Bradley Whitmarsh
Bradley Whitmarsh
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(T)ARGETED 5517 74
VID(E)nDUm 27955 72
VERNIX(E)S 14875 96
CoRONAS 7071 75
(G)RAZIOSO 15678 88
NONEV(E)NT 22268 76
nAUS(E)ATE 1411 61
F(O)RTUNED 3859 68
INTENSe(R) 1675 61
AUbRI(E)TA 1127 58
SN(E)ERIER 4213 66
MEGABIT 7970 68
INCENTS 8794 79
FIDEl(I)TY 17592 82
CAN(O)EMEN 11709 63
ARISTAE 168 79
TaBLOID 4473 76
(D)AUNDERS 9204 86
TOTEMI(S)T 20518 61
BUNcHED 25972 81
AIRBU(R)ST 10962 63
PR(A)TtLED 8321 74
TAMEINS 696 91
BEIGEST 5746 81
REBO(U)NDS 6628 62
KLAVERN(S) 17649 80
nONETTI 3150 68
REF(U)TALS 4284 61
DIAGnO(S)E 309 72
NO(N)IDEAL 560 70
RESTORE(D) 4452 70
RIOTISE 322 73
COMFiER 12770 74
lINEATE 69 64
dOME(L)IKE 15553 66
CURATES 4059 95
DAINTIE(R) 115 70
(A)UREOLES 610 62
ROmAINE 95 68
ETOILEs 387 69
INSeCTA(N) 3789 77
pLATELE(T) 24123 68
TANADAR 12040 67
(D)OILTEST 3262 80
(T)URGITeS 7328 80
ALErION 6 63
DEGAmIS 4459 79
cOOLANT 7068 63
AEROBIc 1704 90
S(E)DATEST 16880 74
pLEASUR(E) 7006 78
ROSALIA 1717 65
ALDRINS 2488 77
SeRRANO 1011 80
STEAMIL(Y) 7353 78
OVERLI(E)S 2454 82
NAS(T)IESt 4759 122
INtERAC(t) 1423 77
SEELING 3283 70
KIN(G)LIER 14528 76
DoUB(T)ING 12950 63
SONANCE 6154 79
HAN(D)LINE 6784 76
AIRPOST 2217 78
RUSTIER 3842 75
MANt(I)SSA 20601 86
NOTEPAD 1178 88
TAN(G)ENTS 13181 63
IN(N)ERVES 8467 74
FARIN(O)SE 266 94
LITT(E)RER 7631 59
GRAINES 351 85
OUTLIER 242 66
ATROpIN 970 78
LENITES 605 65
SNEA(K)IER 1760 63
SPITTED 9058 81
CARl(O)ADS 10956 61
PLAGUI(E)r 4797 68
SE(n)ORITA 14 68
ARRIVES 5124 64
sHR(I)NING 19920 61
PRE(H)EATS 6783 80
GRI(M)aCES 10458 64
oUGLIES 3087 75
BIPLANE 5748 92
(t)WIRLInG 12430 90
OUTSEEN 812 61
LAETARE 1050 61
(D)ECEASES 26006 74
RORTIE(S)T 4201 70
DOVIEsT 2693 83
GOODIES 4047 72
PARIANS 7303 88
EMBACES 21400 88
AcETOUS 2584 70
ETAMiNS 877 77
COLLETS 18213 75
DESTINE(D) 6739 72
OaTCAKE 12225 82
NO(N)SKIER 9079 65
TEAHOU(S)E 2482 64
F(O)RTUnES 3865 70
PoRRIDG(E) 10757 94
SECONDE 6405 84
E(V)ITABLY* 0 98
FoRMICA(S) 18933 70
fLORIS(T)S 20881 71
ARISTAE 161 64
AUREOLA 734 64
dEITIES 1688 67
TAENIAT(E) 891 70
ZOETRO(P)E 18712 92
VIG(I)LANT 12272 63
sANITA(T)E 1413 66
GNATHIC 15641 78
HONOrED 7024 78
SESTINA 1330 79
DElTOID 4782 74
DIGI(T)ALS 10030 64
LEARIES(T) 159 77
Ro(S)ETTES 13839 122
TOASTER(S) 7589 77
EUPNOEI(C) 6368 89
cONDEMN 20417 65
AIRLINE 171 67
(S)NUGgLED 29307 63
DEFI(C)ITs 12650 84
T(H)IOUREA 197 76
FEATUR(E)S 2910 72
INT(E)RNaL 333 61
MANTRAs 8239 63
SPANIEL 1480 74
EnGROSS 7877 68
sAPIENT 672 78
pORT(L)iER 4680 57
REFILeD 5513 89
S(T)ANDING 10606 70
DELOuSE 4744 76
DOCENTS 5139 75
FERMEnT(S) 13880 95
FLUSHeR 15600 82
aWNINGS 18802 69
REALTOR 1007 69
SNUB(B)IER 24431 89
MANLIeR 865 72
FUMETTO 20431 83
OBTa(I)NER 47 86
GU(E)RIDON 656 76
TAU(R)INES 77 59
OUtSING 4919 75
STRIDEN(T) 2773 68
UNAN(E)LED 6410 68
LE(N)ITION 1421 61
ZaNDERs 5878 85
(T)ENURIAL 75 68
DOSSIER 3416 74
ANoTHER 330 76
TwOONIE 1285 64
GOUTIES(T) 3689 68
OSETRAS 1734 68
PARTITE 2014 65
PIgNORA 2557 77
NONRa(T)ED 452 68
DOURINe 167 68
UNLEASH 5385 97
mANDRIL(S) 8400 87
TUNI(C)ATE 3693 70
DOGEARS 1409 73
PREADO(P)T 11483 76
(D)ECIAREs 1961 83
OPENING(S) 10709 74
SH(I)TtErS 22642 71
NEoLITH 1275 68
EDICTIO(N)* 0 71
FEAT(L)IEr 621 72
WEARIES 1015 76
(F)URNACEs 8560 70
LAMiN(AT)oR 1411 86
CODD(L)ERS 16246 74
fL(I)TTING 19918 82
NON(G)LARE 1894 63
REPUTES 6495 79
AIRDrO(M)E 1674 69
O(B)LIGATE 922 63
ROARERS 8200 67
SUPPLER 20538 82
WOOLIEr 2669 68
ALUNI(T)Es 256 58
CARInAL 5219 78
Wo(O)ZIEST 12190 70
FUNNIER 6273 75
ROSARIA(N) 2344 77
lUTHIER 3143 71
dEWATE(R)S 2905 72
LACeRT(I)D 953 70
STELLAR 5179 73
(C)OASTING 3631 72
BERLIN(E)s 2931 72
STReAKE(D) 5705 84
(N)ONIdEAL 422 71
EN(D)OSTEA 157 62
CELOSIA 1114 74
(D)IOPTERS 1851 86
A(L)IEnAGE 1092 64
REQUEST(S) 20378 104
INTER(M)AT 1425 62
CONTEND(s) 12068 70
(R)ADICELS 2911 92
ARGUABL(E) 13035 72
SKEEVIE(r)* 0 66
H(O)MERING 5328 101
EcLOGUE 12644 63
SERrIED 5020 71
OUTADDs 15595 91
TINGLES 2325 92
VAGInAL 10444 77
ANTIAIR 1244 61
UNN(A)ILEd 2694 64
(T)ROILITE 1944 64
aNNEL(I)DS 2692 68
EqUATIO(N) 668 64
TISANES 1332 77
SEEDING 2349 71
SN(O)UTIER 99 66
TARL(E)TAn 2329 68
COOPERs 12071 69
BEAS(T)IES 6284 90
InARCH(E)S 3133 84
(R)ETILiNG 1484 68
(C)ITREOUS 1791 90
QUEriST 5911 109
SEAPIEC(E) 12236 76
sTEAMIE 1400 74
SECTORS 10390 63
ELaT(E)RIN 26 85
QuArTZ(E)S 17619 75
EST(R)AGON 242 74
eNSLAVE(D) 5038 86
(L)ATERIZE 1665 86
SE(T)LINES 4866 62
suBERIN 3073 80
MONSTER(A) 561 83
END(E)MIAL 1452 72
EMIRATE(S) 635 83
DOLERIT(E) 162 80
iRONABL(E)* 0 80
PERSONA 1220 83
eNQUIRe 4350 98
CRUNOD(E)S 4921 72
SATIATE(s) 8099 61
STRIATE 534 69
RAIN(L)IKE* 0 64
ANEROiD 1 85
sOMEONE 5918 83
GOULASH 13250 72
(I)NTRANET 1123 70
WaTERER 4701 75
(U)nFORMeD 9751 74
REUNIfY 6858 67
UNPAIR(E)D 980 64
(P)LUMPiNG 28315 74
INDEXER 4345 74
KiTTIES 13263 75
ReMISES 10676 80
ENCAEnI(A) 4063 80
RELAYI(N)G 1751 90
(D)ISTRAIN 1573 68
t(O)UZELED* 0 84
MANITOU 1587 70
GRANTIN(G) 15016 83
RULIEST 1111 76
SAlV(A)GED 13204 98
WA(F)TUrES 8593 73
BANDORE 825 76
OURARIs 2744 72
NEGATER 450 71
O(R)GANDIE 56 63
UNIFACE 4132 68
OSTIARy 1597 83
rUBEOLA 1827 85
URInOSE 183 64
RATIO(N)eD 3 75
(R)ElIGHTS 5913 89
BEANIES 992 75
BANN(E)rET 3657 72
TRIE(N)NIA 421 68
TOENAi(L)S 21 58
OUtLOVE 7738 65
JOCKEyE(d) 27348 110
DIA(P)ERED 6287 64
BiRETTA(S) 2733 80
CANOErS 845 72
FLOATIE(r) 193 62
DI(O)RITEs 379 70
(G)RITTeRS 9502 77
STABILE 1398 73
DATEAB(L)E 5561 67
WiNESOP 4937 78
AmANITA 9992 69
CR(U)STiNG 11692 61
GASSIER 4304 66
SNAKIER 1674 80
AEROGE(L)S 868 62
ANALyZ(E)R 13697 67
OV(E)RPAST 3869 80
ENTICES 2144 68
TOENAI(L)S 33 82
(I)DOLATER 19 72
SEATR(A)iN 114 72
EPISOM(A)L 3711 63
THENArs 2111 79
SLINGER 2305 76
slEAVED 8800 71
NERITES 279 69
AGNISED 976 77
TRA(N)SHIP 10795 84
TARtARS 19937 77
OV(I)cIDAL 17152 76
INHALES 2019 78
FROST(I)nG 8540 67
TOMENTA 2583 65
IGNItEs 2861 69
INANELY 5091 77
MARGE(n)TS 4845 68
REINSER(T) 1672 77
(R)OSINATE 13 77
(E)NROLLED 5673 61
VENDA(B)lE 9828 64
ROILING 5650 77
pENSIVE 11219 88
WI(T)HERED 9389 66
NONELIT(E) 695 70
P(L)ACARDs 21475 80
AbETTED 7346 68
SERENAT(E) 814 77
OUTLIER(S) 325 77
HEiRDOM(S) 6491 69
(C)OMAToSe 7857 78
NATURES 417 68
STOCkI(L)Y 23700 79
SANTERA 646 72
MAGNET(A)R 5545 74
APOLUnE 2625 70
ADORERs 1612 74
ERICOID 2249 92
TONGUEs 3090 76
NIELLoS 4774 67
S(T)RINGED 1109 76
HOMAGeR 6582 66
NEMATIC 2287 68
tHEOREM(S) 7630 89
(F)ITTINGS 19919 64
INDUCER 3079 67
A(R)RANGES 5828 63
TANGEnC(E) 8046 76
MOILERS 1940 74
HOUr(L)IEs 2688 70
STEA(L)ING 446 72
LEARNED 733 65
AURICLE 1951 70
OUTADDs 15595 91
TINGLES 2325 92
NE(S)TABLE 2848 73
RuPIAHS 16708 109
DIsTAIN 2267 72
CILIATE 1701 91
(V)ERITIES 4453 70
COPAIBA 20271 91
oUTSAID 1509 75
EARA(C)HES 10378 68
WAL(T)ZERS 13160 70
(D)IVALENT 971 64
WARISOn(S) 8362 83
V(I)TREOUS 1406 65
DIAL(O)GED 3751 74
t(R)UNNELS 6612 65
ESTA(N)CIA 1137 68
(C)OSTLIER 1352 83
EVADA(B)LE 13864 78
(A)lIENATE 122 61
OBELISm 10706 78
SIRTUIN 5965 89
LENdING 6608 69
sOCAGER 2802 70
(D)ANDLERS 6845 83
MARINEs 657 86
HAGRiD(E)S 3442 80
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
NAS(T)IESt 4759 122
Ro(S)ETTES 13839 122
eN(ER)GIES 2705 90
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
LAMiN(AT)oR 1411 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
VERNIX(E)S 14875 96
TAIHOAs* 0 0
A(Z)YME 9625 57
TANADAR 12040 67
HURL 4071 24
(GU)RR* 0 0
KN(O)WE 6683 34
PARIANS 7303 88
EMBACES 21400 88
NO(N)SKIER 9079 65
IMAUM 10290 22
VERBY* 0 0
TAUnTON* 0 0
SNUB(B)IER 24431 89
TOF(F)Y 8485 36
AEROS* 0 0
EXPO 2446 0
TANNERS 1289 0
E(E)N(Y)* 0 0
(K)EtTLING* 0 0
Y(A)RS* 0 0
EN(CHAINS) 9652 39
(T)RIACS 2638 27
KOH(A) 3934 37
MAGNET(A)R 5545 74
APOLUnE 2625 70
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ALAMORT 8402 70
APERIT(I)F 5012 82
INTONES 1032 79
(U)NSEALED 2040 80
MANIFE(S)T 3170 77
DETAiNE(D) 1250 80
(B)IRDlIKE 22829 78
PE(R)ONEAL 1041 77
hEART(I)LY 4393 149
G(U)MwEEDS 21702 72
DENTAR(I)A 107 70
RECLUSE 12852 78
PTOMAI(N)s 7801 78
GROINED 524 82
RITZIER 14140 89
CLaYMOR(E) 15214 101
DESTINE 758 63
RuNTIER 1360 64
ANOD(I)ZES 1667 88
OTaRINE 2 79
RIBSTON 4453 72
(N)EUROsES 7650 69
LAUDeRS 2386 72
ONSTeAD 182 85
(E)PERGNES 17416 72
eMPORIA 1242 76
C(A)THODES 6378 66
STARLIN(G) 2105 80
PASPIeS 27772 84
CISTERN 2143 83
Q(U)ESTING 13930 69
RINGLET(S) 1511 63
DIvIDED 31419 72
MONADeS 1861 75
GELaTES 2343 67
OUTLAWS 8445 73
I(N)VIABLE 8046 69
ACTINGS 8874 81
TR(I)LOBED 1764 72
STE(E)PI(N)GS* 0 63
WiNTERE(D) 2049 86
IODIzER 6107 76
OUTBRoK(E) 21430 88
YEANLIN(G) 9393 66
MARAN(T)AS 21147 62
UN(V)ISORs 20888 90
(S)PAETZLE 19116 108
E(N)COLURE 4769 74
TRItIUM 20816 64
MEISTER(S) 13261 83
NoNNIES 11502 68
DILATER 106 83
DYST(O)PIA 12101 66
UNSEATE(D) 1216 70
STIRRER 14277 70
OLEATES 389 69
(S)EVEREST 26255 80
oBTAINE(D) 232 83
cRIPPLE 28175 65
UNfAITH 12450 71
INOSINE(S) 12295 74
DEADInG 5867 71
(D)EQUEUeD 38400 86
FONDEST 3698 80
BEWRAPT 11332 82
SAUTOI(R)E 23 68
ELEVAT(E)D 10179 74
PAROLEE 1639 74
CU(P)oLAED 13273 74
DAUTING 3906 75
LANDSM(A)N 29043 80
(A)NALOGIC 9239 72
HERALDI(C) 7436 80
ADjUReD 22359 68
FORE(D)ATE 1031 64
AEONiAN 482 61
EOLiPIL(E) 15268 76
pRENASA(L) 6493 64
B(L)EARIER 4836 78
MICkLE(S)T 22469 92
UNIAX(I)Al 15541 80
(R)EaCTiON 53 82
ANALYTE(S) 4675 74
SPRINGE 4557 79
(A)sYNDETA 4664 89
UTERInE 288 64
DIORAM(A)S 6576 64
InER(T)IAE 40 78
TEGMINA(L) 1745 92
C(E)NTROID 757 76
SORBITE 1236 73
(B)ANtERED 1499 74
RESLATE(D) 902 80
WANToNS 12972 80
iNJERAS 2323 92
PLATIER 884 80
NUMeRA(R)Y 18394 84
HOELIKE 12826 93
S(E)aBIRDS 10976 68
HEROISM 6701 81
CLaVATE(D) 16906 82
IN(S)HRINE 11419 62
BR(O)WNOuT 17582 74
NEUrULA 5180 65
ROSINED 165 90
FONDLEs 8547 77
EARSHOT 1192 87
aDRENAL 1676 82
TILTING 17696 65
IONISE(R)S 4153 68
MATiNGS 9143 113
P(O)NTAGES 2848 76
CRANNO(G)E 6495 80
OCArINA 2422 68
(r)EGULOSE* 0 66
mYRIADS 16272 76
WAISTER 726 94
ATABRIN 3983 70
ALEUR(O)NE 210 70
(A)GrESTIC 2301 70
(C)OURIErS 7744 80
WIDENED 14562 88
vARIOR(UM)S 18284 93
SCOUT(I)NG 12897 72
A(C)ETONES 1025 61
STEEPE(R)S 26365 77
ERADIAT(E) 169 62
aLARUMS 14067 74
(G)AUDIEsT 1076 61
SLACkED 22662 81
TRAGICS 9102 90
TRIENN(I)A 559 66
gITANOS 1103 74
CLOMPIN(G) 31085 69
SCREE(N)ER 20998 72
STINTER 1300 72
PRa(L)INES 1012 131
ARMOnI(C)A 6238 72
LI(N)EAGES 676 65
DECIARE 994 69
EN(T)ENTES 14652 65
REGOLI(T)H 2145 64
LeV(A)N(T)ING 4375 62
REDCOAT 1148 76
LOSSIER 4785 77
MIN(E)ABLE 5535 86
TI(G)HTEnS 14054 86
GeRUNDS 5744 79
TREFOIL 923 68
HaPLOID 13752 82
WIRIEST 4910 92
INCROSS 17708 79
ASSUAgE 18734 68
RAINIES(T) 89 77
(P)ENTACtS 18287 86
OUTEARN(S) 95 77
READIEs 199 64
R(A)BIETIC 3612 76
R(E)SENTED 3483 70
AREO(L)ATE 240 68
EMOTIOn 1284 71
(N)ODDIEST 3346 72
OROGENY 9080 87
REElECT 11754 80
CAPOTES 4819 80
TE(R)RARIA 6614 62
S(I)NGSONG 26326 61
FORTIeS 924 75
QUiETIV(E) 20356 110
fReELOA(D) 1797 74
COATERS 1168 92
ARSENaL 1218 69
ANOMIES 311 74
SILTIEr 1231 66
(R)EMOLADE 1801 74
OUTG(R)InD* 0 68
FORGiVE 6590 76
BEGONIA 537 83
FUSIOnS 15432 77
sTILLER 5198 75
(C)INERiNS 8469 80
SL(I)NKIER 8238 74
(G)ENERALS 1633 80
ABUTTEd 8975 71
CHA(I)NERS* 0 102
(o)PENABLe 4555 66
(D)IAMINES 2440 74
DIAlYSE 2892 74
PINGERS 4556 81
BE(l)CHING 19586 71
(D)IGESTOR 657 83
CLINIcS 21615 69
HOOTiNG 8807 86
FUmBLES 20456 82
TODDlER 5921 74
STOURIE 243 70
(R)eLOANED 211 62
GASAlI(E)R 1412 66
(G)RAnITES 151 77
(G)OSsIPER 15347 83
UnTANGL(E) 7094 74
SINUATE(S) 2795 77
CANTErS 1509 72
IN(S)TATED 882 80
TE(R)RANES 1669 82
STRAINT 3497 70
CAST(L)INg 11487 86
HORNIER 3463 71
UT(T)ERINg 3253 76
PiNOClE 4887 76
IN(E)RRANT 1122 82
BASANI(T)E 1538 68
HARDSET 2965 81
LAMENT(E)R 1521 74
(O)vERLAND 1289 66
pILOTED 1911 68
GiRASOL 1719 66
LIGATIN(G) 14512 74
RESMELT 6481 76
AINSELL 3784 75
NEXTDOO(R) 9685 86
EChELLE 29793 72
ORIFICE(S) 7033 101
OVULAT(E)D 3650 80
LI(T)REAGE 353 61
ISATInS 11025 80
TEsTIER 1822 80
BLISSES 21973 67
HUMORiN(G) 14670 92
ROWLE(E)Rs* 0 70
DEMO(L)ISH 9597 66
(D)OSSERET 5677 70
O(N)IONIEr* 0 68
I(N)DITERS 823 68
(T)ONETICS 3391 83
SeIZURE(S) 17239 128
ABDUcTS 17344 78
SPOILER 1944 78
ErADIAT(E) 121 80
SCORNED 3673 76
O(U)TLASTS 17957 59
OUTRATE(S) 1091 70
CoDEINE 1191 95
ONEFOLD 10807 84
CASELAW 18583 88
WEANeRS 2978 95
TIGE(R)EYe 8690 73
STEALER 558 70
OTA(L)GIES 238 63
RITUALs 1781 64
RELEAS(E)D 3332 60
C(O)NcEIVE 18269 91
ROTATI(V)E 730 72
NUNCIOs 12200 71
CAtLINS 4738 76
(C)LEANEST 2864 72
(E)NABLERS 2847 62
ZIPpERS 21689 82
SINUATE 119 70
CHANTED 7001 88
sEALIFT(S) 8641 83
gITTERN 2319 74
GREISEN 1145 80
MIG(R)ATES 1764 74
hOTLINK 13722 76
TERp(E)NOL* 0 64
TOA(S)TESS* 0 66
n(ON)NATIVE 5338 86
FRETsAW 6754 85
FORMAT(E)S 3846 64
CHARME(R)S 21267 71
DEGuSTE(D) 16877 74
OSSuARY 15417 70
ASTRiN(G)E 148 59
UNFASTe(N) 7915 83
aD(E)PTEST 9101 80
ORANGEY 1357 75
DUP(E)RIES 5084 94
G(R)EEDIer 8838 70
YEASTED 3906 75
NOTATES 741 61
COCHLEA(R) 20234 82
TAPD(O)WNS* 0 86
(O)UTFEEDs* 0 86
AdVENtS 2994 64
I(N)SECURE 2953 64
LEArNIN(G) 1557 84
GIRLIES 3811 76
CONiNES 4431 77
SArT(O)RII 2347 78
ELE(C)TRON 1865 74
dISOWNS 15430 65
PUERILE 3996 75
DEA(D)LIFt 8167 78
(S)WORDMEN 9758 68
T(E)QUILAS 4733 69
dOWNB(E)AT 3788 98
AERA(T)IOn 8 66
P(O)UCHIER 11361 88
INCaGES 2413 82
PETUnIA 674 71
cLASSED 15186 68
PATIEN(c)E 2060 67
DoGGIE(S)T 8826 62
BL(o)WSiER 6460 82
VIOLATE 430 73
SHOOLES 24267 74
NITERI(E)s 429 69
(P)AVEMENT 11672 82
RIDINGS 8569 80
USEABLE 6322 80
TH(E)SAURI 1352 71
ORBITER 3437 74
GUIDA(B)lE 7965 72
VERSIFy 19978 100
(I)MPRESES 24547 89
TiTR(A)BLE 3746 86
NEDDIER 5272 77
C(A)TcHIEr 16989 94
LOFTIER 1263 90
GOLIATH 6449 85
BIL(G)IEST 13365 76
ENVE(L)OPS 14934 80
UnAN(E)LED 6410 82
TAJINEs 2325 81
DIRT(I)EST 5969 70
INARMED 833 82
REViSAL 2051 88
EPIcENE 14025 75
AIRPOST 1594 70
MONASTi(C) 5633 76
UNTA(N)GLE 5270 74
nEGATOR 80 80
URINALS 1867 69
FRETtED 14556 78
ETAE(R)IOS 17 68
TAPHOLE 6735 79
GLAIVES 4462 77
HaTLIKE 7468 101
NOOGIES 1500 66
INDENTS 2717 74
R(E)LIANCE 610 65
SANTIMI 5270 106
sNEERIE(R) 4213 74
FUSTIAN 4753 68
ACETAT(E)S 13581 62
LINE(A)GES 918 65
SLeEKED 17395 87
M(A)NROPES 3866 65
(R)IVIERAS 7317 88
INTERNE 973 64
INSECTS 9373 77
FLOUREd 6117 72
REWIR(I)NG 10760 98
UtIL(I)ZER 8240 67
NITTIES(T) 13229 68
BILT(O)nGS 9355 66
WONtONS 16438 74
(G)RAPNELS 5879 74
PUNTERS 5560 70
(O)uTNAmES 1794 71
CAST(L)INg 11487 86
HORNIER 3463 71
RANKN(E)Ss 20218 62
C(A)ZIQuES 21962 104
DETENUE 6494 80
PEATIEr 358 72
E(N)AMORED 769 76
DERATED 3769 68
EBONIZ(E)S 8252 90
UTTERED 8168 76
FIL(I)GREE 10334 98
BE(T)AINEs 788 68
TRIb(A)DES 945 82
(H)ULLOoED 20800 86
OV(E)RLOaD 3719 74
(S)EAGIRTS* 0 80
ACeRBES(T) 6730 82
SEVERIT(Y) 6844 95
AERATES 761 63
G(L)EETIER 2704 61
DERIVAt(E) 618 86
SAWDUST 19106 71
CRIBbAG(ES) 20485 98
PE(N)SIONE 4228 61
HORNIES(T) 768 86
(H)APTeRON 2742 89
DO(C)TRINE 570 64
(S)ARTORII 2347 68
NOISIER 235 71
A(G)ONISES 1992 77
DOCTRIN(E) 570 72
COOLERs 7711 77
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
hEART(I)LY 4393 149
PRa(L)INES 1012 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
STE(E)PI(N)GS* 0 63
vARIOR(UM)S 18284 93
LeV(A)N(T)ING 4375 62
n(ON)NATIVE 5338 86
CRIBbAG(ES) 20485 98
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Q(U)ESTING 13930 69
I(N)VIABLE 8046 69
OUTBRoK(E) 21430 88
MARAN(T)AS 21147 62
UN(V)ISORs 20888 90
MIRV(ED) 8743 24
TAbULAR 15616 0
(E)LSHIN 4476 20
BEAU 887 22
SORBITE 1236 73
DYNE 1731 0
FEED 2127 0
ALP 674 0
PLATIER 884 80
FLONgED* 0 0
RIGH(T)O 6305 36
IONISE(R)S 4153 68
STEEPE(R)S 26365 77
ARMOnI(C)A 6238 72
RE(TIGHTEnS) 6012 39
NAY 438 43
(u)NBED 4917 24
S(I)L(E) 309 23
CLINKIE(r)* 0 0
LISTIEr* 0 0
SL(I)NKIER 8238 74
KYRIE 6017 34
EChELLE 29793 72
(C)HITIN 10094 30
AI(X)ON* 0 0
(W)INNIED* 0 0
COCHLEA(R) 20234 82
SOLES 3815 0
ONBEAmS* 0 0
LOSEL 5395 34
ORBITER 3437 74
(I)MPRESES 24547 89
ABUNA 6750 35
NEDDIER 5272 77
RACK 3284 0
(Q)UAIS 4773 0
ABOUTS 7263 44
POE* 0 0
FOUET 2212 45
OVATE 264 0
OWE 122 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 211
Invalid Games 0.04 9
Incomplete 0.04 8
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 1
Total Turns 25.87 5458
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.47 100
Score 414.42 87443
Score per Turn 31.9952
Turns 12.95 2733
Vertical Plays 6.08 1282
Horizontal Plays 5.91 1247
One Tile Plays 0.46 97
Other Plays 0.51 107
Firsts 0.47 99
Vertical Openings per First 0.7000
Horizontal Openings per First 0.3000
Full Rack per Turn 0.5873
Exchanges 0.36 76
High Game 654
Low Game 268
Highest Scoring Turn 122
Bingos Played 1.86 392
Sevens 0.82 174
Eights 1.03 217
Nines 0.00 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6004.82
Sevens 4897.27
Eights 6939.93
Nines 1411.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.03 10346
A 4.45 940
B 0.97 204
C 0.94 199
D 1.91 404
E 5.92 1250
F 0.91 193
G 1.41 297
H 1.06 223
I 4.40 929
J 0.44 92
K 0.43 91
L 2.03 429
M 1.05 222
N 2.94 620
O 4.04 852
P 1.00 212
Q 0.43 90
R 2.95 622
S 1.96 413
T 2.90 611
U 1.86 393
V 1.08 227
W 0.98 206
X 0.55 115
Y 0.91 191
Z 0.49 103
? 1.03 218
Power Tiles Played 4.89 1031
? 1.03 218
J 0.44 92
Q 0.43 90
X 0.55 115
Z 0.49 103
S 1.96 413
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 19
? 0.02 4
J 0.01 2
Q 0.03 6
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 1
S 0.03 6
Turns With a Blank 1.51 319
Triple Triples Played 0.01 3
Bingoless Games 0.10 21
Bonus Square Coverage 16.31 3441
Double Letter 5.42 1144
Triple Letter 5.39 1138
Double Word 3.15 664
Triple Word 2.35 495
Phony Plays 0.14 29
Unchallenged 0.05 11
Challenged Off 0.09 18
Challenges 0.44 93
You Won 0.14 29
Opponent Lost 0.08 16
You Lost 0.14 30
Opponent Won 0.09 18
Challenge Percentage 0.4915
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4706
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3793
Comments 6.08 1282
Comments Word Length 130.14 27460
Mistakeless Turns 12.95 2733
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4944 (0.4608, 0.5198)
B 0.4850 (0.4276, 0.5530)
C 0.4700 (0.4276, 0.5530)
D 0.4775 (0.4460, 0.5346)
E 0.4933 (0.4647, 0.5159)
F 0.4550 (0.4276, 0.5530)
G 0.4700 (0.4391, 0.5415)
H 0.5300 (0.4276, 0.5530)
I 0.4889 (0.4608, 0.5198)
J 0.4400 (0.4017, 0.5789)
K 0.4300 (0.4017, 0.5789)
L 0.5075 (0.4460, 0.5346)
M 0.5250 (0.4276, 0.5530)
N 0.4900 (0.4541, 0.5265)
O 0.5050 (0.4590, 0.5216)
P 0.5000 (0.4276, 0.5530)
Q 0.4300 (0.4017, 0.5789)
R 0.4917 (0.4541, 0.5265)
S 0.4900 (0.4460, 0.5346)
T 0.4833 (0.4541, 0.5265)
U 0.4650 (0.4460, 0.5346)
V 0.5400 (0.4276, 0.5530)
W 0.4900 (0.4276, 0.5530)
X 0.5500 (0.4017, 0.5789)
Y 0.4550 (0.4276, 0.5530)
Z 0.4900 (0.4017, 0.5789)
? 0.5150 (0.4276, 0.5530)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.53 111
Score 418.74 88355
Score per Turn 32.4239
Turns 12.91 2725
Vertical Plays 5.75 1213
Horizontal Plays 6.08 1283
One Tile Plays 0.51 107
Other Plays 0.58 122
Firsts 0.53 112
Vertical Openings per First 0.0947
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9053
Full Rack per Turn 0.7328
Exchanges 0.37 79
High Game 627
Low Game 229
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.90 400
Sevens 0.84 177
Eights 1.03 218
Nines 0.02 5
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7219.96
Sevens 6777.32
Eights 7500.26
Nines 12120.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.38 10209
A 4.35 918
B 1.00 212
C 1.00 211
D 2.00 422
E 5.78 1220
F 1.07 226
G 1.49 315
H 0.93 196
I 4.31 909
J 0.55 116
K 0.56 118
L 1.82 384
M 0.93 197
N 2.80 590
O 3.78 797
P 0.95 200
Q 0.52 109
R 2.84 599
S 1.96 414
T 2.91 615
U 1.97 416
V 0.89 187
W 1.00 212
X 0.45 95
Y 1.08 228
Z 0.51 107
? 0.93 196
Power Tiles Played 4.91 1037
? 0.93 196
J 0.55 116
Q 0.52 109
X 0.45 95
Z 0.51 107
S 1.96 414
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 23
? 0.02 4
J 0.00 1
Q 0.03 6
X 0.00 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 11
Turns With a Blank 1.45 305
Triple Triples Played 0.01 2
Bingoless Games 0.06 12
Bonus Square Coverage 15.69 3310
Double Letter 4.92 1038
Triple Letter 5.51 1163
Double Word 2.85 601
Triple Word 2.41 508
Phony Plays 0.26 55
Unchallenged 0.13 27
Challenged Off 0.13 28
Challenges 0.44 93
You Won 0.09 18
Opponent Lost 0.14 30
You Lost 0.08 16
Opponent Won 0.14 29
Challenge Percentage 0.5294
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5085
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4909
Comments 6.08 1282
Comments Word Length 130.14 27460
Mistakeless Turns 12.58 2654
Mistakes per Turn 0.0272
Mistakes 0.35 74
Knowledge 0.09 20
Finding 0.05 11
Vision 0.04 8
Tactics 0.02 5
Strategy 0.10 22
Endgame 0.02 4
Time 0.02 4
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4543, 0.5133)
B 0.5000 (0.4211, 0.5465)
C 0.5000 (0.4211, 0.5465)
D 0.5000 (0.4395, 0.5281)
E 0.4817 (0.4582, 0.5094)
F 0.5350 (0.4211, 0.5465)
G 0.4967 (0.4326, 0.5350)
H 0.4650 (0.4211, 0.5465)
I 0.4789 (0.4543, 0.5133)
J 0.5500 (0.3952, 0.5724)
K 0.5600 (0.3952, 0.5724)
L 0.4550 (0.4395, 0.5281)
M 0.4650 (0.4211, 0.5465)
N 0.4667 (0.4476, 0.5200)
O 0.4725 (0.4525, 0.5151)
P 0.4750 (0.4211, 0.5465)
Q 0.5200 (0.3952, 0.5724)
R 0.4733 (0.4476, 0.5200)
S 0.4900 (0.4395, 0.5281)
T 0.4850 (0.4476, 0.5200)
U 0.4925 (0.4395, 0.5281)
V 0.4450 (0.4211, 0.5465)
W 0.5000 (0.4211, 0.5465)
X 0.4500 (0.3952, 0.5724)
Y 0.5400 (0.4211, 0.5465)
Z 0.5100 (0.3952, 0.5724)
? 0.4650 (0.4211, 0.5465)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
F9 (T)YPY +20 Knowledge Large
3C COURD +28 Finding Large
D8 DUROC #findingsaddest
11I FOUL +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
2J QAT +35 Endgame Large
6L Q(I)N #endgamesaddest
O4 SACK +26 Endgame Large
C11 SAK(I) #endgamesaddest
L6 ER +18 Finding Large
On tilt. L5 NOR. #findingsaddest
14F JA(I) +53 Strategy Large
B3 JOOK. #strategysaddest
C12 OBEY +36 Strategy Small
C12 OBOE #strategysad
15A WE(Y) +27 Finding Small
2A OW(R)E #findingsad
K10 ADRY +33 Finding Large
Didn't see K10 ABY lol. #findingsaddest
10A RINGLET(S) +63 Knowledge Medium
I wasn't 100% sure of B3 TRE(B)LING. #knowledgesadder
D12 ANTI +23 Endgame Small
E8 UN(L)IT #endgamesad
N2 PEEK +36 Vision Large
N2 PACKET #visionsaddest
A1 C(R)AW +39 Strategy Large
O1 VAW #strategysaddest
I7 T(I)Z +23 Strategy Medium
E11 AZ(O)TH and E11 ZH(O) hit more bingos. #strategysadder
B2 IT(A)LIC +23 Finding Large
LECTIN just fits atop OE which I somehow failed to notice. That's far and away best. This was just poor. Totally rushed this turn. #findingSADDEST
C3 EOLiPIL(E) +76 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of L1 POLLIEs. At least he might not know the hook for this. #KNOWLEDGESAD
K5 BA(T)S +32 Knowledge Large
And here I am. Again. For the third fucking time, shitting my pants trying to block shit when I should be playing equity. This is total ASS and I chickened out of L2 COBIAS. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
K5 BA(T)S +32 Strategy Large
And here I am. Again. For the third fucking time, shitting my pants trying to block shit when I should be playing equity. This is total ASS and I chickened out of L2 COBIAS. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
1A OM +28 Knowledge Large
O1 AE +17 Time Large
wtf. I saw the word EPEIRA but not O3 EPEIRA. I think I had less than a minute or something. #TIMESADDEST
H12 (H)OUR +21 Time Large
H12 (H)URT is best. #TIMESADDEST
8H UTERInE +64 Strategy Small
Champions Cup 2024, Round 6. 8F UTERInE #strategysmall
K4 XU +33 Finding Medium
K3 OXIM #findingsadder
3L WANG +22 Finding Large
15A GANGUE #findingsaddest
12L U(T)A +28 Strategy Small
N1 AW(N) #strategysad
7F JOW +20 Strategy Small
10B WE #strategysad
B5 QIB(LA) +18 Time Large
10B BEG #timesaddest
15A AGENDA +31 Strategy Small
15A AGNATE #strategysad
O7 FRU(C)T +30 Knowledge Large
D8 MO(B)IE +24 Strategy Large
A6 (V)OE #strategysaddest
11H KAON +34 Vision Small
3G KAIN #visionsad
15F MEAD +38 Strategy Small
H11 AMI(N)O #strategysad
M2 OPIATE +26 Knowledge Large
5C GUNITE +16 Strategy Small
C9 (GO)UGE I guess. #strategysad
J6 PA(L) +24 Knowledge Large
11E TE(R)RANES +82 Strategy Medium
11D TER(R)ANES #strategysadder
13B TUMOR +21 Strategy Small
I was focused to much on blocking after his fish.12I TUMOR is fine. #strategysad
B10 BL(IT)E +26 Vision Small
1K KEB. I missed the BOVINE hook. #visionsad
D1 WEKA +34 Finding Medium
15A ASKEW #findingsadder
B9 (H)YE +33 Knowledge Large
GAWSY crossed my mind here but I didn't want to take a risk - thought HYE would run the score up to where I could outrun a lot of bingos. I'll give myself a blanket #knowledgelarge here to cover the rest of the game for not knowing CASTLINGS for sure.
G13 ZO +48 Strategy Small
CP likes this, saying it wins 95%, but it's surely dependent on full confidence in CASTLINGS. Given that I did not have that confidence, a great option is 11D VOW/VAW, setting up SOZ/SAZ to follow up in the endgame, also winning 95% because the bingos Bradley does get down score so much less. Unfortunately, I burned a huge amount of time grappling with this position and somehow still didn't generate VOW/VAW, leaving me vulnerable to time pressure on my next move. #strategysmall #timelarge
G13 ZO +48 Time Large
CP likes this, saying it wins 95%, but it's surely dependent on full confidence in CASTLINGS. Given that I did not have that confidence, a great option is 11D VOW/VAW, setting up SOZ/SAZ to follow up in the endgame, also winning 95% because the bingos Bradley does get down score so much less. Unfortunately, I burned a huge amount of time grappling with this position and somehow still didn't generate VOW/VAW, leaving me vulnerable to time pressure on my next move. #strategysmall #timelarge
N6 SWAMI +25 Endgame Large
I had well under a minute here and the fastest math I could do indicated that this move would win without needing to risk CASTLINGS (I scored it right but added it wrong) - it turned out that it actually tied instead. Then I insisted on recounting the game, even after Bradley offered me a tie, and discovered multiple plays I had overscored, and ended up losing by 3. Tough loss, but I've had worse. #endgamelarge
8G JOW +26 Tactics Unspecified
Champions Cup 2023, Round 7. 8F DOWF #tacticsasdder
7H FAND +25 Tactics Small
7H FAD #tacticssad
3F GIBUS +13 Strategy Large
14D GIB. I did not want to give him another chance to fish, but leaving 1 in the bag is fine. #strategysaddest
exch EII +0 Tactics Small
H8 (Y)ITIE #tacticssmall
7H OU +8 Tactics Medium
9G EUOI #tacticsmedium
11F SHOOLES +74 Strategy Large
Big mistake. B1 SHOOLES does not give back much and is certainly better than this placement. #strategySADDEST
A4 (F)OREX +45 Vision Large
12G EXPO. I didn't think to look anywhere else. #visionSADDEST
N2 BONG +21 Vision Small
I have no idea what to do here. L2 GOB I guess. #visionsmall
H4 FAIRY +30 Strategy Large
Just AERIFY was my original instinct. That was the correct instinct #strategylarge
13I K(N)URL +28 Finding Large
14E KRUBU(T) for sure #findingsaddest
F6 KI(L)O +18 Knowledge Large
9J POE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
K5 OPENE(R)S damn instead I played a phony like dumbass #KNOWLEDGESADDEST remixed
C9 PEONS +36 Knowledge Large
C9 PEONES #knowledgeSADDEST oof
E11 FED +32 Knowledge Large
M3 COW +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge Quackle likes F13 OWT and maybe I gotta make the board more volatile when I'm so behind #strategysmall
M3 COW +25 Strategy Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge Quackle likes F13 OWT and maybe I gotta make the board more volatile when I'm so behind #strategysmall
J4 ACETAT(E)S +62 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
O7 HOT +31 Knowledge Large
2E LINE(A)GES +65 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 14E SEELING #Knowledgesad
H1 J(E)E +33 Vision Small
1F LIE or K8 LI(R)I would have been better. I saw K8 LI(R)I next turn but by then my opponent had already taken the spot #visionsad
3C TYIN +18 Knowledge Small
Quackle just wants me to dump everything but either the L or the N at this point. BIG oof. Also i chickened out of I10 (T)INILY #Knowledgesad
G13 GAL +18 Finding Large
4A LUAU is nice #findingsaddest Lmao i'm so out of time by this point that I can't think
7F REZ +27 Strategy Large
7E REEK #strategysaddest
6L TOWT +35 Vision Large
I saw AMOWT but didn't see that it fit at 4K AMOWT. #VISIONSADDEST
N10 OMEGA +25 Strategy Large
B12 OGEE #strategysaddest
C5 FIXT +28 Vision Medium
4K OFT seems better. #visionsadder
8G FEU +12 Tactics Small
Word Cup 2023, Round 17. Exch. EFUV #tacticssmall
K1 ROM +20 Strategy Small
11E MHORRS #strategysmall
C10 P(O)ND +14 Finding Small
C9 DR(O)PT #findingsad
F10 F(L)ECK +32 Knowledge Large
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 3225 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 3169 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 3060 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 6027 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 7551 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 5591 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 7051 41 Game is incomplete.
Game 7493 6 Move made by unknown player.
Game 7587 32 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.