Thomas Reinke
Thomas Reinke
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
DENTALs 1090 74
DRAGEES 2336 72
MOuLaGE 5162 72
RAGlANS 8940 70
STALLED 8415 72
CREATES 2185 72
PlATONI(C) 5921 86
kILTERS 6147 68
ANTIRIS(k)* 0 74
DRAINA(G)E 625 69
PIETIES 4579 84
ENTOILS 176 66
OLIVInE(S) 3064 92
IMPUTER 7180 73
AgEMATE 6216 65
CoGNISE 2970 69
ALMONER 872 70
BADDIEs 9163 85
INDICAN 11839 75
cOTININ(E) 3756 74
TwINJET 14511 114
INNER(V)ES 6138 64
MAlAISE 3361 81
REtICU(L)E 2952 72
ChEAPEN 12241 73
INVITeE 2401 76
(C)RANKLED 13143 82
BETAINE 349 67
DOGEARS 1043 71
AUBERG(E)S 7122 78
FRISkET 10537 78
MOR(A)L(I)SED 567 82
PANFrI(E)D 3161 67
INTUb(A)TE 2730 68
CRaNIU(M)S 11098 64
COROnO(U)S* 0 68
(D)IVERTER 6432 89
UNErOTI(C) 605 77
IDEATES 208 73
OUTRID(E)S 342 72
(M)ONOClES 15573 86
TIMElIE(r) 3304 74
(I)MPAIRED 5998 102
AUNTl(I)ER 73 64
SUBORD(E)R 13026 94
(D)ETRITaL 925 80
VEA(L)IEST 1478 158
SChIZ(I)ER 21646 88
OUTDrE(AM)T 3470 76
ANT(E)NnAE 11530 66
EGAlITE 457 68
ROQUETS 6966 83
BAN(T)EReD 1582 103
ELUANTS 1151 66
SILVERN 3300 70
TORSADE 191 80
UNHAILE(D) 3001 78
DACITeS 1953 83
CUEInGS 10088 89
SEEDIER 2625 68
ChLORAT(E) 4016 80
SAURIES 2893 74
SORBIT(A)N(S) 5730 76
CA(R)FAReS 23781 70
NITRITE(S) 3217 70
vIATICA 13726 72
D(A)EMONiC 2029 86
COMFIE(S)T 11935 68
LENSmEN 13873 75
TOUCANs 5817 98
INWA(R)DLY 11672 65
VISORED 2021 90
BEA(R)INGS 1807 65
STOwAGe(S) 12008 68
(P)RENATAL 2661 83
SI(D)ELING 5220 64
(T)OURNEYS 2962 76
GLINTED 1731 69
MiTRING 10585 86
TRINK(U)Ms 20034 72
COTINGA 2673 64
MoNO(C)RAT 14619 80
OU(T)LInER 97 64
EMERoID 1195 75
PROfILE(D) 6486 72
bURSTIN(G) 11691 62
MATTEIN(G)* 0 63
ORPINES 952 73
mIDCULT 17375 72
(U)NMESHED 16849 102
RETIRED 1809 75
DETOU(R)Ed 5672 68
ROOTLIN(G) 3690 60
eNDINGS 6610 73
HUGEOuS 17571 93
rEFUGES 11282 70
ENABLES 3839 73
SHUShED 23253 82
OBTRUDE(D) 12842 76
UNHO(L)iER 1383 61
DECLInE 5520 74
ARABISE 2366 72
ROSINER 1036 69
DE(F)LATOR 1740 63
GROUTED 2218 83
AErUGOS 1049 67
BINA(U)RAL 6912 78
STINTED 2722 79
BrEADTH(S) 8531 92
RE(B)ORING 4821 62
OUTrOWE(D) 6545 74
LINgoES 1057 89
BRaXIES 7450 90
EYeSOME 13847 81
BILSTED 5399 84
H(A)NDIEST 968 68
INDI(G)OES 1688 73
NIT(I)NOLS 7248 60
TODDIES 3415 68
rOADIES 33 79
(D)OGgEDLY 28425 84
PRE(T)TIED 6431 65
(C)ORTICES 12091 89
uRINEM(I)A 1248 70
FORETI(M)E 2605 64
SUETI(E)ST 12835 63
PeARLER(S) 9585 68
kILTERS 6147 84
UNCI(N)aTE 2896 63
SERRANO 779 71
(V)OTARIST 5393 76
ENVeLOP 9059 69
SANTOUR 1206 70
SULLENE(R) 11645 62
OVERlIT 991 75
PISMIRE 10747 71
UNANELE(D) 4884 80
CADdIES 9567 96
ENTASIA 135 81
ROWiNGS 7861 73
KETTLEs 17169 79
PAR(T)IBLE 3284 66
TAmARAO 11401 77
REED(L)ING 1732 65
ITEMIsE 4576 68
ZENA(I)DAS 5401 71
URANI(D)ES 270 63
(D)OUBTErS 5177 89
MORaTOR(Y) 19450 63
(J)ETLINER 3521 67
lEVOGY(R)E 14053 185
VIRTUAl 4970 80
CANINES 3786 68
FOLiAT(E)S 561 75
RENAILE(D) 107 77
S(A)RDINED 2185 61
CHOpINS 17766 81
MOUsIER 2048 64
INC(U)BaTE 3275 94
TENSORS 3730 82
NEOLITH 975 79
(O)VeRRaNK 12101 92
CAN(Z)OnET 12098 86
gRU(N)GIER 16763 68
TuNNELM(EN)* 0 70
PEARLI(N)G 1847 69
MANITOS 1664 77
IN(G)ATHER 788 66
COLDISH 15621 72
OLDWIFE 7663 105
DEV(I)ATOR 206 82
BaRNaCL(E) 9747 83
(B)ARONIES 182 83
ST(a)RCHES 17857 74
(S)MOOTHER 11829 65
ENCHAnT 11290 79
GLACIER 2410 77
OU(T)STEER 3401 95
MOILERS 2036 73
RECOUPE 9042 78
(V)ERATrIA 3260 83
SCRAG(G)LE* 0 78
F(R)OTHILY 24578 86
pREM(I)XED 19416 118
DISG(R)ACE 3431 78
LOAFERS 1869 89
NArRATO(R) 14153 68
ENTRANT 3688 66
DEl(E)AVED 19701 86
CAROTIN 745 71
OLEInES 302 68
RATTLES 2828 78
REAROUs(E) 1706 74
MAN(R)OPES 4072 74
MILDEWs 13285 68
LENTOI(D)S 337 68
R(E)STaGED 1725 70
ANTiSEX 1680 86
JOINTER 1117 86
(P)ROvIRAL 14081 80
HIDEOUT 2000 72
REDOLEN(T) 487 80
REHIRED 7392 65
UTILIzE 9160 69
SPANNER 6239 90
ECLAIRS 1486 94
ELEGiST(S) 10547 74
S(T)OPOVeR 11839 74
DIVINER 3470 71
r(E)SAILED 347 80
UN(T)HRONE 5815 67
QUInOAS 5958 88
tATTOO(E)D 11659 59
(D)IVALENT 971 66
WITNESS 9391 87
EUdEMON 4599 78
THE(N)AGES 4386 76
LaNGREL 7038 69
PE(D)ERAST 2900 158
GREA(T)ENS 707 70
GENOIsE 506 68
PARENTS 1533 100
OSSIfI(E)R 9813 68
HaRICOT 4318 77
LEVITA(T)E 3501 158
AN(E)CDOTE 759 94
(G)RiSTLES 8774 60
TERBIAS 594 82
JOSTLER 6678 77
HATTING 10455 71
GU(I)LTIER 2989 72
RElIEVO 1257 87
VOMIcAE 6313 76
DISTAIN 2267 76
VeINU(L)ES 5355 70
LAvEERS 4103 74
MEDICOS 7990 81
RAGLANS 8940 72
E(C)AUDATE 5566 72
eN(G)RAFTS 3509 88
ZOISITE 6262 126
SNARLER 3796 70
CIlIATE 1786 72
MONS(O)ONS 29904 64
TRIDENT 1358 71
STinGES 7347 84
SAMSARA 22517 72
(E)XERTION 948 84
PL(A)NTeRS 2254 68
ACORNED 880 75
LE(N)ITION 1500 82
TRIBUTE 6528 71
(T)EENAGED 2841 64
BANTiES 621 71
INVE(R)TED 1618 82
FOODiES 5164 77
AMNESIA(C) 6280 64
AuLDEST 2273 78
REALISE 202 77
CONFINE 8932 74
E(R)OTIZED 2051 74
NOSELIK(e) 4012 76
UPRATES 3054 81
OVE(R)LEWD 10817 67
CHARiOT 4317 69
WASTERI(E) 641 79
(O)VeRLAND 1360 86
REALNES(S) 5099 77
(B)REEDiNG 4620 74
(D)ELATION 12 61
I(N)TERTIE 1640 74
MOiSTEN 994 85
(E)TErNALS 355 74
AUTEUrS 5186 73
INITI(A)LS 7192 70
NAEtHIN(G) 4200 95
vOGUIER 4022 68
ENLU(M)INE 12643 74
EQ(U)ATIOn 905 104
sATORIS 3037 77
(C)OALIEST 512 74
EMER(G)ENT 9504 63
RAILWAy 12567 80
CANOEiS(T) 185 73
ATTO(R)NED 453 63
OVERMI(l)D 6497 76
RADIALS 4071 64
G(R)ANDSIR 7700 76
ESTRONE 323 72
VENTa(I)LS 1018 80
HIDROTI(C) 12945 82
sABATON 6002 76
RE(C)OILEd 1818 70
sPIELED 6339 64
TEAShOP 4840 80
UNARGUe(D) 8759 80
AVErAGE 5963 78
TEET(E)RED 16205 62
URALITE 117 67
TUREENS 1378 82
PROD(D)ERS 20302 82
bEGUI(L)ES 10227 59
NON(T)RUtH 19329 64
SEAROBI(N) 172 90
EScAPIN(G) 7554 89
ALFREDO 1943 75
G(R)OUSING 15634 78
BEA(U)TIES 1521 83
NOR(T)ENAS 480 66
RETAINE(R) 177 68
ANGStI(E)R 158 70
ARTSIE(S)T 5015 66
UREMIAS 1494 72
L(A)NOsITY 2317 140
STRANDS 10752 77
BERLINS 3207 75
(A)DSORBEr 6021 72
VITAmER 2421 75
StETSON 10278 70
REGLETS 4555 75
SNOwSH(O)E 23285 70
TELEC(O)MS 11351 66
WOOPSES 20926 92
EARN(E)STS 2857 76
COATINg 2672 72
D(Y)STOPIA 9194 80
AUToHAR(P) 13587 98
REGAUGE 10592 65
MARAbOU 14001 72
TELNETS 6237 73
dENYING 11646 70
(T)EXTUREd 17730 95
COENURE(D)* 0 74
(d)OORWAYS 18177 92
DISPI(R)IT 19898 72
CHUTNEE 11451 82
OrRISEs 7191 80
MISINTE(R) 2676 83
SARaNGI 3441 77
DEIF(I)CAL 9552 78
SWEATEr 2238 75
TREV(A)LLY 17876 65
A(r)TERIAL 1091 60
INTRUDE(S) 728 80
RELIqUE 7320 64
ABA(L)oNES 3212 86
FA(R)THEST 13978 82
UNB(O)ILED 2801 80
TRE(N)DiER 1297 122
SPOILER 2040 64
CO(L)INEAR 192 70
CARNIES 635 101
ISOBARE 306 75
IN(H)AULER 1051 72
REKNItS 3598 81
EpIMYSI(A) 15238 78
(L)ITERATI 1097 70
DISSEAT 3873 70
pAEONIE(S) 369 61
UNSTEEL 3926 79
FLAMING(O) 15248 66
cURRIEs 12685 66
DIANOIA 2082 70
CAVO(R)TED 5261 84
TEnTIGO 1732 72
GOANNAS 10835 81
SOLERET 851 69
DELIGhT 7527 75
REQUiNS 5908 89
TR(E)ELAWN 1524 94
VENO(U)SLY 13280 80
GANNETS 4238 77
OUTSID(E)R 322 60
DUSTIER 1162 74
rEDAR(G)UE 6894 61
(S)POLIATE 572 62
RENEGUE 6433 82
pLANATE 3448 67
PIOLETS 2041 74
MATUR(E)LY 9061 64
aRGYLES 7504 70
ALANINS 8002 70
AMOEBIC 6051 82
POR(T)AGED 2120 74
P(E)REIOnS 808 70
BISTROS 12653 72
SMeLTER 6482 71
ALGINAT(E) 598 80
ANTLERS 412 88
AMITRO(L)E 198 64
KINDLES 8738 84
BO(N)EhEAD 4550 66
DAUTIES 429 71
IRONeRS 794 63
SNA(F)UING 17021 158
TElERAN 213 70
HOODINg 12304 67
dETAI(N)EE 295 66
STENT(O)RS 9145 62
MEATLI(K)E* 0 65
UNTUnED 15471 78
FErVID(L)Y 18352 88
BROA(D)WAy 22140 68
GROUTI(E)R 2011 68
SILE(N)C(I)NG 14395 82
(V)ERBOTEN 4998 78
(T)ANTALIC 11597 62
AERATIN(G) 236 80
pROGRAD(E) 8156 72
TARRING 3760 69
RESENTS 6584 77
ENROBES 2633 73
EOSInIC 2361 78
TOPsAIL 3361 89
DEFLATE 4045 96
RUDDLI(N)G 19212 63
WASPIeR 4227 103
TRITONE 275 68
DeVOTIN(G) 2260 89
(T)RIPLINE* 0 70
(I)nVITEES 3310 83
MONOCRA(T) 10547 80
B(A)RONNES 3337 72
TENDRIL 419 79
(R)OTArIES 145 78
PuTAMEN 7077 76
DAISIES 5902 93
LENITES 577 71
BALlOO(N)S 19992 67
AIRTING 1714 74
cORNETc(Y) 21387 80
V(E)RTICiL 9795 76
EARSTON(E) 41 74
FAScIS(T)S 27993 90
ECOTOUR 6988 73
RESI(G)nED 2262 86
CAVERNS 9410 104
ESTATED 3715 71
gRITTED 4440 74
ExSECTS 22004 72
ZOISITE 6262 126
SNARLER 3796 70
nAUSEAS 8522 78
CONTRI(V)E 2005 76
CALIFA(T)E 5955 76
URI(N)ATED 67 61
BONITOS 7381 72
ATHEIST 3805 76
BRULZIE 14107 99
ACER(B)ITY 7601 80
POINTED 964 86
ISOGONE 1574 79
WIGGIEr 17452 80
CE(r)VIcES 24140 69
DERANGE 1181 74
ASUNDER 1150 89
WASHILy* 0 82
GRIDDLE 10302 71
(G)oDDAMNS 21594 76
(G)ENERATE 1493 63
RIFLeM(A)N 3343 66
NORTENA 288 68
INGRESS 7341 66
RUMBLEd 16253 70
LEAFERy* 0 88
BORNITE 355 67
(H)ANDLIsT 6580 67
S(C)IMITER 9800 86
TEOCAlL(I) 3776 86
SAGGERS 19035 84
SAUT(O)IRe 26 69
BANDiTO 1640 75
HaNGA(B)LE 15733 86
GASOLIN(E) 248 68
UNrOBED 3829 99
DIEMAK(E)r 7769 70
(S)TRAIGHT 13467 66
(V)ENOSITY 4164 78
TOLUIDE 518 78
CHAUNt(E)R 5831 63
(K)INGSIDE 14601 80
PATROLS 5845 73
r(E)COILEd 1920 68
POINTES 1003 88
ELOPERS 4815 73
(B)ENISONs 14465 80
CULPR(I)Ts 19108 67
CO(N)TESTS 18118 73
E(C)LIPSEd 14069 72
ENRA(V)iSH 3356 89
(G)RATINEE 85 80
C(O)NELRaD 1337 70
NEMESIA 1062 70
FOIlING 11429 88
NO(N)MODAL 17552 65
EMU(L)ATED 5300 76
CANTRI(P)S 8235 65
RE(M)IGATE 1398 72
SOUTHE(R)N 3867 76
URTICAN(T) 10146 64
WAFTErS 9429 65
INDULGE 3473 75
OUTLIER 189 92
DUEl(L)IST 10499 82
RE(T)ORTED 6946 59
PERIDOT(S) 1446 78
EROTICS 960 98
MADdEST 12312 74
COnT(R)AIL 1051 86
FRi(V)OLED 6487 80
RESOLED 1725 73
CRInGES 4727 75
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
VEA(L)IEST 1478 158
lEVOGY(R)E 14053 185
PE(D)ERAST 2900 158
LEVITA(T)E 3501 158
L(A)NOsITY 2317 140
TRE(N)DiER 1297 122
SNA(F)UING 17021 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(V)EGING* 0 30
ANTIRIS(k)* 0 74
SEWERY* 0 58
COROnO(U)S* 0 68
FEVERY* 0 47
MATTEIN(G)* 0 63
TuNNELM(EN)* 0 70
SCRAG(G)LE* 0 78
WOAH* 0 55
(Y)EALS* 0 33
IMBOW* 0 32
COENURE(D)* 0 74
HOOVE* 0 25
MEATLI(K)E* 0 65
TE* 0 68
GYNIE* 0 26
(T)RIPLINE* 0 70
WASHILy* 0 82
LEAFERy* 0 88
MISTAL* 0 52
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
LOOTER 1142 35
ZAX 986 0
ZOOS 3371 0
OUTHOlD* 0 0
FRISkET 10537 78
TA(L)I 181 19
STrOBIL(AS)* 0 0
GE(Y)S* 0 0
RUNU(P)* 0 0
SORTS 5008 0
PAR(T)IBLE 3284 66
STANGED 1722 0
YEW 729 0
F(R)OTHILY 24578 86
UN(HOT)* 0 0
(T)R(I)STITIA* 0 0
BUBKE* 0 0
NOSELIK(e) 4012 76
ENLU(M)INE 12643 74
HIDROTI(C) 12945 82
UNARGUe(D) 8759 80
VOUDON 10321 33
WOOPSES 20926 92
OLICO(O)K 22865 26
STRIM 4694 33
REDIPT 2365 34
MANGERS 4711 0
KEFS 3463 0
TERRA 513 0
BROA(D)WAy 22140 68
(FA)CTIOnED* 0 0
PUY 1295 26
SWItHIE(R)* 0 0
HaNGA(B)LE 15733 86
(U)NIsEXER* 0 0
BAWN 2672 33
F(E)IND* 0 0
GAITE* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
RELENTE(D) 3671 63
EPITOM(E)s 4838 76
ISOGO(N)AL 3621 62
CAPOTEs 4819 87
HAIRNET 221 67
BOU(R)TREE 7075 72
GIVEA(B)LE 8502 185
rELIANT 17 65
MANTIDS 4950 80
BROWNED 8075 85
CENsUAL 5576 74
(O)UTREADS 311 72
VERIFIE(S) 10389 95
ANEARIN(G) 1847 70
TURnABL(E) 2235 80
PLEONAL 7626 68
SCATTER 6200 77
PARTIEs 682 72
OU(T)cHEER* 0 70
A(R)IETTES 501 63
ELOPING 2852 74
MARLINE 640 81
DECLIn(E)S 5060 63
ENTRAIN 185 66
IMPETiG(O) 9014 89
LARDERS 4963 77
NATURES 443 67
cOAG(E)NTS 2230 82
(R)ATOONED 234 80
xENOGAM(Y) 19267 76
ARBORED 4393 65
rASORIA(L) 4432 74
DIPNETS 3123 80
PALA(T)INE 1215 64
FISSIoN 16576 82
ACORNED 838 71
ReBUKeS 17059 76
PULsATE 5619 75
TRISHAW 9267 84
FOrERAN(K) 12118 78
APERIES 1064 72
SNARFLE 4222 75
DOUCEST 8538 74
EQ(U)ATIVe 10244 88
LUR(D)ANES 2203 140
CEL(E)RIES 7745 70
rEAL(I)ZES 3428 82
TIGERIS(h) 6990 74
cRE(E)LING 4625 82
SE(R)iALLY 8639 70
EXTORtS 15162 92
(E)NSILAGE 917 80
FERMEN(T)S 10586 64
DRuNK(E)ST 11637 74
SAINING 9829 80
KNEELER 12567 71
T(O)OLHeAD 3920 78
(U)NdERATE 375 74
(R)AVISHED 5696 84
AG(E)NESIA 865 60
(E)COZONeS 17772 134
SERI(A)TES 1321 70
DENARII 140 83
B(I)CORNES 4079 74
(F)RAULEIn 1045 83
DETERG(E)S 10812 76
ASTONES 2429 69
hONEYD(E)W 22597 65
RAVaGED 7832 73
EPOCHAl 12028 91
G(E)NIUSES 10027 68
GULF(I)EST 9046 84
BR(O)MATED 3785 64
OVERSEA 1188 72
U(N)GAINED* 0 68
S(T)ARTLED 3763 70
FROST(I)Ng 6224 64
G(U)MMIeST 22308 86
A(U)DITING 4461 61
LEISU(R)ER* 0 70
OUTROAr 6572 60
ROBOT(I)ZE 8832 70
AIRIEST 139 69
BEANIES 992 72
DEVIA(N)TS 985 63
(C)OnFETTI 10310 76
BIL(A)NDER 1265 74
UNT(E)STED 10602 70
REEDmAN 2087 71
(T)ERMITES 6137 74
SLIMMER 16833 78
REDTAIL(S) 250 80
E(C)OTONES 4719 70
GOAdING 8941 78
ESQU(I)RES 17238 86
INsOFAR 1580 83
sAURIES 2767 72
ENDUROS 1259 70
nI(T)ROGEN 866 74
AMNIO(T)IC 6569 65
E(R)ADiATE 130 66
REP(T)ILIa 1247 59
EMIRATE 354 67
CONTEND(S) 8976 76
ALGERIN(E) 261 80
(M)OISTENs 6503 72
SAUNTER 444 70
ZEsTIER 4551 87
ROBInIA(S) 2742 80
PE(O)NAGEs 2867 68
N(O)cTURNE 6111 58
I(M)AGINER 2135 67
S(H)ITTIER 8934 83
BENEFIT 5350 68
B(O)RNEoLS 6863 59
METALIS(E) 1550 83
RAZ(E)EING 2722 92
dOOBIES 5153 85
OCArINA 1859 74
ZONuLAR 9222 98
FEUDIST 5648 80
CRINGL(E)S 6195 72
TANGLER 808 75
SELE(N)IDE 3522 70
HALIDOm(E) 3910 89
SABOTEU(R) 1335 74
(B)ERETTAS 6342 74
aNGERED 1180 94
COP(Y)GIRL 23425 82
DECLINE(S) 5326 72
IRENI(C)AL 1237 72
REDWaRE 7676 73
NOONErS 4861 61
OnLOADS 5901 79
SLA(V)ERED 5309 74
BREAtH(E)R 11455 76
DIgLOTS 6097 77
BEWARIN(g) 4869 76
UNCA(L)LED 15910 72
N(E)RVIEST 1626 62
AS(p)ERATE 3473 64
S(C)OOPING 20538 80
SEDATES 6312 70
RI(G)AToNI 684 66
STADIAS 11285 70
SQUARER 13334 94
OsTEOMA 2777 69
WHOOFED 19311 85
ANUR(E)SIS 2207 59
WEANERS 2234 71
I(N)CREASE 645 70
NAEVOID 318 76
LAI(R)AGES 1491 68
bE(A)UTIFY 10833 78
E(N)AcTORY 2111 65
HEEdING 5741 78
UNEAS(I)ER 125 59
INTUITS 11169 76
P(R)EsIDIA 2574 72
STRANDs 10303 84
LASTERS 5402 80
BRIDGES 7209 78
(L)EAdIeST 349 74
D(I)ALLING 16287 70
(O)UTrAVES 1404 83
E(L)ONGATE 349 60
INDORSE 169 67
BANDaGE 8168 87
UPRAISE 2073 72
DEm(E)NTED 26241 131
(B)IVALENT 4311 92
eSC(A)PADO 14048 98
ELIDING 3809 66
LIST(E)RIA 297 58
UNCASEd 5349 84
(C)AtHODIC 23349 80
GOATISH 4845 76
UR(I)NATOR 965 62
F(O)RECAST 4014 194
MILiEUX 17225 95
GODlIkE 8959 68
SCORINg 7833 73
TANA(g)ERS 1563 61
RETYING 2621 73
FOLI(A)TED 541 66
uNCOILE(D) 2809 70
L(A)UREATE 1123 59
INCASED 1477 94
BALLETS 12264 77
(R)EMINdER 6109 86
SETTLER 5994 76
(O)VEREATS 826 72
PINW(E)EdS 9952 65
bUSTLES 17652 72
SNO(R)KELS 17126 84
WARDE(N)RY 13318 80
H(E)ADLONG 4342 71
(Y)AKITORI 10733 77
CABINET 2391 78
INDABAS 8467 65
ThIE(V)ING 11448 94
(G)ODETiAS 232 87
I(N)DAGATE 595 67
(E)STRiOLS 2494 71
IS(O)THERM 3937 102
S(U)BDWARf 24534 76
GROUTER 4953 76
Ad(R)ENALS 1852 122
tAILORS 444 81
(A)UDITIVE 2443 76
DIRTIES 1224 78
SEEDIlY 6341 75
CRISTAE 606 89
sOIGNEE 507 71
RESEEDS 14165 82
POLITER 942 65
ABL(A)TION 2586 60
(P)IRANHAS 11777 92
IO(D)AtION 1407 60
S(P)RAINED 979 76
CANDOUR 5578 91
MISC(O)OKs 28424 80
POINtED 916 91
BATTING 10449 76
Ou(T)WROTE 10694 72
MISDOEr 1915 66
OUTWILE 2046 68
HURTLES 8702 74
REOBTA(I)N 52 72
NeOGENE 8535 76
MAFTIRS 9273 85
CA(V)ItIES 6311 158
STEN(O)SES 18988 77
EUcLAsE 6323 76
TRAIPSe 724 71
VERONAL 922 83
OVEr(R)IFE 8866 102
RAD(I)AtES 290 92
(D)ETINUES 915 61
EURO(P)iUM 20249 72
(C)OADmIRE 2638 86
ENDNOTE 2370 74
ALcAIdE 3356 66
(C)OUGHERS 16448 80
DIGESTO(R) 694 76
PRE(F)rOZE 24678 92
VOGUEI(N)G 14899 65
dUGOUTS 17993 78
SOARINg 840 82
BRAGGED 16973 90
IRONIeS 245 79
(D)ECEIVER 12995 72
(D)ERANGeS 1720 80
UNHeROI(C) 4104 66
UNTRIED 451 80
TERRITS 6013 68
EGOTIST 2580 78
STENOkY 11901 80
LING(U)INE 9483 72
U(N)MApPED 25545 67
BRISToL 5852 80
TROVeRS 7455 94
WARH(E)ADS 12628 80
TISANES 1332 84
CAROmIN(G) 7710 62
DELATOr 143 67
LEONINE 1121 75
RE(D)ACTOR 3351 76
DOPINGs 10336 73
SIGMATE 2563 78
SEIGNEU(R) 1748 83
TAW(N)IEsT 2940 83
(S)TERANES 2859 77
(D)EVONIAN 1770 76
RIMESTE(R) 6134 90
MANH(UN)TER 13755 106
LOFTIEr 968 79
PRINCEL(ET) 4523 74
AERAD(I)OS 126 60
RODENTS 499 67
(G)RIEVANT 752 70
bODHRA(N)S 12243 74
ONETImE 462 61
GLIADIN 5673 70
HERbAlS 9535 74
POET(I)SER 811 70
(Q)uINELAS 4731 101
SPAREST 9768 77
ELITIST 5797 74
UNmINDE(D)* 0 80
FIN(A)GLED 3435 88
ROMANTI(C) 3315 70
GAIETI(E)s 820 70
(H)OtLINES 1385 83
CATENAS 3439 72
UNITA(G)ES 451 70
GRA(N)DEST 1106 64
EDGIEsT 2351 65
GOALIES 360 77
OUTB(L)aZE 10433 86
DEFOcUS 13667 82
(S)TONABLE 1263 62
FO(R)TUNES 2807 71
OrPINES 952 70
LORI(C)ATE 182 74
WEAPONS 5057 80
COlEWE(ED)S* 0 122
TuATERA 3396 70
De(I)CIDaL 12789 76
A(L)ERTING 151 70
R(E)NTABLE 1582 70
CEL(A)DONs 2774 72
DISSENT 5411 71
ANtIAIR 1306 62
C(L)AMOURS 16598 67
TUNNElS 8203 73
ANEMONE(S) 4223 74
LINTERs 452 67
ANTEDAt(E) 3183 77
OPERA(T)ES 824 64
UNDINEs 5185 65
REINCIT(E) 1781 70
BOASTIN(G) 3824 86
AUDiT(I)NG 4693 62
PLOsIVE 7999 80
VARLETS 3179 98
OXIM(E)TEr 5479 67
RATIONe(D) 4 68
TZIGANE 2804 88
DOTTIER 787 71
DEWIEST 4162 65
FAILURE 1534 91
PORTALS 5846 72
g(R)EENIES 2851 66
RE(G)AINED 277 90
BRISTLE(D) 4516 76
END(U)RERS 8042 86
OYSTER(E)D 3761 63
PANIERS 704 82
(D)ELETiNG 1733 80
MANITO(U)S 2447 68
SUBIDeA 3013 74
BOWYErS 15761 86
SwEETIE(S) 16355 76
FIESTAS 6672 77
D(I)GISTAT* 0 67
UNHAIL(E)D 2302 66
TOLUEnE 850 70
SOU(R)DINE 341 76
STORMEd 3889 76
DARnERS 2807 75
DENDROI(D) 15058 63
WATTEST 17867 73
OUTLOvE 8073 67
PEASANT 3623 77
THROBB(E)D 24026 221
LAZURI(T)e 2644 76
POLEcAT 5021 64
BREWpUB 32904 86
PARENTS 2128 76
(O)VERTASK 10080 98
UNNER(V)ES 17575 76
SURFABL(E) 16567 65
MONEtI(S)E 1080 72
INHALA(N)T 11604 72
SYRpHID 21061 90
RECIT(E)RS 6103 60
EDITiON 232 74
(A)NSERINE 496 66
WANIEST 680 71
GORHENS 5516 75
RONNELS 3497 71
cHOLERA 4806 76
OVERG(I)LD 4153 82
ROsEATE 69 63
LEONINe 1179 60
HIPPIEr 20047 93
DECANTS 2934 78
D(I)ATRONS 289 70
ReKNITS 3598 93
sADIRON 464 73
eXTIN(C)TS 17574 68
RUIN(A)BLE 947 72
E(V)ICTION 4243 66
(E)JeCtING 13231 82
VARIATE(S) 1163 65
M(E)AtLOAF 7024 98
bULLIER 12932 69
(D)ETINUES 964 80
BORDELS 6344 97
RINGLET 813 72
NASTIES 1393 78
LIMEADE 2123 76
ELECTOR 2637 65
VEsTUR(A)L 4511 60
ROOFIEs 2787 75
BEARISH 4291 78
VEnERAT(E) 2519 83
CRUSADE 5350 84
INV(A)DERS 983 63
F(L)OATELS 9177 76
SORINGs 10561 70
FLORE(N)cE 7609 80
HEALTHS 16785 101
RE(T)APING 749 78
GAlA(B)IEH 11207 69
LIFELON(G) 11406 76
EUSTELE 7269 83
BRANDED 9746 79
INVERSE 2301 86
(P)ANIcKED 15681 82
SE(P)TORIA 230 83
ZOOSPOR(E) 23851 88
SHAITAN 5232 90
eUCLASE 6323 82
PEENING 9138 77
DONAtI(V)E 191 83
CAUSA(B)LE 16950 78
GRANTED 807 64
ANIsOLE 39 80
OUTRODE 2036 76
HAPLOID 9818 91
COnNI(V)ER 7457 74
LIATRIs 3175 72
HEA(D)SETS 18007 84
RESI(T)ING 1569 86
dIALO(G)UE 682 68
EURO(P)iUM 20249 72
(C)OADmIRE 2638 86
FAVOr(I)NG 7712 106
OST(I)OLAR 1064 60
TENDERS 1437 74
(B)RiSTLED 4516 98
TOLANES 162 65
E(N)VIABlE 4242 70
F(I)LATURE 1049 94
INN(E)RVED 6426 80
pHREAKS 18295 79
WH(A)CKiER 20993 88
MANU(R)iAL 7276 140
DOYENN(E)S 10698 66
PORTEND 2077 89
FOLAtES 1965 76
DROPpER 20823 75
SWEATER 2238 72
H(E)ATEDLY 10383 96
RETAiL(ER)S 554 59
SALINES 2885 83
ROUBLES 6351 76
AEROLI(T)E 11 66
CETANES 2181 82
ENTICED 2242 67
(E)POPOEIA 11291 78
VEINULE(T) 3149 86
MONISHE(D) 6826 74
(Z)APATEOS 11582 77
TRA(W)LInG 5503 78
GENOISE 535 74
UNFUSED 18491 80
(I)NFERNOS 3584 80
PEsTERS 14307 79
H(A)LeNESS 13692 70
BIVALEN(T) 3282 78
HOrR(I)BLE 11194 66
STR(I)NGER 3248 65
(L)OcAVORE 8259 90
NEPETAS 2232 82
WEiRD(E)ST 3137 74
LABIAT(E)D 2531 65
UR(A)NITES 83 68
sTILTED 5184 77
ENJOI(N)Ed 7969 80
BANIS(T)ER 512 70
PInNACL(E) 13373 86
A(N)OrEXIA 778 78
BLIGHTS 19540 79
GRASPER 11658 79
TOmENTA 2584 77
GRoVIER 6288 69
ReSCIND 3219 102
FEM(I)NAZI 16411 100
ANALOGS 6704 70
UNBRAC(E)D 8527 66
MOTILES 1941 75
PEANUTS 3050 74
RESHOES 11443 75
(S)PRAWLED 12002 68
ALIASES 5657 75
REEARNS 1797 73
NoVICEs 4893 90
DENARII 140 72
(D)ATARIEs 307 77
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
GIVEA(B)LE 8502 185
LUR(D)ANES 2203 140
DEm(E)NTED 26241 131
F(O)RECAST 4014 194
Ad(R)ENALS 1852 122
CA(V)ItIES 6311 158
THROBB(E)D 24026 221
MANU(R)iAL 7276 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
MANH(UN)TER 13755 106
PRINCEL(ET) 4523 74
COlEWE(ED)S* 0 122
RETAiL(ER)S 554 59
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
ONIUMS* 0 87
(P)HYLL* 0 15
OU(T)cHEER* 0 70
UNWI(R)ED* 0 33
U(N)GAINED* 0 68
LEISU(R)ER* 0 70
MYCELL* 0 36
WHOAS* 0 61
DEFF* 0 24
ABBY* 0 24
UNmINDE(D)* 0 80
CR(Y)ER* 0 26
CRYERS* 0 31
IMBOWS* 0 79
LAN(C)IeR* 0 18
COlEWE(ED)S* 0 122
DED* 0 25
MOILY* 0 32
D(I)GISTAT* 0 67
FUGLER* 0 24
PO* 0 22
A(J)I* 0 17
QUA(L)MED* 0 38
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
GIVEA(B)LE 8502 185
hEBRAEI(C)* 0 0
EQ(U)ATIVe 10244 88
FISK* 0 0
(E)COZONeS 17772 134
ASTONES 2429 69
uTOPIAE* 0 0
QIS 738 0
ROYCE* 0 0
RABI(C) 3819 18
KEV(E)E* 0 0
LAVE(R)S 3076 39
eSC(A)PADO 14048 98
(G)ODETiAS 232 87
MAN(G)EY 7397 32
VERONAL 922 83
(U)NqINSED* 0 0
MANH(UN)TER 13755 106
SKELF 10525 40
SHADROc(K)* 0 0
OUTB(L)aZE 10433 86
(ALLOY)ING 14866 36
TANE* 0 0
DAUBIeS* 0 0
TILTY* 0 0
POAKA 9557 33
BLAHE(D) 11410 36
SURFABL(E) 16567 65
SYRpHID 21061 90
AStI* 0 0
VR(OWED)* 0 0
(L)O(U)GH 6792 26
RIcI(N)OUS* 0 0
UNFUSED 18491 80
vOWELIS(E)* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 268
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.76 6904
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.55 148
Score 417.56 111906
Score per Turn 32.4177
Turns 12.88 3452
Vertical Plays 5.80 1555
Horizontal Plays 5.87 1573
One Tile Plays 0.57 152
Other Plays 0.64 172
Firsts 0.50 133
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.8172
Exchanges 0.40 106
High Game 619
Low Game 254
Highest Scoring Turn 185
Bingos Played 1.96 525
Sevens 0.94 253
Eights 0.99 265
Nines 0.03 7
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6181.63
Sevens 5339.91
Eights 7013.52
Nines 4837.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.22 13192
A 4.45 1192
B 1.03 276
C 1.03 277
D 1.93 516
E 5.92 1587
F 1.03 275
G 1.44 387
H 0.94 252
I 4.53 1215
J 0.58 155
K 0.44 119
L 2.00 536
M 0.99 265
N 2.91 780
O 3.80 1018
P 0.96 256
Q 0.55 148
R 2.92 782
S 1.90 508
T 2.99 800
U 2.01 539
V 0.91 244
W 0.97 259
X 0.51 138
Y 1.04 279
Z 0.44 118
? 1.01 271
Power Tiles Played 4.99 1338
? 1.01 271
J 0.58 155
Q 0.55 148
X 0.51 138
Z 0.44 118
S 1.90 508
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 22
? 0.02 5
J 0.00 1
Q 0.02 5
X 0.00 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 10
Turns With a Blank 1.69 452
Triple Triples Played 0.03 7
Bingoless Games 0.06 15
Bonus Square Coverage 16.13 4323
Double Letter 5.52 1479
Triple Letter 5.56 1489
Double Word 2.79 747
Triple Word 2.27 608
Phony Plays 0.22 59
Unchallenged 0.10 28
Challenged Off 0.12 31
Challenges 0.37 100
You Won 0.12 31
Opponent Lost 0.07 18
You Lost 0.07 20
Opponent Won 0.12 31
Challenge Percentage 0.6078
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3673
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4746
Comments 8.38 2246
Comments Word Length 148.47 39791
Mistakeless Turns 12.88 3452
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4944 (0.4660, 0.5184)
B 0.5150 (0.4366, 0.5478)
C 0.5150 (0.4366, 0.5478)
D 0.4825 (0.4529, 0.5315)
E 0.4933 (0.4695, 0.5149)
F 0.5150 (0.4366, 0.5478)
G 0.4800 (0.4468, 0.5376)
H 0.4700 (0.4366, 0.5478)
I 0.5033 (0.4660, 0.5184)
J 0.5800 (0.4135, 0.5709)
K 0.4400 (0.4135, 0.5709)
L 0.5000 (0.4529, 0.5315)
M 0.4950 (0.4366, 0.5478)
N 0.4850 (0.4601, 0.5243)
O 0.4750 (0.4644, 0.5200)
P 0.4800 (0.4366, 0.5478)
Q 0.5500 (0.4135, 0.5709)
R 0.4867 (0.4601, 0.5243)
S 0.4750 (0.4529, 0.5315)
T 0.4983 (0.4601, 0.5243)
U 0.5025 (0.4529, 0.5315)
V 0.4550 (0.4366, 0.5478)
W 0.4850 (0.4366, 0.5478)
X 0.5100 (0.4135, 0.5709)
Y 0.5200 (0.4366, 0.5478)
Z 0.4400 (0.4135, 0.5709)
? 0.5050 (0.4366, 0.5478)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.45 120
Score 407.68 109259
Score per Turn 31.6509
Turns 12.88 3452
Vertical Plays 5.74 1539
Horizontal Plays 6.04 1619
One Tile Plays 0.59 158
Other Plays 0.51 136
Firsts 0.50 135
Vertical Openings per First 0.2295
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7705
Full Rack per Turn 0.5238
Exchanges 0.29 79
High Game 586
Low Game 224
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 1.87 502
Sevens 0.86 231
Eights 1.00 267
Nines 0.01 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5998.53
Sevens 5457.52
Eights 6464.07
Nines 6277.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.93 12846
A 4.38 1174
B 0.93 250
C 0.94 252
D 1.96 526
E 5.73 1535
F 0.95 254
G 1.45 389
H 1.03 277
I 4.21 1128
J 0.42 112
K 0.54 145
L 1.80 483
M 0.98 262
N 2.83 758
O 4.03 1080
P 1.01 270
Q 0.41 111
R 2.84 760
S 1.99 534
T 2.70 724
U 1.85 496
V 1.03 276
W 1.01 270
X 0.47 127
Y 0.94 253
Z 0.55 148
? 0.94 252
Power Tiles Played 4.79 1284
? 0.94 252
J 0.42 112
Q 0.41 111
X 0.47 127
Z 0.55 148
S 1.99 534
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 36
? 0.03 8
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 4
X 0.01 2
Z 0.01 2
S 0.07 20
Turns With a Blank 1.42 380
Triple Triples Played 0.03 8
Bingoless Games 0.09 23
Bonus Square Coverage 15.71 4209
Double Letter 5.07 1360
Triple Letter 5.34 1432
Double Word 3.09 827
Triple Word 2.20 590
Phony Plays 0.22 60
Unchallenged 0.11 29
Challenged Off 0.12 31
Challenges 0.37 100
You Won 0.12 31
Opponent Lost 0.07 20
You Lost 0.07 18
Opponent Won 0.12 31
Challenge Percentage 0.6327
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3922
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4833
Comments 8.38 2246
Comments Word Length 148.47 39791
Mistakeless Turns 12.74 3414
Mistakes per Turn 0.0113
Mistakes 0.15 39
Knowledge 0.01 2
Finding 0.02 6
Vision 0.03 7
Tactics 0.04 10
Strategy 0.04 11
Endgame 0.01 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4867 (0.4531, 0.5055)
B 0.4650 (0.4237, 0.5349)
C 0.4700 (0.4237, 0.5349)
D 0.4900 (0.4400, 0.5186)
E 0.4775 (0.4566, 0.5020)
F 0.4750 (0.4237, 0.5349)
G 0.4833 (0.4339, 0.5247)
H 0.5150 (0.4237, 0.5349)
I 0.4678 (0.4531, 0.5055)
J 0.4200 (0.4007, 0.5579)
K 0.5400 (0.4007, 0.5579)
L 0.4500 (0.4400, 0.5186)
M 0.4900 (0.4237, 0.5349)
N 0.4717 (0.4472, 0.5114)
O 0.5038 (0.4515, 0.5071)
P 0.5050 (0.4237, 0.5349)
Q 0.4100 (0.4007, 0.5579)
R 0.4733 (0.4472, 0.5114)
S 0.4975 (0.4400, 0.5186)
T 0.4500 (0.4472, 0.5114)
U 0.4625 (0.4400, 0.5186)
V 0.5150 (0.4237, 0.5349)
W 0.5050 (0.4237, 0.5349)
X 0.4700 (0.4007, 0.5579)
Y 0.4700 (0.4237, 0.5349)
Z 0.5500 (0.4007, 0.5579)
? 0.4700 (0.4237, 0.5349)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
E3 WAU(L) +14 Vision Small
WITAN or WALNUT are slightly better. (-3) #visionsmall
13C UN(IT)ED +16 Strategy Medium
When I was inputting this into Quackle, this seemed like a terrible play. It isn't even one of Quackle's initial choices. However, it sims decently. The bag is consonant heavy, so I figure to be able to use column H more easily than Thomas. Also, UNITED takes out column D. I remember considering sim-winner AEDINE O10, but the strategic benefits of UNITED seemed stronger. In practice, AEDINE has to be right. Thomas has many uses for the S, not just D12. OU isn't that bad of a leave with that consonant heavy pool, especially with the Q unseen. (-5) #strategymedium
E5 JIL(T) +22 Strategy Medium
7F JA bings way more. #strategysadder
H6 MO(t)ORIC +13 Strategy Large
F2 MICO is best. I was playing too scared. #strategysaddest
11J MEW +28 Tactics Large
11J EEW #tacticssaddest
14H DOZY +40 Strategy Large
M12 YGO is a sick setup. Too bad I didn't see it. #STRATEGYSADDEST
4A T(R)IO +10 Endgame Small
3E TO #endgamesad
11C UNCA(L)LED +72 Finding Small
96% to win, but this turn called for more than combinatorics. DULC(I)NEA is two more points, and I don't really see why I shouldn't play DULC(I)NEA. #findingsmall I spent most of my time on this turn trying to figure out how to block his 3x3 in a strategically sound manner, but DUNE H12 did not come to mind. That would have been a lifesaver.
13K NEG +12 Tactics Medium
13I ENTER might be correct here. I inferred he had the last D so I thought setting up an S he was less likely to have was the way to go. Could be led to believe otherwise. My bingo is also unlikely to get me there after NEG, so I should be scoring. #tacticsmedium
M3 V(OI)LE +18 Tactics Small
C1 VER(B)S must be the play here. Score and pry open more of the board. I had checked out. #tacticssmall
14F B(E)T +26 Vision Medium
#spreadsavingmedium #visionmedium
7I (U)NMIX +33 Finding Small
H5 MOXA blocks the H1-H4 hotspot, and DINR > DOR by more than I expected. #findingsmall
O1 UNBORN +29 Strategy Small
Quackle picks M9 BOUND, because NR > D; I misevaluated the leaves. #strategysmall
5E CESS(E)D +28 Strategy Small
3G DAWS sacrifices 18 points, yet it has the best chance of a bingo next turn, and thus it is best. #strategysmall
A5 REAL +21 Strategy Medium
I chose REAL over ORAL because there were 7 E's unseen and no O's. But I did not consider what the benefit of keeping the O would be, and now that I am considering it I don't see any significant benefit; EE > EO, and even triplicate E's are fine. I should just play ORAL. Quackle prefers C12 NOR but that's ridiculous with IIIM unseen. #strategymedium
J10 JETES +41 Tactics Medium
But the sacrifice was worth it, as (alas) my 93-point JETES was blocked. Quackle picks 1A EME, blocking 1A and ensuring that my M scores well while saving D6 JEST or J10 JETS. #tacticsmedium
9F GIT +19 Tactics Small
GIS and just GI bingo much more than GIT, though keeping both esses ensures that I sometimes get QIS scoring plays to bring up my low-end scores next turn after GIT. Obviously, GIS is ill-advised here thanks to the EGIS hook, but I accept that GI should've been my play. #tacticssmall
13J END(E)R +15 Strategy Medium
Bad decision here, should've exchanged. The board isn't nearly lock-down closed enough to be grabbing at such a low number of points and keeping a V. #strategymedium
D8 TE(A) +15 Endgame Medium
Missed PURL as an out, this is -11 from the easy best move of B2 ELATE. #endgamemedium
I6 OU(T)VIE +14 Strategy Small
I should just play VO(G)UE #strategysad
10C Q(U)AY +24 Finding Medium
inexpelicably miss QI for 33 somehow #findingsadder
4K ANILE +21 Finding Large
How am I supposed to get back into this game? racks like this are so hard. DEI(G)N is clearly the play though. Major, major miss there #findingsaddest
H7 VUG +14 Tactics Small
I normally play GUV but I not only liked the board shape after VUG vs GUV, but I also liked that I could re-hook if he played VUGG to VUGGY or even VUGH to VUGHS. GUV reduces opponent score by 3 over VUG immediately. hm so perhaps VUG helps him more than it helps me. #tacticssmall
K9 HILT +28 Knowledge Medium
I missed 15J TAHSIL! What a wicked play #knowledgemedium #findingmedium compared HALT and HILT, decided that yes there were more A's out, but the ZI combo is still much worse than ZA, although I get NAZI with an A, so hmm.
K9 HILT +28 Finding Medium
I missed 15J TAHSIL! What a wicked play #knowledgemedium #findingmedium compared HALT and HILT, decided that yes there were more A's out, but the ZI combo is still much worse than ZA, although I get NAZI with an A, so hmm.
9K (HO)NES +24 Endgame Unspecified
missing K1 GEN(T)ES and (HO)NGS... #endgameemedium -7
8G JOUR +22 Strategy Medium
8G JUN #strategysadder
B2 IONOME +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
B6 MOI +28 Finding Large
N7 MONEtI(S)E +72 Strategy Large
15A MENO #strategysaddest
8A PACE(r) +27 Vision Medium
I3 PEC. #visionmedium
15D (G)IMEL +24 Vision Large
K5 LEHAYIM, wow. C11 MILE is also better than GIMEL--it scores one more point, partially blocks the G, and sets up the R at 15C. #visionlarge
M8 (L)UNCHER +26 Vision Small
J10 BRUNCH keeps the E and doesn't set up an S. #visionsmall
14L F(R)AY +34 Vision Medium
F3 FAKEY is overwhelmingly Quackle's favorite, blocking rows 2 and 6 and unloading all my clunkers. #visionmedium
J10 (J)ORUM +22 Vision Small
should just do HOURI, forks the board some and I probably need the lanes. His range isn't super strong after OXIC cause the board is dead, in fact he had ILRRY. I was happy with JORUM but HOURI seems like the best thing to do for the board. #visionsmall
7I H(E)W +22 Tactics Medium
not great; the leave is not good enough. i could do something like 7I WEAR or even the pretty awesome 7I WE -- ACHRRS is a very strong leave through that E. (but would that stay open?). tough move. -6 #tacticsmedium
11E RICRA(c)S +32 Tactics Small
i held for another 3-4 minutes, and decided that it's very likely good and i had to let it go. i'm glad i didn't make a steam challenge. about my play - i wasn't super enthused about blocking some lanes but i just don't know how to catch up without scoring points. i decided i was going to need to get lucky so i thought scoring 32 pts and bingoing asap next turn was better than fishing. H7 SIR sims best though by win %, it makes sense. #tacticssmall
H11 (R)EVUE +27 Tactics Small
a bit of a counterintuitive situation here. quackle says i bingo slighlty more next turn if i do ROVED, and it scores 3 more. it sure doesn't seem that way to me. -2.5 #tacticssmall
N10 FID +28 Tactics Small
i did not want to burn the last S with FIDOS. perhaps it just scores too much. i thought i needed to score and then bingo next turn making IFS. the main issue is that FID is too easy to overlap downwards. so FIDO > FID (besides having the better leave). i was playing most of this game on autopilot to protect myself i think; i realized my win % was very low, so i didn't want to spend too much time stressing about it. -2.5 #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.