Cecilia Le
Cecilia Le
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ROmANOS 7387 79
CHiSEL(E)D 14068 80
TINDERS 447 76
EXCITEs 12011 91
DELTOId 3578 76
BARnLIK(E) 6624 84
MIL(I)tANT 11615 70
CLAVERs 9588 85
REVALUE 3928 70
(O)CEANAUT 1590 83
IGNITES 2156 72
SANTERA 473 69
(E)NDEMIcS 9923 83
ALUNITE 110 70
FO(L)IATES 534 65
PaNDITS 4747 83
INVESt(O)R 586 72
PARTIER 2117 63
SCALING 9685 76
STRINGy 9839 71
DENTALS 1090 83
AIRHEAD 1688 75
SINcERE(R) 6102 68
TESTIER 1822 79
TErGITE 3899 75
POINT(I)LY* 0 78
NARROWS 12976 88
SORDINI 3642 71
rEUNIFY 9567 78
SPINNEY 19375 74
UTERINE 288 69
AeROTON(E) 127 74
G(R)AECIzE 12806 70
MANTEaU 3452 67
NODA(L)ITY 2300 72
DOGVANE 2807 89
(B)ESTOWER 7602 78
GOUTIER 391 70
(O)RGANIZE 1104 86
FLaVINS 11885 95
ENCODES 4583 84
ANSERI(N)E 496 61
OSTEOID 984 72
IdoNEI(T)Y 1600 72
AROUSEs 3412 73
TOONIES 365 72
ENTASIA 129 75
OVERmEN 5862 84
CHEGOES 13810 102
T(A)ILOReD 12 66
FEE(L)INGS 7153 64
ASUNDER 1094 83
(D)EtONATE 731 68
DOM(I)NEER 835 94
TARDIEs 104 68
(T)ERATOMa 3959 70
R(I)FENESS 9558 67
(S)URETIEs 4870 68
WASTRIE 693 87
ENTOILS 176 69
LITIGA(T)E 3477 70
GASTREA 2044 73
AVIATOR 1774 81
(M)EnINGES 11220 83
INTONED 786 70
CALyXES 20241 95
ARTICLE(D) 1004 63
NOOKIEs 5549 76
LURDANs 6290 66
I(N)TERNES 1302 72
GIBLETS 7518 73
SOMATIc 7252 73
ANDESIT(E) 116 63
STEERED 4856 82
DEFIERS 4134 77
BENEdI(C)T 7144 76
NONEL(I)TE 695 68
OSSIFI(E)D 13379 74
(R)ETINOID 120 80
RO(P)ERIEs 4229 60
ESPIALS 9191 71
RE(S)ETTER 14653 68
MANNITE 2008 78
VENO(M)ERS 8029 65
INARAbL(E) 1189 71
FORBaDE 4986 84
BROIDE(R)S 5754 74
(M)ARTINIS 4191 74
(V)EINLETs 2988 70
INHU(M)AnE 9663 76
MET(E)RING 2334 76
INDUCES 5413 75
SIEnITE 763 76
MAEN(A)DIC 8007 66
SURlIER 6780 82
STUPI(D)ER 5816 83
TO(W)ErIER 2218 74
ONWARDS 5598 71
DIALYSE 2892 78
PINTLES 3151 73
VIEwDAT(A) 5972 89
HERbAlS 9535 74
PILSNER 3148 77
GRoSSER 15343 74
RADDLIN(G) 11762 89
BESTING 4723 78
INSANER 547 79
SEMINAr 695 83
SENARI(U)S 2092 72
DEMOTIc 4875 74
VISCERA(L) 5402 76
ANETHOl(E) 775 92
TESTOON 4660 67
NATTERS 1292 74
(B)REAKOUT 7276 107
(A)NTIGENE 896 63
UPSTA(t)ES 19441 72
ENQUIrE 4350 91
(D)ROWSIlY 15842 95
UPSTR(E)AM 8610 66
SPEAR(M)AN 9294 74
REMOLA(D)E 1801 64
(R)EINVADe 616 76
MATTInG 10457 70
CINEAS(T)E 612 70
SANtERA 473 75
TERTIAN 193 70
IRONIST 1269 68
SERO(T)INE 45 60
TIMeWOR(K) 12503 98
NITrILS 4268 66
SANTOUR 1148 74
SAPH(E)NAs 20487 98
U(R)INATED 67 72
OXIMET(E)r 5210 89
U(N)DEREAt 354 64
ELATIVE 1010 80
INTRIGU(E) 1489 76
SEITANS 1329 78
RERISEn 1908 74
RECOAtE(D) 803 72
DEUt(E)RON 489 68
HAIRp(I)NS 15882 90
SEATING 264 71
VERTICA(L) 3141 71
SATI(A)TED 2207 86
MILLERS 12440 88
BERLINs 3067 64
AbLUENT 2922 81
INHaLER 633 86
ANTHODI(A) 2728 68
WELCh(I)NG 20589 68
FULHaMs 22402 88
RECANI(N)G 4413 94
TONeMIC 2756 69
HOTLINE 974 79
ApNOEAS 2247 64
COLOR(I)ST 8816 64
pEACHES 15907 79
SATIRES 1399 71
OUTR(A)ISE 25 82
NUCLE(A)TE 3020 80
LEAVIER 1058 79
BI(V)aLENT 4279 64
UNSET(T)LE 10548 77
ViNTAGE(R) 753 80
RELEA(S)EE 8568 70
CUTWATE(R) 13973 82
BLISTER 3209 79
EXCITAN(T) 11045 106
SOAPING(S)* 0 67
QUANtIC 13310 91
INDE(N)TOR 484 68
OUTEATS 1699 70
REVENAN(T) 3866 74
AN(T)IRAPE 507 70
CHEWIER 12794 114
FETLOCk 18898 82
SLAKING 13724 83
BREeZES 19250 99
TAENIAS 136 76
ALEVINS 1482 76
POINTIN(G) 14483 63
LIT(H)ARGE 1734 63
MET(H)ANAL 9777 102
SPuRRED 15667 75
(S)TANNITE 2508 77
GUEsSER 14699 88
AMEBOID 2693 80
HANDL(I)NG 17019 70
DUALLIE 5281 63
FEAT(H)ERY 12274 75
(DE)SSIcATE* 0 77
COL(L)ATED 9644 82
SCATTIE(R) 2756 83
INUN(D)ATE 927 68
SUNBLOC(K) 28257 107
SEXTING 8241 98
A(D)APTIVE 6286 92
TERMERS 10430 71
PLEAT(I)NG 1748 62
DUALIST 3725 73
SULtANA 6660 70
MIOTICS 13433 67
UnITIEs 1232 64
CONTEST 7122 76
(T)haNATOS 12137 80
rOGERIN(G) 13427 80
RUSTING 7100 71
CIGARET 1159 76
(L)AXITIES 5141 69
ENRAGEs 1133 95
R(E)THREaD 6362 63
(O)BEISANt 187 72
INHE(R)ITs 2673 90
NAIAdES 493 74
SQUINT(E)R 5041 88
DAIN(T)IER 92 72
SNIFTER 1547 81
B(R)ISaNCE 3103 92
DELATES 1309 65
AEoNIAN 347 72
ALKA(L)IDS* 0 102
LIGATES 768 68
E(G)EsTION 353 68
CHaSTEN 7003 106
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
OYES 967 34
(E)NDEMIcS 9923 83
NIMBY* 0 0
(U)PTRADeD* 0 0
BIRdKIN(D)* 0 0
BE(G)UINE 5736 22
MAEN(A)DIC 8007 66
(D)OURA 889 17
TRIKE 1532 53
OUPA* 0 0
AGRIA 1509 14
MIOTICS 13433 67
NOAH* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ARANEi(D)S 305 74
SA(P)IENCE 4267 65
EDITORS 175 65
DOGVANe 2936 76
ETRIERS 1909 84
AMPHORA 17337 84
APOST(A)TE 6340 78
FOIBLES 7651 93
NONd(A)IRY 5107 64
JETLAGs 11388 80
OUTsERT 3511 78
PANGENE(S) 11790 69
YESTERN 4041 84
DIG(E)RATI 604 61
NUTTIER 1302 63
MIDAIRS 8502 76
O(W)LErIES 1944 80
lINNETS 2725 81
GOEtHIt(E) 5793 74
OSTEOID 1356 81
ROCA(I)LLE 4962 78
RANPIKE 6520 116
ADDUcTS 27045 66
EMER(Y)INg 12138 89
ACTIVES 5827 77
(V)AUNTIER 544 76
DISTUNE 1488 75
KERNITE 3240 78
LAE(T)RILE 1252 82
TORULAE 158 68
CAPSIz(E)D 18374 78
AcCI(D)IES 17955 140
TRANGAm 10140 73
HA(Z)ELNUT 13153 74
APERIEs 1014 71
MUsCLED 17896 69
HAtSFUL 17365 85
AN(I)SEEDS 2622 77
RADOMES 1862 95
AGNATES 2043 61
TOLUIDE 517 74
CHeWIES(T) 16117 93
RESiLIN 1287 81
MALLING 16303 83
OUTRID(E)S 321 60
(U)NBRACED 8527 78
WIN(G)OVER 5332 110
SALUTA(R)Y 13613 72
BRIGADE 2404 74
DENTINe(S) 2567 77
(D)ERELICt 2937 83
LARKERS 13338 78
CAbANAS 21400 85
EPICU(R)ES 10449 76
FOMENT(E)D 7620 90
SAmOVAR(s) 23164 61
OR(D)AINER 125 60
REDTAI(L)S 250 63
VeNTUrI 1561 77
STOGIEs 5037 72
ACETONE 454 74
lOBBIED 15025 71
COPy(E)DIT 11945 62
MISHE(A)RD 5694 76
LEIsTER 609 93
ENA(B)LING 7326 63
SEROsAE 2505 76
DUrIANS 1867 86
AUNTIES 124 75
(P)ROTEASE 825 72
(R)EGIcIDE 7671 61
AU(T)OTyPE 10647 62
SUPEREG(O) 7997 89
ANSATED 1216 85
IDEATES 200 72
(M)ONSTERS 9428 83
VeRTIGO(S) 2161 86
d(R)OOLIER 3423 74
ACINOSE 313 68
DIL(A)TANT 6276 62
TABORIN 706 63
(C)OEmPT(I)NG 10162 73
D(I)ASPORE 528 78
EqUALLY 20654 70
hONESTY 7798 77
DIA(L)OGER 229 64
NON(R)AtED 452 77
WRAITHS 8881 98
TRIGONA(L) 484 70
KANTELE 4339 82
AZOTISE 1041 132
dE(C)OYERS 10799 86
Re(C)ROWNS 19178 74
ESTOILE 386 71
cONDUIT 5621 63
ASPIRES 6423 88
TENSION 753 78
PEAkISH 14886 83
GYrATES 4520 78
ON(E)RIEST 44 82
PURCHA(S)E 17436 78
BIoTOPE(S) 7870 63
ATTO(R)NED 453 63
OVERMI(l)D 6497 76
RADIALS 4071 64
SEDA(T)ION 15 60
BAGSFuL 20225 88
RETAKES 4536 87
BEADINg 2521 74
COTTERS 7422 74
sIMITAR 5496 72
TURNHAl(L) 17823 61
(c)OLLEENS 13924 74
(S)ALICINE 2429 89
URALITE 117 68
DELIRIA 468 73
bEDRAIL 1379 69
(J)ADEITES 3242 68
NItE(R)IES 429 68
OU(T)LIERS 325 62
NITROlI(C) 4799 60
SYNURAE 3052 74
FIMBRiA 16624 78
OLEsTRA 157 78
fANJETS 10499 84
RESU(P)INE 2996 61
AMNIOTI(C) 6251 76
(T)ApIOCAS 9393 70
TERNION 274 65
TOROIds 3281 68
A(R)IETTAS 1040 62
REARERS 11316 66
COA(R)SELY 6403 76
UPrOU(S)ED 16276 66
OVE(R)LADE 1802 64
DRAGNET 766 75
(N)eUMATIC 3148 87
AIRIEST 139 66
AGENDAS 3801 87
NOSEGAY 2822 87
BACu(L)INE 5338 74
IMPASTE 4219 84
FEATHER 5114 84
AIRDROP(S) 8034 69
R(E)GIONa(L)S 79 74
ENTA(I)LER 30 62
OYSTERS 10417 83
OvERNEA(T) 280 74
ANE(C)dOtA 1589 70
AP(t)ITUDE 4892 62
RESTERS 13150 71
(A)UTOGIRO 1885 72
DE(N)TARIA 106 69
T(E)RYLENE 10066 88
SQUEAKS 30474 82
ENLArGE(R) 5368 79
hAGRIDE 2416 70
LA(C)TONES 1279 61
OPENERs 2538 79
DOILIES 1496 67
APERIES 1014 71
(E)ATERIES 278 77
(G)AIETIES 866 61
FLoWAGE 9826 86
MAT(E)ShIP 10884 94
ROUNDLy 11913 62
TONEMES 2655 79
STRIVES 9808 82
S(L)ANDeRS 7199 86
NAIADES 466 79
HINDErE(D) 9553 84
mURALED 5593 81
NAIADES 493 66
R(E)DOLENT 513 70
SOCIATE 413 82
cUTOVER 10832 67
teNONED 2487 72
(O)UTCRIES 1356 89
OpSONIC 14486 78
LoGOUTS 13985 66
COtQ(U)EAN 7652 122
RAVI(o)LIS 4997 61
O(U)TRAVES 1404 76
LEUCINS 5642 75
NUtRIAS 1017 69
ShOWIER 5134 89
CrEMATE 5113 78
TURBIN(E)D* 0 72
OUTSHIN(E) 1463 86
A(N)EROIDS 15 77
REROUTE 2492 66
ID(E)ATION 37 63
ORIOLES 1035 69
OLEATES 296 77
CaBANAS 21387 76
TELSONI(C) 1422 74
BEQU(E)STS 27050 126
SOPRANI 1668 82
RE(N)OTIFY 2120 68
sIDECAR 1479 83
BONN(I)EST 3570 78
REFUgES 11775 88
JUNKERS 19001 94
SEARING 258 79
TOW(E)RInG 932 72
fIERIER 8100 68
sECONDI 1990 78
TESTATE 11812 85
StANDEE 575 87
BRoMINS 10403 76
TUNICAE 636 88
GAOLERS 1099 71
sANTIMI 5270 66
(T)RUmPETS 19804 86
F(I)STfULS 30039 66
vAGINAE 2798 61
ELATION(S) 19 77
TRAC(T)ILE 2740 90
SETLINE 579 65
DEA(L)INGS 1072 72
GLUNcHE(S) 28113 86
STRIATE(D) 1157 80
POsTMEN 7808 80
SANTOUR 1148 89
LINkABL(E) 17882 80
FURRING 16073 79
SCORERs 16674 76
SED(I)TION 402 63
A(N)GULOSE 1632 72
FORET(O)LD 6872 63
AIRLESS 2887 71
WEIGHTS 12224 86
BEAMIES(T) 4246 64
L(I)TERATE 521 66
ADJOInS 6193 100
VITTLEs 9469 77
OLEATES 279 76
C(A)NITIEs 1174 70
FE(L)TINGS 6210 78
RE(JO)INDER 5180 69
HO(R)RIDLY 20890 71
ChIAUS(E)S 17754 63
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AcCI(D)IES 17955 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(C)OEmPT(I)NG 10162 73
R(E)GIONa(L)S 79 74
RE(JO)INDER 5180 69
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
MINGE* 0 43
PHID* 0 18
BRACKS* 0 93
VAWT* 0 20
COPE(K)* 0 32
(T)ROUP* 0 24
TURBIN(E)D* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
EMER(Y)INg 12138 89
ACTIVES 5827 77
TWIRL 4692 36
GARS 1658 30
WIN(G)OVER 5332 110
IMPLI(ER)* 0 0
tOOLWA(R)E* 0 0
OUT(TAX)* 0 0
DIL(A)TANT 6276 62
GEOP(O)NTs* 0 0
rE(DEV)OTE* 0 0
NaRROWS 12655 0
REARERS 11316 66
UPrOU(S)ED 16276 66
T(E)RYLENE 10066 88
ADDIX* 0 0
FOY 887 0
iNJIRAS* 0 0
PAVIO(U)R 7275 45
SOPRANI 1668 82
DAZE(R)S* 0 0
W(H)INGY* 0 0
RAP 336 0
STINK 6493 0
ChIAUS(E)S 17754 63
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 116
Invalid Games 0.03 3
Incomplete 0.03 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.76 2988
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 58
Score 416.90 48360
Score per Turn 32.4782
Turns 12.84 1489
Vertical Plays 5.81 674
Horizontal Plays 5.94 689
One Tile Plays 0.52 60
Other Plays 0.57 66
Firsts 0.49 57
Vertical Openings per First 0.0208
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9792
Full Rack per Turn 0.4681
Exchanges 0.36 42
High Game 631
Low Game 270
Highest Scoring Turn 114
Bingos Played 1.97 229
Sevens 1.02 118
Eights 0.95 110
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5412.01
Sevens 5113.25
Eights 5741.49
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.16 5586
A 4.25 493
B 0.98 114
C 0.93 108
D 2.03 236
E 5.76 668
F 0.94 109
G 1.44 167
H 0.97 113
I 4.47 519
J 0.44 51
K 0.53 61
L 1.83 212
M 0.97 113
N 3.06 355
O 3.76 436
P 1.01 117
Q 0.52 60
R 2.82 327
S 1.83 212
T 2.94 341
U 1.85 215
V 0.92 107
W 0.97 112
X 0.53 62
Y 1.02 118
Z 0.47 55
? 0.91 105
Power Tiles Played 4.70 545
? 0.91 105
J 0.44 51
Q 0.52 60
X 0.53 62
Z 0.47 55
S 1.83 212
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 13
? 0.03 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 7
Turns With a Blank 1.23 143
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.05 6
Bonus Square Coverage 15.91 1845
Double Letter 4.93 572
Triple Letter 5.53 641
Double Word 3.10 360
Triple Word 2.34 272
Phony Plays 0.13 15
Unchallenged 0.05 6
Challenged Off 0.08 9
Challenges 0.41 47
You Won 0.16 18
Opponent Lost 0.07 8
You Lost 0.10 12
Opponent Won 0.08 9
Challenge Percentage 0.6000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4706
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4000
Comments 7.63 885
Comments Word Length 164.49 19081
Mistakeless Turns 12.84 1489
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4722 (0.4418, 0.5214)
B 0.4900 (0.3971, 0.5661)
C 0.4650 (0.3971, 0.5661)
D 0.5075 (0.4219, 0.5413)
E 0.4800 (0.4471, 0.5161)
F 0.4700 (0.3971, 0.5661)
G 0.4800 (0.4126, 0.5506)
H 0.4850 (0.3971, 0.5661)
I 0.4967 (0.4418, 0.5214)
J 0.4400 (0.3621, 0.6011)
K 0.5300 (0.3621, 0.6011)
L 0.4575 (0.4219, 0.5413)
M 0.4850 (0.3971, 0.5661)
N 0.5100 (0.4328, 0.5304)
O 0.4700 (0.4394, 0.5238)
P 0.5050 (0.3971, 0.5661)
Q 0.5200 (0.3621, 0.6011)
R 0.4700 (0.4328, 0.5304)
S 0.4575 (0.4219, 0.5413)
T 0.4900 (0.4328, 0.5304)
U 0.4625 (0.4219, 0.5413)
V 0.4600 (0.3971, 0.5661)
W 0.4850 (0.3971, 0.5661)
X 0.5300 (0.3621, 0.6011)
Y 0.5100 (0.3971, 0.5661)
Z 0.4700 (0.3621, 0.6011)
? 0.4550 (0.3971, 0.5661)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 58
Score 427.31 49568
Score per Turn 33.0674
Turns 12.92 1499
Vertical Plays 5.90 684
Horizontal Plays 6.04 701
One Tile Plays 0.44 51
Other Plays 0.54 63
Firsts 0.51 59
Vertical Openings per First 0.0800
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9200
Full Rack per Turn 0.8666
Exchanges 0.30 35
High Game 668
Low Game 249
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 2.14 248
Sevens 1.14 132
Eights 0.97 113
Nines 0.03 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6035.84
Sevens 5823.37
Eights 6308.35
Nines 5140.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.22 5710
A 4.61 535
B 0.97 112
C 1.00 116
D 1.87 217
E 5.89 683
F 1.05 122
G 1.43 166
H 1.01 117
I 4.30 499
J 0.55 64
K 0.46 53
L 2.02 234
M 0.98 114
N 2.67 310
O 4.13 479
P 0.97 113
Q 0.47 55
R 2.94 341
S 2.07 240
T 2.85 331
U 2.03 235
V 0.99 115
W 0.99 115
X 0.45 52
Y 0.96 111
Z 0.51 59
? 1.05 122
Power Tiles Played 5.10 592
? 1.05 122
J 0.55 64
Q 0.47 55
X 0.45 52
Z 0.51 59
S 2.07 240
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 10
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.02 2
Z 0.02 2
S 0.04 5
Turns With a Blank 2.09 242
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.03 4
Bonus Square Coverage 16.09 1867
Double Letter 5.28 613
Triple Letter 5.37 623
Double Word 3.05 354
Triple Word 2.39 277
Phony Plays 0.22 26
Unchallenged 0.07 8
Challenged Off 0.16 18
Challenges 0.41 47
You Won 0.08 9
Opponent Lost 0.10 12
You Lost 0.07 8
Opponent Won 0.16 18
Challenge Percentage 0.5294
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3077
Comments 7.63 885
Comments Word Length 164.49 19081
Mistakeless Turns 12.90 1496
Mistakes per Turn 0.0020
Mistakes 0.03 3
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.01 1
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.01 1
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5122 (0.4523, 0.5321)
B 0.4850 (0.4077, 0.5767)
C 0.5000 (0.4077, 0.5767)
D 0.4675 (0.4324, 0.5520)
E 0.4908 (0.4577, 0.5267)
F 0.5250 (0.4077, 0.5767)
G 0.4767 (0.4232, 0.5612)
H 0.5050 (0.4077, 0.5767)
I 0.4778 (0.4523, 0.5321)
J 0.5500 (0.3726, 0.6118)
K 0.4600 (0.3726, 0.6118)
L 0.5050 (0.4324, 0.5520)
M 0.4900 (0.4077, 0.5767)
N 0.4450 (0.4434, 0.5410)
O 0.5162 (0.4499, 0.5345)
P 0.4850 (0.4077, 0.5767)
Q 0.4700 (0.3726, 0.6118)
R 0.4900 (0.4434, 0.5410)
S 0.5175 (0.4324, 0.5520)
T 0.4750 (0.4434, 0.5410)
U 0.5075 (0.4324, 0.5520)
V 0.4950 (0.4077, 0.5767)
W 0.4950 (0.4077, 0.5767)
X 0.4500 (0.3726, 0.6118)
Y 0.4800 (0.4077, 0.5767)
Z 0.5100 (0.3726, 0.6118)
? 0.5250 (0.4077, 0.5767)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
L12 MILD +32 Strategy Medium
bingos aren't worth it here. but L11 positioning is best. L11 MID sims best here; my move gives back way too much for no reason. -5 #strategymedium
15F ARANEi(D)S +74 Finding Medium
-4.. ASTERNAL or SANGREAL for more pts. quackle doesn't mind keeping that D open. #findingmedium
3A YUKE +24 Endgame Large
large endgame mistake here as it allows TURION #endgamelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 6817 22 Game is incomplete.
Game 16241 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 10145 42 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.