Jeremy Hildebrand
Jeremy Hildebrand
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ANEMO(N)Es 4223 80
E(S)TRAYED 2907 74
(P)LATTInG 12825 74
DE(P)LANES 5036 62
(A)NTEAtER 1554 74
HEAVERS 10880 97
RURaLIS(M) 18618 80
DISPAR(IT)Y 15994 84
mARRERS 24002 69
(O)UiSTITI 22065 74
FLAMBEE 20835 86
YAWLINg 19188 69
A(I)RWOMEN 863 76
REFACEs 7922 78
YANTRAS 8244 71
SOIgNEE 507 79
SWIFTER 6860 79
REMATED 2089 76
AREnITE 8 77
O(R)TOLANS 2368 59
VElATES* 0 87
CLOA(K)ING 15658 82
AbLATES 5773 64
MEDI(A)TES 1459 72
VANIsH(E)D 5413 78
TONSILA(R) 274 70
DOLOuRS 11418 68
PEN(S)IOnE 4228 63
RULINGS 8107 71
TRIBADE 796 83
CoGNOV(I)T 22622 71
DELiCTS 7382 64
PROTEAS(E) 1050 83
(G)ERMiEST 6131 89
OU(T)CLASS 18768 74
BEGUIl(E)D 10226 65
(B)LOVIATE 1916 78
FIRr(I)EST 11756 90
EDUCAT(E)S 6973 76
OUTLaID 1507 68
TAMEINS 881 75
ENDUREs 3829 72
PARROTS 12656 74
B(EL)LoWERS 25454 64
BELI(Q)UOR 14504 221
CARIOSE 410 70
PROSECT 10827 87
ETC(H)ANTS 17839 64
LEnI(T)IES 1415 78
FOR(E)HEAD 6157 75
REWAXES 15738 92
(T)AnDOORI 552 66
HEROINS 1245 77
SWERF(I)NG 14503 80
ETAGERE 2759 92
LICENTe 2901 80
NETLIKE 5876 66
SABINES 8628 86
UNAIDEd 3748 85
(DA)RRAINeS 1544 77
FU(R)CATES 11874 76
GEEKIES(T) 18820 78
ENFANTS 8682 71
UN(P)ROVEn 14304 78
PARTLET 6224 66
(T)EACHERS 6751 101
(E)UCrITIc 25126 66
AIRHOL(E)S 709 64
WyVERNS 23839 101
cR(U)ZEIRO 15043 67
REHaNG(E)D 5899 82
(E)ARLObES 1793 78
RADDLiN(G) 11187 86
ABEAR(I)NG 2749 67
ENRAGED 1124 74
GR(I)TTiER 10138 131
AMBErOI(D) 1913 89
ANALOgS 8689 66
END(O)SARC 1662 65
RO(T)ARIES 186 66
GALeAT(E)D 5024 72
oLI(G)URIA 3900 59
D(I)ABEtIC 8043 86
MAGNUMS 30492 100
(B)OLDFaCE 20067 107
OUTRATE(D) 1432 63
(R)ETICENT 4933 62
DOSSIeR 4672 84
GERANIO(L) 73 62
OBSERV(E)d 14524 91
TREBLED 8771 66
FANTASy 21173 77
REAT(T)AIN 546 70
TENONE(R)S 2218 70
EISwEIN(S) 18282 74
DEMERSA(L) 6781 84
(Y)TTERbIC 18494 64
sTIC(K)MEN 18482 65
cHAIRME(N) 7235 82
(M)ELLOWEd 21773 70
PASSOVe(R) 14610 90
DORM(A)NTS* 0 63
PE(t)RONEL 1875 72
STRONGE(R) 3715 65
SPA(C)EMAN 24801 80
IRONI(Z)ED 4951 69
(S)iNGULAR 5627 66
MISSC(O)RE* 0 98
TReNDER* 0 70
O(U)TDREAM 1295 64
EINKORN(S) 6593 103
bULLETS 17650 86
COLORIS(E)* 0 83
THEoRBO 9120 82
T(IT)RATiON 6660 77
BeTAINE 349 81
BRUTISM 20971 78
S(T)APEDII 3374 65
RAnPIKE 6520 76
PETIOLE(D) 1824 78
ONSTAGE 372 74
GRATINs 1343 84
OCTROIs 7086 63
MOU(R)NERS 8992 72
OErSTED 1084 68
INDORSE 206 64
HERE(T)RIX 20832 212
LoNELIE(ST) 2457 77
ROLAMI(T)E 265 61
(R)ESONANT 455 77
RAmPIKE 11966 79
HANKIES 10456 75
LACTONE 1157 77
NEwSIER 3068 77
PuNKINS 30461 86
UNACT(I)VE 4340 69
FARINAS 7280 72
ReTITL(E)D 3521 59
DIETARY 627 80
ZOUAVES 11256 128
MALTAsE 5803 83
aTONIES 11 75
gRIEVOU(S) 5741 68
JING(L)ETS 13858 86
NEROLIS 175 77
APPRAIS(E) 14545 78
FEE(D)INgS* 0 94
KINDLIE(R) 8233 78
TRANSOM 3262 66
FRISKED 19042 85
CREATI(V)E 2833 64
LORInGS 4931 71
CAL(A)MINE 5960 66
ISO(LA)TION 1926 63
RIb(B)ONED 15458 140
MISSAID 24660 76
TITUpED 12721 72
(M)IGrAINE 2777 66
(n)ONRURAL 14933 59
HAWSERS 16525 84
(A)IRBORNE 719 72
M(U)LTIAGe 3456 68
DE(T)ONATE 938 72
(G)ILLNETS 12153 80
(C)UTESIEr 2956 61
ERRHINE 4707 77
FOMItES 4914 79
POLARIT(Y) 5657 102
LACTATE 9759 67
NOYADES 1864 81
AERIALS 467 78
(T)HUNDERS 7180 92
RANDIER 700 68
SNIFTER 2147 72
FOOTAgE 4077 76
RINgW(O)RM 19015 86
CORNEAS 847 67
InTER(T)IE 1555 57
INFARES 629 89
OXIDISE 9744 80
WARiEST 923 102
HEINOUS 2650 85
IRONIES 307 69
PAINTED 618 76
DOGgIER 6997 85
(P)READMIT 4380 78
HOSpItA(L) 12103 80
SIGNETS 9830 74
sTARLIT 5979 70
ROuGHED 11173 80
DONATES 187 74
StENNED 8363 80
HOLIESt 1936 76
DELUSOR(Y) 7827 89
GE(L)ATION 59 70
GAWsIER 3424 78
SENARII 173 71
TRANNIe 249 75
ICTeRUS 4339 69
OREGA(N)OS 936 70
ESCAPeD 10876 86
OSTLERS 5932 68
CARtONE(D) 549 83
(A)LIENAGE 818 80
THENOL(I)C* 0 67
VAP(O)RISE 2601 67
PLANATE 4721 74
ENCODER(S) 4759 89
cRISTAE 824 72
DISGORg(E) 8825 83
(C)OUNTIES 1354 83
AsTROID 579 76
SALUTED 3100 82
NEO(N)ATAL 1884 62
RESINAT(E) 44 83
BROMIDE(S) 8855 78
OUT(P)LACE 8787 76
RAVIGO(T)E 495 66
NOSEBAG(S) 15701 92
MENTEES 12028 73
PURIFI(E)R 17184 66
(V)ILLAGER 10401 89
TWINKIE 11060 86
REGALIA 990 64
OVeRDID 7324 74
WOODSIA 6928 78
ROOTaGE 695 62
RUTILAN(T) 3320 66
LEADENS 1306 81
RITARDs 4386 66
OUTsHIN(E) 1387 80
R(O)ARINgS 3225 58
AU(D)ITION 1117 63
W(O)RMIEST 5460 76
GATINGS 15827 85
EL(A)TIONS 30 70
LARDONs 3212 75
BEETRoO(T) 8504 74
NOB(B)LERS 18627 158
FINNIER 6913 84
(D)IPLOIDS 21800 89
EDgEWIS(E) 12781 87
GEOD(E)TIC 2724 84
EBONIT(E)S 786 84
(C)LASPING 16941 69
ELI(C)IToR 1596 68
FRATERS 6212 86
E(N)ACTING 5660 72
CaNTRE(D)S 3005 61
ANORETI(C) 66 74
ETALONS 155 70
FOREFI(N)S* 0 80
HAUL(M)IER 7500 67
EXTOrTS 10808 88
CORNUaL 5580 68
OPU(N)TIAS 2324 62
H(A)RICOTS 5627 80
ENFrAM(E)D 6762 76
tORQUER 10807 75
GROmMET 16731 64
UnCROSS 17844 68
ROOTIER 1207 66
ADOPTEE 1185 78
ENTHRA(L)L 8318 65
TIMIDER 3469 64
INDIUMs 14074 78
DISEASE 3586 85
RE(M)ODELS 8089 72
(N)ARGILES 583 80
VI(C)ARIES 8281 73
DECRIER 10281 76
ZOOLAT(E)R 5979 70
sNAFUED 7464 73
GUTTIES 9199 88
LIfE(L)INE 18809 66
NITRIDE 650 74
TRAHISO(N) 1434 95
(D)ANSEURs 9462 77
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
BELI(Q)UOR 14504 221
GR(I)TTiER 10138 131
HERE(T)RIX 20832 212
RIb(B)ONED 15458 140
NOB(B)LERS 18627 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
DISPAR(IT)Y 15994 84
B(EL)LoWERS 25454 64
(DA)RRAINeS 1544 77
T(IT)RATiON 6660 77
LoNELIE(ST) 2457 77
ISO(LA)TION 1926 63
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
VOLTAS* 0 71
VElATES* 0 87
O(D)UOR* 0 14
TYGU* 0 17
(I)IN* 0 4
DORM(A)NTS* 0 63
MISSC(O)RE* 0 98
TReNDER* 0 70
COLORIS(E)* 0 83
HOLP(S)* 0 20
AIRIFY* 0 37
FEE(D)INgS* 0 94
WITEN* 0 30
SYING* 0 22
FURZED* 0 85
THENOL(I)C* 0 67
BEW(A)RY* 0 36
FOREFI(N)S* 0 80
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(P)LATTInG 12825 74
BOU(G)E 4728 24
PRECiOUS 8694 0
S(C)ARRERs* 0 0
mARRERS 24002 69
(O)UiSTITI 22065 74
ERNE 150 0
(J)UPATI 14350 45
BELI(Q)UOR 14504 221
TRIDU(U)M 24079 20
PROSECT 10827 87
SWERF(I)NG 14503 80
BI(FURCATES) 8653 34
GARB 2114 0
TINING 8156 40
GALeAT(E)D 5024 72
MAGNUMS 30492 100
BlOOEYS* 0 0
TREBLED 8771 66
BUPPI(E) 19709 26
HERE(T)RIX 20832 212
NYMS* 0 0
SWI(THE)D* 0 0
CaSS(E)INS* 0 0
PuNKINS 30461 86
JING(L)ETS 13858 86
INIA 374 19
(n)ONRURAL 14933 59
DENIM 1773 31
oXERS 3921 79
(G)ILLNETS 12153 80
(R)EVUED* 0 0
JOUN(C)Y 14462 28
TAATA 9029 33
StENNED 8363 80
MAHU(T)* 0 0
LO(OB)IE* 0 0
sURFARI* 0 0
SALUTED 3100 82
OUT(P)LACE 8787 76
CRAN 1562 13
W(O)LVED* 0 0
WHElKIE* 0 0
NOB(B)LERS 18627 158
ZOOLAT(E)R 5979 70
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PRET(E)STS 20430 63
RECOATS 852 82
IMITA(T)eD 5300 72
SOIREES 2388 96
PRONAOI 3245 91
THEATER 6387 96
SPORTIN(G) 8545 86
(B)oYSIEST 19624 89
EELPOUT 6294 72
E(P)INASTY 4301 65
u(N)TIMELY 11674 76
(D)ARLINGS 5501 84
LOUTISH 8460 85
BIGaM(I)ES 11208 84
INsTALL 7277 68
VOMITOS 14498 83
SINOPIA 3539 92
(D)ECENTER 7482 92
PLAGUEY 14690 74
(U)NITIzER 5198 74
DIAMAN(T)E 1140 62
REM(A)KInG 11513 66
sPURIAE 2019 74
(P)ApERING 17940 83
TENANTS 8060 78
QuEA(S)IER 3248 70
AEROTON(E) 129 77
UPDA(T)ING 11496 62
ObVIATE 1706 74
SILURID 13245 73
(T)ORTONIS 7028 77
B(A)RONIES 230 61
(P)YROLISE 8741 78
HER(E)TICs 9160 158
MANITOS 2208 79
ACEROSE 1634 76
OuTDRAG 4896 83
SHRINED 4247 88
FELI(C)IAs 12214 98
DIA(s)PORA 6390 72
ATTORNS 3931 66
ARCADES 7890 72
TANGIE(S)T 2092 62
ARTI(S)TIC 14733 72
EM(A)cIATE 5924 131
ZEBRAN(O)S 9700 92
LENTIGO 509 70
EX(T)RUDER 22453 70
DEVI(L)TRY 11537 82
THRONED 2776 80
PREsTOR(E) 9828 77
(T)AILBONE 233 70
aNIMATO 2482 76
TINEIDS 1223 63
(C)hILIADS 18622 90
SUMMATE 16799 69
WEDELNS 12919 80
NITRIDE 650 74
TANAGER 1407 72
LIFEB(O)AT 2627 71
LA(I)TANCE 1540 78
(L)IMONITE 2195 62
nEGAT(O)NS 1895 66
MADONNa 12858 87
sPANNED 9007 70
VESTiGE 7718 68
(D)ITHERER 8386 89
INtERIM 1755 74
DoNNERE(D) 9984 60
(I)NVITEeS 3310 70
WIELD(I)ER 7454 63
eXP(I)ATOR 3043 82
GAMIEST 3305 68
(F)LOATIER 264 86
PEMBINA 11620 76
(O)ZONATED 5840 90
SaNTOOR 2216 84
lEN(I)ENTS 3454 78
ADVISOR 4371 82
LOU(V)ERED 7875 66
(A)DEEMINg 2220 64
PETUnIA 897 79
AUNTIES 147 68
STHENIA 846 75
GUTSIER 1668 70
HORA(R)IUm* 0 90
GRATI(N)EE 80 63
OBELIAS 813 64
HEM(L)INES 9959 102
RETSINA(S) 919 70
(O)vERAGES 2722 77
STUDiES 8093 82
E(N)DURERS 7651 70
(D)IGITAtE 3474 70
CAbLETS 9515 91
PUNiTI(V)E 12859 73
NOTATES 1007 77
LINIESt 1229 75
ANESTrI 19 74
NOVENAS 4424 71
TREA(T)IES 504 66
AErOSOL 980 81
LANTERN 1288 68
VARIoUS 3216 77
TROM(B)ONE 8062 78
(P)OTATION 9267 70
DOSSIER 3416 70
UNhA(I)RER 2771 58
VELOU(T)ES 5864 61
EcLOGI(T)E 2725 59
SEVERAL 5504 83
I(D)EATIVe 2288 82
NITERIe 400 78
GADARE(N)E 2597 74
AMATION 2483 74
SULFATE 7536 78
(A)BROGAtE 3258 76
PRAT(I)QUE 6328 80
VOICERS 4897 91
SEEABLE 11894 70
ERRATAS 4517 78
SNACKER 10489 75
CELEsTA 3860 89
OUTRANc(E) 554 64
ATRESIA 133 77
SAVARIN 5254 75
LEAVInG 2433 74
AGILiTY 10029 77
MANITOs 2208 79
S(L)EEVING 9904 63
PL(A)TiNGS 8298 64
READIES 199 88
HaNTLES 4232 76
LA(N)CIERS 1291 61
ROADIEs 49 70
MIAOUED 1096 71
ZADDIK(I)M 39191 150
ANTEN(N)AL 17740 73
CLANGER 6281 79
GOBLINS 14489 80
HOIDEnS 2673 78
DECAGON 3937 97
(B)EAUTIED 1962 81
oUT(R)AVES 1331 62
POLENTA 1200 74
ETCHInG 12200 80
GANISTE(R) 149 80
COURTE(r)S 8978 140
STEADIn(G) 437 80
L(I)QuATeD 4728 104
COMITIE(S) 7037 89
AgITATO(R) 5058 59
AI(R)SHEDS 11334 64
ESTREAT 1802 74
OES(T)RONE 835 60
MISTOOk 17438 74
BOVINEl(Y) 11340 69
KITTLES(T) 23549 76
(A)NALECTS 4657 89
(W)ATERiNG 990 86
INFAUST 6635 87
TARD(I)EST 1158 70
LEANERS 740 67
TONGUEs 3106 73
BAN(K)SIDE 9454 66
DeALING(S) 1072 62
TRADUCE(s) 5904 70
NESTLER 1903 82
TOOTSIE 3506 72
ERU(P)TION 778 61
BETIDES 5518 83
ANDaNTE 4536 79
BURLESK 18317 111
INdICA(T)E 1171 70
LIT(E)RATi 1043 78
BiNOCLE 6623 76
FADDIEr 8708 91
TONSU(r)ES 6431 122
NORITEs 63 79
DISTAS(T)E 7589 70
RAV(I)GOTE 372 66
BIrYANI 12932 87
LIGNITE 2804 75
VASTEST 21957 79
PREEVED 21699 84
TINcHEL 9290 74
EL(E)cTION 1032 70
(W)aGELESS 25689 74
LOGAnIA 3064 68
HETAIRA 1073 67
COMPARE(R) 22200 82
EROTICa 96 86
STANiNE 522 68
OVERLAI(N) 202 75
SINGLES 9883 92
AGAINST 3288 85
JETPOR(T)S 18598 90
TANGELO 367 75
TROoLIE 474 68
BASOPH(I)L 24300 82
L(A)RIATED 375 68
INHUMER 9342 72
AfFIXES 28086 120
TUATERA 3246 66
(A)SPIRIng 8911 89
SHO(R)TIAS 8359 72
(n)ICETIES 3295 80
ARsONIS(T) 2164 74
hEROINE 461 77
DANDLES 8058 72
SO(L)ONETZ 10276 69
LOU(N)gING 21844 68
BETAMES* 0 121
PILOTED 1911 76
PATRIOT 5603 74
FLO(R)EnCE 10486 64
ABR(A)DING 12235 98
ENLIN(K)ED 18510 64
PHELO(N)IA 1945 78
STANDEE 546 85
COSIEST 7319 81
BRINIER 6910 69
UPLINKS 19684 86
UNLETTE(D) 7650 68
EtESIAN 53 76
aLIGN(E)RS 438 140
REUNITE 214 73
DI(S)TAFfS 37457 82
sW(E)ARING 2424 82
SOLVERS 18697 79
EN(C)RINAL 3780 70
cOAXIAL 19771 70
(B)ATWOMEN 11175 98
LIMITIN(G) 28936 63
(F)oRPINED 5410 89
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
HER(E)TICs 9160 158
EM(A)cIATE 5924 131
COURTE(r)S 8978 140
TONSU(r)ES 6431 122
aLIGN(E)RS 438 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(WEN)N* 0 9
(K)N(A)RR* 0 18
TY* 0 26
AEE* 0 32
GR(E)NZ* 0 50
HORA(R)IUm* 0 90
OVE(R)GO* 0 20
ABEY* 0 18
HELIC* 0 52
KEFFI(R)* 0 32
BETAMES* 0 121
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SOIREES 2388 96
FUNG 4372 23
REP(I)NER 6419 36
KIRB(E)H 16393 30
V(E)NATOR* 0 0
(P)YROLISE 8741 78
M(O)UlDIER 3689 0
SHRINED 4247 88
FLUNK(Y) 21471 63
FELI(C)IAs 12214 98
MOKI 3887 57
DuGGERY* 0 0
DaGGERY* 0 0
PREsTOR(E) 9828 77
(L)IMONITE 2195 62
DESIS 4816 31
YOW(S)E* 0 0
VESTA 1704 34
F(E)DEX 9469 43
WHEWS 11989 38
FONDA 3253 26
DIVED 5107 31
PAY(d)IRTS* 0 0
GUE* 0 0
PIN(T)ER* 0 0
SEU* 0 0
OXLIKE 9562 56
WALIE 694 32
GROAT 996 32
SEEABLE 11894 70
DE(R)O 167 25
(T)EEL 575 12
ZADDIK(I)M 39191 150
CI(L)EI* 0 0
(e)XCITRON* 0 0
AIERI(E)* 0 0
OFT 582 0
INIAS* 0 0
KITTLES(T) 23549 76
BURRY 8167 28
PEON 635 0
INFAUST 6635 87
RORIC 5606 29
WAVIES 5622 40
PREEVED 21699 84
(W)aGELESS 25689 74
(C)ROQUIS 16292 36
WHI(R)RY 14359 38
FLO(R)EnCE 10486 64
(C)OLB(Y) 7990 14
ROUT(M)AN* 0 0
BEGIFT 10569 32
(B)ATWOMEN 11175 98
(F)oRPINED 5410 89
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Games that end in ties.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 133
Invalid Games 0.03 4
Incomplete 0.02 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.02 2
Total Turns 25.22 3354
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.54 71.5
Score 432.59 57535
Score per Turn 34.3288
Turns 12.60 1676
Vertical Plays 5.83 775
Horizontal Plays 5.83 776
One Tile Plays 0.47 62
Other Plays 0.47 63
Firsts 0.50 66
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.7619
Exchanges 0.22 29
High Game 749
Low Game 263
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 2.14 284
Sevens 0.98 131
Eights 1.11 147
Nines 0.05 6
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7158.71
Sevens 6718.35
Eights 7479.86
Nines 9005.83
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.32 6559
A 4.35 578
B 0.90 120
C 1.03 137
D 2.12 282
E 6.02 800
F 1.15 153
G 1.43 190
H 0.95 127
I 4.31 573
J 0.49 65
K 0.47 63
L 1.89 252
M 1.02 136
N 2.85 379
O 3.99 531
P 1.00 133
Q 0.47 63
R 3.04 404
S 2.06 274
T 2.82 375
U 1.95 259
V 0.95 127
W 1.08 143
X 0.41 55
Y 1.00 133
Z 0.46 61
? 1.10 146
Power Tiles Played 4.99 664
? 1.10 146
J 0.49 65
Q 0.47 63
X 0.41 55
Z 0.46 61
S 2.06 274
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.06 8
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.03 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.02 3
Turns With a Blank 2.08 276
Triple Triples Played 0.04 5
Bingoless Games 0.05 6
Bonus Square Coverage 15.78 2099
Double Letter 4.97 661
Triple Letter 5.38 715
Double Word 3.06 407
Triple Word 2.38 316
Phony Plays 0.32 42
Unchallenged 0.15 20
Challenged Off 0.17 22
Challenges 0.91 121
You Won 0.22 29
Opponent Lost 0.23 31
You Lost 0.29 39
Opponent Won 0.17 22
Challenge Percentage 0.4265
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5849
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4762
Comments 9.58 1274
Comments Word Length 172.01 22877
Mistakeless Turns 12.60 1676
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4560, 0.5304)
B 0.4500 (0.4142, 0.5722)
C 0.5150 (0.4142, 0.5722)
D 0.5300 (0.4374, 0.5490)
E 0.5017 (0.4610, 0.5254)
F 0.5750 (0.4142, 0.5722)
G 0.4767 (0.4287, 0.5577)
H 0.4750 (0.4142, 0.5722)
I 0.4789 (0.4560, 0.5304)
J 0.4900 (0.3815, 0.6049)
K 0.4700 (0.3815, 0.6049)
L 0.4725 (0.4374, 0.5490)
M 0.5100 (0.4142, 0.5722)
N 0.4750 (0.4476, 0.5388)
O 0.4988 (0.4537, 0.5327)
P 0.5000 (0.4142, 0.5722)
Q 0.4700 (0.3815, 0.6049)
R 0.5067 (0.4476, 0.5388)
S 0.5150 (0.4374, 0.5490)
T 0.4700 (0.4476, 0.5388)
U 0.4875 (0.4374, 0.5490)
V 0.4750 (0.4142, 0.5722)
W 0.5400 (0.4142, 0.5722)
X 0.4100 (0.3815, 0.6049)
Y 0.5000 (0.4142, 0.5722)
Z 0.4600 (0.3815, 0.6049)
? 0.5500 (0.4142, 0.5722)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.46 61.5
Score 414.17 55085
Score per Turn 32.8278
Turns 12.62 1678
Vertical Plays 5.60 745
Horizontal Plays 6.12 814
One Tile Plays 0.33 44
Other Plays 0.56 75
Firsts 0.50 67
Vertical Openings per First 0.1481
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8519
Full Rack per Turn 0.7151
Exchanges 0.25 33
High Game 589
Low Game 271
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.80 240
Sevens 0.91 121
Eights 0.89 119
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6616.60
Sevens 5555.24
Eights 7686.96
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.04 6389
A 4.45 592
B 1.06 141
C 0.91 121
D 1.80 240
E 5.71 759
F 0.83 110
G 1.44 192
H 1.01 134
I 4.38 583
J 0.50 67
K 0.53 70
L 1.99 265
M 0.95 126
N 2.98 396
O 3.83 509
P 0.94 125
Q 0.47 63
R 2.72 362
S 1.87 249
T 3.00 399
U 1.88 250
V 0.95 126
W 0.89 118
X 0.57 76
Y 0.98 130
Z 0.54 72
? 0.86 114
Power Tiles Played 4.82 641
? 0.86 114
J 0.50 67
Q 0.47 63
X 0.57 76
Z 0.54 72
S 1.87 249
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 17
? 0.04 5
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 3
X 0.02 2
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 6
Turns With a Blank 1.53 204
Triple Triples Played 0.04 5
Bingoless Games 0.10 13
Bonus Square Coverage 15.74 2093
Double Letter 5.19 690
Triple Letter 5.45 725
Double Word 2.80 373
Triple Word 2.29 305
Phony Plays 0.32 42
Unchallenged 0.10 13
Challenged Off 0.22 29
Challenges 0.91 121
You Won 0.17 22
Opponent Lost 0.29 39
You Lost 0.23 31
Opponent Won 0.22 29
Challenge Percentage 0.4151
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5735
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3095
Comments 9.58 1274
Comments Word Length 172.01 22877
Mistakeless Turns 12.30 1636
Mistakes per Turn 0.0268
Mistakes 0.34 45
Knowledge 0.15 20
Finding 0.02 3
Vision 0.09 12
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.05 7
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.02 3
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4944 (0.4432, 0.5176)
B 0.5300 (0.4015, 0.5593)
C 0.4550 (0.4015, 0.5593)
D 0.4500 (0.4246, 0.5362)
E 0.4758 (0.4482, 0.5126)
F 0.4150 (0.4015, 0.5593)
G 0.4800 (0.4160, 0.5448)
H 0.5050 (0.4015, 0.5593)
I 0.4867 (0.4432, 0.5176)
J 0.5000 (0.3688, 0.5920)
K 0.5300 (0.3688, 0.5920)
L 0.4975 (0.4246, 0.5362)
M 0.4750 (0.4015, 0.5593)
N 0.4967 (0.4348, 0.5260)
O 0.4788 (0.4409, 0.5199)
P 0.4700 (0.4015, 0.5593)
Q 0.4700 (0.3688, 0.5920)
R 0.4533 (0.4348, 0.5260)
S 0.4675 (0.4246, 0.5362)
T 0.5000 (0.4348, 0.5260)
U 0.4700 (0.4246, 0.5362)
V 0.4750 (0.4015, 0.5593)
W 0.4450 (0.4015, 0.5593)
X 0.5700 (0.3688, 0.5920)
Y 0.4900 (0.4015, 0.5593)
Z 0.5400 (0.3688, 0.5920)
? 0.4300 (0.4015, 0.5593)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
1H (P)ApERING +83 Vision Large
G2 AGINnER #visionsaddest
N6 BI +22 Strategy Small
N5 AB #strategysad
9I YA(H) +30 Strategy Small
2M OY(E) #strategysad
10E CO(C)O +10 Finding Large
10J ESTOC #findingsaddest
13C WH(E)T +20 Strategy Large
5E M(OWER). I have to block that spot. #strategysaddest
10L MI(Z) +14 Strategy Large
8A ELDI(N) #strategysaddest
11A UPDA(T)ING +62 Knowledge Large
2b anguip(e)d #knowledgelarge
10E (S)KI +35 Vision Medium
c1 aduki #visionmedium
D4 MANITOS +79 Vision Small
11g stamnoi #visionsmall
B11 D(U)NS +19 Vision Small
f9 rews #visionsmall
2F GR(I)T +9 Vision Medium
9a ergo #visionmedium
10K (C)H +7 Knowledge Large
12h mudirieh #knowledgelarge
N4 M(O)UlDIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1H YA(H) +27 Knowledge Large
9f dasyure #knowledgelarge
D7 S(Q)UIRLED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
thought this was a word #knowledgelarge
8H (BOTCH)ING +48 Vision Medium
a8 vi(c)inage #visionmedium, ( this is almost as good)
10H YEZ +47 Knowledge Large
d1 azymite #knowledgeSADDEST
12D MANITOs +79 Vision Small
o1 antismog #visionsmall
7G LOR +20 Knowledge Medium
4g loeral #knowledgemedium
J4 AXE +25 Vision Large
14e ex #visionsaddest
O8 BAW(D) +30 Knowledge Medium
12a bewail #knowledgemedium
7C KAW(A) +26 Vision Small
g6 indow #visionsmall
A4 CI(L)EI +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
8D KOBOS +32 Knowledge Large
8G BOUK #knowledgesaddest
I9 POLENTA +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging JOBE. I swear my brain was like "yeah that's a word" but I was like "hmmm what if my brain's lying to me and it's NOT a word?" anyway. that happened.
12D AIERI(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phoney
12D AIERI(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phoney
5B CI(R)RI +14 Knowledge Small
Still E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST also a big ass #knowledgesad for challeneging OXERS lmao oop
5B CI(R)RI +14 Vision Large
Still E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST also a big ass #knowledgesad for challeneging OXERS lmao oop
K8 AUA +15 Knowledge Large
F8 (B)IZ +34 Knowledge Large
O7 ECHoIZ(E) and 8J (NA)ZIfY are notable #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11E HEY +33 Knowledge Medium
B2 YEC(C)H oof #knowledgeSADDER
2I ETCHInG +80 Strategy Small
I'm down, so I guess I need to be aggressive by playing L2 ETCHInG. I didn't want to do it because there was still an F, two Ls, and an R unseen. IDK, maybe I distract my opponent with this while I hope to bingo elsewhere. big oof. #strategysmall
1G VATU +26 Finding Small
1H FOU is nice #findingsad
12K OFT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L4 ATOPY keeping 12K IF for next turn *facepalm* #knowledgesaddest Also I phoneyed here anyway, so that's another whole ass #Knowledgesaddest
12K OFT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L4 ATOPY keeping 12K IF for next turn *facepalm* #knowledgesaddest Also I phoneyed here anyway, so that's another whole ass #Knowledgesaddest
12K OF +38 Knowledge Large
3D HURL +25 Finding Large
I saw N6 HOT but didn't think of N6 HOTEL. #findingsaddest
N1 INS +33 Strategy Medium
I did not see the cool N1 AN setup. #strategysadder
O8 (C)OWPEA +14 Time Large
I panicked and tried to block, but I just need to outrun with N5 OW. #timesaddest
B12 UND(O) +14 Time Large
H4 DUN #timesaddest
14H (E)XILIC +17 Knowledge Large
14G X(E)RIC #knowledgesaddest
N6 JO(E) +26 Strategy Medium
N7 V(E)RD looks nice here. #strategysadder
2J DECKO +42 Vision Large
9C QUINT(A) +26 Time Small
12D QUIN(O) is 2 points better #timesad
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 21765 45 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 21758 33 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 3019 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 27811 58 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.