Jason Ubeika
Jason Ubeika
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
MITTENS 8739 75
(O)VERLaIN 273 83
AURATEs 1675 70
AGRASTE 2867 70
BAR(R)ELED 12578 94
ARMORI(E)S 2314 63
(E)COsTATE 5851 77
ACINOSE 412 72
SKIAT(R)ON 3622 62
(NE)ARSIDEs 2031 80
RIVETEr(s) 8480 80
BELAYEd 15248 80
AcETOUS 2584 82
sNOO(P)ERS 14564 70
T(R)ITONeS 618 66
OARLESS 4757 65
AURAlLY 19385 63
CLOSING 10329 69
AUREOLA 698 74
NEATEST 1798 67
FRUI(T)INg 12426 72
PROININ(G) 20023 63
GOAtIES(T) 1111 70
ATAVISM 12568 89
RESURGE 10862 72
FiLIATE 1705 76
(T)UTELAGE 6561 61
SAPONI(T)E 214 64
(J)UNCTION 20728 69
ARTICLE 597 68
REALIS(TI)C 1351 86
DIABEt(I)C 5982 74
NITERIE 287 66
PIKeMAN 16757 80
REPEALe(D) 7359 83
pLAN(T)ERS 2254 66
SPeCIES 17417 70
WO(O)DSMEN 14842 66
dEITIEs 1610 58
AUREATE 1046 66
AN(E)URINs 1190 64
ONShORE 6971 68
ARANEID 160 74
ACEROSE 1634 66
ANTIPO(D)E 260 62
OUTDONE 2033 82
IN(T)ERVAL 542 76
TRUSTEE 8389 67
ROILIER 2848 72
FOuNTAI(N) 7080 70
(D)iALOGUE 874 80
BOU(N)DERS 6821 74
CITATIO(N) 7756 70
ME(D)IALLY 23425 65
STARNEd 555 66
ENGAOLE(D) 1163 63
AMEaRST 4850 93
COCHLEA(R) 20234 82
TAPD(O)WNS* 0 86
(O)UTFEEDs* 0 86
GINGALS 14161 72
(B)ANTERED 1499 76
EASIEST 1960 84
W(R)ITABLE 3116 78
TENSELY 6484 75
DOW(D)IEST 12773 76
ANTIPO(D)E 260 62
LAITIES 471 67
CEAsING 2412 84
(V)ANITiED 1593 86
AUdITOR 594 67
TIME(P)OST* 0 98
SLUICEd 8232 84
(E)tAERIOS 17 74
MULCHES 20460 86
ONSTAgE 372 75
MAIDENS 1996 78
aSTERN(A)L 1100 58
ANTIME(R)E 304 70
PI(N)TANOs 7089 74
STETSON 9852 78
LIGAT(I)VE 5489 68
CREASeS 14899 76
DECLIN(E)D 13072 78
SCABbIE(R) 19271 72
TANnOYS 9256 78
INTERNE 1342 72
SICKENS 27154 75
DETRUsO(R) 6234 70
THRuS(T)ED 14804 94
WINlESS 12455 78
INSUREd 1522 78
RATHOLE 1188 76
MU(R)RINES* 0 78
STATURE 2712 73
DEFANGS 7179 79
EMPANAD(A) 24380 76
(T)ESTATOr 9364 66
(D)EBITINg 9149 70
(R)ESONATE 58 66
LE(T)TINGS 7324 66
rO(T)ENONE 3157 59
fLEXORS 20208 88
UNLEaR(N)S 5218 58
GAMETES 7703 86
SORRIER 11440 66
DEstINY 4359 73
LAWINES 2051 73
MANOrIA(L) 3577 65
OUTL(I)NES 437 66
TRENDOI(D) 1647 61
SOBERES(T) 10521 70
SOFTIES 10264 73
DEPLORE 6425 80
SLITtER 3833 70
OVERS(A)IL 721 65
UNB(O)UGHT 36205 86
PIST(O)LES 12732 72
ENDUrED 12513 70
BELAY(E)RS 13571 84
FLOr(I)DLY 22736 80
AL(I)ENORs 18 61
ENVI(S)AGE 3069 78
ALUNiTE 116 69
ANTILEF(T) 2914 63
SHADOwE(D) 18817 92
PERCALE 11127 81
ROASTED 147 78
TE(R)ATOId 130 122
BREWERS 17178 97
AIRbASE 2363 64
(L)ADETTEs 6450 62
MISQUO(T)E 14532 70
dEODA(R)AS 7101 64
BATtING 14669 74
SALTER(N)S 4113 59
LIGAT(U)RE 582 60
DRIFTIN(G) 16676 76
SANIclE 1908 77
NITTIER 1608 66
(L)aNoLINE 3083 71
CoUGARS 14447 73
P(I)SSOIrS 38003 70
R(E)DOLENT 648 63
BANDIeR 799 75
FETtERs 10428 74
LASSOER 3407 80
TANSIES 1845 78
DoLERIT(ES) 232 68
DEFRAGs 7478 81
GA(I)ETIES 1098 61
AURELi(A)N 387 61
FACINGS 14004 84
NORMALS 5604 75
A(N)TImINE 3096 70
INSTILL 19401 67
CORONaT(E) 1196 83
lOUSIER 677 85
sOLDERE(D) 8744 83
SWANNED 9008 94
OV(E)RSOAk 12174 62
AbERR(A)NT 5496 61
(H)ANDOUTS 7203 89
IMPREGN 12160 83
VAGUESt 10022 82
HET(A)IRAS 1549 74
CEN(T)ILeS 4043 69
EROTICa 96 86
SOLANDe(R) 410 77
NEUROS(I)S 3450 66
CAVErN(E)D 9308 65
M(A)NDATOR 6659 62
ROISTED 221 80
STOGIES 7032 71
DOLMENs 8524 77
HIRSUTE 4377 77
I(m)MODEST 15094 149
NItERIE(S) 429 66
tELEXI(N)G 7798 80
VENDORS 3721 98
EXORDiA 1034 84
(R)EGIMENT 2335 94
ASSAyIN(G) 28115 66
(D)IATRONS 361 77
HANGOU(T)S 12941 74
UNIVERS(E) 4109 76
STEAMIE 1393 65
ABRIDG(e)S 4710 64
JAR(O)SITE 899 66
ACREAgE 8289 82
INVEST(E)D 2972 78
GENOIsE 506 65
MARRIED 3625 89
L(E)CTERNS 5147 64
GLYC(E)RIn 10863 76
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TE(R)ATOId 130 122
I(m)MODEST 15094 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(NE)ARSIDEs 2031 80
REALIS(TI)C 1351 86
DoLERIT(ES) 232 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
WACKED* 0 26
MAYANS* 0 37
RUG(R)AT* 0 11
TAPD(O)WNS* 0 86
(O)UTFEEDs* 0 86
TIME(P)OST* 0 98
MU(R)RINES* 0 78
CLAI(R)* 0 23
IPI* 0 11
GEEKI(N)G* 0 30
BA(Z)* 0 28
MURIC* 0 22
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SMITTEN 8740 0
EC(T)OPIA 1701 37
SKIAT(R)ON 3622 62
THRAW 7161 32
PIUM 4338 28
(s)YNCHRO 19082 44
RERU(L)E* 0 0
NEED 561 0
NIZAMS 14360 64
T(AL)MUDIC 20367 38
HOOF(Y)* 0 0
POU(P)EE* 0 0
COCHLEA(R) 20234 82
SOLES 3815 0
SAUS* 0 0
OPTIOn(E)R* 0 0
A(N)TIPOdY* 0 0
ADORERS 2246 0
MaLLRAT* 0 0
DETRUsO(R) 6234 70
(AL)KONES* 0 0
AMBRY 10619 44
EURIpIS* 0 0
A(N)aTTOES* 0 0
N(E)URuLES* 0 0
LIbSTER* 0 0
PIST(O)LES 12732 72
BELAY(E)RS 13571 84
PERCALE 11127 81
TA(M)BOlAS* 0 0
VEGA* 0 0
WINCHE(R) 11361 38
SWANNED 9008 94
HUL(KY) 12605 30
FRI(ZeD) 12262 54
DOLMENs 8524 77
BI(P)ODS 10215 33
(M)OONIE* 0 0
TASK 3300 51
STEAMIE 1393 65
V(O)CI* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ABuSIVE 9217 80
U(M)ANGItE 2414 83
NONSTOP 23054 79
AIRS(H)EDS 11281 82
(G)LOATERS 879 80
(S)IDEWALK 17943 68
BIrY(A)NIS 16340 67
INCITED 4865 66
OuTRAVE 1227 87
EUCLASE 8829 74
RESPLIT 4410 97
MENTOR(E)D 2568 76
SON(A)TINE 185 82
ETIOLA(T)E 346 74
HEART(I)ES 837 62
BARTEND 1505 76
(S)ILICONE 3059 89
NA(R)GiLEH 1732 78
sENARII 172 67
HANDBI(L)L 21984 84
LOUNGES 4070 70
SCALARE 5787 74
ESTREAT 1802 82
UN(F)EAREd 2873 74
ACNODES 1833 75
JINGOI(S)M 21911 69
FrEELOA(D) 1797 86
RITUALS 1781 63
SU(B)TrADE 5894 76
SU(R)ICATE 1299 61
(R)ERAILED 1627 74
LoCALIT(E) 3578 68
SIERRAS 5947 81
(R)EATTAIn 420 68
UNPEELs* 0 83
STROYED 3732 81
(I)NTENSER 1234 74
PARROTE(R) 11688 83
LOIT(E)ReR 696 68
TWINSeT 8759 81
IONISES 5606 79
COAUTH(O)R 19326 70
SORBENT 1966 76
(D)ELAINES 345 61
BRIG(H)tER 15673 69
CITOLES 1903 86
IN(V)ERTED 1534 64
TRELLIS 5200 69
HEdGERS 15832 74
BOTUlIN 7866 72
ENRAGES 1566 96
MOnTANT(O) 24569 80
ARo(M)ATIC 8562 72
GNARLIE(R) 2126 80
ENJ(A)MbED 26786 84
SOUARIS 7254 68
ELOGIS(T)S 9065 60
IDOLAT(R)Y 3183 74
POSTtES(T) 36511 80
LAC(E)RATE 4548 62
(T)IRAmISU 9612 71
DITHERS 4354 75
OUtC(H)EER* 0 74
NEGR(O)IDS 655 90
HEAVEns 7961 81
SALA(R)IAT 7191 68
NAySAID 8131 92
OUTSWA(R)E 1332 76
ARGOTIC 3578 71
fOReS(A)ID 686 80
FAUREST 4234 70
WANNERs* 0 81
PEARLA(S)H 17468 80
REsEATS 5284 80
AREADIN(G) 787 70
ABALONE 3136 88
BANDORE 825 76
OURARIs 2744 72
TAENIAS 130 76
(P)eNTaCLE 6753 66
UG(L)IFIER 9706 98
MER(I)DIaN 1176 90
TAPIOCA 7558 74
dEPICTE(R) 6811 92
ChOLENT 10868 72
ANEA(R)ING 2537 60
REENLIS(T) 488 77
COUGUAR 24045 69
DITHERS 4354 75
OUtC(H)EER* 0 74
WHiRRED 13789 84
TOGATED 2576 67
HeRNIAT(E) 303 70
BES(I)EGeS 28422 61
DIETERS 777 88
FASCIAE 10121 85
DEbAT(I)NG 1705 68
UNDERAD(D)* 0 86
INDOLES 667 75
LOADENS 656 86
ANTIGEN(E) 1203 80
INARCH(E)D 4323 71
RE(N)OVAtE 374 72
LEGEN(D)RY 10281 66
ANEURI(N)E* 0 70
DONATI(V)e 191 63
MEDIANS 1995 77
PRI(S)TINE 3508 72
(TI)DELANDS 3258 76
ORATION 272 62
ELUENTS 2789 75
GRASP(I)nG 19100 62
(F)INISHER 9319 95
LESIONE(D) 471 70
HER(O)INEs 798 60
UnVAILE 2054 70
ENDEARS 747 80
RELENTS 1904 76
i(M)POTENT 10333 62
LECTION 904 66
OVARIO(L)E 846 62
WELtIES(T)* 0 80
DEGAmIS 4459 79
cOOLANT 7068 63
SIGNOrE 387 80
LENTOUS 1710 65
(B)RoCOLIS 23270 86
RER(E)MIND 8202 63
BEPEARl 11082 76
R(E)MITTED 8434 80
(T)ROMINOS 7889 70
UrOSOME 10552 72
(r)EALLOTS 3338 77
ReIVERs 10321 91
(C)OAlIZEs 9893 84
TAWN(I)EST 3822 71
mINTIER 2460 66
WING(O)VER 7348 69
FLATI(R)ON 1425 76
GOITRES 531 74
(E)CLIPsED 18506 76
ABRID(G)ER 9631 68
WASHIER 4202 84
TEATImE 2564 73
ST(R)EAKED 5705 67
R(O)TENONE 2348 70
LATEXES 9739 80
OfFErIN(G) 19119 83
AIRTIM(E)S 1185 63
TH(I)nKING 25810 77
OPERANT 332 78
TILTA(B)LE 12742 61
OrDErI(N)G 1902 66
DALTONs 3296 76
GIR(L)IEST 3908 86
D(O)OMSDAY 35701 86
(R)ECISION 2186 68
(R)ECANTeR 5037 86
AVODIRE 418 73
HALOG(E)Ns 5699 74
DOTTIER 1018 76
rEGIVEN 3238 76
BARITES 592 67
ImPEDIN(G) 14999 86
MUTATES 9027 64
SONANCe 6154 79
WILDCAt 16668 93
BORANES 874 69
LACTONE 885 70
STAFFER 20120 83
MILDINg 22214 87
DOURI(N)ES 428 60
HEA(D)SMEN 9872 86
(G)LAZIEST 6709 107
TA(I)LLEUR 2082 68
CREODoN(T) 3982 86
AmIDINE 2383 69
ME(D)ICANT 4329 89
FID(E)ISTS 21989 74
IGNI(T)ORS 4170 74
(I)SOLAToR 1444 78
RAMENTA 2453 85
(N)EGATORs 243 77
NAK(E)DEST 7675 67
TAPEL(I)NE 627 76
TETRAD(I)C 2739 74
MiSLIKe 16475 94
A(N)TIDOTE 175 70
LARGEST 2301 92
VESTING 4563 83
ORECTIv(E) 2470 80
REJOINs 3119 97
VETTURA 8735 70
SEAWEEd 8904 70
SOUTANE 166 71
S(P)INOUTS 16323 61
HEROISE 1655 78
(E)ATERIES 371 72
cOTTONE(D) 10681 77
(P)ALTERER 6076 62
VERMiAN 3214 105
RATEENS 277 62
OdONATE 471 78
OPERATE 621 73
UDoMETR(Y) 9760 98
TEASPO(O)N 1969 82
DAWtIES 1459 87
NOO(N)TIDE 1844 86
FOOLERs* 0 70
HINGERS 4545 78
ETATISM 3640 79
NITTIES(T) 13229 77
VICI(N)AGE 11060 80
TABLIER 798 78
NOSEBAG(S) 15701 92
MENTEES 12028 73
POPETTE(S) 32031 89
LAETARE 1050 64
lINEATE 71 72
APpEA(S)ED 30392 63
CREMoRS 20420 74
lEVYING 16386 89
GAMBIAS 23764 97
WINCERs 9547 81
INTONeD 1020 69
(I)NARABLE 1532 72
PLAuDIT(E) 3003 80
UNAIRED 113 89
LIENTE(R)Y 1539 67
SHRoUDS 19576 91
mOUTHFE(EL) 15659 94
SANTOUR 1148 66
BANTERS 1506 84
REFRACT 10814 72
(T)ENSIBLE 2933 74
HAPLItE 4191 74
STHENIA 637 74
ENISlED 1312 91
ENISLED 1312 70
(S)ECRETOR 7086 72
(F)lEDGING 19750 95
cAUTION 1574 68
STOURIE 184 74
(E)iDETICS 7729 83
THINNER(S) 6950 86
D(O)MICiLe 14046 82
RAGMANS 18325 81
(F)ORPINED 5378 72
RESEI(Z)Ed 15333 79
VeNTRED 5619 78
bEAMERS 11027 94
REGENTS 3312 76
LATEEN(E)D* 0 140
ApERIT(I)F 3618 90
(B)ARSTOOL 8783 86
DEMONIc 4873 74
NU(T)GRASS 14858 70
(c)REEPAGE 14657 89
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
LATEEN(E)D* 0 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(TI)DELANDS 3258 76
mOUTHFE(EL) 15659 94
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
DULUTH* 0 23
UNPEELs* 0 83
ROLLA(TIN)* 0 27
NAHS* 0 21
RHYS* 0 75
OUtC(H)EER* 0 74
WANNERs* 0 81
RHYS* 0 75
OUtC(H)EER* 0 74
UNDERAD(D)* 0 86
ACETE* 0 26
JURALS* 0 40
ANEURI(N)E* 0 70
WELtIES(T)* 0 80
UNISE* 0 21
WINGE* 0 35
LUGAYA* 0 38
FOOLERs* 0 70
LATEEN(E)D* 0 140
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
U(M)ANGItE 2414 83
(G)YRITE* 0 0
CAR(PI) 5427 27
ZEROTH 7246 0
MOnTANT(O) 24569 80
ENJ(A)MbED 26786 84
MOB(B)Y 12750 42
POSTtES(T) 36511 80
TERRITS 8068 0
PEARLA(S)H 17468 80
VAREUSE 5510 0
ABALONE 3136 88
VOUDON 10321 34
COUGUAR 24045 69
TERRITS 8068 0
UN(CEAsING) 6911 33
CRU(N)K 11219 32
NUBBLE(D) 29078 15
POUK 5062 90
ZIMBI(S) 21564 58
(Y)AWD* 0 0
nEWLIES(T)* 0 0
(T)ROMINOS 7889 70
ABRID(G)ER 9631 68
DAVY 4225 35
HOURI 3436 47
TH(I)nKING 25810 77
B(R)EY* 0 0
HEA(D)SMEN 9872 86
VARLET 1613 0
AmIDINE 2383 69
FID(E)ISTS 21989 74
DOCUS 8396 39
VETTURA 8735 70
LOIR 366 24
NOO(N)TIDE 1844 86
CRAN 1562 13
POPETTE(S) 32031 89
GAMBIAS 23764 97
VEE(N)A 1142 32
(I)NARABLE 1532 72
(T)ENSIBLE 2933 74
(F)lEDGING 19750 95
RESEI(Z)Ed 15333 79
bEAMERS 11027 94
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 120
Invalid Games 0.03 4
Incomplete 0.03 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.94 3113
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.32 38
Score 398.02 47762
Score per Turn 30.7745
Turns 12.93 1552
Vertical Plays 5.88 706
Horizontal Plays 6.03 723
One Tile Plays 0.46 55
Other Plays 0.57 68
Firsts 0.48 58
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3054
Exchanges 0.20 24
High Game 516
Low Game 264
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.66 199
Sevens 0.78 93
Eights 0.86 103
Nines 0.03 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6821.19
Sevens 6369.13
Eights 7406.92
Nines 1204.67
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.84 5621
A 4.38 526
B 0.91 109
C 0.99 119
D 1.82 219
E 5.64 677
F 0.99 119
G 1.34 161
H 0.97 117
I 4.05 486
J 0.38 46
K 0.47 56
L 1.78 214
M 1.06 127
N 2.92 350
O 3.77 453
P 0.93 112
Q 0.51 61
R 2.73 327
S 1.94 233
T 2.54 305
U 1.95 234
V 0.97 116
W 0.87 104
X 0.50 60
Y 1.09 131
Z 0.49 59
? 0.83 100
Power Tiles Played 4.66 559
? 0.83 100
J 0.38 46
Q 0.51 61
X 0.50 60
Z 0.49 59
S 1.94 233
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 12
? 0.04 5
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 7
Turns With a Blank 1.02 122
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.10 12
Bonus Square Coverage 15.28 1834
Double Letter 4.91 589
Triple Letter 5.35 642
Double Word 2.73 328
Triple Word 2.29 275
Phony Plays 0.38 46
Unchallenged 0.12 14
Challenged Off 0.27 32
Challenges 0.89 107
You Won 0.15 18
Opponent Lost 0.17 21
You Lost 0.30 36
Opponent Won 0.27 32
Challenge Percentage 0.3333
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3962
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3043
Comments 6.43 772
Comments Word Length 100.01 12001
Mistakeless Turns 12.93 1551
Mistakes per Turn 0.0006
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.01 1
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4867 (0.4293, 0.5075)
B 0.4550 (0.3854, 0.5514)
C 0.4950 (0.3854, 0.5514)
D 0.4550 (0.4097, 0.5271)
E 0.4700 (0.4345, 0.5023)
F 0.4950 (0.3854, 0.5514)
G 0.4467 (0.4007, 0.5361)
H 0.4850 (0.3854, 0.5514)
I 0.4500 (0.4293, 0.5075)
J 0.3800 (0.3511, 0.5857)
K 0.4700 (0.3511, 0.5857)
L 0.4450 (0.4097, 0.5271)
M 0.5300 (0.3854, 0.5514)
N 0.4867 (0.4205, 0.5163)
O 0.4713 (0.4269, 0.5099)
P 0.4650 (0.3854, 0.5514)
Q 0.5100 (0.3511, 0.5857)
R 0.4550 (0.4205, 0.5163)
S 0.4850 (0.4097, 0.5271)
T 0.4233 (0.4205, 0.5163)
U 0.4875 (0.4097, 0.5271)
V 0.4850 (0.3854, 0.5514)
W 0.4350 (0.3854, 0.5514)
X 0.5000 (0.3511, 0.5857)
Y 0.5450 (0.3854, 0.5514)
Z 0.4900 (0.3511, 0.5857)
? 0.4150 (0.3854, 0.5514)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.68 82
Score 441.25 52950
Score per Turn 33.9206
Turns 13.01 1561
Vertical Plays 5.72 687
Horizontal Plays 6.32 758
One Tile Plays 0.48 58
Other Plays 0.48 58
Firsts 0.52 62
Vertical Openings per First 0.0800
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9200
Full Rack per Turn 0.9789
Exchanges 0.27 32
High Game 597
Low Game 293
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 2.20 264
Sevens 1.06 127
Eights 1.12 135
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6654.26
Sevens 5255.35
Eights 7944.63
Nines 9458.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.54 6065
A 4.47 536
B 1.07 128
C 0.97 117
D 2.07 248
E 5.99 719
F 0.98 118
G 1.60 192
H 1.02 122
I 4.59 551
J 0.62 74
K 0.53 64
L 2.07 248
M 0.90 108
N 2.92 350
O 4.09 491
P 1.02 123
Q 0.49 59
R 3.01 361
S 1.98 237
T 3.14 377
U 1.91 229
V 1.00 120
W 1.09 131
X 0.50 60
Y 0.90 108
Z 0.50 60
? 1.12 134
Power Tiles Played 5.20 624
? 1.12 134
J 0.62 74
Q 0.49 59
X 0.50 60
Z 0.50 60
S 1.98 237
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.04 5
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.03 3
Turns With a Blank 1.96 235
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.03 4
Bonus Square Coverage 16.28 1954
Double Letter 5.42 650
Triple Letter 5.47 656
Double Word 3.06 367
Triple Word 2.34 281
Phony Plays 0.33 39
Unchallenged 0.17 21
Challenged Off 0.15 18
Challenges 0.89 107
You Won 0.27 32
Opponent Lost 0.30 36
You Lost 0.17 21
Opponent Won 0.15 18
Challenge Percentage 0.6038
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.6667
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5385
Comments 6.43 772
Comments Word Length 100.01 12001
Mistakeless Turns 12.18 1461
Mistakes per Turn 0.0692
Mistakes 0.90 108
Knowledge 0.28 34
Finding 0.16 19
Vision 0.15 18
Tactics 0.05 6
Strategy 0.17 21
Endgame 0.04 5
Time 0.04 5
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4967 (0.4662, 0.5446)
B 0.5350 (0.4223, 0.5885)
C 0.4850 (0.4223, 0.5885)
D 0.5175 (0.4466, 0.5642)
E 0.4992 (0.4715, 0.5393)
F 0.4900 (0.4223, 0.5885)
G 0.5333 (0.4375, 0.5733)
H 0.5100 (0.4223, 0.5885)
I 0.5100 (0.4662, 0.5446)
J 0.6200 (0.3878, 0.6230)
K 0.5300 (0.3878, 0.6230)
L 0.5175 (0.4466, 0.5642)
M 0.4500 (0.4223, 0.5885)
N 0.4867 (0.4574, 0.5534)
O 0.5112 (0.4638, 0.5470)
P 0.5100 (0.4223, 0.5885)
Q 0.4900 (0.3878, 0.6230)
R 0.5017 (0.4574, 0.5534)
S 0.4950 (0.4466, 0.5642)
T 0.5233 (0.4574, 0.5534)
U 0.4775 (0.4466, 0.5642)
V 0.5000 (0.4223, 0.5885)
W 0.5450 (0.4223, 0.5885)
X 0.5000 (0.3878, 0.6230)
Y 0.4500 (0.4223, 0.5885)
Z 0.5000 (0.3878, 0.6230)
? 0.5600 (0.4223, 0.5885)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
2J VE(GO) +16 Finding Large
G1 NT(H) #findingsaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
1A PUF(F) +36 Finding Large
Played too fast. 1A PLU(F)F. #findingsaddest
J9 INCITED +66 Time Large
13G (A)CTINIDE #timesaddest
15J (D)ROGUE +27 Time Small
A11 GEARE #timesad
D8 (G)YRITE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C4 LOA(F) +16 Knowledge Medium
4G ThORA(C)AL #knowledgemedium
E3 JOT +35 Tactics Small
14E VOM #tacticssmall
4L JIZ +58 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for challenge
K5 SON(A)TINE +82 Knowledge Small
H8 (B)ONNIEST #knowledgesad
E6 ROG(E)R +6 Knowledge Large
N6 XE(d) +25 Strategy Medium
I6 AX(EL) #strategymedium
D1 TEARIED +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
D1 TEARIED +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
H12 (C)ADI +27 Finding Large
H12 (C)ADI +27 Vision Large
D3 PIVOT +24 Knowledge Large
13M KA +29 Knowledge Medium
Quackle likes 3L (L)EK(E)? I can't actually win here, I just need to cut my spread with O12 KANE #knowledgesadder
M2 QIN +30 Knowledge Large
O12 QIN #knowledgesaddest
15M EEL +22 Knowledge Large
F4 LEDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also #Knowledgesad for the challenge
15M EEL +22 Knowledge Small
F4 LEDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also #Knowledgesad for the challenge
I6 SU(B)TrADE +76 Vision Small
2G (R)EADjUST #visionsad
C10 YARR(OW) +24 Strategy Medium
10L (A)RY is a nice setup. #strategysadder
N6 MO(N)TH +24 Vision Large
4G VEL(D)TS +22 Strategy Medium
K8 SEV #strategysadder
12C AR +25 Strategy Small
Quackle wants 12B RAN, which seems crazy, but who knows. #strategysad
5C VEIN +28 Strategy Medium
13G YONI #strategysadder
14F ADDIO +20 Endgame Large
I didn't realize I can block his out. #endgamesaddest
F5 CEL +14 Finding Medium
9H TELIC #findingsadder
5C EVI(C)T +20 Knowledge Medium
H7 (OU)TLIVE #knowledgesadder
K3 IDOLAT(R)Y +74 Strategy Small
K7 AD(R)OITLY #strategysad
C3 GR(E)X +24 Finding Large
C3 EX(E)RGY #findingsaddest
F9 LYE +31 Vision Small
D11 ELEGY #visionsad
9A OLE +23 Strategy Small
J3 (B)ONE keeping the W and A open I guess. #strategysad
N2 AErO +14 Knowledge Small
J2 A(B)OdE #timesaddest and #knowledgesad for challenge.
N2 AErO +14 Time Large
J2 A(B)OdE #timesaddest and #knowledgesad for challenge.
A7 LINEAR +35 Vision Small
I saw A7 LINIER right after I hit the clock. I found it but didn't think to put it in the same spot as LINEAR. #visionsmall
3N Q(I) +11 Knowledge Large
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
3N Q(I) +11 Knowledge Large
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
3N Q(I) +11 Vision Large
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
I5 TWP +22 Vision Large
14J WRIST #visionlarge
N12 HER(O) +26 Vision Medium
n2 heben #visionmedium
15G OWL +37 Vision Medium
h10 lawmen #visionmedium
C3 (ZO)NK +17 Knowledge Large
2f brodkins #knowledgelarge
8G KY +18 Strategy Small
Thought about exchanging down to CHS and that appears to be slightly better. #strategysmall
12F VAVS +20 Finding Medium
No idea how I missed L1 VROT. #findingmedium
6E AGA +22 Finding Medium
Big missed opportunity with 3B TAG setting up case S. #findingmedium
13B AINE +15 Endgame Small
2L EINE/EINA #endgamesmall
11D CAG +34 Strategy Medium
quackle like guan slightly more to not set up an annoying s hook. #strategymedium
14G BARF +23 Vision Small
14d rub #visionsmall
13C C(O)WED +26 Vision Small
9C W(A)NE looks a bit better. #visionsmall
M2 HATTED +34 Knowledge Small
M2 TATHED doesn't take the front C. #knowledgesmall
8D FACIA +28 Strategy Small
8D FACIAE #strategysad
I7 MEDIANS +77 Finding Small
M2 GO(D)WIT +24 Strategy Medium
N7 WOUBIT #strategysadder
15B NUBBLE(D) +20 Strategy Small
I tunneled on making the massive hook. #strategysad
3G (L)EME +21 Endgame Medium
5K ME(W) #endgamesadder
L1 HADDERS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L7 SHARDED. I knew SHARDING* was a phony and that SHARD was a noun, but I also felt like there was a bingo in this rack and got confused with HADDIES. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
A8 D(U)H +21 Knowledge Large
L7 SHARDED. I play the rest of the game on tilt and way too fast. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
K5 Y(OK) +20 Tactics Small
L3 RANDY #tacticssad
exch AIIOOU +0 Strategy Small
8L U(N)AI #strategysad
15F GOMPA +35 Tactics Small
15F GOMPAS #tacticssad
3J FO(C)I +18 Strategy Medium
Not sure what's correct here. Blocking the S hook after his last play seems maybe okay, since this play isn't a huge equity sac anyway. #strategysadder
15A U(G) +9 Strategy Small
F13 SU(G) I guess. #strategysad
4B RETINAS +90 Vision Small
2F RETAINS #visionsad but I guess ending the tournament on RETINAS is notable.
3I B(A)ULK +28 Knowledge Large
A6 OOT +21 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of E1 O(N)TO because I was only 95% sure of CHAPT and if it's not good I lose. #knowledgesadder
M1 VOTE +23 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for no challenge. M2 OATY #findingsadder
M1 VOTE +23 Finding Medium
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for no challenge. M2 OATY #findingsadder
7C YAD +16 Knowledge Large
C3 ONLA(Y) +21 Strategy Small
9B LO(F)T is nice here. Jason probably didn't have an A last turn and only has two chances to draw one, leaving the ALOFT hook for me. #strategysmall
E2 P(R)OM +16 Time Large
I had burnt up all my time by this point. 2A PO is best. #timesaddest
F3 (T)ROW +21 Finding Medium
9G (ADO)WN #findingsadder
K1 T(E)NT +10 Finding Small
G1 NT(H), probably #findingsad
exch MUU +0 Finding Large
8L (G)EUM #findingsaddest
8L (G)EEZ +45 Endgame Large
10B E(R) is best, blocking the only spot for the J. #endgamesaddest
N8 (E)LD +14 Vision Small
1A (AW)DL #visionsad
L9 HEARE +34 Knowledge Small
L9 HEARIE #knowledgesmall
8A PI(N)T +21 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of B2 PANIM #knowledgelarge
E10 FO(O) +24 Tactics Small
E10 FO(O)L #tacticssad
K3 PEEP +30 Strategy Medium
5F GRIPPE(S) or 5F GIPPER(S) #strategysadder
9M L(UR) +9 Endgame Large
I6 GR(R) blocking bingos to the ES is best. #endgamesaddest
exch FJNPY +0 Tactics Medium
CCC 2023 - Round 16. I misevaluted the equity. 8F FRY is best. #tacticssadder
F6 ZE(I)N +33 Strategy Small
9C ZIN sets up IER plays. #strategysad
9A LOBI +20 Finding Large
I tanked for a while just to miss 6B BRON(ZE). #FINDINGSADDEST
B2 HEI(G)HT +42 Knowledge Large
B2 THI(G)H sims best. Also, I thought of AHEIGHT and did not think it was a word. Sad! #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
4L OOM +21 Strategy Medium
Even after inferring an S for my opponent, Quackle prefers 13A TOOMER over 4L OOM. #strategysadder
K7 A(M)AZING +38 Strategy Large
7L AZO #strategysaddest
10B BEDEW +40 Knowledge Large
10I WI(Z) +26 Strategy Small
F5 TWO #strategysmall
9G YODH +28 Knowledge Large
9E HOYED #knowledgesaddest
D8 (F)EERIE +31 Finding Small
10E (L)OERIE #findingsad
exch AAEOQG +0 Tactics Large
10H GOE. I underestimated the value of AAEQ. #tacticssaddest
13H APpEA(S)ED +63 Finding Medium
O7 E(S)cAPADE doesn't give back H12 plays. #findingsadder
2A ENG +22 Vision Large
L11 GE(A)N #visionsaddest
5C INTONeD +69 Knowledge Large
4H ZOO +48 Knowledge Medium
4F TOZIE #knowledgesadder
E2 QI +15 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
exch IRUUU +0 Vision Medium
8L (R)URU #visionsadder
10F PRO +15 Vision Large
12J BINE +25 Vision Medium
8A BU(R)IN seems okay. #visionsadder
13M KY +32 Time Large
H2 VOITUR(E) +11 Finding Large
should've just done F6 VI(R)TU #findingsaddest
E11 AUA +15 Knowledge Large
2F NA(V)ICUlA and I8 (D)UlCIANA #knowledgesaddest
9I INIA +9 Knowledge Large
There's about a million bingos I missed here. #knowledgesaddest
11K B(I)RCH +24 Finding Large
3F BR(O)aCHeD is totally gettable. OOF. #findingsaddest
K2 I(C)ED +25 Knowledge Large
OOF @ G8 (T)OILETED and 11A TOE(NA)ILED #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
K2 I(C)ED +25 Finding Large
OOF @ G8 (T)OILETED and 11A TOE(NA)ILED #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
B9 SOLARES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
B9 SOLERAS, B9 SEROSAL, and B7 LASSOER #knowledgesaddest
15G (E)LOPES +27 Finding Large
missed H11 POSSE #findingsaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 7748 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 22218 20 Game is incomplete.
Game 33790 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 38041 27 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 27783 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10098, Round 21).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.