Ayotunde Adeyeri
Ayotunde Adeyeri
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
AD(R)OItLY 3167 72
PARTERS 8684 69
AdONISE 45 76
SLAVIsH 28100 83
MUSTIES(T) 26901 74
P(E)RTAINS 548 72
LEARIES(T) 158 62
PHRASi(N)G 18778 69
ARSEN(I)DE 145 72
(R)EALIGNS 582 80
BITRATE 2808 69
ODOrISE 1355 72
RELISTE(D) 1224 68
(V)eNTURIS 3145 80
VINEgA(R)Y 6446 64
SPEAR(I)NG 2433 76
R(E)SPACED 13665 194
T(E)LERANS 477 70
WoODS(M)EN 20445 89
VeILIN(G)S 13388 76
PARRoTS 12997 73
RETI(N)UED 484 86
iGNEOUS 1468 68
VARIAt(E)S 1575 72
(A)NAEROBe 1207 72
ANGINAS 13178 70
GEYSERs 25068 78
ObLIGAT(O) 10588 60
BoRROWE(D) 26643 65
(G)RANITAS 3268 80
SENItIS 7958 68
INSIDeR 1686 72
sONDELI 668 73
(P)eaRLIER 4855 77
JuMBLES 31114 95
PERI(D)OTE 1066 86
SAUTEED 1818 64
PUERILE 5593 81
ATHEIsT 5103 86
FEALTI(E)S 1998 62
OUT(L)EARN 131 66
ETHNIcS 9584 87
(I)NVADERS 1332 76
UNcOVER 10886 74
(E)ARLIEST 157 77
SQUARED 12205 96
TRAINER 250 61
U(N)aRGUED 12078 74
EXHAUSt 19065 78
REGAlIT(Y) 2421 83
INVADEs 2011 71
RATS(B)ANE 3476 64
FIN(A)NCES 13364 78
LOONIES 1357 66
READERs 4978 72
ST(E)EPING 6135 62
INDItED 7954 73
UNF(O)RKEd 19570 106
IDEATES 265 69
M(E)NTORED 2568 80
ErOTICS 1249 83
SEnEcIO 1649 74
TRIUNES 583 87
DIVIDED 31489 76
INSOLES 4803 88
eXERTED 16923 90
AVIATIN(G) 13176 78
tINAJAS 12036 114
ImAGINE 3765 79
TURBINE 2142 68
(U)nWORTHY 28897 68
ENtICES 2983 71
NERVATE 1411 76
ROA(R)IEST 186 66
YAWNERS 9483 78
ErOTICS 1249 83
UNLeASH 7498 77
ACETINS 819 66
HES(I)TANT 3799 71
pIETIES 6123 73
OUTrAGE 515 71
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
R(E)SPACED 13665 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
KOT* 0 0
ATTS* 0 0
iGNEUOS* 0 0
(V)OIL* 0 0
YAB* 0 0
(A)YED* 0 0
NEC* 0 0
BUTT(C)AP* 0 0
MAWL* 0 0
(T)ODGE* 0 0
DZOM(O)S* 0 0
SLUrPEE* 0 0
SPEhULE* 0 0
LIQu(E)R* 0 0
AORA(G)E* 0 0
NEH* 0 0
DET* 0 0
NUM* 0 0
NEH* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
ROQUED* 0 34
OORIES* 0 37
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
ENTRY 1973 0
OPS 833 0
AD(R)OItLY 3167 72
COTTED 9090 24
HOTEN 1074 24
HEAT 434 22
VeILIN(G)S 13388 76
iGNEUOS* 0 0
(V)OIL* 0 0
OBES 1222 0
ANGINAS 13178 70
(A)YED* 0 0
R(H)ONE 1078 24
CONE 620 0
INDOLEs 667 0
BUTT(C)AP* 0 0
MAWL* 0 0
(T)ODGE* 0 0
DINGOED 7027 0
DIPT 2450 23
DZOM(O)S* 0 0
GRO(O)VER 19201 24
SLUrPEE* 0 0
SPEhULE* 0 0
LIQu(E)R* 0 0
AORA(G)E* 0 0
UNF(O)RKEd 19570 106
IDEATES 265 69
NEH* 0 0
INSOLES 4803 88
(S)OURLY 13447 20
CRY 1166 28
HERD 1723 0
NONE 667 0
NEH* 0 0
G(AT)ER 327 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SEALI(F)TS 11357 62
uNDYINg 25772 77
GE(L)LIEST* 0 60
REGR(O)UNd 8696 64
DONEGAL 1432 70
lINDIED 11886 78
dZERENS 14001 77
READIER 1122 72
CESURAL 7455 71
DoDGEmS 24708 81
BROC(A)TEL 5203 98
(S)OlENOID 1908 80
TARRIES(T) 3271 68
FRONTI(N)G 14190 74
KL(A)VIERS 13087 66
(B)AGARReS 19542 72
INSTATE 715 82
YE(R)SINIA(E) 1095 63
BElADIE(S) 3854 86
PLOT(T)ERs 12382 131
PANIERs 914 71
EGALITE 585 81
(S)NaPTINS 26123 80
TAEnITE 447 61
ROOTL(I)KE 6018 76
(R)ETAUGHT 14109 72
S(H)EETFED 26502 73
VI(C)ARATE 5002 89
DOGEATE 691 75
BULLRIN(G) 31254 92
AVENTUR(E) 2080 86
DECILES 8808 78
rE(P)INNED 8435 70
SEDATED 8477 68
VERANDA 4837 70
ANTIl(E)FT 3812 70
SEEMING 7749 73
CAPT(I)VEs 14340 67
SOARERS 9639 86
ECO(S)TATE 5854 74
DERNIER 2527 86
CARAgEE(N) 6622 70
PELORIA 428 73
SUBVERT 17979 87
GUCkIER 21539 64
STONIED 220 77
(C)RaYFiSH 33008 92
lEMU(R)INE 4117 61
POSOLES 24271 74
TERPINE 1428 73
RIDGIES(T) 3904 83
ENABLES 5394 75
WITHIES(T) 23839 95
AIRSOME 433 83
DENTILS 1518 68
DUN(N)ITES 5223 74
OXIdASE 3089 88
TRIMT(A)BS 22029 74
ANILInE 2226 72
TsARINA 1539 73
OUTLIES 683 69
URNFIEL(D) 6002 98
GLAIRIN 4632 74
HOATzIN 10741 76
(T)OPRAILS 3201 83
COtERIE(S) 1057 61
(G)UErITES 2265 62
(A)DENITIS 390 80
(S)ANDIEST 2854 80
DIAT(R)ONS 360 75
LINGOTS 4959 94
TECHIES 11273 104
wHARFED 19980 84
(R)EBOOTED 6548 72
SA(I)NTDOM 3185 74
CRENELS 9006 76
GENTEEL 8637 70
(D)IATRONS 361 80
(V)iBrATED 4301 80
bAUDRON(S) 9955 80
T(O)TALISE 563 62
STORAGE 516 70
DaMNERS 4163 77
AMBAGES 21069 89
REIFIER 11302 75
SCRUPLE 21846 95
AIRGLOW 6485 80
ATTERC(O)P 10296 78
O(U)TCRAWL 16965 76
DEALERs 1814 69
OOSIEST 6532 66
ZaIBATS(U) 26867 90
CRANNO(G)E 6684 62
FILAREE 1381 73
rED(F)OOTS 9006 86
(S)IDELONG 2120 88
ROSINED 213 75
FLaTTOP 23003 89
PONTiLS 7862 80
ESOTERI(C) 1058 74
TREADLE(D) 6680 62
ChARIER 10766 72
PREU(N)ITE 2109 74
TELNe(T)T(E)D 26687 61
MAUVA(I)SE 12566 65
NEURONE 3314 65
EDGIEsT 3280 71
PREBUI(L)T 11958 74
DaMNERS 4163 77
AMBAGES 21069 89
REIFIER 11302 75
SCRUPLE 21846 95
URI(N)ATOR 1225 60
(E)STrADES 6691 77
ECToPIA 1701 78
ANIMIST(S) 20494 74
E(A)RPIECE 7852 74
CItRATE 2818 92
INDEV(O)UT 1856 86
LECTuR(E)R 17468 80
DINNERS 3796 84
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
PLOT(T)ERs 12382 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
YE(R)SINIA(E) 1095 63
TELNe(T)T(E)D 26687 61
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
AWS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
GE(L)LIEST* 0 60
CIPHO(N)* 0 38
LIMM(E)D* 0 22
FAKE(L)Y* 0 26
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SALTIES 3890 0
TRINDL(E) 568 31
YE(R)SINIA(E) 1095 63
S(H)EETFED 26502 73
CAGs 3699 31
VI(C)ARATE 5002 89
AREFY 4130 50
WITHIES(T) 23839 95
TRIMT(A)BS 22029 74
GLAIRIN 4632 74
REFLO(W) 9654 39
WISE 1026 55
VIRTU 4714 45
REIFIER 11302 75
ATTERC(O)P 10296 78
CRANNO(G)E 6684 62
BILES 3056 43
TREADLE(D) 6680 62
PREU(N)ITE 2109 74
TELNe(T)T(E)D 26687 61
NEURONE 3314 65
REIFIER 11302 75
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 52
Invalid Games 0.04 2
Incomplete 0.04 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.35 1318
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.23 12
Score 390.75 20319
Score per Turn 31.2120
Turns 12.52 651
Vertical Plays 5.21 271
Horizontal Plays 5.85 304
One Tile Plays 0.37 19
Other Plays 1.10 57
Firsts 0.44 23
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.2857
Exchanges 0.52 27
High Game 623
Low Game 270
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.63 85
Sevens 0.90 47
Eights 0.73 38
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6959.75
Sevens 6831.98
Eights 7117.79
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 44.60 2319
A 4.29 223
B 0.94 49
C 0.87 45
D 1.58 82
E 5.33 277
F 0.92 48
G 1.37 71
H 0.92 48
I 3.79 197
J 0.48 25
K 0.40 21
L 1.60 83
M 0.88 46
N 2.65 138
O 3.79 197
P 0.96 50
Q 0.50 26
R 2.71 141
S 1.90 99
T 2.56 133
U 1.58 82
V 0.92 48
W 0.90 47
X 0.44 23
Y 0.96 50
Z 0.44 23
? 0.90 47
Power Tiles Played 4.67 243
? 0.90 47
J 0.48 25
Q 0.50 26
X 0.44 23
Z 0.44 23
S 1.90 99
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.29 15
? 0.08 4
J 0.08 4
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.13 7
Turns With a Blank 1.25 65
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.13 7
Bonus Square Coverage 15.25 793
Double Letter 5.04 262
Triple Letter 5.19 270
Double Word 3.02 157
Triple Word 2.00 104
Phony Plays 0.63 33
Unchallenged 0.06 3
Challenged Off 0.58 30
Challenges 1.29 67
You Won 0.04 2
Opponent Lost 0.27 14
You Lost 0.40 21
Opponent Won 0.58 30
Challenge Percentage 0.0870
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3182
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.0909
Comments 7.83 407
Comments Word Length 154.60 8039
Mistakeless Turns 12.52 651
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4767 (0.3868, 0.5052)
B 0.4700 (0.3204, 0.5716)
C 0.4350 (0.3204, 0.5716)
D 0.3950 (0.3572, 0.5348)
E 0.4442 (0.3947, 0.4973)
F 0.4600 (0.3204, 0.5716)
G 0.4567 (0.3435, 0.5485)
H 0.4600 (0.3204, 0.5716)
I 0.4211 (0.3868, 0.5052)
J 0.4800 (0.2684, 0.6236)
K 0.4000 (0.2684, 0.6236)
L 0.4000 (0.3572, 0.5348)
M 0.4400 (0.3204, 0.5716)
N 0.4417 (0.3735, 0.5185)
O 0.4738 (0.3832, 0.5088)
P 0.4800 (0.3204, 0.5716)
Q 0.5000 (0.2684, 0.6236)
R 0.4517 (0.3735, 0.5185)
S 0.4750 (0.3572, 0.5348)
T 0.4267 (0.3735, 0.5185)
U 0.3950 (0.3572, 0.5348)
V 0.4600 (0.3204, 0.5716)
W 0.4500 (0.3204, 0.5716)
X 0.4400 (0.2684, 0.6236)
Y 0.4800 (0.3204, 0.5716)
Z 0.4400 (0.2684, 0.6236)
? 0.4500 (0.3204, 0.5716)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.77 40
Score 473.31 24612
Score per Turn 36.8996
Turns 12.83 667
Vertical Plays 6.06 315
Horizontal Plays 6.10 317
One Tile Plays 0.37 19
Other Plays 0.31 16
Firsts 0.56 29
Vertical Openings per First 0.1111
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8889
Full Rack per Turn 1.0000
Exchanges 0.27 14
High Game 616
Low Game 319
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 2.38 124
Sevens 1.21 63
Eights 1.13 59
Nines 0.04 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 8512.58
Sevens 7613.79
Eights 9287.90
Nines 13891.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 52.33 2721
A 4.54 236
B 1.00 52
C 1.08 56
D 2.31 120
E 6.35 330
F 1.02 53
G 1.46 76
H 1.04 54
I 4.85 252
J 0.44 23
K 0.58 30
L 2.27 118
M 1.12 58
N 3.12 162
O 3.92 204
P 0.98 51
Q 0.50 26
R 3.02 157
S 1.94 101
T 3.23 168
U 2.31 120
V 1.04 54
W 1.10 57
X 0.56 29
Y 1.02 53
Z 0.54 28
? 1.02 53
Power Tiles Played 5.00 260
? 1.02 53
J 0.44 23
Q 0.50 26
X 0.56 29
Z 0.54 28
S 1.94 101
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.04 2
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.02 1
S 0.02 1
Turns With a Blank 1.62 84
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.06 3
Bonus Square Coverage 16.58 862
Double Letter 6.04 314
Triple Letter 5.37 279
Double Word 2.79 145
Triple Word 2.38 124
Phony Plays 0.13 7
Unchallenged 0.10 5
Challenged Off 0.04 2
Challenges 1.29 67
You Won 0.58 30
Opponent Lost 0.40 21
You Lost 0.27 14
Opponent Won 0.04 2
Challenge Percentage 0.6818
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.9130
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.7143
Comments 7.83 407
Comments Word Length 154.60 8039
Mistakeless Turns 11.04 574
Mistakes per Turn 0.1484
Mistakes 1.90 99
Knowledge 0.48 25
Finding 0.17 9
Vision 0.31 16
Tactics 0.13 7
Strategy 0.46 24
Endgame 0.13 7
Time 0.21 11
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5044 (0.4638, 0.5828)
B 0.5000 (0.3971, 0.6495)
C 0.5400 (0.3971, 0.6495)
D 0.5775 (0.4341, 0.6125)
E 0.5292 (0.4718, 0.5748)
F 0.5100 (0.3971, 0.6495)
G 0.4867 (0.4203, 0.6263)
H 0.5200 (0.3971, 0.6495)
I 0.5389 (0.4638, 0.5828)
J 0.4400 (0.3449, 0.7017)
K 0.5800 (0.3449, 0.7017)
L 0.5675 (0.4341, 0.6125)
M 0.5600 (0.3971, 0.6495)
N 0.5200 (0.4505, 0.5961)
O 0.4900 (0.4602, 0.5864)
P 0.4900 (0.3971, 0.6495)
Q 0.5000 (0.3449, 0.7017)
R 0.5033 (0.4505, 0.5961)
S 0.4850 (0.4341, 0.6125)
T 0.5383 (0.4505, 0.5961)
U 0.5775 (0.4341, 0.6125)
V 0.5200 (0.3971, 0.6495)
W 0.5500 (0.3971, 0.6495)
X 0.5600 (0.3449, 0.7017)
Y 0.5100 (0.3971, 0.6495)
Z 0.5400 (0.3449, 0.7017)
? 0.5100 (0.3971, 0.6495)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8G BUG +12 Knowledge Small
Round 2 Word Cup July 4th, 2023 8D BAGUET #knowledgesmall
11E SALTIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
AWS* #knowledgeSADDEST
A3 SEALI(F)TS +62 Knowledge Large
7G OGAM +23 Knowledge Large
6I CHI +37 Knowledge Medium
6I THORIC and 6I RHOTIC #knowledgeSADDER
13B NOT +16 Knowledge Medium
M8 uNDYINg +77 Knowledge Large
K1 P(O)M +7 Strategy Large
12L G(I)MP is fine, i was playing too scared #strategylarge
K10 WOX +33 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for chickening out of challenging ROQUED*
12D PANIERs +71 Strategy Small
Thought PANIERS would perform closer to 5 points better on defense than PERINEAL, but sadly it's closer to 2-3. #strategysmall 18:52
L8 L(AME)R +16 Finding Small
The board is nearly completely bereft of scoring spots after this move (just ZA hooking plays); Quackle calls for K7 LUREX, but I'm very content to stay turtled up here. LAMER badly outperforms all other candidate moves defensively. However, I missed L8 RAMEAL, which is a better equity version of my move. #findingsmall 16:41
5M L(UN) +9 Strategy Small
Obviously not opening after YIN. LUN preserves HAZAN/AZAN possibilities for the future. The only other move I would potentially do here is 9C HULA, which should be pretty difficult to bingo with. #strategysmall 14:46
O12 SEEM +26 Strategy Small
My thinking here was that by playing SEEM down low instead of EMEUTE the odds were good that if Ayo bingoed, it would still be on row 3 or 5 yielding strong counterplay. the other play I strongly considered was 5E MEE, but a SMEE bingo after that could be a disaster, especially because it scores 11 fewer points than SEEM. Quackle calls for 3B EMEUTE, which I also thought about; I suppose I can withstand most of the responses to that too, and the somewhat bingo-prone unseen tiles combine well with the S, so I get EFS bingos a lot. Thinking this is probably at least a #strategysmall 6:56
A1 TR(O)P +27 Strategy Medium
RURP and URP on row 6 look best here; they score as well or better than TROP and yield fewer bingos in response, especially RURP. The A1 scoring spot is tough for Ayo to hit with this pool. #strategymedium 4:39
2D USER +20 Endgame Medium
Was trying to safely block ZAG plays but for some reason couldn't come up with 13F SEN or 13A RUNES. At least my move wins the game. #endgamemedium 1:15
7I HELM +26 Strategy Small
11C MEL(TI)TH or J7 H(E)LM which simmed really well for some reason. #strategysad
1G ALAND +26 Vision Small
1M DAN #visionsad
E12 GREN +14 Strategy Medium
4F TERN or 12D GR(EEK) or K5 G(AL)S #strategysadder
N10 CIPHO(N) +38 Knowledge Large
8H NEEDY +26 Strategy Medium
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 8. The leave OO is much worse than I expected. 8F OYE# is probably best. #strategymedium
1M WAZ +54 Vision Large
7H OZAENA# is amazing. 1M ZOA is also better than WAZ#. #visionlarge
6B QANA(T) +34 Strategy Medium
Scored as 36. QANAT has the best equity, but the best play is O3 VALONIA, which blocks high-scoring bingos on columns N and O. Also, I might as well play my I off, given that six more I's are unseen. #strategymedium
7J P(E)ND +18 Knowledge Small
7J BEND is best, but I didn't know RIPP#. #knowledgesmall (-3)
D1 HALLOW +39 Knowledge Large
B4 ANTIl(E)FT +70 Vision Small
H3 FAINT(E)sT #visionsmall
10G SEEMING +73 Tactics Small
4H ME(N)INGES is probably better, especially since SEEMINGS is a word. #tacticssmall
L4 ROTI +27 Vision Large
C1 (C)ZAR #visionlarge
11I DIF +31 Vision Large
H4 PRIZ(E) +19 Vision Large
I didn't think SEEMINGS was a word but IT IS. Anyway, since I can't block effectively, I have to play C1 (C)ZAR to outrun. FOR FUCK'S SAKE. #REEEEEEEEEEE #VISIONSADDEST
D8 (G)UMBO +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
C10 HOOP +31 Knowledge Large
1C (C)ANYON +36 Knowledge Large
1C (C)YANIN #knowledgesaddest
7F OF +29 Strategy Small
7G FILO #strategysad
E4 EL +9 Knowledge Large
I thought I was hallucinating 2G REALLIE. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
2F AUA +16 Strategy Small
11I U(R)A(R)I #strategysad
15J VICE +15 Finding Large
14G WIZ +29 Endgame Large
Only 8L (B)ID and M4 DIT win. I had a few seconds at this point. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
14G WIZ +29 Time Large
Only 8L (B)ID and M4 DIT win. I had a few seconds at this point. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
10L (E)DIT +9 Time Large
F4 DIT(ONE) #timesaddest
7H GUCkIER +64 Knowledge Large
I missed 3 nines through IN, F. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
N6 B(RE)W +15 Vision Medium
E3 BEDAW(INS) #visionsadder
5H (V)ULN +14 Time Large
I start running out of time here and play increasingly more panicked. E5 UNP(INS) is fine here. #timesaddest
15F V(ES)T +7 Vision Large
E4 TENP(INS) #visionsaddest
J4 B(L)O(C) +10 Strategy Medium
Had no time. L12 OO(N)T is fine, but I wanted the T for HAIRST. #strategysadder
O10 TINFUL +49 Finding Large
O10 TUFOLI #findingsaddest
I2 TR(OU) +5 Finding Large
I missed F3 RETRO(NYM) to win the game, but I was already overtime here. #timesaddest #findingsaddest
I2 TR(OU) +5 Time Large
I missed F3 RETRO(NYM) to win the game, but I was already overtime here. #timesaddest #findingsaddest
1M (V)AU +18 Vision Medium
5I DAU(B) #visionsadder
M5 AID +18 Strategy Medium
N1 (A)T wins a sim. I guess he plays there a bunch next turn? #strategysadder
C7 DUN(N)ITES +74 Time Medium
B1 DUNITES. I played too fast here. #timesadder
13G M(A)FIA +24 Tactics Large
13G F(A)A #tacticssaddest
M12 ZA +40 Endgame Large
15L ARGH #endgamesaddest. I spent all my time trying to look for a win and didn't see anything.
D8 HE(T) +21 Time Large
J6 E(XI)NG #timesaddest
D12 DOPY +40 Tactics Small
H1 YORP(E)D #tacticssmall
N2 CL(E)VER +26 Finding Small
13C C(ON)VERT #findingsad
J3 V(E)NDS +13 Vision Medium
14C S(PI)V #visionsadder
12J NE +19 Endgame Large
13H UNLAC(E) #endgamesaddest
9C PUH +20 Strategy Small
7C PUH #strategysad
exch IIU +0 Vision Medium
L3 UNITI(On) #visionsadder
12H OLEIC +21 Finding Large
F1 ECOLOGI(C). lol. #findingsaddest
6D BRITT +13 Time Large
E7 D(OH) #timesaddest
5C Y(E)ED +29 Time Large
N9 GEWGAW(S) +34 Tactics Small
Thought WAGGAS would give up the extra points it scores on defense, but apparently it's only two points worse than GEWGAWS. Maybe GEWGAWS slightly likelier to get +5 from challenge too, but still #tacticssmall 17:58
11K EEE(W) +14 Vision Medium
Pool is consonant heavy, no harm in playing INFEED at 14G here - don't think I saw it. #visionmedium #strategymedium 7:51
11K EEE(W) +14 Strategy Medium
Pool is consonant heavy, no harm in playing INFEED at 14G here - don't think I saw it. #visionmedium #strategymedium 7:51
13G Y(I)D +13 Finding Medium
No clue why not I11 YID instead for 11 more points; as I said last turn but clearly forgot here, no point grooming rack leave on this board. Also no idea why I spent five minutes to come up with this. #findingmedium #timesmall 2:51
13G Y(I)D +13 Time Small
No clue why not I11 YID instead for 11 more points; as I said last turn but clearly forgot here, no point grooming rack leave on this board. Also no idea why I spent five minutes to come up with this. #findingmedium #timesmall 2:51
10E (MO)Z +14 Strategy Small
10B GIZ(MO) #strategysmall
6I BL(O)C +10 Tactics Small
6J C(O)B #tacticssad
L1 YEAN +30 Strategy Large
L2 NOY #strategysaddest
2F FINO +34 Endgame Large
2C NIEF #endgamesaddest
8H wHARFED +84 Strategy Small
8C wHARFED #strategysmall
J12 JA(Y) +24 Vision Large
15K (D)ATTO #visionsaddest
I13 KET +31 Vision Large
13B (C)REW +18 Knowledge Large
M8 (I)NTERWAR #knowledgesaddest
N11 BEAN +21 Knowledge Large
A11 BASEN #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
N11 BEAN +21 Vision Large
A11 BASEN #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
D11 WIG +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
4H (D)UI +4 Finding Small
G6 LI(E)U #findingsad
2G L(A)PJE +60 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
M12 BOW +29 Strategy Large
B13 VOW #strategysaddest
K7 DEALERs +69 Knowledge Medium
stupid "encradle" and other spenserian words. -5.5 #knowledgemedium
M7 AURA +15 Strategy Large
EUV just sucks way too much as a leave; AURA cannot be right. AHURU looks decent, but i am liking 6L UVA here. there's only one E and S left and i don't have much other hope. i also sorta like M6 VAU, but less. this is very difficult. -9 #strategylarge
N6 VIS +22 Endgame Medium
#endgamemedium -7
10F ZaIBATS(U) +90 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
13G Y(O)M +35 Knowledge Large
7F QUOTA +23 Strategy Medium
L4 TOQU(E) wins a sim against random racks, but given my opponent's range I feel like 7F QUOTA might be justified. I dunno. #strategysadder
5K XI +38 Tactics Medium
5K XED #tacticsmedium
C5 MATH +35 Endgame Large
This is a very sad play that gives my opponent an out. #ENDGAMESADDEST
9C QA(T) +26 Knowledge Small
G1 QI seems like the kind of play that would sim best, but this time it's just the timid 9C QA(T) that wins. I have difficulty evaluating these kinds of decisions, though this one seems correct. Also, #knowledgesad for the challenge.
N2 BILES +48 Strategy Small
2J BLE(A)T is 17 fewer points but reduces the opponent's next turn score by about 6 and increases my next turn score by about 13, apparently. This makes it sim about 2 points better. #strategysad
O6 MOWED +38 Strategy Medium
O6 MOW slightly decreases his bingo % but it doubles mine. #strategysadder
M13 NoT +19 Time Medium
8G CONF +18 Tactics Small
8D CONFER #tacticssad
O6 UTE +19 Vision Small
D4 T(OU)ZE #visionsad
E5 RI(PE) +12 Finding Large
E5 CA(PE)RER #findingsaddest
D8 (MA)X +12 Strategy Large
12G AXL(E) for some reason. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
D8 (MA)X +12 Time Large
12G AXL(E) for some reason. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
C9 (V)ERBAL +31 Knowledge Large
F6 B(LA)ER #knowledgesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 33050 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 30198 59 Game is incomplete.
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