Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which the combined score is no greater than 200 points. Many games on end before a combined score of 200 points but are considered incomplete and are not counted. Many valid six pass games are not included because they are malformed.
Didn't generate M8 AVOURE as a choice, which is better defensively and bingos a solid amount more than VAURIEN (33% to 21%). I had it down to BOUVIER vs. VAURIEN which is indeed more of a coin flip. #findingmedium
My thinking here was that RIDIC blocks the board for bingos completely and after any IRIDIC play I was highly likely to follow up with a bingo of my own. But something like 12B CIRL also blocks the board nearly completely without allowing huge potential counterplay, and I completely spaced on K11 CRIT, though I'm not sure how smart that move is to actually play. (edit: K11 CRIT was not actually available to me thanks to my AUGITES annotation error referenced earlier) #strategymedium
1F ST(O)OKIES or 1F SO(O)KIEST or 1E STO(O)KIES. I'd like to think that I would have found the bings with more time, because I had almost none at this point, so I'm marking this as #TIMESADDEST
At this point I have 3 seconds on my clock. The best play is 6A ES, which is 4 points better than this. What I should have played was 1G T(O)EAS or 1F ST(O)AE so the game is over and I don't have to worry about going overtime, but I completely missed them. #timesaddest
Was really close to playing SLY; somehow missed J4 IDYLS which looks good too. DITZY gets hit way harder in response and scores much less. #strategymedium #findingmedium 21:44
Was really close to playing SLY; somehow missed J4 IDYLS which looks good too. DITZY gets hit way harder in response and scores much less. #strategymedium #findingmedium 21:44
J6 WUS a smidge better defensively and much higher upside for me next turn, CKLN crushes the H1 triple a lot with vowels. (CALKIN, LUCKEN in particular score massively) #tacticssmall 20:04
Tanked down to next to nothing here, just could not find anything I liked. However, SULFO is obviously very wrong and hemorrhages any win% I have here. I probably should've done the other move I was considering of N10 FUERO and hope to draw unblockable bingos in different areas of the board, of which there are a handful. #strategylarge
So excited by the possibility of opening with CWM here, but COWY is still very defensive and doesn't leave absolute dreck. It's not stylistic, it's just wrong #tacticssadder
Ben looks like he wants to cry and I'm convinced lunch is after three games so I just played this fast so I could eat. Unfortunately lunch is after 4 games #endgamesadder #lunch
NOT A WORD. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. 3G F(E)WS sims best but Quackle is probably incorrectly emptying the bag too much in response. 11F Wo(L)FINGS seems okay.
Not thrilled to open the double-double but this was by far the most palatable equity move; 7E KEPT was my other option, and Quackle prefers it slightly based on just a bit better defense. #strategysmall 17:51
Seemed justified with the blank in hand, but I almost did the much safer LUZ to create a really ugly board position. I think I prefer that now, but AXLE has its merits. #strategysmall 11:11
I passed on B2 YIELD because I didn't want to hang floaters on rows 2 and 3 or leave the R open, but looking at it now, it seems best. It sims with 20 more win percentage points over B6 DRILY. Probably because the I and Y aren't great floaters, and I sometimes get outrun by A8 plays. Big mistake. #strategylarge
This was tough. AUNE looks like the best way to shed vowels (especially the U) and not open anything too dangerous the way I7 UREA does. Truth be told, I wrote the word on my sheet and thought I was confusing it with Cornelia's daughter. WAE sims a couple points behind. #knowledgemedium
J2 KUNA holding on to the S was my other option here and maybe I need to do that. After KUIAS I'm pretty much committed to bingoing to the R of AIRILY. #strategysmall
Chosen over 13E VINED to preserve a better board for making a comeback, but there sure are a lot of Os unseen... F2 or 13H VENINE look like safer options that still keep a lot of threats available. Tough call. #strategymedium
Just flat out missed CORTEGE, which doesn't take the zillion hooks CONGREE does - I actually forgot about the D hook and hoped perhaps I would be likelier to remember the T hook than Benjy. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
Just flat out missed CORTEGE, which doesn't take the zillion hooks CONGREE does - I actually forgot about the D hook and hoped perhaps I would be likelier to remember the T hook than Benjy. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
Drat. Still not rock solid on finding the 30k-40k probability 8s like UNFIXITY, which plays at A8 for 89. I'd have had a shot of seeing it if the X had been a natural tile as opposed to the blank designation. #findinglarge
Stopping miracle column A bingos and scary plays like 10B JAR. Something like 2I DINTING is mostly bulletproof as well, though I guess it would suck if Benjy had AGITABLE or EGLATERE. Quackle also likes 11H EMEND which I admit looks quite good to me, holding my lone vowel to dump the Q if I draw it and blocking the N and T of OUTPAINT. #strategysmall
there it is; missing PETITORY# is unacceptable. but i know literally 3 csw words. #knowledgelarge -27 also i should block the 14F spot with NOY if i'm going to play those letters (i thought of BEZ too, but the Z at 14F would be worse).
i fish way too much in general. i think i should play EYE here. at B5 it might give up a lot of pts, but if he bingos i might get a big play back, and he seemed like he was going to bingo again. -2.5 #tacticssmall
I tanked for a long time just to play this. Sad! Sim says 9F SAIN, which looks way better. I was trying to block row 9 bings and column N bings, but I give back row 15 bings which is asinine. #strategysaddest
I had no time and was afraid that a bingo after 3A CONFITS would lose me the game. I figured it was unlikely that he could end a bingo with an A at 3A. I did not realize I was up by enough that only a 3x3 would lose me the game. #TIMESADDEST
10M (E)VO is best. He can't block the O column for that much and it gets rid of the V while scoring something. 7A B(I)Z is comically terrible because of what happens next. I think I had about 20 seconds left. #endgamesaddest
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
D1 hORSIES. I didn't consider putting a letter in the triple would be better. Also, despite being about 8 fewer points than all the other bingos, J4 vIROSES sims second best just barely behind D1 hORSIES. #strategysad
13M GU(T). I thought 1H UNRO(V)E was a huge strategic error after the game, but it's too close to be making short blocking plays, I need to score. It's still a mistake though. #strategysadder
Matt's suggestion of H12 (TE)DY after the game seems to be correct. That and 13M GA(T) are the only winning plays. They outrun bingos in every scenario. #strategysaddest
M7 MIB is a lil better it seems, at least defensively. -4 #tacticssmall -- actually, i can't see why AEIP results in a higher average score next turn (but lower bingo %).. anyone?
sigh. i thought the U was likely to be in the bag, there's also an S and a blank to draw for (this late in the game, turnover does start to matter a tiny bit). additionally, this is also a bit of a blocking play, but not totally, it's easier to overlap cowiest in collins. but i was reasonably happy with this play, it puts me up by a lot and there's a decent chance i can unload the Q next turn for some points as well. C3 Q(A)T only sims a little better, but the best simmer is 2A OWT! maybe it's ok to keep the Q for now and play shorter? after all 2A OWT scores only 7 fewer than COWIEST but keeps the S. damn. -6 #strategymedium
I was panicked at this point because I thought he might be close to a bingo which would be game over. This put me deep in the tank and I tunneled on row 13 plays and column J plays. 12J GU(C)K is just clearly best and it's not even close. I need to calm down and just play the equity here. #strategysaddest
I used my astounding and unfathomable knowledge of the leave values to correctly determine that H1 LIMA is better than H1 DIME and I am vindicated by the engine analysis which evaluates H1 LIMA as 0.1 equity better. Also, I completely missed G6 ID(E)M which is the best play #visionsad
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10541, Round 14).
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