Adam Logan
Adam Logan
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SLAN(D)ERS 9206 70
AEROT(O)NE 127 62
ZEBRAnO 7462 90
ETALOnS 152 62
tRAMPLE(R) 12785 92
ATEBRIN 279 66
Lo(A)DSTAR 4945 66
OOLITIc 10570 79
(B)AROnAGE 2283 72
UN(S)EARED 955 60
uNBATED 4104 79
(D)IVERGES 9891 101
TOWHEES 12175 96
AUDIENT 117 63
RORTERS 15274 77
BARITES 790 90
SAMARIU(M) 22818 76
(B)lOODIED 14344 89
SOLUNaR 2364 60
STRiDeS 7230 78
RIN(G)sIDE 2721 86
(I)DOLATRY 2219 92
(I)NCISION 27573 72
dYSL(E)XIA 17426 76
TORULAE 199 77
(RE)DWATERS 8297 80
RUNLETS 3233 67
LATERAd 1668 73
AIRTIME 769 79
SOrDINI 3624 84
(E)NSUITES 6724 68
DISTOME 1916 100
ENRo(O)TED 834 69
RAGTIME 1172 76
AIRIEST 139 77
NONRI(V)AL 5113 72
A(T)LANTES 5826 68
HARANGu(E) 6378 86
LINOCuT 5428 74
COA(S)TING 5002 63
ENAmINE 3573 71
SLAIRGS 16782 89
ENGIRDS 1594 78
CLATTER 5978 82
SINGLED 4635 74
PATTENS 8440 83
LIN(I)MENT 11309 74
EQUIsET(A) 4331 101
GERMInA 1165 82
RUSTABL(E) 4252 72
TOXINES 2232 88
n(ON)NATIVE 5338 86
FRETsAW 6754 85
FORMAT(E)S 3846 64
ANEROiD 4 95
WHEELER 22350 68
MIS(C)OUNT 16918 74
GaRR(O)TED 2589 63
AEROSAT 308 81
HABItAN 9125 80
STaTION 1292 73
ARSENID(E) 104 68
DILATES 403 77
SHRINES 9381 77
(R)EDERIVE* 0 89
fLEDGIN(G) 18926 83
TrEN(D)IES 482 70
DRON(G)OES 5814 62
SOVRANs 17768 67
CA(R)EENED 6237 82
TOILIN(E)T 1937 59
GAoLERS 1448 73
A(L)UNITES 343 74
PREr(A)DIO 2311 90
AN(C)HORET 2738 80
HOIStED 1907 82
(C)OnIFERS 3890 89
PREsELL 22750 72
TRAVE(L)OG 2920 74
TAKINGS 14187 96
NEWSIER 2194 68
AQUAFiT 21831 76
ROSIERE 1514 64
EUGENI(S)T 2187 72
BOSQUET 19417 72
DISjOIN 17529 77
NOVITI(AT)E 1379 66
FRIANDE 827 83
YEAR(L)ONG 2125 76
SCORIAE 297 76
REP(TI)lIAN 558 78
POTATIo(N) 6716 77
HOaXERS 8366 83
ORALITY 1585 66
GASTRIc 6524 84
TUILLES 11353 69
TACKL(E)RS 18173 65
f(O)GFRUIT 22446 89
(R)ADIATES 386 80
VUlPINE 13672 78
LIENORS 231 98
MESTESO 11447 74
MANOAOS 14751 73
A(N)EMOSIS 3584 63
EPAULET(S) 5054 74
WANTERS 1539 78
AEROS(A)TS 3009 70
RE(T)IMING 4019 72
DETAILS 402 72
(A)CIERATE 694 70
FEsTIV(AL)S 11250 80
CANN(U)LAE 11866 63
HOELIkE 12826 79
ADeNITI(S) 390 77
POTBoIL(S) 16603 86
CAMERAS 9911 72
(F)ARInOSE 191 64
M(E)ERCaTS 9076 62
PAIRING 9866 87
U(N)EDiTED 6704 86
BESTIAR(Y) 3000 82
YEADINg 3270 81
MOUFlON 25782 70
REA(G)ENTS 922 76
VEl(A)RISE 1945 90
sITELLA 3789 84
REBEGI(N)S 5922 76
aDULA(T)ES 3485 71
FALCONe(T) 3808 95
FEAL(T)IES 1947 63
ThORNSE(T) 7827 82
RECoNN(E)D 9522 149
XYLIDIn 19932 120
CUISINE 5817 73
OVE(R)TIME 2474 84
BIAXIAl 18386 90
GRAIN(E)RS 1569 60
(I)SATINIC 12057 83
MYELiNE 8032 84
bIRA(M)OSE 1917 70
PRET(E)STS 20430 63
RECOATS 852 82
LOADENS 652 70
GAsIFO(R)M 15175 76
sOUTANE 160 68
FULMARS 17368 89
sLEUT(H)ED 11415 80
cRONIES 1245 64
GRiPMEN 12159 74
EXUDATE(S) 12213 101
(N)IRVAnIC 22704 64
(A)MOEBEAN 6962 95
SESTINE 5299 82
PIQuETS 19052 86
GE(N)IZOTH 13096 72
(P)IONEERS 1085 62
DENTOID 1673 77
hASTATE 9433 75
GOSPEL(E)R 7679 76
UNIDEA(E)D 2524 72
RENNASE 1730 70
Q(U)EASIER 3125 69
(F)ArADISE 2408 83
cA(B)INETS 2984 86
(U)NFOILED 2569 64
GOURAM(I)S 5798 78
CANTRA(I)p 8036 70
URICAsE 1909 81
NEGATOR(Y) 1246 89
INEDIT(E)D 7287 74
WIN(G)IEST 6659 64
HORDEIN 1251 81
STEEPLY 13414 83
RE(A)LGARS 8649 60
(I)MPOSTER 3804 86
D(E)NTAlIA 278 70
sANTERA 473 66
FOrMATE 2612 78
FEM(I)NINe 14413 72
GiNGERY 13250 88
RESTING 751 70
BHAkTAS 21026 79
TIRRITS 20479 66
EmOCORE 14508 74
GADAB(O)UT 18531 82
CON(T)ROLE 5499 70
LIT(E)RATi 1043 78
(R)OCKIEsT 9823 104
OMERTAS 1218 74
ENcLOSE(R) 4909 74
OORIEsT 478 73
REGRAF(T)S 14097 64
ENCODeD 11037 84
IN(C)ITERS 3405 63
GOURAMi 6326 77
GOOSIEr 2069 93
POTTERY 15904 81
COOINGs 16131 73
REDWaTE(R) 8335 74
ROOSTED 2839 68
ARMO(R)ING 9863 72
EUGA(R)IES 920 70
D(U)LCIN(E)AS 3468 88
SITULAE 549 74
gANOINE(S) 1106 78
MATURED 4176 71
OLIGE(M)iC 17152 176
RIDGIEs(T) 3793 83
S(T)ROAMED 1709 83
PlAGUED 10134 65
TAILORS 444 70
EcLOGI(T)E 2725 59
ALIEnEE 472 60
(E)NTIRETy 3544 74
APROTIC 4324 78
BUTANO(N)E 3338 68
pEERAGE 10385 69
DIARcHY 22182 92
DARRA(I)NE 1369 86
DETEN(U)ES 7795 61
REMANET 1384 74
BARREI(N)G 5655 69
(n)EOPHYTE 17321 70
PURINES 4318 92
TAIlCOA(T) 11474 77
(C)ANOODLE 3580 74
SKINNER 9471 100
WOM(A)NISE 2599 80
AGI(T)ATES 3343 65
DeA(D)LIER 2520 72
STHENIA 619 77
EUGE(N)ICS 6872 62
(D)ONATiVE 188 71
RONDELS 1689 73
NUT(A)RIAN 5139 68
LOGISTI(C) 18545 76
ACTInIA 8040 71
TURDION 1552 68
S(N)OOpING 25441 83
AROY(N)TED 723 67
SLOSHED 21886 74
kELPIES 19898 75
HOTE(L)ING 2870 78
ADORNED 2364 85
sIRRING 17244 71
RECANT(E)D 1989 64
NEOtYPE 5865 74
INFLATE(S) 993 62
PEDANTS 4098 80
ETAMINE(S) 830 66
ITERANT 190 96
LIAISON 1248 69
RESI(G)NeD 1644 66
(V)ERITIES 3312 74
GATHERS 4502 78
BARIuMS 11859 77
QUANTI(C)S 15775 70
AUSTErE 559 76
MINTERS 2153 74
GOULASH 18587 88
RETINUL(A) 74 68
PrEDRA(F)T 13315 76
UPTAkEN 14727 80
DONATIO(N) 4159 67
(D)ANDiEST 2847 80
iNO(S)ITeS 3010 62
NITRILE 635 66
STIFLED 7398 78
READ(D)ICt 6948 149
(T)oRTURED 8302 66
VOiD(A)NCE 1926 76
BIOGENS 3966 79
HErOIZE 8848 106
O(B)SIDIAN 6549 86
LENDERS 3897 70
TOOLIES 1356 69
INStEAD 88 79
cALOTTE 4403 61
A(M)BERIES 3888 67
RE(C)ITERS 6103 96
RESHINE(D) 2962 98
LONGERS 3102 72
pERIBO(L)I 9707 70
WIDO(W)MAN 30931 71
GL(I)TTErS 7323 82
CA(S)SETTE 24092 72
ARENOUS 206 70
BLEW(A)RTS 11790 66
K(L)YSTRON 27555 80
(B)RONZItE 6155 88
REHEATS 2935 98
GoOBERS 9150 67
uNSEXuA(L) 20240 89
mOONERS 5021 75
WOM(A)NISE 2575 80
ORRICeS 4289 83
FIRINGS 17929 78
HALOiDS 7454 75
ERUDITE 787 67
INTeGER 612 76
cARIOSE 410 65
TRIZON(A)L 3605 71
SAULGES 17898 66
(T)HIAMINE 4984 98
uNDRIED 7075 70
OUT(V)AlUE 12665 74
AROLLAS 16229 71
SPITInG 18364 87
URI(N)ATES 79 66
(E)STRANGE 682 80
U(N)GENTlE 9394 72
UNNERVe 10086 65
JOINAB(L)E 4200 118
POSTURE(R) 8643 83
BA(S)eLINE 1389 70
TITAnIA 7763 65
(I)NLaYERS 1367 92
UTENSIL 1531 91
OMITTEd 6201 98
ELOIGN(E)R 443 65
(V)OLTAISM 12045 82
ZOOLITE 7416 75
EATErIE 179 64
APERIES 1394 74
GLOSSAR(Y) 28468 64
FRAILE(S)T 1341 74
bOE(R)TJIE 7170 82
NARCEIN 2793 64
SWEET(M)AN 9035 76
RESELL(E)R 28092 70
WANnESS 21951 78
OBDUREs 8316 71
REIMAGE 2033 76
LORRIES 2203 71
HARMOnY 19919 93
(F)lOUSING 17096 76
UNBARED 4004 73
MATERN(A)L 2423 70
SANGERS 6804 69
PRAELE(C)T 6505 65
ROTUNDA(S) 1605 80
BLOtTIE(R) 3252 80
PICRAte 2209 69
NUTATES 2611 70
PROFANE(D) 5293 104
TWITChE(S) 29661 70
SMITERS 13155 66
ASIAGOS 14859 70
SE(M)ITAUR 1383 61
RET(A)ILER 655 62
ACTORiS(H) 7579 68
TWIGGED 16260 84
OUTLE(A)RN 91 60
FASHIOn 6734 78
ORPINEs 922 82
FOLATES 1871 67
DeLAY(E)RS 5046 72
DRIN(K)ERs 12154 98
VARIATE(S) 1163 86
gLOO(M)IER 5262 70
cOI(N)TERS 553 78
PALETOT(S) 5539 70
ANTIMU(O)N 6883 64
STEEVED 11174 79
CAROTEN(E) 272 83
StrEAKY 10159 84
HE(L)MINTH 21154 67
NU(C)LEASE 6974 70
mARITAG(E) 2771 77
(R)OUTEmAN 546 74
RESILI(N)G 2724 60
ARIDItY 5083 80
EGOmA(N)IA 1035 68
WEAVERS 7712 82
ENTHU(S)ED 10939 62
(P)LACENTA 12858 89
GaDROON 6672 72
pREANAL 4720 64
tALLOW(E)D 12342 75
(C)ABOODLE 11716 95
(RE)WoRKING 14294 76
PRE(R)ADIO 2221 67
TI(D)ELAND 2736 62
BODGERS 11075 80
FLOuRI(E)R 7685 61
(S)AINTDoM 3073 62
BOONIEs 3618 73
EMP(T)iNGS 14513 80
S(E)ATRAIN 109 71
MIRADOr 6348 82
PUNTERS 7788 75
PE(D)ALIER 1983 72
OVERMAN(y) 11189 72
TWAITES 5128 80
ENVIROS 1316 78
ISATINS 10978 72
ROU(G)HINg 27546 74
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
RECoNN(E)D 9522 149
OLIGE(M)iC 17152 176
READ(D)ICt 6948 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(RE)DWATERS 8297 80
n(ON)NATIVE 5338 86
NOVITI(AT)E 1379 66
REP(TI)lIAN 558 78
FEsTIV(AL)S 11250 80
D(U)LCIN(E)AS 3468 88
(RE)WoRKING 14294 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(BIN)GIE* 0 27
(R)EDERIVE* 0 89
(A)TRY* 0 32
FORDER* 0 28
IDE* 0 26
ZOOT* 0 20
MOWA* 0 19
ST* 0 20
(N)IMB* 0 24
EA* 0 16
LAN(O)ID* 0 24
(INI)* 0 23
QI* 0 23
ZA* 0 18
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
AW(FY) 4999 47
WH(I)FT 10657 14
SLAIRGS 16782 89
CAUP 4216 27
NOVITI(AT)E 1379 66
XYLIDIn 19932 120
CYT(O)ID 11810 40
(U)NFOILED 2569 64
INEDIT(E)D 7287 74
VIMIN(A) 11343 38
ENcLOSE(R) 4909 74
QAID 2465 0
COOINGs 16131 73
OLIGE(M)iC 17152 176
ANISE 25 34
NETHE* 0 0
SKYF 5555 50
B(IF)FING 32881 32
PRAD 2295 28
UNRIP 3239 27
WIDO(W)MAN 30931 71
K(L)YSTRON 27555 80
SAULGES 17898 66
GENN(Y) 8374 18
NAW 428 26
SEBIF(I)C 24315 52
(pREANAL)LY* 0 0
BRAYE(R) 12462 45
tALLOW(E)D 12342 75
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
INARMED 818 72
TRIBADE 781 75
UNVO(I)CED 8677 88
OReIDES 275 75
ATONIEs 7 72
TAInTED 683 69
SEALIFT 1980 86
CEM(E)TERY 20706 69
SELFIsH 18609 81
(C)ONTRItE 1630 80
SPACIER 4349 78
ARIDNE(S)S 2189 72
TANNATE 6770 75
BERATIn(G) 779 83
DONjONS 29046 74
RESILIN(G) 3903 63
GASEiTY 3343 84
SOILAGE 488 89
SPOOLED 10685 82
T(O)WROPEs 11259 74
OpT(A)TIVE 4476 74
(O)UTRANCE 554 83
CRETON(N)E 4347 62
RECEIVE 14027 82
SATINET 716 76
ANE(C)DOTE 734 86
PE(A)FOWLS 14349 82
(G)ASIfIES 13930 58
OFFBeAT 22515 71
MALTEDS 7324 71
NONETTE 7031 66
MRIDANg(A) 11960 70
SPEEDOS 19660 80
TAEnIAE 86 67
EGOTI(Z)ES 7585 86
FL(O)URiNG 8994 84
UNCLOGs 15436 88
TRIPLEX 14729 98
AL(I)EnAGE 1092 74
BANDAGE 7828 75
FLOUNCe 10732 79
LEUCE(M)IA 6678 74
CLEAVEs 10879 79
ORNATER 368 66
gROANIN(G) 16754 68
dIOXANE 1395 77
WITTIER 6681 76
ReNOVAT(E) 373 62
ARENOsE 63 68
ODORIz(E)D 14831 60
LINIEST 1696 85
(N)UGATorY 8576 74
ASTROID 576 68
ARAISED 613 69
BALLOOn 22537 65
iNVITES 3490 78
UNPAIR(E)D 980 64
VENtRAL 2121 74
AN(N)EAlER 4147 64
TONEMES 3529 76
DAUBING 12954 85
LITMU(S)ES 15211 82
INVADES 1451 83
mOISTU(R)E 1400 68
(I)NCEPToR 1930 92
CLE(A)NERS 2754 74
AN(O)DALLY 26469 69
CEsIUMS 26233 79
URA(L)ITES 344 68
HOIDENS 2671 80
S(A)HUAROS 26629 62
GALATEA(S) 13941 72
ENCOREs 3530 70
DENTINE 2526 68
MA(R)RYING 18081 78
MINDSET 4259 67
LIONISE 936 67
CINEAST 806 72
NETLIKE 5925 68
OSSiCLE 13931 79
lASSIES 22135 71
R(E)SOLVED 8055 78
SArODES 4754 72
BARB(A)sCO 36534 66
CALIBRE(D) 5335 75
DEST(I)NED 4855 76
AlIDADE 7918 70
REtUNES 1909 75
STATION 1860 75
(C)OMBINER 11200 95
ADENOsE(S) 4510 77
ArOY(N)TED 558 63
DEODARA 5605 71
(U)NQUIETs 22300 87
TRENdED 6316 68
(F)ETERITA 1860 86
UND(E)RLIT 687 60
sTAInER 26 79
E(M)PALiNG 7266 74
S(T)AUMREL 4124 72
BUsTILy* 0 73
STRIDES 5021 76
(P)LATANEs 4496 91
cOLANDE(R) 1222 73
PATINES 653 84
ADORERS 2192 70
T(R)OAKINg 5619 71
TIREw(OM)EN 1953 74
YAUTiAS 7863 76
REjOICE 6148 68
INsOULs 15048 65
RETIRED 2453 84
D(I)NETTES 3419 60
PERC(E)NTS 13552 65
(O)UTGAINS 1197 80
REORIE(N)T 268 70
RAZzLED* 0 75
CHIDERS 9675 86
(C)ALICOES 11268 95
ANEMO(N)Es 4223 80
E(S)TRAYED 2907 74
(P)LATTInG 12825 74
LOOSE(N)ER 2582 82
VAU(R)IENS 1381 66
TRIODES 226 74
CAREENS 2073 70
CH(A)INSAW 20179 86
STERILE 583 70
(I)ODATING 1495 72
D(E)FOREST 3549 76
QUIETI(S)M 23554 88
AvOIDAN(T) 3575 60
AB(A)TISES 12177 70
OUTLEAP 2617 67
MONKE(R)I(E)S 7661 75
COALH(O)LE 26932 84
LORISeS 4802 75
DIEDRAL 3859 89
HEA(D)REST 2776 64
AN(T)IQUES 2415 86
PE(A)RLiNG 1681 70
pOETIZE 6150 100
EPIGENE 7363 84
FOLaTES 1804 83
TOASTI(E)R 133 68
TUNDRaS 3481 70
(A)lIENAGE 791 77
SALTERS 5183 74
(E)XTENdER 15459 106
B(I)tTACLE 13285 67
(L)IMBEcKS 26202 66
STR(A)DDLE 6846 93
HE(N)cHMAN 27899 95
LAbIATE 2349 73
DEIFoRM 6822 89
CAR(O)USAL 15115 70
IOLITES 704 81
SEADOGS 7816 75
STRAINS 4498 73
SHEqALI(M) 17619 89
WEASELS 13124 80
EDITR(E)SS 6749 140
V(I)TIATOR 7762 62
OSTLERS 5932 68
CARtONE(D) 549 83
UNSEA(R)ED 1184 68
rESIZED 9557 101
NEGAT(O)RY 1250 72
B(E)SIEGED 17667 66
WARR(E)YED 19881 69
D(RE)NCHERS 24758 73
BOOTLaS(T) 23144 80
FIREB(A)SE 3881 64
ENROOTS 1374 67
ROT(U)RiER 9369 64
P(O)MATOES 10833 79
EROsIVE 1653 70
(O)VERFoND 15127 78
DREIDEL 8449 67
UN(I)FIeRS 6487 70
STRIVEN 2152 70
(U)PLIFTER 11938 101
KIDNApE(R) 8668 89
THERMoS 10858 91
NONS(T)YLE 12380 82
BI(H)OURLY 27800 82
MO(R)ALLER 18482 70
T(A)VERNAS 3397 62
DITHERS 3108 88
L(E)ISUrED 2041 71
OCTROIs 7086 63
MOU(R)NERS 8992 72
INBURST 7677 74
OUTLAID 1080 69
VENTURI 1507 76
PERILO(U)S 2692 63
URINOSE 234 73
A(E)RATInG 290 70
CR(E)ATINS 380 80
GaRCINI(A) 12792 89
BOORKAS 23909 85
ACQUITE 10169 113
TROWELS 5130 149
(C)ESAREAN 4415 72
PEDIGRE(E) 12692 81
PENLI(G)HT 14642 65
VROOmIN(G) 15763 83
OUTDAT(E)S 2273 68
ZIN(C)ITES 13147 73
TeLFORD 3572 68
sTOWAGE 2729 82
DAUTIES 394 76
STIMiED 5624 73
ELUATES 1774 76
AlANINE 2171 67
NATTERS 1796 67
SNEEZED 20998 92
RUNAGA(T)E 2024 63
PEaRLIE(R) 4852 80
GRADINI 4486 72
fER(R)IAGE 6711 82
TARSIER 706 70
PO(L)YGONS 32945 74
(D)EPONINg 10358 76
(I)NAURAtE 110 74
GRAVIdL(Y) 16946 104
SPEEDIL(Y) 13412 82
OU(T)RIDEs 321 62
CARRION 5476 74
MOUTh(E)RS 13155 72
(F)AGGIEST 17729 84
ECTOD(E)RM 7607 76
HA(N)DBaLL 26052 194
OVEREAT 458 78
ITERATE(D) 491 63
REALLOT(S) 2480 60
OvE(R)BUYS 18424 98
ALUMINE 1474 69
N(U)BILOSE 2661 68
E(Y)EBOlTS 10789 86
ROADLES(S) 4604 83
(N)EGATIVE 1034 89
(B)RIDEMAN 4299 92
DIALLI(N)G 21483 62
aUnTIES 153 61
(G)ALABIAH* 0 70
MiST(U)NI(N)G 18942 86
TORREFy 16310 76
(A)UTOLYZE 14490 113
HeD(O)NIST 1842 94
GRAV(IT)IES 3162 78
SO(U)TANES 2485 62
HORDEIN 913 69
EUGENI(C)s 9613 62
TEAR(I)EST 652 70
(E)UGENIAS 897 80
PATTERS 6249 66
BAROQuE 11644 90
MAESTRO 1211 76
CE(L)ERITY 9375 71
MI(C)rODOT 19343 74
CONFIRM 14582 80
GESTI(C)AL 3434 62
MAF(I)OsOs* 0 74
DAUNDER 5000 73
CIGArET(S) 1717 72
MuLCTED 21916 78
ATTUNES 3807 64
ALKALI(N)E 18237 78
L(E)VEEING 13065 72
DEPRIV(E)D 25181 71
OuTDEAL* 0 78
DEVELiN(G) 6876 74
UNRIMED 3009 71
ADRENAL 1274 82
SKATOLE 4081 81
MEGABIT 5719 80
GaRCINI(A) 12669 89
BOORKAS 23667 85
ACQUITE 10093 113
TROWELS 5091 149
(C)ESAREAN 4374 72
PEDIGRE(E) 12569 81
PENLI(G)HT 14504 65
FELTI(N)GS 5690 74
SETTING 5806 81
dEADLI(F)T 11010 76
(E)DUCtORS 6833 89
EXpI(R)IES 19857 74
REGRIND 5791 65
INTAKES 2332 81
F(A)NCIERS 4303 65
I(N)VOLUtE 1395 70
RET(O)OLED 1816 74
REOBtAI(N) 47 86
EN(F)RAMEs 9092 74
(M)ESTINOS 8304 80
SIRUPED 7430 76
STRIPED 3023 85
(L)EPIDOTE 1754 86
TARRInG 3469 68
(G)ANYMEDE 11625 82
CONE(P)ATL 5244 74
IG(N)ORERS 2601 63
OORIEST 475 68
QUAICHE(S) 25370 125
CHAINER 3191 79
FIsHERY 20051 95
HAEREmA(I) 6117 70
RISOLUT(O) 6135 79
AROINTs 156 67
DATINgS 3905 68
ODORATE 472 62
GnATHIO(N) 9906 65
CLOISON 13866 79
(N)IDATiON 3236 76
SLITT(I)ER 5837 74
uNRoLLS 19273 76
REFIN(E)RS 8407 158
(S)UETIEST 16797 68
(L)IENABLE 8619 79
(A)UDITORS 948 66
(O)NCoMING 30582 95
PECTOSE 11756 76
DERISIO(N) 481 66
WINTERY 5863 79
rEGINAS 343 81
WANKIEr 6363 84
TORANAS 1716 61
GAUCIER 3284 84
ScAMMIN(G) 35931 95
CYA(N)ITIC 32523 68
SILOXAN(E) 2109 82
OPALINE 297 74
hISToRY 9643 81
RENAiLS 99 72
PAR(E)IRAS 7338 72
(R)EJOICED 11448 118
ROYAlET 1206 70
MAmALIG(A) 38785 83
DARTLEs 1505 71
eGOMANI(A) 1455 89
PLEUST(O)N 6871 61
TITULES 6954 71
GENOMES 8418 78
T(E)TRaDIC 3677 74
(A)URELIAN 380 66
A(R)TIFACt 16480 82
ELUSIvE 6342 69
THREAP(E)D 6515 71
WANgLER 4355 67
RUMINAL 4601 74
SATINET 511 74
VIOLENT 939 65
qUE(A)SIER 3248 61
(C)ARMINES 3143 89
SAgUARO 6214 67
SCA(N)TIER 381 61
(E)LEVATED 9902 76
(B)IOTYPES 15265 80
REsIDUE 1782 74
GREE(D)IER 8487 72
DETAIN(E)R 24 65
OV(A)RITIS 2512 94
STILLED 11344 68
MEDEVAc 21450 74
MINABLE 3972 77
R(E)BITInG 5394 61
RESOWI(n)G 2888 78
SUEDINg 4532 73
PLAICES 9283 78
RAbBITS 22899 78
SOBERER 11602 90
STEEPEN 12103 78
SWA(L)IEST 11065 63
(E)PIgENES* 0 80
PARTONS 4417 74
ESCA(L)IER 1903 76
TaURInE 39 82
R(O)MAINES 269 70
FORKIER 16473 83
OUTEDGE 3658 72
RESILiN 1695 78
LOOSELy 24222 64
EPIT(O)NIC 5886 66
(E)XiGENTS 10796 98
FRaGME(N)T 10649 80
(M)EDIATOR 259 72
(O)ROGENIc 4214 77
GYRATOR(Y) 34945 82
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
EDITR(E)SS 6749 140
HA(N)DBaLL 26052 194
REFIN(E)RS 8407 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
TIREw(OM)EN 1953 74
MONKE(R)I(E)S 7661 75
D(RE)NCHERS 24758 73
MiST(U)NI(N)G 18942 86
GRAV(IT)IES 3162 78
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
OGELD* 0 13
BUsTILy* 0 73
RAZzLED* 0 75
OB* 0 30
GLID* 0 21
EE* 0 12
HUIA* 0 30
LOWER(E)R* 0 40
(G)ALABIAH* 0 70
SILVIC* 0 30
MAF(I)OsOs* 0 74
OuTDEAL* 0 78
KI* 0 40
(E)PIgENES* 0 80
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
GYR(A)L 5366 18
GAPY 4718 54
FOTO* 0 0
AN(O)DALLY 26469 69
AVOIDAl* 0 0
DOGHaiR* 0 0
BARB(A)sCO 36534 66
F(I)RDS* 0 0
LAST 1284 0
bL(I)NS* 0 0
(P)LATTInG 12825 74
GLID* 0 21
GRAVIdL(Y) 16946 104
GRITE* 0 0
RIVEL 1847 24
BUNDED 16663 51
M(OD) 600 12
DEMI* 0 0
s(C)IRROID* 0 0
(N)IDATiON 3236 76
CYA(N)ITIC 32523 68
JIGS 3150 0
F(I)NNER 5432 20
PrES(H)INE* 0 0
(E)XiGENTS 10796 98
TACT 3527 24
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 208
Invalid Games 0.03 7
Incomplete 0.02 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.01 3
Total Turns 24.75 5148
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.56 116.5
Score 425.52 88508
Score per Turn 34.3454
Turns 12.39 2577
Vertical Plays 5.62 1170
Horizontal Plays 6.00 1248
One Tile Plays 0.39 82
Other Plays 0.37 77
Firsts 0.50 105
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.6934
Exchanges 0.25 53
High Game 645
Low Game 257
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.93 401
Sevens 0.91 189
Eights 0.99 205
Nines 0.03 7
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6971.01
Sevens 6863.46
Eights 7091.30
Nines 6369.14
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.65 10328
A 4.48 931
B 0.96 199
C 0.91 190
D 1.91 397
E 5.91 1229
F 1.02 212
G 1.50 313
H 0.97 201
I 4.49 934
J 0.58 121
K 0.48 99
L 1.91 397
M 1.06 220
N 3.01 626
O 4.03 839
P 0.96 199
Q 0.57 119
R 3.06 636
S 1.98 412
T 2.94 612
U 1.94 404
V 0.98 203
W 1.01 210
X 0.46 96
Y 1.00 208
Z 0.50 105
? 1.04 216
Power Tiles Played 5.14 1069
? 1.04 216
J 0.58 121
Q 0.57 119
X 0.46 96
Z 0.50 105
S 1.98 412
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 18
? 0.02 5
J 0.01 3
Q 0.01 3
X 0.01 2
Z 0.00 0
S 0.02 5
Turns With a Blank 1.70 354
Triple Triples Played 0.01 3
Bingoless Games 0.06 12
Bonus Square Coverage 16.02 3333
Double Letter 5.27 1097
Triple Letter 5.41 1125
Double Word 3.01 626
Triple Word 2.33 485
Phony Plays 0.09 19
Unchallenged 0.07 14
Challenged Off 0.02 5
Challenges 0.31 65
You Won 0.09 19
Opponent Lost 0.12 26
You Lost 0.07 15
Opponent Won 0.02 5
Challenge Percentage 0.5588
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.8387
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.7368
Comments 4.32 899
Comments Word Length 87.43 18186
Mistakeless Turns 12.39 2577
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4667, 0.5263)
B 0.4800 (0.4334, 0.5596)
C 0.4550 (0.4334, 0.5596)
D 0.4775 (0.4519, 0.5411)
E 0.4925 (0.4707, 0.5223)
F 0.5100 (0.4334, 0.5596)
G 0.5000 (0.4449, 0.5481)
H 0.4850 (0.4334, 0.5596)
I 0.4989 (0.4667, 0.5263)
J 0.5800 (0.4072, 0.5858)
K 0.4800 (0.4072, 0.5858)
L 0.4775 (0.4519, 0.5411)
M 0.5300 (0.4334, 0.5596)
N 0.5017 (0.4600, 0.5330)
O 0.5038 (0.4649, 0.5281)
P 0.4800 (0.4334, 0.5596)
Q 0.5700 (0.4072, 0.5858)
R 0.5100 (0.4600, 0.5330)
S 0.4950 (0.4519, 0.5411)
T 0.4900 (0.4600, 0.5330)
U 0.4850 (0.4519, 0.5411)
V 0.4900 (0.4334, 0.5596)
W 0.5050 (0.4334, 0.5596)
X 0.4600 (0.4072, 0.5858)
Y 0.5000 (0.4334, 0.5596)
Z 0.5000 (0.4072, 0.5858)
? 0.5200 (0.4334, 0.5596)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.44 91.5
Score 411.60 85613
Score per Turn 33.2995
Turns 12.36 2571
Vertical Plays 5.52 1149
Horizontal Plays 5.88 1222
One Tile Plays 0.42 88
Other Plays 0.54 112
Firsts 0.50 103
Vertical Openings per First 0.1264
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8736
Full Rack per Turn 0.9736
Exchanges 0.32 66
High Game 723
Low Game 225
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.92 399
Sevens 0.89 186
Eights 1.00 208
Nines 0.02 5
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7718.89
Sevens 6076.47
Eights 9089.81
Nines 11295.20
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.44 9867
A 4.31 896
B 1.00 207
C 1.03 214
D 1.98 411
E 5.75 1196
F 0.95 198
G 1.39 290
H 1.01 210
I 4.23 880
J 0.40 83
K 0.51 106
L 1.89 393
M 0.89 185
N 2.76 574
O 3.85 800
P 1.00 208
Q 0.39 82
R 2.73 567
S 1.96 407
T 2.79 580
U 1.87 388
V 0.93 194
W 0.96 199
X 0.53 110
Y 0.95 197
Z 0.50 103
? 0.91 189
Power Tiles Played 4.68 974
? 0.91 189
J 0.40 83
Q 0.39 82
X 0.53 110
Z 0.50 103
S 1.96 407
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 17
? 0.03 6
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 9
Turns With a Blank 1.90 395
Triple Triples Played 0.01 3
Bingoless Games 0.08 17
Bonus Square Coverage 15.42 3207
Double Letter 5.07 1054
Triple Letter 5.24 1089
Double Word 2.87 596
Triple Word 2.25 468
Phony Plays 0.18 37
Unchallenged 0.09 18
Challenged Off 0.09 19
Challenges 0.31 65
You Won 0.02 5
Opponent Lost 0.07 15
You Lost 0.12 26
Opponent Won 0.09 19
Challenge Percentage 0.1613
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4412
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4865
Comments 4.32 899
Comments Word Length 87.43 18186
Mistakeless Turns 12.05 2507
Mistakes per Turn 0.0253
Mistakes 0.31 65
Knowledge 0.03 6
Finding 0.07 15
Vision 0.06 13
Tactics 0.03 7
Strategy 0.07 15
Endgame 0.01 2
Time 0.03 7
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4789 (0.4447, 0.5041)
B 0.5000 (0.4113, 0.5375)
C 0.5150 (0.4113, 0.5375)
D 0.4950 (0.4298, 0.5190)
E 0.4792 (0.4487, 0.5001)
F 0.4750 (0.4113, 0.5375)
G 0.4633 (0.4229, 0.5259)
H 0.5050 (0.4113, 0.5375)
I 0.4700 (0.4447, 0.5041)
J 0.4000 (0.3852, 0.5636)
K 0.5100 (0.3852, 0.5636)
L 0.4725 (0.4298, 0.5190)
M 0.4450 (0.4113, 0.5375)
N 0.4600 (0.4380, 0.5108)
O 0.4813 (0.4429, 0.5059)
P 0.5000 (0.4113, 0.5375)
Q 0.3900 (0.3852, 0.5636)
R 0.4550 (0.4380, 0.5108)
S 0.4900 (0.4298, 0.5190)
T 0.4650 (0.4380, 0.5108)
U 0.4675 (0.4298, 0.5190)
V 0.4650 (0.4113, 0.5375)
W 0.4800 (0.4113, 0.5375)
X 0.5300 (0.3852, 0.5636)
Y 0.4750 (0.4113, 0.5375)
Z 0.5000 (0.3852, 0.5636)
? 0.4550 (0.4113, 0.5375)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
M2 AWEE +29 Finding Small
M3 EEW #findingsmall
exch CFGNT +0 Tactics Unspecified
Exch. FGNT #tactics
12E DONjONS +74 Finding Small
12E NaNDOOS #findingsad
M3 WA(T) +21 Finding Small
14B AWATO #findingsad
14C RATO +25 Vision Large
I saw TORCULAR but didn't think it actually fit on the board. I must've been seriously tilted. #VISIONSADDEST
11B GULA +20 Finding Small
11A GOURA #findingsad
15A AUE +11 Vision Medium
O11 EAU #visionsadder
15H MALIB(U) +39 Time Large
2B BREAM #timesaddest
9F GAPE +37 Finding Small
9F PEAG #findingsad
5C J(E)U +20 Strategy Medium
K2 JURE is fine. #strategysadder
4L BORM +33 Knowledge Large
D12 B(o)WL +18 Vision Medium
11J BI(E)R #visionsadder
B10 QUA(G) +34 Finding Large
H4 BUNC(E) +12 Vision Large
7F PUB #visionsaddest
E7 F(R)OTHED +28 Tactics Small
K9 FOH #tacticssad
13C F(AD)ED +24 Finding Medium
5E MED(U)S(A)N #findingsadder
8A LO +13 Knowledge Large
5E TOR(U)L(A)E #findingsaddest #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8A LO +13 Finding Large
5E TOR(U)L(A)E #findingsaddest #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
M6 RYE +17 Strategy Large
M5 TRAYNE digs for the blank #strategysaddest
O7 ZATI +56 Time Large
2K (B)ANE is best because it forces him to get stuck with the Q. His best play after that is 1M oWT. Unfortunately, I had no time. #timesaddest
H10 V(I)TTAE +30 Vision Medium
g5 tav(a)h #visionmedium
J4 WEX +56 Vision Medium
shit, didn't see waka a7 jew #visionmedium
7I FE(E)D +26 Tactics Large
fee wins 9 percent for often #tacticslarge
C9 CROMB +38 Vision Large
3C B(E)D(I)M #visionsaddest
7I WITHY +39 Tactics Medium
7H WHY #tacticssadder
L4 DAC(H)A +24 Vision Medium
H1 ADO(B)E #visionsadder
1M OAT +11 Strategy Large
Sims says C1 OAT, but I'm not convinced. A human player won't open as much. Maybe I have to play 10F RE(LEG)ATIOn and hope for the best. #strategysaddest
1D (F)ANON +24 Strategy Small
B2 ANION. I can feel Quackle calling me a coward. #strategysmall
L2 (T)RANQ +28 Strategy Large
14C Q(I) bingos an absurd 77%. #strategylarge
D7 U(V)A +15 Strategy Large
I misread a 9 on my scoresheet a 4 and thought I was 50 points worse than my actual score. Even so, this would be okay except that B1 (VAC)UA is much better. #strategylarge
K8 (W)IPE +18 Finding Large
L2 (TRANQ)U(I)lISE #findingsaddest
J10 UnIS +20 Time Small
12H UnIS #timesad
5D D(J)INNI +14 Knowledge Medium
C3 MINNI(E) #knowledgesadder
B9 (O)WN +14 Vision Large
I4 N(I)MBS #visionsaddest
2G D(U)MB +15 Finding Large
F4 D(I)PS(O) #findingsaddest
4A NOVA +22 Strategy Large
4B OVA. I didn't realize I had the last N. #strategysaddest
5K GUA(C)O +16 Strategy Medium
1N (D)O #strategysadder
7F WIZ +30 Strategy Large
K7 (BE)WET #strategysaddest
D4 AE +23 Finding Large
3C TE(P)EE #findingsaddest
2H WUD +16 Tactics Large
B2 WED #tacticssaddest
C7 JA(PE) +21 Strategy Large
N1 VIS #strategysaddest
I5 Q(I) +11 Strategy Large
Exch. CIQV #strategysaddest
11E SILVIC +30 Knowledge Large
M12 OU +7 Time Large
I was low on time and didn't think H11 (V)OARS ever won. I'm not sure what's best. #timesaddest
4L DAK +34 Endgame Large
13H OKA #endgamesaddest
G3 ZOL +50 Vision Small
G5 FAZ(E) #visionsad
F2 FA +25 Finding Large
E3 GILD +27 Time Small
E3 GLID. #timesad
L4 PEH +32 Finding Large
M3 BIN +26 Finding Large
15H OW +30 Endgame Large
H10 R(I)P is 8 points better. #endgamesaddest
13C AK(A) +34 Vision Medium
ar(a)k #visionmedium
7H MEDEVAc +74 Knowledge Medium
chickened out of m6 marve(l)ed #knowledgemedium
C3 MYXO +43 Vision Medium
exonuclease!!! also m9 xylem #visionmedium
O1 IT +41 Knowledge Large
not knowing or seeing CHUTIST #knowledgelarge
L10 (N)AUTCH +30 Vision Large
completely spacing on S(H)... #visionsaddest
I3 YOU +25 Strategy Medium
1G DUR(O)Y #strategysadder
M10 MOER +29 Time Large
L3 FON lowers his bingo % the most here. I ran out of time and just made a play. #timesaddest
10D OLEO +16 Tactics Small
10F LOTE #tacticssad
11D BOT +20 Strategy Large
9F O(XI)C #strategysaddest
14C DISC +35 Strategy Small
14D ID #strategysad
F4 KEFI(R) +31 Tactics Small
F6 KI(R) #tacticssad
L1 ZETAS +58 Strategy Small
15G (N)AZE #strategysad
3H EJEC(T)A +46 Finding Small
H1 JACA(R)E #findingsad
N10 TAgUAN +20 Time Small
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 21818 7 Game is incomplete.
Game 27811 58 Game is incomplete.
Game 21769 10 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 21776 0 No moves found.
Game 3167 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 21755 25 Game is incomplete.
Game 21741 0 No moves found.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 45213 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11574, Round 5).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.