Ben Schoenbrun
Ben Schoenbrun
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
OUT(P)LACE 6732 63
ORINASA(L) 876 60
LEFtIEs 4169 80
PARA(N)oEA 4701 60
TOWABLE 4996 77
OUTRACE 896 74
(E)STRAGON 257 70
EARST(o)NE 45 78
LADANUm 19746 61
(S)LOKENeD 13812 89
BAlLOON 23406 76
DRAG(O)NET 241 90
A(C)ROLEIN 191 74
sELENiD(E) 3522 74
(T)ABOUrET 4629 72
RERAISE 824 67
T(O)XICANT 19637 84
TiNGLES 2323 78
C(o)ASTERS 6477 61
OVULATE 2633 73
NANOWIR(E) 983 72
B(O)LTOnIA 4515 80
AD(u)LATES 3675 66
BOTF(L)IES 6787 86
ElUTION 184 64
cHEER(I)nG 9221 64
TRUEING 777 76
AIRPORt 4021 65
D(A)TABASE 12965 176
COLl(A)GEN 11391 63
TEREDOS 809 77
POUTINE 1309 67
STEE(L)ING 2262 74
ROSINOL 4589 83
AErIALS 494 64
WOOd(S)MEN 15587 66
EMULS(I)ON 2833 64
MELTA(B)LE 19123 64
GORIEST 414 73
TRANSEC(T) 4991 83
STANiNE 522 78
OUTLINE 178 68
NOSHING 14779 74
lITERAT(E) 521 74
IOLITES 742 70
zENAID(A)S 7070 74
(A)NTIQUER 1634 131
TO(I)LINET 1937 58
R(E)AScEND 3012 72
EXEDRAS 9732 91
AUgITES 1001 78
YOBBIER 23156 86
TOLUIDE(S) 1131 80
AR(R)IAGEs 4813 75
iNSANIE 2229 74
A(I)RLINES 393 70
ISOTHeR(E) 1073 83
(R)ETAILED 145 72
WINGLET(S) 8197 74
ORIENTE(D) 59 77
OLiVERS 2729 69
FLESHI(E)R 13787 67
PiNKEST 14784 91
NETTIER 1026 92
WEARIER 2686 78
ENt(W)INED 6428 72
WUTHErS 13393 71
ORTO(L)ANS 2495 68
REPUTEs 6495 83
AERATIN(G) 221 80
THANA(G)ES 6624 66
OMELETS 4612 73
(C)OBBLING 37693 84
R(U)RAlITE 1192 78
R(I)NGTAIL 2371 76
COnGREE 5354 74
BOLTOnI(A) 4518 61
DIEHARD 6667 91
NONEQ(U)aL 10182 86
LOGAnIA 3064 68
HETAIRA 1073 67
COMPARE(R) 22200 82
NEUTRAL 416 70
AER(O)DART 1924 63
REQuIE(M)S 19626 90
CO(E)DITED 10047 70
PaRBAKE 25182 84
TERRANE 1338 71
AIRCOnS 2182 70
STINKER 3432 82
RIOTOUS 3285 67
VE(R)TICaL 3141 62
nOTI(F)IED 1599 72
MYL(O)NITE 3942 76
(M)oRPHING 19668 101
sILKIER 9157 73
(R)EACTANT 5497 89
EQU(I)TIEs 9943 114
I(s)OTONES 3856 78
REVISAL 2062 76
L(I)FESPAN 7531 67
INNO(V)ATE 984 65
(M)iRBANES 4312 92
MATTRES(S) 16352 70
UNlEA(D)ED 7780 140
AC(C)RETES 16228 66
D(E)POrTEE 5482 90
AN(O)INTER 40 82
BEDSOR(E)S 14609 72
EARThED 2188 78
A(N)ODISED 1517 63
PLAINTS 6644 77
ElATION 4 73
DEFIN(I)TE 3296 82
LUTEOLi(N) 2492 59
NUTJOBs 26152 107
RE(C)LEANS 3960 64
O(V)ErWARM 22314 67
TA(B)LEAUS 10398 70
rEVOICE(S) 4586 64
(C)AROTINS 1428 72
DISHWAR(E) 7507 69
AN(T)IRIOT 1130 61
F(R)OGLIkE 13569 71
AL(I)ENORS 21 74
SO(D)ALITE 127 86
tOTIENT 7435 75
NEEDIER 1672 75
IMPREST 9597 90
BLaN(K)ETS 13794 63
EDITION 242 71
TiTRAT(E)D 8027 66
CINEAST(E) 816 82
(C)UB(I)CALlY 28449 118
VARIOLA 3530 95
GOODIES 3026 96
SlAcKIN(G) 21993 98
SIDEWAL(K) 17943 113
LUNATED 1503 77
HOSEMEn 12170 71
FRAILt(E)E 834 74
(G)RAPLINE 2406 86
IMPLAT(E)D 7511 66
RIDLEYs 7609 79
SNITTIE(R) 2460 62
FINESSE 11161 71
P(L)ATINUM 15409 74
ALDRINs 2490 81
RAINIES(T) 89 77
DOFFERS 24771 72
AUgU(S)TER 12083 61
(F)EIsTIER 4539 70
DANCI(E)ST 1281 80
IODATI(O)N 1407 61
TEREDOS 809 74
AGITAtE 2508 71
SURFEIT 3284 73
GAVOTTE 6284 77
UN(E)ASIER 125 70
GAMBLeD 15321 86
FI(R)EbASE 4238 80
SInUATE 125 70
CAROUSE(R) 6034 87
URALItE 123 76
ANERGIA 369 72
ROU(T)INES 105 68
GOALIES 381 81
REO(R)IENT 286 82
MO(U)SIESt 9727 86
(B)ILiNEAR 1230 70
ANOL(Y)TES 1393 63
ArEOLAE 384 63
SNiV(E)LED 5339 62
NAILSET 139 76
READERS 4978 64
AUGITES 770 65
TRAINE(E)S 36 73
(V)EINIEST 3498 83
(L)INgUINE 12470 74
RESTOKE(D) 9282 67
HAIRNeT 230 87
SUASION 5433 85
SUbAREA 6013 64
EU(P)ATRID 1041 63
uNB(I)TTER 5266 67
EASIEST 2060 64
POET(I)SER 811 70
(Q)uINELAS 4731 101
LADINGS 7115 86
STARVES 9364 75
TAxICAB 27225 76
MuPPETS 31646 87
OROIDES 1355 78
LE(F)TOVER 10559 69
NEUROPI(L) 1887 62
FLEURON 5227 67
P(R)EEMIES 17087 82
NI(F)TIEST 8929 74
TALeSM(A)N 4916 68
(R)EINVADE 616 68
(A)NtEVErT 3668 89
PAR(O)LING 3643 74
G(A)THERED 4606 83
TOWNEES 2666 76
FLOAt(E)LS 9663 64
TARTaRS 15259 71
RE(M)OTION 1200 64
TUNICLE 4331 84
ARCADiA 18058 91
POETICS 5106 92
LATINAS 2373 70
TANNERY 3995 84
(R)EDSHiFT 9115 95
(E)NTRESOL 490 68
dO(C)UMENT 13484 76
V(I)TAMERS 4423 67
AREOLES 387 81
pISCI(N)AE 8279 86
VEN(E)NOSE 17583 61
(V)OTArIES 218 72
DENTALS 1501 84
(Y)EArLING 2412 72
GENERIC 4512 76
MA(N)DRILL 19787 62
COTiNGA 3574 63
DEATHIE(R) 818 66
SERINGA 353 89
TITUBAT(E) 19513 83
ATAXIES 5320 92
LENTISK 8256 95
ENJOINS 10770 85
EDAC(I)OUs 1652 74
GRAnTEE 475 82
PARONYM(S) 18590 80
SIG(N)ALED 1134 60
INVITE(R)S 2678 82
(V)AQuEROS 10988 71
PINOTAG(E) 496 86
AENEOUS 390 70
TORmI(N)AL 1435 58
ENISLED 1376 77
E(N)TOILED 172 62
AER(O)FoIL 892 72
DACOITS 3337 74
ESERINE 1272 74
ECAUDA(T)E 7710 66
HYALITE 5857 78
SEnITIS 5923 64
(A)N(D)ROGENS 2186 73
LiNTIER 504 72
ORIFIc(E)S 7387 64
NEGATOR 104 64
TEMpO(R)AL 5307 80
FLOURI(E)R 6063 76
GARIGUE 6217 84
ASSEGaI 7866 75
ADIpOUS 5456 75
ET(HE)RIZES 13503 81
EDIfIED 14711 79
(T)IERCELS 4074 72
(T)ONIfIED 2189 72
OUTSER(T)S 16543 70
DONNERt 1798 67
POLYEN(E)S 11381 64
UnDEREA(T) 376 77
MO(N)ETISE 848 61
BuRRITO 9663 72
HEINIES 4378 72
ASTERIA(s) 2353 74
EBE(N)ISTE 6255 76
(L)IPsALVE 23434 89
SIDEWAY 6653 79
PRO(W)LInG 14673 76
FILAREE 1000 77
tEnTLES(S) 15913 71
M(U)lCTING 21163 98
CLOTHEd 11197 87
NEAREST 216 80
STENtOR 1715 73
AUDITO(R)S 703 72
WESTERN 4039 76
B(A)TTLINg 12811 60
RECLINE 2991 83
cHEERIO 4749 77
CASTLES 12831 72
FERMEN(T)S 10586 64
m(I)SoRDER 7969 131
LOOBIES 6895 73
ANTITAX 17664 94
TEOSI(N)TE 943 61
GREEtIN(G) 8175 80
EDIBLES 6600 78
AUT(O)mATA 21493 66
mOINEAU 432 64
ALVEOLI 4571 71
PRESaGE 5503 77
UNAIREd 84 64
WEEVILS 10907 107
ENSILED 1377 70
STORING 1852 76
GAS(E)LIER 677 62
INdUSIA 4258 81
D(O)VE(T)AILs 607 89
(L)UNETTES 8046 70
tOTTERs 15677 70
MANOAOS 14810 68
SAURIES 3891 77
ANNOYEd 4410 63
ESC(O)TING 2138 94
NATIVES 677 74
MALTOSE 2608 71
O(I)LBIRdS 11525 80
ApERIEN(T) 243 69
fO(U)RSOME 15591 70
DR(A)FTIER 2908 63
ASTER(I)AS 2479 66
PRIMUlA(S) 15468 92
V(I)RULeNT 2390 80
AGONIES 101 70
ARRA(N)GED 8021 64
RENDERs 8331 71
SWINDLE 7567 72
INCEPT(O)R 2735 81
MAnDOLA 12263 86
FUsTIER 4392 88
ASHLARE(D) 10403 76
(S)EROTINE 61 77
mIAOUED 1124 72
REINSM(A)N 3827 72
(U)RBAnITE 515 77
COTIN(I)NE 3960 65
SIL(I)CATe 2563 72
PALSIED 3022 96
GUaRDEE 3244 72
ERAS(A)BLE 7667 89
STE(A)DIER 153 70
APSIDES 12871 76
(P)ERSONAL 1783 72
U(N)WATeRY 7689 80
pURL(I)NES 4324 68
WATErME(n) 5672 74
ORATION 377 68
(T)ENONERS 2283 70
TAXIMEN 6499 73
ELONgAT(ED) 551 80
SWELTER 9015 75
INTER(C)OM 2116 62
NaEVOID 419 79
HANDLES 5588 81
PEN(S)IONE 4444 62
UnTE(T)HER 9877 70
RETAKES 4536 81
TE(C)TONIc 16991 72
TUITION 5919 66
EREWHIL(E) 12987 80
SlURPIn(G) 16123 86
DISRATE 127 71
COMPETE 18674 80
RESIZIn(G) 14532 86
BETHOrN 6961 75
AETATiS 1677 64
GLIOSIS 16832 71
KNOTtIE(R) 4189 86
S(E)PALOID 1283 62
TEAR(d)oWN 586 72
A(N)ATOMIC 6559 78
HoTLINE 1275 73
LUNGERS 8056 85
DOWERED 11938 67
c(A)REWORN 7823 70
ALEXIAs 8815 70
PUR(S)IEST 16147 70
GAUNT(R)EE 962 61
(G)ENiTORS 260 82
REGALES 2455 74
SMIdGES 17502 84
REANnEX 8401 72
G(R)OTToED 8213 63
(D)EMETONS 3751 86
PAULINS 7916 72
(A)MIRATES 1222 78
(P)EABRAIN 4997 64
UN(P)OsTED 6860 74
TRISECT 6525 74
NUTSE(D)GE 5813 74
ADAPTiO(N) 2732 70
ANGAR(I)ES 794 86
STA(G)NATE 8024 72
RINGSi(D)E 3872 140
APTERAL 3451 71
GORDItA(S) 1193 68
INBEING 11637 76
STEELIE 2627 74
TETANIc 2103 64
PRIESTE(D) 3135 74
SPARtAN 8600 70
(R)ESONATE 46 77
GROUPIE 2995 65
TAN(G)LInG 18363 140
SOnANTI(C) 5098 80
(E)LEGISeS 16771 82
(N)ERVIEsT 1626 80
DIATRON 127 63
CORSAGE 2930 76
ETALONS 161 81
NETSURf 5783 80
WOODHEN 12611 96
ATTENDS 2809 74
MENORAH(S) 3856 78
LAWINES 1557 100
SAUT(E)RNE 379 81
ACETOUs 1848 74
VERIEST 2203 86
TENAILs 109 68
(D)ANEWORT 736 98
(W)EARYING 6408 84
RENTALs 413 76
ATTEND(E)D 8917 66
WRONGeS(T) 4232 78
FAnTODS 7828 78
GR(I)MNESS 19473 69
NOURICE 1251 72
AR(C)HFOES 11294 72
L(I)TTERED 2565 67
dEUTERO(N) 489 66
(M)ONIKERS 7313 80
F(A)nTASIA 12049 61
LaNI(A)RDS 3191 82
SINUATE 125 65
DIAZINs 12091 103
IRATELY 690 79
EN(R)OOTED 881 74
oUTLEAP 1979 74
PUNSTER 5790 80
COLITIs 9169 81
HiRAGES 3387 80
ChIANTI 13260 73
dUALISM 14537 72
LoUTISH 11840 87
SAPEGOE(S) 17643 72
TATTlED 18400 70
(P)IPInESS 36120 83
ROOT(I)NGS 5076 86
NONSO(U)ND* 0 61
AUREOLA 736 61
Ag(L)ITTER 1646 61
TOPA(Z)INE 2405 88
vALORIS(E) 573 59
THEOrIS(T) 3403 72
P(E)NCILED 10435 64
IRRIGAT(E) 1954 70
STETSON 10278 76
EA(R)SHOTS 6482 77
WAVeBAN(D) 18861 66
DEADENs 8464 88
EROTEMA 619 76
WRITHeS 7162 73
TRIfLES 3280 70
VENULOS(E) 6162 65
SKITTLE 13344 82
EdACIOU(S) 1280 70
P(LA)CATION 6584 92
(C)OPREMIA 5228 84
sAF(E)TIED 1529 80
TETANIC 2103 66
(P)ROVINcE 8528 89
D(E)cAPODS 18847 62
BRULYIE 10104 85
STOURIE 243 85
RINGETT(E) 2829 63
UvEITIS 5839 62
GUITARS 2908 70
F(I)NIALED 2565 74
ACINOUS 3344 78
DENTINE 1894 85
RACEMIc 22264 76
GR(A)FTAgE 23829 94
TONGUED 3097 70
DEnARII 134 74
ANO(E)sTRI 8 78
BECAUSE 15242 82
EMURING 6363 75
FOI(S)TING 13824 62
ALTHORN 4560 78
TEQUILA 4745 90
ARSINES 1389 78
TRI(C)LAdS 6584 70
PHONIER 3694 82
(A)RTICLED 1279 81
L(I)QUORED 7539 86
BROMATE 2604 73
OLEATES 389 71
P(A)RCLOSE 8823 98
P(AL)LIATED 12449 89
OMiC(R)ONS 19458 74
OUTHItS 17178 74
VESTIGE(S) 21290 89
B(A)RONIES 235 78
ARO(M)aTIC 8602 65
MOULD(E)RS 10831 76
DANCERS 4127 72
(S)IPhONIC 29355 92
TEASE(L)ED 4614 65
NESTAB(L)E 3934 99
I(N)TEGERS 965 92
gALEATE 3612 64
FEASInG 3380 79
LANCE(T)ED 3946 62
STEREOS 6254 66
OUTA(R)GUE 5504 63
BOEHM(I)tE 12808 84
GAShING 17943 73
rETYPES 11012 83
(F)AULTIER 995 86
E(T)CETERA 8749 68
ZEMIN(D)Ar 6638 94
GASTREA 2148 85
(B)ARRAGED 14931 76
STUdIER 1163 72
T(R)ESTLES 16708 72
OIlIEST 705 66
ELONGA(T)E 442 72
(O)RECTIVe 3412 89
BALISTA 11377 79
(B)OrRELIA 1764 80
SePALIN(E) 1471 80
TWINERS 1635 78
BUrSTED 8660 74
WIsEA(C)RE 4261 78
TUNGST(E)n 17314 68
ANT(E)RIOR 42 59
(T)RAITORs 6534 74
sALLIE(R)S 15419 78
SAL(U)TING 5660 61
ANAEMI(A)S 6623 149
(E)VaNESCE 12962 78
REEDITs 784 74
GHE(R)AOEd 3749 78
E(N)HALOES 2478 62
FRO(S)TEDS 13507 68
SUETIER 614 72
LAMBI(E)ST 5635 64
INDOLES 514 75
SIEvERT 2313 76
SECREcY 22698 81
FL(O)ATIER 193 63
SON(A)NTaL 7247 64
PORCHeS 21154 84
(V)ALoRISE 720 83
COURIES 2652 67
ONEYERS 3542 87
TETRAGO(N) 1155 70
UPDAT(E)RS 4499 70
NARASES 7959 71
ATROPIN 963 72
ARA(N)EIDS 287 70
ELEC(T)IOn 788 90
(E)NGIRDLE 1636 83
PELER(I)NE 6234 72
NOT(I)FIER 909 71
LISTiNG 11960 74
(T)RAINMEN 1935 70
THIAZ(O)LE 6022 74
STROA(M)ED 1748 76
HANDLEs 5363 70
GUTROTs 17953 77
HEpTADS 13402 87
mOINEAU 429 63
NONETTE 7178 78
TARLET(A)N 2329 68
M(A)TADOrE 2177 70
D(E)VIATES 1461 74
LINIEST 1686 78
NOCTULE 5145 85
AMBONES 6665 89
ROY(A)LIzE 6029 90
(N)ORTENAS 601 77
ELEgIES 8411 66
SQ(U)INtED 7751 84
AGLITTE(R) 1561 62
ENTASIA 129 83
RET(I)ARII 3675 66
sUGARED 3468 81
SQUIRED 12275 85
(C)AUTIONS 3176 83
EGOLESS 12285 63
hITTABL(E) 10157 72
TREELI(N)E 859 59
INDENTS 2717 79
aNTIPOT 5600 76
VERsION 1318 80
pOMADES 10680 93
ANAL(G)IAs 17304 77
ENAT(I)ONS 184 70
CHiDDEN 23292 84
(E)NTODERM 2567 89
VASTiER 688 81
POINTES 954 74
TARSIER 720 94
bLA(T)HERE(D) 9538 66
IRONIES 234 65
DIPNETs 3123 70
ESTRUAL 1098 67
CO(S)TLIER 1830 61
SOLARIA 1718 67
uN(K)OSHER 19590 92
TOWELiN(G) 2151 72
DRESsER 15809 88
GREENeR 10622 68
SALUTE(R)S 7214 66
A(G)ENTIAl 629 70
TELLERS 9375 74
mAUSIER 1566 71
INFA(N)TRY 17161 106
LIATRIS 3175 68
pARADES 8119 90
SO(R)ORATE 1843 82
(P)UREEInG 4422 83
ROUNDLy 11913 62
FINaLES 2027 83
BONNIER 2467 74
MU(R)DERER 23779 69
oUTGIVE 2865 76
bOWYERS 15100 76
IGNIToR 2213 63
TEARILY 894 65
AE(R)ADIOS 162 70
REIN(S)URE 3552 70
(E)NDOCAsT 1721 70
BETAINE 484 78
(O)UTsMILE 3710 86
SNICKeR 14752 97
RAVENED 2926 68
In(D)UCIAE 3354 74
TUNIEST 3841 76
DEsPOIL 5023 86
(S)ONATINE 185 77
dUGOUTS 17993 78
CR(E)MATEd 7090 74
ENJOINS 10770 85
EDAC(I)OUs 1652 74
ONESElF 4809 83
(H)EADINGS 3636 89
RUBbLES 21545 88
pEROGIS 4019 83
DUPLIES 11549 95
BRIDGES 10083 80
GIRLIES 5351 83
SOTTING 9770 80
ClAYIER 4342 78
INTEraC(T) 1502 77
EPICIST 14413 69
SQu(E)aLED 16915 88
(R)UDDLINg 25374 83
SpURIAE 2070 79
mISC(H)IEF 34164 69
TSA(R)ITZA 21491 104
MARINAS 7326 72
ElIXIRS 12838 100
TIARAED 163 69
STONIED 220 77
APOSTLE 2628 68
cLEANSE 5406 82
ChARIER 10766 72
PREU(N)ITE 2109 74
TELNe(T)T(E)D 26687 61
MAUVA(I)SE 12566 65
MIDIRO(N)S 10716 77
INdUSIA 5693 68
ZELATOR 3111 70
BlOW(H)ARD 21621 71
IDEATEs 208 86
UNAFR(A)ID 7270 74
PELER(I)NE 4747 80
MELAENA 6082 85
INFLATE 848 76
TROt(T)ERS 24838 64
EVeNT(U)AL 2918 64
(G)ESNERIA 266 72
TRaCiNG(S) 7239 72
TANKAGE 11848 80
NANOBEE 4441 66
URANIAS 2266 74
OuTEATE(N) 694 66
OUTsEEN 812 73
TRa(V)ELER 6389 70
MARiNAS 5243 74
INCENSE 7387 76
D(I)ASTRAL 3027 68
OU(T)VOtED 14147 61
(F)rETTING 7066 86
(V)ERTIGOS 2972 68
LAMPYRI(D) 27433 96
NEU(R)OSEs 7867 66
DOTAGES 1044 75
EMOTIVE 3394 82
CONTORT 14054 77
AErODY(N)E 1038 62
DEPlETE 16214 75
SENSUAL 11312 84
VITrAGE 1628 68
BASTINg 9099 78
SANDING 12306 80
LI(M)BIEST 17499 67
(R)INGDOVE 2946 80
INSIdER 1687 81
JANtIER 1045 96
SEMITA(U)R 1383 74
S(T)RAIGHT 17745 86
TOWNLIE(R) 772 74
CARTOON 6247 85
(S)WITChED 24238 84
GAL(I)LEES 7066 63
STEnOTI(C) 3577 84
PROPANE 12561 67
FANTASM 21795 86
AIGRE(T)TE 1205 70
RENAILS 135 70
VEsTURE 9079 70
AIG(R)eTTE 1205 72
OUTSWAR(E) 1807 86
zOOECIA 9308 72
(I)GNoBLER 2935 74
(R)EASCEND 3954 63
aNDROID 4075 88
MAESTRo 1218 82
CiNEOLS 2645 79
AbORTER 3412 69
SHOALED 4992 70
RANdL(O)RD 20320 59
gROOMED 13306 74
TrIELLA 1840 80
TRYSTIN(g) 22745 83
ARENOsE 87 74
(H)EPaRINS 4399 89
PANTLEG 6295 83
OUTPArT 12979 76
IDEATES 265 76
GOItERS 412 69
OUT(DE)BATe 4558 94
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
D(A)TABASE 12965 176
UNlEA(D)ED 7780 140
m(I)SoRDER 7969 131
RINGSi(D)E 3872 140
TAN(G)LInG 18363 140
ANAEMI(A)S 6623 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(C)UB(I)CALlY 28449 118
(A)N(D)ROGENS 2186 73
ET(HE)RIZES 13503 81
D(O)VE(T)AILs 607 89
ELONgAT(ED) 551 80
P(LA)CATION 6584 92
P(AL)LIATED 12449 89
bLA(T)HERE(D) 9538 66
TELNe(T)T(E)D 26687 61
OUT(DE)BATe 4558 94
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
JU(R)AS* 0 40
COVEN(E)D* 0 26
NONSO(U)ND* 0 61
V(A)LIUM* 0 22
HEXEN(E)* 0 34
FELLOS* 0 88
NODIC* 0 24
POOFED* 0 30
SAXTON* 0 24
(A)LGIC* 0 16
RE(QUOTED)* 0 18
(NUR)LIE(R)* 0 7
HOMINE* 0 47
DOT(A)NT* 0 18
MY(C)IN* 0 48
(ALUM)InAR* 0 27
MELTI(E)R* 0 36
MY(C)O* 0 36
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
TEACH(Y)* 0 0
EXOTIc(A)L* 0 0
WOLF 3284 0
T(O)XICANT 19637 84
AGARIC 9043 32
RILEY 1383 37
FENE* 0 0
ARROYO 13025 25
FAVEST 8549 43
YOBBIER 23156 86
BOATY* 0 0
VOLTA 3376 0
GABB(E)R 17286 22
HORE 633 0
COnGREE 5354 74
IMPREST 9597 90
HOSEMEn 12170 71
KL(E)PT* 0 0
FE(R)AcIES* 0 0
SIVER 1419 0
(B)ILiNEAR 1230 70
OUTBE(T)* 0 0
PERDY 7459 40
HANDAX(E)* 0 0
OCREA 257 32
ANTITAX 17664 94
WOCK 5399 41
PREaGES* 0 0
ASHLARE(D) 10403 76
GAPPY 12584 34
VIGIAS 8666 27
PUR(S)IEST 16147 70
FAnTODS 7828 78
BAU(K) 4883 20
SAPEGOE(S) 17643 72
PISSIEr 18272 0
SNOUTY 7614 90
P(LA)CATION 6584 92
(E)XOURGIc* 0 0
LYME* 0 0
EMURING 6363 75
YAAR 2668 30
GEMMA 10452 48
P(AL)LIATED 12449 89
(P)HAGE 7013 32
Ad(D)ICTOR* 0 0
(HA)P(T)* 0 0
MOULD(E)RS 10831 76
FEASInG 3380 79
CURRAN 13485 27
ALAY 3409 36
PLAC(Q)UE* 0 0
TRIFE* 0 0
ONEYERS 3542 87
GLEI 598 26
PELER(I)NE 6234 72
GIDS 2545 38
QUAY 4932 50
(T)OMMY 12262 39
ROTGUTs 17954 0
HEpTADS 13402 87
LINIEST 1686 78
D(H)ALI* 0 0
aNTIPOT 5600 76
lOUVRIN(G)* 0 0
CHiDDEN 23292 84
JAsMIN 14378 69
YOWSERs* 0 0
In(D)UCIAE 3354 74
ZATI 1638 32
YERD 1742 40
(R)UDDLINg 25374 83
PELK* 0 0
PREU(N)ITE 2109 74
TELNe(T)T(E)D 26687 61
(C)OGG* 0 0
(T)ENNA* 0 0
TOWNLIE(R) 772 74
(S)UBEGO* 0 0
DANGELs* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
WORRIE(R)S 16033 65
PHELOnI(A) 2054 89
SLATIER 121 61
STR(E)UsEL 11649 78
BLOND(E)ST 5171 83
EXaC(T)ION 2400 67
GADoIDs 10421 80
ANURANS 11168 70
(E)MOTICON 5236 76
EVASION 336 85
(A)NNOTATE 4821 66
UPFlING 26368 84
TRUCKIN(G) 29299 69
G(L)ASSIER 7650 70
UN(B)ARRED 10923 62
GADROOn 4773 69
Re(V)ENUER 15252 70
TU(N)NAGES 5273 60
ROASTED 153 87
G(H)ERAOEd 3749 72
CLINAME(N) 13371 70
IMPARTs 8888 80
G(R)ANDEST 1106 64
DUNITES 1104 67
HESIT(A)NT 3818 72
AVERTED 2203 94
(Q)uADRANT 15077 69
oXAZOLE 16958 100
REJONEO 8979 79
RUI(N)AbLE 1277 78
SCRUNTY 24615 79
VE(R)ITIES 4586 62
(C)HAIRMAN 17997 86
COLOuR(E)D 10117 64
DISTANT 4581 75
R(E)SEATED 1879 72
bOTANIS(E) 185 85
AI(R)FARES 5293 74
SAFROLE(S) 12647 86
BoiNKED 11674 68
ANEArI(N)G 2537 66
UNROPES 5266 80
LETTING 5945 75
S(E)RIATI(N)G 254 90
DECIARE 1044 91
(C)LOTHIER 4102 78
ORGaNDY 7820 74
FEIJOAs 5534 83
A(I)RFOILS 4745 88
OVERT(A)LK 7291 84
OU(T)COMES 14831 63
ECTOZoA 10207 106
LICENSE 5499 85
OORIALS 2219 69
(E)ASEMENT 4737 89
E(R)OSIONS 3855 66
(T)ELEpORT 7464 74
SIMP(L)ESt 27989 94
PRO(t)EgEE 10059 58
FIGEA(T)Er 1082 72
COIGNES 2968 78
AU(D)ITORS 744 77
CAFTaNS 21650 79
ANODIsE 46 96
MODER(A)TE 1037 62
BAPTISE 5759 95
ARTICLe(S) 1295 80
(E)XALTERS 7896 74
DURIONS 3302 82
(H)ARDlINE 1305 83
MALAI(S)ES 16829 74
MAUl(I)NGS 15982 90
DURATIO(N) 363 63
A(C)ARBOSE 9695 78
O(L)ESTRAs 3431 87
UN(P)AIRED 1325 78
W(H)ARENUI 4407 68
DISTANC(ES) 7607 74
MANuALS 14686 72
C(O)VARIES 2044 90
SARODES 3569 78
OSTIArY 1675 65
RA(I)SoNNE 142 88
MUTABLE 9542 80
SWIFTER 6860 89
ROADStE(R) 1081 80
(O)XIDiZER 15739 102
(D)ERISION 374 80
DE(B)ATING 2353 74
LUTHE(R)NS 9932 62
AIRTIGH(T) 13484 89
CENTIMo 2632 97
T(A)pELINE 627 68
S(A)LINIZE 7120 88
STRIDER 3830 78
PETUNIA 920 72
SINUATE 154 70
GLAIVES 4660 72
RAVIGO(T)E 495 66
sCOTTIE 4437 67
YMOLTEN 10871 75
D(I)STRAIN 2153 88
ORDAiN(E)D 472 70
(L)ATTEENS* 0 60
ENS(L)AVER 2915 71
ANODIzE 1033 69
WEST(E)RNS 13225 74
RETRI(A)LS 886 59
(M)ANDOLAS 11520 76
TRIBUN(A)L 3894 62
gERAN(I)AL 791 77
DEPONES 6429 83
ICTERI(D)S 6504 66
ALIGNED 974 65
SE(C)RETED 10567 74
DRONERs 3332 84
TRITOnE 291 73
SENSIBL(E) 13720 70
ETC(H)iNGS 11412 167
ANEc(D)OTE 1023 60
ROADS(I)DE 1114 66
EATAGES 3616 70
ETAMInS 900 96
F(U)RANOSE 1772 74
CrOWNED 10800 70
SEISmAL 12832 68
UNRESTS 11443 67
VIRANDA(S) 9560 72
AIrBOAT 2478 63
LUSTRAL 13203 73
sANIC(L)ES 8159 158
COnGREE 5354 74
(R)OSEOLAS 8321 77
oUTP(A)INT 7094 59
VIgNER(O)N 5074 80
ABOUND(E)d 12674 72
U(R)ETHANE 1602 65
StONERA(G) 324 77
N(A)GGIEST 4833 64
(S)TEADIER 112 70
ShAKERS 19177 87
T(E)NTORIA 39 68
OVERC(O)ME 18772 86
OUTVOTE(S) 19550 86
fANFARE 20656 74
U(N)ITARDS 1693 72
REARMED 10294 76
OUTCO(M)ES 20527 76
SASINES 19387 77
CEsTOID 2656 89
NERITES 281 74
OUTVIeD 2025 98
(L)EIsURED 2158 77
SEStETS 31407 81
OBTa(I)NER 47 86
GU(E)RIDON 656 76
TAU(R)INES 77 59
TWIRLED 4340 76
CAJOLES 15729 89
ALEURON 198 75
AUR(O)REAN 1418 60
ASCENDS 12820 84
MOLdA(B)Le 18806 74
SAUTOIr 472 83
(R)AINCOAT 1313 83
ELAPINE 1055 71
NACELLE 11100 76
SObR(I)ETY 4089 90
SIEVING 8193 86
PEONIES 1260 74
PeACHES 15907 96
FACETED 8255 76
LUS(T)IEST 15171 58
AERATOR 1068 66
(F)REELOAD 1897 66
STEVIAs 6702 91
UTEN(S)ILS 7216 62
PEtTING 11573 90
INUNDA(T)E 927 72
aE(R)ONAUT 127 68
D(I)RENESS 5114 72
P(E)sANQuA* 0 77
BANDErS 4102 77
FRO(N)TALS 6181 62
(R)ERAISES 5965 65
D(O)CTOREd 15285 74
SLO(b)BIER 15847 86
B(O)RNITES 598 70
AIRWAVE(S) 6286 80
SI(R)ENIAN 1098 61
A(D)vISING 12847 86
G(R)ANDSIR 7700 76
UvEITIS 8167 64
BROCADE(D) 14581 84
DIsABLE 2878 87
PEN(T)OSAN 3376 78
(T)RIOXIdE 3594 80
ELUSION 675 77
ENERVED 12064 81
WEALTHS 13493 94
EB(R)IATED 805 74
SWAGiNG 25359 100
EfFRAID(E) 16005 94
dIETERS 600 78
TRIOSES 1744 69
ORBITAL 1564 81
(G)OUrAMIS 6017 83
(H)ARANGUE 9127 76
GRASSED 9866 72
RELI(G)ION 733 63
R(E)InFUSE 3138 90
AZUrITE 1768 92
SID(E)BURN 5962 66
SEITIES 9333 65
LAcQUER(S) 17374 77
pEASE(C)OD 7880 72
(D)IECIOUs 5524 70
PARTaKE 11054 84
MANIACS 12557 89
CABOO(S)ES 19484 63
STEATIT(E) 9838 77
F(L)oWINGS* 0 78
PaRRING 14664 75
SIENITE 1054 74
FL(I)TTERN 6947 76
SILTINg 8572 67
GERO(N)TIC 1251 71
ACINOSE 412 78
UpTRAIN 3638 84
O(O)SPHERE 17379 80
SHLONGs 29094 79
CAbOOSE 12470 70
BREG(M)ATA 15860 67
COVE(R)LID 8919 78
GAd(R)OONS 8556 58
sCENDED 22744 94
DOLE(R)ITE 219 63
SE(R)IATED 118 72
HONdLER* 0 82
sPITTLE 9468 72
DARNERS 3780 70
pLACEBO(S) 20697 67
KErNITE 3320 80
PARD(O)NED 8496 84
FRiNgES 4739 77
BA(C)TERIA 3800 74
S(A)NGRIAS 11890 70
c(E)RULEIN 4042 63
METANO(I)A 330 68
RO(S)ULATE 336 66
REMANDS 3112 74
MET(A)NOIA 331 72
UNsINEW 12731 89
RESHOES 16061 91
(D)OORNAIL 1116 61
(B)IOWAsTE 2027 82
T(O)ILETRY 3594 62
JOk(E)STER 17249 80
MELDERS 9612 73
(D)ELEAVED 19701 69
STHENIA 672 76
KAInGAS 19096 71
RE(A)DVISE 1985 78
AMENTIA 825 74
DEFIANT 643 81
SPADERS 12326 71
SCUTATE(D)* 0 86
SIRLOIN 3643 89
STINKI(E)R 7200 94
EMOTInG 1889 65
GROANED 385 74
PLEdGET(S) 14523 78
HURTLEd 8676 89
SAUT(O)iRE 26 58
UNTrIMS 10759 74
SEATERS 3779 71
WEEpIER 10057 68
BILLIo(N)S 26609 70
GOUST(I)ER 891 59
UNDE(R)LIE 959 70
lINDIES 2682 63
(O)DORANTs 2365 70
(T)RADEFUL 5910 89
CINE(R)ARY 9057 63
(E)XERTION 899 84
(T)HREATED 6054 89
SINO(P)IAS 12444 64
S(U)NBATHE 8997 71
TAENIOI(d) 39 61
NEUsTIC 3090 75
DoYLIES 3583 65
MEAlIES 2021 69
IODINES 699 67
WEEDIER 5699 77
HEROINE 461 77
hAUNT(I)NG 12821 77
(c)OUNTIES 1835 59
OEIL(L)AdE 1750 57
N(E)TTIEST 10786 59
vIATICA 13726 72
D(A)EMONiC 2029 86
ScANNED 8982 75
Ve(R)VAINS 10500 73
FEAST(I)NG 2385 63
REOILED 392 64
TRUN(D)LES 3228 68
RESTO(R)Al 1087 68
OxIDAN(T)S 4806 59
BALMIeR 4294 73
VOIDeRS 2022 87
BURGONE(T) 4446 89
PYRITES 9566 79
FIREMEN 7154 94
(U)NSOIlED 1124 77
IODIDES 6637 69
STeEK(I)NG 8195 74
GOITRED 524 64
tAHINAS 7312 88
SUNCARE 4153 81
GRATI(N)EE 105 59
STEAlAG(E) 3651 70
ALCAIdE 3356 67
VANITIE(D) 1177 74
M(O)NAZITe 2278 86
(M)ISINTER 2539 62
DyNAMIT(E) 3163 83
SAN(D)WORT 4446 63
PROChAI(N) 11140 92
TYLOSIn 5647 69
(M)OIlIEST* 0 70
ANEMONE 3322 70
SQUaND(E)R 8145 71
ACETONE 617 80
LAIGHER 3384 84
HAMP(E)REd 15305 80
PRIeSTS 13112 85
(A)MEERATE 6846 74
PACIEST 4351 74
STRIDOR 5369 91
AMOEBAS 8564 89
CEnTIAR(E) 237 74
bABOOLS 22033 64
(P)RENOONS* 0 83
A(G)ONISES 2719 68
OUTFLoW 26699 78
STUIVER 4415 96
CA(V)EATOR 5850 67
GAiNSA(I)D 10710 72
RESI(Z)ING 14462 70
GRANITA 2275 67
TOR(N)ADIC 1423 72
ZOOt(H)OME 37011 94
RADIO(m)EN 256 77
MINIVAN 22657 69
s(U)ETTIER 3553 64
HOO(R)AyED 10882 81
DECREAS(E) 10172 86
CU(R)ATION 1110 61
(C)ARRIAGE 7860 67
AZOTeM(I)C 12328 90
SANGOMA 15291 79
CAVEA(T)OR 5882 64
NEMESEs 25261 82
EMOTIOn 1783 75
TSIGANE 367 90
YACH(T)ERS 19240 114
B(A)SENESs 33988 72
PR(O)ROGUE 22716 76
NAuSEAS 8896 71
SIDA(L)CeA 4776 61
TURACIn 3627 92
SOUREST 8294 84
RAMU(L)OSE 2794 68
CAnDIES 1476 68
LAN(C)ETED 3009 74
SExIEST 14740 84
VER(T)IGOS 2281 74
FANCIER 2397 78
SINEWED 5563 84
SUNCARE 4153 76
dRAGEES 2451 70
RELEARN(T) 1663 68
IMAGiST 14076 83
FOOT(W)AYs 22944 68
MALEATE 4565 74
SOU(P)CONs 37745 149
MOITHER 3710 76
u(N)TILLED 7208 70
DIATRON 127 79
(I)NhOLDER 1433 68
WHALERS 10056 84
(E)NTITLES 2712 77
VITALI(S)M 16197 64
NEgATON 1311 68
LEARNE(R)S 2692 68
T(O)URNEYs 2962 61
VElOCES* 0 87
gR(A)INIER 2539 64
PROXIES 11785 86
(S)HELLING 18235 66
(R)ETIRING 3798 80
DIATReM(ES) 711 83
VELAMIN(A) 6283 92
TRINDLE 568 68
WORRIED 6182 81
ST(R)ICTER 12459 90
P(I)NEWoOD 7877 78
PlUNDER 8678 96
IRE(N)ICAl 1237 86
OUT(R)IDES 342 61
MANHOLE 5043 80
SEAWEED 8529 78
GARROTE 1252 68
TORULAE 158 63
LACUNES 5577 95
DIScEPT 10103 77
AVIATEs 1787 71
DO(G)eARED 5002 80
LANUGOS 6086 71
ELEGIS(T)S 10547 70
OURANGS 3504 68
I(R)RITATE 2834 60
OSmOsIS 22944 76
PICADOR 7233 80
hEAUMES 11363 64
AUtOING 803 74
(T)OPSToNE 10690 80
ELMIEST 3990 69
UnCUReD 21479 72
I(C)EHOUSE 10332 76
(T)ETRAGON 1155 80
ROOTLIN(G) 5074 77
PARDONE(R) 4619 94
CUTLI(N)ES 4306 90
MODULES 8895 78
LITeRAT(O) 181 71
EPIScIA(S) 17504 70
IMAGIN(E)D 3970 82
TELEgAS 2346 84
(B)EADSMEN 9831 92
SirVEN(T)E 1545 76
INFLA(T)ER 421 76
TENAILS 115 72
UNWEaRY 7082 69
SATIRES 1399 76
GRAS(P)ING 20072 98
NAUS(E)ATE 1124 68
ZO(O)gLEAS 13159 88
SWEALED 8840 79
(C)LARIONS 3172 62
RESTRIV(E) 8477 76
TROUVE(U)R 23816 88
UNHOpED 11235 84
ELASTIC 1489 88
ENTOZOA 3044 102
D(E)MIGODS 15726 64
CLUINGs* 0 76
PrEVENT 8115 72
ROSIESt 2442 77
PaNDOOR 9862 83
SEAkALE 10911 72
AMORINI 1864 64
ELEGizE 14669 67
MISFILE(S) 24205 101
DARNEsT 432 75
BORTIER 3452 96
BIjWO(N)ER 17284 90
INCITEs 3635 72
LEANERS 580 75
PaRAMEN(T) 6532 63
INDICAN 12356 71
PAr(A)FFIN 25298 80
GODeTIA 77 70
OLEInES 302 69
REANOI(N)T 41 59
TRiVETS 6574 66
UNITAGE(S) 476 72
VoMiTED 5119 80
WINDAGE 2539 81
OUTLIES 524 66
WARISON 1669 94
STANDEE 574 83
RELlISH 17394 79
RADOMEs 2590 90
DEGREAS(E) 4792 66
P(O)INtIER 673 60
OVERLIT 991 69
(P)UlLOVER 22089 89
BASTILe 1464 87
AI(R)bURST 10952 71
SILVERS 17494 77
TOASTER 744 93
SYLvINE 9747 94
SIERRAn 717 84
SMEARIN(G) 2416 63
tAXLESS 22370 76
IDENTI(F)Y 12902 71
ISOG(O)NEs 11146 82
T(R)UNDlED 13986 70
DECERNS 6730 73
OVERLIT 989 85
sPINIER 3658 85
SALTA(N)DO 5061 63
AENEU(S)ES 14082 68
g(A)lABIEH 15455 83
OCTANES 1160 75
lYRISTS 17134 89
GaRNETS 770 69
GODE(T)IAS 310 64
INLANdE(R) 1176 74
TERE(B)RAE 11527 60
LADINOS 1542 70
SI(D)EnOTE 223 81
O(V)ENWARE 3404 65
BAYTINg 15532 71
SUBTILE 7563 72
(D)ANEGeLT 2233 83
ENTOILE(D) 218 61
I(N)tERIOR 804 58
EA(S)TERLY 4035 71
MuNSTER 7784 85
TETRADS 3790 73
Eq(U)ATION 905 58
MINTERS 2153 76
SEILING 5345 87
BO(A)TsMAN 17872 76
UNIVERS(E) 4134 95
(V)ITRINES 3511 65
FIESTAS 6404 79
T(A)MARIND 4181 72
DORKI(E)ST 3385 76
BUTTALS 17617 82
GROUpA(G)E 14893 60
MARINEr 2113 89
PLIO(C)EnE 4581 65
TONAL(I)TE 179 59
DYNOdES 18730 97
NOTI(T)IAE 294 72
D(A)KERING 5636 75
DINTINg 13155 70
TEASERS 3957 90
RESOLED 1725 72
B(E)SWARMs 23827 94
TRuANTL(Y) 14798 83
RESHAPE 8308 80
HER(O)ICAL 2036 64
BUTAN(O)LS 7563 70
SNARLER 2823 70
AEROBOT 1773 69
ANDAN(T)ES 5993 62
REALTOR(S) 1473 66
RETINO(I)D 166 76
EOBIONT 1341 67
(M)ISGIvES 25654 70
EmA(C)IATE 4663 61
UNNAILE(D) 2067 70
LaNNERS 2820 64
TuRMOIL 5877 74
RECUSeD 9600 85
MARTENS 1604 73
AGOUTIS 1812 71
THEINES 2284 94
RESTABL(E) 3006 83
(M)AZINESs 17893 107
ARANEID 125 72
(S)AUTOIRS 5755 70
DIOL(E)FIN 4202 66
(P)ERIGEAN 1393 89
GOUTW(E)ED 11020 86
(P)REvALUE 13650 80
EnTRALL 4017 69
SENSILE 8470 68
E(N)TIrELY 1621 63
ORIE(N)TER 357 68
HONkERS 16025 78
W(A)STELOT 7912 67
ENTICED 2972 66
S(T)ODGIER 887 61
OmENTAL 1192 72
DEFILES 6336 73
(E)XHALiNG 11723 86
REUNIT(E)S 371 70
T(E)MPoRaL 3863 61
DEAIRIN(G) 797 62
AIDANTS 3145 76
(M)ErCADOS 8760 95
(D)ESPITES 18000 67
COnGEST 7358 81
T(A)NGELOS 878 72
AGENISE(D) 912 83
VeRSUTe 9024 87
TENRECS 5616 68
AIRfOIL 3537 64
COALERS 2557 63
(T)OURIStA 2796 74
(R)IMOsELY 6518 64
(M)IDSOLES 12556 65
PUBLISH 30351 80
NOOKIES 7442 77
CENT(A)URy 7677 62
FEStOON 5009 80
T(W)EEDIER 6229 65
ANIMAlS 11346 76
ToRULAE 204 74
OR(I)NASAL 829 70
ARENOUs 159 74
GESTURE 4361 76
METRICS 7130 72
GLoBULE 18419 76
ENFIRES 3031 77
(O)UTLOVeS 13336 70
TOVA(R)ICh 14689 84
W(A)TeRIER 1970 62
QUANT(I)Ze 10499 122
REVERSO 8281 77
CUL(T)IGEN 5895 80
WRESTED 8988 94
AENEOUS 390 84
U(R)ALITES 345 59
SEEDING 3278 80
(P)RETRIAL 3824 83
NAVI(C)ERT 2224 84
(M)AINdOOR 4522 77
(H)EARINGS 2395 86
OS(T)ENTED 4450 74
INBOARD 1562 81
GADrOON 4773 73
DOTTINg 9705 72
AMARONE 1480 66
R(O)TATiNG 1658 66
TONSURE 502 86
YEAsT(I)ER 643 61
LOLLIES 17880 66
GANTlET 4429 64
S(C)ATTIlY 20052 67
P(R)OGERIA 2758 62
TIDELIN(E) 1450 70
PAnDIED 8944 85
B(A)ILOUTS 4353 78
INFAN(T)AS 11039 62
K(A)THODAL 21365 86
I(S)OLATED 99 63
RECOATS 893 72
AlIENED 202 94
(R)IPIENOS 1694 83
CoLDISH 21972 82
FOMITES 6861 94
DISCOU(R)E 3681 65
H(E)LPLiNE 25339 86
EI(N)KORNS 6593 69
CORDITE 903 72
FLOT(S)AMs 22714 80
WELCh(I)NG 20589 68
HEMIO(L)AS 5138 80
ERYNGOS 7418 90
C(O)JOINEd 16856 84
HaI(R)LINE 1180 70
HIRSUTE 3144 83
GUSTIER 2331 85
feEDBOX 26466 113
SEMITAR 910 83
CAUTION(S) 3176 70
USURPER 28290 69
ELUANTS 1513 68
VA(P)IDEST 7523 82
LIGNITE(s) 3906 66
AENEOUS 390 67
(E)ARSTONE 57 77
DE(N)TALIA 381 70
ORANGES 511 67
OILSEED 1057 67
(F)OLACiNS 12071 95
TUnNELE(R) 6634 66
QUINTES 8257 128
BOuRLAW 18072 92
INTERA(C)T 1942 63
PL(A)NTeRS 2254 68
DEmARQ(U)E* 0 84
DOLE(R)ITE 219 63
C(O)NDoNED 22722 80
PENTODE 2649 68
LO(B)eLIAS 6242 72
(P)ORTIERE 2341 64
QINTARs 7425 90
ARRIAGE 3516 70
(R)OZETINg 3423 101
CAULINE 1959 64
T(E)NEBRIO 375 72
USeLESS 30997 67
EMBRA(I)DS 7409 82
StARNED 556 84
COMBiNG 25917 69
GENIT(O)RS 326 70
(T)URbANED 3082 77
UNSWeET 9074 71
LAIRIES(T) 398 77
GoLFeRS 8551 87
HOL(l)EReD 14632 90
E(C)LIPSES 22215 63
(S)AUTERNE 379 68
(M)ATURING 7251 67
AGNISED 982 68
AEDILES 734 70
SIDESmE(N) 18077 77
ATTORNS 4028 70
(R)ENDZINA 7600 78
THIEVEs 11249 79
(A)STRINGe 202 77
ATONIAS 683 65
DECRIAL 1938 80
YUlE(T)IDE 7043 72
qUEENIT(E) 10856 74
STONERN 2396 73
REBAITS 812 97
BoRROWE(D) 26643 65
(G)RANITAS 3268 80
HIRSE(L)ED 7027 78
I(N)ErTIAS 118 65
ROA(R)IEST 186 66
WEE(N)SIER 6276 65
(A)NOEsTRA 164 74
IN(D)ORSOR 8528 86
ADMITT(E)R 2910 78
SHUTOUT 22354 116
SENItIS 7958 68
INSIDeR 1686 72
AIRG(L)OWS 8273 78
(P)ROTEIDE 1064 74
PArI(e)TES 639 82
LA(D)DISMS 35875 66
REWIN(D)ER 6118 78
D(I)ABASIC 19059 69
SENTRIE(S) 2715 77
HID(R)OSES 9701 67
OUTRIGS 3518 78
GNATH(I)Te 4201 89
CAREEN(E)D 4490 78
SC(R)AMJET 18471 92
(C)HAFRONS* 0 76
REBEGIN 3224 71
(L)INECUTS 5969 83
TOELESS 7094 78
PANDIES 1450 84
YEAST(I)ER 643 82
fLAVINS 11885 74
TRIpODS 7886 88
cURTAIN 3626 64
FORE(C)AST 5268 76
vEINIER 3352 69
AUREOlE 388 61
RES(H)AVED 13693 80
POIGNAD(O) 10590 64
COaRSEN 1161 79
LITOTES 2259 99
(V)EHEMeNT 28885 82
SPITF(I)RE 12922 66
VOLUMIN(G) 18977 92
SAPONI(T)E 228 74
ALIBIEs 4718 94
uMBRILS 24551 73
SHR(E)WDIE 13783 75
DI(S)TASTE 10515 72
cORELLA 10214 78
(S)ECEDING 9878 66
AMARONE 1489 74
SUDAMIN(A) 13917 74
R(E)MITTER 14204 74
DEHIsCE(D) 29457 97
GAUNTES(T) 7310 68
PHONERS 10908 88
ISOETES 3336 85
ANOpSIA 4964 67
(D)UDHEENs 27266 74
ERA(s)IONS 629 68
(C)OUNTIES 1835 64
WEARIES 1403 82
SNOUTIE(R) 138 68
SASTRUG(I) 15527 65
ELA(T)ERIN 39 66
LADRONS 3290 78
KINREDS 8235 75
SCENARY 9401 85
WH(I)RLERS 23041 86
ALIENEE 500 71
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ETC(H)iNGS 11412 167
sANIC(L)ES 8159 158
SOU(P)CONs 37745 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
S(E)RIATI(N)G 254 90
DISTANC(ES) 7607 74
DIATReM(ES) 711 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PEL(T)Y* 0 36
(C)IAOS* 0 20
(S)ULLIER* 0 14
(B)OOLE* 0 24
PULL(Y)* 0 20
(C)UIR* 0 18
(L)ATTEENS* 0 60
(WHIM)P* 0 15
DORR(Y)* 0 27
WOB* 0 19
P(E)sANQuA* 0 77
BRUTI(ST)* 0 24
F(L)oWINGS* 0 78
HONdLER* 0 82
SCUTATE(D)* 0 86
(M)OIlIEST* 0 70
(P)RENOONS* 0 83
VElOCES* 0 87
PILEAS* 0 19
K(A)LIM* 0 33
FUSER* 0 55
CLUINGs* 0 76
FLO(R)IC* 0 22
FELLO* 0 33
(B)HISTI* 0 30
LIN(U)S* 0 31
CROC(OI)D* 0 13
IMBOW* 0 32
VI(DE)OED* 0 32
B(U)RK* 0 20
ETC(H)Y* 0 42
DEmARQ(U)E* 0 84
(INTEraCT)ER* 0 31
TUBAED* 0 29
(C)HAFRONS* 0 76
MODIC* 0 40
(C)RUFTY* 0 45
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
UPFlING 26368 84
GONE 194 0
SCRUNTY 24615 79
M(O)L 668 0
VAGG(ED) 17438 36
DURIONS 3302 82
RIBAS 2706 45
O(L)ESTRAs 3431 87
CLAPT 8598 24
CAMO(O)DI 15922 36
NIRLY 4683 50
H(A)E 94 0
B(R)ULZY* 0 0
DIG 423 0
WHEEN 6552 32
EXTR(O)N* 0 0
JOBING 16720 47
TWICER 5833 44
R(E)MUEUR 26912 36
c(E)RULEIN 4042 63
MINTED 2355 49
KL(U)GED 17640 42
(T)RADEFUL 5910 89
(T)OGAED 556 30
PRIeSTS 13112 85
C(L)EVE 8134 30
ZOOt(H)OME 37011 94
SAI(N) 260 0
ApHORIA* 0 0
BOIN(G)Y* 0 0
CADG(Y) 10741 24
(C)OAITA 2849 16
PARDONE(R) 4619 94
RESTRIV(E) 8477 76
FLAMS 7215 0
BARBE 8176 48
DONATvV(E)* 0 0
BORTIER 3452 96
RELlISH 17394 79
BASTILe 1464 87
DEITIES 2245 0
AENEU(S)ES 14082 68
(R)AVI* 0 0
TERE(B)RAE 11527 60
BAYTINg 15532 71
LOUPIT 7411 26
G(R)AMErAL* 0 0
(P)ERIGEAN 1393 89
(P)REvALUE 13650 80
W(A)STELOT 7912 67
IVY 1068 29
BR(A)CH 10607 32
PI(R)AI* 0 0
C(O)JOINEd 16856 84
UNURG(E)* 0 0
StARNED 556 84
COMB(O)NGi* 0 0
(b)UPPIE 20227 18
CUVET* 0 0
G(A)LLER* 0 0
RES(H)AVED 13693 80
VOLUMIN(G) 18977 92
uMBRILS 24551 73
bECHIDE(D)* 0 0
DEHIsCE(D) 29457 97
SCENARY 9401 85
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Combined Low Scoring
Games in which the combined score is no greater than 200 points. Many games on end before a combined score of 200 points but are considered incomplete and are not counted. Many valid six pass games are not included because they are malformed.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 389
Invalid Games 0.05 18
Incomplete 0.04 17
Disconnected 0.00 1
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 24.27 9440
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 193.5
Score 420.41 163540
Score per Turn 34.6850
Turns 12.12 4715
Vertical Plays 5.38 2093
Horizontal Plays 6.01 2336
One Tile Plays 0.33 128
Other Plays 0.41 158
Firsts 0.50 194
Vertical Openings per First 0.0473
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9527
Full Rack per Turn 0.5094
Exchanges 0.23 88
High Game 612
Low Game -16
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.92 748
Sevens 0.92 357
Eights 0.98 381
Nines 0.03 10
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6449.03
Sevens 5925.98
Eights 6829.40
Nines 10511.20
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.56 18890
A 4.46 1733
B 0.96 372
C 0.96 374
D 1.88 731
E 5.89 2293
F 0.99 384
G 1.51 586
H 0.99 387
I 4.26 1659
J 0.49 190
K 0.46 179
L 1.93 751
M 0.94 367
N 2.87 1116
O 3.94 1533
P 0.93 363
Q 0.48 185
R 2.93 1138
S 1.84 717
T 3.00 1168
U 1.84 716
V 1.02 396
W 0.97 378
X 0.51 199
Y 1.03 402
Z 0.50 193
? 0.98 380
Power Tiles Played 4.79 1864
? 0.98 380
J 0.49 190
Q 0.48 185
X 0.51 199
Z 0.50 193
S 1.84 717
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 46
? 0.03 12
J 0.01 3
Q 0.02 7
X 0.01 2
Z 0.01 2
S 0.05 20
Turns With a Blank 1.28 499
Triple Triples Played 0.02 6
Bingoless Games 0.07 27
Bonus Square Coverage 15.85 6167
Double Letter 5.17 2010
Triple Letter 5.45 2121
Double Word 2.98 1159
Triple Word 2.25 877
Phony Plays 0.18 71
Unchallenged 0.06 23
Challenged Off 0.12 48
Challenges 0.48 186
You Won 0.10 39
Opponent Lost 0.13 51
You Lost 0.12 48
Opponent Won 0.12 48
Challenge Percentage 0.4483
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5152
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3239
Comments 6.67 2596
Comments Word Length 122.32 47583
Mistakeless Turns 12.12 4714
Mistakes per Turn 0.0002
Mistakes 0.00 1
Knowledge 0.00 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4956 (0.4638, 0.5074)
B 0.4800 (0.4394, 0.5318)
C 0.4800 (0.4394, 0.5318)
D 0.4700 (0.4530, 0.5182)
E 0.4908 (0.4668, 0.5044)
F 0.4950 (0.4394, 0.5318)
G 0.5033 (0.4479, 0.5233)
H 0.4950 (0.4394, 0.5318)
I 0.4733 (0.4638, 0.5074)
J 0.4900 (0.4203, 0.5509)
K 0.4600 (0.4203, 0.5509)
L 0.4825 (0.4530, 0.5182)
M 0.4700 (0.4394, 0.5318)
N 0.4783 (0.4590, 0.5122)
O 0.4925 (0.4625, 0.5087)
P 0.4650 (0.4394, 0.5318)
Q 0.4800 (0.4203, 0.5509)
R 0.4883 (0.4590, 0.5122)
S 0.4600 (0.4530, 0.5182)
T 0.5000 (0.4590, 0.5122)
U 0.4600 (0.4530, 0.5182)
V 0.5100 (0.4394, 0.5318)
W 0.4850 (0.4394, 0.5318)
X 0.5100 (0.4203, 0.5509)
Y 0.5150 (0.4394, 0.5318)
Z 0.5000 (0.4203, 0.5509)
? 0.4900 (0.4394, 0.5318)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 195.5
Score 423.04 164564
Score per Turn 34.8284
Turns 12.15 4725
Vertical Plays 5.68 2210
Horizontal Plays 5.73 2228
One Tile Plays 0.38 148
Other Plays 0.36 139
Firsts 0.50 195
Vertical Openings per First 0.2134
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7866
Full Rack per Turn 0.8440
Exchanges 0.24 92
High Game 652
Low Game -6
Highest Scoring Turn 167
Bingos Played 2.06 800
Sevens 0.94 367
Eights 1.10 429
Nines 0.01 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7000.51
Sevens 6556.48
Eights 7412.90
Nines 2857.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.45 18846
A 4.33 1685
B 1.01 391
C 0.98 380
D 2.02 785
E 5.75 2236
F 0.97 379
G 1.39 541
H 0.97 379
I 4.40 1710
J 0.50 194
K 0.53 205
L 1.89 736
M 1.02 395
N 2.87 1115
O 3.86 1501
P 1.02 398
Q 0.49 192
R 2.85 1107
S 2.03 791
T 2.76 1074
U 1.97 766
V 0.94 366
W 1.01 392
X 0.48 187
Y 0.95 368
Z 0.50 193
? 0.98 380
Power Tiles Played 4.98 1937
? 0.98 380
J 0.50 194
Q 0.49 192
X 0.48 187
Z 0.50 193
S 2.03 791
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 33
? 0.01 4
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 24
Turns With a Blank 1.62 631
Triple Triples Played 0.01 3
Bingoless Games 0.03 11
Bonus Square Coverage 15.63 6081
Double Letter 5.11 1988
Triple Letter 5.28 2055
Double Word 2.95 1148
Triple Word 2.29 890
Phony Plays 0.20 79
Unchallenged 0.10 40
Challenged Off 0.10 39
Challenges 0.48 186
You Won 0.12 48
Opponent Lost 0.12 48
You Lost 0.13 51
Opponent Won 0.10 39
Challenge Percentage 0.4848
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5517
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5063
Comments 6.67 2596
Comments Word Length 122.32 47583
Mistakeless Turns 11.30 4395
Mistakes per Turn 0.0734
Mistakes 0.89 347
Knowledge 0.18 70
Finding 0.16 64
Vision 0.12 45
Tactics 0.10 37
Strategy 0.20 76
Endgame 0.10 40
Time 0.04 15
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4811 (0.4627, 0.5063)
B 0.5050 (0.4383, 0.5307)
C 0.4900 (0.4383, 0.5307)
D 0.5050 (0.4519, 0.5171)
E 0.4792 (0.4657, 0.5033)
F 0.4850 (0.4383, 0.5307)
G 0.4633 (0.4468, 0.5222)
H 0.4850 (0.4383, 0.5307)
I 0.4889 (0.4627, 0.5063)
J 0.5000 (0.4192, 0.5498)
K 0.5300 (0.4192, 0.5498)
L 0.4725 (0.4519, 0.5171)
M 0.5100 (0.4383, 0.5307)
N 0.4783 (0.4579, 0.5111)
O 0.4825 (0.4614, 0.5076)
P 0.5100 (0.4383, 0.5307)
Q 0.4900 (0.4192, 0.5498)
R 0.4750 (0.4579, 0.5111)
S 0.5075 (0.4519, 0.5171)
T 0.4600 (0.4579, 0.5111)
U 0.4925 (0.4519, 0.5171)
V 0.4700 (0.4383, 0.5307)
W 0.5050 (0.4383, 0.5307)
X 0.4800 (0.4192, 0.5498)
Y 0.4750 (0.4383, 0.5307)
Z 0.5000 (0.4192, 0.5498)
? 0.4900 (0.4383, 0.5307)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
6B BURRETS +75 Knowledge Large
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
3B (V)IA +14 Endgame Large
I6 (XI)S #endgamesaddest
14B PEL(T)Y +36 Knowledge Large
14A SPRI(T)ELY #knowledgesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
14B PEL(T)Y +36 Knowledge Small
14A SPRI(T)ELY #knowledgesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
15A RIF +27 Finding Large
E5 IN(TOXICANT) #findingsaddest
9C VO(X) +22 Finding Small
E5 IN(TOXICANT) is out here to haunt me #findingsad
13J DORM +24 Knowledge Large
Lol M9 DORMINS and M9 NIMRODS #knowledgesaddest and #findingsaddest
13J DORM +24 Finding Large
Lol M9 DORMINS and M9 NIMRODS #knowledgesaddest and #findingsaddest
L3 HESIT(A)NT +72 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
10D M(I)Z +42 Knowledge Large
H1 YUM(P) #knowledgesaddest this turn probably lost me the game
5I DEY(S) +35 Finding Large
The universe really gave me a chance to crawl back with 5I UEY(S) and i was literally just like #findingsaddest plz and thx
N1 AIA +20 Strategy Large
I really gotta exchange down to AS here. #strategysaddest
3C TUI +13 Endgame Large
B2 (T)UI and hope to draw the blank+bingo? #endgamesaddest
11E (C)IAOS +20 Knowledge Large
11E (C)ArIOUS #knowledgesaddest
N13 yU +17 Endgame Small
M13 (M)Us #endgamesad
K4 RUI(N)AbLE +78 Strategy Small
K5 tE(N)URIAL. I guess hanging the E is bad? Maybe that's just confirmation bias. #strategysad
8J P(A)D +23 Strategy Small
I didn't want to open another line for sevens, but 13J PODD(Y) is too much equity and the bingos aren't great and give good counterplay. #strategysad
5D DRAP(E)D +20 Knowledge Small
PADD(E)R more defensive #knowledgesmall
B10 (W)ITHE +22 Tactics Large
this seems really bad, even if I infer that Ben doesn't have anything. He can just block the triple and it's like game over. #tacticslarge
15D (G)REBE +24 Knowledge Medium
chickened out of (G)URGE here. That's a baddie. (C)UBE 2K might also be an idea here. Even (O)BE 3K #knowledgemedium
6E (M)OO +13 Finding Large
F5 (L)OO(I)E #findingsaddest
6I LAIC +25 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for challenge and #findingsadder for 6B QI
6I LAIC +25 Finding Medium
#knowledgesaddest for challenge and #findingsadder for 6B QI
14J QUA(G)S +70 Strategy Medium
11K JA(G). Bingo chances go way up #strategysadder
15H JAI +41 Finding Medium
15G EEJIT #findingsadder
A4 (B)EERY +30 Knowledge Large
B9 TY(P)IER #knowledgesaddest
O1 W(E)IL +24 Knowledge Large
1H TWILIT #knowledgesaddest
3B OM +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsadder for 10D I(S)M
3B OM +23 Finding Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsadder for 10D I(S)M
2A IF +28 Knowledge Large
C10 T(R)IFID #knowledgesaddest I saw C10 D(R)IFT but got greedy for points. I need to block the bingo lane #strategysad
2A IF +28 Strategy Small
C10 T(R)IFID #knowledgesaddest I saw C10 D(R)IFT but got greedy for points. I need to block the bingo lane #strategysad
6A (E)N +8 Endgame Small
F10 (WE)N(T) #endgamesad A tile was left in the bag so the final score was recorded as 382-433
M7 V(A)URIEN +30 Finding Medium
Didn't generate M8 AVOURE as a choice, which is better defensively and bingos a solid amount more than VAURIEN (33% to 21%). I had it down to BOUVIER vs. VAURIEN which is indeed more of a coin flip. #findingmedium
H3 MODER(A)TE +62 Finding Small
Now I miss TREMORED...#findingsmall
C9 R(I)DIC +18 Strategy Medium
My thinking here was that RIDIC blocks the board for bingos completely and after any IRIDIC play I was highly likely to follow up with a bingo of my own. But something like 12B CIRL also blocks the board nearly completely without allowing huge potential counterplay, and I completely spaced on K11 CRIT, though I'm not sure how smart that move is to actually play. (edit: K11 CRIT was not actually available to me thanks to my AUGITES annotation error referenced earlier) #strategymedium
A1 ARTICLe(S) +80 Finding Small
TRICLADS #findingsmall
B12 NO +19 Endgame Small
N1 EON #endgamesmall
10B POGO +31 Tactics Medium
10D GOOF #tacticsmedium
G3 FADO +23 Vision Large
H8 (H)ARDlINE +83 Finding Small
H8 (H)EADRINg #findingsad
E4 CUD +25 Knowledge Large
11E SCU(D)DLE #knowledgesaddest
L1 M(I)RV +24 Finding Large
K1 M(A)RVY #findingsaddest
13A YOUK +42 Vision Large
11A RIBAS +50 Endgame Small
1L (M)ERI is better if you're a badass and can see 5 turns ahead. #endgamesmall
L1 DOPA +26 Tactics Large
12B APOD. I didn't count it. #tacticssaddest
O3 SKEP +21 Tactics Medium
O3 SKEG #tacticssadder
D4 PEE +14 Vision Medium
9C LO(U)PE #visionmedium
15L (F)AWN +30 Finding Medium
15H WHAR(F) #findingmedium
D11 HIP +21 Finding Large
12C INSHIP #findingsaddest
N6 SARIN +22 Strategy Large
Terrible! F8 (U)RANIA looks good here. #strategysaddest
O8 EN +24 Finding Large
O8 EN +24 Time Large
B12 R(U)DI +10 Time Large
10E (D)eRIG +14 Vision Large
H3 EEE(W) +15 Tactics Large
H1 TOEA #tacticssaddest
9F YOU(R) +20 Tactics Unspecified
J1 OY #tacticsadder
5K O(B)A +16 Vision Medium
K4 OA(R) #visionsadder
J9 NOT +13 Vision Medium
7I (I)NT(R)AN(T) #visionsadder
L11 MIM(I)C +28 Strategy Small
A1 MIME(D) #strategysad
C13 VIE +28 Endgame Large
15L (C)OIL #endgamesaddest
F2 LOA(N)s +19 Endgame Large
I12 AL(A) #endgamesaddest
F4 WUXI(A) +31 Knowledge Medium
H10 U(N)WONT #knowledgesadder
4H JET +38 Finding Large
O4 FO(Y)ER +45 Knowledge Small
O4 FO(Y)NE #knowledgesad
N10 INDIAS +29 Strategy Large
I tanked for a long time just to play this. Sad! Sim says 9F SAIN, which looks way better. I was trying to block row 9 bings and column N bings, but I give back row 15 bings which is asinine. #strategysaddest
4B VINE(W) +24 Endgame Small
2B VINA is 2 points better. #endgamesad
A14 KA +36 Knowledge Large
I talked myself out of M2 HAKU. There are also other better plays. I was too rattled by my lapse in 4s knowledge. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
J1 (Y)U +7 Strategy Large
Championship Player says 6J O(RE). I'm not sure I believe that, but this is definitely not correct. #strategysaddest
O10 LIN(G)OT +24 Knowledge Large
O10 LIN(G)OT +24 Time Large
M13 (H)oG +10 Time Large
12B UNITI(S)E +16 Vision Medium
H7 E(T)UI #visionsadder
10C ANEc(D)OTE +60 Finding Small
E2 ANEThO(L)E #findingsad
H6 QA(T) +14 Tactics Medium
15A REE #tacticssadder
9C HOY +33 Vision Large
M3 M(I)RV +18 Tactics Small
M3 V(I)M #tacticssmall
E2 DRAC +29 Time Large
B1 DRAC #timesaddest
A1 BEGAN +29 Tactics Medium
A7 BEAN. I didn't bother evalutating 3 tile leaves. GNR is actually positive. #tacticssadder
12B (M)ENDING +26 Vision Large
8D COnGREE +74 Knowledge Small
Just flat out missed CORTEGE, which doesn't take the zillion hooks CONGREE does - I actually forgot about the D hook and hoped perhaps I would be likelier to remember the T hook than Benjy. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
8D COnGREE +74 Finding Small
Just flat out missed CORTEGE, which doesn't take the zillion hooks CONGREE does - I actually forgot about the D hook and hoped perhaps I would be likelier to remember the T hook than Benjy. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
I8 (E)XOME +47 Strategy Small
C11 MAX outperforms EXOME - extra point, unduplicates the As, yields one fewer point to Benjy thanks to that nasty column J reparallel. #strategysmall
G12 HAKA +29 Finding Medium
I missed F6 KANGHA. #findingmedium
2E IF +28 Finding Large
Drat. Still not rock solid on finding the 30k-40k probability 8s like UNFIXITY, which plays at A8 for 89. I'd have had a shot of seeing it if the X had been a natural tile as opposed to the blank designation. #findinglarge
6F oUTP(A)INT +59 Finding Small
Missed 6E TULIPANT for 2 more. #findingsmall
A10 GLINT(Y) +11 Strategy Small
Stopping miracle column A bingos and scary plays like 10B JAR. Something like 2I DINTING is mostly bulletproof as well, though I guess it would suck if Benjy had AGITABLE or EGLATERE. Quackle also likes 11H EMEND which I admit looks quite good to me, holding my lone vowel to dump the Q if I draw it and blocking the N and T of OUTPAINT. #strategysmall
K5 SA(G)INESS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H12 (P)IUM +24 Strategy Small
11E UME bings the most. #strategysad
B9 VOX +34 Endgame Medium
3M F(EW) #endgamesadder
7F YUKE +26 Strategy Medium
J8 EWK is better defense. #strategysadder
K9 AIL +8 Strategy Large
B3 (HA)IL #strategysaddest
L4 VIRILE +23 Strategy Large
B2 T(HA)LI blocks B2 D(HA)RMIC. #strategysaddest
I2 FEND +17 Vision Medium
5I T(I)N(I)NG #visionsadder
13H OX +37 Strategy Large
H12 (D)OWD saves K6 XU if I draw a U. #strategysaddest
7A B(I)Z +24 Endgame Large
10M (E)VO is best. He can't block the O column for that much and it gets rid of the V while scoring something. 7A B(I)Z is comically terrible because of what happens next. I think I had about 20 seconds left. #endgamesaddest
L13 OVA +12 Time Large
10A COT(E) +21 Time Large
7H (JOB)E +15 Strategy Large
I gave into fear. K5 ONE(R). #strategysaddest
J10 OO +10 Finding Medium
J7 (BE)ANO #findingsadder
9C BANDErS +77 Strategy Large
L4 BAND(Y). I did not even look for nonbingo plays. #strategysaddest
14M HAW +32 Strategy Large
I was too focused on blocking the O column. 7C WALD is best. #strategysaddest
M5 MYC +21 Knowledge Large
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
M5 MYC +21 Strategy Large
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
J3 HANDIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
G7 F(AG) +11 Endgame Large
14A OF is fine. #endgamesaddest
K1 STOUNd +18 Endgame Large
7J NU(R)S #endgamesaddest
I5 SID(E)BURN +66 Knowledge Large
A8 PAGE(D) +27 Vision Medium
13B EATI(N)G #visionmedium
11E H(I)D +28 Finding Large
L4 R(E)LAX +40 Tactics Large
14J JEES +37 Strategy Large
14B JEEPS is fine. I need the blanks. #strategylarge
C9 POO +19 Strategy Small
B10 PAE(d)O brings down opp score more than I thought. #strategysad
B10 HYN(d)E +56 Tactics Small
B10 ZE #tacticssad
B6 XU +52 Finding Large
3C AGUIZ(E)D #findingsaddest
11G F(L)oWINGS +78 Knowledge Large
NOT A WORD. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. 3G F(E)WS sims best but Quackle is probably incorrectly emptying the bag too much in response. 11F Wo(L)FINGS seems okay.
14K R(E)FER +16 Endgame Medium
M13 EF #endgamesadder
15J WOO +13 Strategy Small
I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. #strategysad
3G JUBA +31 Strategy Medium
3G JUGA bingos more. #strategysadder
4D GULAG +32 Strategy Small
4D UNGAG makes it harder to overlap I guess. #strategysad
6A DINT +26 Finding Large
6B INDART #findingsaddest
8D MAIZE +38 Tactics Medium
8G ZACK #tacticssadder
10I OX +53 Tactics Large
10J XI bingos about twice as often next turn. I totally misevaluated those leaves. #tacticssaddest
K7 GERO(N)TIC +71 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
O5 UNURGE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This looked really bad but I played it anyway. I'm not sure why. Maybe I was tilted for some reason. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
15G HIN +41 Finding Large
1G B(U)RP +8 Endgame Small
C3 (JA)RP #endgamesad
N9 EXTR(O)N +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1M ENG +20 Strategy Medium
4L GEIT is fine. I was playing too scared but I need to score more. #strategysadder
15L (D)OTE +27 Endgame Small
11C LEET #endgamesad
7H AUF +17 Finding Small
6B FUGA(L) #findingsad
A1 FLI(P) +27 Strategy Medium
A1 CLI(P)T. I thought putting the F here instead of the C would be slightly better, but it's not even close. #strategysadder
C3 W(R)OTH +30 Strategy Medium
2F WOT sims best, blocking 1A bingos that score a bunch and leave no response. #strategysadder
12I A(L)IBI +27 Vision Small
3I (C)EIBA #visionsad
5E FEE +23 Vision Large
A1 HO(U)F. I missaw the U as in the wrong spot and didn't look there again. #visionsaddest
M11 B(I)Z +54 Knowledge Medium
A1 BL(U)NK. I couldn't remember the definition or if it was a word. #knowledgesadder
4A (G)OOD +21 Knowledge Large
10F OUND(Y) #knowledgesaddest
E5 (F)LUTINA +20 Endgame Large
6G LA(D) #endgamesaddest
8D XENIA +40 Tactics Small
Champions Cup 2024, Round 10. 8H ANNEX #tacticssad
C11 H(EE)D +26 Strategy Medium
Sim likes C1 (HA)W, not sure why, C1 (HA)J doesn't seem that dangerous. #strategysadder
8A MATE(Y) +33 Finding Large
8A ATOM(Y) #findingsaddest
3M FA +24 Vision Large
E5 BRA(G)GY +26 Finding Large
K6 BL(A)ZER +34 Strategy Large
7K ZERK #strategysaddest
10E PINK +32 Finding Large
M9 PSI #findingsaddest
M9 AS +24 Finding Large
12B SUITE #findingsaddest
C4 O(V)A +13 Strategy Small
3M OAR #strategysad
N11 AERO +18 Endgame Large
3M TAI #endgamesaddest
C9 MIZ(U)NA +40 Vision Large
1A EWT +39 Vision Medium
14A RE(A)VOW #visionsadder
15L (P)EEN +21 Strategy Small
I played this too fast. I shoulda played 15L (P)ENE. #strategysad
7C KOI +27 Finding Large
L3 FOB +30 Finding Large
L1 BUFO. I played too fast. #FINDINGSADDEST
O1 AD +40 Tactics Large
O1 AE. Still playing too fast. #tacticssaddest
O10 FOVEA(E) +16 Endgame Large
4H JOM(O)N +44 Tactics Small
3I JO(t)UN #tacticssad
N6 QA(I)D +34 Strategy Large
C13 Q(I)N is best. I bingo way more than I thought. #strategysaddest
L4 FEW +35 Strategy Medium
N4 WIFE sims better. #strategysadder
15E VOLE +27 Strategy Medium
J4 LOVED wins a sim, but I'm not sure I could ever leave row 15 open in an actual game. #strategysadder
13C KULA +28 Strategy Large
I was panicked at this point because I thought he might be close to a bingo which would be game over. This put me deep in the tank and I tunneled on row 13 plays and column J plays. 12J GU(C)K is just clearly best and it's not even close. I need to calm down and just play the equity here. #strategysaddest
L1 VOILE +35 Vision Large
1H UNRO(V)E +27 Strategy Medium
13M GU(T). I thought 1H UNRO(V)E was a huge strategic error after the game, but it's too close to be making short blocking plays, I need to score. It's still a mistake though. #strategysadder
J3 AY +9 Strategy Large
Matt's suggestion of H12 (TE)DY after the game seems to be correct. That and 13M GA(T) are the only winning plays. They outrun bingos in every scenario. #strategysaddest
K8 F(E)LL +19 Vision Large
B2 SUNCARE +76 Vision Large
B1 SURANCE #visionsaddest
8A VOA(R) +21 Finding Large
Sad! 12H VIT(T)AE or M3 OHIA #findingsaddest
N12 SWAY +35 Endgame Large
N11 SARI sets up O13 WYE. #endgamesaddest
G5 DIT(Z)Y +23 Finding Medium
Was really close to playing SLY; somehow missed J4 IDYLS which looks good too. DITZY gets hit way harder in response and scores much less. #strategymedium #findingmedium 21:44
G5 DIT(Z)Y +23 Strategy Medium
Was really close to playing SLY; somehow missed J4 IDYLS which looks good too. DITZY gets hit way harder in response and scores much less. #strategymedium #findingmedium 21:44
J4 LUCKS +32 Tactics Small
J6 WUS a smidge better defensively and much higher upside for me next turn, CKLN crushes the H1 triple a lot with vowels. (CALKIN, LUCKEN in particular score massively) #tacticssmall 20:04
1A S(U)LFO +36 Strategy Large
Tanked down to next to nothing here, just could not find anything I liked. However, SULFO is obviously very wrong and hemorrhages any win% I have here. I probably should've done the other move I was considering of N10 FUERO and hope to draw unblockable bingos in different areas of the board, of which there are a handful. #strategylarge
E5 APH(A)SIA +48 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
12L F(O)HN +32 Vision Large
14K EN(U)F sets up another easy line. #visionsaddest
F2 BEVY +23 Knowledge Large
N2 BYLIVE #knowledgesaddest
M2 DUEL +20 Vision Large
D8 (F)U(R)LED #visionsaddest
D2 ROSIESt +77 Strategy Small
D1 hORSIES. I didn't consider putting a letter in the triple would be better. Also, despite being about 8 fewer points than all the other bingos, J4 vIROSES sims second best just barely behind D1 hORSIES. #strategysad
13I Z(E)RDA +50 Vision Small
11E DRAZE(L)S #visionsad
J10 FELLO +33 Knowledge Large
L2 NOVAE +31 Knowledge Large
14B OVINE #strategysmall and #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for SAD FELLOS*
L2 NOVAE +31 Strategy Small
14B OVINE #strategysmall and #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for SAD FELLOS*
L10 GAUNT +22 Knowledge Large
The wheels are coming off and it's all down hill. L8 STUNG and 1C GUTTAS #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
L10 GAUNT +22 Vision Large
The wheels are coming off and it's all down hill. L8 STUNG and 1C GUTTAS #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
O1 US +19 Strategy Large
I gave into fear again. 3B CUTINS is fine. #strategysaddest
N10 CONFI(T) +34 Time Large
I had no time and was afraid that a bingo after 3A CONFITS would lose me the game. I figured it was unlikely that he could end a bingo with an A at 3A. I did not realize I was up by enough that only a 3x3 would lose me the game. #TIMESADDEST
E7 B(A)JUS +28 Tactics Medium
9G XU. BJLSS is not as bad as I thought and LSX is not as good as I thought. #tacticssadder
I2 tAXLESS +76 Finding Large
H1 LIMA +36 Vision Small
I used my astounding and unfathomable knowledge of the leave values to correctly determine that H1 LIMA is better than H1 DIME and I am vindicated by the engine analysis which evaluates H1 LIMA as 0.1 equity better. Also, I completely missed G6 ID(E)M which is the best play #visionsad
15D (W)HOEVER +48 Knowledge Small
13J OATEN +18 Knowledge Large
J5 OM +22 Finding Large
12H (D)ORM(I)E #findingsaddest
F10 FIE +28 Vision Large
7c fugie #visionlarge
L2 T(R)UNDlED +70 Knowledge Medium
C8 Studden #knowledgemedium
K11 E(C)U +10 Tactics Medium
o6 etui #tacticsmedium
H6 CWM +20 Tactics Medium
So excited by the possibility of opening with CWM here, but COWY is still very defensive and doesn't leave absolute dreck. It's not stylistic, it's just wrong #tacticssadder
12F (G)IGATON +22 Endgame Medium
Ben looks like he wants to cry and I'm convinced lunch is after three games so I just played this fast so I could eat. Unfortunately lunch is after 4 games #endgamesadder #lunch
7H ZAX +37 Strategy Large
J8 NOX #strategysaddest
8A ROAD +30 Vision Large
10B ROADIE #visionsaddest
14F JI(V)ER +33 Strategy Medium
5D JI(G) #strategysadder
15E BON(E)D +22 Vision Large
O10 INTaKE +33 Finding Large
2N B(I) +10 Time Small
2N B(I) #timesad
9G CLOUDY +26 Knowledge Large
J7 D(OU)X +28 Knowledge Small
12D PRET(A)X #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
J7 D(OU)X +28 Knowledge Small
12D PRET(A)X #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
exch OQRR +0 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
H1 EVIT(E) +27 Finding Large
1C (O)UTVIE #findinglarge
3G F(I)N +11 Strategy Large
I didn't want to block row 1 but this is so bad I just gotta play M2 FAN or something. #strategylarge
exch AAANOQ +0 Strategy Small
should keep the N at least #strategysmall
B1 JI(V)E +28 Finding Large
terrible miss of JIVE(R) 6B #findingSADDEST
10J POT +24 Finding Large
OPERETTA was missed everywhere #findingSADDEST
F10 OMENTA +33 Finding Large
could not see TONEARM on my rack #FINDINGSADDEST
4B DIDY +34 Tactics Medium
4B DOY #tacticssadder
8A OBEAH +41 Vision Large
3L PIE +29 Vision Large
3K UPON. I must've been tilted. #VISIONSADDEST
10E HON(E) +34 Vision Large
15E LOUPIT +31 Strategy Small
8J (R)OUPIT. Row 15 is not as dangerous as I thought. #strategysad
13E CURFEW +21 Strategy Medium
6G W(A)UFF. I was panicking and tried to screw up the lower left when I should just play equity. #strategysadder
9F LAROID +23 Strategy Medium
7F LIDO #strategysadder
5A (O)UTLOVeS +70 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for no challenge
M7 TOVA(R)ICh +84 Finding Medium
M7 VICT(R)OlA #findingsadder
2J PENK +36 Finding Large
14J KYT(h)E #findingsaddest
C3 TA(T)TY +30 Endgame Medium
3M AY #endgamesadder
L6 NAY +21 Endgame Medium
4N NY #endgamesadder
8G COG +12 Knowledge Medium
Autumnal Rumble 2023, Round 10. 8D COGGIE and 8D COGIE #knowledgesadder #knowledgesadder
8G COG +12 Knowledge Medium
Autumnal Rumble 2023, Round 10. 8D COGGIE and 8D COGIE #knowledgesadder #knowledgesadder
11G ZEE +32 Strategy Small
7F EE #strategysad
exch EEIO +0 Tactics Small
Exch. AEEIO #tacticssmall
B7 M(I)DRIB +24 Vision Small
2D MIDR(I)B #visionsad
J10 HAG +36 Knowledge Large
BHAI in the same spot is obviously much better, but it's going to take forever until i can reliably see plays like that. -12 #knowledgelarge
J4 BIMA +23 Tactics Small
M7 MIB is a lil better it seems, at least defensively. -4 #tacticssmall -- actually, i can't see why AEIP results in a higher average score next turn (but lower bingo %).. anyone?
M3 PAnDIED +85 Knowledge Medium
i wasn't totally sure on PLAIDED. oops. -3 #knowledgemedium
A4 (C)OWIEST +36 Strategy Medium
sigh. i thought the U was likely to be in the bag, there's also an S and a blank to draw for (this late in the game, turnover does start to matter a tiny bit). additionally, this is also a bit of a blocking play, but not totally, it's easier to overlap cowiest in collins. but i was reasonably happy with this play, it puts me up by a lot and there's a decent chance i can unload the Q next turn for some points as well. C3 Q(A)T only sims a little better, but the best simmer is 2A OWT! maybe it's ok to keep the Q for now and play shorter? after all 2A OWT scores only 7 fewer than COWIEST but keeps the S. damn. -6 #strategymedium
8F CoLDISH +82 Strategy Small
8C CHIeLDS. I underestimated the value of the hotspot created by 8F CoLDISH. #strategysad
K3 KNAVE(S) +26 Vision Medium
J6 KN(I)VE #visionsadder
O1 ZE(I)N +42 Finding Large
D4 ST(R)IVED +30 Tactics Large
J7 V(I)D #tacticssaddest
9C G(E)E +6 Strategy Small
C9 EAGLE #strategysad
B9 ACETYL +39 Time Large
2E (O)Y #timesaddest
1D (F)UBAR +30 Vision Small
E2 TUBAR #visionsmall
B6 CHAT +41 Vision Medium
D10 N(I)GHTY #visionmedium
O7 WAVER +35 Finding Small
O7 NAVEW #findingsmall
1A HAW +34 Strategy Small
J: C9 CHAWIN(G) #strategysad
E8 CAUTION(S) +70 Knowledge Small
J: E2 (IN)CAUTION #knowledgesad
10B POD(U)NK +21 Endgame Small
J: 9D M(A)KO #endgamesad
12A (C)RYPT +24 Strategy Small
Not thrilled to open the double-double but this was by far the most palatable equity move; 7E KEPT was my other option, and Quackle prefers it slightly based on just a bit better defense. #strategysmall 17:51
M3 (AX)LE +11 Strategy Small
Seemed justified with the blank in hand, but I almost did the much safer LUZ to create a really ugly board position. I think I prefer that now, but AXLE has its merits. #strategysmall 11:11
F11 (A)S +17 Endgame Small
REJIGS for 5 more. #endgamesmall 6:10
4A MInO +34 Finding Small
3C UNURG(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10I FLY(I)NG +28 Endgame Small
Championship Player says 10J FR(I)NGY is slightly better. I don't want to spend the energy to find out why so #endgamesmall
11G T(E)NEBRIO +72 Vision Large
11E TEN(E)BRIO you fucking moron. #visionSADDEST
6F USeLESS +67 Knowledge Small
15H (g)UStLESS #knowledgesmall
15L (Y)ACK +39 Endgame Small
6N P(I) #endgamesmall
10N PI +21 Endgame Small
M11 (I)NN #endgamesmall
8H WHOA +20 Knowledge Medium
8H DAWAH #knowledgemedium
exch DGLVY +0 Strategy Small
12F TYG looks a bit better. #strategysmall
4K HOVE(D) +24 Knowledge Large
O12 (Y)OGH. I completely forgot about this word. #knowledgelarge
6L TUM(P) +20 Knowledge Large
12C UNTRIM. I didn't think SUMI was a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13C GONE +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
13H AE +11 Strategy Large
Really wanted to play L9 (EW)E(R) but there's just too many vowels in the bag, though I should have kept the A for A(GONE). SAD! #strategylarge
K4 COMB(O)NGi +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST It's good to be back (valid word is CUMBUNGI).
E5 WE(B)BY +30 Tactics Small
L10 (A)WFY #tacticssmall
C2 GENIT(O)RS +70 Knowledge Large
1D (V)ALID +27 Finding Large
B2 ANODI(C) 1D (V)IOLD #findinglarge #visionlarge
1D (V)ALID +27 Vision Large
B2 ANODI(C) 1D (V)IOLD #findinglarge #visionlarge
B1 NAW +26 Knowledge Large
12F DURA +27 Strategy Small
missed a few plays that look slightly better here, like PAGOD 12K, PARGO, DOPA in the same spot. This is fine #strategysmall
10F (ZOEA)L +20 Knowledge Large
wtf #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
10F (ZOEA)L +20 Finding Large
wtf #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
15G GoLFeRS +87 Finding Large
didn't know or missed REFLAGS this time #findingSADDEST
B4 URAEI +9 Finding Medium
C2 UREA should be correct. I must have missed it #findingmedium
2C LA(C) +5 Finding Small
F3 AI much better execution. This is sad #findingSAD
J3 CIMEX +29 Tactics Small
E5 C(O)A(L)IER #tacticssad
L3 (T)EW +20 Tactics Small
N2 GREW #tacticssad
O1 SIDESmE(N) +77 Vision Small
11A IDlESSE #visionsad
exch BCLPRR +0 Tactics Medium
N7 P(E)RC or J7 (FA)LX. #tacticssadder
5K CUTI(S) +22 Vision Large
L4 Q(U)AT(R)E +30 Vision Medium
J7 (FA)UX +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
12J JIV(E)R +30 Finding Large
9F COLE +22 Tactics Small
J: J6 COL #tacticssad
N1 UM +18 Knowledge Large
J: I couldn't remember the definition for 14B CU(S)UM so I thought it wasn't a word. #knowledgesaddest
2G CUVET +0 (Lost challenge) Time Large
J: I knew this wasn't a word but I needed more time to realize that and I had seconds remaining #TIMESADDEST
E3 FROGM(A)N +26 Strategy Small
6F FOG is fine. I was too worried about keeping MNOR in this board. #strategysad
M2 LEO(N)E +26 Finding Medium
M1 OLEI(N)E #findingsadder
9G MOB +22 Strategy Small
G5 GAMBO #strategysad
A8 LOAN(E)D +21 Strategy Small
A7 DONNE(E) #strategysad
B7 TARN +14 Strategy Small
C7 ENTRA(I)N I guess. #strategysad
13C FIN +43 Strategy Small
D5 (T)EEK #strategysad
D2 KHE(T) +22 Strategy Small
G3 KH(ET) #strategysad
O1 ADZEs +52 Endgame Large
B1 DUE #endgamesaddest
J6 LA(D)DISMS +66 Knowledge Large
N10 HO(N)ED +34 Knowledge Medium
N10 HO(N)IED #knowledgesadder
B4 PURI +19 Endgame Large
C7 UR(N) #endgamesaddest
D2 LORE +23 Endgame Small
D2 ROLE. This gives him RELIE/LOREL, lmao. #endgamesad
8G VAPE +18 Tactics Medium
Misevaluted the leave. 8G VAG and Exch. GPV sim on top, but Exch. GPV is probably a bit better after an exchange five. #tacticsmedium
4H GR(O)UPED +26 Tactics Large
12L GUP. I once again misevaluted the leave. #tacticssaddest
2B LEU +13 Strategy Large
4A EUOI sims best but seems too crazy to me. I'm probably playing too scared here. #strategylarge
H12 I(B)E(X) +14 Time Large
I tanked for a while on this play and lost all of my time. #timesaddest
L9 OK +20 Time Large
1F ST(O)OKIES or 1F SO(O)KIEST or 1E STO(O)KIES. I'd like to think that I would have found the bings with more time, because I had almost none at this point, so I'm marking this as #TIMESADDEST
6A EST +16 Time Large
At this point I have 3 seconds on my clock. The best play is 6A ES, which is 4 points better than this. What I should have played was 1G T(O)EAS or 1F ST(O)AE so the game is over and I don't have to worry about going overtime, but I completely missed them. #timesaddest
11C BOGUE +22 Knowledge Small
11B BOUGIE #knowledgesad
H7 W(I)LT +7 Tactics Small
Burning the S to make GRIFTS is slightly better. #tacticssmall
exch CDP +0 Tactics Large
wtf is this #tacticsSADDEST
2H T(I)RR +6 Knowledge Small
5E TART(A)RS is slightly better #knowledgesmall
N10 JOBES +65 Endgame Large
8N P(A) +4 Endgame Large
E13 P(I)C is way better #ENDGAMESADDEST
exch PTVXH +0 Vision Large
7F PHT #visionlarge also CH is better.
H11 SHIRT +49 Finding Large
H11 SHIUR #findinglarge
O12 CL(E)M +33 Knowledge Small
O10 CULM(E)N #knowledgesmall
12C UPRU(SH) +22 Knowledge Small
12C KURU(SH) #knowledgesmall
13C HO(A) +26 Knowledge Large
13C HO(A) +26 Knowledge Large
I8 (W)AR +15 Tactics Small
I7 E(W)ER seems slightly better. #tacticssmall
H1 QUA(G) +42 Finding Medium
E4 (PI)QU(A)NCE #findingsadder
12D COaRSEN +79 Finding Small
12D SERiCON #findingsad
12L BLEY +38 Strategy Small
I was too scared of playing 12L BUY, but it's probably correct. #strategysad
C11 BOP +28 Finding Medium
i should find REBOP. i think the extra permutations with CSW just makes me miss more normal stuff. -4 #findingmedium
E10 OY +31 Knowledge Large
there it is; missing PETITORY# is unacceptable. but i know literally 3 csw words. #knowledgelarge -27 also i should block the 14F spot with NOY if i'm going to play those letters (i thought of BEZ too, but the Z at 14F would be worse).
H3 SPITF(I)RE +66 Finding Small
-2 FRUMPIEST #findingsmall
A7 ZEDA +45 Vision Large
aw man i gotta see YEZ at 13K! -10 #visionlarge
F8 (L)EY +31 Tactics Small
i fish way too much in general. i think i should play EYE here. at B5 it might give up a lot of pts, but if he bingos i might get a big play back, and he seemed like he was going to bingo again. -2.5 #tacticssmall
8L OPED +30 Tactics Small
I saw L4 PRO(Y)NED, but I didn't think it would be that much. #tacticssmall
O1 bECHIDE(D) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I think this must have been a phony someone else played, regardless, #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
B6 DRILY +32 Strategy Large
I passed on B2 YIELD because I didn't want to hang floaters on rows 2 and 3 or leave the R open, but looking at it now, it seems best. It sims with 20 more win percentage points over B6 DRILY. Probably because the I and Y aren't great floaters, and I sometimes get outrun by A8 plays. Big mistake. #strategylarge
D11 JAM(BE) +32 Endgame Small
C2 JUMA(R) is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
9C DROOG +29 Strategy Small
12A DROOG is simming best, probably because row 1 is already open, but I thought playing more defensively would be worth it. #strategysad
1H WEEK +44 Tactics Small
1F WOWEE #tacticssad
I7 D(O)Z(E) +26 Finding Medium
14I ZANI(E)D #findingsadder
15F TANTI +20 Endgame Small
12K RA(BA)T #endgamesad
I5 FIL(MY) +14 Strategy Small
J4 FRIBS or Exch. BFL is better. #strategysad
K5 (D)UDHEENs +74 Strategy Small
J9 UNHEEDy for 2 more is fine since it's a blank Y in the triple. #strategysad
12H ERA(s)IONS +68 Finding Large
J10 TE(A)T +12 Vision Large
I need to block the J10 Z bomb but J9 TE is a way better version of this. #visionsaddest
M1 (A)MICE +18 Vision Small
L6 GEM is a better version of plays that block bingos from the L. #visionsad
14L PRAT +28 Endgame Small
14M RAP #endgamesad
15K GEE +18 Time Large
L6 GEE #timesaddest
E9 (W)AE +12 Knowledge Medium
This was tough. AUNE looks like the best way to shed vowels (especially the U) and not open anything too dangerous the way I7 UREA does. Truth be told, I wrote the word on my sheet and thought I was confusing it with Cornelia's daughter. WAE sims a couple points behind. #knowledgemedium
12A KUIAS +35 Strategy Small
J2 KUNA holding on to the S was my other option here and maybe I need to do that. After KUIAS I'm pretty much committed to bingoing to the R of AIRILY. #strategysmall
J2 VINE +21 Strategy Medium
Chosen over 13E VINED to preserve a better board for making a comeback, but there sure are a lot of Os unseen... F2 or 13H VENINE look like safer options that still keep a lot of threats available. Tough call. #strategymedium
O4 WISED +47 Endgame Medium
4A WELD blocks Benjy's best scoring area. -7 #endgamemedium
8H OCCY +22 Finding Large
8D YOGIC, lol. #findingsaddest
A3 (S)UPINE +27 Endgame Medium
2E UP is best since he isn't threatening anything serious apparently. #endgamesadder
6K (ODE)A +17 Endgame Large
9E (WE)A(R) #endgamesaddest
I1 VERMIN +23 Finding Small
I2 VIMEN #findingsad
9B KINREDS +75 Vision Medium
J5 KINREDS #visionsadder
B12 TOUT +16 Strategy Large
A1 O(S)TIAL is fine. This sets up A13 JOE and stuff. #strategylarge
K5 YAWL +34 Vision Large
E2 (A)NIL saving 7E LAW(N)Y is nice. #visionsaddest
5C J(A)B +24 Endgame Small
5D (A)JI is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 13248 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 14293 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 27250 40 Game is incomplete.
Game 16552 41 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 5591 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 17481 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 30691 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 14292 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 45781 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 30388 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 27282 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 30690 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 46869 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 27322 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 30386 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 17362 41 Game is incomplete.
Game 45785 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 45789 32 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.