Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
N5 DUELLI is beautiful. DILUTE isn't that great. it actually slightly raises his bingo percentage, even though i'm trying to block an easy 7 lane. -3 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
N5 DUELLI is beautiful. DILUTE isn't that great. it actually slightly raises his bingo percentage, even though i'm trying to block an easy 7 lane. -3 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
N5 DUELLI is beautiful. DILUTE isn't that great. it actually slightly raises his bingo percentage, even though i'm trying to block an easy 7 lane. -3 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
i don't know if this is an overreaction. do i just play Z(A)G? GADJE sacrifices a lot of points but gets rid of some ugliness. CDEJT doesn't strike me as an appetizing leave. i suppose if i draw another E i can get JETTED for a few points, or DEJECT, etc. i hate this and should have exchanged on my first move. quackle thinks the sacrifice from GADJE is not worth it as i only get slightly more points next turn with GADJE than ZAG, but i'm sacrificing 13 pts now. makes sense that this is such a big equity loss. -10.5 #strategylarge
when i choose to play all ugly i have to play as precisely as possible. maybe a robot can play perfectly after VIM, but i have to be able to find the somewhat hard to anagram CATGUT through the T and see that it's better than CUTCH. keeping the H is nice for the possibility at B10, and CH has good synergy as well. -4.5 #findingmedium
he played CRAB too quickly. he has a bingo there a lot of the time, but he probably has it even if i block CRAB. AG bingoes more often, but i wanted to open an additional lane.. so i don't know. if we give him a leave of ATS? for giggles, my move rises up a little higher, but G13 OD is at the top, i guess opening another triple for me to use or something. not a good position for me, but this is all a result of VIM. i'm going to be down my next move unless i bingo back. -0.5 #strategysmall
I HATE THE LETTER Y SO MUCH. M12 AYE actually sims just a tad higher than my play, despite scoring 8 fewer - i knew my play was inviting a big annoying comeback as well. damn it. #strategysmall
spent forever trying to find a triple triple and ran out of time. i hope i would have found POSTBAg if the game depended on it. -14 #findinglarge
i absolutely knew i was going to have a bad tournament after this game. it really sucks to lose the opening game, and as much as i need to practice zen and whatever, you just know it's not your tournament after this. i was not feeling it. i do need to practice staying calm before nationals though, and i should have made more of an effort here.
missed VOE lol, 23 and also nice for the X hooks. I don't assume he has an S, I think it's reasonable he made this play without one. OXO is cute but EEISV is kinda shitty. #findingmedium
once again missed a far superior play that I saw after hitting my clock. I feel like a lot of my errors on the last day and a half like this are really focus errors, but still stuff like HARM should pop out quickly in an ideal world. HARM is also a setup for the S next turn, valuation motherfucking 88!!! HARM is probably the best play in history #visionlarge
oh yeah HOGMANE is a word. coulda been a second 101 point play smh #findinglarge even as a nonbingo this play is trash, I got obsessed with the S but MHO is probably just standard and better anyway. maybe it's not awful because there will never be as nice a way of dealing with the S, but at least MHO has good upside and some defense value, and HOMAGING only partially blocks the S, when it will be more worthwhile to do a lower scoring but complete block later. awfulawful
Q likes FEW way more, really? I can see EEFW being not that good on this board, but it's still not awful. it's saying straight up that I average 2.5 more after FEW and also keep a better leave next turn... I feel like the 2 row after FEW is a more dangerous threat than the O and C after OUCH, although the sim has the immediate bingo % as identical (but mose of the 2 row bingoes will also play on row 7, but later on row 7 will get blocked). However, I think row 2 is easier to block than the marginal OC lanes. Not sure exactly how marginal they are tho, this may not even be a big enough threat to give any weight to. Seems like #tacticssmall but it still doesn't make sense to me that CEOU does so much better
don't remember why I didn't just do TWIG here, obv don't bingo as much but outrun a lot better. I did FILE over WILE also to not make an extra S hook, hopefully can block POOVES and FLECKS together at some point #strategysmall