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Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
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gawd L8 JARfULS is 105 smackerss and I thought there might be something here ugh this is really bad! #findinglarge
It's sad because I did see the only 8s with this rack, JOURNALS and JUGULARS, but just totally failed to see the pair of 7s.
glad I remembered VALANCE taking a D and VALENCE only taking an S. However, I didn't remember VALENCY, which is definitely the play, as although it doesn't double a letter already on my rack, making 8-letter words less likely, it takes no hook, making 7-letter words completely unplayable. Not only that, but VALENCE takes the 3-letter PRE(VALENCE) extension, whereas VALENCY does not. TRIVALENCE is also a word, but neither Bryn nor I knew of it. #knowledgesmall
(R)IP might be the play here. I bingo a bit more than after TIPI. (H)ILI is also nice to make a better lane, I bingo quite a bit. this is a bit too closed and doesn't bingo quite enough #findingsmall
I didn't consider fishing the M, nor did I consider M12 (E)LK! ELK looks really strong now, and it's not easy to block either. ILK does pretty well, and does open the right side which is important (and thought he miiiight miss ilka). I considered 13L TSK as well to set up a really hard to block lane, but without S in hand it's not as powerful. this looks like a #findingsmall for ELK
I think 7c ATT might be the play i was looking for. I didn't like that MATT gave back big overlaps, but ATT is better cause his overlaps score less and they will give back a lane on the A column. The pool isn't too dangerous for those overlaps either. I like it to keep ILKA open. I was kinda lost for options here, didn't see anything besides ilka plays that I liked. At this point I was also not so down about playing with ILKA because I figured I could get away with the S hook and challenge it off if he played it. #findingsmall
#endgamesmall O1 QI is better because after DREG he can block with OBE, saving AI for 9. If I start with Qi, he can't block with OBE cause that gives DREG back for more. this endgame worked out better cause there was the chance he missed my out