Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
CRANkER 14502 81
A(L)EURONE 158 70
MATINEE 352 74
LEVANT(E)R 1522 65
AlANINE 1598 66
(T)APELINE 627 88
SOIREES 2509 64
(E)NsiGNCY 19878 92
MANSARD 11633 84
ELICITS 6065 70
PAVO(N)INE 4715 66
WOnTInG 11827 68
(R)EGAINEd 277 62
aDHERIN(G) 1720 89
PELITIc 10283 64
UNBIASE(D) 2292 65
(R)ESEEInG 2855 82
TURNONs 8462 69
CONNERS 7118 70
SIrE(N)IAN 1044 68
PLeURON 3750 72
LAUGHe(R)S 9026 72
OUT(R)IVAL 2321 63
TELEOST 4300 69
PORNIES(T) 582 68
IN(F)OLDER 1357 74
CIGArE(T)S 1717 64
(U)NSEALED 2040 80
MANIFE(S)T 3170 77
DETAiNE(D) 1250 80
ToUGHEN 5294 78
AV(E)NGERS 4389 76
DOYENNE 8276 66
ELdRITC(H) 8630 89
BREADiE(R)* 0 76
RES(t)YLED 8120 74
PREMIX(E)D 19416 80
CREATIN 218 82
BLISTER 3068 86
mARLST(O)N(E) 602 70
PELTAST 9418 78
mERRILY 14415 72
AIR(L)INES 312 58
aEROBIA 415 72
FORE(G)ONe 7039 74
SATIETY 3824 82
CORNEAS 888 75
MINIVE(R)S 9834 84
n(E)URITIS 873 74
r(E)PEALED 7746 90
lIONISE 739 79
rIDO(T)TOS 8540 58
B(E)DEAFEN 12967 78
DESI(R)ING 2977 76
C(E)NTuPLE 14200 74
WAREZES 12015 83
ANE(R)OIDS 15 86
LE(V)IGATE 2351 68
OUTE(A)TEN 735 59
VIAtORS 1672 97
U(N)HaLVED 12627 78
INMATES 695 94
RE(D)LINER 2704 60
YACHtER 11844 111
GOATISH 4840 77
r(E)VOLTED 3753 72
SIRLOIN 2721 73
EULAC(H)AN 13265 78
SILIqUA 15237 80
HAND(L)ERS 4484 70
ExERTIO(N) 948 68
(J)OINTERS 1709 67
mAGPIES 8969 75
BEDUINS 5629 76
TaX(P)AYER 19951 104
SOLERET 849 77
EnSIGNC(Y) 19861 92
NITRILE 504 66
FASH(I)ONY 14864 84
BLATHER(S) 9008 76
NONHOmE 16625 70
AERATIO(N) 10 73
PICRATE(D) 3303 92
ACETOsE 1239 91
RAZORED 8030 72
SCIU(R)INE 4939 64
INTRO(R)SE 491 62
P(I)ETISTS 20940 72
AUDITeD 2875 63
I(N)POURED 1441 66
OUTSOAR(S) 12467 77
SANTERA 500 71
KLAVER(N)S 13825 80
DHURRIE(S) 11756 89
SALtBoX 16278 89
MENIALS 1472 70
(C)OLICINE 15737 68
M(I)SGUIDE 13207 74
SAUNTER 443 67
IND(O)RSES 2627 77
ENAMINE(s) 3702 68
(n)EGATONS 2003 77
CON(FID)ANTE 2083 70
RE(N)ATURE 1291 62
INSOL(E)NT 1160 60
SHAITAN 5460 78
(A)nERGIEs 283 77
ALUMINE 1545 77
OUTsAID 1175 67
(R)EENdOWS 3762 70
ENSUING 6615 79
(C)aNISTEL 959 68
WASTeRS 9785 79
DIVeRGE(S) 7528 82
TORCHEs 7766 78
PO(B)LANOS 17297 78
WIREMAN 2302 69
AgAROSE 1235 64
ENTREA(T)S 1292 78
VARIOLE 326 68
T(R)O(I)lUSES 2880 70
STANDeR 432 71
CUTESIE(R) 3116 62
REDFISh 10137 85
pERSONA 933 77
SCULLER 18520 74
OBS(I)DIAN 5001 72
POsADAS 18918 90
PREGAmE 10276 75
SLEUTHS 18547 74
rOULEAU(X) 14385 68
N(E)ARLIER 519 59
DAYTIM(E)S 5717 86
CERVICa(L) 19286 80
ANTIWEA(R) 482 74
KINGLET 8238 83
INBOaRD 1637 74
EST(R)AYED 3066 64
VIRTUOS(A) 2454 74
COL(L)IDER 9700 63
INDO(R)SEE 175 70
UNSAfE(L)Y 12647 74
(R)INDLESS 6859 63
NARCO(M)AS 12935 63
wANDERE(R) 6383 80
VIOLIST 9195 81
TRUIS(T)IC 18989 63
ENTREES 2693 70
AERONO(M)Y 5244 80
ANIMU(S)eS 8658 86
TACRINE 228 72
OVERTIP 2650 69
AUGItES 731 87
INC(R)EASE 611 72
FLySCHe(S) 39220 95
CADGErS 7173 79
SPINULE 5447 79
AMAnITA 9992 67
REOPENS 2664 68
pReFACE(D) 16064 98
aNTILIF(ER) 593 86
PaNELED 4059 73
ANTIFUR 2710 78
DEUTE(R)ON 516 68
aLTHORN 3414 63
U(N)REPAID 1035 69
SuBBASI(N) 26652 97
STRAI(N)ED 68 65
MISWRI(T)e 9839 63
JAC(U)LATE 17855 86
VA(L)ORIZE 4609 94
END(O)WERS 3762 98
WA(S)TElOT 6056 70
WARIEST 728 89
(T)RAMELED 3043 74
GRuMPIL(Y) 26988 104
UVEItIC 10754 68
OBENTOS 5212 85
UNREt(I)RE 1309 68
RENTALS 438 75
JAsMINE 7475 83
FOLKsO(N)G 26321 76
p(UP)IlAGES 19980 149
(T)ARLETAN 2457 77
PAI(N)TIER 510 61
NArROWE(R) 12314 78
GRiE(V)OUS 4390 74
AIRSIDE 495 74
OU(T)RANGE 259 72
(E)ROGeNIC 1496 78
SAPROBE 5007 83
HOODIES 5165 78
ALIENOR(S) 21 68
COLuGOS 20100 78
ALIE(N)EEs 773 78
SC(U)LPING 23833 88
TOTTERS 11681 88
VALA(N)CED 13265 68
ADA(P)tIVE 6286 76
ROILIER 2129 72
(C)ONGRESS 15859 72
bRIDL(E)RS 11754 59
MYLONIT(E) 3942 92
(C)ARLINES 957 74
SPIfFED 22190 75
FRONTL(E)T 6124 63
LINNETS 2853 94
GNARLED 1714 72
ST(Y)RAXES 22043 69
(V)ENERATE 2389 86
GALENIC 2409 90
SIDEMAN 1442 80
G(E)LSEMIA 4235 110
(S)UNNIEST 10943 60
TA(W)DRIER 2763 76
HASTENE(D) 2880 89
OLEINES 285 70
ACETONI(C) 4978 76
JOiNTER 1117 74
APERIES 1064 87
E(P)INASTY 3378 64
BOLT(R)OPE 11822 74
vAUNTF(U)L 25535 70
NEGRONI 1314 75
VAINEsT 712 63
TIFFANY 20421 73
SURBASE 12815 66
ESTRIOL 186 63
SHEITAN 669 77
aUREOLE 295 64
PANOCHA 18136 93
NU(C)LEINS 11742 74
G(L)AZiEST 7058 84
ANTISEX 1680 111
LIVER(I)ED 5582 80
GOOpIER 4268 68
CRIBbIN(G) 29225 80
SOLANDS 11610 72
RELIEFS 3985 94
A(F)fAIREs 14543 80
HOOKIES 12783 104
UTERINE 224 66
SaTIRIC 5484 78
ARMORED 4606 72
mEETIN(G)S 4655 81
ReFINES 2278 76
(M)ENTIONs 3600 70
TOBACcO 30049 76
GALLEON 6855 73
E(S)CARGOT 2115 63
LARcENE(R) 6038 71
TRIPH(A)SE 3184 80
HERIT(R)IX 18099 74
(A)MORTiSE 212 68
SIMITAR 5504 74
fI(D)GETED 16170 60
(C)LOSABLE 18840 89
TR(I)ENNIA 446 68
DRONeRS 3496 69
LOCA(T)ING 3833 72
IMPriNT 13236 74
(C)ARLINES 1010 72
PRiVETS 7185 80
TAlLOWS 16212 89
EASTERN 215 78
STOTiNS 12598 76
(W)ATERILY 3367 66
ACERbER 12241 80
FORINTs 3423 85
(E)TERNALS 355 77
(F)AuVISMS 26520 80
RECOATS 852 82
(H)OSEPIpE 22252 95
MUNsTER 5797 76
CRUISER 9044 95
IMPLODe 7665 69
ALLURES 8072 68
sPOTT(I)LY 20923 65
ABE(T)TING 4418 69
MEDIATE 1045 71
DIVULGE(D) 21489 82
ECHIUr(OI)D 7417 107
TRUDGES 5746 77
REtSINA 25 88
DELETES 7266 80
REC(UM)BENT 14878 73
A(R)GININE 1848 70
ONSTREA(M) 562 83
SA(C)CATED* 0 102
(n)IOBATES 175 80
O(E)dIPEAN 294 70
DOUBL(E)TS 8218 69
SERIAT(I)M 1251 78
MISDONE 2006 79
LO(I)TERER 737 66
ELONG(A)TE 349 63
(C)ITrININ 20840 61
ALOp(E)CIC 16965 94
AlVEOLI 4571 69
FI(N)AGLES 3450 74
mUMMERS 23790 88
ELIDING 3809 66
LIST(E)RIA 297 58
UNCASEd 5349 84
VANTAG(E)S 6632 66
COSTUmE 10750 90
EVILEST 4004 75
IGNI(T)ERS 1486 72
hORNETS 1980 65
H(O)MESITE 4590 64
AEROBIA 392 67
HeD(O)NICS 6465 102
ADENINE 820 63
RE(N)OTIFY 2006 106
INT(O)RTED 459 68
PReCLE(A)N 6752 80
SORDINE 166 97
AGIStIN(G) 14513 60
FAIRGOE(R) 2611 92
OVE(R)LOOk 23850 62
mYELI(N)ES 9961 85
BLOWIER 4866 80
YTTRIaS 8515 78
mOULDER 6128 64
PERIGo(N)S 2276 70
ATTAG(I)Rl 8669 72
ITALICS 8500 66
LENITEs 605 64
(I)NVALIDS 10569 78
bONIEST 898 87
EVASION 335 70
TENOURs 529 79
O(V)ErBITE 2602 74
pELOTON 5234 64
SANTERA 500 73
LUMENAL 12891 86
ELIXIRs 9560 68
RODlIKE 4085 87
CHI(l)LIES 22993 72
ARGOTIC 2553 65
LINSEED 1314 74
(A)NTISERa 82 74
(I)NFORMER 7464 76
PROV(I)DED 15354 69
(P)EDIGrEE 9917 67
G(R)INNERS 9499 70
YEaSTED 3906 94
AERObES 1237 74
WHALERS 10056 84
(E)NTITLES 2712 77
CLOS(U)RES 17062 64
SOAPlI(K)E 7554 84
TABETIC 8025 96
PINKENS 17663 88
IDOCRA(S)E 536 78
ISSUA(N)cE 8593 68
SE(A)FOOdS 14339 60
EPINAOS 315 82
L(A)RDIEST 266 68
TOlLMAN 13204 75
(M)ARAVEdI 5970 98
TANSIES 1396 83
(O)VERHEAT 2594 106
bEELINE 5934 74
BARRE(N)LY 13953 64
lI(A)ISONS 7802 59
DENTILS 1157 74
SElFWAR(d) 11992 98
ANTIWE(e)D 617 71
SIERRAN 523 65
AIRPOsT 1672 78
INTERWA(R) 1510 86
AKINES(I)A 5849 63
REQuITE 4550 125
SAINTDO(M) 2306 86
PROSIER 4452 77
CAUTI(O)NS 2299 61
HYdRIDE 16550 81
AErATES 761 76
SHIfTED 9697 86
OVERAG(E)S 2722 65
(H)ERNIAtE 226 72
(G)ORBELLY 22543 86
(R)EALISTS 2088 81
AP(T)ITUDE 4892 65
SECURER 13857 86
C(A)NTORIS 1107 80
N(O)NuPLES 12400 74
FOAM(I)EsT 1943 66
(J)OYRIDER 15044 110
RINGERS 4259 86
UNTACK(E)D 13144 66
OVe(R)HATE 2593 76
(Q)UEASILY 13652 74
SENIORS 1823 64
TRIENES 221 72
AERATI(O)N 10 66
(R)ECREATE 8305 64
TwATTLE(D) 21577 77
(T)HINKERS 10140 80
SIRVENT(E) 1545 95
ARTISAN 1115 78
EXPIATe 5655 97
FRONTIE(r) 1697 72
HA(N)DLINE 5152 72
GLITTER(S) 5565 80
WAG(G)LIER 13892 63
iNUNDAN(T) 15803 66
AIRIEsT 139 72
STOOPER 5028 78
AN(T)IWEAR 509 62
TRUcKLE 16899 78
AN(T)IlIFE(R) 590 74
PRALINE 647 78
PALINGS 9305 78
LATHIES(T) 5154 95
MUsCLED 17896 69
HAtSFUL 17365 85
VAPOrIZ(E) 8961 92
HACKEeS 18946 90
hAYLAGE 15743 66
E(N)TICERS 1613 74
LOOKING 16026 72
REOVIRU(S) 6084 69
TEAZLES 7316 102
H(A)RDENED 10039 80
NUCL(e)ASE 5024 80
KITHING 19446 103
(s)ENDABlE 5018 86
(G)RADUATE 2819 70
(A)NTRORSE 457 77
ACNODEs 1833 74
EN(T)ERONS 1659 68
(D)ISAGREE 674 72
SwEATER 2237 74
OPPOSIN(G) 26673 78
REBAiTS 623 78
ALOETIC 311 71
AzOTE(MI)AS 5214 62
PELITES 4181 67
ANOTHER 330 69
IMPASTE 4219 104
PoSTDIV(E) 6504 82
SIR(E)NIAN 1044 59
TORTEL(L)I 5774 60
BOOTEES 6168 79
N(O)RmaNDE 3548 76
UNABID(IN)G 16908 64
LAUDERS 2272 74
INTROIT 3368 61
UNSTEPS 16052 76
NOURISH 5879 78
LIG(U)LATE 5813 60
(E)XOCYTIC 26237 128
ANIM(A)TOR 1248 64
PICADOR 7233 80
hEAUMES 11363 64
NOTATED 734 68
(T)ENDRILS 685 72
(P)ERCOIDS 6472 92
sANDSHO(E) 9172 93
AUDITOR 438 71
STAMINA 5244 73
ECTO(M)ErE 10029 72
DEtHRO(N)E 1866 82
(O)UTLyING 12490 74
G(O)LIARDS 2453 70
(D)oWNTIME 3924 68
RE(B)AITED 607 83
CREO(L)ISE 1821 62
NICE(T)IES 3295 68
sTREA(K)eD 5705 76
MISTIER 3483 87
ANEAR(I)NG 1847 60
R(E)ADDICT 5161 78
(HE)RALDIST 1171 95
(G)AUZIEST 6710 90
INTRAnE(T) 1123 74
ANOD(I)ZES 1579 92
(EX)CORIATE 1666 86
DAhLIAS 11014 85
ORA(T)IONS 426 60
INULASE 406 70
AE(R)O(L)ITES 11 63
A(B)SENTED 2844 167
SYENITE(S) 9569 71
ANIM(A)TOR 1315 64
EARsHOT 913 83
HEROINs 928 75
RADIALE 465 71
MALTEDS 5369 70
SANTOUR 1148 77
SN(U)FFLED 25073 82
PEEvISH 15256 95
(I)MItAtES 5306 81
REASONS 1732 77
ROGATIO(N) 833 62
PENNIEs 7409 82
MINGLEs 7247 72
YU(L)ETIDE 5082 76
(D)EADEYES 18755 94
CiNEMAS 4159 80
MICELLE 17416 78
(D)ISUNITE 1854 80
OUTG(L)ARE 653 131
THEINES 2173 76
SY(E)NITIC 9311 67
DISTORT 5152 78
(D)AMNEDLY* 0 68
cAUSERI(E) 1447 78
DAYM(A)RES 12634 66
ADnOUNS 7874 68
BOT(A)NIES 173 68
(S)HORTENS 9427 86
CHOIRI(N)G 15255 82
(B)ECARPET 11661 95
ERoDENT 430 73
(I)NVOLUTE 1395 86
BAUSOND 8421 76
R(E)DLINES 909 63
WAT(C)HERs 14001 66
POULTER 3756 63
KI(N)DLERS 7750 89
H(A)VERiNG 4633 78
BREE(Z)ILY 19402 248
(G)UIDANCE 3430 66
PINKEST 10552 84
pANT(H)E(I)SM 7326 88
GAL(O)SHED 7247 80
SEAPl(A)NE 5873 72
SU(Z)ERAIN 2510 84
WAITRON 710 76
FORRADe(R) 15265 86
GREMIAL 2430 83
PIRA(c)IES 5995 68
LIGATED 718 78
RUD(E)RIeS 4643 66
EROTIcA 69 68
RETAKES 4341 85
SUnDIAL 3553 76
ROoF(L)INE 1978 72
(G)REMLINS 5916 76
(A)iRLINeR 1042 71
TIRRIV(E)E 6723 72
NESTLED 2785 77
KERRIAs 6671 83
ANEMIAS 1696 81
TeCTITE 15562 68
ONEROUS 2041 66
FOUR(T)EeN 1872 64
(S)UNDRESS 24674 83
(R)EOBTAiN 48 80
RENOtI(FIE)S 380 93
APIOL(O)GY 16222 86
DETAINE(D) 1250 62
(G)UMWEEDS 21702 75
DIPT(E)RAL 972 74
APOLOgI(A) 11387 74
STUNNER(S) 14575 74
AwARDEE 4563 78
I(N)TArSIA 1955 64
THE(E)LINS 3139 71
RATOONE(R) 817 77
(M)YCEToMA 24004 88
UPRAISe(D) 2195 75
FRANKED 10496 90
QUEENI(N)G 15788 74
GER(A)NIOL 57 70
SCHMEAR 14207 88
(S)PAROiDS 11707 83
MISD(E)ALT 2185 64
RESILED 1315 86
CHAD(A)rIM 20167 185
INGATES 262 74
KAOLI(N)ES 1582 78
SOLDIER 488 73
lIT(ER)ATIM 3218 74
ROAdEOS 979 76
PLOsIvE 7999 86
ETIOLAT(ED) 280 70
TOADISH 3201 84
AERA(T)INg 221 78
SPAN(G)LED 9021 76
(E)STIVATE 3508 95
(V)IGORISH 18558 88
ANER(O)IDS 13 68
REtI(N)ULA 74 64
STEALIN(G) 446 61
GERONTI(C) 980 76
TWOONIE 1348 73
AUGITES 770 73
(H)OnORING 15730 86
BINN(A)CLE 10144 65
(T)EVATrON 1693 70
JINGALs 13142 91
GeLADAS 6163 76
DET(O)XIfY 16094 122
BECOMES 16745 82
WARLESs 12934 80
HERNIaL 632 73
T(O)LERANT 480 62
(R)OTARIES 135 80
sAPIENT 672 91
LITHOED 1905 83
bUTYRAL 14897 69
(P)ROTEIDE 1030 74
DIEHArD 6668 80
(D)IMETRIC 9799 92
BESCOUR 11202 80
INTERES(T) 1311 81
(N)ONToNIC 23100 70
(R)OGUEING 5666 72
REAVERS 7379 81
DEPlANE 3878 96
INTWINe 6914 75
OBDURA(T)E 1260 80
OVE(R)EATS 783 62
TOWABLE 5002 66
(N)UDITiES 1960 70
LANCe(T)ED 3012 90
EL(O)IGNED 917 61
SU(B)TREND 7559 72
RENEWaL 2115 66
VERBOSE 8647 95
RETINT(E)D 1232 60
SIDELO(n)G 1548 68
ALMONER 917 90
EARTH(I)ER 1965 66
(R)EEDiTED 7541 70
GAtEWAY 12698 94
(G)RINNERS 9999 70
ENTOZOA(L) 4562 84
ERUDItE 603 80
D(I)ATRIBE 1229 72
INPOU(R)ED 1440 74
AV(I)ANIZe 11055 90
REBLOOM 12588 82
REMIG(I)AL 4182 74
OUTLEA(P)S 2797 74
CODEINS 1989 78
TRITIUM 15518 74
DElOUSE 3561 78
UNSO(U)RED 8076 72
(H)ERsTOrY 14300 89
DETA(I)NER 24 74
OBVIATE 1235 86
ENSNARE 1881 81
TIBIAL(I)S 16429 64
MONURON 17174 68
sHILPIT 18636 91
TUCKAhO(E) 16861 104
INTRU(D)ES 728 72
SALT(I)ERS 2208 82
METHANO(L) 4066 80
DRUGGIE 12468 97
(R)ECENTLY 10592 73
mARKUPS 22862 88
HA(T)TERIA 3259 76
SECRETs 18721 84
RIOtOUS 4477 61
P(O)DAGRIC 11575 65
DUATHl(O)N 7583 78
ROLLIES 3587 75
UnpLAYE(D) 15956 72
DIApIRS 8151 82
NO(B)ODIES 3726 62
ACQUEST 14090 100
MOUSIER 2047 76
ULt(E)RIOR 1161 61
(V)ENDETTA 6374 67
TOURI(S)Ts 15453 59
DAWNIN(G)S 17053 67
(E)PIDOTIc 7397 74
UNsHORN 15873 70
(T)URACOUS 16334 89
INDO(R)SEE 175 95
DISTORT 5377 71
GOLFeRS 8551 80
ImPHEES 15956 77
ANEARI(N)G 1952 61
RAMJETs 10504 86
AcCUSES 22075 87
ARSONOU(S) 11839 60
OLEATES 279 70
VINEGAR 1175 81
AIRTIME 793 72
CLOwN(E)RY 15057 76
ARANEID 131 75
T(A)NkSHIP 21811 66
(M)IRThFUL 22388 86
AGL(I)TTER 1561 68
P(R)ECISES 18237 63
NON(W)ORDs 20871 63
PL(EN)TIFUL 17187 78
REMIn(D)ER 6421 90
E(L)ASTASE 8794 62
UNGR(A)CED 6170 64
TEENIER 478 70
(P)ISTOLED 2679 86
RESOJET 5292 74
SEDITIO(N) 403 70
PREVENt(S) 10064 98
REME(D)IAL 1454 61
bRAZ(E)NLy 19428 110
OUT(R)ANCE 582 60
AVOSETS 7628 76
PRESTO(R)E 7109 78
eQUABLE 14547 91
ETOILES 286 73
DAUBERs 5338 85
ADORNER 732 64
DIALIST 4073 70
(T)RAWLNET 4996 65
JAG(G)EDER 21517 94
TAPpA(B)LE 24555 84
ICHNITE 7431 73
(F)ERNLIKE 10733 71
PRA(T)TLER 16556 70
fLO(U)RING 12478 68
GAVElED 11234 94
APpLIER 15194 74
PROTEST 9663 82
TURTLER 11652 66
SNOWIER 959 79
(I)NFLATES 993 84
OLEFInE 1254 87
(D)OgGErEL 13625 72
SINUA(T)ED 272 65
ARREArS 14455 70
PLEONAL 7626 68
SESTINE 3967 81
DENtARY 1592 84
MALTiNG 6828 87
COESITE(S) 7269 83
REPEATE(D) 4499 87
WeNnIER 4715 81
WETHERS 11504 74
MOISTeN 992 79
sTENTOR 1715 67
HANDLIS(T) 6262 92
FOR(E)SIDE 1822 74
(C)OUNTIAN 5100 64
TAxWISE 7488 95
UNWISER 3169 74
CERAM(I)CS 19288 65
BITUMEN 7101 71
(M)ASSAGER 18955 74
M(A)ILROOm 20162 76
STENTOR 1715 71
(E)pISTYLE 9964 83
ALIENAT(E) 122 77
BU(T)ANOLS 7195 63
sTILLED 8086 84
BEGET(T)ER 17287 76
P(AT)IENTER 963 74
PuRpLER 21951 70
PASTING 6556 80
GRAFTE(R)S 10169 68
COL(L)UDER 16248 62
(EX)ONERATE 1831 101
ENRICHE(S) 6814 73
PARTITA 8917 78
G(E)RANIUM 1756 65
A(D)MiTTER 2910 149
ORATRIX 7036 75
DETOURS 1264 77
REM(O)LdED 14644 90
SAT(I)RIZE 3167 68
EUCAINE 1043 66
SHEENIE 5936 78
FONDNE(S)S 21347 78
PAlMATE 10715 100
DUSTIER 1105 70
EPERGNE 10687 76
PECTASE(S) 18215 89
APTErAL 3623 76
DIER(E)TIC 3484 69
MaRLINE 673 73
L(I)ONISED 986 72
VANILLI(N) 23012 63
CONCED(E)S 20626 76
SMOThER 8135 77
INCENT(E)R 3670 63
pORTAGE 1358 75
(A)BNEGATE 4770 89
SIGNORA 799 83
aCcEPTE(E) 24150 76
HEISTED 3954 81
AD(H)ERING 1720 80
RO(U)NDLET 870 68
PAGURID 9291 79
BEIGNET(S) 4396 89
RESILES 6337 71
AlKANET 6641 85
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
p(UP)IlAGES 19980 149
A(B)SENTED 2844 167
OUTG(L)ARE 653 131
BREE(Z)ILY 19402 248
CHAD(A)rIM 20167 185
A(D)MiTTER 2910 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
mARLST(O)N(E) 602 70
CON(FID)ANTE 2083 70
T(R)O(I)lUSES 2880 70
aNTILIF(ER) 593 86
p(UP)IlAGES 19980 149
ECHIUr(OI)D 7417 107
REC(UM)BENT 14878 73
AN(T)IlIFE(R) 590 74
AzOTE(MI)AS 5214 62
UNABID(IN)G 16908 64
(HE)RALDIST 1171 95
(EX)CORIATE 1666 86
AE(R)O(L)ITES 11 63
pANT(H)E(I)SM 7326 88
RENOtI(FIE)S 380 93
lIT(ER)ATIM 3218 74
ETIOLAT(ED) 280 70
PL(EN)TIFUL 17187 78
P(AT)IENTER 963 74
(EX)ONERATE 1831 101
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
A(AARGH)* 0 0
(R)UER 1227 0
FOLKsO(N)G 26321 76
WHEA(P)* 0 0
TIFFANY 20421 73
GIE 54 0
TUYEE* 0 0
SIlAGIN(G)* 0 0
QUALiT(AT)E* 0 0
R(U)NNILY* 0 0
K(I)NMAN* 0 0
(EX)CORIATE 1666 86
(S)UNDRESS 24674 83
(G)UMWEEDS 21702 75
TWOONIE 1348 73
UNGR(A)CED 6170 64
A(D)MiTTER 2910 149
PAlMATE 10715 100
G(I)* 0 0
(LI)G* 0 0
G(U)* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
LISTEES 6086 72
ES(T)IMATE 3504 68
S(U)BDwARF 24534 84
R(E)COILED 1818 62
ELONGA(T)E 349 60
J(O)INDeRS 3387 98
(N)EUTRINO 490 68
RATOONS 1707 69
PATRI(A)TE 3262 68
UNRAVEl 3171 73
TELEOST 4493 69
RESEATS 3777 99
RE(F)IRING 11311 74
MARVELS 9645 81
SLEIGHT 7244 77
AMBAR(I)ES 5950 78
GUY(L)iNES 9050 65
ENTE(R)ING 2068 59
(L)AMINOSE 537 82
CoRONAS 7071 75
T(H)IOTEPA 4472 76
COINM(A)TE 852 76
(B)IOTITES 6341 83
FADEOUt 1852 74
SANGRIA 3286 74
HEp(T)AGON 5313 94
REGAUGE 10594 63
(C)ORELATE 804 64
ANILITY 5498 70
UPSTATE 9427 73
JILTERS 6140 84
PER(I)lUNE 3145 86
TITANIc 9311 68
EVEN(T)IvE 18503 70
(AR)GENTOUS 294 72
NA(T)URISM 3907 74
INSPEcT 7126 83
FELONIE(S) 1938 63
MISIN(T)ER 2679 61
GAwMOGE(S) 23066 67
BORNI(T)ES 598 62
GRISTER 4450 68
(R)EiNVADE 651 76
LENITES 605 71
(A)RGININE 1953 80
ENGRAI(N)S 1650 83
SOUBIsE 10651 72
INfRARE(D) 2910 77
TACO(N)ITE 762 62
(D)EPLANED 13691 89
NAsALIS(E) 4674 76
(G)RADiNES 459 80
(D)eROGATE 348 83
HEADIES(T) 1532 78
ANKuSES 16606 102
bE(D)IZENS 14988 118
REHEATE(R) 8760 72
V(A)TIcIDE 6302 158
(D)ETiNUES 964 77
GAMELAn 8191 65
ROPIEsT 1011 95
(A)UDITIOn 879 77
DEAL(I)NGs 1133 101
BAULkIE(R) 9966 77
DENARII 140 76
SEDARIM 1515 94
(S)TINKERS 13231 89
MALWaRE 10719 78
STRIPED 3275 82
UnCROSS 18686 68
CORDITE 903 80
(DE)BONAIRE 101 64
sCRYING 16592 101
RENEWAL 2220 82
NAIVEtE 377 84
AR(R)OGATE 2329 70
pIPETTE 19067 71
RETINTE(D) 1299 70
SWAGGIE 14278 81
KNEADER 4535 83
ANOTHER 349 79
LEGATOS 1101 102
NITRATE 200 66
eNTAILS 110 67
cREVAS(S)E 19176 80
(S)OUNDINg 12534 68
NEGATES 1135 75
DRE(A)RILY 4888 66
PEREGr(I)N 8058 72
SANDERS 5405 75
VITRAIN 3047 74
WHiMPE(R)S 23050 90
tOLUIDE 517 63
AR(T)IFICE 3818 66
VENTURE 4230 105
pRINTER(S) 5284 74
PR(E)ALTER 6398 90
cLAN(S)MAN 25658 70
T(E)cTONIC 16191 76
ADEN(O)SES 3252 59
sERFAgE 5489 68
JUMAREd 14096 81
RACEMOS(E) 4808 80
FOLIATE 321 78
(O)PERETTa 2338 80
AL(A)rUMED 7524 70
SALVOrS 15412 81
DEAREST 575 81
(M)ALlARDS 24787 80
CONSIDE(R) 1415 86
D(E)ADLIeR 2760 68
SARSENS 17141 80
MAEsTRI 698 77
TRO(U)TIER 3040 82
DENOTES 807 85
VARIOL(A)S 4742 74
TOREROS 4871 72
WAITRON 746 78
ErASION 6 69
INSULT(E)R 729 70
EIRE(N)ICS 3484 76
(B)RAwLERS 17474 80
ALKINES 3540 67
EXTRA(D)OS 3203 74
ETErNI(Z)E 4956 98
(J)AROSITE 665 84
C(H)OLENTS 10260 76
DIGESTE(R) 1742 72
TREATER 4392 61
vINEYA(R)D 3166 80
SIMMERS 20968 84
ECO(T)OURS 6880 68
IVORIES 2370 65
eXpEDIT(E) 17466 95
CoRNERS 7428 77
RaWHIDE 4367 94
DIURONS 2485 77
wHOOPER 17127 80
C(E)REMENT 13139 74
AGITATE 2630 73
PI(C)OWAVE 14151 86
MISL(I)GHT 24306 86
ABIDERS 1452 85
URINATE(D) 67 80
BISECTO(R) 3875 78
DEIFIES 7300 76
REUNITE 223 72
DYSGEN(I)C 15222 71
TEXtUR(A)L 12796 82
SWiPING 19977 93
SEc(R)ETLY 14212 70
FAMINES 4378 71
STRETCH 17133 104
FOZIeST 8771 104
CHLORI(D)S 16646 74
IN(D)IGENT 6145 66
ANTIFAs 5459 73
(S)TRAINED 68 63
VENEERS 8618 78
ChOrIA(M)B 19252 63
ELEGiES 6301 62
AMAUTIs 8505 73
OP(E)RATIC 906 66
OW(L)ERIES 1945 62
BA(U)dRONS 7574 60
GALeATE 2697 69
RIpOSTE 963 79
OLEA(S)TER 159 122
SEIcENT(O) 789 66
SCALIeR 1418 75
SCoWING 14808 70
bOWLInG 14792 82
SAUNtER 443 85
C(Z)ARiNAS 17062 86
ANERO(I)DS 15 72
JURyMEN 20323 96
D(I)AGRAmS 12859 77
EASIEsT 2059 69
RESITES 3964 88
FITTEST 17872 79
WRIGGLe(D) 20771 95
ENqUIRY 10556 63
lISTERI(A) 297 74
(C)ANOEING 2609 74
DRAININ(G) 8223 76
cUITTLE 9440 68
BEMIST(E)D 10436 83
TOYLIkE 8765 86
REN(A)TURe 1625 64
(C)ADENZAS 16973 113
DIALYSE 2892 87
(R)AINIEST 95 77
DiGGERS 12467 78
MOUsIER 2047 72
UNSE(I)ZED 9357 86
CAPTU(R)ED 9030 88
FARI(N)OSE 208 63
AE(r)OBICS 2017 72
(O)ESTRIOL 624 77
JANgLES 11409 98
DrU(D)GERY 26866 71
ALARMED 6068 66
AIRsIDE 495 80
E(X)CISION 11584 69
LUTEINS 1165 72
ON(E)RIEST 48 70
PANZERs 10514 79
RE(S)ADDLE 7781 61
XaNTHIN 17060 98
RAISON(N)E 142 70
BLEaRIN(G) 1805 61
EGOISTI(C) 4524 72
DIS(T)RAIN 1573 61
FlOOZIE 13374 88
AURIFOR(M) 14080 92
R(E)ADABLE 5859 72
LENI(E)NCE 12156 61
STOMPER 7810 81
BULKAG(E)S 21560 82
PAINTeD 618 83
WRInKLE 10547 82
SPARGER 11150 78
D(I)CrOTAL 2294 72
(D)ILUViUM 27260 101
PORTEND 2077 83
(A)RDENTLY 2371 89
I(N)TWInED 8938 72
MA(T)ELOTs 6044 60
SAILERS 2892 77
FLUTIER 3285 79
ALBINOs 3331 72
PIGNORA 2681 76
OVArIES 339 85
(A)IRPLAYS 16209 92
PO(I)NTILY* 0 102
ROND(E)AUX 3202 84
pREM(I)XED 19416 118
DISG(R)ACE 3431 78
LOAFERS 1869 89
PuNDITS 10599 70
DAUNTeR 408 71
INVADES 1451 86
LABOURs 8422 75
NITR(I)DED 4482 74
TEMPLAR 6775 75
EsCOTED 4587 74
MANNeR(L)Y 13323 66
UNSATED 1096 81
GIAOURS 1723 75
LOANERS 152 71
ENTIREs 209 77
(A)BDOmENS 6363 83
WRONgER 8922 73
ORIOLES 986 65
ZON(E)LESS 18330 71
(G)LADiATE 1411 83
e(X)HALANT 13695 101
LEVERET 8611 77
S(E)DITION 378 69
cOAsTED 1835 66
ADApTI(V)E 5971 65
aDVERSE 3901 87
GRASSED 9866 72
RES(A)ILED 347 131
PEONAGE 2062 77
RATIONS 129 66
oURANGS 3673 69
ISATINE 138 74
VEToING 1367 74
AN(T)IWEED 652 80
ISLAN(De)RS 2428 63
ROAMERs 4422 68
SYn(T)AXES 20954 92
TOASTER(S) 5482 62
aRMONIC(a) 6238 83
RADIXEs 3533 70
FLANEU(R)S 4501 76
BRIT(T)LER 12455 90
RADISHe(S) 8179 94
OUTEA(R)NS 95 64
vINTN(E)RS 5283 66
REANnEX 8401 72
G(R)OTToED 8213 63
cURT(A)NAS 10636 78
AEROBaT 1134 69
HALLO(A)eD 14037 76
SNOTTIl(Y) 12019 70
STaNDER 407 85
A(G)ENESIs 4320 70
QINTARS 5531 100
D(E)SIGNEE 5045 61
ImPOSES 14753 72
BATTENS 6186 76
RIPENIN(G) 10759 74
TUTELAG(E) 6561 63
V(E)RBIAGE 5785 66
NATURES 443 76
EAsIEST 2060 80
UNRINSE(D) 3977 80
TALLIES 2885 75
BO(L)IvIAS 13436 68
SCREWEd 14480 79
(A)TTAINEd 1036 74
S(T)EADING 437 66
DOOLEES 4680 91
CReN(EL)ING 7982 66
VIR(T)UOsO 8824 72
MO(N)UMENT 23223 76
(G)AIETIES 866 61
SWiNDLE(R) 4538 94
S(T)ANINES 5006 59
VISUALs 17880 90
H(A)LLIaRD 18305 72
OOSPERM 12090 92
(L)ITERaRY 2779 62
sELENIC 3940 65
GAHNITE 1163 80
GRAT(E)FuL 5875 64
PARRID(G)E 6981 66
IN(D)OLENT 1094 60
CHAmF(R)ON 21973 73
BrOODED 15414 76
zENAIDA 3975 72
(E)QUALING 7055 90
FIRMEsT 7141 81
ELUENTS 2917 63
TIMEOUs 2048 76
SYENITE 2977 70
FR(E)AkISH 19834 76
EXORDI(A)L 2082 67
BEERiLY 8335 70
INVOKES 8767 75
lAN(I)ARDS 3026 82
cRESTAL 2951 75
NEOPREN(E) 9908 89
DIGITAT(E) 3664 78
PROTEC(T)S 15016 63
WAVELeT(S) 9901 92
FUrROWE(D) 17668 95
AmI(D)ONES 523 142
RESTING 775 77
EDGIEST 2468 76
ORANG(I)SH 3642 65
ANIM(A)TED 1139 76
IDO(L)ISER 987 61
PICKETS 18366 93
e(L)U(S)IVELY 21321 68
(R)eTAILOR 140 66
ISOSPIN 16582 83
O(U)TWILED 2826 74
JOUSTED 9505 96
TABORED 829 91
RIVIErA 4280 66
AStERIA 132 76
RALLIES 2755 76
rADIATE 127 71
DI(A)LISTS 13859 68
(S)TODGiER 696 86
(S)OUPLIkE 14663 63
ANSERI(N)E 496 61
OSTEOID 984 72
UNTRUSS 20492 73
mA(T)TOIDS 8032 75
REGIO(N)AL 62 62
rUINABL(E) 999 80
CREATES 2185 73
InJURED 6140 90
SIgNAL(E)D 1135 72
eNTERIN(G) 2068 60
INDIGO(E)S 1688 74
REPLE(V)In 6837 167
RATHO(L)Es 1313 72
S(I)DESTEP 13096 76
(E)NAMORED 769 86
PAN(T)OFLE 3841 73
PoSTUrE 3763 74
WANTERS 1539 72
EThI(C)IAN 3614 70
SOLOIST 12633 84
ZLOTIES 4091 75
BrAWNI(E)R 6570 86
HALTERS 3154 77
INGOTeD 404 69
MISENTE(R) 1624 74
OXIDATE(S) 1668 104
AIRfOIL 3708 68
WEbSTER 11452 81
ALGER(I)NE 279 60
RETURNE(E) 7380 62
RETIRED 1898 66
GEMINAT(E) 1084 63
(F)ESTErED 10572 74
tOXINES 2232 91
SINUATE 119 74
URETHRA 6217 72
WI(L)DCATs 14719 101
PLANISH 12433 75
VETERAN 1078 68
INSUlTS 13799 69
BEyLICS 16713 74
YEAsTED 3906 87
OPEROSE 5919 90
VOMIT(I)ER 4472 82
ARDENCY 7005 86
INQ(U)IRER 13459 71
NUCLEAT(E) 3022 72
RERE(N)TED 7373 131
BEMISTe(D) 10436 89
EDI(F)yING 14998 98
RE(C)OATED 761 62
OVArIO(L)E 846 76
LAWINES 1557 100
SAUT(E)RNE 379 81
CASTLED 5348 74
(T)ROCKInG 15748 68
WIShERS 17351 81
INDICtE(E) 3483 83
TUT(O)RAGE 2008 70
RO(T)ENONE 2348 131
PeRIDIA 1704 72
TIM(E)LIER 3304 64
INWEaVE 2739 82
SI(D)ERITE 1067 68
POIN(T)IER 877 62
ABHENRY 15365 118
CREASES 14388 77
STOOLIE 989 66
OUTSOLE 3795 90
AS(T)ERNAL 821 82
WANIEST 680 81
PANDIEd 6401 74
BESTO(W)ED 10787 65
ToPIARY 4332 98
STAVInG 6559 76
F(I)REPLUg 14472 84
DEORBIT 896 70
MUSTaRD 10581 91
(D)iLUENTs 1608 74
SNOOzED 11241 68
(O)UTRACEd 1278 80
EmISSIO(N) 10339 66
SLOVENS 13367 92
HORMONE 9127 80
UNBRAI(D)S 6255 72
(S)ErENATA 428 74
TAMBOuR 9919 74
TREA(t)ING 670 82
VAUNTiE 681 76
SALAR(I)ED 756 60
SHAFTED 9598 84
OBLIqUE 11258 77
TORQUA(T)E 6589 68
sHELVIN(G) 14474 66
bRANNI(E)R 5794 68
DEnDRON 9846 78
THRI(L)LED 11634 84
LEPROUS 6147 83
ETERnIS(E) 815 71
WAtAPES 10275 87
(A)mMETERS 15468 82
LIG(H)TERS 5912 64
HAZMATs 21838 110
rOYSTER 7158 86
ALEURON 154 64
(A)RTICLED 952 72
tENONER 1155 65
UNAGEI(N)G 12232 76
DHARMIc 16191 108
OUTrAVE(D) 1304 74
ABE(T)TORS 3343 72
SPiDERY 9718 73
RE(n)ATURE 1224 66
ELEG(I)SEs 15978 73
ENDIVeS 3969 80
S(N)EAKIER 2202 75
OLEATES 375 80
TRUsTED 10647 71
SPIELED 6339 69
FR(I)BBLES 24268 92
RHONC(H)AL 24385 90
UNJA(M)mED 26395 68
CINEA(S)TE 612 65
qUITTI(N)G 23124 66
Q(U)eSTiON 3208 102
THRE(A)PED 6766 82
RU(R)ALITE 888 59
GAnNETS 4238 68
mUSEFUL 21506 83
PATIENT 2116 74
(T)ERATOID 139 63
PANSIES 6419 90
(M)ONETISE 804 70
TRAI(T)ORs 4706 66
b(I)FOCALS 17521 85
POLARON 7078 74
(D)INETTES 2569 63
URBAnE(L)Y 8543 65
DItCHIN(G) 20624 101
OcTANTS 9244 81
AVERTED 2098 74
sT(A)INING 8228 82
TANDEMS 2981 80
OrGANUM 7503 74
B(E)NEDICT 6795 86
H(E)RALDIC 5367 69
ALTITuD(E) 1957 60
PIPELIN(E) 19096 70
RIPARIA(N) 11685 70
D(I)SgORGE 8825 72
LOESSAL 12990 70
OSSeTRA 1735 72
GEO(D)ETiC 2724 67
CHuTNEE 10974 91
FI(R)RIEST 8476 65
DELEING 2347 67
SA(U)TOIRE 26 67
mASSAGE 18068 80
MASTE(R)ED 2895 62
VERAT(R)IN 1430 67
ALI(E)nATE 122 64
WEANErS 2128 77
STOOLIE 989 67
TENSORS 3730 74
JUNKEtS 19002 93
PAESANO 2248 89
DELEtIO(N) 160 68
PAM(P)ERER 25276 78
(R)EDLINER 2563 60
(F)rONTAGE 929 65
uRET(H)RAL 7917 140
gRILLED 10303 80
(E)ThNICAL 3303 80
NASALIZ(E) 5135 104
RATAN(I)ES 83 62
sTR(A)NDED 4111 68
GREETIN(G) 6241 64
LO(O)sENER 1993 68
PORTIER(E) 2216 83
GA(S)IFIES 14517 63
TROLaND 1146 67
ANER(G)IAS 599 68
EPEIRIC 8491 68
(A)LARMIsT 6927 80
AERObAT 1132 64
SEDERU(N)T 2219 61
BOASTER 833 85
HER(a)LDED 13013 86
GuNITES 1746 72
FOLIAt(E)D 514 76
(T)AbOURED 1261 60
GLOSSI(E)S 22330 77
CATE(R)ANS 3357 78
AGuISED 2166 85
INVESTS 9797 76
TALLIES 2887 72
GAStREA 2148 73
REMIT(T)ED 6434 64
RODeNTS 499 80
HER(A)LDED 13688 102
ENDRINS 2842 80
ABORTIv(E) 897 80
PEALING 2554 84
SHORTIA 1659 76
PReB(O)ARD 11169 74
(A)GRESTAL 2976 80
ANO(X)EMIA 4965 68
LATIGOS 1722 77
sAILORS 5211 76
BE(A)RInGS 1709 74
RELANDS 1085 66
INSISTS 22378 72
LINTERS 452 66
PINCH(E)RS 14720 65
RAILERS 1337 65
SPATTIN(G) 13480 86
DOCTORs 13579 77
EPIcENE 10486 76
ALOETIC 312 70
UNA(W)ARES 4924 72
SPLENII 6077 63
NATTIER 199 87
ALBI(C)ORE 2014 64
(T)AVERNAS 2660 71
DEFTEST 13859 76
ESERINE 1272 82
(R)EmIGIAL 4182 66
SHEATHS 20960 84
FRINGES 4540 90
O(V)ERAGED 2864 76
FOLIATE 322 76
tOmA(T)OEY 13082 68
ARISTAE 137 70
RELIS(T)ED 963 72
WINERI(E)S 3496 72
SCOOTED 8043 83
BIOtITE 5167 76
DRoWNED 10857 78
SHADIlY 15495 88
DeCIDIN(G) 18936 64
BRUITED 3206 81
AIrTIME 831 72
BEDAUBS 19765 87
HOYDEnS 11258 78
CAROLIN(G) 3832 74
SMARA(G)DE 10202 66
(E)RUcTATE 6365 66
DEGAMIS 6083 82
MISFILE(S) 31134 84
EMOTIoN 1284 83
INTREAT 189 71
RIALTOS 582 73
SAGE(N)ITE 343 70
nEUTERE(D) 3484 74
TOOTLES 7276 76
RETRAIN 186 63
sPIRtED 3276 86
(I)DOLATER 13 86
GINNERS 4448 68
REAL(I)SES 2766 82
DIAlOG(U)E 682 61
(D)ILIGENT 2974 70
BOLETES 4787 74
SLAINTE 114 74
HaLBE(R)DS 12605 70
UNTA(N)NED 13123 86
(S)ALVAGES 22001 98
(R)OaRINGS 3411 77
SPIRA(LI)TY 12222 80
ELASTIN 109 80
UN(M)ITERS 2270 90
(S)KELETON 6727 74
NOOD(L)ERS* 0 72
PRaIsES 6426 86
HALIDES 2881 96
DARTING 1340 73
URcHINS 15614 76
TRICO(L)OR 14139 61
MERINGU(E) 4418 86
INHE(S)IVe* 0 79
UNRESTS 8168 66
pAROLEE 1186 69
CRaNING 10450 64
RENTIER 1022 73
PLAYGo(E)R 8845 73
MOONSA(I)L 5834 61
STAGIER 270 78
A(V)ENTaIL 1153 70
EXTO(L)LER 15625 83
uNE(V)ENER 15249 62
HINKIEr 11059 85
DO(V)EcOTE 12566 61
BRUISER 9036 77
NITRITE 1607 63
A(G)ONIZEd 2381 80
(E)NTAILEd 102 74
NEEDLER 6276 65
OVERRE(N)S 9473 65
SU(R)FBIRD 23965 78
MANU(B)RIA 11759 66
TET(R)ADIC 2739 74
pErOXID(E) 8260 95
YEELINS 3992 82
INTRO(R)SE 491 59
ESSONIT(E) 1781 60
BRUITED 3066 85
TELEOST 4300 70
NUC(E)LLAR 11579 74
(L)EARIEST 123 77
IMPUTER 7180 73
AgEMATE 6216 65
CoGNISE 2970 69
INDWELL 12989 79
TOPSAIL 3365 85
CRUsADE 5584 80
AREOLES 277 69
EAGLETS 2342 70
GA(U)NTLET 5272 72
fREAKIE(R) 11566 83
O(U)TLIVES 2841 74
AgONI(Z)ED 2514 67
(O)PERATIC 859 74
sAU(T)EING 450 70
SOlATIA 1246 71
cARE(T)OOK 8828 74
CENSOR(E)D 3531 72
GINNIER 4678 73
KEToNES 5069 80
UNPArT(E)D 2248 83
TALLI(E)RS 2081 70
DONNERT 1798 64
DONATES 152 71
RA(V)IGOtE 395 76
ECT(O)SaRC 11479 94
LAB(E)LInG 10396 60
MAINL(I)NE 5304 74
FOOTAGE 4260 80
(E)NTHRaLS 2375 72
UNEXpE(R)T 14337 96
(C)LINGIER 6637 64
cIN(E)ASTE 612 113
SEAMING 2560 79
SAHUARO 9176 85
LOITERE(D) 174 70
SeRENIT(Y) 1630 83
RADiAN(C)E 1193 70
HAMATES 10265 73
sNOWILY 12960 75
TERCELS 6455 87
(R)ECEDINg 4397 83
YEARLI(E)S 1475 72
PHOnIEs 4920 77
TUFTERS 12112 93
URINALS 1780 68
SNoUTIE(R) 99 74
(N)UBILOSE 2661 83
SAI(N)TING 8227 61
IRONIST 1329 67
(T)RItONES 494 64
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
V(A)TIcIDE 6302 158
OLEA(S)TER 159 122
RES(A)ILED 347 131
AmI(D)ONES 523 142
REPLE(V)In 6837 167
RERE(N)TED 7373 131
RO(T)ENONE 2348 131
uRET(H)RAL 7917 140
cIN(E)ASTE 612 113
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(AR)GENTOUS 294 72
(DE)BONAIRE 101 64
ISLAN(De)RS 2428 63
CReN(EL)ING 7982 66
e(L)U(S)IVELY 21321 68
SPIRA(LI)TY 12222 80
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PO(I)NTILY* 0 102
(VEND)AGES* 0 42
TE* 0 31
OFAY* 0 24
(F)RAU* 0 21
NOOD(L)ERS* 0 72
INHE(S)IVe* 0 79
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(B)EGOWN* 0 0
WUP* 0 0
E(GO)IZE* 0 0
DANE* 0 0
VERONaS* 0 0
NOsEBAG 2923 0
(W)HIMP* 0 0
DuMBASS* 0 0
RA(P)HE 2916 33
ATORN* 0 0
FITAB(L)E* 0 0
EpOGEES* 0 0
GLuCOSE 11061 0
bECLOGS 15495 0
BEAUMeS* 0 0
(E)MUE* 0 0
FA(N)I* 0 0
DOTTLi(N)G* 0 0
WEER 1029 0
SPARGER 11150 78
VATICAn* 0 0
AVOS 1382 0
OLDWiVE* 0 0
(H)AS 516 32
L(U)N(K)ED* 0 0
M(I)CKIE* 0 0
XYlASES* 0 0
RADIXEs 3533 70
TE(L)EGgIO* 0 0
BOSC* 0 0
UNLOOsE 3976 0
GANDY* 0 0
dETHORN* 0 0
D(I)SgORGE 8825 72
PEG 489 0
DOR(MA)NTLy* 0 0
FOOD 2815 0
HAILY* 0 0
ODAE* 0 0
UZ(I)* 0 0
R(ED)ILUTeS* 0 0
ApRAISE* 0 0
SAGE(N)ITE 343 70
(HAND)MAN* 0 0
AIN 19 0
JAUKS 8647 0
OVERRE(N)S 9473 65
BOMA* 0 0
PIROGiS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 388
Invalid Games 0.03 11
Incomplete 0.03 11
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.43 9865
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.54 210
Score 426.27 165391
Score per Turn 33.5139
Turns 12.72 4935
Vertical Plays 5.67 2200
Horizontal Plays 6.04 2345
One Tile Plays 0.53 204
Other Plays 0.48 186
Firsts 0.48 188
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.8886
Exchanges 0.40 155
High Game 739
Low Game 246
Highest Scoring Turn 248
Bingos Played 2.08 807
Sevens 0.91 352
Eights 1.12 434
Nines 0.05 18
Tens 0.01 3
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6783.38
Sevens 6004.14
Eights 7504.15
Nines 5706.39
Tens 1124.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.35 19146
A 4.40 1709
B 0.97 377
C 1.05 406
D 1.89 732
E 6.03 2340
F 0.95 370
G 1.44 557
H 0.97 377
I 4.37 1694
J 0.48 185
K 0.49 190
L 2.01 781
M 0.97 378
N 2.99 1160
O 4.07 1579
P 0.97 378
Q 0.51 199
R 2.95 1145
S 1.90 736
T 2.88 1116
U 2.01 781
V 0.98 382
W 1.01 392
X 0.51 197
Y 1.07 414
Z 0.50 194
? 0.97 377
Power Tiles Played 4.87 1888
? 0.97 377
J 0.48 185
Q 0.51 199
X 0.51 197
Z 0.50 194
S 1.90 736
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 40
? 0.01 5
J 0.01 2
Q 0.02 7
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 3
S 0.06 23
Turns With a Blank 1.70 660
Triple Triples Played 0.02 6
Bingoless Games 0.04 17
Bonus Square Coverage 15.99 6204
Double Letter 5.29 2051
Triple Letter 5.41 2098
Double Word 3.00 1163
Triple Word 2.30 892
Phony Plays 0.07 28
Unchallenged 0.03 10
Challenged Off 0.05 18
Challenges 0.25 98
You Won 0.16 64
Opponent Lost 0.02 9
You Lost 0.02 7
Opponent Won 0.05 18
Challenge Percentage 0.9014
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3333
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3571
Comments 8.50 3298
Comments Word Length 214.12 83077
Mistakeless Turns 12.50 4850
Mistakes per Turn 0.0193
Mistakes 0.24 95
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.06 24
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.14 53
Endgame 0.03 11
Time 0.02 7
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4889 (0.4717, 0.5153)
B 0.4850 (0.4473, 0.5397)
C 0.5250 (0.4473, 0.5397)
D 0.4725 (0.4608, 0.5262)
E 0.5025 (0.4746, 0.5124)
F 0.4750 (0.4473, 0.5397)
G 0.4800 (0.4558, 0.5312)
H 0.4850 (0.4473, 0.5397)
I 0.4856 (0.4717, 0.5153)
J 0.4800 (0.4281, 0.5589)
K 0.4900 (0.4281, 0.5589)
L 0.5025 (0.4608, 0.5262)
M 0.4850 (0.4473, 0.5397)
N 0.4983 (0.4668, 0.5202)
O 0.5088 (0.4704, 0.5166)
P 0.4850 (0.4473, 0.5397)
Q 0.5100 (0.4281, 0.5589)
R 0.4917 (0.4668, 0.5202)
S 0.4750 (0.4608, 0.5262)
T 0.4800 (0.4668, 0.5202)
U 0.5025 (0.4608, 0.5262)
V 0.4900 (0.4473, 0.5397)
W 0.5050 (0.4473, 0.5397)
X 0.5100 (0.4281, 0.5589)
Y 0.5350 (0.4473, 0.5397)
Z 0.5000 (0.4281, 0.5589)
? 0.4850 (0.4473, 0.5397)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.46 178
Score 408.35 158439
Score per Turn 32.1377
Turns 12.71 4930
Vertical Plays 5.65 2193
Horizontal Plays 6.03 2339
One Tile Plays 0.45 176
Other Plays 0.57 222
Firsts 0.52 200
Vertical Openings per First 0.1637
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8363
Full Rack per Turn 0.5811
Exchanges 0.31 122
High Game 591
Low Game 235
Highest Scoring Turn 167
Bingos Played 1.88 730
Sevens 0.87 339
Eights 0.99 384
Nines 0.02 7
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6349.66
Sevens 5875.84
Eights 6770.23
Nines 6336.86
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.06 18648
A 4.39 1704
B 1.00 388
C 0.89 346
D 2.02 785
E 5.69 2209
F 1.01 392
G 1.48 574
H 1.01 393
I 4.35 1686
J 0.51 199
K 0.50 195
L 1.84 713
M 0.97 377
N 2.78 1077
O 3.76 1457
P 0.99 384
Q 0.46 179
R 2.84 1102
S 2.00 777
T 2.95 1143
U 1.81 703
V 0.96 373
W 0.96 372
X 0.49 191
Y 0.91 354
Z 0.49 190
? 0.99 385
Power Tiles Played 4.95 1921
? 0.99 385
J 0.51 199
Q 0.46 179
X 0.49 191
Z 0.49 190
S 2.00 777
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 31
? 0.02 9
J 0.01 2
Q 0.01 3
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 1
S 0.04 16
Turns With a Blank 1.47 572
Triple Triples Played 0.02 9
Bingoless Games 0.08 30
Bonus Square Coverage 15.72 6099
Double Letter 5.13 1989
Triple Letter 5.43 2106
Double Word 2.94 1139
Triple Word 2.23 865
Phony Plays 0.19 74
Unchallenged 0.03 10
Challenged Off 0.16 64
Challenges 0.25 98
You Won 0.05 18
Opponent Lost 0.02 7
You Lost 0.02 9
Opponent Won 0.16 64
Challenge Percentage 0.6667
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0986
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1351
Comments 8.50 3298
Comments Word Length 214.12 83077
Mistakeless Turns 12.57 4878
Mistakes per Turn 0.0108
Mistakes 0.14 53
Knowledge 0.02 7
Finding 0.03 11
Vision 0.01 2
Tactics 0.04 15
Strategy 0.04 16
Endgame 0.01 2
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4878 (0.4588, 0.5024)
B 0.5000 (0.4344, 0.5268)
C 0.4450 (0.4344, 0.5268)
D 0.5050 (0.4479, 0.5133)
E 0.4742 (0.4617, 0.4995)
F 0.5050 (0.4344, 0.5268)
G 0.4933 (0.4429, 0.5183)
H 0.5050 (0.4344, 0.5268)
I 0.4833 (0.4588, 0.5024)
J 0.5100 (0.4153, 0.5459)
K 0.5000 (0.4153, 0.5459)
L 0.4600 (0.4479, 0.5133)
M 0.4850 (0.4344, 0.5268)
N 0.4633 (0.4539, 0.5073)
O 0.4700 (0.4575, 0.5037)
P 0.4950 (0.4344, 0.5268)
Q 0.4600 (0.4153, 0.5459)
R 0.4733 (0.4539, 0.5073)
S 0.5000 (0.4479, 0.5133)
T 0.4917 (0.4539, 0.5073)
U 0.4525 (0.4479, 0.5133)
V 0.4800 (0.4344, 0.5268)
W 0.4800 (0.4344, 0.5268)
X 0.4900 (0.4153, 0.5459)
Y 0.4550 (0.4344, 0.5268)
Z 0.4900 (0.4153, 0.5459)
? 0.4950 (0.4344, 0.5268)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
H11 F(A)CET +30 Strategy Small
The right play here is to just go for it with FUG 11H. If I had done that, I might have won this game. (-4) #strategysmall
11H (F)UGIO +20 Vision Small
Sid pointed out SNUG J8, which sims even with FUGIO, but is probably a little bit better. Quackle always underrates defensive moves like that. Another option, which I didn't see, is OUZEL C11. OUZEL wins the sim, but I like SNUG best. (-1) #visionsmall
N6 VIA +21 Strategy Large
The commentators liked this play, and I was disappointed by how badly this sims relative to REVISAL/SERVAL/VERSAL. I suppose turnover is important with both blanks unseen, but I figured Will probably had one by now. Also, I acknowledge that VIS is better than VIA, except that Will would know that I have another S. (-16) #strategylarge
14G D(E)BT +16 Strategy Small
DEBS > DEBT. -3 #strategysmall
10D COXE(s) +29 Vision Small
Best play here is OWSE M6, setting up the X. It works because Kenji will probably bingo elsewhere. #visionsmall
14B RESOW +40 Strategy Small
SEROW wins the sim instead. I would have thought that slating the R (the first R, at that) would be less dangerous than an S, and harder to parallel besides, but I guess not. Or maybe SEROW is better precisely because it's easier to parallel, taking out the lane. (-1) #strategysmall
4D RHIN(A)L +18 Strategy Large
Quackle tries to outrun with LAH 11C. Not sure how I like that. The sooner Kenji bingos, the sooner he bingos again, and the fewer lanes there are, the less likely that happens. Then again, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. There are plenty of lanes to deal with, and I probably won't get to all of them. Also, notice that RHINAL isn't even that good for defense. It's not too implausible that it could get paralleled with a bingo. (-12) #strategylarge
exch AOOOUV +0 Vision Large
Nooo, VODOU! I *always* miss that. Also, if I'm going to exchange, keep the A for B7. (-11) #visionlarge
M12 CAI(N) +12 Vision Small
Here I figured that 9-letter words on 2D were the most dangerous threat. Bingos on column B require designating the blank an A, and give me something back. CAIN seemed better than WAIN because the W fits better at F6. Quackle agrees with all this, but there's an even better block: AECIA L11. (-4) #visionsmall
12J TWI(C)E +20 Vision Small
This is pretty good, but TEENIER 14B is even better, because it sets up QI in two places. UNIFIES 3H is also cool (I didn't see it) but I have to keep an I here. (-3) #visionsmall
C9 T(H)IRL +18 Strategy Medium
I can see why I didn't want to play sim-winner ZIN at L8 or G4, but that doesn't make this the right play. It opens a lane that is basically impossible to block. Maybe RITZY 12G or ZINS 11B? (-6) #strategymedium
1D (A)TTIRE +18 Vision Medium
I felt like I couldn't really play ARIETTE with FWW unseen. The best play is RETE C2, which blocks the 3x3 and clears up the rack nicely. (-4) #visionmedium
8D CLOTH +26 Strategy Small
I was surprised to see NOTCH H8 outsim CLOTH-- probably due to the CLOTHE hook, as well as the possibility of the Q at J6 after NOTCH. (-2) #strategysmall
N5 A(X)E +16 Strategy Small
I saw APE C11 but figured I was closer to a bingo than Josh, and didn't want to block D13. This turned out to be a pretty costly mistake. (-3) #strategysmall
15G TELIA +25 Vision Large
Quackle burns the S for an extra 5 points with STELAI. I'm not sure why that is. Another superior play is OILCLOTH 8A, which I never would have seen. I'd find it as a bingo every time, but not as an extension. (-2% win chances, -10 valuation) #strategysmall, #visionlarge
15G TELIA +25 Strategy Small
Quackle burns the S for an extra 5 points with STELAI. I'm not sure why that is. Another superior play is OILCLOTH 8A, which I never would have seen. I'd find it as a bingo every time, but not as an extension. (-2% win chances, -10 valuation) #strategysmall, #visionlarge
5C V(E)RY +20 Vision Large
VOYEUR 5A is the play here. (-9) #visionlarge
3A T(R)O(I)lUSES +70 Strategy Medium
I had seen the 9 before Josh played ADOPT, but then spent way too long trying to find a decent bingo on Column M. There aren't really any that don't allow comeback plays on column N. I saw that TROILUSES was vulnerable to X plays, but if he didn't draw one after ADOPT, I like my chances. The sim winner here is OUtSETS M9, but I'm skeptical. (-4?) #strategymedium
G13 JI(N) +29 Endgame Large
This was an echo of the MUL(ATT)O/MO(G)UL position against Kevin Fraley at California Open 2018. JEW 4J is way better because FIDS M1 is unblockable. And I even saw it too! But I worried that I had mistracked and thought that Josh might play out and win if I was wrong. After JEW I'd be up 41 points but he'd get 16 from me, and his tiles look like they could score 25 points if there's a spot for them. With more time, I would have retracked the game to be dead certain that Josh can't play out, because that being the case, JEW/FIDS is best by a large margin. (-29) #endgamelarge #trackinglarge #timemanagementmedium
G13 JI(N) +29 Time Unspecified
This was an echo of the MUL(ATT)O/MO(G)UL position against Kevin Fraley at California Open 2018. JEW 4J is way better because FIDS M1 is unblockable. And I even saw it too! But I worried that I had mistracked and thought that Josh might play out and win if I was wrong. After JEW I'd be up 41 points but he'd get 16 from me, and his tiles look like they could score 25 points if there's a spot for them. With more time, I would have retracked the game to be dead certain that Josh can't play out, because that being the case, JEW/FIDS is best by a large margin. (-29) #endgamelarge #trackinglarge #timemanagementmedium
4J F(EW) +9 Endgame Small
I saw enough that FOX allowed REP, but didn't see that he had REM B13 as well. -1 #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
4J F(EW) +9 Time Unspecified
I saw enough that FOX allowed REP, but didn't see that he had REM B13 as well. -1 #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
6H H(E)Y +17 Strategy Small
This was one of my favorite positions. So much potential! I have SHY J8, HeY J6. PRY 5I. PERKY 9I. SHY J8 is right, and it wins the sim by a fair amount. My only regret is not seeing DEY 6H, keeping a much better leave. SH has synergy; DS has anti-synergy. -4 #strategysmall
15K A(M)IDE +24 Strategy Small
I saw 14A AIMED but this seemed like the spot to block. Apparently it isn't. (-4) #strategysmall
1F (A)WHIRL +36 Strategy Unspecified
Apparently WHIR O6 is **35** points better than my play. I'm way more likely to hit something on row 1 than Leesa is. #strategyhuge
2I FA +18 Endgame Large
Sim winner is STUPA 5F, blocking LE(TUP). Ok, I'm sleep-deprived and all, and I have no time left, but I'm just saying: even on a good day, I'm never finding that. (-13) #endgamelarge #timemanagementlarge
2I FA +18 Time Unspecified
Sim winner is STUPA 5F, blocking LE(TUP). Ok, I'm sleep-deprived and all, and I have no time left, but I'm just saying: even on a good day, I'm never finding that. (-13) #endgamelarge #timemanagementlarge
15E SAhIB +21 Endgame Large
I was out of time, and in fact went OVERtime, and didn't see SABIR, let alone BAs O11, forming ZEBRASS. Ouch ouch ouch! (-17) #endgamelarge, timemanagementlarge
13A EEEW +23 Strategy Medium
I wasn't too worried about the 12A hotspot, figuring that Mark is on S? and will probably bingo. Quackle has none of that, playing EEEW at 6D. In retrospect, I concur. (-5) #strategymedium
M1 PREGAmE +75 Strategy Medium
A difficult decision. That bingo is coming, sooner rather than later. I've been very fortunate that he hasn't gotten it down yet. I saw options at N4, but they didn't seem worth it at the time. In fact, all of them are, even though Mark might parallel them. PuGAREE N4, tripling the G, is clearly best among those. (-2% win chances) #strategymedium
4K CA(G)EY +30 Strategy Large
I did see AY/AYE/TYE at N5, but CAGEY seemed better. Quackle says this is a serious mistake, because I'm destroying my rack for a block that isn't effective; he still has Row 1. (-19 valuation, -5% win%) #strategylarge
O8 ROUT(H) +24 Strategy Medium
The duck likes AUTHORS O9 here. I don't really understand this position. (-3 Valuation, -3% win chances). #strategymedium
10H (T)OWN +15 Vision Small
I missed TWOFER here, but TOWN is about is good. #visionsmall
K5 MARGE(N)T +44 Strategy Small
I figured this would be better than GARMENT because the M is more dangerous at K8, but that's not true with both Hs unseen. (-2) #strategysmall
7F QA(T) +19 Vision Medium
Best play here is sick: EREMITE D8, setting up a likely QI C12 for next turn. QAT isn't awful, but you can see that EEIRT is a terrible leave against that pool. (-6) #visionmedium
8K (G)RIEF +30 Strategy Small
FIE 14A is best here. I considered stuff like that, but GRIEF seemed better because it scored more and didn't give back parallel plays. (-3) #strategysmall
3F OKE +28 Strategy Small
At the time, I was really conflicted about this play. I saw that if Alec hit a big -IC word at 2B, I was in a lot of trouble, but I also figured I was substantially more likely to hit the spot. I also considered KOINE at H1, which wins the sim. -2 #strategysmall
4H PI(L)OT +30 Vision Medium
PITOT 10J is better, once again because F2 (A: 10J?) is such a big spot. Also better is TIPTOED 13C, breaking up the unpalatable DS combo. (-3.5) #visionmedium
B6 ELOIN +20 Vision Large
So many lanes, so much potential! I spent more than 5 minutes looking for bingos and didn't see one. After the game, I gave the rack to Alec and he found the only bingo in about 30 seconds. Dude is *sharp*. Also, LENO 1A is better than any other play by far. I must have gotten flustered after wasting all my time failing to find the bingo that I didn't take more time to find the right non-bingo play. (-30) #visionlarge, #strategylarge, #timemanagementlarge
B6 ELOIN +20 Strategy Large
So many lanes, so much potential! I spent more than 5 minutes looking for bingos and didn't see one. After the game, I gave the rack to Alec and he found the only bingo in about 30 seconds. Dude is *sharp*. Also, LENO 1A is better than any other play by far. I must have gotten flustered after wasting all my time failing to find the bingo that I didn't take more time to find the right non-bingo play. (-30) #visionlarge, #strategylarge, #timemanagementlarge
B6 ELOIN +20 Time Unspecified
So many lanes, so much potential! I spent more than 5 minutes looking for bingos and didn't see one. After the game, I gave the rack to Alec and he found the only bingo in about 30 seconds. Dude is *sharp*. Also, LENO 1A is better than any other play by far. I must have gotten flustered after wasting all my time failing to find the bingo that I didn't take more time to find the right non-bingo play. (-30) #visionlarge, #strategylarge, #timemanagementlarge
O6 KEA +35 Endgame Small
Somehow, I missed DARK/DANK L12. (-3) #endgamesmall
10K OSSIA +20 Strategy Small
Conrad recommended SORA here; it does sim a little better. At least I didn't try OASISES* against the great Wanderer. (-1) #strategysmall
L7 O(X)O +10 Strategy Medium
I considered sim-winners OE/AEON 7K, but it seemed like Will would be able to control the board after that, whereas OXO ensured that I would have a place for my bingo if I drew one. Quackle says this gives up too much. (-7) #strategymedium
H12 YUT(Z) +20 Strategy Large
I figured I needed a bingo to win, but apparently not. LAY/NAY 6D wins the sim easily. (-8) #strategylarge
B10 PAN(E)L +26 Endgame Small
PALER is 3 points better because of AHING K11. #endgamesmall
H3 bRIDL(E)RS +59 Strategy Small
H3 RIdDLERS wins the sim by a little bit (-2) #strategysmall
7L YA +16 Vision Large
Way off. The right play here is MURA 5B, setting up the Y. I didn't see it, or anything else for that matter. And no, I didn't pick up on any tells; I'm just a spazz. -17 #visionlarge
M1 CU(E) +5 Strategy Large
I'm down by too much for this play to be worth it. The play is CURE 5B and hope for a miracle. -16 #strategylarge
B12 (AWE)E +7 Time Unspecified
I saw OE right after I hit my clock. Ugh! (-17) #timemanagementmedium
8D ZONAE +48 Vision Small
I think I missed ZINEB. (-3) #visionsmall
A8 HIJa(B) +48 Vision Large
Straight up missing HM F9. So weak! (-15) #visionlarge
A8 (HIJaB)S +17 Endgame Large
LIS D1 (-9) #timemanagementmedium #endgamelarge
A8 (HIJaB)S +17 Time Unspecified
LIS D1 (-9) #timemanagementmedium #endgamelarge
6F (M)OI +5 Vision Small
Everyone hated this play, and so did I. But I couldn't figure out what to do, and MOI actually sims decently. The correct play is probably SINOPIE B8, which I didn't see. It's the highest scoring play, keeps the R, and goes for turnover. Turnover is not usually that important this early, but sometimes there's nothing else to do. (-5) #visionsmall
A9 PLIER +16 Vision Large
This sims way, way back: I didn't see EH 10A. No one mentioned this in either the commentary or the chat, which vindicates me slightly. SHH must be difficult to spot for everyone. (-12) #visionlarge
K3 fI(D)GETED +60 Vision Small
I spent a long time on this rack but still missed INGESTED. So annoying! (-4) #visionsmall
G6 HA(LO)ED +11 Vision Large
I was really happy to have found this unorthodox play, figuring it frustrated Joey's S spot while setting up the BLE combo at H4. To my indignation, Quackle absolutely HATES this play, going for KEBLAH F9 (which I didn't see), or the more obvious BARE, BARD, BARED 10G. (-13) #visionlarge, #strategymedium
G6 HA(LO)ED +11 Strategy Medium
I was really happy to have found this unorthodox play, figuring it frustrated Joey's S spot while setting up the BLE combo at H4. To my indignation, Quackle absolutely HATES this play, going for KEBLAH F9 (which I didn't see), or the more obvious BARE, BARD, BARED 10G. (-13) #visionlarge, #strategymedium
14B PRiVETS +80 Strategy Medium
Too weird. I thought Joey might be setting up something big with AUGITE, and maybe he is. But PRIVETS doesn't do much to take out 15H. Something like SORPTIVE 2G (which I don't think I saw) or PRIVIEST 3F (which I did see) is best. (-6, #strategymedium)
H12 M(US)T +27 Vision Large
Way off. KNOP F10 is the play. If I'm going to play at H12, then MUSO+. (-12) #visionlarge
11C POUN(D) +16 Strategy Small
Wrong again. YOURN C11 scores the same but is better positionally at this score. (-4) #strategysmall, visionsmall.
4H (B)ONNY +20 Strategy Medium
I saw sim-winner OWN 12C, but figured that NNOY was too inflexible for next turn. (-5) #strategymedium
12A ENOW +30 Strategy Medium
I saw sim-winner WOW 12B but didn't like keeping a vowel heavy rack. It's better than opening the TWS. I just can't think without sleep, and consequently I'm making mistakes on nearly every turn. (-6) #strategymedium
A8 AGAV(E) +27 Strategy Small
WEAVE A8 is best. Jeez, can I get one thing right this game? (-3) #strategysmall
F3 DEITY +24 Endgame Small
With 90s left, I played this quickly, having noted it as the best out-in-two that I saw. I had been looking for out-in-twos because I figured Joey was going to bingo. There's actually one better sequence: DOSED J14, threatening TIDY N12 and TYIN J1. (-2) #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
F3 DEITY +24 Time Unspecified
With 90s left, I played this quickly, having noted it as the best out-in-two that I saw. I had been looking for out-in-twos because I figured Joey was going to bingo. There's actually one better sequence: DOSED J14, threatening TIDY N12 and TYIN J1. (-2) #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
5E LARDY +30 Vision Medium
YET or YELD E9 win the sim easily. It's possible that I missed the Y hook on OGEE, but maybe it didn't seem right to fish at this score. E5 does seem like a good thing to block, but apparently not worth breaking up the rack over. Either #strategymedium or #visionmedium (-6)
5E LARDY +30 Strategy Medium
YET or YELD E9 win the sim easily. It's possible that I missed the Y hook on OGEE, but maybe it didn't seem right to fish at this score. E5 does seem like a good thing to block, but apparently not worth breaking up the rack over. Either #strategymedium or #visionmedium (-6)
7F FON +16 Strategy Small
The 10E placement sims a little higher, although you can see that it is easily paralleled. (-1) #strategysmall
E4 IO(N) +6 Vision Large
ORIEL L10 is probably best. However, if Peter kept a second S after BINTS (no guarantee; he could just be burning consonants), ION does much better, simming basically even with ORIEL. ION is still a large mistake because I didn't see ORIEL at all, but it may not be as bad as Quackle thinks it is. (-13?) #visionlarge
13F WAAH +34 Strategy Small
I considered all three of the top plays here, the other two of which are HUP M1 and HAW 13G. I could see that WAAH made it trickier to fully take out Rows 10 and 14, relative to HAW, and made it easier to score there besides, but figured that most of those scoring plays figured to muck up that part of the board. The case for HUP was that Row 1 is dangerous, and HUP neutralizes it forever. But it didn't seem worth it to sacrifice 10+ points. In the end, HAW G13 wins the sim. The immediate three points are worth it, and it might be better positionally too. -2 #strategysmall
A1 (F)OLK +16 Strategy Medium
As usual, what I know about my opponent's rack leads me to make a mistake. A1 seemed like the biggest hotspot, since if Peter bingos there, it doesn't give much back. By contrast, if he bingos on Column D or Row 14, I'll be able to score 30 points and keep tempo with him. Nevertheless, VOLTES 10B is decidedly better than FOLK, scoring 17 more points and taking out two of the three bingo lanes. If he hits something to the F, so be it. (-8) #strategymedium
9G OWIE +25 Strategy Small
Quackle plays TOWIE J8 or the unorthodox EMU 9H. (-2) #strategysmall.
B6 JOG +34 Strategy Small
JIG is better because I can parallel it with the O. (-2) #strategysmall
8F AJI +20 Strategy Small
8H placement sims a bit higher. (-1) #strategysmall
6F (C)ATTY +18 Strategy Small
OY E9 wins the sim, even though there aren't many bingos to be drawn. It's probably even better than that since Rafi is telegraphing a bingo and might give me more lanes. (-2) #strategysmall
1A OUREBI +33 Strategy Medium
Another difficult decision. What's better, BOWER for 40 keeping IU, or OUREBI for 33 keeping W? It's close, but I think BOWER actually was the play. It scores seven more points and opens a new lane on Column O. Also, even though IU is a terrible leave, it 's probably better than a W for bingoing, and at this score I probably need to bingo. (-1.2% win chances) #strategymedium
exch BGGLW +0 Strategy Medium
I spent forever on this play, and didn't get anywhere. My brain was fried and I couldn't focus. I saw plays like WEB 7L or NEWB 12M. I also saw GLOW 5A. WEB/NEWB has to be right. It's possible that Rafi doesn't have either the blank or the S, and with the board getting tighter every turn, I need to keep lanes open to give myself a fighting chance. (-4) #strategymedium
E9 (O)PING +24 Strategy Large
I spent forever on this play too and couldn't wrap my sleepy head around it. Quackle plays PI J14, fishing for FEVERING/FORGIVEN/AVENGING/AVERTING/AGENTIVE. It doesn't hit often, but it's my best chance. All OPING accomplishes is make it easy for Rafi to shut everything down. (-23) (-7% win chances) #strategylarge
A12 (F)lEW +27 Endgame Medium
Best is WIsS 11D -6 (#endgamemedium)
14D ANIM(A)TOR +64 Strategy Small
Knowing that Cesar still has ESS on his rack makes this a tough decision. Quackle being Quackle, it still takes the points with the 14H placement. (-4?) #strategysmall
N6 VIEW +23 Strategy Medium
Not bad, but VIEW M1 accomplishes a lot of the same things while also devaluing Row 1 and scoring 6 more points. One upside to the N6 placement is that it neutralizes threats like RITZ N7. (-5) #strategymedium
2L (K)IWI +24 Strategy Medium
What a horrible position this is! PED was such a scary play, and I can do very little about it. KIWI is dangerous as hell, especially since Mike almost certainly has bingo tiles after PED. But that means that oftentimes Mike will bingo on Row 1 next turn, and I'll get a big score at O1. Quackle exchanges here, and I don't blame it. I had half a mind to do so myself. (-2% win chances) #strategymedium
1I POI +12 Strategy Large
I didn't want to do BIO and offer a new bingo lane for Mike that gives back nothing that I can use. If Mike bingos, I want him to do so at B1, opening up lanes I can use for a comeback bingo. BIO sims best by a mile, but I'm skeptical. #strategylarge?
4A B(I)CE +22 Endgame Small
(T)ErEBIC 5B is good for one point more. (-1) #endgamesmall
D2 (N)ONToNIC +70 Strategy Small
Robin mentioned that making the first O the blank was probably a little better, and she is correct. -0.5 #strategysmall
D12 W(A)FF +34 Vision Large
This is such an automatic play that how could there possibly be anything better? Well, I did look for better plays and missed them. KEFIR 8A, which scores a little more, takes out Column B, and-- most importantly, does not open a big scoring spot for my opponent. But a true wizard would have found FEZ H14, setting up the other F. The only other hook that could go there is a T, and there is < 20% chance that Alec drew it after GASTREA. (-15) #visionlarge
F6 XU +52 Strategy Small
I'm really surprized to see RAX F4 win the sim. I wanted to keep that RAZ combo for 14H. I suppose drawing the Q without that U is pretty bad, but I wouldn't think burning the R and the A would be worth it. (-5) #strategysmall
6F BONE +27 Strategy Medium
I ruled out BONK here. It scores 4 points more but keeps three vowels, which is dreadful. Despite this, BONK is worth considering, because it can be hooked only with an S, whereas BONE takes a variety of hooks that will make it easy for Alec to score, most notably the Y. For these reasons, NEB 9E is better than either BONK/BONE. I don't think I saw NEB. If I did see it, then I might have disregarded it because EKOU is a worse leave than EKU, but failed to notice the positional advantages of NEB. This is the kind of mistake I'm most likely to make. I focus so intently on maximizing my score and keeping a good leave that I don't give enough consideration to what opportunities I offer my opponent. It's a critical leak in my game. (-4) #strategymedium
11I J(U)ICE +28 Strategy Large
Too many ways this can go wrong. Just play JUICER. (-8) #strategylarge
E3 WAU(L) +14 Vision Small
WITAN or WALNUT are slightly better. (-3) #visionsmall
13C UN(IT)ED +16 Strategy Medium
When I was inputting this into Quackle, this seemed like a terrible play. It isn't even one of Quackle's initial choices. However, it sims decently. The bag is consonant heavy, so I figure to be able to use column H more easily than Thomas. Also, UNITED takes out column D. I remember considering sim-winner AEDINE O10, but the strategic benefits of UNITED seemed stronger. In practice, AEDINE has to be right. Thomas has many uses for the S, not just D12. OU isn't that bad of a leave with that consonant heavy pool, especially with the Q unseen. (-5) #strategymedium
E3 VOW +31 Strategy Medium
Quackle likes DROWN or WORD O7 here; column O is just too dangerous with so many As unseen. (-3%, #strategymedium)
A12 (F)AKE +33 Endgame Medium
HAICK C5 (-9) #endgamemedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
D8 (C)OUGH +22 Knowledge Large
when he played CLOTH I realized that I was at a huge disadvantage, since he knew all the extensions and I didn't. Thinking about extensions did not help me find OIL(CLOTH). #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
D8 (C)OUGH +22 Finding Large
when he played CLOTH I realized that I was at a huge disadvantage, since he knew all the extensions and I didn't. Thinking about extensions did not help me find OIL(CLOTH). #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
8A BED(CLOTH) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J: I thought about this and then realized BLOTCHED probably doesn't have an anagram. Still thought that I was desparate enough. I had O7 GYBED though, and honestly only saw it after losing the challenge. This is on one of Carl's phonies lists and apparently he had just recently mentioned it to Sid. #knowledgelarge C: During my insomniac studying session on Friday night/ Saturday morning, this was one of the phonies I studied. I always see BLOTCHED/BEDCLOTH* but I was ready for it this time. Some sick timing!
9D NITRATE +66 Strategy Small
Quackle narrowly chooses JINN 8G (-2). #strategysmall
H7 T(U)FT +7 Tactics Small
?GSS > ?SSTT and TUFT sets up my S's on a DWS lane, but Quackle prefers FUG, likely because it reduces Carl's scoring potential by not offering a floater. #tacticssmall
10C PEND +24 Strategy Small
10C LEND is best. Also, PEND scores 1 more at N10 but I didn't know cREVASSED. #strategysmall
13B LO +22 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers C12 JOIN. It seems reckless but its leave is significantly better, and I may get plays at 14B with my H next turn. #strategysmall
N7 H(E)INIE +11 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers N3 HEINIE--I don't know why--and 14A HIE which scores but keeps IINN, opens row 15, and doesn't block columns N and O. #tacticssmall but...
14A BIB +30 Tactics Medium
Quackle picks 14A BABA and 14A BABE. My best chance of winning depends on me drawing the X (I'm not expecting to draw a bingo), and BABA and BABE turn over 4 tiles, empty the bag, and save 14J XI. They also increase Carl's chance of having a bingo, providing a lane for sevens starting with L or R on row 15--and BABA permits A or E as well. I chose BIB because it allows fewer bingos, allows me to play another turn after a bingo, and saves 8A ATAP--although I should really be concerned about the X. BIB saves AXE at 1A and A6. #tacticsmedium
5I F(E)W +18 Finding Medium
K5 FEM. #findingmedium
1F EPIG(r)AM +42 Tactics Small
A: I chose EPIGrAM because it creates a decent sevens lane on row 2. But 1I PrIMAGE is slightly better, possibly because EPIGrAM creates scoring opportunities for Carl? I don't know. #tacticssmall C: The whole game, I wanted to play EPIGRAMMIC*, but it's ENGRAMMIC/IDEOGRAMMIC/PHONOGRAMMIC only.
2J (O)DOUR +19 Tactics Medium
Fishing for Z plays at 10J in a way that doesn't arouse suspicion. J10 ZA is best, followed by plays using the letters BURD, BUD, BURDS, etc. but suspiciously not at 10J. #tacticsmedium
14C BEEF +41 Finding Medium
N1 FRISBEES. #findingmedium
D1 G(I)RT +14 Strategy Small
A: The best plays are exchanges: Quackle's pick is to exchange all 7, followed by other exchanges keeping the S and maybe one other tile. Keeping the S seems right because it is essential for column O and also useful on column N making ZITIS. GIRT blocks column D and leaves 6 in the bag, making it impossible for me to play two bingos. #strategysmall C: Worse yet, a few years ago, I prepared a spreadsheet of all the blank bingos with 5 or fewer solutions, and have looked at the top 3,000 8s maybe 50 times each. One of these blanagrams is ?AEILNNO, with four solutions. If I had recognized this, I might have found mINNEOL(A) E4, but that seemed like the least promising lane, and I didn't give it enough time. All those hundreds of hours I've spent looking at those lists, and then I miss something from there. But it pays to remember that all the study in the world can't guarantee that you'll find the word. It merely increases your chances of finding it.
N5 TORTES +28 Vision Large
14J ROOST is a much better play; it does not give back O4 DONEE/RAKEE, and it blocks L12 DANK/DARK, while guaranteeing an out with whatever I draw. #visionlarge (-16)
7E R(A)B(I)C +15 Knowledge Large
thought it might be PREFOLIATE* but yeah, never was going to be sure of PERFOLIATE, which is best here. Dave Wiegand thought CARPETBED* was good, as did I. #knowledgesaddest
L8 PEL(T)ED +24 Knowledge Large
missed 3(!) bingos here, and I knew I was missing them too. LOPPERED and LAPPETED I didn't know for sure, and I chickened out of DEPEOPLE. #knowledgeSADDEST
13I KID(D)O +32 Endgame Small
played this once I saw it, but didn't think about adding the S for long enough to notice (T)AW 13A. KIDDOS is slightly better. -2 #endgamesmall
8D KIANG +30 Strategy Small
8G TAKING has the best equity. I was leery of giving up an extra bingo lane, easier sevens lanes, and a chance to hook TAKING while using a DWS, which is why I chose KIANG; but I should also be concerned with keeping two T's. #strategysmall
exch DJLNTT +0 Strategy Small
It is apparently better to keep DN or NZ. #strategysmall
12G BEAU(T)Y +24 Finding Medium
I9 BAYOU. #findingmedium
11F ARM +25 Finding Medium
I considered M3 REMORA but missed ARMORER in the same spot. #findingmedium
14D OILI(E)R +8 Tactics Medium
This has the best equity, but Quackle overwhelmingly prefers exchanging, keeping only the R--though I am ahead, I am less than 50% to win, so I should preserve the lanes on rows 14 and 15. #tacticsmedium
4C LA(V) +24 Strategy Small
Quackle goes haywire in the pre-endgame, but 4C TAV appears to have the best win chance. 7C GAP has the best equity as well as a better win chance than LAV. #strategysmall
12A KALE +34 Vision Medium
5E ALKIE scores 40 points and doesn't give back easy points on column A. #visionmedium
A8 DROU(K) +30 Tactics Medium
I think I saw 4L VOE but didn't fully appreciate it. Not only does it partially block column O, it saves A8 DRUNK for next turn. And it has better equity! ENV is worse than I expected. #tacticsmedium
14F ANTIFAs +73 Finding Medium
I missed B2 InFANTA, which scores 2 more points and is easily best. I chose this over ANTIFAt and ANtIFAT because I thought this would be harder to underlap, and also to show off one of the new NWL words. L1 TIFFANY is awesome. #findingmedium
15L OXIM +44 Tactics Small
5B MOIRA is best, sacrificing 20 points immediately but blocking column B while setting up A6 AX. #tacticssmall
N14 P(I) +8 Finding Small
Only four possible racks from the unseen tiles yield bingos: EEINRSS, EEIORSS, EENORSS, and EINORSS. PI blocks EEINRSS and EINORSS at N7, but I had not seen that Carl could play 9H ROSERIES or 10H SORENESS. N7 PADRI, RAPT, or RIANT or 9H RITARD blocks all possible bingos. #findingsmall
D10 RYU +25 Tactics Small
D11 YON is probably a tad better #tacticssmall
4A DiGGERS +78 Finding Small
GRuDGES oops #findingsmall
6J ROW +18 Finding Small
missing WOORARI which seems like the right way to go. #findingsmall
9B GHI +27 Strategy Small
apparently I keep the G again with HIM 9C. Quackle thinks that's 3 points better since we bingo a lot more. #strategysmall
13A JAYS +34 Endgame Large
best endgame blocks the outs with R(i)OJA. I got scared I was missing something. :( #endgameSADDEST
7C JOKE +36 Tactics Medium
wow, quackle likes sacrificing 9 pts to keep EHS over HOS! this is part of it; JOKE also gives up a lot more points. -2 #tacticsmedium
7H GOB +14 Finding Medium
-3.5; (KI)BOSH is the play here. #findingmedium
1A ADRESSE(R) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
i told a few people this is the worst mistake i've ever made in a tournament game. i think this is correct. what hurts most is that this was day 4, and i'd been playing in the top 5 tables all tournament long pretty much. i had just beaten will and was still hanging around 6th place, just needed a run to get me to the finals. and then i play this. it doesn't make sense. of course i saw caressed, and in my infinite wisdom i decided to keep looking for bingos. i didn't remember studying addresser* but surely it's a word since adressee* is a word. when he challenged it i was kind of shocked and was like "that seems like a common enough word to me" but felt ok because i still had two playable bingos. #knowledgelarge
J7 (B)EVY +20 Strategy Small
and it's basically over now unless i draw something good fast. -2.5 15A VEES to open it up a bit more and take a scoring spot. #strategysmall
15J NEXT +23 Strategy Medium
a bad play. 9A NEXTS seems to give me a better shot and scores way more. -8.5 #strategymedium
12K MALL +24 Knowledge Large
any shot i had of winning disappeared by missing MEALLESS, which is kind of a hard find, granted, especially with my state of mind at this point. -24 #knowledgelarge
4A EmISSIO(N) +66 Knowledge Large
i've actually played ossifier at a tournament earlier this year, but no hope of finding it here. i was nearly in tears by the end of this game, which hasn't happened to me in many years! i ended up losing my focus for much of the rest of the day. -9 #knowledgelarge
8G TOYO +14 Strategy Medium
8H OY is best, followed by 8G YO. TOYO sets up my S on column K, but it is fairly likely for Carl to have an N or S with which to use the spot; and OY and YO have better equity than TOYO. #strategymedium
12I MI(R)I +12 Strategy Medium
This is a bad play: it blocks row 12 and the BESCOURS hook, opens a D/N hook that I don't have, and scores only 12 points. Quackle strongly prefers 9F LIMA, which keeps the highest-scoring lanes open and scores 21 points. I like J2 MILIA, which scores the same as LIMA and keeps a better leave. #strategymedium
L1 TALLIES +72 Tactics Small
I am behind after my bingo, so I should play TAILLES instead to float another distinct letter. #tacticssmall
2J HO(A)GY +40 Finding Medium
1J PYTHON doesn't give back a hotspot/high-scoring bingo lane on row 1. #findingmedium
2B PANDA +27 Strategy Medium
Yes, I saw 2A PANADA, and I absolutely should have played it--it scores better, keeps better, turns over one more tile for the blanks, and creates a high-scoring lane on column A, which I may need because I am behind. #strategymedium
3L (L)IED +21 Strategy Medium
C: In fact, Alec did draw the T, so good thing I'm not a wizard. A: 3L LIE is best. The lane in column O is easier to use after LIE than after LIED, and the D is a useful bingo tile. #strategymedium
14D (F)OO +15 Tactics Large
Drawing OOO killed any chance I had of winning this game. C2 APO has the best valuation; it blocks Carl's next play, and the pool is consonant-heavy, so I don't have to worry about keeping five vowels on my rack. #tacticslarge
7E WUD +21 Strategy Medium
Wow, I had no idea DERTU was so good. 7G WE is best. #strategymedium
2F PLAYGo(E)R +73 Tactics Medium
The hotspot at O8 is so lucrative that it is worth the 34-point sacrifice to block with 8J GRAPEY. I didn't see GRAPEY, but even GLEY is worth playing there as well. And AGLEY, and GREY, and PLAYER.... #tacticsmedium
K10 QA(I)D +28 Tactics Small
I missed an opportunity to fish for 11K QI, QAT, or QUA/QUASI with IIIIITTUU unseen and a backup of E3 QUA in case 11K is blocked. Quackle likes 14K DOOMS, but that opens a lucrative lane on row 15; I like 1L FOOD, which takes an easy scoring spot. #tacticssmall
13B VAT +30 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers HALT, which scores two more points and unloads one more consonant, but keeps the V, which has less scoring potential than the H. At least HALT keeps E3 VUG and M11 VIG for next turn. #strategysmall I guess
14L ZAGS +41 Tactics Small
Yet another example of Quackle being bad at pre-endgames: it says three plays win 100%, namely this, 1L FAGS, and M11 ZIG; and FAGS has by far the highest valuation. Upon further investigation, FAGS loses when I draw an I (3/8) and Carl plays 14L LEIs setting up 13J ODIC(!), which I cannot block without being Z-stuck. ZIG and ZAGS win 100%, and ZIG is slightly better, threatening plays at 1L-1O and 5B-5E. #tacticssmall (-0.5)
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 31849 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 36553 16 Game is incomplete.
Game 34476 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 9153 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 36728 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 14071 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 42192 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 40738 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 16471 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 5455 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 34487 35 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 34512 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 30).
Game 43717 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 13).
Game 43685 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 2).
Game 34331 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10713, Round 4).
Game 43712 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 8).
Game 32243 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10737, Round 16).
Game 32244 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10737, Round 17).
Game 32245 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10737, Round 18).
Game 32904 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 29).
Game 34497 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 25).
Game 34480 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 9).
Game 32846 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 23).
Game 43734 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 20).
Game 32897 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 22).
Game 42804 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11450, Round 11).
Game 32903 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 28).
Game 34496 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 24).
Game 43493 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11450, Round 10).
Game 32725 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 10).
Game 44005 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 26).
Game 32714 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 16).
Game 33058 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 17).
Game 34253 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10523, Round 9).
Game 34473 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 3).
Game 30524 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10523, Round 17).
Game 43830 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11466, Round 24).
Game 32888 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 13).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.