Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
i spent too long on this play. i disagree with 13L HON. come on, man. i know i have a good leave for it, but who makes plays like that when up this much? however, NOH in that spot is probably better than my play. -4 #tacticsmedium
this is phony. even though it was unchallenged, it is still a large mistake; part of me thought it was good for some reason. the best play here is N2 BUGEYE. this turn could have gone much worse for me. -5 #knowledgelarge
i did see 2F JEE, but didn't like that i don't have one of the A's to front-hook it. i don't like it that much, idk. i think i would still do JIG any day unless someone convinces me otherwise. -4 #tacticssmall (if anything)
i'm making a ton of dinky plays this game. 13J SEME scores and keeps the F for scoring / outrunning. that's what i should be doing. #visionmedium #tacticsmedium -5
i'm making a ton of dinky plays this game. 13J SEME scores and keeps the F for scoring / outrunning. that's what i should be doing. #visionmedium #tacticsmedium -5
I missed a rare opportunity to play KAAS here, in the same spot. #findingsmall
I'm not too worried about the C hook here, since The C is usually a word-starter and he only has 6 squares to play a word starting in C.
super conservative here in not playing WHAP, but I should have realized that WHA was better than WAP. I think I was a bit overloaded with options here. This is a bad play. #tacticsmedium
losing the wheels on the bus here. Missing G10 H(OW)F, but holding on to what I hope will be a closed board soon. Also missing 13I DASHI which is fine. #visionmedium #findingmedium
losing the wheels on the bus here. Missing G10 H(OW)F, but holding on to what I hope will be a closed board soon. Also missing 13I DASHI which is fine. #visionmedium #findingmedium
now I figure I can't play (REJECT)IONS because he just opened a 3x3, but I guess I can still play D(E)AF and save the 60 points for next turn. #tacticssmall
I missed literally all of the bingos he could have at 14H. What the fuck was I doing this game? EMERITI, EUCRITE/ERUDITE, RETINUE. I need to block those, the best way is to play 14F (Z)OA which saves (REJECT)ABlE for next turn, which I at least saw. I just though that this didn't give anything back but it does, it gives back nITERIE too. #findinglarge #preendgamelarge
unsure of RESCRIPT, which is much better, but as always, my potentially disastrous mistakes do not end in disaster. Held and released. #knowledgemedium
this is fine, but just (C)RY is really nice much of the time, giving nothing tremendous back, and bingo-ing way more than CRYING. reduces opponent score by almost 10 immediately. Should have given it more thought. #strategysmall
this was wrong, point blank. I need to play BI N8. Realized I really want my A after hitting the clock. Too used to keeping QI over QA. I also know he didn't have an I last move, so maybe QUA G4 and hope he doesn't have the last A or some other big play? #strategymedium
saw a ridiculous amount of ghosts this endgame, most notable after D2 BEE, thinking that after (TE)MPT 5C, my outs were blocked and that my best was LI(T)U G3 which loses by 1 to uN(FAZED), until a recount would have tied the game up given my earlier misscore of TWeRKED. The worst part in all this isn't that I had misscored TWERKED, but that I missed that TEMPT gives me (M)ULIE E5 as an out. This endgame should have been clear as day to me and instead I just flushed 6 minutes down the drain and basically hoped (informedly) that this would be enough. -10 #endgamesaddest
Don't think I saw F6 EON somehow. It scores 6 more than OGEE and bingos roughly the same amount, making it several points of valuation better. #findingsmall
I should just play D8 EMOTED here -- it's equity and the board is already plenty open. DEEM does double the A-hook potential but without holding an A that's not too great. #tacticssad
the most heartbreaking miss of the entire tournament. DISCIPLINES from DISC. And it's not like I didn't look. I was just thinking about DIS as a prefix. #findingsaddest
I super regretted this over WAX. Never considered that him overlapping FAX is significantly easier, even though it's easier for me too. Quackle thinks this is around a point worse. #tacticssmall
Yes, I saw 14F GRIT. And then I saw KITING, and then I saw TIRING which undoubles my R's and saves the K for 14F, and meanwhile I forgot about GRIT. But I have to draw an A for 14F KA or else the sacrifice isn't worth it. Actually, the best plays are at L10: GYRI, RYKE, and KYRIE block row 14, and GYRI in particular saves the K for 14F and doesn't take any of the four unseen S's. #tacticsmedium
Despite that it scores best, Quackle hates WRECK, because it keeps AEU with a vowel-heavy pool; 12K EAU is best, saving WRECK for next turn. #strategymedium