
COIFED #findingsadder
D1 WIVE(S) +30 Knowledge Small
VIEWSHED #knowledgesad
2J CHI(L)D +34 Knowledge Small
2I CHEILD #knowledgesad
3B DI(V)E +16 Knowledge Medium
CHILDE/LEUD #knowledgesadder
B3 (D)IALOGUE +64 Knowledge Medium
again CHILDE/EULOGIA #knowledgesadder
13C JO +22 Vision Large
EJIDOS 13H #visionsaddest
H12 (R)AKE +24 Vision Small
Not a good idea with 2 blanks still out, opp bingo % is close to 75% here and also uses up my E, much better plays available #visionsad
15G D(E)tAINS +12 Time Small
lots of better scoring plays #timesad
4C BRASSIS(T) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest this game is so sad
N2 A(I)S +18 Finding Small
AEROSATS #findingsad #visionsad
N2 A(I)S +18 Vision Small
AEROSATS #findingsad #visionsad
B11 (B)LUE +12 Finding Medium
tuneable b6 #findingsadder
10B ORAL +24 Finding Small
JOVIAL #findingSAD
I1 KETONEs +66 Knowledge Small
KETONEMIA, nice 9. #knowledgeSAD
10M (F)UR +12 Finding Small
RURAL is the only out #findingSAD
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
15F MITT +20 Knowledge Large
WADI the obvious play. #findingSAD #knowledgeSADDEST
15F MITT +20 Finding Small
WADI the obvious play. #findingSAD #knowledgeSADDEST
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.