Austin Shin
Austin Shin
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(F)INIALeD 3375 72
sIGN(E)TED 2270 131
EMOTIVE 4738 71
TE(T)RAXON 5463 96
AORTIT(I)S 3225 70
LORDING 4904 68
ATE(L)IERS 155 82
InDITES 1699 76
ATEBRIN 290 76
ATROPI(S)M 7842 78
GELATOS 1449 75
ELICIT(O)R 2185 61
RAN(C)IdlY 15367 94
SPAINGS 22958 79
ROKIEST 3121 93
GALLONS 18359 70
DECEASE 11946 82
ORBITAl 2173 78
SCARIER 5080 80
IGNATIA 5347 72
MUSIC(A)LS 33739 66
REPONES 3554 67
gLIADIN(E) 1922 80
STY(R)ENEs 18278 90
ORBITIE(S) 2185 83
ROSALIA 1717 77
lAEVUL(I)N 11365 78
(Q)UADRAtE 11361 69
COmBINE 12702 79
BUSTERS 21478 85
FOrEMEN 8153 81
UNDRAP(E)S 5931 69
NI(T)RILES 1107 70
EN(T)REATY 5078 62
WINgOVE(R) 7390 84
AnOBIID 4948 87
PR(A)DHANs 26121 76
vENOMER(S) 10584 86
EGOTIST 3604 71
FREESIA 1378 76
COGNISE 3987 88
URBANER 8612 74
STOITER 1036 65
MENACIN(G) 16375 65
RENAMES 2967 68
FACTIvE 11686 81
M(E)TaLLED 17907 65
SMARTED 4175 88
UNALIKE 4713 94
GUtSIER 2319 71
SALUTeD 3161 71
BEAVERY 17125 89
PITTAN(C)E 9015 64
wAENESs 14864 76
RESLA(T)ED 1206 60
GUa(N)INES 4165 82
EARLIES 266 74
RA(D)ICALS 13835 78
LOUNGEY 11425 89
DELETeD 19827 90
HAL(o)GENS 5699 74
TA(C)ITUrN 10149 140
SPURRED 21125 79
LABROID 4426 66
P(E)TTLiNG 14058 64
ST(R)EIGNE 965 68
T(A)DPOLES 3630 62
(O)BTEmPER 17733 72
DOOCINg 16489 67
TARRIES 719 77
AGEINGS 8303 88
TANGHIN 14677 66
RUND(a)LES 2205 66
C(O)LOURI(S)E 5607 68
F(O)RESAIL 704 76
(B)EGIRDED 21177 66
OVeRRAN 3430 76
LOCATED 2566 75
FUTuRES 21605 75
(L)URDANES 2204 83
AMORISM 20319 78
(L)INGUICA 16893 65
ONEROUs 2862 67
TEDDIES 8494 97
BaGLIKE 17115 87
(A)ERODuCT 1720 90
(T)WIsTIER 11714 74
SNARLIE(R) 1184 77
ECO(T)ONAL 2076 76
S(A)VORInG 3854 74
ENC(L)OSED 8082 94
BEDAWIN 5736 79
REQUITE 6062 108
(A)DHERING 2362 76
COARSEN 1155 72
GERM(I)ESt 6097 72
SWINGED 10065 82
AEROTO(N)E 128 62
(H)ORsIEST 8487 90
FA(L)CONET 5264 67
ARSENAL 1682 73
THAWIER 3196 80
BENIsON 6162 66
C(A)TERING 996 64
ESTIVAL 2054 87
StIFFER 20040 81
cHARGED 15974 82
SPINATE 896 80
FOrTU(N)ES 3759 78
OVER(L)AIN 274 63
AERIALS 634 82
ADENIN(e)S 1628 68
DINGIES 5348 73
UPBORNe 10853 85
HEARTEN(S) 2079 86
ALEURON 198 66
VISAGES 15801 90
BAT(T)ENED 8285 66
REDO(L)ENT 646 74
(P)OtATION 9225 80
UNsUITS 26614 67
TRUSSI(N)G 20584 61
IODIsER 957 80
SHR(E)WDIE 13783 75
DI(S)TASTE 10515 72
cORELLA 10214 78
(S)ECEDING 9878 66
LIGNITE(s) 3906 66
AENEOUS 390 67
(E)ARSTONE 57 77
UNTAIL(E)D 333 68
S(O)LICiTS 26612 75
TIKANgA 15000 82
POLECAT 6720 84
EVITA(T)ES 4838 65
TORULAE 205 66
ENSNARE(D) 3516 70
(S)TOREMAN 747 83
BATONED 1137 78
OuTDARE(D) 3426 83
CH(E)EPING 24308 67
ORA(T)IONS 451 59
FAINTER 229 75
TIGHTEr 11581 67
EPiGONE 2759 75
HEINOUS 2719 78
TRENISE 283 79
OVe(R)LAID 692 80
TABOOED 3726 96
RATTLIN(E) 450 77
P(A)USABLE* 0 78
BACTERI(A) 4992 86
SpOORI(N)G 15236 70
AvAILES 4694 68
V(A)LETING 2402 64
ELFLaND 17324 88
RASTERS 12391 75
TELE(P)ICs 13771 72
SNOOLED 5308 77
eARTHM(E)N 5668 74
INSULAE 550 67
AIRST(R)IP 14884 60
sEALERY 5367 90
FONDUES 8343 72
AFTER(S)UN 3103 65
PETROSA(L) 1792 70
ECHARdS 13403 99
ARROZEs 10706 83
OU(T)WAITS 11081 67
LANKI(E)ST 3442 78
UNTONED 4553 70
pLA(T)TERS 10678 113
OUTEATS 2198 70
EqUA(T)ION 880 58
(L)EGALIzE 21666 67
P(R)EvAILS 7356 140
DEERLI(K)E 14967 76
A(V)IATINg 13168 70
(C)AMELOTS 8821 89
ATTENDS 2812 70
ASTONIE(S) 502 62
EpINAOI 416 77
STAIDLy 7917 79
ADVERSE 5470 88
PROETT(E)s 7483 67
JONGLEU(R) 11547 86
PILSNER 4381 67
AUREItY 942 74
PEONAGe 2740 73
DE(L)ATING 572 90
STROAME(D) 1748 86
FoURGON 20752 80
INDABaS 11324 85
vERONI(C)A 1144 86
COINSUr(E) 1831 80
STEDDES 25575 73
DURANCE 4109 76
MONTuRE 2777 72
HALIDOM 13695 89
G(R)EENEST 6780 60
T(A)ENIATE* 0 70
FLEABAg 21284 67
TEASELE(R) 2449 77
UPhAUDS 31567 77
VIOLATE 430 76
SLARTED 1498 78
WRENTI(T)s 6921 72
HoMAGER 9151 93
WAYFA(R)ER 30078 100
AtONIAS 679 70
PAL(A)TINE 1561 81
(M)URLIEST 5989 83
(O)RCHARDs 27625 76
BOTHERS 10786 87
DEPICTS 13502 91
CRIN(G)ERS 14043 65
dIVERSE 5550 96
V(I)TIAToR 7724 72
ANTIARS 1528 89
LOTTErY 7444 75
SLINKeD 9133 79
SITULAE 551 76
UNPI(T)IED 6515 67
(T)ARTANES 3216 66
SPOUTIE(R) 1908 62
OX(A)LATED 8177 88
(D)ECRETES* 0 86
(J)ONQUILS 32327 138
RATTLED 3757 70
AGONIZE 2220 107
(V)ICELIKe 31086 101
SPORTeD 5219 74
WAITRE(S)S 7194 76
RE(S)MELTS 22997 74
ENCIER(R)O 3061 64
ANNEALS 7756 66
sUR(P)RISE 26905 86
MERINOS 1300 80
NORTENA 378 69
COONtIE 1779 67
TENAbLE 2887 73
SELAD(AN)GS 17695 67
(G)ASOGENE 9521 83
FILMISH 30606 118
SQUIRTE(R) 16311 69
MELDINg 9852 70
DELATES 1806 68
INcURVE 9506 76
(A)NnALISE 3027 74
SWINGED 10065 82
AEROTO(N)E 128 62
(H)ORsIEST 8487 90
MON(A)CIDs 11996 74
(s)TEREOME 7187 72
DA(T)ELINE 139 70
ELUTION 238 63
(T)OPSIDER 1870 65
DEViSO(R)S 12839 69
OENO(P)HIL 10963 102
FRONTeS(T) 8079 83
VANITIE(S) 1570 63
dEFAMED 24598 85
ESLOINS 4802 69
(L)EXIGRAm 16262 98
OTTA(V)INO 9226 74
HYAlINE 5832 96
DINGIES 5348 73
UPBORNe 10853 85
HEARTEN(S) 2079 86
EMEERAT(E) 13422 80
GhILGAI 27488 64
ANTIAIR 1705 67
ZEBRINA 6486 94
RIDDERs 16469 79
AnTIARS 1528 78
(D)AUNTONS 9188 80
MENIS(C)AL 7461 74
SWIPING 26944 82
SHORTeN 2785 93
ABOIDEA(U) 2125 86
SASHImI 27770 86
RETRIAL 689 82
UMWELTS 21360 82
FLAgG(I)ER 17727 68
(R)ELIQuES 11939 70
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
sIGN(E)TED 2270 131
TA(C)ITUrN 10149 140
pLA(T)TERS 10678 113
P(R)EvAILS 7356 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
C(O)LOURI(S)E 5607 68
SELAD(AN)GS 17695 67
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
P(A)USABLE* 0 78
IO* 0 49
ZO* 0 49
WUS* 0 21
EA* 0 66
AWFY* 0 52
DI* 0 29
T(A)ENIATE* 0 70
VI(L)D* 0 37
(D)ECRETES* 0 86
CHAVES* 0 22
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(Q)UADRAtE 11361 69
CENT(A)S 2130 34
FACTIvE 11686 81
BEAVERY 17125 89
CAPTC(HA) 33278 32
(QUOIF)ED 15746 20
CONi(C)OID* 0 0
TANGHIN 14677 66
BaGLIKE 17115 87
(I)LLOGIC 27202 24
SWINGED 10065 82
BAT(T)ENED 8285 66
(K)AID 2505 27
SNOOLED 5308 77
YONNIE 3482 28
WAYFA(R)ER 30078 100
SWY 1290 42
BOTHERS 10786 87
UNJ(A)M 10217 34
OX(A)LATED 8177 88
RE(S)MELTS 22997 74
(I)NERT 43 0
TROPINS 4461 0
SQUIRTE(R) 16311 69
SWINGED 10065 82
GhILGAI 27488 64
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SOL(D)ERER 7362 72
PARTITE 2845 76
HOIS(T)MAN 7858 68
INTERB(E)D 2081 75
StEADIE(R) 153 80
ORGA(N)ISE 79 70
(LI)BELLaNT 25622 83
INDI(C)ATE 1578 149
RAVEnO(U)S 1797 90
FOVEATE 4776 82
CASSINA 21303 63
InURING 17819 62
BORANES 1143 68
T(H)eIsTIC 23801 75
LINGERS 2317 68
GALERES 3262 75
INSTATE(D) 1184 80
UNPLAcE 13416 72
WRINKL(I)E 18924 110
TIARAED 163 74
DOcKERS 20185 79
LIGATU(R)E 596 72
MELANGE 7698 85
NITRATE 256 69
(A)LIENATE 170 62
REISTED 779 89
CoNST(A)TE 4607 86
KARITES 2337 104
FREMITU(S) 11941 92
RELATED 739 65
ANODIZ(E)S 2152 70
(S)eDATION 26 70
SLIpPER(ED) 25714 69
SNICKER 14694 86
(C)OTTIERS 4698 83
TENANTS 8069 71
(D)ILATERS 334 80
eTHICAL 5755 87
SANGU(I)NE 4166 68
A(P)TEROUS 1804 63
pLUM(B)ITE 24208 74
(E)NROLLED 7856 80
(L)EVEReTs 14604 80
(U)NWOnTED 12437 63
P(R)IEVING 15785 82
RIANCIE(S) 1581 83
OOTHEC(A)E 8256 84
WAnGLED 9976 79
MIDDLEs 21295 79
ROO(T)LETS 8019 70
RIO(T)ISES 4132 62
RETIARY 2816 83
(B)ATWOMEN 11123 98
TOYETIc 11943 74
FoR(M)ANTS 12311 64
INSTATE(D) 1180 80
(D)ETAINER 37 68
ENABLES 5394 74
TSAR(I)NAS 9185 82
OUVRIE(R)E 5837 64
STEPDaD 17226 90
aN(O)DIZER 898 84
AEROLIT(E) 16 77
SORBENT 2747 79
TuRDION 1581 83
BATTIER 2806 72
JaRGONS 15546 85
CaBARET 10331 76
APERIES 1394 77
oUTLYIN(G) 12918 86
ADHErES 5409 78
ROSACEA 3122 76
FURB(A)LLs 36279 66
NONETTI 3231 72
P(O)SHTEEN 10569 76
NES(T)MATE 8389 61
S(U)NDRESS 34376 76
FAINEA(N)T 4238 74
LOONIE(s)T 781 64
YEALDON 2579 79
R(E)sTROVE 7486 72
AUNTIES 124 72
TIRESOM(E) 1083 83
BE(L)LYING 30517 77
(r)ISALDAR 13013 77
PAlETTE 10260 78
(E)ROSiBLE 2483 60
BOOsTER(S) 20031 77
HALlOUM(I) 27904 80
TOASTER 1011 72
(C)REATINE 298 72
KATIONS 4928 76
DEBU(T)ING 8104 74
U(R)nFIELD 5942 80
SIDERAL 541 84
N(A)TTERER 4537 70
FLY(T)IERS 12002 69
lEWISIA 4719 73
SoRBITE 1236 86
MNEmONS 28071 74
ANCHOR(E)D 5223 80
(P)ARTIBLE 4281 78
RONNIES 1023 71
POSTERS 14533 96
CARLINe 811 72
UN(WE)ARIES 959 78
ANICUTS 6455 70
REORDA(I)N 170 60
I(N)ERTIAS 118 68
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
(G)ONADIAL 3924 62
JINGL(I)ER 14457 66
ENTRUST 7066 83
GReNADe 1548 77
OERSTED 1105 88
STUIVER 4415 75
YAC(H)TIES 14324 82
LIPURIA 11444 63
BU(I)LDINg 26453 76
RENAILS 135 70
VEsTURE 9079 70
(O)UTsMILE 3710 86
SNICKeR 14752 97
DOO(B)RIES 5157 65
TR(E)DILLE 6708 72
MAS(TE)rING 1306 94
U(N)STICKs 37008 110
DIsGAVE(L) 8010 79
TARSIO(I)D 1119 70
FEASTER 2945 96
OUtLINE 238 71
caLDER(A)S 7917 75
DISCASE 9585 76
UNNOBLE 14137 70
NATURES 568 68
ROSINER 1036 62
TRADUCE 4141 87
AROINTS 157 69
IO(D)ATIVE* 0 78
(D)ODGIEST 9058 62
DEW(D)ROPS 29277 79
INT(E)RCOM 2748 74
PIG(NE)RATE 691 66
GRODIER 3622 90
(V)ERATRIA 4153 86
LUMPENs 21356 70
UnWEA(V)ES 13730 76
GRIT(T)IER 14063 68
CONT(R)AiR 4122 76
LEAFIE(S)T 1992 74
ARRIAGE 3497 72
aCADEMY 23596 82
REFUnDS 11359 79
TESTONS 13450 70
DIRTILy 15633 74
U(N)ATONED 1466 70
URALI(T)ES 275 59
GENOMIC(S) 8858 82
(D)ESTINED 6739 83
LITERAL 1387 84
AUSPIcE 6933 86
AnT(I)NUKE 7566 76
NOONERS 6477 92
SNIRtLE 578 79
BE(D)STRAW 11774 72
LAURELS 11263 67
STEAMER 2969 75
(R)EUNIONS 1489 66
P(I)NTaBLE 4278 76
(E)NGORgED 13948 61
SQ(U)aNDER 10675 68
E(M)PAIRES 5587 74
OUTwITS 17093 76
ELEGiSE 6293 73
INdA(G)ATE 627 66
(V)ERMINED 9474 69
OUGLIeS 3102 77
CORS(E)LET 4934 74
STA(G)GIER 6711 158
W(A)YGoOSE 18964 70
(S)PINSTER 11557 78
DOGPILE 7222 70
DEP(O)RTED 14525 64
EpIGONI 4597 76
INVESTS 13106 83
TOUZIER 3109 84
LEMONED 6392 83
YECHIES(T) 21124 90
UNROTT(E)N 7259 61
RESHOwN 10909 72
MEADOWE(D)* 0 67
EMiNENT 6566 79
SEARING 352 71
(C)ODETTAS 7888 72
PI(M)ENToN 10281 76
SLEEKIT 9755 73
ABlATI(O)N 3548 70
IGNEOUS 1459 73
GRATI(N)EE 85 74
WINGLET 6358 80
ALbINOS 4447 78
SPORTFU(L) 26553 92
YUgARIE 3425 66
(I)NTERIOR 804 68
EIDOLoN 1353 74
(G)LADIEST 1457 83
(T)ONETiCS 4664 80
pION(E)ERS 1081 78
PLEAT(I)NG 2397 76
UNCANNe(D) 28579 63
(O)VERHITS 5444 80
OUTLIER 242 63
APANA(G)Es 21201 64
(S)EMIARID 3355 84
POUNCE(R)S 13437 76
UBERTIE(s) 4027 68
GrANDES(T) 1498 80
sEXISTS 31775 98
TOADISh 4474 75
OLDSTER 1728 75
GRABENS 6249 84
MNEmONS 28071 74
ANCHOR(E)D 5223 80
(P)ARTIBLE 4281 78
RET(I)RACY 9059 67
(C)OUPONEd* 0 72
(S)EAWOMEn 6352 84
RICHENS 9294 69
BAnGSTE(R) 4727 62
TRIPODS 7852 91
VALeTIN(G) 2402 86
(A)pER(I)ENTS 370 67
U(R)nFIELD 5942 80
SIDERAL 541 84
OUTlAWS 11767 79
ETHERIO(N) 379 86
(W)OUNdIER 1860 77
PENNIES 10420 77
TARDIEs(T) 1191 80
ENROOTS 1374 70
(D)IsUNITE 2476 68
INDARTS 1334 77
(U)NPEERED 14671 84
THRENO(D)E 2567 65
REStYLE(D) 11203 94
I(N)ERTIAS 118 68
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
(G)ONADIAL 3924 62
BRaSSED 16779 78
THIRDED 13088 111
D(R)ACENAS 6427 63
CHEV(R)ONs 20742 79
SOUTE(R)ED* 0 72
ENTREAT 1339 65
LAUREA(T)E 1447 66
G(R)EgALES 17267 79
OCHR(I)EST 5380 84
TA(L)EGGiO 4477 65
TORE(A)DOR 2530 60
VARIANt 3987 91
(G)NARLIER 2080 72
SEED(S)MEN 29091 71
CANDIES 1898 74
WAITL(I)ST 19526 62
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
INDI(C)ATE 1578 149
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
STA(G)GIER 6711 158
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(LI)BELLaNT 25622 83
SLIpPER(ED) 25714 69
UN(WE)ARIES 959 78
MAS(TE)rING 1306 94
PIG(NE)RATE 691 66
(A)pER(I)ENTS 370 67
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
COU(R)OU* 0 0
(U)RBIC* 0 0
ADLIB* 0 0
AROAR* 0 0
NAISI(e)* 0 0
KULU* 0 0
AF* 0 0
DAVOT* 0 0
DOOF* 0 0
UNTAsKE(D)* 0 0
EXI* 0 0
THUR* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
UN(F)ACED* 0 36
FU(ZE)L* 0 18
TAF(F)* 0 30
IO(D)ATIVE* 0 78
UNJOIN* 0 28
HEMPE(D)* 0 45
MOOI* 0 12
(B)LERT* 0 21
MIXY* 0 67
MEADOWE(D)* 0 67
(C)OUPONEd* 0 72
SOUTE(R)ED* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
REINK 2047 42
COU(R)OU* 0 0
WRINKL(I)E 18924 110
(U)RBIC* 0 0
SLIpPER(ED) 25714 69
ADLIB* 0 0
RE(WROUGHT) 22979 32
TOGAE 94 0
P(R)IEVING 15785 82
NAISI(e)* 0 0
FURB(A)LLs 36279 66
KULU* 0 0
JA 99 0
DAVOT* 0 0
DOOF* 0 0
ROSINER 1036 62
UNTAsKE(D)* 0 0
COBZAs 19938 98
YECHIES(T) 21124 90
DENNETS 8329 0
(U)NPEERED 14671 84
(P)iQUED 15064 51
BLUD(S) 10568 24
THUR* 0 0
SEED(S)MEN 29091 71
WAITL(I)ST 19526 62
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 125
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 23.98 2998
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.59 74
Score 445.94 55742
Score per Turn 37.0872
Turns 12.02 1503
Vertical Plays 5.23 654
Horizontal Plays 6.19 774
One Tile Plays 0.31 39
Other Plays 0.29 36
Firsts 0.49 61
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.7252
Exchanges 0.19 24
High Game 593
Low Game 304
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 2.30 288
Sevens 1.16 145
Eights 1.12 140
Nines 0.02 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 8120.42
Sevens 7926.01
Eights 8333.25
Nines 7798.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.54 6193
A 4.50 563
B 0.98 123
C 1.00 125
D 1.96 245
E 6.15 769
F 1.02 127
G 1.47 184
H 0.98 123
I 4.53 566
J 0.53 66
K 0.58 73
L 1.98 247
M 0.84 105
N 3.03 379
O 4.25 531
P 1.07 134
Q 0.51 64
R 2.75 344
S 1.94 243
T 2.77 346
U 1.90 238
V 0.98 123
W 0.98 123
X 0.43 54
Y 0.93 116
Z 0.48 60
? 0.98 122
Power Tiles Played 4.87 609
? 0.98 122
J 0.53 66
Q 0.51 64
X 0.43 54
Z 0.48 60
S 1.94 243
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 14
? 0.02 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.07 9
Turns With a Blank 1.58 198
Triple Triples Played 0.03 4
Bingoless Games 0.04 5
Bonus Square Coverage 15.82 1977
Double Letter 5.08 635
Triple Letter 5.40 675
Double Word 3.11 389
Triple Word 2.22 278
Phony Plays 0.18 22
Unchallenged 0.09 11
Challenged Off 0.09 11
Challenges 0.54 67
You Won 0.14 18
Opponent Lost 0.19 24
You Lost 0.11 14
Opponent Won 0.09 11
Challenge Percentage 0.5625
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.6857
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5000
Comments 5.83 729
Comments Word Length 132.90 16613
Mistakeless Turns 12.02 1503
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5000 (0.4570, 0.5338)
B 0.4900 (0.4139, 0.5769)
C 0.5000 (0.4139, 0.5769)
D 0.4900 (0.4378, 0.5530)
E 0.5125 (0.4621, 0.5287)
F 0.5100 (0.4139, 0.5769)
G 0.4900 (0.4289, 0.5619)
H 0.4900 (0.4139, 0.5769)
I 0.5033 (0.4570, 0.5338)
J 0.5300 (0.3802, 0.6106)
K 0.5800 (0.3802, 0.6106)
L 0.4950 (0.4378, 0.5530)
M 0.4200 (0.4139, 0.5769)
N 0.5050 (0.4484, 0.5424)
O 0.5312 (0.4547, 0.5361)
P 0.5350 (0.4139, 0.5769)
Q 0.5100 (0.3802, 0.6106)
R 0.4583 (0.4484, 0.5424)
S 0.4850 (0.4378, 0.5530)
T 0.4617 (0.4484, 0.5424)
U 0.4750 (0.4378, 0.5530)
V 0.4900 (0.4139, 0.5769)
W 0.4900 (0.4139, 0.5769)
X 0.4300 (0.3802, 0.6106)
Y 0.4650 (0.4139, 0.5769)
Z 0.4800 (0.3802, 0.6106)
? 0.4900 (0.4139, 0.5769)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.41 51
Score 424.62 53077
Score per Turn 35.5030
Turns 11.96 1495
Vertical Plays 5.66 707
Horizontal Plays 5.54 693
One Tile Plays 0.39 49
Other Plays 0.37 46
Firsts 0.51 64
Vertical Openings per First 0.1224
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8776
Full Rack per Turn 0.9853
Exchanges 0.22 28
High Game 607
Low Game 227
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 2.14 267
Sevens 0.90 112
Eights 1.19 149
Nines 0.05 6
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7704.82
Sevens 6973.81
Eights 8211.30
Nines 9110.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.50 5937
A 4.26 532
B 0.95 119
C 0.90 113
D 1.98 248
E 5.54 693
F 0.97 121
G 1.45 181
H 1.00 125
I 4.14 517
J 0.46 58
K 0.40 50
L 1.89 236
M 1.11 139
N 2.74 342
O 3.58 447
P 0.90 113
Q 0.47 59
R 2.97 371
S 1.95 244
T 2.96 370
U 1.86 233
V 0.93 116
W 1.00 125
X 0.55 69
Y 1.06 133
Z 0.49 61
? 0.98 122
Power Tiles Played 4.90 613
? 0.98 122
J 0.46 58
Q 0.47 59
X 0.55 69
Z 0.49 61
S 1.95 244
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 13
? 0.03 4
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.02 2
Z 0.02 3
S 0.03 4
Turns With a Blank 1.94 243
Triple Triples Played 0.03 4
Bingoless Games 0.03 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.49 1936
Double Letter 5.26 657
Triple Letter 5.18 648
Double Word 2.81 351
Triple Word 2.24 280
Phony Plays 0.24 30
Unchallenged 0.10 12
Challenged Off 0.14 18
Challenges 0.54 67
You Won 0.09 11
Opponent Lost 0.11 14
You Lost 0.19 24
Opponent Won 0.14 18
Challenge Percentage 0.3143
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4375
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4000
Comments 5.83 729
Comments Word Length 132.90 16613
Mistakeless Turns 11.32 1415
Mistakes per Turn 0.0535
Mistakes 0.64 80
Knowledge 0.07 9
Finding 0.17 21
Vision 0.10 13
Tactics 0.06 8
Strategy 0.18 22
Endgame 0.04 5
Time 0.02 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4733 (0.4366, 0.5134)
B 0.4750 (0.3936, 0.5564)
C 0.4500 (0.3936, 0.5564)
D 0.4950 (0.4175, 0.5325)
E 0.4617 (0.4418, 0.5082)
F 0.4850 (0.3936, 0.5564)
G 0.4833 (0.4086, 0.5414)
H 0.5000 (0.3936, 0.5564)
I 0.4600 (0.4366, 0.5134)
J 0.4600 (0.3599, 0.5901)
K 0.4000 (0.3599, 0.5901)
L 0.4725 (0.4175, 0.5325)
M 0.5550 (0.3936, 0.5564)
N 0.4567 (0.4280, 0.5220)
O 0.4475 (0.4343, 0.5157)
P 0.4500 (0.3936, 0.5564)
Q 0.4700 (0.3599, 0.5901)
R 0.4950 (0.4280, 0.5220)
S 0.4875 (0.4175, 0.5325)
T 0.4933 (0.4280, 0.5220)
U 0.4650 (0.4175, 0.5325)
V 0.4650 (0.3936, 0.5564)
W 0.5000 (0.3936, 0.5564)
X 0.5500 (0.3599, 0.5901)
Y 0.5300 (0.3936, 0.5564)
Z 0.4900 (0.3599, 0.5901)
? 0.4900 (0.3936, 0.5564)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
9D FOH +16 Finding Large
9E RHONE #findingsaddest
8A VADE +33 Vision Small
L1 VADE #visionsad
1H BITT(Y) +30 Tactics Small
1K G(Y)BED #tacticssad
O12 (E)DGE +18 Strategy Large
B8 (A)NGERED to go for blanks. #strategysaddest
M2 NOT +20 Tactics Small
M12 (Q)AT #tacticssad
J6 HE +29 Tactics Unspecified
13L HI #tacticssadd
4A M(U)TINE +26 Endgame Small
13L MIN(D) #endgamesad
H13 TIE +13 Strategy Large
14B ELITI(S)T wins a sim somehow. #strategysaddest
D7 pLUM(B)ITE +74 Knowledge Medium
14B MULtI(SI)TE or 14B MULTI(SI)zE or 14B MULTI(SI)tE #knowledgesadder
B10 D(A)UNT +20 Finding Large
1L DI(C)E +27 Strategy Medium
L8 (J)OLED. I was too focused on the triple word. #strategysadder
A1 PON(C)E +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the desperate challenge. This turn is notable because there are 14 plays that are all tied for best at a valuation of 13 points (this is one of them).
O5 SHAWL +43 Vision Large
3L WHA #visionlarge
10J ZOA +65 Vision Large
M9 ZOEAE #visionlarge
2B MoTIF +50 Knowledge Large
B4 FEMITEr #knowledgelarge also METIF is a word.
11A FOP +21 Finding Medium
rooftops #findingmedium
8A PAVE +33 Finding Large
E8 D(O)RK +29 Finding Medium
A1 KILO #findingmedium
3G HAD(IT)H +19 Finding Large
How did I miss B13 HAH. #findingSADDEST
D11 OOP +16 Finding Large
4D TOPOI. I can't find anything this game. #findinglarge
15G DON +21 Strategy Large
15G SONDA(G)E to go for the blank. #strategysaddest
1B sU(Q) +17 Vision Small
J10 Ut #visionsad
I8 (G)ONADIAL +62 Finding Large
Total tunnel vision on this, not sure I even considered the R of JARVIE to come up with ORDALIAN. #findinglarge
E4 GA(L) +18 Finding Large
E2 GLIA(L) is better than this, which is total shit. #findingSADDEST
M7 BU(I)LDINg +76 Knowledge Large
15F UnBLIND #knowledgelarge
E10 OD +22 Knowledge Medium
6J ODEA #knowledgemedium
2F (P)OWTER +53 Time Large
Low on time and completely missed 5H WROTE. I stopped looked once I found a win. #timelarge
8D HEART +24 Finding Small
2024 Crescent City Cup, Round 6. 8D HARTEN #findingsad
B1 ZIG +39 Tactics Small
Always keep the Z. B1 VOG. #tacticssad
1L (W)OMB +33 Strategy Large
B6 MOBEY is apparently fine, but I thought I would be in a world of pain after playing it. #strategysaddest
D8 (H)INNY +25 Tactics Small
D8 (H)ENNY. I wasn't paying attention to the pool. #tacticssad
6B Q(I) +31 Tactics Medium
Type a note here! #tacticssadder
B9 UN(W)RAP +26 Finding Small
H12 (K)NUR #findingsad
6K (V)OE +6 Time Large
Out of time and ideas. #timesaddest
7E VROT +16 Strategy Small
9F ROTI, lmao. #strategysad
9H BI +20 Tactics Small
8A LIBR(I) #tacticssad
D1 KHAN +39 Finding Small
H11 H(O)PAK #findingsad
13H PEG +22 Strategy Medium
13H PEE setting up J14 F**** plays. #strategysadder
15D FEAR +22 Finding Small
I saw 8K (T)REFA and didn't see how I could win after he overlapped it. I didn't see 8K (T)ERFE which looks best. #findingsad
13L OUR +16 Strategy Large
I thought he must have the S after OMBRE, so I played this hoping to bingo back on the N column after O8 plays or starting with H at 2D. 2D (H)OI looks like a good try. #strategysaddest
8K (T)HEIC +42 Endgame Large
8K (T)OZIE is best. This ties because he can play M7 D(E)NI threatening to go out with E1 (Y)ODE if I play B4 ZO, though he had very little time remaining and finding that sequence would have been difficult. #endgamesaddest
9H TRANQ +17 Strategy Large
Exch. Q #strategysaddest
C12 UH +14 Strategy Small
C11 HUN #strategysad
11C HOU(N)D +18 Knowledge Large
9H (V)ERMINED +69 Strategy Small
7H (R)EREMIND #strategysad
6H BOLD +18 Strategy Small
F6 B(OP) sims best. #strategysmall
10F COLE +33 Finding Small
10G OLEIC #findingsmall (COOLIES is not valid in CSW21).
13J F(I)EF +30 Finding Large
C3 FIQH. This must be the third time I have missed this word in a tournament game. #FINDINGSADDEST
4H CRO(W)ER +28 Vision Unspecified
L1 GORE. I didn't even see L1 plays. Terrible! #VISIONDSADDEST
1A GA(U)M +30 Vision Large
2K (J)OINT +24 Endgame Small
2A OR(P)IN is 1 point better. #endgamesad
11K VAN +18 Finding Small
11K NAV, lol. #findingsad
8D WINGLET +80 Finding Small
8D WELTING #findingsad
15A VIL(D)E +27 Finding Large
11D (Y)UFT #findingsaddest
13M FOG +24 Knowledge Medium
N12 DOF #knowledgesadder
F12 Q(I)N +14 Strategy Large
I got distracted by dreams of bingoing. B1 Qu(O)THA is fine. #strategysaddest
8D TEAZE +30 Strategy Small
I didn't like the potential responses to 8G YEZ, but it makes him bing slightly less and me bing slightly more. #strategysmall
E5 QI +27 Finding Small
Completely missed 13C TR(A)NQ. #findingsad
H2 G(U)V +11 Strategy Large
J2 V(I)N and 6D V(IF)F sim best here. I liked H2 G(U)V because it killed the top part of the board and H1 plays by Austin create long term problems for board control. The equity is just too bad though, and a two consonant draw is devastating. H2 F(U)NG is a better version of this idea (since I get another shot at a vowel) but still bad. #strategylarge
1J PUNT +20 Strategy Medium
11K PUNT blocks more likely bingos. I think I just played too quickly here. #strategymedium
9F HALID +33 Finding Medium
6H DHAL #findingSADDER
12F TOADISh +75 Vision Large
B1 OAF +32 Tactics Medium
A1 FAVOSE #tacticssadder
I2 TEX +37 Strategy Medium
I1 GETA #strategysadder
L8 PI(D)GIN +26 Strategy Large
I was too focused on trying to block the O column and made a bad play. 11H PAIN is fine. #strategysaddest
13K A(N)AL +8 Strategy Large
I was low on time and I thought I had to block J14 ZESTS when really I just need to block bingos. #STRATEGYSADDEST
O7 SCRAW +52 Strategy Small
O7 SCAW #strategysad
13H PENNIES +77 Vision Large
L4 KAL(I) +16 Endgame Large
3L DR(UG) #endgamesaddest
8G NAW +12 Knowledge Large
Word Cup 2022, Round 28. 8D WANNA #knowledgesaddest
L8 G(R)EgALES +79 Finding Large
11G ALGESEs #findingsaddest
M12 DOD +20 Vision Large
M9 (E)LUTOR #visionsaddest
J4 THUR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
A7 M(E) +4 Vision Large
BASED. But 6A MIS(O) is more based. #VISIONSADDEST
13C I(T) +4 Vision Large
9D (R)I(MY) #visionsaddest
12D (S)I +2 Vision Large
9D (R)I(MY) #visionsaddest
M5 (T)I +2 Vision Large
9D (R)I(MY) #visionsaddest
8D CENTU +20 Strategy Medium
Word Cup 2022, Round 29. 8G CUT bings way more and is more defensive. #strategysadder
C9 H(A)LER +33 Strategy Small
C9 H(A)LIER sims best, but I don't know why I would open the triple for the S and give up my I keeping LQ when the similar C9 H(A)LER is available. #strategysad
15J INYALA +45 Endgame Large
5K LUNA #endgamesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 35526 37 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.