Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
I did not know 4B S(C)ABLAND. Maybe B5 AB if I had to do this one over again as that's 10 more and now there's only so much I can do to block after VOCAL. #findingmedium
missed a bunch of better options here. QUIFF and QUAFF 9C are the most obvious. I couldn't stomach AQUAFIT 13I opening a 3x3, so I tunnelled on how I didn't like this play or that one. #strategymedium
lots of things are close here. I should probably play longer and leave more promising tiles with J4 TRYMA. The K column will probably get opened regardless. #strategysmall
Definitely better than 7B KH(ET) as I keep a better scoring tile for next turn, but 10B BL(E)AK seems a bit better for 3 more, a little more balanced leave, and blocking the good floaters Eric has to bingo. #visionsmall
Yea, the V is bad enough that 4 points isn't quite worth it to do this over L1 DRAV(E). ADM is that much more flexible than AV is on this board. #strategysmall
this isn't going well, but I can't play scared scoring defense. A5 IOLITE is much better balance and gives back way fewer game-losing bingos. #strategysmall
WATERI(S)H got blocked this time, yay. I will admit that I was mesmerized by Eric drawing into a lot of good things after playing longer and should not have tried minting the board with this move for another score on this board with there only being 2 Ns left. F12 HAW or 9G H(A)W score about the same and keep better. Yes, I might protect myself a little better by keeping the W to score again at F14, but the lanes in EMANATED and INTINES probably won't get blocked as often after playing off my H and W as as move like VOG. Threrefore, it would have been fine to keep AEIRT or EIRT to attempt to bingo again. My next draw was disastrous, and Eric probably would have ran away from me regardless if I screw up this turn with how well he drew all game. Maybe this would have been awash, idk. #strategylarge
weird decision by me. I should just keep Z or ZN, ZNT is wayy to conso heavy in this early game position. I felt like I was responding to a bingo so I wanted to be ready, but ZN is ready. #strategysmall
I think that if I'm going to go with a board that is open enough to potentially benefit me but still leave the left side of the board blocked off, I think M2 DOGNAP(S) is a better version of this play as it doesn't expose as many floaters with QUIZ being in the way. Doing 9H GA(Z)ED, which I didn't even see, is defensive in the short term, but it would eventually defeat the purpose of doing VALINES in the first place. #findingsmall
I did consider just doing 14I MY, but 9 seemed like too many to sacrifice when I could conceivably get back in this game without needing to bingo. But I will admit that a stronger play given this pool would be 14I RYE just because there's only 3 Es left and Eric will often enough have a harder time scoring if he doesn't have an E left. Maybe he might be forced to score less while opening. #strategysmall
This and 10H TUP(I)K, which I saw, sim closely. The D is a reasonably easy lane to hit and TUP(I)K undoubles my T, so maybe that was a little better. Doesn't seem like 5 extra points is quite enough to justify keeping an extra T. #strategysmall
Another awful draw, but this was not a good play. I would do 3I FIT if I had to do this over again as that will create easier access to the left side of the board and disposes of my F. #visionlarge
It's not bad for the score, but if I wasn't willing to do 1M (S)OB as that appears to give up too many points, 4G BOOR once again makes a lane that will be easy to use to access the left side of the board and keeps better. But even better is 4B OBVERT as that forks vertical lines and dumps the V. #visionsmall
I did see G1 PYRANOI(D) which got blocked. This does fine to allow me to start to close down the top left with other parallels to FIVER and GODDESS. But a very nice play that I did not see was H1 PINA(F)OR(E) for 42! #visionlarge
So I should pull the trigger on 11E D(A)IRYING here. We had a real BUSHVELD moment with this word though -- Eric played it to open his round 17 game (and drew a challenge) and his son Noah played it in round 26 or something, also drawing a challenge. #knowledgesaddest
11H TALONEd missed mate in one #findingsaddest. I thought I had to not empty because of how strong the bag was and definitely not open the triple so I passed up the weaker bings.
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11522, Round 12).
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