Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
missed GLOOPY in the same spot, which I imagine has to be better. PHYTOL I didn't count, but it seems potentially worth playing due to scor. POTTY looked awful. #findingsmall
-2 to ODE blocking N(A)N and slowplaying. He also would have gone over if I did that. Takes guts. #endgamesmall
something was underscored by 2, so final recorded as 388-380
and then... this happens. ladies and gentlemen, your 2020 National Scrabble Champion can't find a top 500 word, or its anagram, on a wide open board. i don't know what to attribute this to. lord knows i've spent many hours thinking about this move and how i've been playing for nearly 15 years and how simple of a word it is, one doesn't even have to be a scrabble player to anagram the simple everyday word UNIDEAL. argh. makes me want to never play again. but i'm pretty sure it was due to a combination of nerves and tilting, and as long as i am actively working towards those, i suppose errors like this will become rarer. but talk about not being clutch at all, god damn. -39.5 #knowledgelarge #unideal #ridiculous
not good enough. 12A SWIVED scores more and i might be able to score next turn too on the S. VICED though sims best, for 38 vs 33 and keeps the W to score with. -6 #strategymedium
I considered this, FIE 11E and FETA 7G. I missed OHIA 11D which seems like the play. I didn't want to play FIE because it set up PIER with ECO and 6 R's out without a good lane on the board. OHIA sims better than HAO by 4 points, and I imagine it's even better than that in this position. #findingsmall
F10 (Q)UOTA seems like a good idea here. I didn't like (Q)UAI despite it being more proactive than U(N)AI, since it could help Kevin a decent amount potentially. QUOTA is best by a lot #findingmedium
completely missed the PSHAW hook! I went for PAESANO 2B and APNOEAS 14E, and set up another hook just in case I was missing another bingo with the N/Kevin would be less prone to blocking with more live bingo lanes. I might be best off playing N2 (T)AE for 10 here. It threatens PAVANES with an AN draw and REPAVES with an ER draw. I think Kevin is very likely to have the R, which is why I rejected the hail mary bag-empting EAV(E) D3, which would set up REAVE and a possible bingo in two spots (maybe?). But (T)AE also sets up the Z, and maybe if Kevin messes up somehow I can win if I draw the Z for P(RE)Z or O4 Z- plays. #findinglarge
S isn't amazing here so it's best to take 13 points with SN(E)LL 6H which I considered. Also better to keep RS here, the vowels to play through do not comprise of an E so the D is not very good. #strategysmall
5B W(O)KS keeping a strong leave is a good concept here. That sims best by several points over E1 D(I)RKS and D(I)KES, which I didn't consider either. S(C)REW is also behind by a few points. #findingsmall
somehow totally missed NA(T)AL and NO(T)AL here. Only saw A(T)OM and this as blocking plays. Also recognized after the fact that it was better to play YOM B6 and ignore the fact that Kevin can go out with LE(K)U. -15 #endgameSADDEST