Samuel Kaplan
Samuel Kaplan
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
LEANERS 579 70
AUDITEE 209 66
EdITION 241 72
(A)SpHERIC 10865 89
(E)NsEMBlE 20065 89
D(E)NARIUS 268 70
(E)STRAGON 257 80
NEUR(O)SAL 334 82
CoNTEND 7425 87
iNANELY 3810 87
TOOTSES 14802 88
BETWeEN 13764 74
(R)ELINING 6146 61
GIAOURS 1809 76
SEAGIRT 283 70
hANdO(U)TS 7582 66
ORIENT(A)L 5 131
ANISEED 205 83
TAUNTEd 2815 64
ORATURE 780 77
DISYOkE 11777 74
TARDIES(T) 932 70
THEORBO 9533 69
RE(O)RIENt 286 78
FIBROUS 13524 82
CELESTA 4045 81
MADRONO 7380 81
SErGEAN(T) 751 80
PRIVAT(E)S 3379 78
(E)YEPOINT 2613 102
(C)OTtAGED 8164 83
(S)OILUREs 4863 74
BOnDAGE 2922 76
TINAMOU(S) 2451 74
(L)ASSOING 9349 70
UN(L)ADING 11400 66
MIsT(Y)PED 18379 82
RHYOL(I)TE 4150 88
SWE(E)TIES 16372 74
NEROLIS 181 81
HEROINS 974 79
DIAMInE 1788 81
QUAgMI(R)E 12360 86
GREYEST 8861 102
BIlLIES 16412 81
SERINGA 271 80
AlNICOS 3340 95
BEAmIER 2861 66
(V)ACCINeS 20313 90
SHO(V)ELER 11392 65
SHEILAS 9586 77
PO(L)ENTAS 1392 78
DELETES 7575 65
(l)ECHAYIm 20156 69
TOLERAN(T) 480 77
BETATR(O)N 1786 61
kURGANS 16658 72
AINSELL 2883 70
INLANd(E)R 923 59
C(O)OkABLE 21762 64
(F)ARINOSE 208 74
EbONITE 485 61
TASSIES 14432 75
HELIPAD 6926 81
LOMENTA 916 74
O(R)ANGIER 318 72
PETUn(I)AS 1079 76
RIVALED 1506 80
(R)HOdIUMS 16643 78
(D)IASPORE 556 92
AEnEOUS 296 70
S(E)XTARII 3167 66
PENTA(G)ON 5076 74
GHOSTED 8533 82
SITUAtE 1336 76
ELEVA(T)OR 820 71
PuRIFI(E)S 13342 78
BARITON(E) 50 83
I(D)OLATER 13 72
STARrED 2816 81
PEASaNT 3627 95
TIsSUES 19402 65
SEI(G)NORS* 0 61
DIRTBAg 6780 67
GNATTIE(R) 709 70
AUNT(L)IKE 2638 78
BARRIOS 6619 68
DARTLES 1147 77
HISTONE 977 82
SPlICED 13302 71
NOISIER 246 83
nIOBIUM 14024 80
nITROSY(L) 4693 83
SCOUTED 6370 70
FISTUlA(E) 2321 83
PENTA(C)LE 7111 78
NAVICER(T) 1714 76
AUD(I)tEES 372 70
T(I)TULARs 5908 68
NEGATON 1309 66
SECRECy 22712 87
SUbORNS 18683 61
TENTAGE 2897 72
CO(N)OIDAL 5829 94
RAtSB(A)NE 2653 60
PROTE(I)DE 838 70
SiMULAt(E) 2324 78
SHIPMAT(E) 10894 104
CR(U)MPLeD 24277 78
DEVOICE 5981 86
RENEWAL 2220 74
SLAcKER 14084 66
ENCaMPS 14855 72
NOVATEs 936 76
NEROLIS 181 72
LAST(B)ORN 4679 74
Pe(R)IANTH 1715 63
EMBI(T)TER 11482 64
CINEOLE 1249 63
SCAMMER 20792 70
S(C)RAIGHS 24829 68
PATI(N)AeD 1206 90
INVERTS 1631 75
SORTA(B)LE 1334 72
AGUEwEE(D) 13439 72
(TO)RSIoNAL 532 62
SATIRES 1398 80
OVERAPT 2748 76
ALIENEE 499 70
SUBIDEA 3014 80
NEG(A)TERs 749 70
SOLVENT 3933 89
BLINDER 3202 70
VISItOr 6285 68
CoTTAG(E)R 5070 90
REA(W)OkEN 5475 70
NARKIER 4455 77
OUTEA(R)NS 102 70
BIGAR(A)dE 4175 72
VARIETA(L) 1220 94
FANT(A)SIE 1208 66
A(N)TIDOTE 136 70
IMPUTER(S) 9151 70
AUD(I)TION 879 72
COLOSSI 19543 81
(C)OINHERE 2603 65
FENiNGA 5509 75
LENTIGO 406 70
EXC(U)SERS 27096 67
NATTERs 1354 73
ALIUNDE 419 71
AGEN(E)SIA 865 60
ELUANTS 1151 68
BIForAT(E) 895 76
(H)ORNIEST 609 86
(D)IGESTOR 694 72
(T)ELNETED 10621 70
AR(T)ERIAL 1092 66
REGINAE 126 69
OSTEOM(A)S 11458 74
GuITARS 2911 82
POS(I)TING 10508 94
DESTiNY 3273 86
ENTERON 1210 85
SIDELON(G) 1634 83
DEARIEs 206 68
GUTSIeR 1748 77
ANGORAS 4232 77
TRa(I)LERS 935 61
And(E)SITE 116 85
LANOLI(n)E 3254 61
ELEgISE 6294 73
RESTAGe 1193 86
RAMILIE 1792 71
CASiNGS 17073 70
PRESENT 4223 77
SE(V)ERELY 20101 80
CAM(P)FIRE 16834 92
S(T)EADIEr 119 82
AUREOLE 294 75
RINGL(E)TS 1172 68
POROSI(T)y 14823 67
EBONITE 485 73
SALUTES 8428 75
(B)ANTERED 1582 76
OVeRBET 6094 78
sANGRIA 3442 73
CANTO(N)AL 12769 78
OUTFIRE 971 68
AMYlOSE 7975 78
(R)AINOUTS 293 68
BONESET 2635 68
FIxATES 7787 63
(D)ARIOLES 97 61
REVISeD 4160 88
PR(E)SCOrE 16399 99
(N)ANOTUBE 3531 83
TA(I)LRACE 1197 74
TEEtHE(R)S 16025 64
HOsANNA 13433 68
WARNERS 6502 87
THoRITE 2597 77
ELOIGNS 1108 67
TAlES(M)EN 3071 77
GREEnIS(H) 4645 83
NE(A)RNESS 9408 66
OUTRIDE 180 72
TETRAG(O)N 912 60
MOUtONS 13597 83
ReQUINS 6153 79
SLUMBER 16273 95
PE(T)IOLAR 218 64
POSTERN 2089 92
PIASTER 718 81
CAStERS 9743 82
HIGGLES 19226 95
OV(E)RMANS 4079 64
OUTgNAW 7828 79
TRISEME 2296 81
(A)DULATEd 10959 77
(R)UINABLE 1000 70
RaLLINE 1386 70
tUYERES 6779 76
DELIcA(C)Y 23146 65
ULCERED 9600 65
SNA(R)KIER 5782 74
MUTTONS 15851 99
MOLDERS 6388 76
ARRA(Y)ING 14173 64
CLAUSES 15886 77
rAPTN(E)SS 8778 68
TENDONs 3491 69
UN(W)ArPED 9056 76
MIlIEUS 9010 64
GO(R)ILLAS 9346 68
CORTInA 744 75
GUANASE 3990 83
IDEATED 2058 72
COAPTED 5010 90
AEcIDIA 4012 63
OUTGIVE 3000 79
OSIERED 300 74
WHORLeD 11253 81
DUSKInG 18944 114
UNITARD 1013 66
SOLOING 7879 71
FIREdOG(S) 4369 72
ROSETTE 2494 70
OUTFEE(L)s 6171 71
LI(T)ERATI 1098 70
OVER(C)OAT 5242 64
RADIANT(S) 1659 76
POOREST 5242 77
EyEFOLD 12159 82
ENSNARE 1879 66
SAUTEEd 1373 73
bYRNIES 7106 85
INSWEPT 7173 85
SNE(A)KIER 1760 76
DIAbOLO 7215 66
ENDOsT(E)A 168 70
SuLPHID 20177 78
ANAE(R)OBE 949 64
ELOIN(E)RS 176 66
(S)TEEPENS 19887 64
FArA(D)AYS 26213 66
MEsONIC 5102 81
MI(S)TUNED 4547 62
WhEL(K)IER 20437 176
PIGLEtS 7570 70
W(E)ENIEST 4764 67
TURmOIL 5886 69
sCRAWLY 21057 86
REEN(L)IST 389 82
(M)INORITY 10007 65
ASOCIAL 6158 86
TEleRAN 213 70
DEPOSAL 3746 67
STRaNDS 10754 66
INFOUGH(T) 15422 90
FI(L)LETER 10072 63
CHANTEd 6992 112
LIPiDES 9009 69
LAETRI(L)E 1319 62
REDOING 403 79
OU(T)LIERS 346 59
DONATES 152 79
(I)NCUBaTE 3278 92
GREENL(E)T 5176 60
(F)ALTERER 6386 65
bUTENES 6719 71
WI(R)ELiNE 3496 70
ESERINE 1270 73
NEREIDS 593 84
vARIAN(C)E 3810 70
BIOPSI(E)D 10663 76
AUTuMN(A)L 22341 67
GIvEAW(A)Y 17632 82
LEPROSE 4821 82
SPADING 9695 77
BOTCHES 15782 86
VaTFULs 18212 79
GRADA(T)ES 2972 76
DE(s)IGNED 10552 76
SAUT(E)RNE 379 60
OPERATE 482 76
vOLUT(I)ON 9306 68
MINERaL 674 93
TRASHE(R)S 17184 72
MISlAID 11503 78
bORATES 875 73
INFIELD 6060 68
D(E)TRAINS 66 74
AGAMOUS 14445 78
G(R)ImACER 12516 70
SAPONI(T)E 228 80
H(Y)OIDEaN 2050 82
IGnO(R)AMI 4303 70
MORD(E)NTs 2955 66
GOODIES 3027 72
FOILAB(L)E 11466 68
FOILAB(L)E 11466 68
mEALIES 2125 67
WANTO(N)Er 1789 80
HACK(L)INg 25810 114
p(O)s(T)NATAL 12437 64
OEDEmAS 2608 77
(S)TRoBILS 16329 86
lEUCITE(S) 5339 80
TERAT(O)ID 139 68
EQUALIZ(e) 15999 128
RUBIOUS 16136 79
RANCHE(R)S 13987 203
fATIGUE 2547 74
EPIGE(N)Ic 13456 72
AEROSOL 1027 75
COTTIER 2593 91
RED(O)UBLE 6152 78
SA(U)TEING 476 74
Ov(E)RLOAD 3927 82
VERBO(T)En 5007 63
QUA(N)TIZe 11055 102
A(I)LERONS 20 66
LASsOER 3575 73
M(O)USIEsT 9742 72
MA(R)ITIME 11550 65
RATOONS 1707 66
ISATINE 144 63
PLATING(S) 8751 76
EpIGE(N)IC 13448 74
AIRwAYS 13131 88
IDOCR(A)SE 537 63
(L)oCATIVE 2042 78
TAUrINE 30 70
(K)ARTINgS 9568 77
DU(R)ATION 291 60
(I)NGRATED* 0 70
ROPELIN(E)* 0 75
(E)vALUaTE(D) 5930 79
(B)ANNERoL 3528 80
ENCaE(N)IA 4279 72
RANKLES 6125 88
LOBuLOS(E) 21908 77
ESCARG(O)t 2235 74
TAPIOCA 7885 99
AD(E)NOSES 3438 72
OO(G)ONIuM 21818 70
BANKITS 13312 101
sWEATER 2238 79
OVERSI(D)E 1935 84
FATSOES 7624 78
VEI(N)UlES 5364 70
(U)NIONIZE 10755 84
D(E)VIATES 1543 77
(P)ASTImES 14291 72
INFLA(M)Ed 5693 82
AERAT(I)ON 10 62
VERTEX(E)S 20835 75
(N)OSEBAND 6027 65
RETAILe(D) 113 77
lA(D)RONES 323 66
COGnIS(E)D 4368 69
RESTYLE 6775 67
(H)EREINTO 302 72
ABDoMEN 4988 89
tRIE(N)NIA 446 68
FIREdOG(S) 4369 72
MISDATE 1518 97
AcARINE 820 71
PETUNIA(S) 1079 78
DIE(H)ARDS 8611 82
ROOMiES 2796 74
ELEgAN(C)E 9923 140
INVESTS 9811 96
SCALARE 6026 64
INTERNE 1020 80
SITUATE 1336 65
T(A)ILORED 14 70
REEKING 6211 80
O(B)SIDIAN 4999 72
(N)oVERCAL 4029 74
mONERAN 2581 69
ITE(M)iZER 11777 90
FOL(I)ATeD 542 61
UNVOCAl 13468 80
(D)ESOLATE 496 60
MAnWISE 4403 88
hOO(V)ERED 13225 149
AGRAFES 8179 83
METRICS 7121 94
PROCEED 9033 68
qUIETEN 4546 69
ARGEN(T)UM 3713 72
TREAD(I)NG 150 66
rAPINES 703 75
IN(T)ERLAY 433 82
ARTSIER 554 70
EcHIDN(A)E 4254 72
dETAINE(E) 295 61
EVIL(L)ESt 13781 90
SATURAN(t) 10004 66
(I)RONICAL 2748 74
SWEATED 4085 72
IMPROVS 17794 83
ENcOMIA 1296 72
LORGNON 15034 70
ACT(I)NIDe 1234 68
(C)ONDUITS 7594 63
GANGST(A)S 27151 66
UTILI(S)ED 3681 61
STAL(K)IEr 2640 149
mONERAN 2581 69
ITE(M)iZER 11777 90
PERUSED 9630 96
EDUCING 7522 95
(O)XIDANTs 5064 80
DEFIERS 4133 110
GAPLESS 17537 71
(M)ARTINET 1506 72
hYSTE(R)IC 14742 78
MaRV(E)LED 10406 66
H(E)LENIUM 10483 78
BARBIES 11686 74
EUGENIA 457 72
UNITaRY 2717 74
(H)ONOrEES 4978 80
DiVALE(N)T 1025 65
LIMAC(I)NE 6303 74
TRAI(N)mAN 8222 122
(R)EFRONTS 6123 74
(B)LUESIER 5332 64
SAINTLY 4968 82
DEBASER(S) 13660 86
LAUGHE(R)S 9514 66
FINABLE 4286 70
BASIFIE(S) 18399 92
D(A)RTLiNG 2222 74
HEADMEN 8293 84
d(O)LOMITE 3942 68
TIDE(L)ESS 8201 72
(U)RINATOR 965 66
SPOUsED 16712 81
BODICES 7988 82
WINGeRS 4766 90
NOISiER 246 88
TuITION 5928 65
sTEELIE 2628 79
(E)LASTASE 8804 70
EXORDIA 1086 86
ALlEGOR(Y) 12003 63
OPHITES 5139 91
RETAILS 118 76
GLORIES 1112 68
UNE(A)RNED 2686 62
STEEPIN(G) 4659 86
UNITAG(E)S 477 74
ROUTI(N)ES 105 66
A(R)MIGERO 2757 76
OUTJINx 17844 83
(B)RIGANDS 8722 89
(R)IgATONI 684 59
(S)ENSATEd 5102 74
GUE(R)DONS 3210 64
BURGOOs 18065 96
HA(N)DIEST 1022 74
SANICLE 1481 70
LEUKoS(I)S 17836 82
N(O)DULoUS 22543 70
ThEINES 2283 88
REASONS 1818 78
rEANNEX 8403 81
AERA(T)ORS 1499 60
GOLDEST 4253 72
DILUTES 2389 77
NEEDLES 7574 68
WHIPPED 23707 89
PA(V)IOURs 9219 74
HARRIES 3804 75
BLUe(F)INS 12649 65
ISOT(H)ERE 842 63
PLEAD(I)NG 3640 78
IODIDES 6638 90
AEROST(A)T 1500 70
DEVALU(E)S 8447 66
(L)EUKOmAS 14674 65
EPISOME 5975 74
B(E)ACONeD 4796 74
TEDiOUS 519 76
OVeR(B)OIL 8284 74
TUSKERs 19004 73
DISTANT 4581 73
PENTAN(E)S 6404 61
OVEr(L)OVE 22033 76
ANAtASE 4191 60
OUTS(P)EED 6167 62
LEEChES 18816 80
R(A)MiFIED 6310 65
REPaVED 8300 70
ALIqUAN(T) 11303 74
RATTENS 1355 77
GENTLES(T) 10299 72
UNRoLLS 14731 76
RESI(D)UES 8204 70
GASEOUS 8160 70
INDEXES 7315 96
H(O)LUBtsI 16629 82
AAS(V)OGEL 7769 63
OWLIESt 2044 73
ZLOTIES 4275 77
(O)STEITIs 9636 83
RE(I)MAGES 2352 63
PEOPL(I)Ng 18382 78
ABRID(G)ES 3620 86
SECoNDS 13918 79
SARSNET 3006 80
BOU(N)TIES 1414 64
TeLOMIC 5095 84
FA(I)RNESS 5445 88
UR(E)tERAL 2700 66
DISTIlL 17081 70
RESHINE 2282 79
NAIVEST 710 75
(D)ECeNNIA 3686 72
DISObEY 7993 72
CORNEAS 888 76
(M)ELoDIES 3662 80
HASTIER 671 79
GRAD(A)TES 2971 63
SATINET 553 86
SOlAR(I)ZE 1673 78
MARGINS 6834 79
LINSEeD 1377 81
(A)DAPTErS 4916 83
(A)NNALIST 6605 70
EVERT(I)NG 2466 62
HALO(G)ENS 4360 76
(U)NEROTIC 605 83
(C)URTAINS 3903 85
OVER(W)IDE 4836 66
NONELi(T)E 736 59
(O)PERANTS 595 83
BIDAR(K)EE 7773 66
SINTeRS 3011 78
C(A)THODEs 6717 92
TELEC(I)NE 4748 72
FEARING 1216 89
RATTeNS 1355 79
NIDATIO(n) 2474 68
UNR(O)OTED 1513 63
ALLURES 8423 75
(B)LOODiER 3933 72
ENCOmIA 1296 74
(T)OASTIER 146 68
DI(E)tHERS 3123 73
rESIDUE 1380 62
TRIREME 4919 83
UPRA(I)SER 5175 72
RESTATE 1890 74
AGENIzE 3595 61
NITRILS 4463 77
T(A)ILGAtE 3668 70
CORtEGE 3991 67
nIOBATE 71 77
TINDE(R)ER* 0 86
DEB(A)TORS* 0 62
TASTIER 563 82
TOKENIs(M) 7697 96
dUALISE 1116 70
ICIClED 20111 75
PERILUN(E) 3145 64
LEGeNDS 7205 80
ETALONS 161 77
REQUIEM 12045 103
ENCODES 4788 81
(A)NTIWEAr 509 92
POR(t)RAIT 9637 86
TU(B)EROSE 3731 61
STRIATE 562 83
SExTARI(I) 3167 61
REIFIEs 4578 82
LISTEN(E)R 388 66
ANTI(N)ODE 133 63
GUNITES 1746 66
FL(A)NERIE 655 64
DEBAtER 2158 66
OUTVIEd 2025 83
TRIOxI(D)E 3797 67
PROFITS 10425 81
MINGIER 5280 77
SNAILIN(G) 12061 80
DOUBTER 3836 71
SENHORa 912 71
ANtIWEA(R) 509 83
AV(O)uCHER 11904 80
UNWETT(E)d 13375 64
S(E)PALOID 1284 72
IG(N)OMINY 23217 84
RENAI(L)ED 107 60
VENTIn(G)S* 0 158
(M)ELANOID 545 86
SEARING 270 72
ALBINOS 3331 74
ENABLER 2161 68
AUTOLO(A)D 8121 63
PINIEST 3659 86
LEFTISH 10160 81
ARmOIRE 1209 65
SPAVIeT 4419 74
POL(Y)ENIC 11971 68
(C)AUDATES 7918 74
ABOIT(E)AU 699 74
nOISIER 246 66
DELUGES 10216 89
fATUOUS 16114 66
PALT(E)ReD 3047 60
PROTE(I)DE 838 76
TELOGEN 1349 68
PLUNKER 16943 89
(B)EARpAWS 18906 86
APPA(R)eNT 15457 69
GEOC(A)cHE 23913 78
lEVOGY(R)E 14053 68
R(E)ASONER 734 73
OBElIzE 9560 85
BANDIES 1450 80
TACKIER 4869 85
ROsAcEA 2354 67
COOMBEs 19313 80
GLO(B)ATED 4339 64
PRONATE 352 74
(T)HIMBlES 18349 68
RET(I)EING 891 74
FRIEzES 12024 76
BIOcIDE 8571 67
LITTERS 2852 82
STYMiED 10158 80
RALLiED 2880 70
COBNuTS 16515 95
FAc(E)TING 4872 63
COL(U)BRID 16637 67
DU(N)GAREE 1723 74
RACIEST 639 90
LiNGERS 1736 65
TRE(A)SURY 8365 76
IONISE(R)S 3174 62
FENNIEr 4912 72
(E)PiDEmIC 20044 86
JARGONS 11570 92
GRA(V)ELED 7500 63
WESTING 4771 84
TOU(G)HIES 4384 64
OBSERVE(S) 20152 65
PROBITS 10406 102
CONIDIA(N) 8991 86
PE(R)SONAE 823 64
SEMIT(O)NE 849 96
PRAYeRS 14392 78
AIRF(L)OWS 9207 106
rICOTTA 4197 72
MORULAS 8811 74
OVERS(E)WN 8043 68
RESIDES 6330 81
S(O)RPTIVE 4172 88
(A)RtIFICE 3817 74
AB(L)ATION 2727 64
TOOTSI(E)S 10770 67
TONEMES 2657 78
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ORIENT(A)L 5 131
WhEL(K)IER 20437 176
RANCHE(R)S 13987 203
ELEgAN(C)E 9923 140
hOO(V)ERED 13225 149
STAL(K)IEr 2640 149
TRAI(N)mAN 8222 122
VENTIn(G)S* 0 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(TO)RSIoNAL 532 62
p(O)s(T)NATAL 12437 64
(E)vALUaTE(D) 5930 79
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BER(G)H* 0 38
(C)ULP* 0 16
SEI(G)NORS* 0 61
NILLY* 0 39
GLOC(K)* 0 36
WE(I)NIE* 0 20
KNARRS* 0 24
DUL(C)I* 0 16
(I)NGRATED* 0 70
ROPELIN(E)* 0 75
PODGE(S)* 0 36
KAMI(S)* 0 36
TINDE(R)ER* 0 86
DEB(A)TORS* 0 62
DI(C)TI* 0 31
(OVATE)D* 0 10
VENTIn(G)S* 0 158
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
fEARING 1216 80
sCENTIN(G) 10722 80
THIRtIE(S) 8945 67
REjEC(TI)NG 10096 62
D(E)STINEd 5116 65
ALIENEE 499 62
SLANTIE(R) 76 77
(C)RISPIlY 26169 95
GEODe(T)IC 2873 62
(C)URATING 5505 65
RAiLERS 1335 74
OLESTRA 163 78
TOXIFi(E)D* 0 76
HIPLINE 10746 91
ANgORAS 4227 75
WA(N)tONED 3550 74
(I)GUANIDS 7636 83
ARRIVAL 12378 67
TOILWO(R)N 6001 72
RANTINg 3763 66
ORANGES 391 73
(D)OURNESS 8084 72
R(A)NCHERS 13987 64
fREESIA 1051 65
BILLeRS 12935 73
NARcIST 2706 82
OU(T)sIZED 5763 70
PAYOLAS 16777 87
R(A)NCHERO 7828 73
IGNITeR 1070 69
LOOTERS 2141 71
UNMAkES 14098 69
LIOnISE 739 82
NOST(R)ILS 7372 70
UNbEATE(N) 6349 66
INTEND(E)R 1295 62
AcREAGE(S) 8061 60
NITrIDE 502 66
OUTlAID 1174 68
OVER(D)ONE 4976 74
DENIALS 417 74
DEV(I)ATES 1543 72
R(E)INCItE 1782 77
UNR(I)NsED 3982 82
TEDIOUs 519 83
RETYING 2622 89
PATHO(S)ES 15351 64
WARIsON 1669 78
qUADR(A)TE 8679 70
ACQuIRE 7787 89
DEXTRA(N)S 5046 70
(C)hOWDERS 19382 76
RaDIANS 2373 69
WAsPLI(K)E 19334 67
(I)NFLATEd 1019 70
MIAOUED 857 97
COURtER 7423 68
BUDLIKE 16860 72
BASEMeN 8257 77
DESALTE(D) 8193 62
CUrIOSO* 0 62
LATCHED 9983 76
ENTASEs 3953 73
PeNISES 11157 73
IMPLIES 13826 84
DRA(B)BInG 22894 76
(D)iPLESIA* 0 65
ALINERS 106 72
SAVoRED 1959 98
bONESET 2636 78
GERANI(O)L 61 63
TOPLESS 13967 80
TURkOIS 9228 72
AnNAtTO 9858 63
AUNTIES 124 69
GRATERs 4437 74
OUTSeLL 9115 60
ANORaKS 9816 92
TRENDIL(Y) 2387 89
MAR(I)TIME 11544 62
NEURULA(E) 5107 77
L(E)CtURES 8554 68
TROUPER 7462 67
GE(R)ANIAL 628 83
LEERIES(T) 1889 77
INSURED 1158 79
DISmAST(S) 27960 77
AMRITAs 5471 71
OUTLAIN 467 66
(D)OWNIEsT 1443 66
NOTTUR(N)I 8093 61
sPRIGHT 17388 96
MEDIANT 646 75
TIERING 1071 71
RADIOED 817 79
VASTIES(T) 13422 74
ANTIWAr 3045 65
BRI(T)TLER 13114 64
DOUSInG 6098 88
sCOTTIE 4635 72
cLO(W)NERY 15842 86
(F)lOATING 3843 86
CODEINs 1987 85
CASEATE 4560 77
STOMPED 11245 75
(I)NVALIDS 10569 89
NERDIE(S)T 381 80
LONGaNS 10203 68
OBVIa(T)OR 7702 89
STR(O)LLeR 12571 58
OUTRACE(D) 1347 74
FURANEs 3153 79
(A)PTITUDE 5159 76
SMITTEN 6550 76
FLATWi(S)E 5729 80
SIDEMAN 1511 76
DENIERS 592 71
DE(C)ANtER 1587 70
SNARLi(N)G 8104 70
SCeNERY 11469 80
DEFUNdS 18496 89
AZOTISE 1093 92
AIRIEST 145 66
UNWIREd* 0 80
ENDURES 2914 70
CArBIDE 4278 80
UNWA(S)TEd 4502 74
SYNTyP(E)S 29962 63
HAR(D)ENED 10035 78
ReTWIsT 6576 70
LAITIES 498 71
GAZETtE 13423 88
DENTINS 2842 82
RETINUL(A) 79 77
AER(O)LITE 11 59
NEWBOrN 12142 78
LOADERS 506 82
IGNITES 2155 74
CETANEs 2180 71
UNTWiNE 6569 70
OERSTED 846 92
RETInaE 9 82
TOPLESS 13987 75
PER(TI)NENt 7483 64
AVoCETS 5035 83
TEA(Z)ELeD 11705 88
OESTRI(O)L 624 82
TRAIKED 1751 85
ISLAN(D)ER 264 77
IN(T)EGERS 754 86
LEAFw(O)RM 11910 63
CREaTI(N)E 238 82
HUmANER 7044 72
BADInAG(E) 4174 76
SATINET 553 67
VIOLONe 2792 76
ABrADED 13608 72
(C)LEANoUT 1349 60
INTRUDE 447 77
MEASLED 6593 72
KAOLINE 1088 82
(N)OTATIOn 6535 59
NOTATED 771 76
SHOTTED 10528 86
WHINGER(S) 11440 88
(R)e(L)OADING 79 72
UNCrATE 1590 66
SYENItE 2308 65
PUDDI(N)GY 28207 88
(D)IUREtIC 4935 62
SPIRAEA 1784 89
SOAKInG 8449 94
GENTIAN 1126 75
SA(L)IENCE 1526 81
QuARTI(E)R 5784 82
SE(Q)UOIAs 10587 86
WAg(G)IEST* 0 80
PLEBEAN(S)* 0 95
oESTRON(E) 882 74
EMIGRES 5765 72
GOnIDIA 2320 71
R(E)LISTED 963 79
BORACI(T)E 894 66
WHE(L)KIER 20437 74
INSTARS 4849 74
WARIEST 728 75
TARRIES 555 65
GEsTURE 4556 70
BROAD(E)ST 1326 82
PUNKIER 11037 73
(U)NSALTEd 1699 66
ENtOMBS 8093 74
BOLSHIE 7996 82
M(O)NEYERS 8043 78
UNHIRED 3250 67
SATINET(S) 5017 77
REtOOLE(D) 1994 62
OVERSEW(S) 20153 95
(O)bEDIENT 827 77
(E)NROLLER 10514 62
NONGAYS 14779 81
DOVE(C)OtE 13221 67
TULLIB(E)E 13736 74
s(Y)NAGOGS 28108 74
RE(A)GENTs 750 68
REALISE 210 66
ARBITER 2093 75
EELIEST 2627 68
UNWAllE(D) 15922 83
LEaTHER(N) 1600 83
AdIOSES 1749 75
BANDIEs 1450 81
INTREAT 197 82
RELO(C)ATE 805 64
STRIGIl 8951 77
F(A)ULTIER 1049 65
REOIL(I)nG 776 59
SALIENT 112 73
ACaROID 3696 76
ERRATIC 2104 74
ETIO(L)OGy 5544 68
IN(C)UDATE 1009 62
EVIDENT 2273 69
UNSEALS 8426 70
TRIBADE 616 70
MATINGS 6836 86
FLAMIE(s)T 5723 72
COWPATS 17755 76
SNAILED 418 88
FICTION 11055 66
ORATUR(E)S 1152 70
EM(I)NENCe 17735 74
SOOTILy 10354 83
B(E)STEADS 13662 74
DIORAmA 3697 70
WYVERNS 17706 93
LoESSIA* 0 67
MARTeNS 1602 85
METH(A)NoL 4065 65
SAPIENT 706 79
EMITTEd 7722 75
EXTRUD(E)D 21470 84
SIGNORA 837 73
FILT(E)RED 3118 83
STImULI 14725 69
OVERAGe 2063 75
SOLATI(O)N 1120 70
REBUILD 5633 76
ZESTiNG 8231 96
AIRLINE 142 72
TONe(A)RMs 593 66
CERISES 11137 94
EgOLESS 12303 79
(I)VORIEsT 1696 83
SEABOOT(s) 11456 72
(T)AENITES 525 71
(R)EIFIErS 10322 90
NEoCONS 12122 70
GELATIS 765 65
(a)NTIMERE 242 72
LATEENE(R) 857 62
TIDIEsT 5798 73
(D)EBACLES 14073 98
ALATION(S) 877 77
TAILInG 3453 68
STOURIE 191 65
sTOURIE 191 74
TAILInG 3453 68
STOURIE 191 65
sTOURIE 191 74
BEPAINT 2396 78
ENRO(B)ERS 7444 70
FLAMING 14669 84
cRUISED 5650 77
ARMLOA(D)S 11531 76
BOOTEES 6160 65
ADOpTER 902 63
WITcHER(Y) 20229 98
APERIES 1064 71
SNOUTED 1323 81
(D)EADLINe 2759 80
SHINIER 3651 74
NOUGATs 3677 67
KILLeRS 16641 101
OUTLOVE 8086 88
SUCKLES 23703 101
RETIREs 1908 62
DUSTIER 1160 73
gERUNDS 5990 82
PRODDeR 17472 76
BARKERS 17676 83
C(A)RBiDEs 5620 78
SPOUTED 6398 77
SANGrIA 3444 81
RIFlEME(N) 7193 82
RIG(A)UDON 1258 63
LIATRIS 2383 74
SALUTER 1154 77
GRISTER 4450 89
NATURES 442 84
BLOOD(I)ES 6669 80
IMARETS 697 82
NOCEBOS 12605 71
U(N)MAILED 2306 158
E(C)HINATE 2174 76
FATTIES 3803 79
AIRTHED 644 76
STERILE 611 80
LEAVIEs(T) 1560 64
NAILsET 111 76
EASTERN 215 73
DIALERS 422 79
EXCrETE 17085 73
RELINED 589 73
MANTLES 3165 78
RUlIEST 1166 75
BiSTORT 9679 84
LAT(E)ENER 857 68
HAIMISh 23191 77
INCUDES 5641 67
ENSURED 2917 70
BEERnUT 4209 70
SkYDIVE 20278 78
(R)EENLIST 389 74
(R)OTARIES 145 62
dOSAGES 8157 79
ARTISAN 1170 88
DWA(R)FISM 20789 70
ANTIsMO(G) 3853 83
OVERSEW(S) 20153 95
(O)bEDIENT 827 77
(E)NROLLER 10514 62
WASTERs 9785 78
SHELTIE 4171 76
R(A)ILINGS 4701 60
READIED 2057 72
STEARI(N)S 970 68
(F)ROsTInG 6552 83
GI(V)EABLE 8969 67
sTARRIN(G) 5042 77
WhIMSEY 20682 81
PLANTE(R)s 2379 68
DEFAMeR 8290 83
GENE(R)ICS 4634 69
SILENTl(Y) 12265 83
ELUTION 184 72
OUTCRI(E)D 1419 72
(V)OLUTION 9306 86
SLATTED 5178 77
YAKI(T)oRI 10742 96
TELLURI(C) 12246 64
NO(T)ICING 15229 67
STRET(C)hY 24892 98
SLAVERY 10071 77
DEM(O)tING 2260 61
DIARIST 2380 64
DERATIo(N) 2 62
DAUBERS 5572 71
RAiSINS 8228 76
FrONTAL 3411 69
RETINI(T)E 1642 66
BREA(T)HES 7092 84
CoLOC(A)TE 17607 78
LEADENL(Y) 13694 92
WAISTED 1529 91
ELUATEs 1374 64
PE(N)TANES 6402 72
MODESTE(R) 3758 76
(N)aRROWED 3551 86
DILUeNT 1156 72
BANGERS 4693 103
OUTCRI(E)D 1419 72
(V)OLUTION 9306 86
ANEMIAS 1781 77
SLEAVIN(G) 3655 98
OVa(T)IONs 3459 70
BIOCI(D)Es 10661 63
OSSETRA 1821 70
REAVAIL(s) 2555 64
nOTABLY 10346 72
SwEATIE(R) 676 74
EMULATO(R) 1389 72
RO(T)IFORm 19494 80
BONNIER 2588 68
SALTERY 3186 72
SOARING 838 75
SHElVED 17158 80
SAL(I)ENTS 2205 68
IN(S)NARES 5011 70
FOLDING(S)* 0 95
RESOLED 1811 69
(C)HEROOTs 11821 89
(L)EADIEST 371 70
RESIGNE(R) 4222 68
vISITER(S) 13037 74
RILIEvI 11176 64
KI(E)LBASA 14225 67
(O)VERSPIN 4169 76
SCANNED 9378 78
(D)OVELiKE 12169 98
REPUR(PO)Se 23301 76
t(E)AHOUSE 1911 61
(Y)IELDERs 5354 89
NU(M)EROUs 13543 60
GRADUaL 11974 73
PORCINE 2760 73
AUgITES 768 65
FUrNACE 6997 80
(A)URICLED 2300 74
(S)EXTAINS 9557 98
EVENTEr 6093 73
COLLAGE(r)* 0 83
INDORSE 169 74
ACTIONS 1646 75
AURAtED 1276 80
VIOlATE(D) 550 83
EM(A)NATES 3476 83
GoATHE(R)D 2236 92
ELUTIOn 184 74
PARTIED 656 77
DEsTAIN 91 82
PRE(A)RMeD 15137 84
DIESELS 9227 90
REPLIES 4181 90
SUBREN(T)S 16279 70
BEADMAN 10676 80
AUTO(G)ENy 2252 68
EMOTInG 1427 90
MALINES 1542 77
IN(C)ITERS 2671 61
tAENIAE 67 62
OSTIArY 1673 70
GEMINAL 2551 75
ALdOSES 5988 71
mAFIOSO 11820 65
UN(s)UBTLE 19605 72
STA(R)TING 5043 63
EN(T)ITIES 3191 62
(E)NTITlED 2705 82
Y(E)aRENDS 3056 72
AROUSeR 1696 69
TENSION 791 66
INOSINE 2129 66
EULOGIE(S) 2065 61
ROUTEIN(G) 261 68
SENTIMO 994 86
(R)EELABLE 16355 68
COOLEsT 8051 69
SPIRANT 2715 75
(T)HUNDErS 7558 89
INTITLE 3400 73
NITRATE 200 73
OUTRANK(S) 8259 89
FRUIT(I)Er 8944 86
CORDoNE(D) 15301 89
(F)ASTEnER 1597 83
INVASI(V)e 15298 67
GOUTIES(T) 3895 80
APHELI(O)N 2055 80
RERAISE 863 81
SEROSAE 2506 68
VEInIER 2520 67
MI(S)TAKEn 6652 76
THONGED 5513 70
TERCETS 10888 70
INSHORE 975 71
SiNUATE 125 74
RALLIER 6189 61
TRIPLeS 3302 67
TALKIEs(T) 8977 98
FROTHIE(R) 7854 104
IBOG(A)INE 1130 76
ROUTEIN(G) 261 60
uNTAMED 3122 84
ST(O)DGIER 696 66
DEFEaTS 4047 72
(E)LEcTION 831 71
INDITER 501 76
TRA(V)OISE 231 76
GEOdETI(C) 2873 80
MERGERS 15753 76
SABOTEU(r) 1336 72
INFIeLD(S) 7928 86
VAGINAs 10463 81
DEBONAI(R) 178 63
ANApESt 3626 67
TORULAS 2483 69
SIF(T)ABLE* 0 71
qUIVERS 14199 81
cEMENTA 5332 72
REIN(c)ITE 1782 61
AURICLe 1487 83
sALVOED 3745 72
InVOKER 5704 75
IDYLISt 14701 72
IN(P)UTTER 5288 72
BYrNIES 7115 82
UNlOOSE 3976 75
(E)MIGRATE 1086 71
TRANNiE 193 68
ANTIgEN 1125 72
ETOILES 302 65
stIPEND 3270 66
SENARII 143 69
LI(N)SEEDs 8202 60
SCENTEd 6732 83
UNHEARD 3100 82
MUD(D)IERS* 0 70
FIRmEST 7151 90
lAYAB(O)UT 17215 72
INULASE 430 70
(H)OUSINGS 21657 89
OuTRANK 6300 63
ALIBIED 3526 69
ABLUtIO(N) 2414 80
(P)ATRONED* 0 86
RElAXIN 1761 80
GOIT(E)RED 350 72
(F)LAWLESs 28214 84
(E)VOLUtES 6175 70
AIrHEAD(S) 2546 74
MATUREs 3192 74
FIRKINs 19092 85
FILIATE 1790 89
STRI(K)ING 17597 64
CLONERS 3856 82
SONnETS 10291 73
ENdInGS 6897 62
SLATTEd 5183 71
sEJEAN(T)S* 0 80
URNLIKE 6152 81
NATURES 442 73
ROUTInE 52 71
EMIGRE(E)S* 0 63
(D)RIVELER 9617 89
sTuDIED 8448 62
HERNIAS 667 87
ARENOUS 165 88
PLEATE(R)S 3079 78
MESSING 15089 82
CIbOULE 7981 85
CAD(A)STER 4903 74
DIS(C)RETE 3101 76
PENTAR(C)H 11070 80
FLINdER(s) 4539 63
V(E)NETIAN 1969 63
TAWNIES 713 84
(U)nEDIBLE 5328 74
PLINTHS 15600 77
AVOIDER 320 68
DOUSING 6098 71
UNITEd(L)Y 4548 70
SHuTING 13100 91
B(H)ISTIEs 21598 82
AGROUNd 3673 65
PROvENL(Y) 15855 86
CURATi(O)N 1111 73
FOvEOLA 9331 67
SEIGnEU(R) 1749 70
(A)UREOLAE 680 70
NOSTRiL 1205 67
PEnSION 4647 80
OUTLIER 189 65
CAStLED 5576 78
(A)NTIPODE 204 92
VI(O)LATED 550 74
READIEs 207 64
GALL(I)OTS 9344 61
bETAINE 369 84
REFRIeD 7710 105
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
U(N)MAILED 2306 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
REjEC(TI)NG 10096 62
PER(TI)NENt 7483 64
(R)e(L)OADING 79 72
REPUR(PO)Se 23301 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
TOXIFi(E)D* 0 76
(C)RINGY* 0 24
CUrIOSO* 0 62
CLEWE(S)* 0 33
(D)iPLESIA* 0 65
MOLTI* 0 25
WINKY* 0 32
DIER* 0 65
UNWIREd* 0 80
H(E)MAN* 0 30
WAg(G)IEST* 0 80
PLEBEAN(S)* 0 95
OT* 0 40
(K)NARR* 0 11
LoESSIA* 0 67
GYP(E)D* 0 36
(F)ANGLE* 0 20
FOLDING(S)* 0 95
COLLAGE(r)* 0 83
TIVVY* 0 36
SIF(T)ABLE* 0 71
MUD(D)IERS* 0 70
CEROES* 0 34
(P)ATRONED* 0 86
TOFFE* 0 24
sEJEAN(T)S* 0 80
EMIGRE(E)S* 0 63
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Games that end in ties.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 342
Invalid Games 0.01 4
Incomplete 0.01 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.43 9039
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.64 219.5
Score 430.72 147306
Score per Turn 32.5107
Turns 13.25 4531
Vertical Plays 5.81 1986
Horizontal Plays 6.32 2163
One Tile Plays 0.52 177
Other Plays 0.60 205
Firsts 0.56 191
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.9832
Exchanges 0.38 130
High Game 712
Low Game 275
Highest Scoring Turn 203
Bingos Played 2.06 705
Sevens 1.00 341
Eights 1.06 361
Nines 0.01 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6093.06
Sevens 5644.45
Eights 6522.24
Nines 6299.67
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.87 17056
A 4.55 1557
B 0.95 325
C 0.98 335
D 1.99 679
E 6.04 2064
F 1.05 358
G 1.48 506
H 1.04 354
I 4.48 1531
J 0.54 185
K 0.54 186
L 1.83 625
M 0.95 326
N 2.94 1004
O 4.10 1403
P 1.10 376
Q 0.46 159
R 3.06 1045
S 2.08 713
T 2.92 998
U 1.85 634
V 0.97 333
W 0.99 337
X 0.55 188
Y 0.99 337
Z 0.44 151
? 1.01 347
Power Tiles Played 5.10 1743
? 1.01 347
J 0.54 185
Q 0.46 159
X 0.55 188
Z 0.44 151
S 2.08 713
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 30
? 0.01 4
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 5
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 2
S 0.05 18
Turns With a Blank 1.98 678
Triple Triples Played 0.02 8
Bingoless Games 0.04 15
Bonus Square Coverage 16.32 5580
Double Letter 5.05 1728
Triple Letter 5.91 2021
Double Word 3.07 1050
Triple Word 2.28 781
Phony Plays 0.09 31
Unchallenged 0.05 18
Challenged Off 0.04 13
Challenges 0.11 38
You Won 0.07 23
Opponent Lost 0.01 2
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.04 13
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1333
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5806
Comments 20.31 6946
Comments Word Length 421.14 144029
Mistakeless Turns 12.47 4264
Mistakes per Turn 0.0594
Mistakes 0.79 269
Knowledge 0.05 16
Finding 0.31 106
Vision 0.23 80
Tactics 0.01 5
Strategy 0.12 41
Endgame 0.06 21
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5056 (0.4755, 0.5219)
B 0.4750 (0.4495, 0.5479)
C 0.4900 (0.4495, 0.5479)
D 0.4975 (0.4639, 0.5335)
E 0.5033 (0.4786, 0.5188)
F 0.5250 (0.4495, 0.5479)
G 0.4933 (0.4585, 0.5389)
H 0.5200 (0.4495, 0.5479)
I 0.4978 (0.4755, 0.5219)
J 0.5400 (0.4291, 0.5683)
K 0.5400 (0.4291, 0.5683)
L 0.4575 (0.4639, 0.5335)
M 0.4750 (0.4495, 0.5479)
N 0.4900 (0.4703, 0.5271)
O 0.5125 (0.4741, 0.5233)
P 0.5500 (0.4495, 0.5479)
Q 0.4600 (0.4291, 0.5683)
R 0.5100 (0.4703, 0.5271)
S 0.5200 (0.4639, 0.5335)
T 0.4867 (0.4703, 0.5271)
U 0.4625 (0.4639, 0.5335)
V 0.4850 (0.4495, 0.5479)
W 0.4950 (0.4495, 0.5479)
X 0.5500 (0.4291, 0.5683)
Y 0.4950 (0.4495, 0.5479)
Z 0.4400 (0.4291, 0.5683)
? 0.5050 (0.4495, 0.5479)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.36 122.5
Score 395.58 135288
Score per Turn 30.0106
Turns 13.18 4508
Vertical Plays 5.72 1955
Horizontal Plays 6.29 2152
One Tile Plays 0.58 200
Other Plays 0.59 201
Firsts 0.44 151
Vertical Openings per First 0.2330
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7670
Full Rack per Turn 0.7265
Exchanges 0.28 95
High Game 635
Low Game 253
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.71 586
Sevens 0.96 329
Eights 0.74 253
Nines 0.01 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5824.37
Sevens 4914.38
Eights 6965.97
Nines 10239.75
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.51 16250
A 4.27 1461
B 1.01 346
C 0.96 328
D 1.92 656
E 5.75 1965
F 0.92 316
G 1.42 486
H 0.95 325
I 4.25 1452
J 0.45 155
K 0.44 150
L 2.02 692
M 1.01 345
N 2.85 975
O 3.72 1272
P 0.87 297
Q 0.50 172
R 2.73 935
S 1.78 610
T 2.84 970
U 1.96 672
V 0.97 331
W 0.99 339
X 0.44 150
Y 0.99 337
Z 0.55 187
? 0.95 326
Power Tiles Played 4.68 1600
? 0.95 326
J 0.45 155
Q 0.50 172
X 0.44 150
Z 0.55 187
S 1.78 610
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 46
? 0.02 7
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 5
X 0.01 4
Z 0.01 2
S 0.08 27
Turns With a Blank 1.79 611
Triple Triples Played 0.00 1
Bingoless Games 0.10 33
Bonus Square Coverage 15.50 5300
Double Letter 5.06 1730
Triple Letter 5.34 1825
Double Word 2.70 923
Triple Word 2.40 822
Phony Plays 0.16 56
Unchallenged 0.10 33
Challenged Off 0.07 23
Challenges 0.11 38
You Won 0.04 13
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.01 2
Opponent Won 0.07 23
Challenge Percentage 0.8667
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5893
Comments 20.31 6946
Comments Word Length 421.14 144029
Mistakeless Turns 13.15 4498
Mistakes per Turn 0.0024
Mistakes 0.03 11
Knowledge 0.00 1
Finding 0.01 2
Vision 0.01 5
Tactics 0.00 1
Strategy 0.01 2
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4744 (0.4519, 0.4983)
B 0.5050 (0.4259, 0.5243)
C 0.4800 (0.4259, 0.5243)
D 0.4800 (0.4403, 0.5099)
E 0.4792 (0.4550, 0.4952)
F 0.4600 (0.4259, 0.5243)
G 0.4733 (0.4349, 0.5153)
H 0.4750 (0.4259, 0.5243)
I 0.4722 (0.4519, 0.4983)
J 0.4500 (0.4055, 0.5447)
K 0.4400 (0.4055, 0.5447)
L 0.5050 (0.4403, 0.5099)
M 0.5050 (0.4259, 0.5243)
N 0.4750 (0.4467, 0.5035)
O 0.4650 (0.4505, 0.4997)
P 0.4350 (0.4259, 0.5243)
Q 0.5000 (0.4055, 0.5447)
R 0.4550 (0.4467, 0.5035)
S 0.4450 (0.4403, 0.5099)
T 0.4733 (0.4467, 0.5035)
U 0.4900 (0.4403, 0.5099)
V 0.4850 (0.4259, 0.5243)
W 0.4950 (0.4259, 0.5243)
X 0.4400 (0.4055, 0.5447)
Y 0.4950 (0.4259, 0.5243)
Z 0.5500 (0.4055, 0.5447)
? 0.4750 (0.4259, 0.5243)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
G8 (Q)UIT +14 Strategy Unspecified
Wasn't exactly sure how to feel about telegraphing another S here. L3 HUTS would have really blasted the board open better and he would have a really hard time closing the board down after this. #strategymeh
2K B(I)DI +21 Finding Large
I don't know how to find anything this game. 2I BIFIDA. #findinglarge
12A BREW +37 Finding Small
Ack, missed the BLAZING hook on this turn, although I would see it later. If I'm not gonna see that, maybe it's better to ditch the V with VERB in this spot. #findingsmall
14F PA(I)R +14 Knowledge Medium
I did not know 14F PAISA, which would have blocked many more bingoes. #knowledgemedium
13B JEE +35 Finding Large
8A JINNEE is easily better than this. #findinglarge
I3 GUNK +17 Vision Large
The G is so bad that A8 KNUR is barely worth it for 7 more. 14L YUK is worth it though because of the open I in INFIX which suits leaving GNST nicely. #visionlarge
L6 D(E)NARIUS +70 Finding Small
I did purposely pass up L1 UNRAISED for 74 and L1 URANIDES for 74 for defensive purposes, but I did miss 13F UN(B)RAIDS for 76. #findingsmall
15C SUE(D) +16 Vision Medium
I8 CUTS for more spread. #visionmedium
O2 TOOTSES +88 Vision Unspecified
#visionsolid on this move. Turns out, DEF or DEFI would not have stopped this from playing at O2, and I also had 2H TOOTS(i)ES.
A8 REHEA(R) +30 Finding Medium
Not bad, but A7 REACHER accomplishes the same thing with respect to Column B bingo possibilities and scores 9 more. #findingmedium
13K R(EF) +6 Vision Unspecified
And O12 URUS should have been it here! #visionworse
11K WORN +26 Strategy Medium
Definitely wasn't sure how to feel about WO in the same spot as I didn't love EILNR on this board. Maybe WON is a little better for the leave, but there's still 4 Ss left and I don't give up an S hook with WORN over WON. WO is a reasonable play because Robin will want to score thru the V in VETOED some of the time which could open up a bingo line for me. I did not spot D8 WOL(V)ER which would have given me a nice fork and scored a couple more. #strategymedium
6J FE +32 Vision Medium
I didn't see FETE in this spot, but I still liked keeping my other E for the GEMOTE hook to bingo. FETE would have still been a little better to score 8 more to dig for the blanks more. #visionmedium
L1 (N)OILY +16 Strategy Small
Seeing there's only 1 N left, I can't be that concerned about -ING bingoes on Row 3. It's close in the sim with 3L YO(g)I. #strategysmall
C1 VUL(G)O +18 Finding Large
Maybe VIG or VUG are a little better with so many Is remaining. #findinglarge
5K M(Y) +30 Strategy Large
As unconventional as this looks, I was not doing L10 (TI)BIAE with a lead. Probably L10 (TI)BIA would have been fine because this pool is very clunky. Don't play scared and pass that up. #strategylarge
4I PE(L)F +18 Finding Unspecified
Come on now. This was so bad. E5 EFFUSED for 56 is way better. #findingbad
C1 (W)EE +12 Endgame Unspecified
2A GEE for 1 more #endgamemeh
14B NAVAR +49 Endgame Unspecified
Mhm. #endgamesolid
5I MAU(V)E +20 Knowledge Medium
Didn't know 3I MALLEI #knowledgemedium. This is 3rd.
7C PURI +20 Strategy Large
No home for UPRAISE. I did see 7E PIA(L) but so many options allow me to dump the U. However, 10F (J)U(B)A actually allows me to have a reasonable shot at bingoing next turn for only 7 less. #strategylarge
10B TA +18 Endgame Large
Her only out play is A6 LE(AR)N, so this scores while blocking her only out. But come to think of it, J11 D(E)VS gets more stuff off my rack. So it's better to allow her to go out. #endgamelarge
H7 Q(A)T +12 Vision Medium
I think I needed to do K4 VERITY here- while there's no guarantee that I'll dump the Q next turn, it's a little more open, and I do still have 4 chances to draw an I or T. And I score 12 more. #visionmedium
J3 DINOS +25 Vision Large
I had the right idea if I wanted to go here, but it should be UDOS in this spot with the K on the board already. But even better is setting up another S hook with H5 DO(ZEN)! #visionlarge
1N EF +17 Finding Medium
Should be M1 O(R)E regardless of how many vowels he might still have. #findingmedium
H1 ADAPT +35 Strategy Medium
Meh, I liked the 12 extra points over AUDIT in the same spot, but AUDIT keeps a much more flexible leave for this particular board. I can draw plays like 5K PARR or PAIR as well as 8L PAGE next turn. IU just isn't doing much. #strategymedium
M1 YUK +32 Finding Large
This was not a strategy error, that's just a flat out miss of 2B UNOKE(D) which is far superior. #findinglarge
K11 FLAK +32 Finding Unspecified
I did have the right idea by realizing that the Q didn't need to be dumped immediately. However, M9 KALIF is definitely better as that doesn't do his work for him shutting down the board, and it's 17 more. #findingbad
A10 MOILER +34 Finding Small
Good for finding a scoring play, but Rs are better to keep than Ls on this board, so MOLLIE in the same spot would have been a little better. #findingsmall
3L BIND +23 Strategy Large
Yea, I suppose I could try to reparallel with my J on row 2 now, but maybe let's do C3 DJINNI instead. I did overestimate future scoring prospects with the J, which aren't as abundant as I once thought. I should have just dumped it now. #strategylarge
M7 Q(A)T +23 Finding Small
Maybe F2 QOP(h)? #findingsmall
N1 V(A)N +9 Finding Small
Right idea to get rid of consos, but I do like 11G VEN(DO)R a little better. #findingsmall
A13 ROD +20 Vision Large
G6 LO(G)OEDfor 28 would have been sick! #visionlarge
14H REF +32 Knowledge Medium
Did not know GOFFER at 3I. That is much better for turnover. #knowledgemedium
12I ZOEA(E) +28 Vision Large
Ack L11 ADOZE is nice! #visionlarge
12C MERL +28 Finding Medium
MERELY in the same spot #findingmedium
H3 RE +10 Vision Unspecified
2D LAZAR #visionmeh
L1 (D)ULLS +20 Endgame Unspecified
4J SULLEN blocks his next play. #endgamenotgreat
9D HIYA +28 Vision Small
Not bad in terms of opening up, but 9F HAY is a little safer. I will get X parallels more often next turn and Joel would have to open up for cheaper on his next move. #visionsmall
6B P(I)E +11 Vision Unspecified
This endgame was terribly played. I spent way too long looking for bingoes and there were none, which put me on the verge of going OT after this play. EPIGEAn doesn't play, and I failed to spot Row 10 plays, namely 10K GAPE(D). #visionterrible
4K (G)AUDY +28 Finding Medium
4H FUDGY is clearly better now though which I did miss. #findingmedium
3E (E)TH +10 Endgame Unspecified
NOH 11J then 7J ALT is the sequence #endgamemeh
M10 MELEE +20 Vision Unspecified
Looked for -MEN bingoes, and F1 LIEgEME(N) is the only bingo that plays for 67 which I missed. 3 Es is annoying sometimes. Maybe M9 EME for 22 is a better move than this if I'm gonna miss the bingo? Don't miss hooks. #visionmeh
M9 FI(G)HT +32 Vision Large
Yea, 12K FAITH easily wins over my move. That's gonna be 10 more. #visionlarge
2B ROOF +28 Knowledge Medium
I did not know FORRIT in this same spot. That would have allowed me to get more points next turn with F6 JO. #knowledgemedium
13A Pe(R)IANTH +63 Finding Large
This is my first big mistake this game missing the superior 14B A(N)TIPHoN. It is a word that I knew, and although I also saw 13B T(R)ANsHIP, I like the play I made over T(R)ANsHIP with the Z still unseen. #findinglarge
G8 (JO)LTER +14 Finding Unspecified
J9 INRUN keeps much better for me and sets up my S just as well. #findingmeh
exch Y +0 Finding Large
It does give me a good bingo %, but the exchange was not worth it. 10F ZLOTY was missed and is certainly worth it because it gives me a juicy S hook that's not easy for Beth to block. The duck's blood pressure has increased. #findinglarge
K11 YEH +41 Vision Large
This turn was rushed and it should have been YEW in the same spot. I even set up my my H! #visionlarge
10M (I)T +4 Tactics Small
Too aggressive even with the last S in hand because it's too easy for Beth to block. 4A NTH would have been fine. #tacticssad
5C UNMEW(S) +22 Knowledge Medium
I did consider 10F VE(L)UM, but that's too blocky for my liking since VELUMS* isn't good. I did not know 5H (S)WEVEN, which does look better positionally at this score even though I don't care for the right angle it creates. #knowledgemedium
13B MA(R)LY +20 Finding Small
I did want to save my I for JINNI plays as well as play some sort of defense on the bottom, but I do think that J8 (NOVEL)LY was a better way of doing that. #findingsmall
4E REA(W)OkEN +70 Vision Large
Other bingoes I saw here were 9C ARENOsE, 4D OvEN(W)ARE, and several thru the L. I'd rather open up 2 2x2s with this over ARENOsE, and make this safer play over OvEN(W)ARE, but I did actually have a 2x2 that I missed which was 5D EARp(H)ONE. #visionlarge
13A POH +32 Finding Large
Meh, I like playing defense, but I'm not shutting down this board, so 8A PERVO is a better move. Too scared of a play. #findinglarge
4F YAH +29 Finding Small
Unfortunately, I forgot FLOATY was a word and should have done NYAH or MYNAH at 15A. #findingsad
2J PORED +42 Finding Unspecified
3G PRODDERS is the bingo that he just had to take out! PEDRO in the same spot does sim better than this understandably because I have the S. That's a miss. #findingbad
14I DESTiNY +86 Vision Unspecified
#visionsolid on this one with another 5 letter underlap. I also saw 14A sYNDETS, L6 aNDESYT(E), and DENSiTY in the same spot. I did not, however, see 2B eN(C)YSTED, but I would have passed it up anyway.
O6 RAJ +32 Vision Unspecified
8A JO would have really taken out the left side. #visionbad
C5 MOW +30 Strategy Large
I do see why 3A VIM sims better- I can use my W next turn for another score on Row 6. #strategylarge
E3 TWI(L)L +16 Finding Small
I'm up by enough that I can withstand a bingo at this point, but I think F6 ALLOW goes thru just as many tiles and plays better defense as well. #findingsmall
6I YOD +18 Finding Medium
I think 6E IVY would have been fine here too. #findingsadder
L8 (W)ANEY +22 Finding Unspecified
#findingsolid this game again. Most points by far.
2K (R)OUTE +10 Finding Large
PROTEI #findinglarge
8D KEXES +42 Vision Large
Rd 2 of Philly virtual 1-24-2021. SEXLIKE* is not a word fyi. I know some of you all wish it was. Q does understandably like 8G KEX a little better, but KEX will get paralleled too often by someone like Jay. This allows the board to stay open for reasonably longer, but EXILES is probably even better than this. #visionlarge
B11 (M)URID +16 Vision Unspecified
J8 IODIN would have been sick and given me a 2nd lane to use for bingoing. #visionmeh
11I TAXOL +37 Finding Large
11F AXONAL would have been really nice! #findinglarge. This does empty the bag and get the job done.
H11 X(E)NIA +36 Vision Large
I did consider H11 XENIA and I6 ONYX. The problem with ONYX is that it gives him a nice scoring spot to work with and keeping 4 vowels wasn't exactly appealing to me. N11 OCEAN would have been really nice as I do save the X for another score. #visionlarge
L4 OI +12 Endgame Unspecified
There you have it. #endgamesolid
N8 TEEtHE(R)S +64 Vision Large
Oh man D2 HEEZE is sweet and is much better than this!! #visionlarge
G6 JAG +27 Vision Large
Rough turn and pretty much a contributing factor to how this board turned out. I missed 10G J(e)UX which is clearly the move despite taking out my own S hook. It keeps the board open the longest and allows me to fork nicely. 11E JUGS does sim better even though the difference is only 7 between JUGS and my play due to the board shape that I would need because I'm already behind. I wasn't crazy about burning my S for only 7 more, but J(e)UX was the only way to accomplish that. #visionlarge
M5 WAE +24 Vision Unspecified
I think 3I WUD could have been done here to open up a 2nd lane. The extra points immediately were not worth it. Gotta love new themes sometimes, right? That's the beauty of Scrabble. #visionmeh
3E Y(A) +5 Strategy Large
Nothing wins here, just do 3C DERAY and cut spread. It's over, not worth fishing. #strategylarge
exch HNQV +0 Vision Unspecified
I just had to tunnel vision on exchanging. 14A VENIN is 30, and it would have been worth playing thru this rack. #visionbad
L1 MUCRO +27 Finding Medium
This isn't bad for scoring, but 7C CORIUM is probably a better defensive option at this score because AWED takes too many hooks. #findingmedium Also, if CORIA and CORIUM are both good, and SCORIA is good, why can't SCORIUM* be good?
J8 (B)IZ +36 Vision Medium
I did see F6 ZA as well as N4 MAZIER, but there's only 3 Es left which makes Row 11 harder to hit for her and she's random. However, I did not see 4H (JO)R(A)M which would have maximized score over 2 turns and allowed me to outrun some bingoes better. #visionmedium
F7 (BE)NDY +15 Finding Medium
This play isn't bad. At least I found an OK way to play thru this rack, but the play I was looking for here was F7 (BE)RYL which I did miss. That would have given me another S hook to work with despite the slightly less synergistic DNPS leave. On the other hand, I think my play surprisingly sims a little better than BERYL because LPRS is more synergistic. #findingmedium
13C (E)XINE +23 Finding Small
This should outrun basically anything, but 13H EAUX outruns a little better. #findingsmall
D7 WEN +27 Finding Unspecified
I did see C10 BLEW, but the NNU leave just wasn't appealing to me. What is more appealing to me is C10 NEWB though. #findingmeh
6J F(O)E +27 Finding Unspecified
This time, KEEF at E2 for 36 is much better. #findingbad
B9 (U)PBIND +34 Finding Unspecified
H1 BLIP is only 1 less but keeps much better. 4D D(u)PING is sick vision and keeps a comparably good BL leave, but DGIN is just much better than GL as a leave. #findingquestionable
13I (G)UEST +12 Vision Medium
Maybe just J14 SH would have been fine, as much of an S telegraph as that is as well as GUEST. I clearly made a more desperate move than needed. #visionmedium
2J Z(O)NES +68 Finding Unspecified
I liked how much more defensive this was compared to 2I OZONES, but unfortunately, E4 ZONELESS does play for 118 pts. #findingbad on this play.
1D (K)ALIF +36 Finding Small
No way will I be able to Q-stick him unless something miraculous happens, so I had the right idea to score again, but 1A FOLKIE is slightly better. #findingsmall
15E SiPE +30 Vision Large
I did see 10J (E)POdES as an out play. Spread matters, so not going out is better. 1K (C)OmPS is nice which was a miss. #visionlarge
K4 OOZIE(R) +30 Tactics Small
DOOZIE might be 6 more but I figured the odds of Rob having a B or W weren't great so might as well try to get back in it this way. This is 2nd behind DOOZIE. #tacticssmall?
F8 H(A)JI +30 Vision Medium
10A DHOTI would have been really nice for 6 more and I save the J for another scoring play! Gotta learn to find higher scoring without needing power tiles sometimes. #visionmedium
E1 BRUNT +18 Finding Medium
E2 NUMB is definitely better. I need the points and NRT is a great leave. #findingmedium
K3 REXIN(E) +26 Vision Large
9K REX would have been fine, it's more defensive and doesn't offer her big Column J scoring opportunities. I didn't like the C being in the position it's in, which kinda prompted me to play this. 9K REX is still the play. #visionlarge
7A (E)L +4 Strategy Large
It's a nice enough pool to the point where O7 LORANS, TOLANS, or even ROTLS sim much better than this lame fish. I'm just not too happy at this point, but I needed to just cut spread instead of passing those plays up. #strategylarge
6C R(E)IF +15 Finding Small
E4 RIF is 2 more. #findingsmall
7D GAY +19 Strategy Large
Since SUE was played quickly, I really thought he kept nicely. Still shouldn't have passed up M11 GYP for 10 more due to OPAH still being present with 8 Os left.. #strategylarge
14M (M)U(N) +10 Endgame Large
This, however, is where I should have lost this game. I thought there was only 1 spot to play the U, but 8L UDO is the other one. So 11D EM should have come down first. #endgamelarge
N4 RUM +32 Finding Medium
Nice fork, but not so nice when K5 GL(A)MOUR is 40. #findingmedium
N8 FEM +21 Vision Small
Maybe 9D F(LA)M? #visionsmall
15A OY +19 Finding Large
D12 PY(RE) #findinglarge
H12 B(ASH) +12 Endgame Small
Maybe 12J BAGGER for 1 more? #endgamesmall
K8 OI +4 Endgame Large
7L OE is the move because I could have R-stuck her!! After that, J13 (a)I(M), then C8 GI is the sequence. #endgamesaddest
J6 MEsONIC +81 Vision Medium
I did see 9D INCOMEs and 9D INCOMEr, but I intentionally passed those up. While this is definitely safer than 9D plays, I did miss H8 (A)NOxEMIC. Not always easy to make the blank an X. #visionmedium
F10 HANG +29 Finding Small
Too focused on dumping the G here. F9 PHAT is a better move. #findingsmall
A12 (C)ORF +27 Finding Unspecified
Dang it, I did miss the only play which gives me an out play! C11 FAVOR would have allowed me M2 DOR, 4I DOLOR, and H6 ORAD as outs. #findingbad
exch IO +0 Knowledge Medium
I apparently underestimated my chances of hitting a bingo after exchanging I instead of IO. Keeping EGINOS is actually great as even with some clunky draws (namely J for JINGOES and Y for ISOGENY or drawing an A, E, O, or U) would help. #knowledgemedium
F7 E(X)ING +15 Strategy Large
And SIEGING doesn't play. I hate it when these small exchanges don't pan out! This was a suboptimal move and is where I feel like I lost the game. I can score the same with 9E GI and keep much better. While I do set up SEXING, he can use Column G to both score and block effectively. #strategylarge
H1 SECRE(T)E(D) +36 Knowledge Large
And let's just say that I delivered myself an even bigger blow by not seeing I1 CREESES and not being sure of B5 RECESSE(D), which I chickened out of. #knowledgelarge
K5 PRY(I)NG +24 Vision Medium
Q does like 5H PODGY better than my play for the better leave, but this makes the board quieter overall with a nice lead in hand if Robin doesn't have an S. A better version of this play is GYRING in the same spot because SPRYING is good. #visionmedium
L3 HOE +21 Finding Large
Not bad to keep EILR, but HIREE is 12 more in this spot. The points are worth it. #findinglarge
exch IIU +0 Finding Large
Ack, nice job tunnel visioning on exchanging. I think L9 URIDI(N)E would have been OK here. #findinglarge
I2 LIPiDES +69 Vision Large
Spent some time seeing which bingo would be best. Definitely wasn't sure what to do, but even if I saw 12H PIdDLE(R)S, I think I should have at least given more thought to doing I6 DESPoIL or DISPELs. This move definitely could have been better. #visionlarge
10F MY +39 Tactics Unspecified
And my previous play was a great setup that wasn't obivous. This is best. #tacticsspoton
3A REDOING +79 Vision Medium
3F ERODING is a cool overlap. This is 2nd. #visionmedium
9B AA +20 Strategy Medium
Should have dumped more tiles for OURARI here- both blanks are still out. #strategymedium
4A J(O)TA +38 Vision Medium
This is OK in its own right, and it does score the most, but 8J IDEATE would have allowed me to save my J and given me 5 chances to draw an A and something else for nice 6F plays! #visionmedium I wish Woogles would have a button that allows me to change lexicons in the middle of the game, JAI# at 6F would have easily been it in that case! LOL
14F F(E) +26 Vision Unspecified
F7 FREE scores the same as this play but is 6 more spread points for me. At least I correctly chose this over 2M FET as my move is 1 point better than that. #visionbad
C10 OINK +23 Finding Large
Meh play. I can't believe DOINK* is phony if BOINK is good. KIDNAP for 39 man. #findinglarge
6I YAG +23 Finding Unspecified
Not bad in terms of setting up my I, but 12A DIGA(M)Y is easily better. #findingmeh
15A ODA +23 Finding Unspecified
And he blocked NONRATED! At least do ODEA in this spot or 15M DON. #findingmeh
12C MISlAID +78 Finding Small
Right idea, 12B MisSAID is 2 more. #findingsmall
C7 Q(I) +21 Endgame Unspecified
I unfortunately missed his out play of O1 FACIAE. FOP should have been the play here as I can get rid of my Q in 2 spots next turn knowing he can't go out. #endgamebad
D6 IGnO(R)AMI +70 Vision Unspecified
As glad as I am to have found find this, it's definitely not OK to be missing 5v8s like this. L1 MIAO(U)InG should have been the play. #visionbad
G7 C(A)R +9 Strategy Small
Hm. I saw CAPRIC but didn't like how it took out lanes in ENROBERS. It is an 11 pt sacrifice but it doesn't sim that far behind CAPRIC. #strategysmall?
6C WAW +21 Finding Large
This is not bad, but 10F WIGWAM for 25 is definitely better. 2 Ws are annoying. #findinglarge
E6 V(AL)ONIA +20 Finding Small
I liked finding a play that opens up nicely. I think if I wanted to also dump my G here with Column H already being one of my main bingo lines, E2 VAGIN(AL) was a slightly better play for 2 more. The sim agrees. #findingsmall
7G HO +22 Strategy Medium
Yea, this move carries too much risk with the leave and, of course, drawing 2 more vowels. HOO does sim better. Not to mention, AINOS isn't the best leave with an open K and I. #strategymedium
10B PAR +20 Finding Large
This bingo is very hard to find which I did miss, M2 SPAReR(I)B for 80. Not sure I'd ever think to look for something that ended with a B. #findinglarge
15C MAE +17 Endgame Medium
14L MEA(L) if I'm not gonna do B13 AMA as Robin can block L12 ETU(I). -5 spread points. #endgamemedium
3H ACC(E)NT +26 Vision Medium
The most important line for me to be able to hit is the NAPERIES/JAPERIES hook on Row 1. I don't mind a move like this with 4 Ns left, but 13H (I)NCU(D)AL keeps the entire top open nicely. #visionmedium
H1 DAV(I)T +27 Knowledge Medium
Didn't think of the ADSCRIPT extension. #knowledgemedium
B2 DOG(Y) +18 Strategy Small
I know Bernie's game well enough that he's gonna just take the TWS as soon as I open one up, which won't help him at his deficit. Still should do 7D DUO for 3 more. #strategysmall
7A FURs +17 Endgame Unspecified
14F TURFy or TURFs #endgamemeh
12H HEINI(E) +26 Vision Large
This isn't bad, but 9I INHU(M)E is an insane parallel that would have played nice defense if she didn't keep an S! #visionlarge
7F BOLA +16 Strategy Large
Not sure this move really accomplished as much as I thought it would. I suppose it might prevent more 7s from playing, but I'm not closing everything down. 13C BEAU is fine. #strategylarge
K2 RIEL +20 Finding Unspecified
4A JE(ZA)IL would have been 10 more and forced a response from him that would allow me to open the board more. If he takes the J spot, I could have a nice Column K reparallel. #findingmeh
3E REB(I)D +27 Tactics Unspecified
3E BEWIG, which I did not see, seems to be the best immediate equity play, but I do like this play anyway to set up -GH plays ending at 2F that score a lot. #tacticsstrong
F3 G(E)RM +27 Vision Large
Holy crap 8A MIS(KEYED) is a cool extension that I missed for 54! #visionlarge
9E HUM +20 Vision Large
Not bad for the leave, but I do like 7F HUMAN better setting up my E. AELN doesn't do a whole lot on this board though. #visionlarge
exch AEEIO +0 Finding Unspecified
My play here was garbage for real. 2K CIAO would have been fine. #findingverybad
1F J(I)RD +36 Vision Large
1F JIB does sim better most likely because I can keep my D and R hooks for WAGED/WAGER and have an emergency scoring option. #visionlarge
E4 BOOTY +28 Finding Small
E5 TOMBOY #findingsad
6J B(U)RP +14 Strategy Large
H7 VERB for 9 would have allowed the X spot to be open, although that's not a move I want to make against Mitchell. Against most other players, I might have done that as the opponent would have had to deal with the X hotspot allowing me the VERBS hook. #strategylarge
M9 MAN(G)A +22 Strategy Unspecified
Looked for a while here, no bingoes play. 11G MAt(E)RNAL and TAL(E)sMAN both got blocked. Seeing I had one of the blanks, and now the pool is meh at best from my perspective, I might as well scare Mitchell a bit and allow him to take one of the open triples. He could have drawn the W and/or Y after he just played off 5 tiles, and those can be bingo killers themselves at times. I just know he's gonna try to be as defensive as he can possibly be, which would require him to empty the bag in order to do that, in this case, taking out both 3x3s. That would allow me the best odds to bingo out and win the game. #strategyspoton
6B COGnIS(E)D +69 Vision Small
5E DISCOING #visionsad
13A CUR(IN)G +18 Finding Unspecified
Right idea, LUV(IN)G is a better version. #findingquestionable
J10 D(A)RN +16 Finding Unspecified
This play is not unlucky tho. I did miss 8J KIRNED for 36. #findingbad
K5 CH(I)LL +20 Strategy Medium
Too focused on defense here, should do J10 HALVA. #strategymedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Unspecified
I didn't remember if SCUTE was good. It is. #knowledgemeh
8F PEED +14 Knowledge Large
1st live tourney for me in 2.5 years! The drive to Holden, MA was well worth it. I stopped off in CT on the way there the day before to hang out with another buddy and had a great time with him too. Despite some word knowledge errors I made this tourney, it felt nice to use real equipment when it mattered most. So here it goes: I saw SLEEPED* but correctly passed that up. Unfortunately, I thought SPEEL was a noun and not a verb, so I chickened out of SPEELED. #knowledgelarge
H13 OVA +21 Strategy Small
The only bingoes in this rack that I found were VAROOMs, OMNIVORA, and VAROOMED. Perhaps the aggression with 15F ARVO is warranted with a blank in hand, clearly a little stronger. #strategysmall
C3 ROOMiES +74 Finding Medium
Spent a while on this turn looking for bingoes starting at C3 ending with -MOS or -MES, and there were none. 15H (A)cROSOME is a hard find, but nonetheless a miss for 6 more. #findingmedium
B6 HA +29 Finding Large
I have missed this word in the past and I missed it again, 2J (P)ITHOI. #findinglarge
O1 WIL(Y) +30 Finding Large
9F WILES sets up my other S nicely! #findinglarge
7A SCALARE +64 Vision Unspecified
Uh...SCALARE takes an S. 16 more at A8. #visionquestionable
6J (F)R(I)TZ +37 Finding Medium
Definitely did not like B8 TIZ with there being only the unseen K in this pool, and I also didn't care for 5K GLITZ as that's like throwing meat in a lion's cage. 2F (BLOW)ZIER is a nice extension which I did not spot. That's easily better than anything else there is. #findingmedium
C7 QAT +27 Strategy Unspecified
Definitely not doing N10 DATOS here. While I didn't even consider doing 11D QATS, that would have been worth it with 3 more Ss left. The sim does easily concur. #strategyquestionable
5B FOL(I)ATeD +61 Finding Large
This might be 1 of only 2 bingoes that play, but C7 (G)ATeFOLD is clearly better and was a miss. #findinglarge
K9 NEG +22 Finding Medium
I did look for plays that would block Row 14 and the I in MANWISE nicely, but I just couldn't come across 14F CONGE. That's what I needed to do at this score. #findingmedium
1H RON(D)EL +24 Finding Small
Not bad, but maybe 3K ZONER should have been done. #findingsmall
9B PROCEED +68 Vision Small
While I had no problem seeing the bingoes (PRECODE also plays), this was a major error as this does play at 9G for 87. #visionsad
D11 OVA +14 Strategy Small
I saw but hated how blocky D9 TOPO was. I liked this move to eventually open up the top left because I have the P hook for POI. Maybe OVATE would have been a better version of this if I was going to also pass up G12 OPT. #strategysmall
13G rAPINES +75 Knowledge Medium
Wasn't doing SAPIENT because of the S hook, but I unfortunately chickened out of NAPPIES. #knowledgemedium
L8 DERIV(E) +24 Strategy Small
H6 VOLT is better. Board is open as is, probably shouldn't be too concerned with blocking. #strategysmall
2I A(J)I +10 Finding Unspecified
This was a mistake however. B4 AIT needed to be done to keep Row 2 open as well as Row 15. #findingbad
14J MO(R)GUE +42 Vision Unspecified
I went from being down 101 to being up 90 within a matter of seconds. This is not something I see too often. This play is #visionsolid.
O1 REFINE +31 Strategy Medium
10D RIFE would have been fine, EIN is overall better than just I. But then I make Libero have to outrun me and I take out a high scoring bingo lane. #strategymedium
5B L(A)WN +14 Endgame Small
7B W(O)N is 1 more spread point for me. #endgamesmall
8F OXO +20 Finding Small
Leaving OO isn't appealing either, but AXIAL was missed for 6 more. An exchange 4 is at least random enough to the point where I can just play my game. AXIAL keeps the board open longer, which is what I sorely need to have against Richard. #findingsmall
M9 METICA +35 Finding Large
I liked that I saw this play hoping he wouldn't see that METICAL is good, but 13B ME(S)TIZA is a more sound play, clearly best, and is 56 which was missed. #findinglarge
A1 A(P)ER +21 Vision Large
I was about to do O1 REpAIRE(D) until this got blocked, but if only I looked a little harder, I would have seen A2 (P)EARlIER. I should have put him away several turns ago and now! #visionlarge
O2 (G)IBE +10 Vision Small
Ack, 10F MOB results in 4 more spread points! #visionsmall
K5 FAI(TO)UR +40 Vision Unspecified
There's no point in being more defensive by making a play thru the B when I can score 40 with this move. #visionsolid
13H (W)HOOPEE +38 Finding Large
Best nonbingo, but the bingo I missed was N5 OVE(R)HOPE for 76. #findinglarge
11B ROOTY +34 Strategy Small
I passed up 11D TOYO in order to keep the board essentially dead for 7s. Perhaps 11B OY would have been just fine. #strategysmall
13B LASE +30 Endgame Unspecified
Maybe CASE in the same spot to allow a better out play with AIL? #endgamemeh
11G d(O)LOMITE +68 Finding Large
Definitely questionable. I didn't like 5I MOTLIEr or MOTILEs, but I did not see 11G T(O)ILsOME, which is definitely safer knowing there's 3 Ss left, and Robin didn't seem to hesitate burning an S with DUNTS. #findinglarge
exch EEQY +0 Vision Unspecified
I think L7 EYE(L)ET would have been just fine here. #visionbad
B2 DRAWLE(R) +26 Vision Small
Dang it, I missed 14G LEEWARDS. #visionsad
13B BOO(T) +12 Strategy Unspecified
Definitely didn't seem crazy about D11 OBE, which I saw, but it would have been worth it here, 10 points is too many to give up when the board is wide open as is. #strategyquestionable
14A VAR +22 Finding Unspecified
Nothing is particularly appealing to me here. I could have also done 6H VAV(s) as well, but I would like to be able to counter with a bingo should he bingo. That's just gonna make it extremely difficult to play on the top of the board in the future. However, H4 VALV(A)R is a miss and would have gotten me out of this mess better. #findingbad
10F TYES +21 Finding Medium
This telegraphs an S too much. SUrETY is better. #findingmedium
3I Q(I) +21 Vision Large
Ack, M4 TEEM is a sick parallel for 43! I can always dump the Q another turn. #visionlarge
L9 BE(E)LINE +20 Knowledge Medium
Found the bingo BEELINE, but unfortunately I did not know it took a D hook. If I'm not gonna realize there's a playable bingo, EEILN is OK to keep on this board for the open D and G, so I think (ADO)BE would have been better than this. #knowledgemedium
C12 (E)EW +24 Vision Large
I didn't even think of doing C12 (E)EEW- I could draw into WHOOPY or WHOOPIE! #visionlarge
9L (BO)TS +21 Endgame Large
5E (WIMP)LeD #endgamelarge
11K YANG +26 Strategy Large
Even with 2 blanks unseen, L12 SAGY is definitely worth it here. Don't play scared man. #strategylarge
4D ENCAGE +27 Vision Unspecified
The same move at H1 is clearly better because CHAUNT is a word. #visionbad. 9F NGWE(ES) is interesting too.
M1 (B)EAD +26 Finding Medium
Not bad, and I did have the right idea, but I do like BAILED in this spot a little better. #findingmedium
14F MA(C) +25 Vision Small
I would have saved a vowel by doing 2K HAEM. #visionsmall
A1 JOT(A) +33 Finding Small
I did see N9 OCTAGO(N), but this is easily safer. Maybe B6 JATO is a little better here and is just as safe. #findingsmall
B6 PO(I) +11 Strategy Unspecified
Admittedly, I was nervous about the Q, which is why I passed up I1 PUJA as the Q only would have played at B7 until my move. PUJA would have been fine as Robin can't do much with this pool. #strategyquestionable
8D GAGED +20 Finding Large
Rd 3 Philly virtual 5-16-2021. Missed DEGAGE which is better for turnover. Maybe GEODE should have been it if I'm gonna miss DEGAGE. This just makes it easy for him to parallel. #findinglarge
10H ThEINES +88 Vision Unspecified
YES! Even with an easy rack, I was definitely happy to find this underlap that scored nicely. EmETINS also plays in this spot for 88. #visionspoton
8E WITE +14 Finding Small
Rd 3 Philly virtual 6-24-2021. Got too focused on dumping the W here, I think 8D CUTIE would have been just fine. It's definitely harder to parallel which is needed against Mitchell. #findingsmall
11C E(L)K +28 Vision Large
11C A(L)KENE is sick! #visionlarge
13B UMBO +21 Finding Medium
Too aggressive and open here...M3 ZOMBIS is fine to score, but 7G UMBO is also better score, more defensive, and does just as good a job of saving scoring potential. #findingmedium
7H AYE +24 Finding Large
Too scared this time... M4 UNEA(S)Y is fine. #findinglarge
12G ICIE(R) +10 Strategy Small
It is preferable to play thru this rack over exchanging, although exchanging down to CEN or CEIN doesn't sim too far back. 12H INU(R)E does score 6 more but I honestly didn't love the prospect of keeping CII here. I probably should have gone with INURE, nothing is really that good here. #strategysmall
9G ROAR +12 Finding Unspecified
That 3 Rs rack was very annoying to start. I unfortunately did not see G2 ARmOUR(E)R, and C8 (A)URORA was a much better play if I'm gonna miss the bingo. #findingbad
4I CH(A)RD +22 Vision Large
This is a nice consonant drop if I don't suspect that Ed will spot the ECHARD hook, but E5 H(Y)S(O)N is preferable here. #visionlarge
F8 RAJA +29 Finding Large
3C JO(U)AL. Don't feed into his volatility. #findinglarge
8A CELL(AR) +27 Finding Medium
I liked scoring, but OCULAR does a better job equitywise and scorewise. #findingmedium
7J NAW +19 Vision Large
I did see F2 WARN, which would have been fine if she didn't phony. But BOUNCERS was the only bingo I saw for her. Although I couldn't stop her from making parallels on Row 5, I think 7H ULN(A)R would have been a much better version of this while still accomplishing what I was looking to do- block the U. #visionlarge
10K BLIP +22 Vision Small
She's coming back strong now and this is not good. I unfortunately missed 3C BIL(AYE)R which would have taken out easy Column B bingoes. #visionsad
L4 GIGU(E) +14 Strategy Unspecified
Definitely wasn't doing 7F or 7H GIGOT, especially against someone so defensive and when I'm already down a bingo. K4 OUTING was probably a better play with the open N in INOSINE even though it's no guarantee that's staying open, and it takes many hooks so that the board stays open longer. #strategyquestionable
N2 CATE +28 Finding Unspecified
ESTANCIA got blocked, which I would have seen this time. Clearly things are not going my way this game. I think I needed to do N1 ACETA here and create better scoring opportunities. #findingmeh
15G SNOUT +27 Finding Small
At this point, I might as well score something. Right idea, but O7 OUTSIN effectively deals with the more dangerous lane. #findingsmall
J6 TUSKERs +73 Finding Medium
15D (H)UcKSTER is a cool one that is much better than this, and J1 TUR(N)KEyS is something that would have taken away the entire bottom right for him! #findingmedium
A12 (V)ASE +21 Finding Small
Maybe VASA in this spot? #findingsmall
8A VAG(A)L +27 Vision Small
Maybe 8A DEV(A) is a little less blocky, or even 9C V(I)G is probably slightly better leavewise, but my win % is still around 8% either way. #visionsmall
B5 EH +28 Endgame Large
Definitely wasn't too happy with how this one went, but a clearly better move is C2 THEOLO(G). -10 spread on 1 move. #endgamelarge
11C CHIME +32 Knowledge Unspecified
I did not know O1 KIMCHI for 71! #knowledgequestionable
B6 FA +28 Finding Small
M10 FAUNA would have been OK- it keeps the top left open and some other hooks remain in the pool. #findingsmall
3G K(E)RB +16 Vision Unspecified
G1 BERK for 10 more is clearly better than this. #visionmeh
D8 H(O)LUBtsI +82 Finding Large
I didn't even consider doing 8A BUsH for 51 which would have been sick! While I'm glad to have seen this one with 2 blanks, as well as D8 H(O)LIBUts, D6 BIH(O)UrLy is the safest one for only 2 less. #findinglarge
7F DAK +17 Vision Large
Ah crap, 15A BEFITTED! #visionlarge
exch EIIUY +0 Finding Small
I do like L12 E(t)UI a little better than this, but my win chances still aren't great at this point. #findingsmall
H8 (O)STEITIs +83 Finding Small
Right idea, and I'm glad I saw someting on Column H, maybe do (O)STEITIc instead. #findingsmall
N2 NE +17 Endgame Small
I intentionally did not go out with 13C sENN(IT) knowing he had 3 seconds left on his clock and was going to lose 10 points accordingly. D8 N(AB)Es would have been better than my move to prevent his highest scoring out play. #endgamesmall
J6 BU(Y)ER +18 Finding Large
I figured this was a very good rack and I had a feeling I might have missed something after I hit my clock. I just could not come across 9C BURSEED for 73 or I3 DEBRU(I)SE for 65. #findinglarge
L8 (E)NNUI +10 Vision Medium
K4 UNI(TE) is 4 more and keeps better. #visionmedium
H11 (L)OGON +21 Finding Small
That was a disastrous draw to a promising leave, but maybe (L)OGAN in this spot is a little better. #findingsmall
5I (P)AX +24 Strategy Medium
Not exactly a fan of this position either, but the fact that I just drew another A makes my miss of LOGAN look that much bigger. Since the X isn't that good of a tile on this board, it's probably better to just take the 2 more points with 9F (T)AX instead of trying to force the board open, even though I like open boards better against him. #strategymedium
M3 FA(I)RNESS +88 Vision Unspecified
This was probably the #visionsolid moment of the tourney for me. It almost ties my 6 letter parallel that I found one time at my home club last January.
13J (P)OACH +26 Vision Small
JD: Wow INCH(WORM). Why are there so many WORM extensions? SK: 2nd best play, but a distant 2nd. This is where I could have used the WORM extension INCH(WORM) for 66. I clearly did not think of the extensions that could have come into play with my placement. #visionsad
3A (D)ECeNNIA +72 Finding Small
Small mistake this time- 5F NArCEIN or ENChAIN are both 1 more each. Not a big deal at this point, I still got this one locked up. #findingsmall
K11 CORE +27 Finding Large
While I did like CORE over COLE because of more remaining Rs than Ls, I did miss a bingo here- 11G RELOC(AT)EE. I gotta work on finding 9s. I realize they're not easy sometimes, but that could use some work. #findinglarge
2J GL(U)M +11 Strategy Medium
The last time I had an S, the only way I can get out of the bad rack was to score decently with it. I would have only scored so many more with it now that I didn't feel that it was worth it. 2J GLUMS I suppose would have been OK, I think I allowed emotions to influence this move too much. #strategymedium
A13 DEN +22 Vision Large
N1 (D)EN(E) is better for the score and leave. #visionlarge
14L D(e)X +23 Finding Unspecified
B2 BEAUX leads to closing the left side faster. This is 4th. #findingmeh
8G LAND +10 Strategy Medium
Rd 2 Philly virtual 11-14-2021. I do win a little more often after exchanging down to ANT or ADNT. #strategymedium
5C CHIAO +33 Vision Large
I briefly thought about doing 5C OHIA or 5C CIAO as well as this, but those gave up too many points, and I still have Columns C and D to use. J2 OHO would have also been an interesting move setting up my C, however, I'm still not likely to win this game. And that's the hardest for Robin to block. #visionlarge #strategylarge
5C CHIAO +33 Strategy Large
I briefly thought about doing 5C OHIA or 5C CIAO as well as this, but those gave up too many points, and I still have Columns C and D to use. J2 OHO would have also been an interesting move setting up my C, however, I'm still not likely to win this game. And that's the hardest for Robin to block. #visionlarge #strategylarge
D3 LIMB +31 Finding Unspecified
D2 BLIMP #findingmeh on this play. Don't give her a hook to work with.
G3 PAR +16 Vision Small
And my first major mistake this game missing PRERADIO. Also, PAR is 3 more at G3. #visionsad
7H PO +9 Finding Large
Definitely wasn't sure how to approach this turn. Given that I needed to win this game as opposed to trying to cut spread due to having a large spread lead over Mark, I wasn't in any mood to parallel all the floaters I'm gonna want to have later on. As it turns out, this was a lame and unaggressive move. I think B8 (c)OMPONE was the play I was looking for here to stay withing striking distance and not shut the board down. #findinglarge
K7 V(O)GUE +18 Knowledge Medium
I did like VOGUE setting up my S better than G5 GUV(s). However, I was not sure if VOGUED was good, and it is. Despite me taking out my own hook, it is clearly better equity. I don't need to be leaving the title of Doctor of Dental Sciences on my rack in this position. #knowledgemedium
J12 (T)IC +11 Finding Unspecified
Another pathetic play. I did not know CLADIST, but I'm thankful that no bingoes were missed here. O8 ALCIDS is 41 which is perfectly fine. #findinggross
9B AX +38 Vision Unspecified
9A VEXER #visionmeh
L1 (BA)UD +14 Strategy Medium
Idk, probably just score with 3M ADZ, there's only 1 R left in the pool. The game is already lost. #strategymedium
11J RE +18 Vision Medium
Right idea by fishing, but I like K8 (NAV)AR better for a slightly better leave. #visionmedium
3L CH(ID) +20 Finding Small
While I did not see G3 BOTCHY, that's not a play I would have made at this score. M3 HM is fine which was also a miss. #findingsmall
B8 TOKENIs(M) +96 Finding Unspecified
Saw D8 KNOtTIE(R) and 6C INsT(R)OKE at first, but after I kept looking, this came across, and it's easily best. #findingsolid
C3 JIB +38 Finding Large
Given what I drew, it was not necessary to make this play, O6 JINKE(R) is clearly the move which was a miss. #findinglarge
L10 M(AX) +12 Endgame Unspecified
This was a big mistake though. I should have realized that L2 (A)V(A) is my only spot to dump my V. Now I allowed him to slow play me instead of forcing him to go out. #endgamequestionable
A8 L(A)ICH +42 Finding Medium
CHI(T)LINS C6. This is 2nd. #findingmedium
3K BONE +26 Vision Medium
H1 BOURNE #visionmedium
11E J(e)T +18 Finding Small
11B JENNeT #findingsmall
C9 JO +36 Finding Small
JABOTS O7 #findingsmall. 2nd best.
15A DELUGES +89 Finding Unspecified
#visionsolid #findingsolid
15A DELUGES +89 Vision Unspecified
#visionsolid #findingsolid
7B TELOGEN +68 Tactics Small
Tied for best play with 11F ELONGATE scorewise. Seeing the board is open as is, I might as well get others going. This was held but not challenged. #tacticssmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Unspecified
#knowledgebad. I ended up challenging ANTAS. There was no way I could win this game even if I did not challenge.
B6 Q(U)EER +36 Strategy Medium
As much as I despise the Q, it wasn't worth giving up 15 points to pass up O4 REEJECT. I do have 2 spots for the Q. #strategymedium
3E S(L)Y +10 Endgame Unspecified
NOSY is a word damnit. #endgamebad
K10 DATE +25 Finding Unspecified
Add the O for IODATE K8 #findingmeh
N10 ADROIT +26 Strategy Large
DIATRON doesn't play, wonderful. If Jamie is gonna bingo anyway even after I do L9 ODOR, maybe do that instead. This was too aggressive. #strategylarge
M11 PYIN +36 Vision Unspecified
While it might normally be OK to block JALOPS plays, it's definitely not OK to miss Column K plays with KLUTZY though. Therefore, maybe K5 PINY or K3 PARITY? #visionbad
3G Q(U)A +26 Vision Small
This was autopiloted. Just play C12 AXON. It's not hard to spot, and once again I will be able to dump the Q in 2 spots next turn. #visionsad
M1 GEO(I)D +14 Endgame Large
My endgame was also sucky, how about do F2 DADO threatening to go out with 6B GENE and E12 ENG? #endgamelarge
7G FRIEzES +76 Vision Small
While I like how easy this will allow me to outrun Ed, 10D REFIxES effectively blocks the bottom the best with the blank X in play. #visionsmall
3B VA(M)PIER +30 Finding Large
This is the 2nd best play, K5 PRIVIER is 48. #findinglarge
10H FAc(E)TING +63 Strategy Unspecified
Maybe not bingoing was better here, M2 FIT is 41. Also, Fe(A)STING is 4 more. #strategymeh
N9 DRAG(G)ER +24 Endgame Unspecified
N10 GADGET doesn't allow him a nice out play. #endgamebad
11I LE(Z) +16 Vision Unspecified
8H ROUGHIES for 36 #visionbad
K6 MORULAS +74 Vision Medium
I might take out Column K seeing how easy PEE is to hook, but there's a better bingo that I missed either way- D8 (C)LAMOURS for 2 more. Not to mention, Libero isn't out of this one yet with how easy it is to hook this board. #visionmedium
14J (K)AURI +18 Strategy Large
I did see O10 ARGUER, but what prompted me to keep EGR was the open I in TRIGO and the 4 unseen Ns. I didn't think this would sim too far back, but Quackle doesn't seem to like my move, and I understand that knowing ARGUER is 11 more. #strategylarge
J6 TO(N)IFIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
Pretty significant mistake by getting too greedy. Just take the guaranteed bingo with NOTIFIER. Why can't TONIFIER* be good if TONIFIES and TONIFIED are good along with NOTIFIER, NOTIFIES, and NOTIFIED? Good challenge Beth. #knowledgesad #dictionaryflawslarge
M3 THIO +28 Finding Large
H10 FOOTIE keeps much better and retains scoring potential. Big mistake. #findinglarge
13C YACHTS +39 Finding Medium
This normally plays good bingo defense, but after I once again can't shut everything down, O1 CHAYS for 15 more is worth it this time because I can't even draw any more Ts. #findingmedium
N8 (A)RtIFICE +74 Finding Medium
I did not know 15G (LA)tICIFER for 92. While my bingo isn't bad, I did miss N7 p(A)CIFIER for 4 more. That move is also safer. #findingmedium
exch EKOPPQV +0 Strategy Medium
Not the start that I was looking to have after a disappointing Round 2. Yes, Mark is an offensive-minded player just like I am, but on an undeveloped board, keeping E or keeping EP are still fine over this. POKE does not score enough and gives back too many hooks to justify keeping a leave that will not allow me to bingo for several turns. #strategymedium
15B TOOTSI(E)S +67 Vision Unspecified
There we go. Now things are looking a little better and any nonbingo scores terribly. So I'm glad to spot this one. #visionsolid
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
2G P(I)NC(H)ERS +42 Vision Unspecified
That is a nice #visionsolid move on her end.
M6 DENIERS +71 Vision Unspecified
While this and NEREIDS are basically the same play, the #visionsolid play here is 11H DE(M)INERS for 81!
C11 (A)TE +18 Vision Unspecified
C9 (L)E(A)NT is a #visionsolid play here.
13K IN +7 Vision Unspecified
However, he does V stick me. Maybe JO was better so that I don't get V-stuck? #visionbad
7H OuTRANK +63 Finding Small
i saw outrank pretty quickly, but missed outdrank. either way i was trying to figure out if it was worth passing the bingo up. F10 TAROK actually sims better than my bingo, but OUTDRANK sims best. -2.5 #findingsmall
6L ZOO +35 Vision Large
haha, i adore D8 (F)A. i don't know how often that works, but i have ZOOID for 79 a lot of the time after that, and ZOOIDAL for 123 sometimes! LOL. clever quackle. always look for setups i guess. -10 #visionlarge ... my move isn't that bad, it's just that FA/AX is so awesome.
O3 TAIN +18 Strategy Medium
it's upsetting that INTIFADA just barely does not fit. what a tough tournament. i'm 1-5 at this point and can't figure out how to play. i should just play FAD. i might play FAD if this was a regular game and i wasn't terrified of losing, but keeping two i's get scarier and scarier the more i lose :/ i didn't even think of the S hook on TAIN until later in the game. it's so hard to play well. i could do D11 AID if i don't want to double my i's, or even 7C AIM. -5 #strategymedium
4K TAIG(A) +12 Finding Small
probably just 3K DIGIT, AAT isn't that bad.. or J6 ATIGI. -3 #findingsmall
6F BOW +20 Strategy Large
an unaggressive, lame move. BOW at H13 is probably better. but BROWS/CROWS at 14B for 39 pts is best. i didn't even bother counting the score. i think if i had counted it i would have realized that's the play i want to make. it's really really hard to focus when you're 1-5. i was probably on autopilot trying to keep the RS combo etc. instead of thinking about the game situation. -8.5 #strategylarge
15E CEROES +34 Knowledge Large
wow. CEROES* is phony. CERO is a fish, not the number ZERO. never knew that. REBEC is still the best play, but i can't find plays like that when i'm 1-5 no matter how positive i am. -1 #knowledgelarge #tacticssmall
15E CEROES +34 Tactics Small
wow. CEROES* is phony. CERO is a fish, not the number ZERO. never knew that. REBEC is still the best play, but i can't find plays like that when i'm 1-5 no matter how positive i am. -1 #knowledgelarge #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 34754 50 Game is incomplete.
Game 35310 53 Game is incomplete.
Game 35135 55 Game is incomplete.
Game 35387 52 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 39803 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11283, Round 6).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.