Chris Cheng
Chris Cheng
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
NEuROnS 3506 72
INWEAVE 2867 88
(S)TOMPIER 4166 95
PADRONI 1652 65
L(O)RDLiER 8892 61
qUIETE(R)S 6027 68
GRAVIt(A)S 9386 94
ARTSIES 1397 66
UNDaTED 5401 87
ODOn(A)TES 621 66
PEROgIE 2065 65
TEDIOUS 519 72
sCALIER 1486 72
ADOPT(E)ES 1907 63
WALTzED 14105 80
(T)AURINES 82 79
GEEkIER 11607 70
SANDERS 5405 75
VITRAIN 3047 74
WHiMPE(R)S 23050 90
tOLUIDE 517 63
dOGEARS 1096 68
ENACTOR(S) 580 89
DOATING 833 66
SARODES 3573 70
KETAInE 1172 72
SPOILER 2039 66
(R)UNNIEST 2151 62
AIRDATe 162 61
ByGONES 17907 78
sLATTED 5183 75
MoPPIES(T) 21362 92
(C)OnVENED 16407 65
FLIN(C)HER 14744 70
ANATTOs 5926 70
(L)ASHINGS 20752 89
HETAIRA 822 66
ORATURE 780 69
(D)EFILING 10218 73
AUDIEN(T)S 271 62
(R)ADIATES 308 65
SEIZ(I)NGS 22771 106
AIDLESS 5289 70
PaNF(R)IED 3340 68
ALIENED 202 66
CUISIN(A)l* 0 70
AUTiS(T)IC 15297 68
PAROLED 1948 69
GANOIDS 1804 69
T(R)EADIER* 0 72
MOBILiS(E) 10670 86
WEARIES 1065 85
OUTLETS 5939 90
AUREOLA 734 69
RECEDES 12066 71
BRANDIN(G) 13477 76
WANd(E)RER 6383 64
MELOdIC 8001 82
QUAIN(T)ER 1273 86
MIDGETS 7547 71
cAKIEST 7786 71
ToRMENT 4691 73
(M)EDIATES 1540 65
SUBSETS 23851 82
TENaNTS 6005 65
wHARFED 14880 82
DEA(D)ENeR 7548 72
AsTERIA 138 90
IRATEST 560 73
DEcAGON 2928 76
REVENGE(R) 18190 90
GONIDIA 2320 67
MISBOUN(D) 16639 76
VALORIz(E) 4609 83
DEALING 751 84
NOTATEs 778 67
SNOWIEr 1006 71
AERAT(I)ON 10 85
CiSTERN 1617 72
SEL(L)oUTS 20131 113
ANALOgS 6714 74
W(R)ItABLE 3290 65
sANDIER 87 67
GROPeRS 12480 72
THILBOE(S)* 0 78
GRANULE(S) 2523 80
sLAINTE 114 70
NORTENA 287 72
(B)OLDnESS 17074 72
ODONA(T)aS* 0 62
REDACTS 3077 82
(G)AITERED 278 83
SCANDAL 14709 71
LODgERS 4252 70
(H)EIStING 6997 83
(E)ULOgIAE 322 59
TeRNIO(N)S 489 72
HARVEST 7063 80
GIRdLES 3479 66
hOIStED 1999 83
SAUCIER 1491 91
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
SEL(L)oUTS 20131 113
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
LIANI* 0 27
QUALES* 0 22
PEN(D)ER* 0 36
CUISIN(A)l* 0 70
RAMA* 0 26
T(R)EADIER* 0 72
SKOP* 0 38
CHE(T)* 0 22
DES* 0 84
ALI* 0 12
WUSSIE* 0 49
TAWIES* 0 67
THILBOE(S)* 0 78
RUGAS* 0 32
ODONA(T)aS* 0 62
(G)OBI* 0 21
BUSTLY* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
EL(E)VATED 7751 76
WARNING 10944 81
RONNELS 3501 68
SCANTlY 15589 78
JELLIeS 17460 100
aNEURIS(M) 1077 80
REPLaNS 3170 73
ADMIXES 10847 84
SENARII 143 71
REALISE 210 62
OVER(s)TAY 4083 65
T(I)NNIEST 8434 66
ENT(R)EATS 1292 86
KINGLET 8238 83
ENS(T)ATED* 0 86
UPFLo(A)TS* 0 76
REvISAL 1563 81
CoUTUR(E)S 13526 63
DIATRON 127 91
ABANdON 13446 67
DONAT(O)RS 2494 60
MOOTERS 5242 75
HARdLIN(E) 1020 70
STRAYED 4247 67
ATOmIES 331 82
MUTTERS 12680 70
ADEnINE 859 72
REAdIES 207 73
A(G)REEINg 3665 62
NO(I)LIEST* 0 62
NEUrO(N)AL 1145 64
DEVALUE 6607 68
BaS(E)FIES* 0 194
EdICTAL 1474 69
MANTLED 3110 76
VIrAGOS 4853 71
FRESHEN 11495 104
(S)ENSORIA 501 77
UNHASTy 15600 71
FROTTE(U)R 14241 74
FUSTIeR 3287 66
GAROTI(N)G 5290 70
R(E)UNITeS 394 68
WAITERs 727 96
COEdITE(D) 7649 82
RATTEEN 1018 66
LOUNG(E)RS 3212 61
rEPIL(I)NG* 0 70
TRIcKED 11008 68
VEGeMIT(E)* 0 89
FAIREST 663 68
STRiNGS 12714 71
ANA(L)OgUE 1784 59
DONATIV(E) 205 66
(V)ISiONEd 3232 86
STEEPER 9014 68
NICETIE(S) 3486 76
E(L)EcTION 831 64
SECRE(T)Ed 11125 61
VALANCE 10712 81
LISTERS 5432 74
DEVOIC(E)S 7902 69
(S)ALICINE 2564 83
TRAIPSE 722 83
SIERRaN 551 61
RA(I)NLESS 2202 68
ART(I)CLED 1005 78
NEATEsT 1885 68
STeRANE 217 68
IRONERS 792 78
FUNNIES 9474 87
TRAILeD 84 84
DAN(D)IeST 2189 68
AEROSOL 1027 68
UNS(O)LVED 8239 80
R(E)FUNDER 13371 65
TRENaIL(S) 77 74
LOAMIER 323 69
Ba(T)TIEST 14936 60
TWA(S)OMeS 15372 76
VE(R)BIAGE 5794 74
F(I)SSIOnS 28573 72
E(U)LOGIAE 322 70
INTHUSe* 0 65
AiRPL(A)YS 16209 98
SNOOPER 5244 84
LOONIEr 362 66
TaRTEST 10635 79
ELEC(T)ING 4635 64
ACCRED(I)T 11042 78
INTURNE(D) 2147 68
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
BaS(E)FIES* 0 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 63
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 27.84 1754
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.70 44
Score 408.30 25723
Score per Turn 29.1975
Turns 13.98 881
Vertical Plays 5.81 366
Horizontal Plays 6.94 437
One Tile Plays 0.41 26
Other Plays 0.83 52
Firsts 0.52 33
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.8876
Exchanges 0.49 31
High Game 514
Low Game 254
Highest Scoring Turn 118
Bingos Played 1.71 108
Sevens 1.03 65
Eights 0.68 43
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5689.14
Sevens 4206.81
Eights 8045.67
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.95 3147
A 4.68 295
B 1.00 63
C 0.87 55
D 2.19 138
E 5.95 375
F 0.92 58
G 1.52 96
H 1.10 69
I 4.48 282
J 0.54 34
K 0.59 37
L 1.90 120
M 1.06 67
N 3.06 193
O 4.16 262
P 1.03 65
Q 0.52 33
R 2.75 173
S 1.89 119
T 2.81 177
U 2.05 129
V 0.97 61
W 0.95 60
X 0.54 34
Y 0.92 58
Z 0.49 31
? 1.00 63
Power Tiles Played 4.98 314
? 1.00 63
J 0.54 34
Q 0.52 33
X 0.54 34
Z 0.49 31
S 1.89 119
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 7
? 0.08 5
J 0.02 1
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.02 1
Turns With a Blank 2.02 127
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.08 5
Bonus Square Coverage 16.48 1038
Double Letter 5.59 352
Triple Letter 5.81 366
Double Word 3.06 193
Triple Word 2.02 127
Phony Plays 0.60 38
Unchallenged 0.33 21
Challenged Off 0.27 17
Challenges 0.49 31
You Won 0.21 13
Opponent Lost 0.02 1
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.27 17
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0556
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5526
Comments 9.48 597
Comments Word Length 193.78 12208
Mistakeless Turns 13.98 881
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5200 (0.4454, 0.5536)
B 0.5000 (0.3848, 0.6142)
C 0.4350 (0.3848, 0.6142)
D 0.5475 (0.4184, 0.5806)
E 0.4958 (0.4527, 0.5463)
F 0.4600 (0.3848, 0.6142)
G 0.5067 (0.4058, 0.5932)
H 0.5500 (0.3848, 0.6142)
I 0.4978 (0.4454, 0.5536)
J 0.5400 (0.3372, 0.6618)
K 0.5900 (0.3372, 0.6618)
L 0.4750 (0.4184, 0.5806)
M 0.5300 (0.3848, 0.6142)
N 0.5100 (0.4333, 0.5657)
O 0.5200 (0.4421, 0.5569)
P 0.5150 (0.3848, 0.6142)
Q 0.5200 (0.3372, 0.6618)
R 0.4583 (0.4333, 0.5657)
S 0.4725 (0.4184, 0.5806)
T 0.4683 (0.4333, 0.5657)
U 0.5125 (0.4184, 0.5806)
V 0.4850 (0.3848, 0.6142)
W 0.4750 (0.3848, 0.6142)
X 0.5400 (0.3372, 0.6618)
Y 0.4600 (0.3848, 0.6142)
Z 0.4900 (0.3372, 0.6618)
? 0.5000 (0.3848, 0.6142)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.30 19
Score 383.67 24171
Score per Turn 27.6873
Turns 13.86 873
Vertical Plays 5.86 369
Horizontal Plays 6.48 408
One Tile Plays 0.68 43
Other Plays 0.84 53
Firsts 0.48 30
Vertical Openings per First 0.1071
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8929
Full Rack per Turn 0.2784
Exchanges 0.46 29
High Game 584
Low Game 254
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.48 93
Sevens 0.76 48
Eights 0.71 45
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5605.36
Sevens 5285.20
Eights 5974.77
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.21 2974
A 4.22 266
B 1.00 63
C 1.10 69
D 1.68 106
E 5.76 363
F 1.06 67
G 1.33 84
H 0.89 56
I 4.14 261
J 0.44 28
K 0.41 26
L 1.90 120
M 0.87 55
N 2.75 173
O 3.65 230
P 0.90 57
Q 0.46 29
R 2.94 185
S 1.95 123
T 2.95 186
U 1.83 115
V 1.00 63
W 1.05 66
X 0.46 29
Y 1.02 64
Z 0.51 32
? 0.92 58
Power Tiles Played 4.75 299
? 0.92 58
J 0.44 28
Q 0.46 29
X 0.46 29
Z 0.51 32
S 1.95 123
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.16 10
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.14 9
Turns With a Blank 1.00 63
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.08 5
Bonus Square Coverage 15.65 986
Double Letter 5.08 320
Triple Letter 5.17 326
Double Word 2.97 187
Triple Word 2.43 153
Phony Plays 0.52 33
Unchallenged 0.32 20
Challenged Off 0.21 13
Challenges 0.49 31
You Won 0.27 17
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.02 1
Opponent Won 0.21 13
Challenge Percentage 0.9444
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6061
Comments 9.48 597
Comments Word Length 193.78 12208
Mistakeless Turns 13.78 868
Mistakes per Turn 0.0069
Mistakes 0.10 6
Knowledge 0.02 1
Finding 0.03 2
Vision 0.03 2
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.02 1
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4689 (0.4181, 0.5261)
B 0.5000 (0.3575, 0.5867)
C 0.5500 (0.3575, 0.5867)
D 0.4200 (0.3911, 0.5531)
E 0.4800 (0.4253, 0.5189)
F 0.5300 (0.3575, 0.5867)
G 0.4433 (0.3786, 0.5656)
H 0.4450 (0.3575, 0.5867)
I 0.4600 (0.4181, 0.5261)
J 0.4400 (0.3101, 0.6341)
K 0.4100 (0.3101, 0.6341)
L 0.4750 (0.3911, 0.5531)
M 0.4350 (0.3575, 0.5867)
N 0.4583 (0.4060, 0.5382)
O 0.4562 (0.4148, 0.5294)
P 0.4500 (0.3575, 0.5867)
Q 0.4600 (0.3101, 0.6341)
R 0.4900 (0.4060, 0.5382)
S 0.4875 (0.3911, 0.5531)
T 0.4917 (0.4060, 0.5382)
U 0.4575 (0.3911, 0.5531)
V 0.5000 (0.3575, 0.5867)
W 0.5250 (0.3575, 0.5867)
X 0.4600 (0.3101, 0.6341)
Y 0.5100 (0.3575, 0.5867)
Z 0.5100 (0.3101, 0.6341)
? 0.4600 (0.3575, 0.5867)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8D AXION +26 Finding Large
2025 Toki's Thunderstorm Tourney (15 minute clocks), Round 3. 8D XOANA #FINDINGSADDEST
13J G(E)EZ +28 Finding Large
14A GILPE(Y) #findingsaddest
H13 DIP +26 Vision Large
14I GI(D)DAP #visionsaddest
B10 (V)AG(R)OM +24 Strategy Small
J8 E(R)GO #strategysad
A14 OM +32 Knowledge Small
A1 O(B)EISM #visionsad also #knowledgesad for challenge.
A14 OM +32 Vision Small
A1 O(B)EISM #visionsad also #knowledgesad for challenge.
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.