Alec Sjoholm
Alec Sjoholm
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
TARSIER 556 83
DEVIATE 1047 85
RONNELS 3501 68
SCANTlY 15589 78
COUSIN(L)Y 16620 69
PLAYT(I)ME 10888 88
PaRODOS 10323 98
EUGENIA 458 71
SCENTEd 6732 87
SCORIAE 314 78
DONGLES 4250 78
GAYnESS 15067 118
AR(I)LLATE 2480 66
CLUNKIE(R) 13852 78
ETERN(I)SE 860 70
BESAINT 808 78
T(E)RMiNAL 537 80
BaRHOPS 23882 86
DREARI(E)S 1630 90
GANTL(I)NE 2134 81
(T)ROLlIES 3446 74
W(I)dGEONS 5762 77
GROMETS 7406 71
ALOETIC 411 81
(I)DONEITY 2190 86
ALIeNEE 499 72
PODGIER 2979 71
ROOTErS 4865 64
nUTMEAT 6489 89
GRIDI(R)ON 9736 84
SUP(I)NATE 1079 64
RASSLER 12307 64
ENVIRON 2603 90
GA(I)TERED 278 64
PATENTO(R) 1790 72
OUTgOES 5554 66
ANYMORE 2748 82
S(C)ANNERS 17180 70
(R)OUPIEST 1483 68
STIBINE 3631 81
PEDDL(I)nG 18265 63
AbETTER 4891 76
MENIALS 1545 75
FROSTI(E)R 3586 62
DA(R)NDEST 4322 74
ETIoLA(T)E 276 58
ANEARI(n)G 1952 66
GO(N)OpORE 16136 61
TEDIOUS 519 88
(V)ENTRALS 2381 76
ROOTL(I)KE 6018 76
(R)ETAUGHT 14109 72
S(H)EETFED 26502 73
PO(R)RIDGY 22866 84
TOr(E)UTIC 4699 62
MOLASSE 14307 76
AUDITOR 464 70
(N)ITCHiES 9806 66
PASSAGE 18110 79
BRAInI(E)R 3265 68
OU(T)DUeLS 11344 59
FEMAlES 11382 80
(C)ANOEIsT 198 73
ROsEATE 69 63
DRyLOTS 11938 81
RANGERS 5923 85
P(Y)ROHIES 15766 92
cREVAS(S)E 19176 80
(S)OUNDINg 12534 68
(O)VEREDIT 839 89
(A)CREAGEs 8063 83
(R)EMAINED 647 72
SYLvANS 22262 71
pOLEA(X)ED 12170 80
LUSTIEr 1165 73
(B)IDARKAS 20371 71
ECONOMy 17122 70
RUNTIER 1360 66
ACROLE(I)N 191 72
S(P)ARGERS 22410 72
GrI(S)TERS 14111 82
ANORETI(C) 55 83
OUTBRED 3838 92
BRANDED 9746 79
INVERSE 2301 86
LInDA(N)ES 2066 82
AI(R)HEADS 2543 90
EVICTOR 2763 74
VIREMI(A)S 6318 82
C(O)TTAGEy 13805 74
mONSOON 22472 68
AINSELL 2883 70
oUTRAIS(E) 25 74
REEKiER 13702 80
MADRONE 897 76
ARRANgE 4880 68
TAILORE(D) 14 70
TEETHED 16071 91
C(H)OLENTS 10260 76
DIGESTE(R) 1742 72
TYRoS(I)NE 620 81
ASIAgOS 11097 79
ASSENTO(R) 1274 68
(S)hIVAREE 4275 70
AIRBU(S)ES 8599 149
ApPOSED 15713 75
(A)PERIENT 243 74
IN(D)IGENT 6145 66
ANTIFAs 5459 73
(S)TRAINED 68 63
DIAZI(N)ES 5404 88
(C)ERESINS 10052 83
MEsTINO 993 79
ALIENED 202 91
SOiGNEE 536 75
LAETRIL(E) 1318 68
(L)uCARNES 4474 80
AIRSIDE 496 69
HUN(T)sMAN 22919 78
OUTEATs 1699 67
ATOmIES 331 82
cABINET 2392 81
DISARmS 15326 86
TREADL(E)S 952 60
MEDIATO(R) 203 76
CAlCTUF(A) 39313 86
DAIMONS 4474 86
FILT(E)RER 6436 69
ABLINgS 9681 71
TULADIs 3726 74
(R)EmITTAL 2923 68
CAPONI(E)R 901 78
(F)RIULAnO 2438 62
MEGATO(n)S 2246 74
ELAT(E)RID 112 74
PIaNIST 5498 92
oVERLAI(N) 216 70
INT(o)NErS 487 122
BLOUsIE(R) 2805 68
(E)dENTATE 4425 74
GINNIER 4882 70
ARcADIA 13436 75
(c)HUTNEYS 21573 73
REVERIN(G) 8480 67
PELOTaS 1978 87
P(A)PERING 13629 70
DELETIO(N) 171 61
LORRIEs 1699 69
(A)RREArED* 0 77
RAmILIE 1794 67
ELUDING 3472 73
PEsTERS 14307 79
SHuTOUT 30267 76
SOLDANS 15572 72
CHAINE(R)s 3305 80
(T)ALENTED 2680 68
(P)ARVOLIN 5948 65
DONNATS 7196 84
VISIBLE 18557 89
(I)NSULATE 344 68
MUTINED 4368 72
(U)RCEOlUs 22509 77
(S)ENSORIA 501 77
UNHASTy 15600 71
FROTTE(U)R 14241 74
PRIMATE 2422 79
(P)aTENTOR 1790 63
E(T)IOLATE 276 60
BEERI(E)ST 4738 61
SHINOLA 3356 81
BEDIGHT 16409 86
SERIOUS 4806 83
TOUGHIE 4004 70
COLLIDE(R) 12741 74
TR(O)PONIN 13845 72
PESKIEr 16165 112
TR(I)BRACh 28821 67
NEEDiNG 7113 67
CLOD(D)IER 12740 176
(C)OATLESS 12694 83
ANKERIT(E) 970 98
FL(O)UNDER 5190 78
(S)IGNALER 467 80
INDEEDY 14972 106
LoWLIER 10270 81
Qu(A)NTISE 3473 86
ATINGLE 259 86
GORS(I)EST 4206 61
(F)RONTmEN 11325 83
COINAGE 566 81
FIRE(B)RAT 9052 167
TI(C)KlIER 18928 70
ANLASEs 11950 74
REJO(I)NED 2815 114
(V)IAMETER 2838 92
GROSSER 20665 90
EUPNEAS 5513 88
PI(T)UITAs 20129 70
ACETOUS 2586 74
(D)ELATORS 414 80
STAN(I)NES 6609 70
OCrEATE 619 61
FAIRiER 5985 94
TROOPED 6996 76
tOR(O)IDAL 1442 82
rURALI(S)E 2691 64
TABANI(D)S 9549 86
TRIZoNE 1473 106
kELOIDA(L) 13944 64
GOATIES 103 89
FOAMINg 12302 79
DAURING 3907 79
(T)ETHERED 16003 89
(D)ANSEURS 7201 70
(C)AVILERS 5680 92
INLIERS 1286 77
EXILIAN 5325 87
TEARERS 2522 90
TROLANd 1204 73
SEXTARI(I) 3164 84
VOLANTE 923 70
OUTHEAR 916 87
(E)PILOGuE 5134 74
TRIALL(E)D 2191 63
(T)HORIUMS 12959 86
HISTOId 9187 77
PEsTIER 2310 82
AERATeS 801 64
(e)NDOwING 8169 74
ABRUPTE(R) 13955 79
GIRASOL 1807 85
(P)RANDIAL 7272 72
REBoRES 8630 82
YaWNERs 7081 80
(R)UNOVERS 9471 74
AEROLI(T)E 11 67
VET(I)VERS 16253 74
(P)FENNIGS 19838 72
STOMODE(A) 3923 92
(S)ONICATE 199 89
(M)InORITY 9992 82
TErEDoS 849 88
LOR(D)INGS 4962 61
VALI(D)ItY 16191 72
U(N)EASIER 125 82
TENONE(R)s 1754 68
SA(T)IRISE 2486 70
JETLI(N)ER 3515 69
(T)RAVOISE 216 63
DO(V)eNING 7770 98
T(O)VARISH 5953 74
STERANE 217 84
TINGLES 1661 71
HENrIES 2170 99
(C)AtHODIC 23349 80
GOATISH 4845 76
GRAD(A)TEd 13075 86
InSWATH(E) 3183 101
PREGN(A)NT 7064 72
(I)nERTIAL 87 74
RH(A)bDOME 11868 66
INuRNED 2843 68
ST(R)IATES 5025 66
V(E)NOsITY 4172 65
RE(L)IEVED 10195 74
CZARIN(A)S 22468 95
vIDICON 18857 81
(D)eTRITAL 1178 77
SAUT(O)IRE 36 58
T(H)ONGIER 1253 63
OUTFIR(E)S 1874 62
AUrEAtE 1052 59
cOCTION 25408 97
SMITERS 13155 73
ANGLERS 2291 70
(V)ENATIOn 985 83
HEPT(A)NES 9355 102
S(E)CRETLY 18654 64
PAYMEN(T)S 19346 80
GORIEST 532 77
SECT(O)RAL 1352 90
LAITIEs 471 76
BURGLES 13803 76
UNDER(S)OW 5216 72
G(L)EETIER 2851 60
sNOOZLE 11761 107
EME(R)SION 847 68
NE(E)DFULS 12019 63
ICEBOAT(S) 2020 76
fUNNIER 6542 63
TUNnAGE 4432 80
TALLIES 2887 72
GAStREA 2148 73
REMIT(T)ED 6434 64
KINDEsT 6136 74
TANTARA 13177 71
STAGE(F)uL 9501 62
REFRiED 7706 74
INHESI(O)N 6675 76
OVE(R)LENT 1980 62
SCOOTED 8043 83
BIOtITE 5167 76
DRoWNED 10857 78
SHADIlY 15495 88
DeCIDIN(G) 18936 64
BRUITED 3206 81
TEE(N)IEST 4436 62
aBSE(I)LED 2967 68
OCArINA 1859 74
ZONuLAR 9222 98
TRADERS 2816 78
AN(T)IRIOT 1130 66
BOTA(N)IES 184 78
OVOIDAL 7225 74
RETARdS 2817 80
StEALER 587 81
kERYGMA 19689 70
FATSOEs 7612 75
BATWING(s)* 0 71
RENTIER 1022 73
PLAYGo(E)R 8845 73
MOONSA(I)L 5834 61
SPIROID 9188 72
ROsEATE 69 90
TAKAhES 14616 83
VIDAlIA 12029 78
WHISTED 10131 107
INCA(N)TED 2882 67
PR(E)CLEAN 7101 70
cELESTA 4041 69
rEWAKES 12001 80
HATEFUL 10045 76
(I)BOgAINE 1129 80
UGLIEST 3486 66
NO(T)ORNIS 5492 59
cRUMPLE 19785 65
AIRSIDE 496 85
HONESTE(R) 1977 69
GLUTEUS 16335 68
DEN(T)INES 2705 68
LONGIES 1113 87
TINDeRY 1620 83
CELIBA(T)E 4238 69
OEStRUA(L) 335 66
DAUBIER 1457 74
INClINE 10208 80
ROUlADE 510 70
DEPAINT 617 89
ROOTAGE 695 66
RETINUE 222 85
uNWA(R)IER 2939 60
TErATOM(A) 3959 74
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AIRBU(S)ES 8599 149
INT(o)NErS 487 122
CLOD(D)IER 12740 176
FIRE(B)RAT 9052 167
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
VELUMS* 0 42
UNCINA* 0 26
(A)RREArED* 0 77
PIR(o)GY* 0 28
ZERKIN(G)* 0 42
BATWING(s)* 0 71
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
BaRHOPS 23882 86
DREARI(E)S 1630 90
ZAI(D)AH* 0 0
S(H)EETFED 26502 73
CAGs 3699 31
P(Y)ROHIES 15766 92
AIRSIDE 496 69
FEOD 931 0
ZITS 2513 0
(I)Q* 0 0
LUDO 1651 36
SAVELOY 7987 0
PI(T)UITAs 20129 70
LYM 1288 38
ERUVIM 8809 27
EGENCE 12742 40
ZE(P)S 4637 52
PI(C)RIC 15699 30
SULTANS 13786 0
J(A)TO 1435 0
S(I)X 968 0
VEX(E)R 8435 31
T(H)ONGIER 1253 63
RAISON(N)E(s)* 0 0
MeTAPL(O)T* 0 0
JAUKS 8647 0
(M)OUNDY* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
BIOTyPE 9518 68
MERGeRS 15777 91
FLOORIN(G) 11564 66
BLINDER 3198 69
FAVORER 8925 82
T(A)XATIoN 9940 84
TANDOOR 1706 78
INHOLD(E)R 1434 66
T(A)ILBONE 180 62
pRETEND(ER) 11959 68
SEARING 270 74
DE(N)TINAL 924 70
NoTABlE 869 79
TRIE(N)NIA 559 66
EYEsORE 9169 73
HAURIE(N)T 536 74
FUR(C)ATED 11855 68
JEREpIG(O) 14580 84
cARRION 4199 78
DECRIAL 1469 85
ApHOTIC 11947 83
(T)RIOLETs 1163 74
SA(G)AMORE 4767 76
ISOBARE 305 82
(O)ThERING 981 77
FRENULA 3148 75
(S)EROTINY 619 65
LIGA(T)URE 475 60
ROMA(I)NES 221 90
DECALO(G)S 7245 68
CoRVETS 8113 79
MINGLER(S) 6220 72
EPAULEt 4102 73
InULINS 14258 64
VARIAB(L)E 6262 68
EXULTED 13598 117
RELISTE(D) 1224 68
(V)eNTURIS 3145 80
RESOUNd 1320 87
SANENES(S) 25197 77
GyR(O)IDAL 6327 72
FENINGA 7382 80
EbURNEA(N) 8334 74
N(E)E(D)FIRES 6619 80
NURSERy 12686 67
WIRIEST 3670 83
DUSTIER 1162 74
rEDAR(G)UE 6894 61
ROTINIS 1330 65
HE(M)ATINE 2182 76
(R)EViSING 7012 72
(T)ENORITE 359 77
IDOlISE(R) 1259 66
FISTULA 10606 88
SLEUTHS 18547 74
ESTERIF(Y) 7194 80
UNREeLS 2919 67
OPT(A)TIVE 4717 80
rOULEAU(X) 14385 68
N(E)ARLIER 519 59
DAYTIM(E)S 5717 86
INMATES 695 77
HIRELIn(G) 6996 74
SHAN(K)ING 25214 67
(R)OTArIES 145 78
aWNINGS 13978 78
RUNNIE(S)T 2148 61
ANERO(I)DS 15 65
LOI(T)ERED 174 61
MIStUNE 3306 70
sHUNPIK(E) 22448 72
PROFANE(s) 4053 89
AnSATED 1275 75
PoTT(A)GES 8163 90
ANISEED 205 73
GUiNEAS 767 69
aLTHORN 3414 63
U(N)REPAID 1035 69
HUrT(L)ING 12320 76
EUSTELe 7587 77
VOLATIL(E) 3786 63
VARMI(N)TS 8251 64
a(T)TESTER 10799 122
bRIDL(E)RS 11754 59
UNFOOLE(D)* 0 66
GALERES 2454 72
ARnATTO 3527 75
TUTTInG 19706 77
InOSITE(S) 3173 74
SIENItE 803 79
sLATTED 5183 75
AIRWAys 13151 88
STEARI(N)E 35 59
DETAINS 116 74
z(O)IATRIA 7998 58
EpICENE 10486 68
ATRESIA 139 70
UNTwINE 6559 71
REGIMES 5757 78
HaSTIER 673 89
LAWINES 1557 79
VaLI(A)NCE 6267 70
A(L)BUMENS 12590 66
UNIO(N)IZE 10740 68
SORDINI 2718 81
SNAILED 419 81
cONTAGI(A) 4295 77
(V)ErONALS 1392 83
ENSKIED 7312 70
MASO(N)ITE 224 70
DITCHER 7106 98
WAtCHED 14819 76
dRIVERS 9455 69
(P)LATOONS 9272 62
ALGUA(Z)Il 26532 84
(W)EIRDOES 1937 92
MAlA(R)IAS 16426 61
BA(R)NIEST 407 83
VIROSES 7657 85
INHALED 1495 80
PrOT(E)CTS 15016 72
B(A)RYTONE 2107 80
(V)ENOSITY 4164 78
PANTHER 6004 75
(P)ILSNERs 12255 77
AERADIo 59 68
GREE(D)IER 12238 64
(Y)EASAyeR 26500 80
MASCONS 26528 78
LOATHER 1187 82
AIDLESS 5289 70
PaNF(R)IED 3340 68
UNRI(V)ETS 2399 76
FaIrEST 665 83
NATURaL 5962 63
ERISTIC 4872 62
TERRINE 1347 63
FEMITER 7183 82
DYNAMIS(E) 7516 78
SCOfFER 28743 96
TW(A)NGIER 1014 76
N(A)tATORY 12262 74
PITcHIe(R) 15380 83
ABATERS 4827 73
RANTERS 1797 66
JIvIEST 14633 109
HUNTA(B)LE 9007 80
EXACtAS 14610 85
RACEMO(S)E 4808 89
(T)OADLETS 2490 68
MORTGA(G)E 11235 74
FLUOR(E)NE 3770 76
SADIRON 595 70
(S)ATIATeS 11229 68
(R)ELAXERS 18611 98
EPINAoI 536 72
(A)VOIDING 9248 67
AVIONiC 10596 77
TOTTERE(R) 22195 66
WAXiNGS 24246 92
E(A)RPHoNE 3400 62
GITANOS 1104 71
OU(G)HLIED 9515 80
K(E)ITLOAS 2167 86
DEPU(T)IES 7050 63
(C)ANNONED 21151 63
IMAGI(NE)RS 3160 98
HULLING 28575 80
D(E)UTERON 651 72
ATRESIC 830 78
FaNTOMS 13947 80
DROSERA 2249 80
NETtLER 5051 81
GYr(A)TION 1988 72
SOOnERS 7922 65
RESHOED 4791 80
TAENITE(S) 524 62
DATINGs 2902 72
cOMPLOT 22044 78
FORMaTE 2738 74
ANODISE(R) 16 70
ITALiCS 8511 62
gADAR(E)NE 2597 131
GaLIOTS 2412 82
SPOILER 2040 74
GRUNTlE 3564 68
DENSITy 3270 87
AD(U)LATeS 3675 70
DIAMINE 1790 74
ROOSTeD 2138 89
SONANTS 12497 72
GRUELER 11336 67
iNTENT(L)Y 13122 64
PAEsANO(S) 10321 77
TE(A)SELER 1881 66
VAMOSEd 7966 95
FINGERE(D) 4629 65
BEADIER 1041 69
BIGEyEs 13350 81
STALEST 12285 72
AERATED 800 75
MiNTERS 1627 75
(G)AINABLe 4170 62
(R)EWORDed 19330 70
AIRLiNE 142 70
RETENES 2691 69
KETAmIN(E) 4710 86
WETTING 8623 68
AsPIRED 1522 88
(C)OATTENd 3537 70
INSN(A)RES 5004 122
FAT(I)GUES 3452 63
CUTOVEr(S) 9748 80
SPINDLE 5426 83
RE(L)enTED 3677 70
S(T)EARINE 35 70
NArRATO(R) 14153 68
CONGR(A)TS 8573 67
ENURETI(C) 2097 83
OBTENDS 5136 95
(D)EIFIERS 5579 76
FAILING 10021 83
OCTANES 849 92
MARINES 693 70
UNITERS 455 72
UNNERV(E)D 13374 74
REPTILE 2290 80
SALTILY 20576 78
ESTAT(I)NG 2148 60
DENIABL(E) 1954 86
BOLINEs 2641 71
RENDIBL(E) 4043 78
HAUNTeD 4168 68
FU(N)EREAL 4014 63
SILAGED 2233 78
ENABLER 2883 86
C(A)UTIoUS 16210 60
ISATINE 174 83
Qu(E)ASIER 4500 70
ETERNIS(E) 1092 77
SNItCHE(D) 11966 84
pAtHO(G)EN 5598 86
LISENTE 606 74
UNAWARE 3456 72
sAWTE(E)TH 14392 73
E(M)ULSOID 4803 63
R(E)ROTATE* 0 70
ALKYlIC 22746 82
RA(B)BITER 15834 74
SCrIMPS 23717 91
G(N)ARLIER 1646 74
BESCOUR 11202 80
INTERES(T) 1311 81
(N)ONToNIC 23100 70
SAUNTER 444 72
BANDIEs 1451 69
INTRU(D)ES 728 72
GRI(P)SACK 25795 72
PISMIRE 10747 71
UNANELE(D) 4884 80
lITIGA(T)E 3667 70
SLANDER 1142 73
CRaNN(O)GE 5071 74
SUITERS 5436 69
VaR(I)ANTS 4403 70
LINTELS 5416 74
NON(W)ORDs 20871 63
PL(EN)TIFUL 17187 78
REMIn(D)ER 6421 90
E(L)ASTASE 8794 62
UNGR(A)CED 6170 64
RESOJET 5292 74
SEDITIO(N) 403 70
RE(V)OTING 982 74
VELOURS 6408 81
DENOTI(N)G 2007 72
NuDISTS 13789 68
AM(I)DINES 2571 82
OBTAINE(R) 51 75
(M)ATINEeS 668 80
GULPERS 13781 79
ArISTAE 137 78
UINt(AH)ITE 3397 63
aB(U)NDANT 18942 76
FARAdIS(E) 2538 83
UNITARY 2718 78
ELAPSES 14219 75
SCaMST(E)R 17895 61
TACKLEs 14057 83
I(N)ERTIAE 44 68
LECT(E)RNS 5415 62
FROW(S)IEr 10664 84
(S)TARTING 4785 59
OUTWITS 12213 83
(R)OADLESS 4604 68
LANGRe(L)S 8760 68
DEVI(L)ING 9699 73
MAcHETE 12240 98
VASSALT(Y)* 0 95
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
a(T)TESTER 10799 122
gADAR(E)NE 2597 131
INSN(A)RES 5004 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
pRETEND(ER) 11959 68
N(E)E(D)FIRES 6619 80
IMAGI(NE)RS 3160 98
PL(EN)TIFUL 17187 78
UINt(AH)ITE 3397 63
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
ACETA 1576 0
ELUTERs* 0 0
FUR(C)ATED 11855 68
PUD(D)LER 24950 36
(F)IRMEN* 0 0
JEREpIG(O) 14580 84
EbURNEA(N) 8334 74
N(E)E(D)FIRES 6619 80
HaRM(I)ONS* 0 0
MANGERS 4711 0
GAUCY 10708 32
BOyKIE 14609 54
(R)ETICUL(E)D* 0 0
PIVOTE(R)* 0 0
HUM 1033 0
sHUNPIK(E) 22448 72
ROU(P)E* 0 0
S(T)RETTEd* 0 0
OLEAS* 0 0
INTEL* 0 0
TURNmAN* 0 0
UNTwINE 6559 71
VEEJ(A)Y 12472 46
MASCONS 26528 78
(BA)IRNS 3668 16
QUORA* 0 0
JEE 632 0
TOTTERE(R) 22195 66
WAXiNGS 24246 92
OU(G)HLIED 9515 80
TYINS* 0 0
(B)UNGY 11510 33
L(E)KA* 0 0
cOMPLOT 22044 78
FORM(A)TEd* 0 0
AE 1 0
DEXY 3328 60
CLEANER 2175 0
SALTILY 20576 78
BOLINEs 2641 71
ISATINE 174 83
ELUTE 1456 0
ALKYlIC 22746 82
(E)PICiSMS* 0 0
NOSY 2102 0
RUNU(P)* 0 0
SORTS 5008 0
(W)EENILY* 0 0
UNGR(A)CED 6170 64
CIONI(C)* 0 0
KARAtOI(D)* 0 0
FAL(S)Y* 0 0
(R)OADLESS 4604 68
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 169
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.21 4261
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.70 117.5
Score 443.45 74943
Score per Turn 35.1021
Turns 12.63 2135
Vertical Plays 5.51 932
Horizontal Plays 6.37 1076
One Tile Plays 0.38 64
Other Plays 0.37 63
Firsts 0.50 85
Vertical Openings per First 0.0130
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9870
Full Rack per Turn 0.8009
Exchanges 0.21 36
High Game 655
Low Game 270
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 2.11 357
Sevens 1.01 170
Eights 1.11 187
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6746.26
Sevens 6519.04
Eights 6952.59
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.56 8545
A 4.58 774
B 1.04 175
C 1.04 176
D 1.95 330
E 6.18 1045
F 0.95 161
G 1.54 260
H 1.01 170
I 4.35 735
J 0.53 89
K 0.49 83
L 2.11 356
M 0.99 167
N 2.93 495
O 4.12 696
P 1.08 182
Q 0.46 77
R 3.04 514
S 2.05 346
T 2.93 495
U 1.98 335
V 1.09 184
W 0.96 163
X 0.54 91
Y 0.98 166
Z 0.59 100
? 1.07 180
Power Tiles Played 5.22 883
? 1.07 180
J 0.53 89
Q 0.46 77
X 0.54 91
Z 0.59 100
S 2.05 346
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 14
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 3
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.05 8
Turns With a Blank 1.89 319
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.05 8
Bonus Square Coverage 16.49 2787
Double Letter 5.46 922
Triple Letter 5.46 923
Double Word 3.21 542
Triple Word 2.37 400
Phony Plays 0.15 25
Unchallenged 0.06 10
Challenged Off 0.09 15
Challenges 0.53 89
You Won 0.21 35
Opponent Lost 0.09 15
You Lost 0.14 24
Opponent Won 0.09 15
Challenge Percentage 0.5932
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4000
Comments 10.86 1835
Comments Word Length 246.22 41611
Mistakeless Turns 10.57 1787
Mistakes per Turn 0.1644
Mistakes 2.08 351
Knowledge 0.20 34
Finding 0.38 64
Vision 0.14 24
Tactics 0.60 102
Strategy 0.59 100
Endgame 0.16 27
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5089 (0.4726, 0.5386)
B 0.5200 (0.4356, 0.5756)
C 0.5200 (0.4356, 0.5756)
D 0.4875 (0.4561, 0.5551)
E 0.5150 (0.4770, 0.5342)
F 0.4750 (0.4356, 0.5756)
G 0.5133 (0.4484, 0.5628)
H 0.5050 (0.4356, 0.5756)
I 0.4833 (0.4726, 0.5386)
J 0.5300 (0.4065, 0.6047)
K 0.4900 (0.4065, 0.6047)
L 0.5275 (0.4561, 0.5551)
M 0.4950 (0.4356, 0.5756)
N 0.4883 (0.4652, 0.5460)
O 0.5150 (0.4706, 0.5406)
P 0.5400 (0.4356, 0.5756)
Q 0.4600 (0.4065, 0.6047)
R 0.5067 (0.4652, 0.5460)
S 0.5125 (0.4561, 0.5551)
T 0.4883 (0.4652, 0.5460)
U 0.4950 (0.4561, 0.5551)
V 0.5450 (0.4356, 0.5756)
W 0.4800 (0.4356, 0.5756)
X 0.5400 (0.4065, 0.6047)
Y 0.4900 (0.4356, 0.5756)
Z 0.5900 (0.4065, 0.6047)
? 0.5350 (0.4356, 0.5756)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.30 51.5
Score 396.59 67023
Score per Turn 31.5254
Turns 12.58 2126
Vertical Plays 5.55 938
Horizontal Plays 5.90 997
One Tile Plays 0.47 80
Other Plays 0.66 111
Firsts 0.50 84
Vertical Openings per First 0.2361
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7639
Full Rack per Turn 0.6275
Exchanges 0.39 66
High Game 599
Low Game 229
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 1.80 304
Sevens 0.84 142
Eights 0.92 156
Nines 0.04 6
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6717.90
Sevens 6414.30
Eights 6986.48
Nines 7054.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.88 7923
A 4.28 723
B 0.93 158
C 0.91 153
D 1.96 331
E 5.51 932
F 1.02 173
G 1.38 234
H 0.98 165
I 4.37 738
J 0.46 78
K 0.49 82
L 1.75 296
M 0.99 168
N 2.92 494
O 3.65 617
P 0.90 152
Q 0.51 87
R 2.74 463
S 1.79 303
T 2.80 474
U 1.86 315
V 0.87 147
W 1.01 171
X 0.46 77
Y 1.00 169
Z 0.40 68
? 0.92 155
Power Tiles Played 4.54 768
? 0.92 155
J 0.46 78
Q 0.51 87
X 0.46 77
Z 0.40 68
S 1.79 303
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.15 25
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 2
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.11 19
Turns With a Blank 1.33 224
Triple Triples Played 0.02 3
Bingoless Games 0.12 20
Bonus Square Coverage 15.21 2570
Double Letter 4.82 815
Triple Letter 5.41 914
Double Word 2.86 484
Triple Word 2.11 357
Phony Plays 0.24 40
Unchallenged 0.03 5
Challenged Off 0.21 35
Challenges 0.53 89
You Won 0.09 15
Opponent Lost 0.14 24
You Lost 0.09 15
Opponent Won 0.21 35
Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4068
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1250
Comments 10.86 1835
Comments Word Length 246.22 41611
Mistakeless Turns 12.13 2050
Mistakes per Turn 0.0390
Mistakes 0.49 83
Knowledge 0.08 14
Finding 0.07 11
Vision 0.09 15
Tactics 0.04 6
Strategy 0.13 22
Endgame 0.08 13
Time 0.01 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4756 (0.4358, 0.5018)
B 0.4650 (0.3989, 0.5387)
C 0.4550 (0.3989, 0.5387)
D 0.4900 (0.4194, 0.5182)
E 0.4592 (0.4403, 0.4973)
F 0.5100 (0.3989, 0.5387)
G 0.4600 (0.4117, 0.5259)
H 0.4900 (0.3989, 0.5387)
I 0.4856 (0.4358, 0.5018)
J 0.4600 (0.3699, 0.5677)
K 0.4900 (0.3699, 0.5677)
L 0.4375 (0.4194, 0.5182)
M 0.4950 (0.3989, 0.5387)
N 0.4867 (0.4284, 0.5092)
O 0.4562 (0.4338, 0.5038)
P 0.4500 (0.3989, 0.5387)
Q 0.5100 (0.3699, 0.5677)
R 0.4567 (0.4284, 0.5092)
S 0.4475 (0.4194, 0.5182)
T 0.4667 (0.4284, 0.5092)
U 0.4650 (0.4194, 0.5182)
V 0.4350 (0.3989, 0.5387)
W 0.5050 (0.3989, 0.5387)
X 0.4600 (0.3699, 0.5677)
Y 0.5000 (0.3989, 0.5387)
Z 0.4000 (0.3699, 0.5677)
? 0.4600 (0.3989, 0.5387)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
A12 A(T)OM +28 Tactics Small
Quackle likes 11I OMEN a lot, blocking columns J-L and, to some extent, M. I wanted to keep my N for E4 INFLUXES, and ATOM is the best equity play, but blocking the board is of greater importance. #tacticssmall
15H EDUCT +33 Tactics Medium
EDUCT closes the easiest bingo lane, row 15, which I shouldn't do when I am this far behind. Quackle suggests 2I LUCITE to open a lane on row 1, or C2 CLUED for equity. #tacticsmedium
7H LANE +21 Vision Medium
K4 ANOLYTE is awesome, and best. #visionmedium
2F JOE +42 Tactics Small
L1 JOTA and JATO are better despite creating a hotspot on row 1, because they save 1L JUPE. #tacticssmall
A8 PAUA +63 Knowledge Large
INHOLDER does not take a P, but my other options score so little (F6 PULAO 15 is best), and if it does take a P I don't want Joshua to be able to use the spot. Somehow Joshua was only a PINHOLDER* holder and not a PINHOLDER* challenger. After the game I learned that INSETTER takes a P. #knowledgelarge
L1 BA(T)EA(U) +22 Strategy Medium
I basically stopped looking after I found BATEAU. There are many plays better than this, including Quackle's pick C2 ABATE, C1 ABYE, 2L AYE, and 7B BATTIER, which is significantly more awesome than this. #strategymedium
C1 TUNEd +18 Endgame Small
2L AkEE, AlEE, or AwEE. I only considered ANE in that spot. #endgamesmall (-2)
8G GOX +22 Finding Medium
8F PUGH is best, setting up the X at 7G. #findingmedium
7H POUFS +25 Tactics Small
9H HUP, the sim winner, is extremely defensive, allowing Orry an average of only 16 points next turn; but I don't like that it keeps the F. I like POUFS because it unloads FU and sets up the H at 8L. Although a play like K7 FACTA would make the spot hard to use. #tacticssmall
J12 TIZ +34 Tactics Small
I see the merit in Quackle's pick J10 HIT, that TIZ blocks the H spot at J10 and the Z can consistently score well. But I have a blank, and the H is better for bingos. #tacticssmall
2M Q(I) +11 Tactics Medium
Apparently it is best to ignore row 1 and play G8 GRIN, setting up F10 QI. #tacticsmedium
13E OKRA +20 Tactics Small
The same word plays at 6E for 3 more points and blocks the -ER lane on row 5. I think I saw it. My play is more defensive, blocking the lanes on columns D and E without opening any new lanes. #tacticssmall
exch IU +0 Finding Medium
UNI plays at O11 and 15A. I have no idea why O11 gets a better win chance; 15A scores more and blocks column C. #findingmedium
10J G(EM) +10 Tactics Medium
Fishing is not the right play here, for I do not hit often enough, and once Orry makes his play of M13 LEU I have to start blocking again. I should take the points with 10D GIBES, the sim winner. #tacticsmedium
8G JAW +26 Tactics Small
8H VAW is best, likely because if John overlaps on row 7, he sets up my J at 6J. #tacticssmall
10H DEVI +27 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers F9 CUB to fish and set up my E. #strategysmall
J6 VAS +28 Strategy Small
9K NAV is apparently better despite sacrificing 15 points, because Quackle likes ARST a lot. #strategysmall
N7 ENUF +28 Tactics Medium
7I TAU is best for unknown reasons. But ENUF and many other plays on column N have the drawback of opening a hotspot on column O. #tacticsmedium
M4 TARD(Y) +16 Strategy Small
7I TAR is best, saving my vowel. #strategysmall
7I T(A)X +20 Tactics Medium
5K ORAL is best, fishing for O10 TAXMEN; second-place 5L MARL fishes for the likelier O10 TOXINE. #tacticsmedium
5K OM(A) +18 Finding Medium
I saw O10 FAKEER as I entered this rack into Quackle. Surprisingly OMA is only about 7 points worse, but that is likely because it keeps FAKEER for next turn. #findingmedium
F9 (C)LOUR +9 Strategy Small
COLOUR is better despite that it creates a hotspot on row 15 for which I do not have a hook. #strategysmall
12C GRO(U)P +20 Finding Medium
12C TROUPE is better despite two unseen G's. #findingmedium
5F ETUI +15 Finding Large
I don't remember whether I passed up on the bingos or missed them entirely. But the top 5 plays are all bingos: D5 mUTINEER is best, followed by D6 cEINTURE, D5 rEUNITER, D6 gENITURE, and D6 UNrETIRE. #findinglarge
4A ALIeNEE +72 Finding Small
I think I chose this over the other 4A bingos because it formed EEW--yes, for that reason alone. But I missed C3 pLEBEIAN, which scores the same and doesn't open a TWS-TWS lane. #findingsmall
D3 GRIM +23 Strategy Medium
When will I learn that I should never keep two I's? D2 MIDI is best. #strategymedium
N5 UPW(AR)D +22 Vision Small
J6 WISS is slightly better because it doesn't keep two I's. #visionsmall
14M OI +10 Strategy Small
No, Quackle, I'm not playing 10J OI because it blocks the lane on column K. Exchanging IIO is probably best. #strategysmall
H1 DI(R)GE +27 Finding Medium
I must not have found GIRD somehow. It's odd that Quackle rates DIRGE over 40 points back in valuation, given 4 unseen E's, a clunky pool (which means I am likelier to get a bingo than Will), and the fact that it is--well, seems--easier to play a bingo through a D than through a G. But DIRGE never wins anyway. #findingmedium
O1 EVILS +29 Finding Medium
4H GLOZE is best. It scores well, avoids a potential Q stick, and threatens VIS/GLOZES next turn. #findingmedium (-18.25)
O10 AZO +34 Endgame Medium
Incorrect. I was tired and played AZO quickly, but 2E ZA scores 30 and, as I found postmortem, threatens A1 OK to go out. #endgamemedium (-11)
M3 AG +22 Tactics Large
Blocking 2F CAZIQUES 106. Quackle hates this and prefers N6 BI, which blocks the hotspot at N6 (the Q and X are unseen) and outruns CAZIQUES with every possible draw. If I draw the X, I threaten A5 COAX 66! #tacticslarge
C3 BLI(T)Z +52 Endgame Large
This would be a great play if it wasn't the endgame. C2 CLIFTS is best, saving E5 BOZO and K13 BIZ. #endgamelarge (-39)
6J HO +28 Finding Large
N2 OOHED is best. I think I saw N2 OOH and N3 OHO but nothing else. #findinglarge
O1 LOAD +37 Strategy Small
TOAD is better because AEL>AET. #strategysmall
15A AbETTER +76 Strategy Small
C: ugh RET? out of that poolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A: Apparently 15A ThEATER is best. #strategysmall although Quackle is bad at pre-endgames
7G FIRTH +27 Strategy Small
7G FIB is better. I wanted to unload more consonants, but HNRT is synergistic, and FIB doesn't open the 8K-8O hotspot. #strategysmall
9E GOB +28 Finding Medium
I don't think I saw 4G BOUGIE, but J4 BOUT is also significantly better than GOB. #findingmedium
10E OK +40 Strategy Medium
I liked that OK set up -NE- plays at 11E. But NOOK is still much better. #strategymedium
O7 A(D)IEU +6 Finding Medium
I missed O6 AUDITEE, which scores three more points and gives me two more chances at the two blanks unseen. N6 AUNTIE is also slightly better than ADIEU despite getting rid of my only consonant, the case T, and setting up the O1-O6 hotspot. #findingmedium
15B ETIoLA(T)E +58 Knowledge Large
There is a nine starting at 5C (answer on next turn). I did not know the word. Every other bingo plays at 15B. Of these, ETIoLATE, LATErITE, and LITErATE score 58 but have front hooks (I thought of PETIoLATE afterward), and LEvITATE scores 57 without a front hook. Thus LEvITATE is second best, after the nine. #knowledgelarge
14A VAW +32 Tactics Medium
WOW Quackle hates this, despite that VAW has the highest score and best equity. 14A QI is best by far. The next best Q spot scores 11 points, and QI saves N8 NAW for next turn. #tacticsmedium
N8 (N)OH +29 Vision Large
What a horrific play. I mean, 13G HORRIFIC is available for 42. #visionlarge (-23.25)
M5 CIR(E) +7 Endgame Small
The best endgame is 6K PeRC, 2L IRE (to block IRID), O1 ID, 3L RE. #endgamesmall
5B ANEARI(n)G +66 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers 5G AnEARING, which floats a G rather than an E and doesn't get X-bombed as hard. #tacticssmall
B1 GO +19 Tactics Small
13I LOG sets up a lane on row 12 ending in S, which only I can use. #tacticssmall
H12 CA(FE) +12 Strategy Medium
Quackle doesn't seem to consider this. But 12H CAL scores the same and blocks more effectively, and ANST > ALNST. #strategymedium
8H NEEDY +26 Strategy Medium
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 8. The leave OO is much worse than I expected. 8F OYE# is probably best. #strategymedium
1M WAZ +54 Vision Large
7H OZAENA# is amazing. 1M ZOA is also better than WAZ#. #visionlarge
6B QANA(T) +34 Strategy Medium
Scored as 36. QANAT has the best equity, but the best play is O3 VALONIA, which blocks high-scoring bingos on columns N and O. Also, I might as well play my I off, given that six more I's are unseen. #strategymedium
7J P(E)ND +18 Knowledge Small
7J BEND is best, but I didn't know RIPP#. #knowledgesmall (-3)
8D MARLIN +22 Finding Medium
8D OILMAN is best; it has no hooks, and R > O. I didn't consider putting the M anywhere other than a DLS. #findingmedium
10M TYE +33 Tactics Medium
Quackle heavily favors 13J ETIC. I suppose it reduces Kenji's scoring potential by blocking 15J plays making ZA, and 10N YE is likely to stay open. #tacticsmedium
H1 LA(D)E +18 Vision Large
The best plays fish for 15A ANTILEAK! Quackle picks H3 DEE to block plays at H1 like BID and VID. #visionlarge
B4 A(V)E +14 Endgame Small
4D EAT. #endgamesmall (-5)
1E TOr(E)UTIC +62 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge. I wasn't sure of AUTOpTIC#, which scores 67 at 7H. #knowledgesmall
1E TOr(E)UTIC +62 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge. I wasn't sure of AUTOpTIC#, which scores 67 at 7H. #knowledgesmall
5E H(O)R(N)LET +40 Strategy Small
3A THY has the best equity and is made better by the fact that I need a bingo to come back, as the Y is bad for bingos. I didn't consider any valid play other than HORNLET#. #strategysmall
D12 MAYA +38 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge. I missed 15E SAVOY, which has the best equity and, unlike MAYA, leaves bingo lanes available. #findingsmall
D12 MAYA +38 Finding Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge. I missed 15E SAVOY, which has the best equity and, unlike MAYA, leaves bingo lanes available. #findingsmall
C2 (B)OWLEG +28 Tactics Small
Quackle's choice is 3K GOWL#, which sacrifices 5 points to keep the E and make more high-scoring lanes on column N and, if I draw the S, column O. BOWLED and BLOWED are also better than BOWLEG, if only because a Z draw after BOWLED or BLOWED gives me B6 ZIG. #tacticssmall
N8 MOLASSE +76 Strategy Large
MOLASSE# is actually a big mistake, and I should attempt to go out with a bingo. 4A MOWS appears to be best, winning about 1/5 of games if Championship Player is to be trusted. #strategylarge
8B AUDITOR +70 Tactics Small
Quackle picks 8C AUDITOR. #tacticssmall I guess
9A CAPOT +26 Knowledge Large
7F UPO sims best, and I probably would have played that if I had seen H8 RaMSHORN; Kenji's best play after UPO is B7 RAMSHOrN. CAPOT is bad even if RaMSHORN doesn't exist, because of Kenji's next play. #knowledgelarge
7E TAJ +40 Strategy Medium
7G JO is best; ANSTU > NOSU. #strategymedium
14B QU(O)D +28 Strategy Small
QUODS is better: it scores 6 more points, and my rack is full of consonants, making the S less worth keeping. K4 VELD is interesting, setting up 8K SQUAB or SQUIB with the right draw. #strategysmall
E11 FA +22 Strategy Medium
I chose this over AY/YA plays because I hate F's and because AY/YA plays close bingo lanes. But ?AFIS > ?AISY, and 3M YA makes column O a bit harder to use. #strategymedium
O8 OD +26 Endgame Medium
I missed O8 ENTIA. But at least I saw the other two places for AEINT. 14M OD and 6H DUN are also optimal. #endgamemedium (-8)
8D CLOZE +38 Strategy Small
8G VOLK is best; it sacrifices 16 points, but CEZ is 15 points better than KV, and VOLK sets up J6 ZEK for next turn. #strategysmall
N2 BRAInI(E)R +68 Vision Medium
Scored as 78. This is the only bingo, but I did not consider playing at 15H after BENT came down; RABIETIc and BIRRETtA are available. #visionmedium #scoring
5G QUERN +34 Strategy Large
13G QI is best. QUERN has the best equity, but the pool is less than good. Honorable mention to L2 LID, which occasionally draws into FREQUENT or QUITRENT 1A or QUEERING 15A. #strategylarge
G7 Q(A)T +23 Finding Medium
12C CORTEX is best, followed by 9E FOX. I have trouble believing that I missed that. #findingmedium
9G (T)AX +36 Strategy Small
D3 COXA is best. It sacrifices two points but unloads an O. #strategysmall
G3 COW +25 Tactics Medium
Chosen over G3 WOG because this scores two more points and opens, and the G can hook SIN while the C cannot. D11 WOG scores the same as G3 WOG (which I didn't realize), so the same argument applies--but Quackle strongly prefers D11 WOG. In retrospect, I agree; D11 WOG keeps better tiles and closes, which I should want to do with my lead. #tacticsmedium
1M NOO +20 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers D11 NOVA, but there's no way I do that. The second pick, D11 NAV, is reasonable: it makes a sevens lane on row 14, but that almost always allows counterplay, unlike many bingos on rows 11 and 12 that NAV blocks. Also, NAV saves 1M NOO for next turn if necessary. #tacticssmall
O12 LAID +27 Finding Medium
4C GADJO! #findingmedium
D1 P(R)ANG +32 Tactics Medium
D10 PRANG sacrifices 6 points but sets up the S on row 15. H11 USURP wins the sim, surprisingly; apparently it allows fewer bingos than either PRANG. But I prefer D10 PRANG. #tacticsmedium
I11 (T)URD +6 Finding Medium
The untrustworthy Quackle likes this play; it sets up the S, like I should have done last turn. I saw that I left 4I ARTS as a backup in case my out on row 15 is blocked (or I don't have an out on row 15), but how did I miss 4I URDS? #findingmedium (-12 1/7)
10F VUGG +26 Tactics Small
This has the best equity, but 8M GUV may be better just because it uses the hotspot on row 8. #tacticssmall
J9 (T)YEE +36 Strategy Medium
TYE has better equity and gives me more flexibility to score with the F at 11K. #strategymedium
15E DRyLOTS +81 Finding Medium
I saw 15H OLDSTeR as I entered the rack into Quackle. M2 SwORDTAIL is awesome. #findingmedium
H7 T(U)FT +7 Tactics Small
?GSS > ?SSTT and TUFT sets up my S's on a DWS lane, but Quackle prefers FUG, likely because it reduces Carl's scoring potential by not offering a floater. #tacticssmall
10C PEND +24 Strategy Small
10C LEND is best. Also, PEND scores 1 more at N10 but I didn't know cREVASSED. #strategysmall
13B LO +22 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers C12 JOIN. It seems reckless but its leave is significantly better, and I may get plays at 14B with my H next turn. #strategysmall
N7 H(E)INIE +11 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers N3 HEINIE--I don't know why--and 14A HIE which scores but keeps IINN, opens row 15, and doesn't block columns N and O. #tacticssmall but...
14A BIB +30 Tactics Medium
Quackle picks 14A BABA and 14A BABE. My best chance of winning depends on me drawing the X (I'm not expecting to draw a bingo), and BABA and BABE turn over 4 tiles, empty the bag, and save 14J XI. They also increase Carl's chance of having a bingo, providing a lane for sevens starting with L or R on row 15--and BABA permits A or E as well. I chose BIB because it allows fewer bingos, allows me to play another turn after a bingo, and saves 8A ATAP--although I should really be concerned about the X. BIB saves AXE at 1A and A6. #tacticsmedium
10H (E)DH +33 Strategy Small
10L PEH is better, presumably because it blocks the high-scoring bingo lanes in columns L and M. I like EDH because it keeps my vowel, and I can score well with 10M EF next turn. #strategysmall
L8 GEN(I)P +20 Finding Medium
L6 PFENNIG is a much better version of my play, and I have no idea why I missed it. #findingmedium
exch OUUWW +0 Tactics Medium
Quackle hates this exchange and wants me to conserve spread by playing G3 WOWS, blocking the bingo lanes on rows 2-4 while saving 4I LUAU for next turn. #tacticsmedium
K5 NAB +20 Strategy Medium
2E NABES and TABES are best, scoring four more points and unloading another vowel with seven unseen. #strategymedium
10C W(AD)I +10 Tactics Medium
I inferred a Z. But Jeff didn't have a Z. In my defense, 10C WADI wins the sim when I infer a Z, because none of Championship Player's choices block ADZ. But otherwise, 9G WIT is best. #tacticsmedium
N6 VA(K)IL +22 Finding Medium
I played too much defense this game. This time I tunneled on blocking column O and missed M3 RIVALRY. #findingmedium
15A AT(O)P +27 Strategy Medium
When do I learn that I should never keep two or more I's? And I'm not ahead by enough that I should be paranoid about row 15. K8 MOIRAI is best. #strategymedium
12H ICI(E)R +16 Tactics Medium
I saw O10 IRITIC, and I should have played it. IRITIC blocks column O, one of the higher-scoring bingo lanes on the board, and partially blocks row 12. The reason I played ICIER is that it fully blocks rows 12 and 13, the easiest bingo lanes. But it sacrifices 13 points, W > ITW, and I can easily outrun most row 13 bingos. #tacticsmedium
A3 (U)P +7 Endgame Medium
I have to block A3 UNTANNEd, but there are better ways. Best is 9A OWE, leaving J4 ZIP 32 while setting up A8 ZORI 39. Best of the plays I saw was 4A PE, but the optimal sequence includes 7C ZOA, which I missed. #endgamemedium (-13)
6I R(A)ZE +13 Endgame Medium
7C ZOA #endgamemedium (-9)
8F WHOM +24 Tactics Small
8H WHO is best, setting up the M at both K8 and 9I. #tacticssmall
7H FOLD +21 Strategy Medium
10G MODI scores 5 more points and doesn't give back a floater or a TWS. It also spends both my vowels. But Quackle likes it. #strategymedium
8K (U)RARI +18 Tactics Small
7D RIA is best, setting up my A. E9 VAIR, which I think I saw, is also better than URARI; the R helps the leave considerably. #tacticssmall
13C LUSTIEr +73 Tactics Small
LUSTIEr has the highest valuation, but 13E SUbTILE has the highest win chance, as it kills the board in no subtile manner. #tacticssmall
4C FED +26 Tactics Small
4C DEF is harder to underlap. #tacticssmall
H7 R(I)B +9 Tactics Medium
Setting up my C and fishing, for lack of a better idea. But now if Tom plays a bingo hooking to make CRIB or DRIB, he can close the board at the same time; the bingo lanes before RIB (columns C, H, and J) all create floaters. G8 MIB is best. #tacticsmedium
6G ECONOMy +70 Knowledge Small
6H COMpONE. #knowledgesmall
A4 H(O)ODIE +42 Knowledge Medium
HOOVED. #knowledgemedium
3L (G)ET +8 Tactics Medium
Setting up the case A. But this is easily blocked; the standard I3 VETO is best. #tacticsmedium
4H TORI(I) +6 Endgame Medium
M12 GYRI is best, leaving G3 VOTE to go out; if Tom blocks with G5 RE, I can follow with G11 VOX. #endgamemedium (-11)
1H TOE +21 Finding Medium
When will I learn that I should never keep two I's? H1 TOONIE is best. Although I think I would have played TOONIE if I had seen it. #findingmedium
I6 MI(N)I +12 Finding Small
I5 IMINE #findingsmall
13K D(U)LY +19 Finding Small
G8 RAVELED is best, going for the unseen blanks. #findingsmall
15A DECO +43 Finding Medium
15C COHEAD. This was incorrectly scored as 42. #findingmedium
6B MUG(G) +27 Endgame Small
C5 BUG is best, setting up B6 MA, which cannot be blocked. #endgamesmall (-2)
5I F(E)W +18 Finding Medium
K5 FEM. #findingmedium
1F EPIG(r)AM +42 Tactics Small
A: I chose EPIGrAM because it creates a decent sevens lane on row 2. But 1I PrIMAGE is slightly better, possibly because EPIGrAM creates scoring opportunities for Carl? I don't know. #tacticssmall C: The whole game, I wanted to play EPIGRAMMIC*, but it's ENGRAMMIC/IDEOGRAMMIC/PHONOGRAMMIC only.
2J (O)DOUR +19 Tactics Medium
Fishing for Z plays at 10J in a way that doesn't arouse suspicion. J10 ZA is best, followed by plays using the letters BURD, BUD, BURDS, etc. but suspiciously not at 10J. #tacticsmedium
14C BEEF +41 Finding Medium
N1 FRISBEES. #findingmedium
D1 G(I)RT +14 Strategy Small
A: The best plays are exchanges: Quackle's pick is to exchange all 7, followed by other exchanges keeping the S and maybe one other tile. Keeping the S seems right because it is essential for column O and also useful on column N making ZITIS. GIRT blocks column D and leaves 6 in the bag, making it impossible for me to play two bingos. #strategysmall C: Worse yet, a few years ago, I prepared a spreadsheet of all the blank bingos with 5 or fewer solutions, and have looked at the top 3,000 8s maybe 50 times each. One of these blanagrams is ?AEILNNO, with four solutions. If I had recognized this, I might have found mINNEOL(A) E4, but that seemed like the least promising lane, and I didn't give it enough time. All those hundreds of hours I've spent looking at those lists, and then I miss something from there. But it pays to remember that all the study in the world can't guarantee that you'll find the word. It merely increases your chances of finding it.
N5 TORTES +28 Vision Large
14J ROOST is a much better play; it does not give back O4 DONEE/RAKEE, and it blocks L12 DANK/DARK, while guaranteeing an out with whatever I draw. #visionlarge (-16)
K4 GrI(S)TERS +82 Tactics Small
K4 GoRSIEST is best; I didn't bother to iterate the blank. GrISTERS opens only three distinct floaters instead of four, while GoRSIEST weakens 6J and puts the S in row 10, rather than row 11 which has a DWS. #tacticssmall
15H FLEA +25 Finding Small
Trying to block row 15 without opening anything on row 14 that didn't already play on row 12. But 15G FLARE fulfils this requirement while scoring three more points. Apparently 15F RALLYE is best, but I would still play FLARE. M3 VOCABLY is awesome, and it doesn't take any hooks, unlike VOCABLE. #findingsmall
8A PACE(r) +27 Vision Medium
I3 PEC. #visionmedium
15D (G)IMEL +24 Vision Large
K5 LEHAYIM, wow. C11 MILE is also better than GIMEL--it scores one more point, partially blocks the G, and sets up the R at 15C. #visionlarge
M8 (L)UNCHER +26 Vision Small
J10 BRUNCH keeps the E and doesn't set up an S. #visionsmall
14L F(R)AY +34 Vision Medium
F3 FAKEY is overwhelmingly Quackle's favorite, blocking rows 2 and 6 and unloading all my clunkers. #visionmedium
F6 RH(U)MB +20 Vision Medium
HEBETUDE! Also D4 BREVE is better. #visionmedium
G8 (D)EE +14 Tactics Medium
This is the best equity play, but I was sad about partially blocking RHUMBA. In fact I should have sacrificed two points to preserve RHUMBA with 9E EME. #tacticsmedium
12A F(E)RN +22 Strategy Medium
12A BERG has the best equity and allows fewer points at A12-A15. #strategymedium
11J TRY +31 Knowledge Large
5G CRYPT is best. PREFIXT isn't a word. FIXT TRANSFIXT UNFIXT #knowledgelarge
L9 IV(Y) +9 Tactics Small
I was proud of this play, setting up my J at 8L with only one T unseen. Championship Player does not consider IVY and favors JIVY instead; I am disappointed to see that JIVY also wins a sim against IVY. #tacticssad
6L G(A)G +9 Finding Small
6L RAGG is probably better. GAG was scored as 10. If I had played RAGG, the score would be correct. #findingsmall
E10 LAR +18 Knowledge Medium
2D LARRUpER. #knowledgemedium
13B REEKiER +80 Knowledge Small
Oh, REEKERs is a word. #knowledgesmall
O1 U(N)TIL +32 Finding Medium
H11 BURLY. I didn't consider anything on column H that didn't put a scoring tile on H12. #findingmedium
K9 FID +24 Finding Medium
B10 FIBRED. I was fishing for an A for B10 ZEBRA while setting up the Z at L11, but it isn't worth the 16-point sacrifice. #findingmedium
12A ZEP +30 Tactics Small
This play has the highest valuation, setting up A8 BLITZ if I draw a T. But the standard 3E BLITZ has the best win chance. #tacticssmall
M7 LOBE +28 Finding Small
I missed M5 OBLIGE, the best play. This is second-best, now fishing for A8 GLITZ. LOBE is better than LOGE because LOBE + GLITZ scores one more than LOGE + BLITZ. #findingsmall
8D KIANG +30 Strategy Small
8G TAKING has the best equity. I was leery of giving up an extra bingo lane, easier sevens lanes, and a chance to hook TAKING while using a DWS, which is why I chose KIANG; but I should also be concerned with keeping two T's. #strategysmall
exch DJLNTT +0 Strategy Small
It is apparently better to keep DN or NZ. #strategysmall
12G BEAU(T)Y +24 Finding Medium
I9 BAYOU. #findingmedium
11F ARM +25 Finding Medium
I considered M3 REMORA but missed ARMORER in the same spot. #findingmedium
14D OILI(E)R +8 Tactics Medium
This has the best equity, but Quackle overwhelmingly prefers exchanging, keeping only the R--though I am ahead, I am less than 50% to win, so I should preserve the lanes on rows 14 and 15. #tacticsmedium
4C LA(V) +24 Strategy Small
Quackle goes haywire in the pre-endgame, but 4C TAV appears to have the best win chance. 7C GAP has the best equity as well as a better win chance than LAV. #strategysmall
8F AWA +12 Strategy Medium
Exchange 6, keep E. #strategymedium
10I LIRI +8 Tactics Small
LIRI is the equity play, but Quackle strongly favors 13C TIRL. The only reason I can think of is that Richard averages more next turn by playing through the R or I of LIRI, blocking my best lanes in the process. #tacticssmall
J5 TYRoS(I)NE +81 Finding Small
I didn't notice that bingos at N9 score 3 more. STERNlY is slightly better. #findingsmall
5F VAUN(T)ED +22 Strategy Small
VAUNTIE has better equity. #strategysmall
15D STOUP +37 Finding Medium
STOUP blocks row 14, the only bingo lane available to Richard (no O's or U's to parallel STOUP remain); but E9 INEPT does it better, sacrificing only one point while saving the S for row 15. OUTVAUNTED is awesome. #findingmedium
M11 GYRI +28 Endgame Small
I missed M2 GYP. #endgamesmall (-1)
8A PER(C) +24 Strategy Medium
Quackle prefers M2 NOT, though it is reckless with ?KSSS unseen; next best is 8A PONCE. PERC sets up the S on column E, which makes potential bingos more likely to play (note that POSTERN on my rack is homeless), but it apparently sacrifices too much leave value. Note that there are five E's, three R's, and no O's unseen, which influenced my choice. Interestingly, despite this, none of Quackle's choices use the R. #strategymedium
I7 Z(I)NG +25 Strategy Small
Exchange 6, keep Z. #strategysmall
10F HON(G)I +27 Finding Small
14J HOISIN, followed by M2 INION. I saw INION after I hit the clock. #findingsmall
5H UNHI(P) +20 Knowledge Medium
M1 NISI is best. But that requires me to know VOLATILES. Failing that, N12 HUB sets up the S on row 15 with low risk, at least compared to 2H HUB. #knowledgemedium
8D FOUND +26 Finding Small
VODUN is probably better. #findingsmall
D8 (F)OGIE +18 Finding Medium
FOVEAE. #findingmedium
E4 BRAV(O) +20 Tactics Small
11C DIB is best, blocking the J. 12C VEG is second, with the same idea and the best equity. I suppose ABDER doesn't become a bingo often on this board. #tacticssmall
A12 ODEA +30 Strategy Small
C12 OGEE has the best equity, but ODEA is more effective in blocking JIHADI; OGEE still allows -IE- words on row 15. So Quackle prefers OGEE over ODEA by a wider margin now? #strategysmall
D1 PINA +26 Strategy Small
Chosen because it scores most, and the pool seemed consonant-heavy. B10 JIHADI is best. #strategysmall
15A (A)IL +20 Strategy Medium
Keep the L. The fact that the pool is consonant-heavy doesn't merit playing a guaranteed consonant for one point. Actually K5 SPILITE is best; ??SSS are unseen and my leave after JIHADI isn't that great. #strategymedium
15E (KI)TSCH +45 Tactics Large
Oops, I didn't check column O thoroughly and missed Gunther's next play. O1 STOW is best. #tacticslarge
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
There's something like this that isn't good. I guess I was thinking of REATTEST*. #knowledgelarge
12A KALE +34 Vision Medium
5E ALKIE scores 40 points and doesn't give back easy points on column A. #visionmedium
A8 DROU(K) +30 Tactics Medium
I think I saw 4L VOE but didn't fully appreciate it. Not only does it partially block column O, it saves A8 DRUNK for next turn. And it has better equity! ENV is worse than I expected. #tacticsmedium
14F ANTIFAs +73 Finding Medium
I missed B2 InFANTA, which scores 2 more points and is easily best. I chose this over ANTIFAt and ANtIFAT because I thought this would be harder to underlap, and also to show off one of the new NWL words. L1 TIFFANY is awesome. #findingmedium
15L OXIM +44 Tactics Small
5B MOIRA is best, sacrificing 20 points immediately but blocking column B while setting up A6 AX. #tacticssmall
N14 P(I) +8 Finding Small
Only four possible racks from the unseen tiles yield bingos: EEINRSS, EEIORSS, EENORSS, and EINORSS. PI blocks EEINRSS and EINORSS at N7, but I had not seen that Carl could play 9H ROSERIES or 10H SORENESS. N7 PADRI, RAPT, or RIANT or 9H RITARD blocks all possible bingos. #findingsmall
E4 MIME(O)ED +24 Strategy Small
Quackle likes H6 MILE a lot. I don't see what's so great about it, but MIMEOED is probably a mistake anyway, as it blows up the rack. 7E MEG is the best equity play but Championship Player doesn't seem to consider it. D8 VIMEN is reasonable. #strategysmall
2A cABINET +81 Tactics Small
2A BAsINET is better, basically the same as cABINET but the B is less of a threat on column A. #tacticssmall
2I DEWS +24 Strategy Medium
I realized this was a mistake as I tracked. There is only one E unseen; thus I should keep my E and play J4 DEW. #strategymedium
M3 T(Y)PAL +22 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of A2 cALTRAPS. #knowledgelarge
12A PI(N)G +20 Tactics Small
Why didn't I play 14B GRASP? Actually, PING has better equity than both GRASP and Quackle's choice, 12A DING. But DING is better because what, APRS is a better leave and A12-A15 is less lucrative? #tacticssmall
A12 (P)OND +21 Tactics Small
POND has the high valuation, but N5 ADORNS wins more often, because it blocks the lanes on columns L and N without opening an easy lane on column O. #tacticssmall
9G (Y)IRR +10 Tactics Large
Quackle strongly favors exchanging keeping only the S; the best play on the board has over 6% less win chance. I can't explain that, but YIRR has the shortcoming of providing two extra lanes for Betty to play a bingo--columns J and K.#tacticslarge apparently
K7 DISARmS +86 Tactics Large
Once I saw DISARmS I looked no further; hence I missed DISbARS and vISARDS in the same spot. Quackle strongly favors fishing off an S (13G QUITS) to threaten a bingo out on column L or N with any possible draw. #tacticslarge
J11 OO(T) +12 Endgame Small
There are two better outs. #endgamesmall
8G JEUX +36 Tactics Small
8F JEUX is slightly better. #tacticssmall
9H (S)H(Y) +22 Tactics Small
Quackle picks the standard G8 JOHN, but I prefer SHY because JOHN opens high-scoring bingo lanes on rows 11 and 12 and sacrifices 4 points. But I didn't know TREADLES takes an S, and thus there was already a bingo lane on row 10. This may be a #tacticssmall
H11 LORAN +23 Vision Small
H11 NORIA is best, keeping the L for #visionsmall
J11 TEIN +13 Tactics Small
I don't know why I played this over J11 TENIA--maybe to keep the A for G9? Quackle prefers short plays like 4N DA, 14H AIT, and O10 AIT, but it doesn't realize that Mike has just fished. I like J11 TENIA best. #tacticssmall
E5 PIE +20 Tactics Large
Plays on column B making EWE block all of Mike's bingos, and they even preserve column E for me to use next turn. Quackle chooses B4 POPE, followed by B6 PE; although I might have chosen PE just so Mike doesn't know my rack. E5 PIE allows AILMENT, ALIMENT, ALUMINA, AMENTIA, and VALIANT at B1. #tacticslarge
H8 SLEAZE +50 Tactics Small
I remembered to open vertically this time! ZEALS is better because it doesn't have lucrative hooks. #tacticssmall
I11 M(I)X +41 Strategy Small
13A MAX gives back a lot on column A and row 14, but there is already a lot of scoring potential on this board, and MAX unloads one of my A's and scores one more point. #strategysmall
O12 CYST +43 Strategy Medium
I took the points and defense, but AAR is a bad leave, I'm slightly behind, there are two good S spots (TOONIES and ALGUAZILS), and I know Cesar did not keep an S. I should play 13A CAY and go for a bingo. #strategymedium
M13 F(I)B +16 Strategy Medium
I think I liked that FIB blocks the L column, but it's a lousy block considering that it keeps five consonants and that I could potentially use ALGUAZIlS later for the same purpose. C11 FACT is best despite opening a high-scoring lane on row 15 for the unseen AAS. I like 7C FACT, Quackle's second choice. #strategymedium
C11 C(A)NT +12 Vision Large
K8 CUNTS is clearly best. I tunneled on blocking row 15 and am not sure I even noticed ALGUAZILs. #visionlarge
5B BU(R)AN +26 Tactics Medium
BURAN is the pure equity play, but 5H UNBE handily wins the sim. There are up to 5 E's in the bag and no A's, and UNBE blocks column K and scores one more point. #tacticsmedium
3H (T)W(I)NER +26 Tactics Medium
K6 STROWN is best, blocking bingos on rows 8 and 9. Plays in the B7 area also do well. #tacticsmedium
4J (V)OTER +24 Tactics Small
VOTE is probably better, giving me another tile to slow-play with. #tacticssmall
11B MOLDS +29 Vision Medium
7C COLUMN, wow. #visionmedium
B2 UNCINA +26 Knowledge Large
This is phony! I conflated ENCINA and UNCINAL. B6 NU is best. Leesa held. #knowledgelarge
13B ISSEI +33 Strategy Small
C5 FIE is best, sacrificing 14 points but keeping both S's. I liked that ISSEI set up my F at 14F. #strategysmall
O2 TH(E)REOF +39 Finding Medium
ZEROTH. It even keeps the F for 14F. #findingmedium
3M YA(H) +31 Strategy Small
This gets the highest valuation, but Quackle gives many other plays a higher win chance, led by M3 ZA. 13A D(ISSEI)ZE is awesome. #strategysmall
M9 ADZES +45 Tactics Medium
This is the equity play, but 14F DAZE appears to be best sacrificing 20 points but keeping the S and setting up my case A at 15H. #tacticsmedium
2E U(H) +5 Finding Large
I saw I8 LAURElED before entering this rack into Quackle, and I missed L1 qUAVERED entirely. This is a weak fish. Somehow Quackle prefers L12 RUE with two R's unseen?? #findinglarge
H8 (A)RREArED +77 Knowledge Large
I had a hunch that ARREArED* might be phony, and I saw bingos on 14F. So why didn't I just play DREAREr for only 7 fewer? Quackle strongly prefers fishing off two tiles with O10 EGGER.... #knowledgelarge
15F VI(D) +9 Endgame Small
6L VIBE blocks Leesa's best out. #endgamesmall (-4)
11C VAIRS +27 Tactics Medium
Quackle strongly prefers killing the board with 7F VAC, although IRRST leaves something to be desired. 11D VARS may also be better. #tacticsmedium
B4 ZAPT(I)AH +53 Finding Large
This was my proudest find of the tournament, until Quackle revealed 14A ANSATZ. Matt held. #findinglarge
2D (P)aTENTOR +63 Tactics Medium
I deemed 11I sTENTOR volatile enough that PaTENTOR was worth the 4-point sacrifice. It's not. #tacticsmedium
2N MI +18 Tactics Large
Quackle prefers N1 ALUMNI, which apparently wins 100%. I was trying to prevent bingos. But Quackle hates MI, and indeed something like 15H sELENIC or O1 SILICONEs can still outrun. #tacticslarge
G13 (AL)L +3 Tactics Large
What do I block, 15H sELENIC/sILENCE or O1 SILICONEs? Quackle says neither, that 14A UNS and many other plays outrun. I decided to block sELENIC/sILENCE, I think because it scores more and is easier to find than SILICONEs. However, my block for sELENIC/sILENCE scores only 3 points, and if Matt has sELENIC/sILENCE he also has L4 ELENChI. Also O1 SILENCINg, L4 CaNNOLI, and 4G LYCOpENE and sYNCLINE exist. In order to block all bingos except sELENIC/sILENCE/ELENChI, I would have to play three or more tiles on row 3 spanning from 3L to 3N, but it is impossible to do that without allowing another bingo starting from 3M. In short, blocking bingos isn't worth it, and 14A UNS saving F4 FLEW is best. #tacticslarge
11I BAGEL +31 Strategy Small
I realized after I played this that I missed A10 LAVAGE, which both I and the sim prefer over BAGEL. The equity play, A12 VEGA, performs equally with LAVAGE. #strategysmall
8H AUA +6 Strategy Small
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 5. I have heard it said that on an opening turn, one should exchange rather than playing a low-scoring vowel dump, to avoid allowing eights. That is especially true here, as I can keep a better leave after exchanging AOU. #strategysmall
10F GOOSE +19 Strategy Medium
7F GOEL# is the clear best play, as it preserves the closed position and keeps the best possible leave, including an S to hook onto AUA# or LUV. #strategymedium
12A WAGED +31 Vision Medium
I saw GAWD# at D1 before it was blocked, but not at 5K. Oops. #visionmedium
N4 TR(I)BRACh +67 Finding Medium
N1 CaTBRIAR/CATBRIeR. #findingmedium
O1 WILI +27 Knowledge Medium
The only bingos are 1G WHIlLIED# and WHILlIED, which I did not know. However, Quackle prefers 13A IWI#, which keeps a better leave than WILI# (including two vowels, which is important given the consonant-heavy pool) and gives me a chance to play a bingo from 1H-1O next turn. I considered 9M WAI#, with the same idea; but WAI performs slightly worse than IWI and the bingos, likely because it blocks column L. #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
O1 WILI +27 Strategy Medium
The only bingos are 1G WHIlLIED# and WHILlIED, which I did not know. However, Quackle prefers 13A IWI#, which keeps a better leave than WILI# (including two vowels, which is important given the consonant-heavy pool) and gives me a chance to play a bingo from 1H-1O next turn. I considered 9M WAI#, with the same idea; but WAI performs slightly worse than IWI and the bingos, likely because it blocks column L. #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
7I BULLA +20 Finding Medium
I didn't spend enough time generating plays here. I saw this, D8 FIBULA, E2 AUDIBLE, and 7G BUDA#; I chose BULLA to play off an L while keeping a vowel. The best play is BUILD in the same spot, scoring 2 more than BULLA and keeping the better leave; somehow I saw only its anagram, BLUID#, which doesn't play. Other good options include D8 FLUID, 7E BALU#, and 7E BUDI#. #findingmedium
6I OBA +29 Strategy Small
2I OBA is best. I chose 6I to block (BE)Z#, but it partially blocks the bingo lane on column L, which I need to leave open while I'm behind. #strategysmall
8G FEU +12 Strategy Medium
Exchanging EEFOU is clearly best. EN is a much-better leave than EENO, and the tiles in FEU will not help a leave of EENO, while they may help BriAnna's rack, especially after a small exchange. #strategymedium
7F GEODE +27 Finding Large
7F NOODGE scores 1 more than GEODE, keeps a better leave, and does not set up a Z bomb. While I agree with Quackle that NOODGE is better than GEODE, I don't see how it's a 10-point mistake. #findinglarge
10J X(U) +50 Finding Large
J9 AXION. #findinglarge
L6 NODI +21 Strategy Small
L6 NODI has the best equity, but Quackle prefers various plays that use 5E, probably the most dangerous scoring spot on the board. The best play is 5D IODIN, followed by 5D NODI and DINO. #strategysmall
B7 Qu(A)NTISE +86 Tactics Medium
A8 TRaNQ is best! It sacrifices 17 points but gives back much less than QuANTISE (note QuANTISER#) and saves the S for KABS with several high-scoring tiles remaining. #tacticsmedium
J4 (AD)Z(E) +34 Tactics Large
Though ADZE is the highest-scoring play, Quackle doesn't consider it. The best play is 2I GOV#, setting up 1G ZEA# or 1H ZA; BriAnna's blocks score very few points, and I still have ADZE. #tacticslarge
N5 OGAM +30 Endgame Large
15F EVO# is best, saving N4 GAMA, or 3L AGMA after BriAnna's best block, 8L DIVA. OGAM would be only two points worse if H10 CLITIC were not available. (-11) #endgamelarge
8A RABB(I)T +39 Finding Small
I saw RABBI just after hitting my clock. I didn't know RABBIN, which is second. #findingsmall
12G ZED +30 Vision Large
I think I was on tilt by this point, causing me to miss D1 ZEES, as well as 14J ZEDA which blocks Will's next play. #visionlarge
15B SUQ +31 Strategy Small
M1 LOVE apparently has the best chance of winning; Will will block row 1 but I could potentially get a bingo at A1 with the Q and then draw another bingo? Nah, even if I get 2 bingos Will should outrun easily. 5I VLOG has the highest valuation. #strategysmall I guess
2C SAVELOY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Will blocked LAYOVERS, and with nothing to lose but spread, I decided to check whether HUNTABLE takes an S. O1 SYLVAE has the highest valuation. #knowledgelarge
J11 (V)AS +20 Endgame Small
12K SIC allows me to go out next turn. #endgamesmall (-4)
8D BIALI +20 Strategy Small
8G HI is apparently best, sacrificing ten points for a leave that's only four points better. Sure, Quackle. #strategysmall
E7 B(I)MAH +32 Finding Small
MIHRAB. #findingsmall
14G ERUV +20 Tactics Medium
ERUV scores well, unloads two of UVV, and blocks the easiest lane on the board, row 13. Naturally, Quackle hates it. There is something to be said for Quackle's picks, B2 VUM and K1 VENDU, namely that they both save a scoring play at 1K (DRAVE and VARVE respectively). Honorable mention goes to G13 VUm, which scores only 9 points but blocks row 13 while saving 1K DRAVE. #tacticsmedium
C1 DIV(O)T +18 Endgame Medium
L5 VIAND is a difficult find, but I should have seen 8K VAUNT at least. #endgamemedium (-10)
8G CIAO +12 Strategy Small
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 2. 8E POCO is best, followed by 8G POCO. It turns out that the leave AEI isn't so bad compared to EOP. #strategysmall
K9 EPODE +21 Strategy Medium
9I EW is best! With the leave DEEOPR, I threaten a bingo with slightly more than half of all possible draws. #strategymedium
K3 MOOI +16 Strategy Medium
The equity plays on row 14 give back far too much on row 15. The next-best equity play is N6 AMIDO, followed by K3 MOOI#. Quackle favors N9 OO#, which gives almost nothing back, followed closely by AMIDO; MOOI often allows easy high scores on column L and is thus further down. #strategymedium
N5 HYOID +28 Finding Large
G2 tHEODICY. #findinglarge
1H NEON +16 Strategy Large
I wanted to take the ONUS hook, but I don't have a play that does that and keeps well. 11D VENIN is best, blocking 2x2s and leaving ONUS for next turn. #strategylarge
B2 ANLASEs +74 Strategy Large
This and B1 ANALySE are the highest-scoring bingos, but they give back high scores on column A. Quackle prefers 2B bANSELA for 68, with C3 kANTELAS and pLATANES and 9G KNAWEL(!) not far behind. #strategylarge
4A HUMO(R) +28 Strategy Small
I think I saw 4A HOVER but otherwise rushed this play. D2 OVUM is best; it sets up plays in row 1 making NOVUM# but has the second-best equity behind D1 HOVE, which gives even more back? 4B MEVROU# and HOVE are also good plays. #strategysmall
H1 VIVO +37 Strategy Medium
H1 VIVE is best; EIO > EEI. #strategymedium
2G Q(I)N +14 Tactics Small
The best plays are 2J BAN and BAL, which score 13 more than QIN and threaten F2 QIS with an I draw. #tacticssmall
2N F(E) +20 Strategy Large
The score is close enough, and my tiles and the pool are good enough, that I should go for one more bingo. FE does not work as a fish, as it hits with only the blank. The best play is D3 FOB, the fish that keeps the best leave and, for example, hits SCALENI with the most likely draw. #strategylarge
O12 BISE +37 Tactics Large
This is the highest scoring play, but it empties the bag, and Ruth may be able to outscore me in the endgame. Quackle suggests M12 LIB, which sets up a scoring lane on row 15 that only I can use. #tacticslarge
11E (DE)CANAL +20 Endgame Large
10J CAPLIN is best, saving 5K LATEX and F5 LA. (-15) #endgamelarge
J10 P(A)L +15 Endgame Small
The best play is 13M PoI for 28; Ruth's best out is 5C URE for 10. This game could have been even higher-scoring! (-1) #endgamesmall
8D CRAMBE +30 Knowledge Small
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 4. The static evaluator likes 8H CRAMBE, an interesting idea that prevents most seven-letter bingos that don't contain an S. Championship Player likes 8D CEMBRA#, which I didn't know. I was unsure of CAMBER, which I would have played at 8D. #knowledgesmall
O9 GROSSER +90 Knowledge Small
I was unsure of GROSERS#, which is better at O6 or O9 presumably because ENGROSSER is a word. #knowledgesmall
9H AXIOM +43 Strategy Small
AXIOM has the best equity, but 9H OX is best because it keeps more bingo-friendly tiles and leaves column L open? #strategysmall
M3 EUPNEAS +88 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
13C EYR(I)E +45 Strategy Medium
EYRIE has the best equity, but Quackle prefers L4 QUEY. There are several I's and U's remaining and no E's, making EYRIE's leave worse than usual. Maybe QUEY is better than 13B UEY# because I save the case E for row 13 parallels? #strategymedium
O1 LIN(D)Y +27 Endgame Large
I have to block K5 FID/FUD. K5 TIL is best, saving C3 SPINY and 14A YINS. I saw that LINDY blocked 6K FUNDI and saved 5K TIPSY, and I didn't notice the high-scoring blocks. (-15) #endgamelarge
L1 EAU +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
9I FINNED +28 Vision Medium
In addition to having higher equity than FINNED, 7M FIN allows fewer immediate bingos, more effectively blocking those making GAITT# which I didn't see. #visionmedium I guess
11D MOLT +27 Tactics Small
MOLT has the highest equity, but 11B MOTTLE is best because it is harder to underlap while hooking JOLE, I guess. #tacticssmall
J6 NIX +30 Finding Large
15F OINK. #findinglarge
14D (BEZ)OAR +22 Vision Medium
I7 KUTA# is very well hidden. #visionmedium
7I P(I)KI +21 Finding Large
I think I completely missed the best play, 13I EURIPI. But there are several other plays better than PIKI, including K4 PIU, which scores 9 points less but keeps a much better leave in EIKR. #findinglarge
1G FAIRiER +94 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge. After either of the six 94-point bingos, David wins 50% of games, whenever he has 3I BAWNS.
K5 tOR(O)IDAL +82 Tactics Small
Quackle ranks the 2x2's: 1) 5E sOREDIAL#, 2) K4 mODIOLAR#, 3) 5E fORELAID#, 4) K5 tOROIDAL. I decided to play through the O to prevent any 2x2's in response, but 2x2's on row 11 probably should be less of a concern than the scoring spots that my bingo creates. mODIOLAR or tOROIDAL sets up the J and Z at J10 or J6 respectively, while sOREDIAL or fORELAID sets up the X at 6F (fORELAID also sets up the X at 6J). Because the spot under sOREDIAL is hardest to hit---requiring the X and either I or O---it makes sense for sOREDIAL to be best. Though I still don't understand why mODIOLAR should be better than tOROIDAL. #tacticssmall
D7 SQUI(R)M +54 Strategy Small
This outruns every available bingo, but the best play is 14B SQUIRM, which blocks more of Jennifer's potential bingos than any other play, leaving only column A open. J4 WAZOO is notable. #strategysmall
J10 YEW +37 Knowledge Large
I didn't know 5A WRYThEN#. Ignoring that, I should have played J12 YEWS, which I saw almost immediately after I made my play. #knowledgelarge
A12 KI(T)E +39 Finding Small
I missed A12 KETO, which is better than KITE with three O's and one I unseen. A12 GITE is interesting, fishing for 1A COOK. #findingsmall
9E TAO +51 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
11B ZE(P)S +57 Strategy Small
J6 ZYGA# has the best equity and saves the S for column B making SWIG, at the cost of making column L harder to hit. Quackle prefers it slightly over ZEPS, but not over ZEPS +5 (Chris challenged UGHS). #strategysmall
12K (E)NDEW +26 Finding Small
Quackle likes 12H AWEEL#, the second-highest-scoring play, which compensates for the 3-point sacrifice by setting up 14H INDIE. #findingsmall
8L (M)I(R)V +27 Tactics Small
MIRV# is the highest-scoring play. The best play by 2 points is 14A VOE, blocking 14B BORNA# and other words making HIPPIER. If I draw the N after VOE, I am rewarded with 4I TIN(aM)OU! #tacticssmall
G5 PEA +20 Finding Medium
Did I really miss G5 PEE? #findingmedium
4H (V)OWER +22 Strategy Small
VOWER has the best equity, but Quackle prefers 8E QI, mostly restricting Rasheed's possible bingos to column I. #strategysmall
D9 DAURING +79 Knowledge Large
I dinnae daur tae fand O7 DAURING#, but FAND# is a word. #knowledgelarge
9G AGED +26 Tactics Medium
Chosen over 9G AG, which allows 10G pOMFRET. H6 OVA wins the sim; ADEGR >> ORV, and after OVA, Steven's highest-scoring bingos are 6C/6G FOREMOsT 66. The sim assumes that after AGED, Steven will play 10I FORMaTE, allowing potential OVER- plays at O8--which means that if Steven plays at 7H instead I can expect worse results than the sim suggests. #tacticsmedium
exch AAQVY +0 Strategy Medium
6I YEA is best, but I didn't want to deal with the Q on this board. I forgot about S(HERO); K5 YAMS is second. #strategymedium
O1 EMBRU(E) +33 Strategy Small
Quackle loves 5K MU, which has better equity and a good chance of drawing a bingo at 10A. I don't remember whether I considered plays at 5K. MOB is also good. #strategysmall
5E OWLY +25 Strategy Small
Quackle picks 3H YOW, which is tied for the best equity with 13B YOW--OWLY is a point behind, and the three unseen L's do not significantly diminish the gap. I prefer 13B YOW over 3H YOW, as it opens a potentially high-scoring lane on row 14 and doesn't obstruct the lanes on rows 3 and 5. #strategysmall
3H PEG +21 Strategy Small
Intentionally setting up S(PAY), but blocking row 3 in the process. 2M GEM is best; the P greatly helps my rack. #strategysmall
8H NUKED +24 Strategy Small
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 14. I considered 8H UNKED# and rejected it because it has hooks and NUKED doesn't. Quackle prefers UNKED; I suppose putting the U next to the DLS's affects David's average score more than UNKED's hooks. #strategysmall
10L LEG +14 Strategy Medium
LEG has the best equity, but the best play is 10J ELL, which doesn't set up an S hook that I don't have in column O. #strategymedium
10F COMAE +35 Knowledge Small
I saw 10F CLOAM# but wasn't sure. #knowledgesmall
B2 WO +23 Tactics Medium
Quackle strongly favors 5E ONO, which sets up -ROWS plays at H1 while an E draw gives O8 RESOW and H10 MOWERS and an A draw gives H10 MOWRAS#. #tacticsmedium
N1 GROUT +16 Tactics Medium
I had no idea of what to do here. Quackle likes G9 GOD, fishing and setting up another lane. The pool is awful, which makes playing few tiles better than playing many. #tacticsmedium
10C GRAZES +47 Strategy Medium
ADERS is 25 points better than D, making 9G ZIG best despite sacrifing 22 points. #strategymedium
4J OPA +27 Vision Medium
C6 ARPEGGIO, wow. OPA sets up GO- plays on row 5. #visionmedium
15G OF +32 Strategy Small
This should be EF. EE > EO, but AEMOU > AEEMU. #strategysmall
L8 WOO +17 Strategy Medium
This is one of five plays that win 100% because they block N5 VENDEES--a word I had forgotten about. Quackle likes L8 WO because it doesn't empty the bag. This is the pre-endgame, though, and I don't trust Quackle here. I like 10J WAUR, unloading a U with one unseen. #strategymedium
B11 VARN(A) +16 Endgame Small
I missed both NAVAR and the spot making (UPO)N. #endgamesmall (-2)
11D BOYS +30 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers 8C OY, which, unlike BOYS, leaves lanes for sevens ending in S. OY blocks columns C, D, and E, which may be a downside; but BOYS blocks them as well. K6 BOY may be best because it doesn't block any lanes and it even sets up a lane at L1. #tacticssmall
13A FON +19 Finding Medium
Quackle picks 5K OWL, but I prefer 5K OWN, which has slightly better equity. I missed the spot, and I thought FON scored 22 before I played it. I also mistakenly thought FON kept better than WON. #findingmedium
A8 FOOD +32 Finding Large
I was disappointed that Mitch blocked N1 FOREDOES, but I missed 2F SERFHOOD. #findinglarge
13F OBI +28 Knowledge Small
B3 BUNKIE is better; I didn't know the word. The pool is strong, and BUNKIE unloads all my bad tiles while scoring only one point fewer. #knowledgesmall
12H (WAX)EN +33 Tactics Medium
I was about to play B6 KUE, but Mitch will play WAXEN if I don't. That said, M1 UNITE dominates the sim; after the sequence UNITE, WAXEN, KUE, Mitch will be down 17 with one in the bag, and his only possible bingo is N4 ESCAROLE. (If Mitch plays WAXER instead, he could draw 2C CLEANISH or M7 CLEANSE.) Thus it mostly becomes a matter of outrunning Mitch in the endgame, and according to the sim I have almost a 2/3 chance of success. If I play WAXEN, then the sim expects Mitch to play 4A CLEAVE, after which he can draw a multitude of bingos on columns M and N, plus the occasional bingo on row 2 or column B. #tacticsmedium
B6 KUE +22 Tactics Large
N11 TIKE dominates the sim, winning 73%, and I have no idea why--it scores 26, but it keeps EUU and makes a higher-scoring (though less useful) bingo line on column O, which should in theory prevent me from outscoring if Mitch has a bingo (54%). 7K ETUI, Championship Player's pick and second place on the sim (63% win), allows the fewest bingos (40%) and keeps a leave that can outscore most plays that aren't bingos. Thus I think ETUI is best. KUE does not block column N at all and is thus significantly worse. #tacticslarge
7I (U)NMIX +33 Finding Small
H5 MOXA blocks the H1-H4 hotspot, and DINR > DOR by more than I expected. #findingsmall
O1 UNBORN +29 Strategy Small
Quackle picks M9 BOUND, because NR > D; I misevaluated the leaves. #strategysmall
5E CESS(E)D +28 Strategy Small
3G DAWS sacrifices 18 points, yet it has the best chance of a bingo next turn, and thus it is best. #strategysmall
A5 REAL +21 Strategy Medium
I chose REAL over ORAL because there were 7 E's unseen and no O's. But I did not consider what the benefit of keeping the O would be, and now that I am considering it I don't see any significant benefit; EE > EO, and even triplicate E's are fine. I should just play ORAL. Quackle prefers C12 NOR but that's ridiculous with IIIM unseen. #strategymedium
J10 JETES +41 Tactics Medium
But the sacrifice was worth it, as (alas) my 93-point JETES was blocked. Quackle picks 1A EME, blocking 1A and ensuring that my M scores well while saving D6 JEST or J10 JETS. #tacticsmedium
I2 INuRNED +68 Finding Medium
I didn't check every possibility for the blank, which is a shame because I3 NaRDINE scores 74 points (and I prefer gRINNED over INuRNED as well). 8B INtERNODE is awesome. #findingmedium
G8 BA +17 Finding Medium
I wasn't sure what to do here, but I should have seen 13G BAA. 9A AE is best, with BAA a close second. #findingmedium and #scoringlarge for the miscount
J7 HEEZE +53 Strategy Medium
There is a lot of cool plays here: this, 9A YEH, B2 wHEEZER, J8 YEZ, N2 YEESH. HEEZE has best equity, but Quackle picks 9A YEH (which I found postmortem). YEH sacrifices only six points while keeping ?EEZ--a very strong leave especially considering the shortage of unseen E's. #strategymedium
C7 M(A)W +15 Endgame Large
I have three wins, but they all involve WILCO, which I did not see. The best play is D4 UM, threatening WILCO in three spots and outrunning 9A OES with 3A WILCO. MAW ties. But remember the scoring error, two points in favor of Gunther: This game was counted as a loss for me because of that. I really should have recounted. #endgamesaddest (-6)
N6 (G)Ue +3 Endgame Large
3K GOLEM +32 Knowledge Large
8A NGOM(A) #knowledgesaddest
exch A +0 Strategy Small
Current opening theory dictates that I exchange A. But Quackle likes 8H AL followed by 8G LA, probably to reduce Joey's average score next turn, despite increasing Joey's likelihood of getting a bingo and decreasing mine. #strategysmall
7H FAT(T)IER +32 Finding Small
Somehow I recall seeing FATTER and FATTIER, but not FITTER, which is best. AT>T and there are only three A's unseen. #findingsmall
1H PEON +38 Strategy Small
My leave is so bad that N11 POYOU may be better. Although I didn't know the hooks to pAtHOGEN, so I thought 1H was the only hotspot. #strategysmall
3G OPA +19 Knowledge Large
O1 BEAU is best, but again, I don't know the hooks to pAtHOGEN. #knowledgelarge but there are also better plays that I did know, like G4 UPO and 3D UVEA. I would like them more if they didn't kill the row 3 lane....
exch IOUV +0 Tactics Medium
3L REI wins the sim handily. It blocks M1 FEET and O1 BE- plays making pAtHOGENE. #tacticsmedium
3B AHED +31 Vision Medium
REI again. At this point it's probably #visionmedium as REI keeps a much better leave and doesn't block columns C and D.
15J REGI(U)S +27 Tactics Small
5A CIG sets up a potent lane on column A that Joey will almost certainly take. I suppose Quackle's idea is that he would play at 15O some of the time (more often than I would expect from a human opponent) or that his column A play would make a lane on column B. My idea with REGIUS was to set up (DANK)E(R) and hope that Joey doesn't see it. #tacticssmall
H12 VI(N)O +33 Strategy Small
Quackles prefers VINE for unknown reasons. I would expect the E to be more valuable because of pAtHOGENE etc. #strategysmall ?
N5 CI(R)RI +9 Endgame Medium
3L REI.... but then I have to find CRENATION after C2 CHOIR and C1 ICHOR are blocked. Also N4 CIRRI is better than this because it does not allow 6M MIG. #endgamemedium (-10)
12L (W)E +17 Endgame Small
pAtHOGENE.... #endgamesmall (-8)
8D BURGLES +76 Knowledge Small
I saw and chickened out of BULGERS, and I missed BUGLERS. #knowledgesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
3I C(U)RVE +26 Tactics Small
Keeping the G for 13C, but CURVET is better; though it sets up a high-scoring S-hook on O3, there are already high-scoring S-hooks available. Quackle prefers 4H VENGE, but given the board I don't like it as much. Honorable mention goes to 13B EGRET, which sets up my R with only one unseen; Quackle doesn't seem to consider it. #tacticssmall venge 30 curvet 29.4 verged 27.7 curve 27.3
6L YAY +35 Tactics Small
Quackle suggests burning the blank with O4 YAwEY and fishing for O1 QI. #tacticssmall
12G Q(I) +11 Tactics Small
This has the highest valuation. Quackle gives M6 AZLON a slightly higher win chance, but I think 11J NOLO is better than AZLON: it turns over the same amount of tiles for O1 QI; it keeps the Z, which has high scoring potential; and, unlike AZLON, it doesn't open sevens lanes. NOLO is probably better than this as well. #tacticssmall
F6 FR(I)TH +27 Strategy Medium
Quackle hates this and likes 7C HUE; FLRT is a bad leave, but ELU is worse, and HUE scores one more point. There are also many plays better than FRITH that sacrifice points but keep better leaves, such as 9B UH and 7B FLU. #strategymedium
I1 fUNNIER +63 Tactics Small
bongo! Although I should play A3 MURINE instead to block column A and keep the blank for a later bingo. #tacticssmall
J6 WED +32 Tactics Small
Again, I should block column A, this time with A1 GUM. #tacticssmall
A1 CA(M)PI +42 Strategy Small
Quackle very slightly prefers GIMP, which has better equity and saves a tile that can play at 15G. #strategysmall
8J (D)ATIVE +33 Vision Large
12C BAY has the best equity, doesn't give Matt any floaters, and often draws into DATIVE next turn anyway. I'm not sure whether I even looked for anything after I found DATIVE. #visionlarge
B6 YO +28 Vision Medium
I saw D11 YOBBY after I hit my clock. Honorable mention to 6H NEWSBOY, which mostly blocks the lanes I formed with DATIVE. #visionmedium
N6 BE(V)Y +18 Endgame Large
I did what I thought was essential--block M7 JINGLED/JINGLER while guaranteeing an out--although I didn't see my backup out, C1 ASKOI. But there is so much more scoring potential! 14M YE sets up O11 OBIAS for 36, with a backup of A1 COBIAS, and Matt cannot both block OBIAS and use the J. M11 AIYEE blocks all of Matt's 30+ point J plays while saving K2 SORB for 25. Both YE and AIYEE are 19 points better than this. #endgamelarge (-19)
8G TOYO +14 Strategy Medium
8H OY is best, followed by 8G YO. TOYO sets up my S on column K, but it is fairly likely for Carl to have an N or S with which to use the spot; and OY and YO have better equity than TOYO. #strategymedium
12I MI(R)I +12 Strategy Medium
This is a bad play: it blocks row 12 and the BESCOURS hook, opens a D/N hook that I don't have, and scores only 12 points. Quackle strongly prefers 9F LIMA, which keeps the highest-scoring lanes open and scores 21 points. I like J2 MILIA, which scores the same as LIMA and keeps a better leave. #strategymedium
L1 TALLIES +72 Tactics Small
I am behind after my bingo, so I should play TAILLES instead to float another distinct letter. #tacticssmall
2J HO(A)GY +40 Finding Medium
1J PYTHON doesn't give back a hotspot/high-scoring bingo lane on row 1. #findingmedium
2B PANDA +27 Strategy Medium
Yes, I saw 2A PANADA, and I absolutely should have played it--it scores better, keeps better, turns over one more tile for the blanks, and creates a high-scoring lane on column A, which I may need because I am behind. #strategymedium
3L (L)IED +21 Strategy Medium
C: In fact, Alec did draw the T, so good thing I'm not a wizard. A: 3L LIE is best. The lane in column O is easier to use after LIE than after LIED, and the D is a useful bingo tile. #strategymedium
14D (F)OO +15 Tactics Large
Drawing OOO killed any chance I had of winning this game. C2 APO has the best valuation; it blocks Carl's next play, and the pool is consonant-heavy, so I don't have to worry about keeping five vowels on my rack. #tacticslarge
3H LEN(I)TY +27 Finding Small
LAITY has the best equity and doesn't make a scoring spot at H1. #findingsmall
8A EX +36 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers KEX, blocking JUPONS with four S's unseen. I chose EX because I wanted scoring potential with the K, though it is not all that helpful on this board. #tacticssmall
F4 QAI(D) +16 Finding Small
2B AECIA is best, unloading vowels and occasionally drawing into 1A QAT with four T's unseen. I seem to never find AECIA, especially when I am distracted by the Q on my rack. #findingsmall
E10 VARA +21 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers 2M AVA, keeping the R. I don't like opening 3x3 spots so cheaply, so I would play the second-place 3B VARA. #strategysmall
M6 SLOWED +26 Strategy Large
Quackle hates this play, and I agree that it is unsound. My idea was to generate turnover for the blank while setting up a marginal lane on column N that is difficult for Noah to close (without opening another lane or sacrificing points) or to hit, because I have the last E. I considered 12H DOWSE, but Noah usually has one or more of DRRRS and can close the board easily by playing on column M. I did not consider any fishing plays. L8 WE is best by far, setting up OKES on column M and tempting a play at 8L that opens lanes for 8s. #strategylarge
N8 RETARdS +80 Tactics Small
RETARdS allows O2 BAILOUT or OUTBRAG; 13I RoASTER allows only O6 MIGRATOR. #tacticssmall
7E WUD +21 Strategy Medium
Wow, I had no idea DERTU was so good. 7G WE is best. #strategymedium
2F PLAYGo(E)R +73 Tactics Medium
The hotspot at O8 is so lucrative that it is worth the 34-point sacrifice to block with 8J GRAPEY. I didn't see GRAPEY, but even GLEY is worth playing there as well. And AGLEY, and GREY, and PLAYER.... #tacticsmedium
K10 QA(I)D +28 Tactics Small
I missed an opportunity to fish for 11K QI, QAT, or QUA/QUASI with IIIIITTUU unseen and a backup of E3 QUA in case 11K is blocked. Quackle likes 14K DOOMS, but that opens a lucrative lane on row 15; I like 1L FOOD, which takes an easy scoring spot. #tacticssmall
13B VAT +30 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers HALT, which scores two more points and unloads one more consonant, but keeps the V, which has less scoring potential than the H. At least HALT keeps E3 VUG and M11 VIG for next turn. #strategysmall I guess
14L ZAGS +41 Tactics Small
Yet another example of Quackle being bad at pre-endgames: it says three plays win 100%, namely this, 1L FAGS, and M11 ZIG; and FAGS has by far the highest valuation. Upon further investigation, FAGS loses when I draw an I (3/8) and Carl plays 14L LEIs setting up 13J ODIC(!), which I cannot block without being Z-stuck. ZIG and ZAGS win 100%, and ZIG is slightly better, threatening plays at 1L-1O and 5B-5E. #tacticssmall (-0.5)
12A HEATH +41 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers K9 HATH, which I considered. HEATH has the better equity, but the board is good for bingos in the short term, with row 12 and column B, and HATH preserves both lanes and keeps a better bingo leave. #tacticssmall
A2 ROsEATE +90 Tactics Small
I saw OcREATE, but I didn't want to give up a C hook at A1. This sacrifices 3 points, yet Quackle rates this an 8-point mistake. In hindsight, it was a mistake; I drew both C's and the other blank this game. #tacticssmall
K9 TAKAhES +83 Tactics Medium
I'm far ahead that I can sacrifice over ten points of equity to avoid allowing triple-triples. In this case, I should play 10D SIKA. This play got probably the longest hold of my career, because Michael was directing the tournament and a bag of tiles was spilled. #tacticsmedium
C11 V(A)LOR +16 Tactics Small
Quackle assigns this the highest valuation, but M11 TOR and a few other plays have undetectably better win chances (99.99 > 99.99 apparently). I considered TOR but I did not realize that it forced bingos ending in S to play on column N instead of column M, thus giving me high-scoring responses. #tacticssmall
N10 TALON +26 Tactics Small
This has the best equity, but now that I win 100% (more than 99.995% anyway, but it appears as 100% due to rounding error), I should give myself a chance to pad my spread with 8L LINO--which makes a bingo lane on column O and prevents Michael from using the hotspot at 8L-8O. #tacticssmall
8L F(I)CO +39 Tactics Medium
I missed an opportunity here--8L FIG sets up the S at O8, and it can be blocked only with the remaining A. Quackle prefers GIF for some reason? #tacticsmedium
D1 MINUS +27 Endgame Medium
I have to block C7 YEP. D4 AMIN is best, saving J2 SOU. (-12) #endgamemedium
D9 (C)LONING +24 Strategy Medium
This is a bad play. N1 NOD has the best equity and, unlike CLONING, doesn't open a 3*3. I also missed CODLING? #strategymedium
H7 T(I)RI(N)G +15 Tactics Medium
Yes, I saw 14F GRIT. And then I saw KITING, and then I saw TIRING which undoubles my R's and saves the K for 14F, and meanwhile I forgot about GRIT. But I have to draw an A for 14F KA or else the sacrifice isn't worth it. Actually, the best plays are at L10: GYRI, RYKE, and KYRIE block row 14, and GYRI in particular saves the K for 14F and doesn't take any of the four unseen S's. #tacticsmedium
2F WRE(C)K +32 Strategy Medium
Despite that it scores best, Quackle hates WRECK, because it keeps AEU with a vowel-heavy pool; 12K EAU is best, saving WRECK for next turn. #strategymedium
13J FOAM +37 Strategy Small
15M FOU is worth the 12-point sacrifice because, again, the pool is vowel-heavy. #strategysmall
14A NOSHED +43 Knowledge Medium
A8 HODDEN is a word. I considered only SHODDEN, which is also apparently better than NOSHED. #knowledgemedium
B6 AHI +22 Tactics Small
When will I learn that I should never keep two I's? AHI has the best equity, but 12C TAHINI is best overall; having two I's greatly hinders my potential for a 2*2 on column K. #tacticssmall
12A RO(T)INI +14 Finding Medium
D7 ORIBI scores 7 more and keeps the N, which helps the I. #findingmedium
14H INClINE +80 Tactics Small
This has the highest valuation, but Quackle prefers the safer 11G CoNIINE. INClINE takes D, R, and S, all of which can easily end a seven-letter bingo to bring Michael back into this game. #tacticssmall
13L OU(T) +12 Strategy Medium
Championship Player likes 4F PROTEI, which is an awesome find but doesn't block FARL. Of the plays that block FARL, CP prefers K9 PUERIlE. PUERIlE also wins the sim, with O13 ORE/IRE close behind; OUT is too much of a sacrifice. I suppose now is the time to confess that I wasn't certain of INCLINER. #strategymedium
4B S(L)AY +28 Endgame Small
N1 YAS is best, threatening O1 EL, which cannot be blocked without boosting 1M LYE. #endgamesmall (-1)
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
6H FLOORIN(G) +66 Knowledge Medium
4H ROOFLIN(E) missed #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
6H FLOORIN(G) +66 Finding Medium
4H ROOFLIN(E) missed #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
3E (C)AURI +9 Endgame Medium
J: got worried that I was missing a play of his, M9 (P)IU is best, missed ARSHI(N) as an out. #endgamemedium A: (-14)
5J (K)Y(A)R +32 Finding Medium
I misssed RE(d)EFY here, which has to be the play. #findingmedium
E5 FE +27 Tactics Small
I once again, every single time, get EE vs EO wrong. This is no exception. OF bingos 7% more! #tacticssmall
15A I(D)IOT +21 Endgame Small
IDIOM. (-2) #endgamesmall since I was out of time
7E GAMA +24 Finding Large
7G MAGG #findingsaddest
6H CLEG +14 Strategy Small
Exch. GLL #strategysad
12C VINYL +30 Knowledge Small
O11 DOILY #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
12C VINYL +30 Finding Large
O11 DOILY #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
10I OY +31 Knowledge Small
13J OUI(JA) #visionsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
10I OY +31 Vision Large
13J OUI(JA) #visionsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
C11 O(V)OID +18 Vision Large
13J OUI(JA) #visionsaddest
K11 (P)RI(OR) +19 Vision Medium
7J RI(A) #visionsadder
3A EXON +40 Strategy Large
2E BLUD(G)ERY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
D8 (J)EHAD +41 Vision Medium
I liked JEHAD because I left an I, but I didn't think of the much safer F6 HATED for more points and much better defense. #visionmedium
A7 VINO +26 Tactics Small
Considered A6 VIDEO; classic give and take between points and bingo%. The RASSLER lanes look pretty appealing for bingos but odds are pretty good that they get blocked. The plays sim in a near dead heat with VIDEO slightly ahead. #tacticssmall
15F PAID +34 Finding Large
Bizarre miss of PITIED for 15 more. #findinglarge
O8 KOANS +41 Knowledge Small
okras is the play here. even though RS > NS, the difference is small on this board, and OKRAS gives back enough fewer points from that overlap that it's worth it. i'm still sad about playing KOANS instead of KAONS, which sims half a point higher. it's a tiny difference, but it had a huge effect, and that's why it's important to make as few errors as possible. it seems impossible to get rid of all these little leaks. -1 #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
O8 KOANS +41 Tactics Small
okras is the play here. even though RS > NS, the difference is small on this board, and OKRAS gives back enough fewer points from that overlap that it's worth it. i'm still sad about playing KOANS instead of KAONS, which sims half a point higher. it's a tiny difference, but it had a huge effect, and that's why it's important to make as few errors as possible. it seems impossible to get rid of all these little leaks. -1 #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
4A TAUON +18 Strategy Medium
i saw UNROOT at M3 but i didn't like it that much. i'm down a bit over a tempo and there's only a couple of lamish bingo lanes open. UNROOT sets up some overlap possibilities for him. it didn't seem that exciting. but maybe it's right. TAUON gives back 6 more pts on average. -4 #strategymedium
11B P(A)IR +20 Endgame Small
-1 RIP lol #endgamesmall
7B VARIAB(L)E +68 Finding Small
I missed ABRA(S)IVE, which is slightly better. #findingsmall
2D FOHN +31 Tactics Medium
Apparently FOX is better, but it seemed like it gave back sooo much and I can score with the X next turn, but DHNR can turn into something as well. I could hit INHOLDER or something #tacticsmedium
exch DGTWX +0 Tactics Small
Quackle likes keeping the X. Quackle is experiencing some sort of foreshadowing #tacticssmall
10H (T)OWN +15 Vision Small
I missed TWOFER here, but TOWN is about is good. #visionsmall
K5 MARGE(N)T +44 Strategy Small
I figured this would be better than GARMENT because the M is more dangerous at K8, but that's not true with both Hs unseen. (-2) #strategysmall
7F QA(T) +19 Vision Medium
Best play here is sick: EREMITE D8, setting up a likely QI C12 for next turn. QAT isn't awful, but you can see that EEIRT is a terrible leave against that pool. (-6) #visionmedium
8K (G)RIEF +30 Strategy Small
FIE 14A is best here. I considered stuff like that, but GRIEF seemed better because it scored more and didn't give back parallel plays. (-3) #strategysmall
3F OKE +28 Strategy Small
At the time, I was really conflicted about this play. I saw that if Alec hit a big -IC word at 2B, I was in a lot of trouble, but I also figured I was substantially more likely to hit the spot. I also considered KOINE at H1, which wins the sim. -2 #strategysmall
4H PI(L)OT +30 Vision Medium
PITOT 10J is better, once again because F2 (A: 10J?) is such a big spot. Also better is TIPTOED 13C, breaking up the unpalatable DS combo. (-3.5) #visionmedium
B6 ELOIN +20 Vision Large
So many lanes, so much potential! I spent more than 5 minutes looking for bingos and didn't see one. After the game, I gave the rack to Alec and he found the only bingo in about 30 seconds. Dude is *sharp*. Also, LENO 1A is better than any other play by far. I must have gotten flustered after wasting all my time failing to find the bingo that I didn't take more time to find the right non-bingo play. (-30) #visionlarge, #strategylarge, #timemanagementlarge
B6 ELOIN +20 Strategy Large
So many lanes, so much potential! I spent more than 5 minutes looking for bingos and didn't see one. After the game, I gave the rack to Alec and he found the only bingo in about 30 seconds. Dude is *sharp*. Also, LENO 1A is better than any other play by far. I must have gotten flustered after wasting all my time failing to find the bingo that I didn't take more time to find the right non-bingo play. (-30) #visionlarge, #strategylarge, #timemanagementlarge
B6 ELOIN +20 Time Unspecified
So many lanes, so much potential! I spent more than 5 minutes looking for bingos and didn't see one. After the game, I gave the rack to Alec and he found the only bingo in about 30 seconds. Dude is *sharp*. Also, LENO 1A is better than any other play by far. I must have gotten flustered after wasting all my time failing to find the bingo that I didn't take more time to find the right non-bingo play. (-30) #visionlarge, #strategylarge, #timemanagementlarge
O6 KEA +35 Endgame Small
Somehow, I missed DARK/DANK L12. (-3) #endgamesmall
H3 bRIDL(E)RS +59 Strategy Small
H3 RIdDLERS wins the sim by a little bit (-2) #strategysmall
7L YA +16 Vision Large
Way off. The right play here is MURA 5B, setting up the Y. I didn't see it, or anything else for that matter. And no, I didn't pick up on any tells; I'm just a spazz. -17 #visionlarge
M1 CU(E) +5 Strategy Large
I'm down by too much for this play to be worth it. The play is CURE 5B and hope for a miracle. -16 #strategylarge
B12 (AWE)E +7 Time Unspecified
I saw OE right after I hit my clock. Ugh! (-17) #timemanagementmedium
K4 DEP(LA)NES +44 Knowledge Large
J10 YE +28 Vision Large
1K DE(C)AY #visionsaddest
O7 z(O)IATRIA +58 Strategy Unspecified
1L A(C)AI. There's a bunch of Es left to maybe triple triple through the P. #strategysadd
B5 AZURE +45 Endgame Small
B4 RAZE #endgamesad
E9 FAU(G)H +24 Finding Large
wow, this is a plain bad play. i don't think i even looked that long, FAUGH seemed obvious to me. but surely 13L AHOY for 34 is great, and E10 FUGIO looks good too. -10 #findinglarge
exch EGIIOO +0 Strategy Large
OORIE probably, exchanging is an overreaction. i didn't want to block the R. -11 #strategylarge
G11 P(A)VID +39 Tactics Small
probably worth sacrificing some points to keep a better leave; G12 AVOW for 8 fewer keeps a better leave of DEIP. -2 #tacticssmall
8A WOO(D) +24 Knowledge Medium
cant takes an O. sigh. i'm probably just going to quit scrabble. -7.5 #knowledgemedium
15E M(ID)I +21 Strategy Small
i kind of gave up on finding the best way to win here. i'm not totally sure how to do it. it probably involves him having the Q. like - i'm going to lose anyway, so i shouldn't be trying to avoid the Q, just assume he has it and open up another lane and hope to draw for a miracle. i saw something like 2L MOI could lead to LEPORID, for example, but that seems easily blockable. 15L IM(ID)O is looking best here. #strategysmall
9C D(IF) +17 Endgame Large
C: i think i lost it here. this is how to do well at nationals; find the winning play. i cashed in my D too early. i can have that spot later (if he blocks it i have AD/DAH too). i need to play at N13 so that he can't play there!! i was low on time, only about 3 minutes, but i didn't do a good enough job here :( -- the winning play is N13 REI #endgamelarge (it's a small error point-wise, but it loses the game) A: Actually, REI loses by 2 after I play E4 RAH. (-6)
L14 (N)O +10 Endgame Small
5h ere -1 #endgamesmall
D8 (H)OODY +24 Knowledge Medium
D7 D(H)OOLY #knowledgesadder
10N Q(I) +31 Vision Large
E7 Q(u)IRE #visionsaddest
A12 BODY +48 Strategy Medium
I didn't like my position after K8 SAnDBOY -> play on A12 for 40ish points, so I played this instead, but K8 SAnDBOY is fine and K8 DAYBOyS is 1 more point, maybe, I dunno. #strategysadder
E3 OFF +38 Finding Small
4D PA(Y)OFF #findingsad
E7 P(A)TAGIA +24 Vision Large
6B TOPA(Z) #visionsaddest
B9 (BA)IRNS +21 Knowledge Large
I missed the R hook on JAKE and the L hook for PATAGIA (which I straight up just didn't know, I thought it maybe took an S or nothing). Once I saw that B9 (BA)IRNS guaranteed the win I didn't really think too hard. #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
B9 (BA)IRNS +21 Vision Large
I missed the R hook on JAKE and the L hook for PATAGIA (which I straight up just didn't know, I thought it maybe took an S or nothing). Once I saw that B9 (BA)IRNS guaranteed the win I didn't really think too hard. #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
exch QOE +0 Strategy Large
Figured this would be a controversial move, but while I accept it's a mistake and I certainly got burned to the maximum possible extent, I had logic behind it, as I expressed on the stream; if Alec didn't have a bingo, I expected he might be more apt to open something than the Gibsons of the world. #strategylarge
B13 OAF +18 Strategy Large
I suppose FOAM is simply too many points not to play, but I was really unhappy with its effects on the board...I suppose the D of SQUID is very difficult to block without sacrificing a lot of points after I play FOAM. #strategylarge
1K sHEEP +41 Endgame Medium
PUREE/PIQUE at 1K are 6 better. #endgamemedium
15H HAYE(D) +36 Knowledge Large
14G POEM +34 Strategy Medium
J12 POG(Y) bings a bunch. #strategysadder
O1 BUNDTS +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
M1 ATWAI(N) +24 Finding Medium
NO. M1 WANIO(N). #findingsadder
9G (S)EE +14 Endgame Large
15A (MUGG)EE is best. This is terrible because it sets up 11B F(A)TUOUs. #ENDGAMESADDEST
9I PINCH +26 Knowledge Small
G2 AUA +11 Strategy Medium
This is too fearful. 11K EAU is fine. #strategysadder
7M DEE +22 Finding Large
I saw 6H (B)EELINED right after I hit my clock. #FINDINGSADDEST
G7 A(J)I +15 Strategy Large
9F IO #strategysaddest
F2 K(O)RA +38 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
4K ORAD +33 Endgame Large
9B AG wins the most according to CP. I guess it threatens column A and row 13 bingos for a lot of draws, but I'm not totally sure. #endgamesaddest
9B AG +24 Endgame Small
These plays are all 1 point better: 10B (Q)I, 9B AI, B9 A(QUIVER), 5J SOG, 5H (A)GIOS, and I3 SAG. #endgamesad
L3 RENDIBL(E) +78 Vision Large
I forgot why I didn't play L4 LINEBR(E)D, because I know I saw it. #visionsaddest
14J BAAED +41 Knowledge Large
M10 SINC(E) +29 Finding Large
6C P(U)LKA +21 Strategy Large
3B UPTAK. I was too focused on blocking that I didn't look for other stuff. #strategysaddest
7J ST(I)NG +9 Endgame Large
The calm 7K P(I) is best. #endgamesaddest
O7 SUP +42 Endgame Large
6C (PULKA)S is best. #endgamesaddest
D2 (N)ONToNIC +70 Strategy Small
Robin mentioned that making the first O the blank was probably a little better, and she is correct. -0.5 #strategysmall
D12 W(A)FF +34 Vision Large
This is such an automatic play that how could there possibly be anything better? Well, I did look for better plays and missed them. KEFIR 8A, which scores a little more, takes out Column B, and-- most importantly, does not open a big scoring spot for my opponent. But a true wizard would have found FEZ H14, setting up the other F. The only other hook that could go there is a T, and there is < 20% chance that Alec drew it after GASTREA. (-15) #visionlarge
F6 XU +52 Strategy Small
I'm really surprized to see RAX F4 win the sim. I wanted to keep that RAZ combo for 14H. I suppose drawing the Q without that U is pretty bad, but I wouldn't think burning the R and the A would be worth it. (-5) #strategysmall
6F BONE +27 Strategy Medium
I ruled out BONK here. It scores 4 points more but keeps three vowels, which is dreadful. Despite this, BONK is worth considering, because it can be hooked only with an S, whereas BONE takes a variety of hooks that will make it easy for Alec to score, most notably the Y. For these reasons, NEB 9E is better than either BONK/BONE. I don't think I saw NEB. If I did see it, then I might have disregarded it because EKOU is a worse leave than EKU, but failed to notice the positional advantages of NEB. This is the kind of mistake I'm most likely to make. I focus so intently on maximizing my score and keeping a good leave that I don't give enough consideration to what opportunities I offer my opponent. It's a critical leak in my game. (-4) #strategymedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 29300 29 Game is incomplete.
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